General Category => TV / Movies => Topic started by: Geemonster on November 02, 2009, 09:33:49 PM
Title: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on November 02, 2009, 09:33:49 PM
Moon (2009) Very good Sci - Fi about energy renewal using resources on the moon. The AI Computer voiced by Kevin Spacey,starring Sam Rockwell. Unusual twist,not what i thought it was going to be. 10/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on November 03, 2009, 11:46:22 AM
Been looking forward to seeing Moon, actually.
I recently watched World's Greatest Dad starring Robin Williams and written and directed by Bobcat Goldthwait which is funny in places and bent-up in other places (with Bobcat involved why am I not surprised?).
Robin Williams is an aspiring (but terminally rejected) writer and a school teacher whose wife recently passed away.
His bottom son also attends the school where he teaches. Everyone at the school hates him, with good reason. The kid is an out-and-out foul-mouthed, totally disinterested, deviant, spending most of his time looking at porn on the internet or talking about porn on the internet. He even engages in auto-erotic asphyxiation!
It's not a great movie, but it's not terrible either. It is a very dark comedy tho'...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on November 03, 2009, 11:50:48 AM
We did a write up on this movie a couple of months ago Jack, dont know if you had a chance to read it or not? I thought it was a VERY good movie. And Bobcat shown through with flying colors. I think the majority agreed with your evaluation though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on November 03, 2009, 12:06:14 PM
Just watched a clip. The only thing I can speculate on is if the ending is as obvious as it appears then I dont want to see it. PLEASE, everyone else watch it and then post whether my guess is true to form. If not, then Im there!!!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on November 03, 2009, 02:03:30 PM
That sounds interesting Jack,might have to check it out.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on November 03, 2009, 03:11:26 PM
We did a write up on this movie a couple of months ago Jack, dont know if you had a chance to read it or not? I thought it was a VERY good movie. And Bobcat shown through with flying colors. I think the majority agreed with your evaluation though.
No, I didn't see the earlier write-up, sorry... :-[
And my evaluation was that I liked it for the most part, but it was really bent-up in places.
Just watched a clip. The only thing I can speculate on is if the ending is as obvious as it appears then I dont want to see it. PLEASE, everyone else watch it and then post whether my guess is true to form. If not, then Im there!!!
Trust me Cheapie,it's good.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on November 03, 2009, 11:39:15 PM
Sooooooo youre saying it doesnt end up like....well, like I think it does?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on November 04, 2009, 05:18:19 AM
Well since im not telepathic,i don't know how you think it ends. Besides,it's not just the destination,it's the journey.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on November 04, 2009, 06:04:42 AM
Exactly. Plenty of good movies Ive seen with crappy endings. I tend to enjoy the story,not the credits lmao
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on November 04, 2009, 08:20:28 AM
The Hitcher (1986) With C Thomas Howell Rutger Hauer and Jennifer Jason Leigh. Classic movie. 10/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on November 04, 2009, 09:49:48 AM
The Hitcher (1986) With C Thomas Howell Rutger Hauer and Jennifer Jason Leigh. Classic movie. 10/10
Oh yeah,, The remake wasnt that great though. If you like Rutger Hauer,, youd like him in Blind Fury from back in 1987 Check it out, youll be pleasantly surprised.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on November 04, 2009, 10:48:42 AM
Well since im not telepathic,i don't know how you think it ends. Besides,it's not just the destination,it's the journey.
Given the movies she cited (Jacob's Ladder, Sixth Sense) I think she's assuming that the upshot of the flick is that the main character is dead or has been dying for he entire film and that that is only revealed at the end.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on November 04, 2009, 12:02:14 PM
I saw Jaccobs Ladder whe it first came out. It was a mindscrew at the time. The Sixth Sense wasprobably one of M Night Shyamalin's best movies
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on November 04, 2009, 12:19:43 PM
I saw Jaccobs Ladder whe it first came out. It was a mindscrew at the time. The Sixth Sense wasprobably one of M Night Shyamalin's best movies
You get me really get me. :D
The Sixth Sense wasprobably one of M Night Shyamalin's best movies
I would even say "Only" decent film.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on November 04, 2009, 02:21:44 PM
Signs was good too. The Village was,, well, I cant describe what I thought of that movie. Lady in The Water ,hmmmm,,,what can I say that hasnt allready been said about that piece of s**t. And the last one he did,,too damn predictable that relyed too muchon shocking images. The entire story could have been done in ten minutes.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on November 04, 2009, 06:02:02 PM
WOW! That's damn freaky,i've got Signs in my RAM right now,was planning on watching it when i leave here.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on November 04, 2009, 06:06:40 PM
I found Signs really boring. :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on November 04, 2009, 06:07:42 PM
Well i'll let you know tomorrow if i concur with you Red.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on November 04, 2009, 06:15:59 PM
Watch it, go ahead, youve been looking for something to put you to sleep.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on November 05, 2009, 04:14:35 AM
Signs to me was a return to the 60s monsters from space type movies. Personaly, I loved it. You have to watch for the little known parts in the movie for it to make sense.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on November 06, 2009, 09:53:04 AM
Gone With the Wind Sat through this epic because we're studying A Streetcar Named Desire in school. ASND kind of ruined GWTW for me because I kept seeing Blanche DuBois in Scarlett O'Hara. But I really liked GWTW anyway. The technicolour is glorious, and Vivien Leigh is beyond gorgeous. This movie slayed me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on November 06, 2009, 09:59:55 AM
Frankly my dear ( ;)) the consequential question is: Which heroine did you like best?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on November 06, 2009, 10:27:11 AM
It's funny how in all of this talk about M. Night Shamalamadingdong no one mentioned Unbreakable. It's not a horrible flick like Signs or Lady in the Water, but it did rub me the wrong way. Ultimately because of Sam Jackson's character - throughout the movie he espouses some great truths about comics - especially that hieroglyphs being pictures as words constitute some of the first comics ever made.
But then he turns out to be a crazy person so all of what he says is completely undermined by his villainy. ::)
Anyway, I just watched Zombieland last night (got a link to a DVD-quality avi if anyone's interested).
A decent little zombie flick even if it did have some annoying aspects to what some of the characters did in the film. It's not a traditional zombie flick since the zombies run and can be dispatched by shots that don't include the head (which bugged me a lot near the end).
Also, there's the sequence they show in the trailer of Woody Harrelson killing zombies in a supermarket, and he keeps throwing his weapons aside. For instance, he bashes a couple with an aluminum baseball bat and throws the bat away! Uh, maybe you should keep that since it doesn't run out of ammo!
Speaking of which, there are plenty of places where they waste ammo, too. Grrrr...
And the main character has a list of rules about how to survive Zombieland, and some of them are great, but he tends to sabotage himself at the same time. For instance one of the rules is "Always Know Your Exit" and when explaining the rule the character checks to see that an EXIT door leads outside, and then props it open with a box. Uh, good one genius, now stuff can get in... ::)
But overall it's pretty fun and Harrelson is hilarious, and you'd never believe the things he'd do just to get his hands on a Twinkie... :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on November 06, 2009, 10:34:35 AM
But overall it's pretty fun and Harrelson is hilarious...
It's the only reason I'd see it. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on November 06, 2009, 11:09:15 AM
Im going to have to get it when it comes on dvd.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on November 06, 2009, 05:30:05 PM
I finally watched Adventureland. It wasn't bad, it wasn't great... therefore it was just sort of ..blah. It had a couple of funny lines. And a couple of vague moments I connected with emotionally. But, the characters and plot were too easily anticipated. Nothing was overly mundane. Put it never picked up speed either.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on November 07, 2009, 02:02:23 AM
Frankly my dear ( ;)) the consequential question is: Which heroine did you like best?
Blanche DuBois vs Scarlett O'Hara?? I found Blanche DuBois so annoying in ASND though, which is why it was a great performance. She is just so bless'ed unbearable. Scarlett is far less annoying, but she was a heartless madam. I don't know :-\ Scarlett later in life = Blanche DuBois.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on November 07, 2009, 10:18:43 AM
I hadn't caught that. I thought x meant scarlett vs melanie? I agree with your assessment if it's her against BD. There are parts of Scarlett that are bearable. And you can almost see times when she'll push through and turn out ok.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on November 07, 2009, 12:01:31 PM
I never cared for Gone With The Wind. I had to study the damn movie , To Kill A Mockingbird and The Scarlet Letter in High School English class. That kinda killed it for me. I cant even stand The Hobbit anymore becuse of that.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on November 07, 2009, 12:08:07 PM
I never cared for Gone With The Wind. I had to study the damn movie , To Kill A Mockingbird and The Scarlet Letter in High School English class. That kinda killed it for me. I cant even stand The Hobbit anymore becuse of that.
As much as I think Civil War history is interesting to read about, I'm pretty sure I've never read Gone With the Wind all the way through. But.. To Kill a Mockingbird and the Hobbit were my two favorite junior high books. And I love them both still :P
I hadn't caught that. I thought x meant scarlett vs melanie? I agree with your assessment if it's her against BD. There are parts of Scarlett that are bearable. And you can almost see times when she'll push through and turn out ok.
Hmm Scarlett vs Melanie... Melanie of course, she was so nice. But then that's probably the reason she was only a supporting character, being entirely good is so boring.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on November 08, 2009, 06:44:54 AM
I liked how Melanie was truly just flat out good though. She wasn't good to prvoe or gain something.. she just was 'good'. Even to the point of the times she reached out to Scarlett. I thought the scenes where she and Rhett and Scarlettt interacted were really interesting for those reasons. Rhett was a bad boy, but had a good heart. Melanie was 'good', but she was soooo good that she'd accept people unconditionally, people like Scarlett that other girls disssed, and Melanie would roll her sleeves up and get dirty. That's a nice unique and pure kind of good. And. they both thought Scarlett had it somewhere in herself that they could both reach her, and if anyone could, they both had the spirit to try.. but Scarlett was just too closed off and stubborn to relent. When I was little I always wanted Rhett and Melanie to go f'it, and run off together :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on November 08, 2009, 07:03:24 AM
When I was little I always wanted Rhett and Melanie to go f'it, and run off together :D
That would've been something. Vivien Leigh won two Oscars, for two roles, which are almost exactly the same. It's uncanny. Or maybe she's just good at portraying stubborn southern belles :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on November 08, 2009, 01:03:07 PM
Signs good 7/10 I also watched 2 films loosely based on a true story 1 Essex Boys 7/10 2 Rise of The Footsoldier 8/10 It was only on further study i realised i'd seen one of the blokes on a couple of occasions,as i lived in various parts of Essex for years,not to mention i'd lived in London a couple of times. Anyone from the UK will remember the triple murders in a village called Rettendon in Chelmsford Essex,in which 3 men were blasted to death while sitting in a Range Rover,in December 1995.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on November 08, 2009, 02:00:20 PM
Signs good 7/10 I also watched 2 films loosely based on a true story 1 Essex Boys 7/10 2 Rise of The Footsoldier 8/10 It was only on further study i realised i'd seen one of the blokes on a couple of occasions,as i lived in various parts of Essex for years,not to mention i'd lived in London a couple of times. Anyone from the UK will remember the triple murders in a village called Rettendon in Chelmsford Essex,in which 3 men were blasted to death while sitting in a Range Rover,in December 1995.
Yeah,, read a book that had that case in it. Cant remember the details off hand ( been about ten years since I read about it).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on November 08, 2009, 02:48:51 PM
They robbed other criminal gangs,and just stepped a little too much over the line. They had it coming i guess.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on November 08, 2009, 02:53:07 PM
Gotta know where the line is,,it comes in handy sometimes
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on November 08, 2009, 02:54:29 PM
Gotta know where the line is,,it comes in handy sometimes
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on November 22, 2009, 09:15:32 PM
I watched Julie/Julia today and it was a really good movie. Cant say that Ill watch it again but Im glad I saw it. Im a HUGE Meryl Streep fan and as usual she ruled the movie, she was brilliant. I doubt that there will be much in the way of awards for this movie like Ive read predicted but she was wonderful. Kind of a chick flick I guess but good none the less. 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on November 23, 2009, 02:47:57 AM
Inglorious Basterds 10/10 Vintage Tarentino
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on November 23, 2009, 05:57:35 AM
Just watched a clip. The only thing I can speculate on is if the ending is as obvious as it appears then I dont want to see it. PLEASE, everyone else watch it and then post whether my guess is true to form. If not, then Im there!!!
I watched it twice when it was in the cinemas. The second time sucked because the screening room was full of people and they made eating noises as well as coming in late and whispering loudly.
I watched Enid the other day. It had Helena Bonham Carter in it. She's pretty. How much of that film is true? Did she really behave that way towards her children? Wikipedia doesn't say! And that old man was touching her breast! :o
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on November 23, 2009, 08:05:53 AM
^ In a more boring way.. I was wondering that about The Girl in the Pearl Earring when I rewatched it on Sunday. I've never read the book.. and wondered if it was based on diaries.. or.. supposition. Then I stopped thinking and just watched it ::)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on November 23, 2009, 10:44:53 AM
I saw the new Star Trek movie on the plane to Memphis. I was impressed,, I actualy wanted to punch Spock in the face repeatedly ( and im not a violent person). Great movie, great acting, and you finaly get to see why the Enterprise is such a badass ship. lmao
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on November 23, 2009, 10:46:30 AM
Yea i've got a HD rip of it,i quite enjoyed it,but as a Sci Fi movie,not as a Trek movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on November 23, 2009, 10:48:05 AM
Very true on that
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on November 23, 2009, 10:53:31 AM
So you're into Trek too? ;D My fave's Deep Space 9
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on November 23, 2009, 11:15:56 AM
I allways liked Enterprise..DS9 was good back when it first started in late 92,, but it got a little too,, well, soapish,,for me. Back in 87 TNG was cool,, but then it started ripping off the first series really bad.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on November 23, 2009, 11:36:42 AM
Im like DS9 because it gets nasty in places,and there's real issues like racism war religious zealots and such like
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on November 23, 2009, 03:32:53 PM
I can just look outside and see that lmao
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 26, 2009, 01:56:18 PM
gladiator on blue ray. star trek preferred the latter.
am desperately awaiting
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on November 26, 2009, 03:32:13 PM
I actualy had to sit through Godzilla:Final Wars with my son today. You know,, for a Japanese Godzilla movie,, it had its moments. I actualy liked it. Or maybe it was just me and Nick sitting together watching something without the sister of mine throwing a screaming fit because we dont watch NCI reruns like she does.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on November 26, 2009, 06:03:31 PM
King Kong Versus Godzilla was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on November 26, 2009, 07:33:53 PM
Bit of trivia on that one,, In the Japanese release, Godzilla wins, on the American release, King Kong wins.
I think Ive seen all the Godzilla movies now thanks to my son,, hes a big time fan.
Im trying to get him into Doctor Who,, he just doesnt get the older episodes. I told him Tom Baker was the best,, next to David Tenant
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on November 27, 2009, 11:57:13 PM
Oh my God!! Shocker of the season.......I watched Jennifer's Body tonight and it was so much fun. It was the Heathers of 2009. I strongly suggest you catch this one and get ready to laugh at the dark, gory humor. Awesome film with an incredible sound track. Ill be watching this one a couple dozen times.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on November 28, 2009, 10:36:56 AM
Good to know. I would never have considered watching it. Now I'll see it when I can. Thanks.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on November 28, 2009, 10:39:32 AM
Further FYI XTop. Its is first and foremost a horror movie. :D I do not know what you enjoy watching in the movie category so.....My prediction is it will definately be a cult classic for teens.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 28, 2009, 01:18:26 PM
transformers the fallen on blue ray, enjoyed a lot
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on November 28, 2009, 06:24:33 PM
Further FYI XTop. Its is first and foremost a horror movie. :D I do not know what you enjoy watching in the movie category so.....My prediction is it will definately be a cult classic for teens.
Saw it with Tracy,, we laughed at some of the scenes,, it was a hoot! I got to get it for the collection,,if I can keep my jerk of a sister from ripping it off.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on November 28, 2009, 06:49:24 PM
Further FYI XTop. Its is first and foremost a horror movie. :D I do not know what you enjoy watching in the movie category so.....My prediction is it will definately be a cult classic for teens.
I have eclectic tastes in movies. ;D I always find the good side. If the plot isn't good I praise the soundtrack or some actor performance. ::) It depends on my mood. Generally I favor thrillers. Lately gangsters movies (British, Italian, American) are my favorites.
...if I can keep my jerk of a sister from ripping it off.
For what I hear lately, your sister tries to rule your family's tastes in entertainment. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on November 28, 2009, 08:11:39 PM
Yeah,, her way or the highway. If it isnt some fantasy family movie from disney or NCIS it sucks. Wish she would remember that when goes to steal things. For a 39 year old she acts 4. As for eclectic tastes,, Im about like you. I like alot of horror though,, even got Trailer Park Terror and liked it for its quirkyness.( is that even a word?) Ive bought movies just because the soundtrack moved me. Me and my son watched Heavy Metal and Heavy Metal 2000 the other night. I bought the original just for the soundtrack really. The story and the hidden elements in 2000 were what sold me on it. To me they were both works of art in their own ways. I go through phases ( sp) though,, sometimes ill go to the shop and look exclusively for a nice foriegn or older film. I got Young Frankenstien just to honor the memory of Marty Feldman ( laughed myself insane too). At the moment im going through a thriller phase and just recently got Angels and Demons. I watched it back to back with The Manchurian Candidate. In a wierd way they were ,,well, complementary to each other.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: subvinorosa on November 28, 2009, 08:46:54 PM
I've seen Magnifico before but watched it again with mesk. And I hate that movie. I always end up crying.
And if you guys wanna hear what I would sorta sound like in real life, try Yanggaw. It's in my dialect. Mesk laughed his ass off at the accent.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on November 29, 2009, 12:31:07 AM
In beteen practice quizzes I have been watching movies to clear my head. #1 - SAW 6. Do I really need to say anything? Utter poo but I do love some gore to take my mind off of things. 3/10
#2 - 500 days of summer. I dont do tear jerker movies per-say but this was really cute. Wouldnt watch it again for the above reasons but Im glad I saw it. And watching Joesph Gordan-Levitt with a bit of a buzz on is always nice. 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on November 29, 2009, 08:35:41 AM
In beteen practice quizzes I have been watching movies to clear my head. #1 - SAW 6. Do I really need to say anything? Utter poo but I do love some gore to take my mind off of things. 3/10
#2 - 500 days of summer. I dont do tear jerker movies per-say but this was really cute. Wouldnt watch it again for the above reasons but Im glad I saw it. And watching Joesph Gordan-Levitt with a bit of a buzz on is always nice. 6/10
I liked Saw 6,,, but im a fan of the series though. Im also the guy that hates alot of movies others think are great. ( I HATED Tittanic,, thought it was better to have an open wound than to sit through that crappy movie again). Maybe im a little off in the head?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on November 29, 2009, 09:30:22 AM
I have to admit the thought of playing "the game" with a bunch of insurance ass holes was a good storyline idea for Saw 6, and I did some cheering, but I jut cant get behind the films anymore. :D
And Im behind you 100% on the Titanic verdict RG. I didnt think it was a bad movie I was just bored out of my mind!! Although if you follow the movie thread, there are 2 members that feel the exact opposite from us. Oh another case of good vs evil.....but which is which?!?!?!?!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on November 29, 2009, 09:43:28 AM
It's always a matter of taste. I know people that would rather slam a finger (or other part of the anatomy) with a door than watching a sci fi movie. And Titanic was inflated because of the fortune it cost.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on November 29, 2009, 10:09:52 AM
You are 100% correct here Xtop, you just forgot that I like to insult the taste of some of our board members. It's just fun for me! :D :P :-*
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on November 29, 2009, 05:52:46 PM
I like "hard Sci FI" based on reality and physics and thingies with alloys and compositions and stuff ( Trubute to Ash in Army Of Darkness lol). But this crap based purely on fantasy is ,,kinda hard to bear. ( I was a Physics major in college for a while). The best scene in Tittanic for me was the ending credits,, Im not into " Chick Flix". Another waste of my time was Twilight and the new one ( I refuse to watch) Full Moon. Id rather shove a pencil in my ear all the way to the eraser than watch them. Id rather vivisect myself with a dull salad spoon even. The pain would be less,, Opra calls that
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on November 29, 2009, 11:05:51 PM
Do you know how hard it is to type when your heart is reaching up your throat and cutting your wind off? Watched "Precious" tonight. Oscar your major contender has arrived. HOLY poo!!! Unfreakin believable movie. I feel honored that I was given the chance to see it. How bizarre is that? 9/10 for me. Everyone needs to see this movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on November 30, 2009, 02:53:46 AM
Finished Up 5 minutes ago. I was crying before I was even fifteen minutes in :-\ totally awesome nonetheless. Pixar does it again :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on November 30, 2009, 08:10:20 AM
Is it this movie (
Looks very good but also, as we say in my country, hard to chew.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on November 30, 2009, 11:02:10 AM
I watched "Up" for the first time last night too. I thought it was a really good movie, but not as fun/interesting as some of Pixar's other films.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on December 01, 2009, 07:08:42 AM
I watched "Up" for the first time last night too. I thought it was a really good movie, but not as fun/interesting as some of Pixar's other films.
I thought Doug was really funny. And I cried in one part. And I thought the idea of the story was interesting how it pulled together some real life news lifted events and real life deeper issues. But other Pixar movies will probably stay my favorites too.
My favorite movie of the year is probably still Star Trek.. but there's a ton I haven't seen.. so, I might wait until I'm caught up to say for sure :P
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on December 01, 2009, 07:39:20 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on December 01, 2009, 07:47:19 AM
heh.. I misspelled Dug in my sleepy state this morning :P I bet I angered the comic arts gods. I shall be punished today with some form of slapstick karmic revenge :D
My favorite line is - it is funny because the squirrel gets dead
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 01, 2009, 08:29:19 AM
My favorite comedy is still Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
The Big Lebowsky comes in second. My favorite line is " A human toe? you want a human toe? I can get you one ( looks at watch) I can probably have it by 3:00!"
It was a funny movie ( " Dude,, that rug just brought the room together!") lol
Watch it sometime Skadi,, youll understand.lmao
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on December 01, 2009, 08:55:31 AM
The Big Lebowsky comes in second. My favorite line is " A human toe? you want a human toe? I can get you one ( looks at watch) I can probably have it by 3:00!"
I don't get that movie :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on December 01, 2009, 09:34:18 AM
Watch it sometime Skadi,, youll understand.lmao
Seen it :P You and I have a lot of the same sense of humor in comedies.
I don't get that movie
None of it? Not when Walter accidentally trashed the wrong car? Or when the cremate dashes blew back in their faces? Or the way Philip Seymour Hoffman delivers his lines? I can?t remember the exact quote.. but one line is something like ?we?ve been urgently searching for you dude?.. it?s one of the funniest line deliveries ever :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on December 01, 2009, 03:02:27 PM
I watched "Up" for the first time last night too. I thought it was a really good movie, but not as fun/interesting as some of Pixar's other films.
You're kidding?
That's a shame if it got overblown for you so that it was a letdown when you saw it.
It ranks among my very favorite Pixar flicks... ;D
There's something about The Big Lebowski - either you get it, or you just don't:
DUDE: This is quite a pad you got here, man. Completely unspoiled. TREEHORN: What's your drink, Dude? DUDE: White Russian, thanks. How's the smut business, Jackie? TREEHORN: I wouldn't know, Dude. I deal in publishing, entertainment, political advocacy, and-- DUDE: Oh, yeah? And which one's Logjammin'?
And I recently watched Pandorum with Dennis Quaid and Ben Foster.
I also watched Astro Boy and wished I hadn't.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 01, 2009, 03:52:39 PM
I saw Pandorum. And I got to say one thing about your review of it. You are spot on accurate! Its like they tried to make a Ridley Scott movie and failed miserably. It was a movie they should pay YOU to sit through. I watched about 20 minutes of it and decided that it was lame. BUT,,,I allways triy to find the good points of every movie. For one,, I liked the creatures,, or whatever they were,, no one ever really said. I think thats about all I liked,,no ,,wait,, I liked the girl that made it out at the end,, she was kinda cute. I think that was the only redeaming value the movie had. If you can call it that.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on December 01, 2009, 04:54:37 PM
I saw Pandorum. And I got to say one thing about your review of it. You are spot on accurate! Its like they tried to make a Ridley Scott movie and failed miserably. It was a movie they should pay YOU to sit through. I watched about 20 minutes of it and decided that it was lame. BUT,,,I allways triy to find the good points of every movie. For one,, I liked the creatures,, or whatever they were,, no one ever really said. I think thats about all I liked,,no ,,wait,, I liked the girl that made it out at the end,, she was kinda cute. I think that was the only redeaming value the movie had. If you can call it that.
I think what really annoyed me is that there could be a competent sci-fi flick made from some of what was done in Pandorum, but no one made the effort.
I don't know if it's the writers or the audience that has become lazy. Are filmmakers not bothering to complete their visions because the audience doesn't seem to care either way?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 01, 2009, 06:22:33 PM
Weve been force fed so much Hollywood pap that even the audiences dont expect very much anymore. American cinima is pretty much dead for that. We the audience dont have a say anymore, its all like boy bands. Made for mass marketing and then thrown away. Very few movies even have staying power, and if they do ( Star Wars, Lord Of The Rings,,,ugh!) its marketed to death. American audiences dont expect alot out of the lame duck studios here, so now they dont have to try hard. I talked to someone today that actualy LIKED Pandorum,, and was extoling its virtues. I figure theyll do this till next week when a new movie comes out and then they will ,,like everyone else in America, forget this was ever made.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on December 01, 2009, 07:06:24 PM
ive just seen ninja assassin twilight 2Precious and the last bit of 2012
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 01, 2009, 07:11:10 PM
Holy crap mishca! That was a marathon! :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on December 01, 2009, 07:15:00 PM
i went early to the movie theater lol
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 02, 2009, 08:13:48 AM
I dont go to theaters anymore. Why should I?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on December 02, 2009, 10:05:17 AM
How is it legal?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on December 02, 2009, 10:21:14 AM
Seriously? There are movie that MUST be experiened in the theater. That was one of the instigators for my aquireing movies before their release. I got tired of paying a butt load of money to see a film that ended up being a huge disappointment. Now I can get alittle taste and know what Im dropping money on is worth it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 02, 2009, 10:24:34 AM
The Final Destination (2009) Some very inventive gruesome deaths,but it was too far fetched and lame. I hope it's the last. I went to the Cinema to watch the 1st one,and i own the DVD,it's the best of the bunch. 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 02, 2009, 03:01:17 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on December 05, 2009, 10:31:13 PM
Ship of Fools Simone Signoret and Oskar Werner were amazing. The rest, not so much. And then you got Vivien Leigh playing slightly insane ageing southern belle still trying to cling onto her fading beauty.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 06, 2009, 01:07:01 AM
similar to another site i have been told to use exterminator salvation on blue ray i enjoyed this movie. no thinking , no story ;) just fun
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on December 06, 2009, 10:25:46 AM
Watch in theaters. Or on blu-ray. Seriously, the effects are amazing. The story is extremely cheesy, but the special effects are so good that you forget about the plot holes and the bad acting. It is a movie to be watched only for fun. I enjoyed, but if I had watched a DVD Rip of it, I wouldn't have.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 06, 2009, 12:22:36 PM
I took a chance and bought Drag Me To Hell after I got off work. Ok ,, got to say something ( a few things actualy) before I comment on this movie. I am a Sam Raimi fan. And Ive cought a little heat on here from a member about my taste in movies ( ok,, I LIKED V for Vendetta alot) and then cought some heat for movies I DIDNT like ( I thought Lord of the Rings blew chunks). BUT,, I AM the guy that watches movies for different reasons than others. I dislike movies that depend on special effects ( Independance Day, Day After Tommarow, 2012, etc). I like movies ( and books and music) that chalenge me. I like things that are provocative ( Check out Dead Girl,,thanks Cheapie!). The Evil Dead movies were perfect. They were flawed, cheesy, and gore for the sake of gore. BUT,,, they challenged me. Drag Me To Hell was not a good experience when I saw it online. BUT I thought I would give it a chance. No problem,, only 14 bucks. Soooooo,,,,I bought it and watched it this morning. I liked it alot. Classic Raimi in the Evil Dead tradition. The effects werent over used, and the story was pretty fancifull,, which left me thinking about what was happening. It wasnt the " perfect" movie,, but it was really entertaining. The few shocking moments it had were ok,, one made me jump a little ( and im jaded). The fact that Gregg Nocotero did the effects just was great. I love his work ( he was trained by Tom Savini,, one of my heroes). I got to give the movie an overal 6/10 as far as the genre goes.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 07, 2009, 12:53:10 PM
Watch in theaters. Or on blu-ray. Seriously, the effects are amazing. The story is extremely cheesy, but the special effects are so good that you forget about the plot holes and the bad acting. It is a movie to be watched only for fun. I enjoyed, but if I had watched a DVD Rip of it, I wouldn't have.
golly that! No story,no watch!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 07, 2009, 02:11:02 PM
sometimes iys good to have no story just the visual appearance of movement.
at the moment i'm watching the godfather. ;D i would love to watch them all in one go but i have work tomorrow
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 07, 2009, 03:04:19 PM
I just got Fright Night on dvd. I forgot how good that movie was way back in 1985 or so when it came out. I need to find Fright Night 2,,,it was even better.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on December 07, 2009, 04:22:44 PM
I just got Fright Night on dvd. I forgot how good that movie was way back in 1985 or so when it came out. I need to find Fright Night 2,,,it was even better.
I agree that Fright Night was/is an awesome movie!! Not so much about part 2.
Oh, you're so COOL, Brewster!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 07, 2009, 05:41:00 PM
Wow! That slipped thru the net,i'll have to get those.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on December 07, 2009, 06:19:57 PM
I just got Fright Night on dvd. I forgot how good that movie was way back in 1985 or so when it came out. I need to find Fright Night 2,,,it was even better.
#1 was the best. I bought The Return of the Living Dead recently and had forgot how good that was.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 07, 2009, 08:08:06 PM
I got Part 7 ( Necropolis,,or as I call it NeCRAPolis). I was so disapointed. While in Scotland I got Dario Argento's Demons and Demons 2. I had forgotten how fun those were to watch.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on December 08, 2009, 11:59:41 AM
Surrogates -
The Box -
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 08, 2009, 12:04:58 PM
I have Surrogates and I'm seeing a bit every other day. I don't think I'm going to end up watching it now. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on December 08, 2009, 01:17:22 PM
Watched Surrogates last night. Was pretty disappointed in it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on December 08, 2009, 04:30:15 PM
I have Surrogates and I'm seeing a bit every other day. I don't think I'm going to end up watching it now. :D
Yeah, if it hasn't enticed you enough to watch more than a few minutes at a time, it's never going to grab you. The story just gets worse as the film progresses.
I bought The Return of the Living Dead recently and had forgot how good that was.
A lot of people don't know that it's based on a novel by John Russo (the other half of the creative team for Night of the Living Dead)... Hell, that movie's written by Dan O'Bannon (Alien) and has some pretty amazing special effects.
The gooey zombie that comes out of military canister and is trapped in the basement is fantastic.
And the quadruple amputee zombie that chases the mortician back inside still haunts me to this day...
And, of course, the scene where the line of cop cars gets attacked by hoards of zombies is classic...
And is there any love out there for Savini's 1990 remake of Night? I think it's better than the original myself...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on December 08, 2009, 05:45:20 PM
And is there any love out there for Savini's 1990 remake of Night? I think it's better than the original myself...
I disagree. I was really looking forward to that remake, but found it more of a re-imagining. The character of Barbera was completely unrecognisable from the original. in the original she was almost catatonic with fear throughout, while in the remake, it seems like they've seen the success of the "Alien" series of films with a strong female lead and thought "lets put Ripley in this. We'll call her Barbera because we obviously can't use Ripley, but it's Ripley." :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 08, 2009, 05:50:02 PM
It's because it was remade in the 90's. It would have been politically incorrect if the female character was a catatonic useless helpless woman. ;) ;D ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on December 08, 2009, 06:02:20 PM
It's because it was remade in the 90's. It would have been politically incorrect if the female character was a catatonic useless helpless woman. ;) ;D ;D
I'm glad I now know it was political correctness and not the "Ripley factor" that the changes were made. I dislike it even more now.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 08, 2009, 06:09:07 PM
I really have no idea why the change was made. But it may well be because of that.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 08, 2009, 06:46:25 PM
I have both virsions. The first was a social commentary ( as are most of Romeros Dead movies) on racism at the time. To me the first was creepier,, the second ( made by Tom Savini) was more of a fun zombie flick. ( im kinda an expert on zombie flicks,, sorry). The whole Night Of The Living Dead 3D was a waste of my time. Dont bother,, I wont talk about it or bore you with the details. Dawn was a good effort comenting on our consumerist lifestyle that has just gotten worse. Day was talking about the Reaganistic philosophy of millitary might in the civilian world and Land was about the Bush/Cheney regime sweeping thier mess under a carpet hoping no one finds out. Diary was about how the internet has made the world smaller and how the real news is online,, not on tv. Survival Ive yet to see or hear much about.
I just watched A Scanner Darkley by Phillip K richard. The ending was great,, and twisty as hell as far as Im concerned. Great movie about the proliferancy of drugs in a society, and the war on drugs punishing the inocent to get its point accross. Great movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 08, 2009, 07:13:27 PM
I've heard/read other good comments on A Scanner Darkly. I went to the trailer and by the end of it I had a headache. That kind of animation isn't for me. Glad you enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 08, 2009, 07:16:12 PM
The animation was a bit harsh,, but the story was awsome. If you can find the book,, I urge you to do so,, there are SOME changes,, but the overall story is pretty much the same.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 08, 2009, 07:20:17 PM
I'll do that. Next vacations maybe. :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on December 08, 2009, 11:23:11 PM
I disagree. I was really looking forward to that remake, but found it more of a re-imagining. The character of Barbera was completely unrecognisable from the original. in the original she was almost catatonic with fear throughout,
Which annoyed me, to be honest. And yes, I saw the black and white version before the color. I wished someone would have snapped her out of her catatonia because they needed her help. And while the Ripley thing might be a stereotype, per se, I prefer to think that some ladies would step up similarly rather than be dead weight. ;D
Day was talking about the Reaganistic philosophy of millitary might in the civilian world and Land was about the Bush/Cheney regime sweeping thier mess under a carpet hoping no one finds out.
But what was all that teaching-zombies-to-do-stuff cowpoo? :D Shoot them in the head, dammit! :D
I just watched A Scanner Darkley by Phillip K richard. The ending was great,, and twisty as hell as far as Im concerned.
A twisty Phil richard story? No way!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on December 08, 2009, 11:53:16 PM
When will I ever learn? The Box was indeed a waste of valuable life time. Im truly, truly sorry that I watched it. 3/10 is bumping it up a few notches to be honest with you. I love Frank Langella, that was my only motivation behind seeing this. I havent read anything more than magazine articles since I started school and to think....I could of started something great tonight. :'(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 09, 2009, 11:50:22 AM
Saw it this morning. Now before I give my creitique..we all know that Im the guy that liked V For Vendetta and cought hell from it by someone,, and caught hell for not liking the rings trilogy. And,, well, I like off beat movies. And honestly,, I thought The Box blew chunks! Cheapie,, your raiting was a bit liberal. I have to give it maybe a 1.5 out of 10. Atleast it had color to it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on December 09, 2009, 12:26:06 PM
Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder
I enjoyed this film.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 09, 2009, 04:48:04 PM
Bender is one of my
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on December 09, 2009, 04:50:03 PM
I've just watched 2012.
I'm just trying to figure out which smiley conveys my emotions adequately.
maybe a combination.
>:( :( ??? :D ::) :-[ :-X
I never thought a shitter disaster flick than Titanic was possible.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 09, 2009, 05:40:08 PM
The whole thought makes me die just a little inside
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on December 10, 2009, 07:52:23 AM
See, now this sucks. I've heard a few RL friends say 2012 wasn't bad but I trust you guys more for the fairest review. Now to the "this sucks" part. You know I'm gonna watch it, even when I believe you guys saying it's horrible. It's John Cusack ffs, and I'm not ashamed to admit that he's my man-crush. So I'm gonna see it...eventually.
John, I wish I could quit you.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on December 10, 2009, 08:00:35 AM
^ :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 10, 2009, 11:07:10 AM
See, now this sucks. I've heard a few RL friends say 2012 wasn't bad but I trust you guys more for the fairest review. Now to the "this sucks" part. You know I'm gonna watch it, even when I believe you guys saying it's horrible. It's John Cusack ffs, and I'm not ashamed to admit that he's my man-crush. So I'm gonna see it...eventually.
John, I wish I could quit you.
It sucked brother,, it was one of those movies that sacrificed story for special effects
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on December 10, 2009, 02:12:04 PM
What worries me the most is that 2012's maker Roland Emmerich is the same who will do the adaptation of my all-time favourite book The Foundation by Isaac Asimov. This thought only makes me cry. :'(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 10, 2009, 02:44:17 PM
Damn,,, I guess thats another book adaption thats going to go to filmaker hell.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on December 16, 2009, 06:57:36 PM
I just saw Saw 6. If it wasn't of RG, I would have never watched it. I must admit that I liked it. Even though the ending is predictable, the scenes are more hardcore and intense. It is my favourite Saw after 1st and 2nd ones.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 17, 2009, 12:51:49 AM
Those R5's are good pic poo sound,saw it at the cinema,yea predictable. Have 1 to 5 on my comp.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 17, 2009, 11:55:41 AM
I got 1-5 on dvd. I saw Life Force last night for the first time. Damn I wish I hadnt waited all these years to see it! Im usualy not a big fan of the Golan-Globus productions, since all they usualy do are the macho cowpoo kicking peoples asses movies. But this one wasnt bad. The idea of an alien race being the origin of the vanpire legends was a bit over done by now,, but they were actualy kinda original about it. The special effects werent over the top, and the story was pretty good. The acting was ,,well, not as great as today,, but they got the point accross. The atmosphere of the movie was pretty good, and the fact that it had desicated walking corpses was cool. It had a pretty high production value at the time it was made. You got to see it guys,,6.5 out of 10
It took me back to the days when they didnt sacrifice story in favor of cgi effects.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on December 17, 2009, 12:27:41 PM
Mmmmmmmmmmmm Mathilda May ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on December 17, 2009, 02:13:17 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 17, 2009, 02:49:35 PM
Shhhh, let her sleep. If she wakes up maybe photobucket will realize about the tits. ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on December 17, 2009, 02:58:59 PM
They will eventually ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 17, 2009, 04:51:39 PM
Hope Smokey or Skadi dont see it.. Dweez will just drool and save it to his desktop lmao
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on December 17, 2009, 05:50:34 PM
I'm the one that put it in the spoiler tags RG. lol
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 17, 2009, 06:17:29 PM
See? Told you. lol
The Renegade Mod strikes again . lmao
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on December 18, 2009, 09:29:32 AM
The Proposal Quite enjoyable, Sandra Bullock is very funny. The beginning was good, I was expecting more from the script, then it became a typical romcom.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 18, 2009, 10:21:21 AM
The Prestige (2006) Hugh Jackman Scarlett Johanson Christian Bale A magician and illusionist indulges in a one upmanship game with tragic consequences. Pretty good 8.7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 18, 2009, 11:48:58 AM
You know Gee,,,I have to agree with you wholeheartedly on that one. The last quarter of the movie was a real mindscrew. I loved it. But im also a big Christian Bale fan from as far back as Shaft where he played a racist murdering rich kid.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on December 18, 2009, 03:03:01 PM
The Prestige (2006) Hugh Jackman Scarlett Johanson Christian Bale A magician and illusionist indulges in a one upmanship game with tragic consequences. Pretty good 8.7/10
Did you check it out because I posted it in the Movie thread?
And I'm going to see Avatar tonight...
Here's hoping it isn't 2.5 hours of suck.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on December 18, 2009, 05:08:58 PM
Oh , im going to see it tomorrow.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 18, 2009, 05:28:52 PM
They wont play it around here, it isnt from Pixar or some urban chick flick. I know Avatar has to be good,, the fan boys are trashing it,, so it has to be a masterpiece.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on December 18, 2009, 05:48:59 PM
What fanboys? If you mean the kids who actually think it has something to do with the anime, IT DOES NOT. It is a completely different story, and I just couldn't convince my buddies today to see it, dammit. :( They all though it was a poor adaptation of the anime.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 18, 2009, 06:51:45 PM
Im talking about the usual pimply faced nerd geeks who watch nothing but sci fi and anime and think they know everything about whats going on in the movie industry. Ive allways found it a rule of thumb that if these basement dwellers hate something that its going to be good. Like the Matrix movies,, they all hated it,, BUT I guarantee you that they all have it on dvd and seen them a million times. Same as the Star Wars movies,, they rip it a new arse,, then they end up secretly liking it. Soooo,, from what Ive read from the pimple brigade,, they hate it and find everything wrong with that movie,, so it ought to be good.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on December 18, 2009, 07:40:28 PM
What fanboys? If you mean the kids who actually think it has something to do with the anime, IT DOES NOT. It is a completely different story, and I just couldn't convince my buddies today to see it, dammit. :( They all though it was a poor adaptation of the anime.
^ They are making a live action movie adaption of that also...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 18, 2009, 08:38:15 PM
I think I saw the promo on GI Joe. M Night Shyamalan ( sp) is doing it,, so it ought to suck . He does have quite the track record for " good" movies.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on December 18, 2009, 09:14:15 PM
They all though it was a poor adaptation of the anime.
IMO anything that changes anime to something else has to be an improvement. Then again, I hate anime. I'll watch avatar, but I find James Cameron very hit and miss, but I'll go in with an open mind and see if I enjoy it or not.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on December 18, 2009, 09:32:41 PM
This is my Christmas gift ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on December 18, 2009, 10:55:51 PM
Why didnt Bolt do better in the theaters? I just watched it and it was wonderful. I would strongly recommend it to adults and kids alike. 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 19, 2009, 01:33:14 AM
so.. what was lacking? The story?..the script? I haven't read any reviews yet.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 19, 2009, 01:38:58 PM
From what Ive read, many concider it a rehash of Dances With Wolves in alot of ways. Its long,, and rather meandering,, but personaly,, I like movies that are like that. The Postman is like that, and still one of my favorite movies. I love epic leangth movies,, it seems a waste for a movie with a decent story to be only an hour and a half. I allways was a big fan of cinema, and at one time had this dream of being a film maker. SO I tend to look at movies differently than an average viewer. Avatar seems to be one of those movies that either you dont like, or you do like. Im going to go see it with my son tonight in Ft Smith.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on December 19, 2009, 08:43:41 PM
Leave Her to Heaven It was a featured t0rr3nt on KG, and I've been meaning to watch it, so I snatched it. I've seen Gene Tierney in Laura before, and she wasn't terribly impressive, except for the overwhelming pretty. Now in technicolor she's even more overwhelmingly pretty, but made my blood run cold. Vincent Price was a bit ugh though. The infamous scene: (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 19, 2009, 09:07:10 PM
Haven't seen it but looks good. The character seems like the usual madam that dies at the end. Don't tell me. I might watch it. :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on December 19, 2009, 10:22:49 PM
so.. what was lacking? The story?..the script? I haven't read any reviews yet.
No, actually, Avatar is beautiful and fantastic in all ways.
But it'll depend on who you are and what kind of movies you dig as to whether you're really going to like it, honestly.
I'm still having difficulty focusing my thoughts on it yet, but I will come back with something, later. In fact, you may have to ask me to stop talking about it... :D
But, without a doubt, see it in the 3-D IMAX version if you can. I normally wouldn't advocate that, but the 3-D effects are reallyamazing and are used more to create atmosphere (literally in some cases) and mood rather than to just shove things in your face.
Suffice for now to say, if you liked Aliens, Terminator 1 & 2, The Abyss and to a lesser extent Titanic, you really need to see this movie. In IMAX 3-D... :D
More tomorrow...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on December 20, 2009, 01:40:25 AM
Haven't seen it but looks good. The character seems like the usual madam that dies at the end. Don't tell me. I might watch it. :)
It's supposed to be film noir, but it's debatable. Gene Tierney is... :-X watch it ;D She had a bangin' body :o there's this scene that looks like it's right out from James Bond.
Now, I might grab Heaven Can Wait. :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 20, 2009, 11:16:03 AM
No, actually, Avatar is beautiful and fantastic in all ways.
But it'll depend on who you are and what kind of movies you dig as to whether you're really going to like it, honestly.
I'm still having difficulty focusing my thoughts on it yet, but I will come back with something, later. In fact, you may have to ask me to stop talking about it... :D
But, without a doubt, see it in the 3-D IMAX version if you can. I normally wouldn't advocate that, but the 3-D effects are reallyamazing and are used more to create atmosphere (literally in some cases) and mood rather than to just shove things in your face.
Suffice for now to say, if you liked Aliens, Terminator 1 & 2, The Abyss and to a lesser extent Titanic, you really need to see this movie. In IMAX 3-D... :D
More tomorrow...
One thing to say about Avatar: WOW!!!!!
Ok,, I dont usualy like many of the so called "popular" movies,, I generaly stay away from them because they are just marketing strategies put on film to sell toys of video games. But Avatar is worth the time. Awsome movie with a nice messege to it. I dont think everyone will like it,, but I know I LOVED it. I didnt see it in the IMAX format,, just the regular 2 d,, but even then it was really good. Usualy when you watch a movie like this its all about the cgi effects and no story. This is the first time ive sat all the way through a movie with this much cgi and thought it had a damn good story behind it. I kinda had a feeling that since the usualy pimple brigade didnt like it that it might be a good movie. It made you think about alot of things that happened during the 1800s with the whites and the Native Americans, or things during the British Expansion. I guess the Basement Dwellers dont like movies that make you think.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on December 20, 2009, 12:34:08 PM
Nice little fantasy movie,but I think that there will be Avatar2 in some day.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 20, 2009, 05:20:18 PM
I wouldnt doubt it. There seems ti be an originality shortage in Hollyweird
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on December 20, 2009, 07:39:54 PM
A Woman in Berlin (2008) About a woman in Berlin trying to survive the Red Army during and after the last few weeks/months of WWII. Great direction and cinematography, amazing performances, moving soundtrack. Must see. Far far far bbetter than the mess of a movie The Baader-Meinhof Complex. AWIB should've been nominated for Best Foreign Film instead, or submitted instead.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on December 20, 2009, 10:44:45 PM
It's supposed to be film noir, but it's debatable. Gene Tierney is... :-X watch it ;D She had a bangin' body :o there's this scene that looks like it's right out from James Bond.
Now, I might grab Heaven Can Wait. :)
why was vincent price ughhh?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on December 21, 2009, 12:11:54 AM
Law Abiding Citizen - It was a pretty cool action/thriller. Why do American movies always make actors adapt an American accent though? The lead and one of the supporting actors were Irish and Scottish and had a freakin fake accent. I hate that. 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 21, 2009, 01:30:25 AM
Law Abiding Citizen,which was pretty good with Gerrard Butler 7/10 I have a 720p version of Inglorious Basterds,which i watched last night. Superb vintage Tarantino 10/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on December 21, 2009, 03:04:32 AM
Why do American movies always make actors adapt an American accent though? The lead and one of the supporting actors were Irish and Scottish and had a freakin fake accent. I hate that. 6/10
I have the same feeling when I see Argentinian actors in Spanish movies. It would be funny if it wasn't so annoying. I think it's underestimate the public.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 21, 2009, 08:02:44 AM
But most Argentinians have Italian or Spanish roots anyway don't they?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on December 21, 2009, 08:41:16 AM
I have the same feeling when I see Argentinian actors in Spanish movies. It would be funny if it wasn't so annoying. I think it's underestimate the public.
Excellent point XT!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on December 21, 2009, 08:51:26 AM
I have a 720p version of Inglorious Basterds,which i watched last night. Superb vintage Tarantino 10/10
I guess Im the only then.......I didnt really think Inglorious Basterds was any good. Hhhhmmm.....I mean it was quirky and all that but far from a "10" for me personally. I wonder why?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on December 21, 2009, 09:09:10 AM
I haven't seen Inglorious Basterds yet (not sure if I will). I'm not a big Tarantino fan, mostly because I think his acting is poo and his "homages" in Kill Bill seemed more like rip-offs, but I digress.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 21, 2009, 09:15:11 AM
I wouldn't exactly call his homages rip offs. His acting's ok,but as a director,my opinoion is that he's original with his movies,there's no other director quite like him. He's the best of recent times......well i think so anyway. ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on December 21, 2009, 09:26:05 AM
Well, the fact that Tarantino directed this was the main motivation for watching it in the first place. But alas. His bit part was pretty freakin funny though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 21, 2009, 09:51:18 AM
What was Tarantino's part? I didn't notice him.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on December 21, 2009, 10:07:20 AM
I haven't seen Inglorious Basterds yet (not sure if I will). I'm not a big Tarantino fan, mostly because I think his acting is poo and his "homages" in Kill Bill seemed more like rip-offs, but I digress.
I wouldn't exactly call his homages rip offs. His acting's ok,but as a director,my opinoion is that he's original with his movies,there's no other director quite like him. He's the best of recent times......well i think so anyway. ;D
I believe a little of both of those to ideas. It bugs me that his 'homages' are so over appreciated because so many people haven't done the work and sought out what he was inspired by. But, he is pretty good at what he does. He's one of those people that I take for what he is.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 21, 2009, 10:12:56 AM
I believe a little of both of those to ideas. It bugs me that his 'homages' are so over appreciated because so many people haven't done the work and sought out what he was inspired by. But, he is pretty good at what he does. He's one of those people that I take for what he is.
Inglourious Basterds was a homage to Sergio Leone's westerns, starting with "Once upon a time in..." and the opening scene was almost exactly the same as the opening to The Good, The Bad and The Ugly with Angel Eyes. I really liked Kill Bill, and IB is my fav of the year (gonna see Avatar later so maybe not) but then I didn't really like Reservoir Dogs. Haven't seen Pulp Fiction :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on December 21, 2009, 09:08:22 PM
Well, the fact that Tarantino directed this was the main motivation for watching it in the first place. But alas. His bit part was pretty freakin funny though.
What was his part? He usually is in his movies, but this time I did not see him.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on December 21, 2009, 10:08:46 PM
Wiki Sez : Quentin Tarantino as an unnamed Nazi footman (the first to be depicted being scalped), and also as an American sergeant in the German propaganda film-within-a-film, "Nation's Pride", with a single spoken line: "I implore you, we must destroy that tower!". It is a recurring feature of Tarantino's movies for the director himself to appear in a cameo role.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on December 22, 2009, 09:26:59 AM
I have tried and tried to find a clip but nada. Wiki's quote is accurate though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 22, 2009, 11:11:42 AM
I need to see that movie. You got to understand the movies he was influenced by,, things like the 70s exploitation films,, the Italian westerns from the 70s etc. Robert Rodriguez ( sp) is almost the same,, I have Planet Terror ( of course,, zombies) and the El Mariachi movies ( Tarrantino played in number 2,, Desperado) I like Reservoir Dogs because it was a throwback to the single set films of the early 70s.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 23, 2009, 05:02:29 AM
I went to see Resovoir Dogs twice at the cinema. Pulp Fiction was a VHS affair as i was in prison when it hit the big screen. Probably his best work.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: yolanda71 on December 23, 2009, 05:39:51 AM
Inglorious Basterds was the last movie I saw in a film theater and it was really disappointing. Too long, very disjointed and a bit boring.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on December 23, 2009, 05:45:14 AM
AVATAR Ooh pretty blue people. As a biology student, science kinda ruined it for me. But 3D was cool :) Sigourney Weaver is fierce as usual. Michelle Rodriguez typecast again. Ooh pretty blue people. Seriously poo screenplay. Ooh pretty blue people. Sam Worthington is kind of bland, but watchable. Is Zoe Saldana going to be the new Sigourney Weaver? Star Trek, and now Avatar. She's great anyway. Ooh pretty blue people.
I liked it. Wasn't ZOMG!!1!! EPIC!!! though, sorry. I liked it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 23, 2009, 11:45:45 AM
It is a recurring feature of Tarantino's movies for the director himself to appear in a cameo role.
Alfred Hitchcock did the same thing in his films.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 23, 2009, 12:15:25 PM
So does Tom Savini
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 23, 2009, 12:51:14 PM
Avatar in 3D. :o wow i loved it. not a original story but i do hope the 2/3 film will be made
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 23, 2009, 12:52:53 PM
Kinda reminded me of Dances With Wolves,,, I loved that movie too
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 23, 2009, 01:05:47 PM
totally agree.
fun to watch and no brain required. ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 23, 2009, 02:46:59 PM
Pride And Glory (2008) Edward Norton John Voight and Colin Farrell star in a film about a multi generational cop family in NY. Good 9/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 23, 2009, 05:01:36 PM
I justbought District 9. I saw it in the theater,, but since I bought it im going to go crawl into it tonight. I loved that movie ( i know,, another I liked that no one else did,, but I saw alot of social relavance( sp) in it)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 23, 2009, 05:02:53 PM
I quite liked it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 23, 2009, 05:03:57 PM
Although the alien battle armor is a rip off from the Triax and the NGR sourcebook from the Rifts rpg
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 23, 2009, 05:05:16 PM
His movies are entertaining,especially his New Zealand ones. His Hollywood ones aren't so good.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 23, 2009, 05:06:56 PM
Yeah,, but thats Hollyweird for you. They mass produce movies as cheaply as possible for the quickest return. Allways good guy vs bad guy, allways natural disaster/ boy meets girl/ boy loses girl/ girl gets into danger/ boy rescues girl/ boy gets girl formulation
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 23, 2009, 05:08:20 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 23, 2009, 05:14:22 PM
And thats why I hate the so called Hits and Blockbusters. I love the B movies,, and Indi cinema. Romero is GOD!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 23, 2009, 05:41:24 PM
Yeah! George A Romero is a ledgend. Just watched a grindhouse like movie Run madam Run.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 23, 2009, 09:14:03 PM
Yeah,, got a few likw that,,. the old 70ish exploitation films like Switblade Sister A Go Go and Satans Highway
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on December 24, 2009, 12:16:43 AM
I justbought District 9. I saw it in the theater,, but since I bought it im going to go crawl into it tonight. I loved that movie ( i know,, another I liked that no one else did,, but I saw alot of social relavance( sp) in it)
Along with Up and Avatar, District 9 is in my top 3 favorite films this year.
Speaking of which, good to see that Avatar is getting some love, too. I really thought people were going to hate it... 8)
And I was totally right about the 3-D, eh goldshirt? ;) :D
I've seen a few other decent to terrible flicks in the last few days, but I'll post on 'em later...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on December 24, 2009, 07:05:48 AM
Hence CMF's comment. :D District 9 was....well it just wasnt that good. To me that is.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 24, 2009, 07:31:58 AM
Along with Up and Avatar, District 9 is in my top 3 favorite films this year.
Speaking of which, good to see that Avatar is getting some love, too. I really thought people were going to hate it... 8)
And I was totally right about the 3-D, eh goldshirt? ;) :D
I've seen a few other decent to terrible flicks in the last few days, but I'll post on 'em later...
definitely well worth the effort. a little hard to view at first but once your use to it ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 24, 2009, 07:35:49 AM
Parts of the cgi reminded me of the cgi in Beowulf. It got a little hard to watch till your mind got wrapped about it being cgi.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 24, 2009, 07:38:36 AM
for me it was a little hard to focus on. all that movement and then all of a sudden no problem. i have this with with all the 3d movie's i have watched.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 24, 2009, 07:43:31 AM
I didnt get to see it in 3d ( here in Oklahoma ,, and you can ask Cheapie,, shes been here. 3d doesnt exist). You know, we just got these new inventions here too,, like indoor plumbing,, the wireless radio, and something they call the telephone. I dont think theyll catch on though .lol
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 24, 2009, 07:44:35 AM
:D :D :D :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on December 24, 2009, 09:36:48 AM
Hence CMF's comment. :D District 9 was....well it just wasnt that good. To me that is.
Hey, I liked District 9. I saw it a few days ago and it is pretty good. I cannot wait for a sequel, cause there is right? RIGHT???? You can't end it like that!!!!! :o :o :o
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on December 24, 2009, 09:57:58 AM
cause there is right? RIGHT???? You can't end it like that!!!!
Yeah ! What about all the other Prawns ? ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on December 24, 2009, 10:56:47 AM
(the other way does not necessarily work though: most of the stuff Jack does not like is great :D)
I remembered this wrong. Either way, thats what films are all about anyway. Finding the ones that you feel entertained by is great! District 9 was not one of mine however.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on December 24, 2009, 01:08:43 PM
District 9 was less good,I almost deleted it after I watched it.
Unnamed Pron movie. :P
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 24, 2009, 02:22:06 PM
You have movies in Finland? lol District 9 was definitly not for everyone. It hit me pretty hard at times. I lived in the 80s when the whole AQparthide thingie was going on, and during the Cuban refugee thing was going on during the Carter Administration. Ive seen Barling Arkansas where the Cuban refugees were encamped and saw the reports of how they were treated. District 9 reminded me so much of those times and what I saw in Barling Arkansas. I think I liked it so much because it hit home for me and reminded me of those times.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on December 24, 2009, 04:51:13 PM
Summer Glau looks like Sigourney Weaver, they could be related.
They do have similar jaws lol
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on December 26, 2009, 04:26:55 AM
I think she should play Ripley in the prequel to the Alien series, where a renegade group of Giger Aliens (Xeno-something? I can never remember) fall into a singularity or something and go back in time. These aliens would encounter a ship (or planet) where they attack a group of human colonists, but a young Ellen Ripley is within this group of humans and she's having one of it! Oh, this makes an alternate timeline so all the other films won't matter so much, unless they have transporter accidents. Or something.
I hope this part of the forum is open to the public, I really want them to make this film.
Oh wait! Dianne Fossey's daughter! She could play Dianne Fossey's daughter who ends up being one of them greedy business types and it'd be like A Christmas Carol, but with Gorillas! AWESOME!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 26, 2009, 11:37:48 AM
Rodley Scott is slated to do the next Alien movie. Its a prequel to the original Alien where the aliens are shown to be a bio weapon used by other aliens.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 26, 2009, 01:03:01 PM
you mean ridley ???
i hope not. lets have a original film please
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 26, 2009, 01:47:58 PM
Start watching foreign films with subs peeps. When are you lot going to realise Hollywood has a very narrow way of doing things?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 26, 2009, 03:32:51 PM
Look for indies,,,Thats about all I get these days unless its something really really ingenious. I have an entire horror collection thats all indies and foriegn films. If your into horror, check out Tarta Extreme Video. Youll see where alot of American movies come from. The Asian originals are AWSOME! I got the Japanese version of Shutter and it blew the American one away.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 26, 2009, 04:31:56 PM
Rodley Scott is slated to do the next Alien movie. Its a prequel to the original Alien where the aliens are shown to be a bio weapon used by other aliens.
I hope to God he reads my post! Summer Glau could play a young Ripley and when the Aliens get out of control, she could chew bubble gum and kick ass and then be all outta gum! (yeehaw!) :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on December 26, 2009, 07:10:47 PM
I just saw The Invention of Lying. Funny movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 26, 2009, 08:22:18 PM
Oh wait! Dianne Fossey's daughter! She could play Dianne Fossey's daughter who ends up being one of them greedy business types and it'd be like A Christmas Carol, but with Gorillas! AWESOME!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 27, 2009, 09:45:09 AM
Kalifornia for the 1st time since 93,i forgot Ensign Ro from TNG was in it. Good movie. 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 27, 2009, 01:38:44 PM
I saw Heat with AL Pacino and Robert Deniro. Awsome movie,, still one of my all time faves.
Hey Gee,, check out a movie called Severed,,, I think youll like it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 27, 2009, 01:46:01 PM
I saw Heat with AL Pacino and Robert Deniro. Awsome movie,, still one of my all time faves.
Not that I don't like it but I waited more of that movie. The chase at the end was too long and almost ridiculous at times. It has an 8.3 in IMDb so it must be just me. :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 27, 2009, 01:49:40 PM
Only an 8.3? Screw them,, ill give it a 9.9 myself!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 27, 2009, 02:06:14 PM
9.9? Wow! ;D ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 27, 2009, 04:31:08 PM
Its my favorite movie. Take a look at Righteous Kill. The only reason I didnt give it a higher than 7.5 is because it needed to be longer.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 27, 2009, 04:37:07 PM
I've just seen the trailer. It looks VERY good. And it has Brian Dennehy and John Leguizamo. Such good actors.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 27, 2009, 04:39:42 PM
Leguizamo should have gotten an acadamy award for his performance in Land Of The Dead as Chollo.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 27, 2009, 04:51:14 PM
He can do drama, comedy, action. He played a drag queen, a con, a cop all amazingly well. He's underrated.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 27, 2009, 05:58:54 PM
He played a gang member, a zombie ( very well I might add) and I think he was an alien in one movie. The guy is so versatile. I wonder why he never won any awards?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on December 28, 2009, 07:41:30 AM
Not a typical Gervais movie at all though. It was more of a romantic comedy. I love him so I liked it, the concept was very creative.
To be honest, I did not like it as much as Ghost Town. I liked the movie because of Gervais. :P And I found really funny the religion-related bits.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 28, 2009, 11:54:21 AM
I got my hands on a copy of Susperia by Dario Argento ( Gee,, THAT man is a legend,, Romero learned from him). Awsome movie ,, kinda creepy, not high on the scare factor though. Cool thing is Argento allways has some angle hes trying to play in every movie. You got to suspend some disbeliefe ( like any Italian writer/director) but not too bad . I heard they are redoing it this year,, I cant wait to see how they butcher it up here in the States.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on December 28, 2009, 02:33:30 PM
GodFather part 1-3 again,it's one of my all time favorite movies.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 29, 2009, 11:04:55 AM
Goodfellas,,,awsome true story with Robert Dinero and Joe Pesci and Robert Logia. Awsome movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on December 29, 2009, 04:13:35 PM
Goodfellas,,,awsome true story with Robert Dinero and Joe Pesci and Robert Logia. Awsome movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on December 29, 2009, 05:04:16 PM
Godfather plus Goodfellas for the win :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 29, 2009, 05:44:49 PM
Nope,, got to throw in another true story,, Blow.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on December 29, 2009, 10:21:21 PM
I just saw Sherlock Holmes. Dammit, I really wanted to not like it. I really needed to hate this movie. Why? I just cannot accept a violent version of Sherlock Holmes. I am used to the old nerdy Sherlock from the cartoons. But I must admit that the movie is kick-ass!!! It is indeed very entertaining and has a catchy story. Great acting from both Jude Law and Downey Jr. I cannot wait for the sequel. ;) I sense a series of Sherlock movie in the future. ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on December 30, 2009, 12:10:23 AM
Although, I have to agree that an Aliens project might not be the best use of a younger Sigourney Weaver. In fact, I'd rather see an Avatar prequel that has the story of a younger Grace Augustine setting up the schools among the NA'vi. But by the time that gets made, they could probably just generate a convincing younger Weaver through CGI alone. Especially after all of the facial capture that was done for the flick and the fact that we know what she used to look like...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 30, 2009, 01:44:40 AM
I just saw Sherlock Holmes. Dammit, I really wanted to not like it. I really needed to hate this movie. Why? I just cannot accept a violent version of Sherlock Holmes. I am used to the old nerdy Sherlock from the cartoons. But I must admit that the movie is kick-ass!!! It is indeed very entertaining and has a catchy story. Great acting from both Jude Law and Downey Jr. I cannot wait for the sequel. ;) I sense a series of Sherlock movie in the future. ;D
must go to the pic's then. looks like a mix between Indiana Jones and The Mummy to me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 30, 2009, 09:24:03 AM
I didnt like the last Indiana Jones movie,, it just didnt sit well with me. They got a new Mummy movie comming out,, theyre in south america,, and guess what? They find more MUMMYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on December 30, 2009, 09:32:03 AM
I didnt like the last Indiana Jones movie,, it just didnt sit well with me. They got a new Mummy movie comming out,, theyre in south america,, and guess what? They find more MUMMYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^ I didn't like it lacked heart. And ..I think I skipped the last Mummy movie completely.
I really wanted to see Sherlock Holmes.. I heard it was well executed.. but the script could have been lots sharper. Hopefully they'll pull it all together, and make a second one even better. I still want to see it though.
District 9 was awesome. I'm glad I finally got to see it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 30, 2009, 09:35:33 AM
^ I didn't like it lacked heart. And ..I think I skipped the last Mummy movie completely.
I really wanted to see Sherlock Holmes.. I heard it was well executed.. but the script could have been lots sharper. Hopefully they'll pull it all together, and make a second one even better. I still want to see it though.
District 9 was awesome. I'm glad I finally got to see it.
Told you District 9 was good.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 30, 2009, 11:34:43 AM
I've got Braindead and Bad taste,both his Kiwi movies,they're superb too.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on December 30, 2009, 12:45:26 PM
I think you are both insane. I cant find a single good quality about that film. Of course IM the minority here.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on December 30, 2009, 01:34:07 PM
I enjoyed District 9. It was different than I thought it would be (like a documentary...I thought it was going to be more sci-fi action type). My only problem with it was I was eating while I was watching it and nearly lost it when the guy was starting to get ill. Seriously, I had to turn it off. I watched Big Stan instead and came back to District 9 after my stomach had settled.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 30, 2009, 02:52:14 PM
I've got Braindead and Bad taste,both his Kiwi movies,they're superb too.
Oh snap! Braindead,, original title was Dead/Alive. The original company that put that movie out was Dead/Alive Productions also. It was voted to be the goriest movie of 2003 by Fangoria magazine. If you like Kiwi Movies ( I know I like some of them) Check out Last Of The Living ( good post apocolyptic zombie movie) and Undead ( another decent zombie movie).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on December 30, 2009, 07:44:41 PM
I loved District 9. And I found Wilkus a lovable and very funny character.
I've also seen Rudo y Cursi, Enlighten Up, Nine, Penelope, and Night at the Museum 2 this week. I liked each.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 31, 2009, 01:27:37 PM
The only problem with the movie is that the battle armor was ripped off from the Rifts rpg.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on December 31, 2009, 06:16:04 PM
^ general ideas and themes cross over in different mediums all the time. I try not think of it as a flaw as much as an idea having a validity.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on December 31, 2009, 07:23:18 PM
You are such an optomist Skadi! Yeah,, that worlld would be a great addition to the Rifts universe.
I sat down and watched Outlander again today ( yes Skadi,, you must buy it and watch it as soon as you can). Also watched The Zombie Diaries.. Nice mokumentary about a zombie plague. Very realistic. I got to sit down tonight and watch 28weeks later later on tonight. I loved that movie,, the scary thing is the millitary involvement in the recolonization of London.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on December 31, 2009, 07:42:26 PM
I got to sit down tonight and watch 28weeks later later on tonight. I loved that movie,, the scary thing is the millitary involvement in the recolonization of London.
I bought 28 Days Later (with Christopher Eccleston), but haven't seen 28 Weeks Later yet. I'll have to watch it, to see if it's worth a buy.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on January 01, 2010, 12:52:26 AM
I bought 28 Days Later (with Christopher Eccleston), but haven't seen 28 Weeks Later yet. I'll have to watch it, to see if it's worth a buy.
I thought 28 Weeks Later was better. It actualy got my adrenalin going. The scary thing is that what happenes with NATO is Standard Procedure. I keep hearing rumors about 28 Months later being made, but I cant find confirmation on it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on January 01, 2010, 05:16:59 PM
^ it should be in my mailbox from Netflix tomorrow
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on January 01, 2010, 06:12:40 PM
Skadi,, let me know what you think of it. I personaly loved it. Its a little slow at the beggining,, but it speads up well without the action overpowering it. I dont like alot of cgi in my movies,, but this one used it pretty effectively. But also,, im not a fan of the Hollyweird regurgitation thats being thrown at us all the time.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 02, 2010, 01:17:56 AM
outlander - disapointed to be truthful.
on new years day i had the pleasure of watching the Italian job whilst having a couple of beers. ( the original , not the Hollywood rubbish) had a laugh , not to serious a film.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on January 02, 2010, 03:16:07 AM
No Country For Old Men (2008) Coen brothers film superb as usual.10/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 02, 2010, 07:06:08 AM
In the US same movie different name - Pirate Radio (USA). I thought it was one of the worst movies I had seen in a decade. Even with some of my favorite actors it couldnt be saved. But once again, different strokes. 3/10
No Country For Old Men (2008) Coen brothers film superb as usual.10/10
I remember discussing this indetail after the film swept at the Academy Awards. I still dont get it. But i am the minority here, mos people really liked it.( 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 02, 2010, 07:17:10 AM
Me and the Fam watched "Where The Wild Things Are" last night and it was about as disappointing as it could get. If I were to truly write a critique I would be here till the next new year - but in essence it was how distant it was from the sentiment of the book that really annoyed me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 02, 2010, 07:52:51 AM
Me and the Fam watched "Where The Wild Things Are" last night and it was about as disappointing as it could get. If I were to truly write a critique I would be here till the next new year - but in essence it was how distant it was from the sentiment of the book that really annoyed me.
WOW!!! The only thing that I might agree with you on this is one thing: "Me and the Fam watched". This was not a kids movie.
I thought this was a brilliant film. I think it will be worshiped by any and all people that grew up with some kind of weight on their preverbial shoulders as a kid. I felt a kinship in the boy that I rarely feel with movie characters. I do think it was marketed to strongly as a children film. Although if your child were a teenager when seeing it, they might of really liked it. But it was definately to deep for a child. The intention is to see a light at the end of the tunnel but it was buried WAY to deep for a kid to see that. 7/10
Back to the ol'-To each his own.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 02, 2010, 08:03:15 AM
That film failed on so many levels I can't even count them (and I can count higher than 100). It mainly failed because the film had to be made in such a way that it not overly frighten its intended audience (children). Because of that it lacked all the essential elements of the book (like danger and excitement) and all in all it would have sent me to sleep at 1 in the afternoon.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 02, 2010, 08:26:36 AM
As mentioned, to each his own, different people can see different things in film and literature. Where you were disapointed, I on the other hand was not. I was pleasantly surprised.
Great when two different opinions can appear on the same thread without trying to intentionally overshadow one another isnt it?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 02, 2010, 09:10:14 AM
I think you are both insane. I cant find a single good quality about that film. Of course IM the minority here.
You should watch Moon ( I've not seen District 9 yet, but Moon received some good reviews as well.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on January 02, 2010, 09:15:50 AM
I haven't seen District 9 or Moon yet :-\ I just finished watching Speed on TV. Just some mindless entertainment. :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 02, 2010, 09:24:29 AM
Yeah, you should watch Moon, but not because it's meant to be good. It's probably really awful, I can't really say until you've watched it. And even then, I'll probably not say how awful it it unless a few more people see it.
I watched it in the cinema twice. The second time I saw it was in Prince Charles Cinema (just off Leicester Square in London). From the e-mails I've received, it looks like they've had Zowie coming in every other week for Q and A sessions.
I didn't like it there, too many people make too much noise.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 02, 2010, 10:28:56 AM
As mentioned, to each his own, different people can see different things in film and literature. Where you were disapointed, I on the other hand was not. I was pleasantly surprised.
Great when two different opinions can appear on the same thread without trying to intentionally overshadow one another isnt it?
This has nothing to do with you or I and is purely my take on Spike Jonze attempt to reflect his own vision of a neurotic world we live in. Whilst the film may do this and even do it well, though in the process he confused just about everyone with it from the film producers downward - I dislike him using Maurice Sendak's book as a vessel to do it. In my opinion great books that are made into films (no matter how short), should attempt to do them justice.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on January 02, 2010, 11:02:14 AM
Anyway it's so much better if you can read the book first and then you watch the movie in question.
"Where the wild things are" is less than 200 words I believe but it was full of excitment at even that. I wish that Sendak had been part-director of this film rather than part-producer, as it may have been just as colourful as his book if he had.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 02, 2010, 11:48:57 AM
This has nothing to do with you or I and is purely my take on Spike Jonze attempt to reflect his own vision of a neurotic world we live in. Whilst the film may do this and even do it well,
Agreed. And that is why I liked it. I like "remakes" with a new twist. Whether its book ->film, film -> film, etc I like it when a creator makes it their own.
Just watched "Exract" with Justin Bateman, etc. It was eh......cute moments but wont see it again nor would I have paid to see it. But for a lazy day film it was ok. 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on January 02, 2010, 12:24:54 PM
^ that's also why I started a B-movie thread for movies that are sort of bad, but have something redeeming despite their badness.
I didn't think the newer Italian job was so bad. I thought it was watchable. I think Mark Wahlberg is a decent enough actor, so maybe that's why I thought it was passable. Oh, and Jason Statham was in it too... Cute guys, and cute cars ::)
I just watched The Castle. It was on IFC. I've seen parts of it before, but it's good enough I wanted to watch it start to finish.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on January 02, 2010, 01:10:00 PM
I watched From Dusk Till Dawn again last night. I like Robert Redrigeuz,,,,hes a good directer and has some really interesting ideas.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on January 02, 2010, 02:01:43 PM
"Where the wild things are" is less than 200 words I believe but it was full of excitment at even that. I wish that Sendak had been part-director of this film rather than part-producer, as it may have been just as colourful as his book if he had.
I know that book intimately (like most kids of my generation), having had it as a reading book at infant school, loving it so much I pestered my mother to buy it for me (which she did) and reading it (and copying drawings from it) so often it fell to pieces. I even replaced it as an adult (with a softcover version) - which I still have.
When I heard they were making a film, I couldn't see how such a short story could be made into a film and assumed it would literally be a completely new story based on the books characters (almost like Max's return visit to the wild things), so I've not bothered watching it because I think I'll be disappointed. If the kids ask to watch it, then I'll watch it with them, otherwise I'll probably give it a miss.
I'll be watching District 9 tonight.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 02, 2010, 02:17:21 PM
I know that book intimately (like most kids of my generation), having had it as a reading book at infant school, loving it so much I pestered my mother to buy it for me (which she did) and reading it (and copying drawings from it) so often it fell to pieces. I even replaced it as an adult (with a softcover version) - which I still have.
When I heard they were making a film, I couldn't see how such a short story could be made into a film and assumed it would literally be a completely new story based on the books characters (almost like Max's return visit to the wild things), so I've not bothered watching it because I think I'll be disappointed. If the kids ask to watch it, then I'll watch it with them, otherwise I'll probably give it a miss.
I have 2 copies of the book within reach at this moment.
If you forget the book for a moment you may well enjoy the film.
There is none of the gleeful "rumpus" and frivolities like the uncommented, illustrated part of the book (which in my view is where they missed a trick as that part was begging for some creative licence), but the quite serious and depressed tone of the film that replaced it did make it strangely endearing to a degree.
The Hensonesc costumes are near perfect but you will notice that their expressions are that of the troubled adults that feature in the film - which I believe was Jonze's aim.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on January 02, 2010, 02:40:27 PM
Funny you should say that, when I first saw a trailer for this film and was trying to describe what the creatures looked and moved like to a friend, I said, "just think of Sweetums".
Another book I loved when I was little was The Very Hungry Caterpillar, I'm half expecting to hear that's going to be made into a flick. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on January 02, 2010, 06:50:40 PM
I saw District 9 and thought it was pretty good. Was it a good social commentary on immigration or multiculturalism? Not sure. I just loved the way people exploded when they were shot with the alien guns. Good acting, pretty good story, good effects and the look of it seemed authentic - you could believe District 9 had been lived in for 20 years by insectoid aliens. The only down points were a bit too much sappiness crept in, some of the plot was a bit predictable and the kid alien's face kept reminding me of WALL?E.
District 9 = 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on January 02, 2010, 07:03:25 PM
WHIP IT ! its nice fun movie to watch
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: yolanda71 on January 03, 2010, 03:00:23 AM
I watched The Assassination of Richard Nixon last night. It's a sad movie and Sean Penn does an excellent job of playing a man you despise and feel sorry for at the same time. I think that is a tricky balance but he pulls it off.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 03, 2010, 05:52:31 AM
I saw District 9 and thought it was pretty good. Was it a good social commentary on immigration or multiculturalism?
I was a little uneasy to begin with as setting it in S.A and then almost quoting the rhetoric of certainly the Boer-Afrikaners, if not the majority of whites during apartheid, but when I accepted that as a catalyst for smashing reality and fantasy together, I rather enjoyed the film especially the CGI.
I did find Wikus van de Merwe a little "Arthur Dent" like in as much as he was completely ill equipped for such an adventure, but it did help to make the film less testosterone driven as it would have been if a muscle man had been in the starring role.
I go along with 7/10.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on January 03, 2010, 09:36:24 AM
I have 2 copies of the book within reach at this moment.
If you forget the book for a moment you may well enjoy the film.
There is none of the gleeful "rumpus" and frivolities like the uncommented, illustrated part of the book (which in my view is where they missed a trick as that part was begging for some creative licence), but the quite serious and depressed tone of the film that replaced it did make it strangely endearing to a degree.
The Hensonesc costumes are near perfect but you will notice that their expressions are that of the troubled adults that feature in the film - which I believe was Jonze's aim.
^ that's how I feel about it, and I haven't seen it yet. I drug my feet almost deciding not to see it at all.. but, eventually I'll see it.
I watched Collapse, and Sunshine.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on January 03, 2010, 10:27:55 AM
I just saw Ira & Abby on the Super Channel. It's a pretty sweet movie. It reminds me of Dharma & Greg, though it's not the same, especially the second half of the movie. Also, Jason Alexander is too funny in it. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on January 03, 2010, 12:21:22 PM
I watched The Devils Tomb last night when I got in. I lik alot of Cuba Googing Jr.'s work. Men Of Honor was amazing ( but it had Dinero,, so im biased abo9ut that). The Devils Tomb was a good aidea,, Cuba's work was pretty good,, but over all it wasnt anything to write home about. Ron Pearlman was in it,, but since he did that movie and The Mutant Chronicles with Thomas Jane ( Punisher, The Mist) his carreer hit a landslide. I think the last movie he was in that I liked was Alien Resurection which fit his personality much better. I think his carreer ended pretty much after Beuty and the Beast went off the air back in 1990 ( If I remember the year right). Now,, I love the off the beaten trail type of movies and indie films,, but this one Ill have to give a 4/10.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on January 03, 2010, 12:26:27 PM
I remember discussing this indetail after the film swept at the Academy Awards. I still dont get it. But i am the minority here, mos people really liked it.( 5/10
The Coen brothers can make what i suppose you'd call a modern day Western,and i think they pull it off well with films like Blood Simple,Fargo. No Country For Old Men was such that even being just over 2 hours,i wasn't bored once.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on January 03, 2010, 12:28:21 PM
I think it was based on actualy events. It was a good movie,, i liked it. I wish they would have ended it different though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on January 03, 2010, 12:32:01 PM
I don't know about that,but yeah,i was hooked pretty much straight away. I'll watch anything that they make,i can't think of a film they've made that i don't like.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on January 03, 2010, 12:55:06 PM
Me too man,, very true. They tend to be a little offbeat at time though,, I think thats why i like them so much.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on January 03, 2010, 12:57:24 PM
Yeah! I think that at the moment it's Quentin Tarantino,Robert Rodriguez and the Coen bros that make the best movies.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on January 03, 2010, 01:25:14 PM
You arent lying on that one.
Im waiting for Survival Of The Dead to come out. Its the new Romero release.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on January 03, 2010, 01:39:18 PM
Sounds interesting. :) Im waiting for the new Rodriguez one Machete.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on January 03, 2010, 04:05:05 PM
I'm looking forward to seeing Fantastic Mr Fox. :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on January 03, 2010, 04:12:20 PM
I sat down and watched Deja Vu again,,I loved that movie when it first came out.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on January 03, 2010, 04:34:01 PM
I watched 12 Angry Men again earlier today.
A masterpiece 9/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on January 03, 2010, 04:37:12 PM
I watched Under the Tuscan Sun last night. A bit too saccharine for my taste, but worth looking at for the landscape.
And Raoul Bova. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on January 04, 2010, 04:48:17 PM
Okay, so I went through a buncha flicks over my 2 weeks vacation. A rather weird lot, actually...
Extract (2009) 6/10
Mike Judge's 3rd flick after Office Space and Idiocracy, is a lot of fun, but is nowhere near as clever or funny as his 1st two. The Frighteners (Director's Cut) (1996) 9/10
I was already a fan of this little Peter Jackson gem to begin with, so I was definitely on-board for a director's cut.
Well, the new stuff isn't disappointing, but it's mostly little stuff. Snippets of dialog and such. But there are a couple of fairly extensive scenes that flesh out Michael J. Fox's character a little.
If you liked the flick, there's just mosr to like here, but the new stuff doesn't alter the film in any kind of drastic way.
The High Life (2009) 6/10
Set in 1983, richard (played by Timothy Olyphant) is working in a hospital in order to keep himself close to a supply line of morphine. However, he gets fired from the job when his former cellmate, Bug, gets paroled and finds him working there.
While walking home with Bug, richard decides to get some cash from the bank, pulling it from a new-fangled machine called an A-T-M, something Bug had never seen nor heard of before having been in prison on a long stint. But they both reckon that it would be fairly simple to steal from them given the proper plan.
Not the greatest movie ever, but it has it's moments - also it's only 78 minutes long, so it doesn't take up too much time.
The Hurt Locker (2009) 8/10
I really liked this one quite a bit.
It follows a bomb removal unit in Iraq and the struggles that they go through disarming makeshift bombs (IEDs) left by 'insurgents' to kill Coalition soldiers.
Sgt. William James (played by Jeremy Renner who may get an Oscar nod) is put in charge of a bomb squad that is a little over a month from the end of its tour. The crew doesn't like Sgt. James much at the beginning because he's reckless. He takes very little precaution in dealing with very grave matters and it wrankles his other men.
It's still a very good flick tho, and doesn't have nearly the goofy machismo that Point Break had... :D
Inglourious Basterds (2009) 9/10
After hearing so many disparate reviews I had to see this one myself.
What a great movie! Wholly, blantantly and completely historically inaccurate, but hey if you can't figure that out then you're a reh-tard.
Christoph Waltz as Col. Hans Landa (aka The Jew Hunter) was astonishingly good and he'd better get a nomination at the Oscars for this performance.
Invictus (2009) 6/10
As you're probably aware, this flick is about Nelson Mandela (played effortlessly by Morgan Freeman) giving support to the South African Springbok rugby team as a way of unifying the blacks and whites of South Africa following the end of Apartheid.
This isn't a bad movie really, it's very adequate in many ways, I just found it to be predictable.
And while I understand that it's based on historical events, this isn't what I'm getting at. What I mean is that while watching the film you say to yourself, "Oh, this is the scene where X is going to happen." - and it invariably happens exactly as you thought.
I found Gran Torino to be much less predictable than this flick so I was a little underwhelmed by Invictus. It's worth a gander, but don't go out of your way...
Moon (2009) - 8/10
An unusual little flick about Sam Bell (played by Sam Rockwell) as an employee contracted by the company Lunar Industries to extract helium-3 from lunar soil for clean energy back on Earth.
His stint is supposed to last 3 years, after which he will be returned to Earth. So he dawdles about the station checking various pieces of machinery to make sure they are functioning properly. His only companion is the facility's service bot GERTY (voiced by Kevin Spacey) and the recorded videos he has that have been sent from Earth. For some reason, live real-time conversations with Earth are impossible so the recordings of his wife and newborn daughter (born just before Sam left for the 3-year moon stint) are the only thing he has to remind him of his family.
Overall a cool little movie...
Phantoms (1998) 0/10
I DL'd this flick because I'd just recently re-read the novel by Dean Koontz.
The film is as terrible as the novel is excellent.
Ben Affleck is particularly bad in this movie (and let's face it, he's bad in a lot of things - Pearl Harbor anyone?) and ends up being cast in a part where he should've been about 10 years older. Liev Schreiber is playng a character that in the book who was fat, coarse and ugly...
And then there's Peter O'Toole. He so clearly did not want to be in the movie that his contempt comes through in his melodrama. He was the peanuts in this poo sandwich.
Avoid this movie at all costs.
Pirate Radio [aka The Ship That Rocked (UK)] (2009) 7/10
This was a fun little flick despite all of the bad news I'd heard about it when it came out in the UK. :)
It's set in 1966 at a time when the BBC would not play rock & roll music, so radio ships would set up just outside British waters and broadcast to the UK what the BBC was against playing.
Already in hot water with Minister Dormandy (played by Kenneth Branagh) whose intent is to shut down the Pirate Radio ships, gets ramped up when one of the DJs (Philip Seymour Hoffman) manages to let a conversation with the station owner (played by Bill Nighy) get onto the air in which the owner says the word 'golly' seven times.
And it's all downhill from there...
Planet 51 (2009) 5/10
Not great. Not bad. Just so-so.
Police, Adjective (2009) 8/10
This is a Romanian film (so you'll have to 'read' it) about a police officer named Cristi who's been given the task of tailing a high school student who smokes pot and is suspected of dealing.
But after following the kid for awhile, he begins to doubt that this kid is actually a criminal. He begins to realize that almost every other European country turns a blind eye to or has legalized marijuana. As such Cristi is having a difficult time coming to grips with destroying the kid's life over a law that may not even be enforced soon. Cristi is also being forced to make an arrest when he would like to investigate further up the chain to the actual supplier, rather than settle for a small fish.
As his CO begins to question Cristi's ability to even be a police officer if Cristi can't enforce an existing law because of his moral 'crisis of conscience'. Eventually the film even delves into the very definitions of words like moral, law, conscience and police (hence the title)...
One note tho', the film for the most part is very slow-paced and there are numerous scenes without dialog where Cristi can be seen waiting for some part of his investigation to be completed by others in the station. I think this is used to show the excessive tedium and time consumed just to apprehend a kid who has smoked a joint that he might possibly have shared with his friends. However, it can make the flick a bit of a trudge in places...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on January 04, 2010, 05:00:15 PM
Death Defying Acts (2007)
Terrible = 1/10 --- Avoid !
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on January 04, 2010, 05:00:49 PM
Frost,, we need to get together some time and write a book about movies. I bet me and you have about the same problem,, we crawl into the movie,, pick it apart two or three times, and then watch it as just an audience member lmao.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on January 04, 2010, 05:23:52 PM
You should watch Moon (
I had a copy of this and for some reason I deleted it. Hhhmmm......not sure if that was an accident or on purpose. Ill give it another try though since Im seeing good things here about it. "Why would I of deleted that?"
In reading through Jack's holiday choices the only thing I drastically disagree with is "Pirate Radio" I seriously dont even think that it should of been released in the theaters. Horrid movie. On the other hand Im gonna try the Romanian film, sounds like something I would dig.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on January 04, 2010, 08:50:16 PM
I could say something,, but ill be nice and not flirt lmao
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 05, 2010, 01:09:22 AM
pirate radio in the usa , the boat that rocked over in the uk. either way the title flatters the movie. lots of stars but thats about all.
last night i watched The Thing
as the wife was at work i treated myself. ;D lovely film ,gritty from start to finish , hope to god they never remake it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on January 05, 2010, 04:58:08 AM
They're not remaking it, but they are making a prequel.
We're talking about The Thing (, right? The same short story also inspired The Thing ( So in a way it was a remake.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on January 05, 2010, 09:35:37 AM
We're talking about The Thing (, right? The same short story also inspired The Thing ( So in a way it was a remake.
Yeah, but that black & white film version, while sill pretty cool, really needed a remake.
The John Carpenter version is virtually flawless, so it does not need a remake - which is what I think goldshirt was getting at... Hell, even some of the special effects by Rob Bottin are still amazing and even look better than CGI at times.
Yeah, but that black & white film version, while sill pretty cool, really needed a remake.
The John Carpenter version is virtually flawless, so it does not need a remake - which is what I think goldshirt was getting at... Hell, even some of the special effects by Rob Bottin are still amazing and even look better than CGI at times.
Okay, but if I have to correct your spelling and grammar I want a 60/40 split on all the profits. :D ;) :P
And I guess I need to look at Pirate Radio again because I didn't hate it as much as everyone seems to have... :D
Sorry about the grammer and things. I promise I'll do better. Please dont beat me anymore! OH GOD PLEASE NO MORE BEATINGS!!! lol
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 05, 2010, 04:47:55 PM
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
For the first time ever, I watched this entire film from start to end without falling asleep. The main cast look very young and I wanted to wrap them up in blankets and bake them chocolate cake.
This is the second Harry Potter I've seen. The first one I saw was the one that came out last year and that old man died. I didn't really get much out of this viewing except a backstory. I suppose it's because of all the hype. Or maybe it's because I watched a VHS copy on a 14-inch television.
Turns out Harry Potter's wand and Voldemort's wand use feathers from the SAME PHOENIX! I'm sure that'll be important later on. I can't rate the film, I spend most of the film thinking how adorable them younglings look.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on January 05, 2010, 05:02:10 PM
Is this a film review by Ma Larkin?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on January 06, 2010, 03:56:18 AM
The main cast look very young and I wanted to wrap them up in blankets and bake them chocolate cake.
The local tv network showed the HP series recently, there were all so cute when young. I love Malfoy especially :D ( HP was my childhood LOL like my parents weren't around much since they were working all the time so I buried myself in books, HP was one of the first. HP6 was poo >:( read the book, it's far better, the story actually makes sense.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on January 06, 2010, 04:37:29 AM
The Big Lebowski (1998) Superb Cohen brothers film with Jeff Bridges,Steve Buscemi and John Goodman,i'd give this 10/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on January 06, 2010, 06:13:43 AM
HP6 was poo >:( read the book, it's far better, the story actually makes sense.
All the HP movies are poo :P
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on January 06, 2010, 06:54:41 AM
^tru dat :-\ so disappointed, and every single non-student actor is the creme-de-la-creme of the british acting circle, what a waste of talent.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on January 06, 2010, 07:05:29 AM
I watched Outlander last night. I thought it was really good. I could nitpik at it. And.. it wasn't award winning film making... but I thought it carried itself well. Some details I liked lots.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. I can't rate the film, I spend most of the film thinking how adorable them younglings look.
^ it is funny to watch the first couple, they look like teeny babies :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on January 06, 2010, 08:57:25 AM
Adam Nice little indie romance. A little similar to 500 Days of Summer. Enjoyable. HUGH DANCY.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on January 06, 2010, 09:50:13 AM
Four Christmases (2008) 7/10
While this might seem like some namby-pamby Christmas-themed date movie, it really isn't.
Brad and Kate (played respectively by Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon) are a happy couple that enjoys living their lives their own way. When it comes to avoiding Christmas, they generally lies to their families about going on some humanitarian mission in some shithole country when they are actually vacationing in Fiji.
When they attempt to leave for their vacation on Christmas morning, the plane is fogged in until the next day, so the couple is forced to spend Christmas with their families. Because each is the product of divorced parents, they have 4 places to visit by the end of the day.
And what follows is a bent-up trip through dysfunctional Christmas hell, with hilarious results. Vince Vaughn is, as usual, very funny in this flick.
:) (2007) 2/10
You'd think with a description like this:
"After a young actress unknowingly eats her roommate's pot cupcakes, her day becomes a series of misadventures."
...that the flick would be an hilarious drug-fueled romp.
It is not.
Anna Faris is annoying and the bevy of cameos (including Danny Trejo!) do not add anything to the funny. And yes, I was high when I watched this, which theoretically should have made it funnier...
The whole movie seemed like it was made by people who've never experienced being high, but are pretty sure they know what it's like.
Just a dumb, dumb movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on January 06, 2010, 11:01:03 AM
Night Of The Living Dead 3D.
Its not even a good ripoff,, not there are many ( look at Children Of The Living Dead,, the unoficial direct sequel to Night Of The Living Dead,, should have been Children Of The Living Don't). I love a good zombie movie,, mainly for the psychological view of humanity and the reaction to something un natural like walking corpses eating the living. But this movie was ,,well,,should have been refered to being 3D more like Don't Don't Don't. Its a waste of time,, and they should have paid me to watch the damn thing. Nothing was good about it,, and I like to find atleast one good thing about every movie I watch. This turkey couldn't even provide that.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: yolanda71 on January 06, 2010, 01:24:23 PM
A Passage To India. Not as good as I remembered, but beautifully shot and some very good performances. Bit on the long side at 163 minutes though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on January 07, 2010, 01:03:24 AM
I finally saw Inglorious Bastards. My first impression is it had a Coen brothers feel to it... which isn't at all bad. They do well writen intense stories with beautiful cinematography. ..and Tarantino does also.. Maybe it was the pacing. He drew out some scenes with an extended quieter intensity. I might have to let it sit on my brain and think about it some.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on January 07, 2010, 01:30:28 AM
^BEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR. But then again I haven't seen District 9, An Education, A Single Man, Up In the Air, The Hurt Locker and loads of stuff lol so 2009 deprived :(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 07, 2010, 09:16:40 AM
Yeah, watch Moon. It's awful.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 07, 2010, 09:26:28 AM
You rated it too low, I'm going to request you get a warning >:(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on January 07, 2010, 03:04:30 PM
I thought it was pretty good,i rated it. Not your usual formulaic poo.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 07, 2010, 03:08:09 PM
Just found your rating. I'm going to recommend you get promoted to whatever comes after "Human" :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on January 07, 2010, 03:49:20 PM
blood: last vampire i really liked and i saw Julia & Julie FINALLY. i liked that 2 ! meryl streep is my favorite ! i wasn't to crazy about amy adams but she did okay. I absolutely hated her hair cut/wig .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on January 07, 2010, 04:23:12 PM
blood: last vampire i really liked and i saw Julia & Julie FINALLY. i liked that 2 ! meryl streep is my favorite ! i wasn't to crazy about amy adams but she did okay. I absolutely hated her hair cut/wig .
I really thought they should've ditched the Julie part and just made a biopic that followed Julia Child. Meryl Streep and Stanly Tucci were far more interesting than Amy Adams and Chris Messina...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: yolanda71 on January 07, 2010, 04:43:25 PM
I really thought they should've ditched the Julie part and just made a biopic that followed Julia Child. Meryl Streep and Stanly Tucci were far more interesting than Amy Adams and Chris Messina...
I wholeheartedly agree. On second viewing I fast-forwarded through all the scenes with Amy Adams.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on January 07, 2010, 04:44:24 PM
Moon = Not Bad = 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 07, 2010, 04:47:19 PM
You too are going on my naughty list >:(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on January 07, 2010, 05:04:16 PM
I think i gave it a 7 or 8/10.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on January 07, 2010, 08:18:49 PM
I just got that burned to disc today,, nice mmovie,, not too bad. I could have done better though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on January 07, 2010, 09:23:46 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on January 08, 2010, 08:01:56 AM
I saw Versus last night/this morning. Not abad Japanese movie,, kinda had a few unexpected parts. It was alot like watching a live action Japanimation. I liked it alot. Only thing is they didnt explain why the newly resurected zombies had working guns. Not a bad premise though,, two wariors fighting each other throughout time over the Forest Of Resurection which is a portal to the world of the dead. I liked the whole idea that the main character didnt remember who he was and if he was the good guy or bad guy. I got to give it a 7/10. But I think its a movie only me and Frost would apreciate...Maybe Gee when hes high lmao.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on January 08, 2010, 05:28:38 PM
I dreamt about my behaviour on this thread last night. I can't remember the details anymore.
we should start a dream thread again
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 08, 2010, 08:27:33 PM
Yeah, I need somewhere to write it all down before I forget. Especially the dir... err... never mind.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on January 08, 2010, 08:53:19 PM
500 days of summer was really boring ... i thought i would have liked it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 09, 2010, 01:16:23 AM
star trek on blue ray good quality film , sound was fantastic.thoroughly enjoyed. only trouble is ,its a normal star trek story line and their all similar.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on January 09, 2010, 12:07:02 PM
500 days of summer was really boring ... i thought i would have liked it.
^ I almost watched it the other day, and didn't. When it first came out I got a detailed scene by scene of it after someone I know saw it.. so, I just didn't bother to see it myself :D I'm sure I'll see it some time.
Yeah, I need somewhere to write it all down before I forget. Especially the dir... err... never mind.
^ I'll start it in the adult section. About 2 months ago I was having really cool dreams and almost satrted a private dream journal.. but I didn't, and now I've forgotten them all :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 09, 2010, 12:10:48 PM
500 days of summer was really boring ... i thought i would have liked it.
I watched it when I was in one of my "flexible" moods. I thought for a light hearted comedy-romance it was cute. And I like the corny ending.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 10, 2010, 01:27:02 AM
So, in case you didnt notice I watched Moon tonight. I really liked it alot. As previously stated, many, many times, a good ending makes a movie for me and this had a brilliant ending. I loved the movie and I realize that it is not for everyone, but it was SO for me. 7.5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 10, 2010, 01:30:55 AM
on Saturday night i watched The Hurt Locker. i really liked this movie.8/10 filmed in a gritty style. its more about the buzz some people get out of war than war itself. a couple of cameo appearance's that shocked me.
So, in case you didnt notice I watched Moon tonight. I really liked it alot. As previously stated, many, many times, a good ending makes a movie for me and this had a brilliant ending. I loved the movie and I realize that it is not for everyone, but it was SO for me. 7.5/10
as good or better than the first movie.
i'm trying to get my son to read the books but i'm struggling as her perceives them girlish :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on January 10, 2010, 07:29:05 AM
I watched Slither last night when I got in. Nice movie, a return to the 80s horror movie. Had its funny moments. Sherif Pardy was a cool character. Its got to be the only movie Ive ever seen with an alien possessed zombie deer in That was worth the cost of the movie lol.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on January 10, 2010, 10:17:25 AM
All this talk of "The Hurt Locker" makes me miss MaxDreamer. :'(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 10, 2010, 10:44:12 AM
Maybe you've accidentally mixed it up with New Moon, the one she saw is a completely different story not based on a book. It was written by Zowie Bowie and some other guy and is a really good watch.
If I recall correctly, there is one scene with some heavily blurred out nudity, and another scene which isn't nudity but it should be OK if your son can handle Casualty. I'd stick with the age ratings, if it were me. Kind of.
I'd also recommend you stay away from the IMDB page and the trailers. Especially the IMDB page.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 10, 2010, 10:54:52 AM
the one she saw is a completely different story not based on a book.
If I recall correctly, there is one scene with some heavily blurred out nudity
Yep, this is a different "Moon" What nudity? Maybe my version was different than yours. I saw his bare booty in the shower but thats all I remember. ???
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on January 10, 2010, 11:18:48 AM
Saw IV
I don't usually watch any movie series past #3, but Saw IV was on last night so I thought I'd give it a go. It's a while since I'd seen #3 and I was worried I wouldn't remember what had gone before but I needn't have worried. This was the same bless'ed flick. There was really nothing new in this that hasn't gone before, except the surprises were absent. Pretty run of the mill. 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 10, 2010, 12:21:23 PM
Yep, this is a different "Moon" What nudity? Maybe my version was different than yours. I saw his bare booty in the shower but that's all I remember. ???
I may be wrong, I've only seen it in the cinema and there maybe a special other copy out.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on January 10, 2010, 06:44:20 PM
I don't usually watch any movie series past #3, but Saw IV was on last night so I thought I'd give it a go. It's a while since I'd seen #3 and I was worried I wouldn't remember what had gone before but I needn't have worried. This was the same bless'ed flick. There was really nothing new in this that hasn't gone before, except the surprises were absent. Pretty run of the mill. 5/10
Yeah i saw Saw VI at the cinema,a while back,and thought same poo. I saw it again here at home and quite enjoyed it the 2nd time round. Some of it goes back in time,quite cleverly written.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 10, 2010, 09:19:18 PM
Torture by time travel, eh? Sounds interesting...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on January 11, 2010, 07:07:25 AM
In the Loop Really really funny, but I don't think the majority of people have even heard of it, a shame. It's like the In Bruges of 2009, very foul-mouthed yet totally witty at the same time. The deleted scenes are hilarious as well, some of then shouldn't have been cut.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on January 11, 2010, 11:51:55 AM
The Echo (2008) 6/10
This remake of a Philopino horror film was a better-than-average thriller flick about a ex-con, Walter (played by Kevin Durand) who moves into his mother's old apartment building after parole (she's dead and no longer resides there, incidentally).
Once he moves in, he begins to hear loud noises through the walls from his next door neighbor. The noises are very violent and it sounds as if a woman is being beaten. He listens through the walls to try and make out what's happening, but to no avail.
The woman from the apartment occasionally knocks on his door, crying, but when he answers it she's gone back to her own apartment. He knocks on the door and receives no answer. Eventually he gets a knock and when he opens it, it's a police officer who angrily tells him to mind his own business before disappearing into the next-door apartment.
People in the building also come to Walter's door accusing him of being the noisemaker. Strange things begin to happen to both Walter and the rest of the tenants. The biggest of which is a sharp, ringing headache which ends with blood coming from the ear of the afflicted.
After one particularly loud occurrence Walter decides to actually check the apartment. After pounding on the door with no answer, he bursts his way in to fins the apartment empty. The landlord gives him some half-ass story about the family that lived there and that there was murder involved.
The upshot is that Walter (and by extension the rest of the tenants) is experiencing a haunting that emanates from the apartment next door. So far, a pretty standard horror-thriller. That is until Walter catches through his peep-hole the ghosts re-enacting the brutality that caused the haunting in the first place.
Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel (2009) 8/10
This was a pretty clever little flick that I really enjoyed. I need to watch it again to make sure that the time travel stuff is solid, but most of it's pretty cool.
It has been dubbed "Doctor Who meets Shaun of the Dead" and that isn't entirely inaccurate. Although they forgot to mention Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure which this flick has a resonance to (but isn't anything like it).
Ray (played by Chris O'Dowd) is a bit of a freak about science-fiction in general and time travel specifically. His two friends Pete (played by Dean Lennox Kelly) and Toby (played by Marc Wootton) even have a bet going on how little time it'll take for Ray to starting talking about time travel.
On the night Ray gets fired from his job, the three are in the pub and Ray nips over to another part of the bar where the queue isn't as busy. While there he meets a girl named Cassie (played by Anna Faris) who eventually gets to talking to Ray about time travel. She claims to be from the future and is there to repair a 'time leak' - in addition to meeting Ray who she claims is famous in the future.
Ray is completely incredulous, thinking that she must've been put up to talking with him by Pete and Toby. He ends his talk with her and then goes back to relay the story to Pete and Toby, who claim to know nothing of her, while mocking him for what appears to be a tall tale.
Pete gets up to use the restroom and when he emerges, he finds that the bar has been destroyed and everyone is dead - he even finds his own corpse among the bodies. Pete freaks out and runs back into the restroom to hide for a bit. When he re-emerges the bar is back to normal. He explains to Ray and Toby what has just happened, and when they don't beleive him, Pete suggests they try to make it happen again.
They go into the head and follow what Pete had done exactly (this is actually a pretty funny bit, too) to try and make the time shift happen again. When they emerge, the bar is intact and busy - everyone is alive. Slightly disappointed, they start back over to their booth when they realize they can hear their own voices from a conversation they'd had earlier.
Sure enough, they are all sitting at the table as they had been about a half-hour before. The 'time leak' Cassie had been searching for is apparently in the gents'...
The rest is a series of comic-tinged capers with the three guys trying to get back to their original time without meeting themselves and ceasing to exist.
And it's only a measly 79-minutes long, check this one out...
S.Darko: A Donnie Darko Tale (2009) 2/10
This is the sequel to 2001's excellent Donnie Darko which frankly is a waste of everyone's time.
It's only redeeming quality is that they got Daveigh Chase to play Samantha Darko again after 8 years. Other than that, the flick is more or less a remake of Donnie Darko, but without all the heavy undertones of having the main character perish.
Samantha and her bitchy friend are on their way to California to be dancers when their car breaks down in Conejo Springs, Utah. They get stuck their waiting for the car to be repaired and a series of Donnie Darko-esque things start happening to her.
This is the point at which the filmmakers show that they had no idea what was going on in the first movie. What follows is a mess of cryptic dialogue, questionable time-travel and irritatingly 2-dimensional characters.
Had this not been free, I wouldn't have watched it all the way through...
Up in the Air (2009) 6/10
An okay flick about Ryan Bingham (played by George Clooney) whose job is to fly around the country and fire employees for companies that are too spineless to do it themselves.
He enjoys his life on the road and has it threatened when a young upstart shows up with her new-fangled way of firing people over the Internet. If this is implemented, he would then be permanently grounded, something he dreads.
I'm not entirely certain why everyone's supposed to be going apeshit over this movie.
It's an okay flick with decent acting and such, but I didn't find it to be anything super special.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on January 11, 2010, 12:11:10 PM
I've just gone and seen the trailer of The Echo and it looks fantastic.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on January 11, 2010, 12:19:37 PM
Checking Out : Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel
Never heard of it --- Sounds Cool ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 11, 2010, 12:25:45 PM
wolverine transformers rise of the fallen Alien a sunday fest of movies thrown together with becks beer
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 11, 2010, 01:40:29 PM
The Echo (2008) 6/10 On the dl currently. Sounds awesome Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel (2009) 8/10 Know nothing but will watch S.Darko: A Donnie Darko Tale (2009) 2/10 Tried several times to get throught the first 20 minutes and couldnt so....agree on rating Up in the Air (2009) 6/10 Clooney's hot but no interest.
Thanks for the reviews Jack. As you can see Im still loving Moon so that was a huge thumbs up for me. As I repeatedly say, "Different Strokes..."
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on January 11, 2010, 01:47:49 PM
Checking Out : Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel
Never heard of it --- Sounds Cool ;D
I thought for sure you'd have seen this. I hadn't heard of it until I looked up other things Anna Faris had been in besides :) and ended up finding that title. After reading the description I was totally intrigued as well...
Thanks for the reviews Jack. As you can see Im still loving Moon so that was a huge thumbs up for me. As I repeatedly say, "Different Strokes..."
I wasn't sure you'd like Moon at all, glad it really affected you... :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on January 11, 2010, 07:45:29 PM
I got to check out Frequnetly Asked Questions About Time Travel. Might be on of the ones thats up my ally.
Trailer Park Of Terror,,,,, Ok,, this is a movie made from a commic book ( which I usualy like since i used to be a comic nerd to begin with). Unfortunately,, its not a good movie. This thing was made on a shoe string budget, and it shows.
Imagine the trailer park dame deciding to get even on the trailer park for a few of its residents accidentaly killing her "city slicker" boyfreind. THEN,,,she makes a deal with the devil,, kills everyone, and they come back as zombies. Dont bother,, its not even likeable by me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on January 12, 2010, 04:36:51 AM
Star Trek (2009) 8/10 A good Sci Fi movie but not quintessential Trek.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on January 12, 2010, 11:22:18 AM
Sherlock Holmes (2009) 6/10
A decent flick with a few spotty parts.
Most of them centering around Rachel McAdams who was really awful, I thought. There was decent chemistry between Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law, however.
I'm told the film is also much better if you only have passing familiarity with the characters in the Sherlock Holmes novels.
And the fight at the end on the scaffolding of London Bridge had really bad greenscreen effects in it. Let's just say it gives the Nazi blimp battle in Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade a run for it's money on having shitty special effects.
I saw this in the theatre and probably should've waited for DVD. :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on January 12, 2010, 01:27:53 PM
Well, it has an additional 49-minutes added by Coppola, and is considered by some to be a different film altogether, which is why I even asked... ;)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 12, 2010, 09:41:42 PM
I watched this without subtitles because that's how I found it in my shelf. I don't know where it came from, but I'm pretty sure it was cheap (it's a pirate copy on a VHS cassette).
The film is about a guy who experiences love at first site (I know this mostly because the girl said "love at first sight") and the girl is flattered he lies about his identity to spend more time with her. I didn't really like that bit, but I suppose they had to make the relationship seem special somehow.
Anyways, another woman shows up (Grr! She's mean! She has abortions!), the man gets himself into a tricky situation, and the man and other woman are soulmates. I think that's what it meant.
I sat through 2 and a half hours of this. It was frustrating and very predictable, but I think I did gain from it - another post! :D
Maybe you should watch it with subtitles. If watching it again would secure the safety of my family and friends, I'd do it with subtitles.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on January 13, 2010, 06:15:21 AM
FAQ About Time Travel
As a Comedy = Fair = 6/10 as Sci-Fi = Not so = 4/10
Average = 5/10
I could not advise anybody To spend money to see it...
What Nerd has a Mate who does not know the diff... Btwn Star Trek & Star Wars ? Imagineer ?!?! WTF ?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 13, 2010, 08:25:25 AM
This was supposed to be a fun watch not an analytical observation. Oh Nobby..........geez. :-\
I keep forgetting to remind people that the stuff I tend to like turns out to be poo. :-\
Sorry, everyone!
Well, well... I think you're exaggerating! :D
I've seen the trailer and I knew then that I'm NOT going to like FAQ About Time Travel. Even before Nobby's review. But I know I'll like The Echo. I still thank all your reviews guys.
I don't know if it's been reviewed before but I saw American Gangster. It's a good movie. Specially the cast. I could talk about main characters but I liked secondary best. Ruby Dee and Josh Brolin truly shine. I didn't know Josh Brolin could act. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 13, 2010, 12:44:18 PM
Yeah, I guess you're right. Sorry for the review/recommendation. I keep forgetting to remind people that the stuff I tend to like turns out to be poo. :-\ Sorry, everyone!
each to their own i say. i'll watch and make my own judgement
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on January 13, 2010, 01:08:40 PM
I keep forgetting to remind people that the stuff I tend to like turns out to be poo. :-\
Sorry, everyone!
Dont feel bad,, I like alot of things people on here think sucks. Look at District (,,, I LOVED it. Other on here didnt get it and hated it. Same with Romero,, not many people on here catch the social comentary in his movies.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on January 13, 2010, 01:45:32 PM
Twilight = Not Bad = 7/10
Total Chick Flick ;D
Thought she was going to Eat HIM ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on January 13, 2010, 02:34:43 PM
I saw Twilight a couple of months ago, and it was shite. The acting was awful, especially the girl who had absolutely no emotion in her face throughout besides bored indifference. Defo aimed at teen-aged girls. My advice (if you're not a teen-aged girl, or Nobby) is give this a wide berth.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on January 13, 2010, 02:44:05 PM
I agree, and New Moon was just as bad,, a shite sequel to another pile of hot steamy shite.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on January 16, 2010, 01:33:07 PM
I'd love to have a buffalo take a diarrhea dump in my ear rather than watch New Moon a second time.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on January 16, 2010, 01:39:50 PM
I'd love to have a buffalo take a diarrhea dump in my ear rather than watch New Moon a second time.
Why can't film critics on TV say this kind of stuff. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on January 16, 2010, 02:28:28 PM
I saw Monty Python's The Meaning of Life. Yes, not a new movie, I know. I've seen it ages ago and I remember enjoying it as a good comedy. But it touches some issues in a way that's painful more than funny. As usual with them I guess.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 16, 2010, 02:38:18 PM
I'd love to have a buffalo take a diarrhea dump in my ear rather than watch New Moon a second time.
College is really working for you CMF. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on January 16, 2010, 03:29:29 PM
Youth Revolt : was surprisingly funny , francois was the best character in the movie. I also saw the book of eli :. I finally saw Vanity Fair (2004) and i absolutely hated the ending. Also i tried to sneak in to see daybreakers but the woman working today was quite mean. That's how i ended up seeing Youth Revolt . I Also rented Orphan which i liked because the ending was a surprise and really creepy.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 16, 2010, 06:24:46 PM
Ah! Well i've heard lots of negative comments on the redux,what's your opinion?
I think the only bad thing I've ever heard about it is it's time. Many years ago, I wanted to show off my shiny new DVD and decided to watch it with friends. They thought it was boring and far too long. I personally loved it and watched it again. And then again.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on January 17, 2010, 03:59:58 AM
Sherlock Holmes I'm so glad they made Watson a bad ass. Watson isn't a blathering buffoon! Rachel McAdams was pretty kickass too, but her line delivery seemed strange for some reason. Not usually a fan of large franchises, but I want to see the sequel.
Jason Isaacs for Moriarty please! (Gary Oldman for a second choice)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on January 17, 2010, 08:16:42 AM
Why can't film critics on TV say this kind of stuff. :D
Recently I've seen Paranormal Activity, Thirst, and The Cove
PA was dumb. Thirst was very good, but I was overwhelmedonly because I had such high expectatons. The Cove was one of the best movies I've seen, for multiple reasons.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on January 17, 2010, 08:18:39 AM
Sherlock Holmes I'm so glad they made Watson a bad ass. Watson isn't a blathering buffoon! Rachel McAdams was pretty kickass too, but her line delivery seemed strange for some reason. Not usually a fan of large franchises, but I want to see the sequel.
Jason Isaacs for Moriarty please! (Gary Oldman for a second choice)
I haven't seen the first, and I really would already like to see sequels too.
What did you tink of the script Fi? Was the talent underused on so/so average lines?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on January 17, 2010, 08:25:02 AM
I've seen Butterfly on a Wheel. I truly liked it. I could say it's kind of neo noir but what's the point on classifying a movie. It's one of those movies with a twist in the end someone like mishca would tell to her brother when mad to ruin all the fun. ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 17, 2010, 09:12:03 AM
The Cove was one of the best movies I've seen, for multiple reasons.
Elaborate please. I read the IMDB page on it and it has an 8 star rating so it must be decent. Sounds like a bit of a tear jerker though......I have to be in the right mood for that.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on January 17, 2010, 09:19:43 AM
What did you tink of the script Fi? Was the talent underused on so/so average lines?
I think the lines were pretty good actually. I chuckled more than a few times because of all the innuendo and double entendres, but no one else at the cinema did :-\ maybe they didn't get it. But the lines were wittier than the usual Hollywood stuff. Maybe they didn't make it too dry to appeal to more, but it was offset by more physical comedy (big hammer vs little hammer).
He's pretty DILFy as Lucius Malfoy :D But Brad Pitt better not bless'ed be Moriarty. If RDJ can't get his accent right 99% of hte time, it's pretty much guaranteed Brad can't maintain his accent more than 17% of the time. I WILL NOT STAND FOR SHITTY ACCENTS!
ALSO Mycroft Holmes = Stephen Fry. No contest. STEPHEN FRY.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on January 17, 2010, 11:53:04 AM
Elaborate please. I read the IMDB page on it and it has an 8 star rating so it must be decent. Sounds like a bit of a tear jerker though......I have to be in the right mood for that.
I never trust the raitings on IMBD or what critics say. Alot of critics hated the Matrix movies,, I liked the first, second was ok,, third was like they were in a hurry. Thye even trounced Land Of The Dead ( im a major Romero fan). I thought it was fantastic. Personaly I could care less what a bunch of snooty wine swilling elitist artsy types think.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 17, 2010, 11:56:41 AM
wild wild west finally watched the end of. (watched in instalments over 2 weeks :D ) RV great family movie , had us all in laughs . about to watch whiteout
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on January 17, 2010, 12:32:06 PM
Watched Dead and Breakfast.
Should have been Dud and Breakfast
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on January 18, 2010, 12:08:58 PM
Elaborate please. I read the IMDB page on it and it has an 8 star rating so it must be decent. Sounds like a bit of a tear jerker though......I have to be in the right mood for that.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: nouseforaname on January 18, 2010, 12:11:32 PM
It was going to be Avatar but that didn't happen. Last movie I watched was Ong Bak.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on January 18, 2010, 03:06:21 PM
I saw Punisher War Zone last night. Not bad if your into gratuitous violence.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on January 18, 2010, 03:13:47 PM
Plus.. Thirst was really good too. And has won awards. And has a good director. It was extremely well done. And a very straight forward vampire movie without lots of dribble. I think that my expectations for it were just overly high, so, I wasn't knocked over by it.. but I definitely appreciated it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 22, 2010, 06:10:16 AM
I watched Contact. I've wanted to watch this film for a long time now, and it has disappointed me. I don't know why. I think it's Jodie Foster.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on January 22, 2010, 07:13:28 AM
For me it wasn't Jodie Foster. Imo it's just a BAD movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on January 22, 2010, 07:18:27 AM
I like Contact. Maybe because I saw it when it first came out. I like science. And I like the machine. And loved seeing all the other gear. Matthew McConaughey bugs the crud out of me :D , and I still liked it. I can the flaws in it though. So, I can understand and it's valid that some people wouldn't like it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 22, 2010, 07:21:07 AM
I just feel I'm missing something because it got over 7 on IMDB :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on January 22, 2010, 07:31:54 AM
I enjoyed Contact a lot, for most of the same reasons Skadi mentioned. One thing that did throw me though is 1) Matthew McConaughey being religious and 2) knowing his reputation in RL for being a bit of a dog, how he'd be attracted to Jodie Foster.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on January 22, 2010, 07:39:41 AM
I enjoyed Contact a lot, for most of the same reasons Skadi mentioned. One thing that did throw me though is 1) Matthew McConaughey being religious and 2) knowing his reputation in RL for being a bit of a dog, how he'd be attracted to Jodie Foster.
^ That's what bugged me when I first saw the movie. The relationship seemed so awkward. But then when I was it again it made more sense. It added the dimension that emotions and relationships can mess with even a very logical mind. And.. that made sens on the level of the stuff with her dad also.
I just feel I'm missing something because it got over 7 on IMDB :-\
I wouldn't give too much credence to IMDB scores. I score on IMDB, so that's how unreliable that is. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on January 22, 2010, 10:22:11 AM
I pay a little attention to Metacritic.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 23, 2010, 12:53:39 AM
I may watch Contact in a few years from now, it's not often I dislike science-fiction. I sat through Andromeda, for gawds sayk! By the way, don't watch Andromeda, it just gets silly.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: nouseforaname on January 23, 2010, 01:50:25 AM
Watching 50 First Dates right now. I don't like this movie because it'd be a shitty reality.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 23, 2010, 02:22:46 AM
Is it like Groundhog Day?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on January 23, 2010, 07:53:28 AM
I may watch Contact in a few years from now, it's not often I dislike science-fiction.
I saw it in 1997 and I saw part of it the other on TV and I could confirm it's a bad movie. ;D
In Groundhog Day he always wakes up in the same day. In 50 First Dates the girl has a medical condition that causes memory loss when she goes to sleep. Every day when she wakes up she thinks she's living the day in which she had the accident.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on January 23, 2010, 08:17:02 AM
I got the Rocky films box set for Christmas, and last night I finally got round to watching :-
Rocky II (1979) Still liked this flick even after all these years. 7/10
This morning I was at a friends house and watched :-
Star Trek (2009) I liked it. I'm not sure how much it tallies with the original series continuity wise, for example, Spock (future version) says time has been altered, so I don't know if the original series follows on from this or the movies are now in an alternate timeline from the series, but as a stand alone (forget the series) flick, it was excellent. I especially enjoyed Chris Pine's impersonation of the Shatner Kirk during the command simulation sequence.
I also borrowed Inglorious Basterds from my friend and will be watching that tonight or tomorrow. :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 23, 2010, 08:56:01 AM
Star Trek (2009) the movies are now in an alternate timeline from the series
I reckon it's mostly this. Although it's entirely possible later events (such as the crew's meeting with Lucifer at the centre of the galaxy or TNG, DS9 and Voyager) will happen, it may not happen in exactly the same way. I can't remember how much Starfleet training they said Kirk received in the new film, but they've changed his past now.
I do agree with what you said about Pine's Kirk impression, I felt his mannerisms were spot-on :D
In Groundhog Day he always wakes up in the same day. In 50 First Dates the girl has a medical condition that causes memory loss when she goes to sleep. Every day when she wakes up she thinks she's living the day in which she had the accident.
Oh, so it's like Groundhog Day, but in reverse
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on January 24, 2010, 05:44:56 AM
I saw Moon and Hurt Locker. I'm too sleepy to say more then i really liked both. The lead in Hurt Locker is really good. I'd see a new movie he's in just to see if his acting stays strong.
I'll come back and read through the last few comments later when I'm more alert :P
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 24, 2010, 08:09:55 AM
the main actor in hurt locker is a little stereotyped though. 28 weeks late , swat
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on January 24, 2010, 01:09:16 PM
the main actor in hurt locker is a little stereotyped though. 28 weeks late , swat
I haven't seen swat.. so I didn't recognize him. In general I guess I like how the whole movie was pushed to its limits, but not past them. It was believeable and provocative, but it didn't beat you over the head.
Moon was really good too.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on January 24, 2010, 01:10:00 PM
I may watch Contact in a few years from now, it's not often I dislike science-fiction. I sat through Andromeda, for gawds sayk! By the way, don't watch Andromeda, it just gets silly.
The old one, or the remade one?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on January 24, 2010, 01:14:39 PM
I reckon it's mostly this. Although it's entirely possible later events (such as the crew's meeting with Lucifer at the centre of the galaxy or TNG, DS9 and Voyager) will happen, it may not happen in exactly the same way. I can't remember how much Starfleet training they said Kirk received in the new film, but they've changed his past now.
In the new film I got the idea that he basically had none :D Or.. only a couple of weeks, or maybe a couple of months... Is that not right? Maybe they'll make him backtrack and go do some more training. Has anyone heard about a new script for a sequel?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 24, 2010, 01:21:38 PM
i have moon to watch later in the week.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on January 24, 2010, 01:27:09 PM
It's good, you'll like it. The lead in it is good too. I just can't ever completley get over him playing the evil guy in Green Mile >_< He was just to ookie in that role...good, but gross. Luckily he was so good in The Moon, it shook my mental picture of him. The story is fairly easy to guess So don't read additional spoilers), but still really good. And the effects and everything are great.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on January 24, 2010, 02:46:35 PM
Inglorious Basterds (2009)
Another Tatantino classic. Excellent casting (I thought Rod Taylor was dead :D), excellent acting (Brad Pitt probably played his character a bit too comical, but his jaw-jutting performance was hilarious) and as usual excellent writing and directing.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on January 24, 2010, 06:14:46 PM
The Book of Eli
Pretty enjoyable and fun flick. I really wanted to know about how they found themselves in their situation. A bit more background would have been better. Nice and kick-ass action scenes.
The movies can be summed up in 5 words:
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on January 24, 2010, 06:31:33 PM
Right at Your Door (2006)
Bad Science --- Bad Movie = 2/10 Avoid
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on January 24, 2010, 08:19:54 PM
Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
This was pretty good, not sure it deserved to be the award-hog it was, but it was enjoyable. The young cast members were probably better actors than the elder actors though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 24, 2010, 08:28:16 PM
I am going to pretend I didnt just read that Red. That movie was un-flippin-believably good. I think it deserved every award it won. GREAT F*&^%$G MOVIE!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on January 24, 2010, 08:38:30 PM
Did you not find it just a tad far fetched?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: nouseforaname on January 24, 2010, 10:13:24 PM
I wasn't paying attention to it but Open Season was just on. I should rent it and watch it. Looks funny.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 24, 2010, 11:53:29 PM
The TV series apparently thought up and outlined by Gene Roddenberry before he died. It has Hercules taking lead as the captain of the Andromeda and Rommie is the computer's AI - and by Spock's beard, she's the most attractive mechanoid in sky-fie!
On some websites, it's been compared to Farscape with it's "living" ship crewed by a bunch of misfits, but Farscape is magical and Andromeda is a chore. They had very nice ships though.
In the new film I got the idea that he basically had none :D Or.. only a couple of weeks, or maybe a couple of months... Is that not right? Maybe they'll make him backtrack and go do some more training. Has anyone heard about a new script for a sequel?
Orci and Kurtzman explained the dilemma for the sequel was whether to pit the crew against another villain, or to have an "exploration sci-fi plot where the unknown and nature itself is somehow an adversary." On recasting Khan, Orci questioned "why take the chance?"[181] ( Paramount is planning to release the sequel on June 29, 2012.[182] ([183] (
I hope the next one is an "exploration sci-fi plot where the unknown and nature itself is somehow an adversary", many of my favourite episodes of the series were like that.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on January 25, 2010, 05:36:50 AM
I decided to watch MegaFault in memorial to Britney Murphy as well as the fact that there were quite a few other actors in it that I recognized and liked. Well, based on the fact that I'm familiar with most of the main actors, I'm gonna blame it on the editing and shitterific special effects (how did SyFy put this on their channel?!?!) but this movie is horrible. The basis for the plot is horribly weak too but that usually doesn't bother me to much as long as it keeps me interesting but this didn't. Also, either the makeup people were non-union or whatever killed Britney was already taking it's effect on her cuz she didn't look good at all. Overly makeup'd and rather gaunt.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on January 26, 2010, 01:30:03 PM
Payback in 1080p.(1999) Bloody good film,one of Mel Gibson's best.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on January 27, 2010, 07:19:58 AM
Wikipedia says:I hope the next one is an "exploration sci-fi plot where the unknown and nature itself is somehow an adversary", many of my favourite episodes of the series were like that.
^ true.. like the Horta.. or The Companion. I like bad ass battles. But it would be cool to see them dealing with a mind psych instead of just bringing in the big guns. Although Eric Bana was good as Nero.
Sometime this week I'm going to watch 'The Limits of Control'..i just have to fit in time :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 27, 2010, 10:58:55 AM
twas ok nothing special :) having just finished reading the twilight book i decided to watch the movie.
i can now understand why / how the characters acted the way they did. its quite true to the book and i enjoyed alot (awaits criticism) await new moon
I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to have you surrender 2 of your "Man Cards" for for the book and one for the movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 14, 2010, 01:30:14 AM
sorry but occasionally i like to man down :D
anyway before in hung drawn and quartered
last night i watched escape to victory war time yarn for football fans . mr hollands opus 3 hrs of a lovely film (awaits critic's)
tonight i have the wrestler on blue ray to watch
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on February 14, 2010, 03:55:29 PM
i saw legion and wolfman
wolfman : I fell asleep for the first half but there were some funny moments, I don't think the movie was suppose to funny but the movie just came off as silly.
Legion was OK. I just wanted to see it because of the demon old lady .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on February 15, 2010, 08:34:01 AM
^ I read bad reviews of Wolfman. One said it was an opportunity lost :-\
I was hoping it would be good :(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 15, 2010, 10:24:22 AM
sounds like daybreakers. a lost opportunity
watched the wrestler on sunday night for the first time.
my god what a fantastic film. excellent story , excellent acting. should have won an oscar no doubt. well worth watching.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on February 15, 2010, 10:48:46 AM
Sherlock Holmes (2009)
A pretty enjoyable flick, although bares no resemblance to the character of Holmes I've read and seen on film/TV, in fact RDjr's portrayal is more in keeping with Lord Byron than Holmes. A good flick though, I enjoyed it.
p.s. I hope the rumour I heard that Brad Pitt will be Moriarty in the next one is nothing more than rumour. That would be awful.
Pontypool (2008)
A zombie flick with a difference. Instead of being infected with a bite, you're infected with spoken words. ??? There was a good chance to do something different here which wasn't really taken up due to miscasting of the main male role and nonsensical plot points. If you're going to watch this I suggest you take the conclusions the characters come to at face value (they don't really stand up to too much scrutiny).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on February 15, 2010, 11:03:16 AM
p.s. I hope the rumour I heard that Brad Pitt will be Moriarty in the next one is nothing more than rumour. That would be awful.
^ gross.. *agrees* he'd be a horrid choice
*edit :D ..actually. I think I'm crabby today.. and that was overly snarky.. :P
He'd be the right age to counter RD jr. as a nemesis.. and.. people still think about him in Snatch.. and he's not bad at playing disturbed/deranged people.. so, I suppose I could think of worse choices ::)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on February 15, 2010, 06:23:52 PM
watched the wrestler on sunday night for the first time.
my god what a fantastic film. excellent story , excellent acting. should have won an oscar no doubt.
Bad thing abpout that movie Goldy,, Is that the movie hit alot of true points. Ive done the wrestling thing alot longer than I care to imagine,, and ive seen everything in that movie happen in real life to me or others. I watch it and I get cold chills for the realism to the subject.
well worth watching.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 16, 2010, 01:47:08 AM
wow what a big quote ;) although i have never wrestled ( unless with the mrs ;) )
i can connect with his character at the end of the film. after 30 years of playing rugby i had to stop and i never go to watch at my local club as i'd just wanna play. its in your blood. you have to be ready to stop when you want to not when you have to. good movie
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on February 16, 2010, 10:31:46 AM
Excellent observation GS. I thought Rourke should of won for his role in the movie myself. I was really disappointed that he didnt.
Watched "Edge of Darkness" with Mel Gibson. Glad I didnt pay for it but it was a decent film. Alot of action and pretty could plot. 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on February 16, 2010, 03:30:07 PM
I watched Repo: The Genetic Opera. I loved it,, the music was pretty good,, the acting and characters were good, and the story was pretty cool. The twist ending was intense. Its not a movie for everyone,, its exactly what the title implies,, an opera. But,, its a rock opera. The story is this,, In the future,, there is an epidemic or organ failures,, This created a market for replacement organs which a company called Geneco made a fortune. Unfortunately, not everyone could afford the surgery,,so they decided to finance thier procedures much the way cars are financed. To keep the market going,, they got the patients addicted to a painkiller,, which they needed to survive for the rest of thier lives. Now,, we come to the films present,, surgery is a luxury, and a fashion statement. AND,, if you cant make your payments on time,, they send repo men. Yes folks,, repo men ,, to reposes your organs,,mostly while you are still concious! Cheapie,, youd apreciate the reposesion The music was great,, Joan Jett was even in it as a musician. AND, as an added bonus ( to me atleast) you get to see Paris Hilton ,, and her FACE PEALS OFF!!!!( i loved that part).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on February 19, 2010, 07:02:04 PM
Just watched, what I think will be, the hands down winner of this years academy award for best animated picture. Secret of Kells breathtaking and brilliant animation!! You literally dont want your eyes to leave the screen for a second!! And a very traditional celtic story. This blew me away. Precident setting in my eyes.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on February 19, 2010, 07:10:42 PM
I've just seen the trailer. Looks original, different. And very good.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on February 19, 2010, 08:20:15 PM
He'd be the right age to counter RD jr. as a nemesis.. and.. people still think about him in Snatch.. and he's not bad at playing disturbed/deranged people.. so, I suppose I could think of worse choices ::)
I heard that Guy Ritchie has said Moriarty is gonna be a British actor. I totally approve of anyone on this list:
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on February 19, 2010, 08:25:01 PM
i just watched couples retreat i thought it was going to be funny
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on February 20, 2010, 12:17:53 AM
Some friends and I did the triple Oscar play tonight. I already mentioned Secret of Kells-9/10 but we also watched A Serious Man-6/10 I dont get the Cohen brothers anymore now than I did 15 years ago. Fargo is still the only I can stand. And An Education-7/10. The young female lead is definately someone to keep an eye on. She was very good! However I thought the film was a bit slow. I dont usually go for 60's-70's era pieces either but this one I could handle. Course I was poo faced by this time too.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on February 20, 2010, 02:31:17 AM
I heard that Guy Ritchie has said Moriarty is gonna be a British actor. I totally approve of anyone on this list:
I'm surprised Pitt and Jolie don't say they're 'people of the world' and belong to no country :D
GR's the one that cast Pitt in Snatch though.. right? So, I was thinking he might just be lazy and cast someone he's worked with before :P
I need to go read some factual details about Moriarty. For some reason I always picture him matched equally in age to Holmes. And..i've got an image in my head. I'd have to think of the people on the list...
Hopefully he'll cast a good villian. And punch up the script a notch.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on February 20, 2010, 12:51:34 PM
I need to go read some factual details about Moriarty. For some reason I always picture him matched equally in age to Holmes. And..i've got an image in my head. I'd have to think of the people on the list...
I've always thought of Moriarty as dorky but badass. Kind of like Hans Gruber, but I don't think Alan Rickman wants to be typecast lol and he's too old compared to RDJ.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on February 21, 2010, 07:58:45 AM
^ of the list you posted.. I'd go with Ian McShane
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on February 21, 2010, 01:36:34 PM
I think Watson is Moriarity.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on February 21, 2010, 01:44:31 PM
This thread has made me vow to brush on my reading of S.H. :P
I might watch Hangover tonight.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 21, 2010, 02:02:59 PM
have just watched The Time Travellers Wife different to say the least. i'm glad i watched it though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on February 21, 2010, 02:19:15 PM
/me snickers
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on February 23, 2010, 09:40:06 AM
No Country For Old Men,is superb,i'd give it 10/10
I still think I should see this again because it did absolutely NOTHING for me. I thought it was a waste of time. But I just cant bring myself to be put through that anguish again so............I understand that I am the minority here as the rest of the world loved it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on February 23, 2010, 10:10:50 AM
I didn't love it. I think it has astounding performances by superb actors but otherwise is just another movie. I found it too long and the end... well, lets say I didn't like it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on February 23, 2010, 10:53:50 AM
We have such awesome minds dont we XT? ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on February 23, 2010, 11:33:25 AM
You can bet on that!! ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on February 24, 2010, 04:13:05 AM
I didn't love it. I think it has astounding performances by superb actors but otherwise is just another movie. I found it too long and the end... well, lets say I didn't like it.
X2 :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on February 24, 2010, 04:39:01 AM
I've not seen it. A friend of mine told me it's good, and I'm just waiting until I forget he told me it's good.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on February 26, 2010, 07:45:55 PM
Well, I fought this film tooth and nail and what do you know......EXCELLENT movie. Up In The Air - 8/10 Im not a big Clooney fan so I literally had to talk myself into watching this but it was an excellent movie. Im very glad that I saw it. Trying to get through all the nominees before the big night.
Crazy Heart 7/10 Its been told before. Many, many, many times. They should of waited a few years after The Wrestler to release this one. Bridges is a superb actor but he just didnt fit into this role for me. And Gyllenhaal? What the hell? She was all over the place in this. One minute she was an intellegent, thought prevoking journalist the next she a country hillbilly floosy that cant tell poo know the rest. Didnt do much for me but it will entertain many people so I guess its served its purpose.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on February 26, 2010, 11:22:51 PM happened again. Nine - 8/10 I am so overwhelmed right now that Im not sure how to describe the film. It's real life. Thats the best I can do. Pure emotion, truth, artistry, the works. Its a humans life that you would think there was no way for rationalizing, rationalized. I wouldnt of cast Daniel Day Lewis in the role but it was still an incredible movie. Oh and drink red wine when you watch it. It really adds to the ambience. ;)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on February 26, 2010, 11:42:55 PM
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
Good Action Flick --- Some Dodgy CGI but what the hey ;D Christopher Eccleston's Scottish accent was a bit wobbley
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 27, 2010, 07:39:09 AM
whiteout - :-\ poor movie, the best part is the beginning with the shower screen ;D
district 9 - at the start i thought "what the heck" but as it progressed i found it is an excellent film. if you haven't seen it i'd say go get it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on February 27, 2010, 09:21:56 AM
Really? An 8? I thought you kicked the drugs? :P ::)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on February 27, 2010, 09:50:12 AM
Sharpshooter (2007) with James Remar and Mario Van Peebles and Bruce Boxleitner. A film about a special forces sniper,who wants to quit and eventually talked into one last job. Not a bad film at all,there's a slow middlesection in the film after a good start,but the end saves it,so i'll give this a 7/10.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on February 27, 2010, 10:04:10 AM
Gran Torino (2008)
A good film, even if the end was wrapped up a bit too nice and neat for my liking. Also Clint Eastwoods character was the least racist racist i've ever seen. Worth watching though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on February 27, 2010, 10:08:06 AM
whiteout - :-\ poor movie, the best part is the beginning with the shower screen ;D
district 9 - at the start i thought "what the heck" but as it progressed i found it is an excellent film. if you haven't seen it i'd say go get it.
You know,, when I talkd about District 9 way back when,, people hated it. I loved it myself,, but others found reasons to dislike it. hmmm,,,, ( thinking )
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on February 27, 2010, 12:17:01 PM
...I wouldnt of cast Daniel Day Lewis in the role...
Why is that? (I haven't seen the film)
And I haven't seen Gran Torino yet. *xtopave runs crying in shame*
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on February 27, 2010, 12:27:02 PM
Dont cry. I have it on DVD,, you can come over and watch it anytime you like. lol
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: AlienBC on February 27, 2010, 12:30:33 PM
Shadow Of The Vampire
I never knew this movie existed until last week!! John Malkovich & Eddie Izzard enjoyed every min. Even so old movie now 8/10 ;)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on February 27, 2010, 12:35:20 PM
I bury the living---7/10
Great movie from back in 1956. Alot of "what if?" atmosphere and things. It really made me think. BUT,, im a sucker for the 1950s horror and sci fi scene.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on February 27, 2010, 12:37:52 PM
You know,, when I talkd about District 9 way back when,, people hated it. I loved it myself,, but others found reasons to dislike it. hmmm,,,, ( thinking )
I still think it sucked. You and JackFrost were in agreement on this one.
I still think it sucked. You and JackFrost were in agreement on this one. #1 reason: He isnt a singer and he isnt Italian. ---And you should be ashamed. :D You need to see Grand Torino.
Atleast one other person on here ( Frost) has taste lmao
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on February 27, 2010, 07:40:46 PM
ATTENTION ALL PENIS OWNERS: I have seen your film and it is called The Messenger. Watch it, if you have a soul, deep down in there, you will be one with this movie. Women; its a heart felt movie but more for the men than even us if you can imagine. 7.5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on February 27, 2010, 08:00:47 PM
The 2009 one ?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on February 27, 2010, 08:06:33 PM
Yep. Were you talking directly to me there?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on February 28, 2010, 03:58:53 AM
I believe so. Is the film one that would bring out the feminine side of me I've been suppressing for all these years?
I watched Eastern Promises.
I thought it was a good film, it kept me interested. The naked Viggo fight was OK too, I didn't feel like it was wasting my time.
I rate it 6.69/10 because I'll forget about it in a month. Except the naked fight, that's good for the social gatherings.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on February 28, 2010, 09:00:15 AM
Legion - Crap. 4/10. No point in stressing my fingers out typing anymore.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on February 28, 2010, 11:35:12 AM
Hmm,, if you hate it,, Ill put it on my to watch list lmao( just kidding)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on February 28, 2010, 12:31:58 PM
Oh no, go for it. I, by no means, want anyone to not see something because I thought it was poo. But this one......was poo.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on February 28, 2010, 04:48:28 PM
Ill tell you what was poo. Paranormal Activity. I have to give it a NEGATIVE 10 out of 10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on February 28, 2010, 04:58:32 PM
Capitalism A Love Story. Docu film by Michael Moore 10/10
I think MM's heart is in the right place but he never tells more than one side to any story which leaves his words/idea a bit hallow in my book. But if people feel motivated by his work then more power to him.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 01, 2010, 09:34:05 AM
saving grace - 8/10 lovely english film especially good after a drink. the hurt locker . awsome the long kiss goodnight - a mind turn off action flick ;D
training day -fantastic movie
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on March 01, 2010, 09:44:43 AM
The Messenger (2009) = 3/10 Kept waiting for something to happen --- Sorry Cheapy --- Might have more meaning to peeps from Service Families... But to me --- nothing Not a Film I would watch twice or recommend.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on March 01, 2010, 09:59:08 AM
........if you have a soul, deep down in there, you will be one with this movie.
Well Nobs, I did mention this in my accessment. :-* ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on March 01, 2010, 11:57:44 AM
Halloween 2 7/10
I liked it ,, but not for the gore factor. It showed more of what was going on in Michaels head. It answered a few questions that I had about what was going on in the first. It was pretty well written,, and Im a fan of Rob Zombie anyway. It would have still been a good one even without all the blood and gore. Michael Myers wasnt the imortal boogy man that the original vision made him out to be. He was just a madman . I like how they made it out to be that his sister wasnt too sane either.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on March 01, 2010, 12:08:22 PM
I think MM's heart is in the right place but he never tells more than one side to any story which leaves his words/idea a bit hallow in my book. But if people feel motivated by his work then more power to him.
^ Plus, PR departments, and lobbyists do a pretty good job of covering the other side.. I don't think it's being unrepresented :P
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on March 01, 2010, 12:12:00 PM
MM shows sides of things that arent told by the pr departments and the lobyists. I think thats why they put him down so much, he tels whats NOT meant to be told. I remember watching the one he did about 911. He was standing on a street corner in Washington DC and was asking the senatores and congressmen if they voted for the war. When they said yes he then asked if they had children going over to the war. They got evasive and finaly had him removed. What he had to say about insurance comanies in one movie got alot of people asking thier companies things that the insurance people couldnt or WOULDNT answer.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on March 01, 2010, 04:20:16 PM
I agree! Both films were SO much better than the originals. I dont think I have EVER said that in my life. Now, the originals were precident setting films in the horror genres but the remakes do them justice plus!!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on March 01, 2010, 04:58:14 PM
Oh yeah,, normaly I go into a remake with five strikes against it. The Halloween movies struck back at me lmao. I remember the remake of The Fog,, the original was so much better written and scarier. I love Romero,, but the only remake of his movies that was good was Dawn Of the Dead,, the Day Of The Dead remake sucked hard. So did ( And I hate to say this about Tom Savini) The Night remake back in 1989. Too bad the original Night is public domain, every hack is remaking it now . Night 3D was so bad I used it for target practice.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on March 02, 2010, 11:00:19 AM
Michael Moore's films can't rightly be called "documentaries". He takes a lot of stuff out of context when he "presents" his side. I think he does more harm than good.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on March 02, 2010, 11:28:37 AM
I think he raises some good points too. He gets a bad rap for doing the same thing CNN and the ilk do. So why trash him? Everyone reporting something has thier own agenda. Hes doing nothing diferent than CNN, Fox News, or any of the other syndicated news companies. I do believe that he DOES show the flipside to what we are force fed by the media at large. And of course,, the media and others toss him into the Crank files.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on March 02, 2010, 11:34:10 AM
Michael Moore's films can't rightly be called "documentaries". He takes a lot of stuff out of context when he "presents" his side. I think he does more harm than good.
WOW!!! I didnt know Americans were allowed to question Michael Moore?!?! I always thought I was the only one. Glad to hear someone else speak up. I dont know if I agree with "more harm than good" but I do wish he would show more than his side of things. Like Dweez said, "does not a documentary make"
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on March 03, 2010, 12:12:02 PM
Bill O'Reilly and Glenn beck only show their side,, so does every news agancy in America,, so whats so different with Michael Moore? Atleast he shows the side the others dont want us to see.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 05, 2010, 12:43:48 AM
breakfast on pluto :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D what can i say about this old film , cillian murphy at his best.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 06, 2010, 10:14:26 AM
up in the air . loved this film. 9/10 nice pace started and finished the same. reminded me of sideways somewhat.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on March 06, 2010, 11:12:31 AM
I totally agree! I was very surprised at how good this film was. I completely disagree on the comparison to Sideways because I wanted to shread that movie into long strands like a ribbon. Reeeeeeaaaallly did not like that one. :D :-*
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 06, 2010, 11:28:49 AM
only in the speed and approach to how the characters are / were . nice film ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on March 11, 2010, 02:32:55 PM
La habitaci?n de Fermat (2007)
Good Flick = 8/10
Some plot holes - but forgiveable
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on March 13, 2010, 04:01:42 PM
Trespass (1992) With Ice T Ice Cube Bill Paxton and William Sadler. About 2 firemen who come upon a map of stolen treasure hidden in an abandoned building. Not bad 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on March 13, 2010, 04:20:24 PM
Roger & Me (1989)
Dated --- Naturally it is 20 years old Long winded + Repetative Could have told the story in 60 mins
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 14, 2010, 12:58:22 AM
Pandorum on blue ray. :-\ started off OK but you knew where it was going straight away . Dennis Quaid was Dennis Quaid. Ben Foster was disappointing .
6/10 not worth a Blue ray ,
Antje Traue was a breath of fresh air though .beautiful women
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on March 15, 2010, 04:19:40 AM
George A Romero's Survival Of The Dead. (2010) Not as good as it's predecessors 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 15, 2010, 09:10:34 AM
Valkyrie 6/10 so so for me the half blood prince - 5 /10 need to watch with out disturbance's
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on March 15, 2010, 09:41:42 AM
George A Romero's Survival Of The Dead. (2010) Not as good as it's predecessors 6/10
Hey ,, its out allready?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on March 16, 2010, 01:55:31 PM
Human Traffic (1999). I've seen it before, but it was on TV last night so I watched it again. I like this film, even though the subject matter (drug taking and clubbing) aren't things I've any knowledge/experience of. Well acted, good soundtrack. 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on March 17, 2010, 07:23:57 PM
Shutter Island (2010)
I won't say too much about this film (don't want to give anything away), but this is an excellent psychological thriller. Well worth watching. 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on March 17, 2010, 07:48:49 PM
I couldnt agree more Red. And jackalope said it was a great book as well. Might have to check it out.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on March 18, 2010, 05:57:18 AM
A Single Man Maybe a bit too glossy and aesthetically perfect to be a great film, but it's good nonetheless. Colin Firth is phenomenal. Julianne Moore is amazing as usual. Never got the appeal of Mr Darcy, but after this movie Colin Firth is marked down as a DILF in my book ;) Makes me want to watch Wong Karwai's work. The difference between Wong and Tom Ford is that all the extra shots of smoke curling to the ceiling and a super close up on someone's eyes in Wong's films add to what the characters convey, but for Ford it's just more pretty. Still, see it in a cinema because the pretty is just too good to miss, and Firth's performance. Well deserved Oscar nom and BAFTA (?) win.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on March 18, 2010, 07:56:07 PM
A Single Man Maybe a bit too glossy and aesthetically perfect to be a great film, but it's good nonetheless. Colin Firth is phenomenal. Julianne Moore is amazing as usual. Never got the appeal of Mr Darcy, but after this movie Colin Firth is marked down as a DILF in my book ;) Makes me want to watch Wong Karwai's work. The difference between Wong and Tom Ford is that all the extra shots of smoke curling to the ceiling and a super close up on someone's eyes in Wong's films add to what the characters convey, but for Ford it's just more pretty. Still, see it in a cinema because the pretty is just too good to miss, and Firth's performance. Well deserved Oscar nom and BAFTA (?) win.
^ i still want to see that. And yes, he won the bafta.
I finally got to see Ponyo.. it was super cute :P although i can't think of suggesting it to anyone here :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on March 26, 2010, 02:08:03 PM
Lesbian Vampire Killers (2009)
Failed to deliver laughs IMO. I can see the appeal of James Corden, I don't quite see how Mathew Horne got famous though. Some sexy ladies in it BTW.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on March 28, 2010, 11:53:47 PM
according to greta this movie was OKAY evan ross annoyed me because his voice sounded like he was going through puberty.and hilary duff's bad girl act wasn't very good
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 29, 2010, 10:03:30 AM
the blind side
ok not too bad , killed an hour or so. a feel good factor film,but not worthy of an Oscar in my opinion.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on March 29, 2010, 10:33:09 AM
ok not too bad , killed an hour or so. a feel good factor film,but not worthy of an Oscar in my opinion.
I TOTALLY agree GoldS. And the fact that what's her name swiped an Oscar for this is just ludacris!!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on March 29, 2010, 11:44:14 AM
The Ruins (2008). 5/10
It could have been done in just 1 hour. You keep waiting for "something" to happen but it never does. The gore and anguish factors are OK. The plot is very simple.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on March 31, 2010, 01:11:11 PM
L?t den r?tte komma in (2008) aka "Let the Right One In" 7/10 > 15/20 = Worth a watch --- Could have been excellent, Maybe the Hollywood version (the end of this year) will be :D
Read the Book first so that spoiled it a bit --- I knew they could not do a full version even if Rated 18 ;D
But they missed the 'Sharing' of Eli's past (shame) The CGI Cats were Funny --- Though trying to get real cats to do that would be hard and you would have the Animal protection people after you
And the Flash of Eli's Groin ?!?! What ? Why ? It clarified nothing
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on March 31, 2010, 01:17:34 PM
I've dl'd it and never watched it. Maybe now that the holidays are coming I can watch it and I understand the groin thing. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on March 31, 2010, 02:05:15 PM
L?t den r?tte komma in (2008) aka "Let the Right One In"
Huge Spoiler
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on April 01, 2010, 05:09:46 PM
Zombie Strippers! (2008)
Terrible Flick = 2/10
But what can you expect when the Cinematographer, Editor, Director + Writer are one man = Jay Lee
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on April 01, 2010, 05:15:05 PM
I would expect to laugh really loud at the shear stupidity of it. ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on April 01, 2010, 06:23:08 PM
And I was sooo looking forward to watch Attack of the Vegan Zombies! also by Jay Lee. ::)
With those names I'd steer well clear of them. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on April 01, 2010, 09:47:42 PM
Attack of the Vegan Zombies! promises to be a summer blockbuster. In my local cinema, they are already merchandising the movie by giving away free t-shirts. Our local radio is giving away tickets for the premiere. It promises to be a great movie. Just looks at the great cinematography and the brilliant acting:
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on April 01, 2010, 09:58:25 PM
Man I wish I still did drugs. That is the only way that I would go see this one. BUT, that said, it would probably be pretty freaking funny if you were trippin.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on April 01, 2010, 10:29:09 PM
The only way I'd go and see this one is if I have a guarantee somebody grabs the machete and cuts her head off for being such a bad actress.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 02, 2010, 12:56:51 AM
From Paris with Love 2010. by Luc Besson John Travolta . Jonathan Rhys Meyers
if you can last the first 20 mins until John T arrives. an action packed mindless 1.30 mins of fun. J T is so over the top as an assassin . a real no brainer of a film but such fun ;D ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on April 07, 2010, 07:29:43 PM
Tideland (2005) A bizarre flick - you expect bizarre from Terry Gilliam - but this is bizarre in a good way. A lonely young girl whose only friends are her doll heads, befriends the local weirdos - a middle aged spinster and her retarded brother. This film seems to walk a fine line between innocent and sordid and manages to pull it off. It certainly won't be everyone's cup of tea. Good cameo from Jeff Bridges.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on April 07, 2010, 07:38:55 PM
In retrospective I realize I liked that movie. I was about to not finish watching it a couple of times. As red says not everyone will enjoy it. It's very original and daring. And worth watching.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on April 07, 2010, 10:05:56 PM
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths (2010)
Bit on the Short side = 73:42 inc... Long Credits When did Wonder Woman learn to Fly ? and they make out she pinched the Invisible Plane :o Damned ReBoots ;D ;D ;D OverAll = Not Bad = 13/20 Not worth Buying though
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on April 07, 2010, 10:23:10 PM
Wonder Woman got flight powers after Crisis on Infinite Earths. Reboots do indeed suck.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on April 08, 2010, 02:10:59 AM
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Gayest movie I've ever seen. Really funny though. :D Tim Curry omg...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on April 08, 2010, 09:54:34 AM
Not a bad action filck The 'Bomb' was stupid, I mean... why was it taken and not actived. Some of the dialogue was a bit iffy... and the Mutants were basically Zombies
= 13/20 maybe a 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on April 08, 2010, 07:40:32 PM
The Last King of Scotland
I usually dislike films about actual real people. If you make a film about factual people or events then there's one thing you must get right. The facts. This is why I disliked Braveheart for example, because it contained so much fiction (or factual cowpoo). Titanic? Crap. JFK? Crap. Having said all that, I knew absolutely nothing about the life of Idi Amin, so I could watch this as just a flick without getting pissed off at the inaccuracies (if there are any). I enjoyed this flick a lot. Forest Whittaker was excellent and convincingly portrays Amin as both vulnerable and ruthless. Don't be put off by the subject matter like I was initially. This is a really good film.
8.5/10 (of course this may come down if I learn it's full of cowpoo.) ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on April 09, 2010, 10:44:27 AM
^It was a good movie, but the violence totally freaked me out.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on April 09, 2010, 10:53:36 AM
It was pretty nasty in bits,and Amin's wife who was killed because she was pregnant.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on April 09, 2010, 11:24:26 PM
I am SO bored right now............even the alcohol isnt subdueing (sp?) it. I need something to watch!! Gilliam maybe, but then theres the load time. Maybe Fight Club!! Straight the first and only time I watched it like, what, 8 months ago? Frost, does that sound right?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 10, 2010, 01:28:20 AM
the bounty hunter. filmed in a Oceans 11 style / mr and mr's Smith fast ,funny at times and a enjoyable movie . no idea what happed at the ens as we both fell asleep after drinking too much Theakstons Old Pedigree :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on April 10, 2010, 11:32:56 AM
Law Abiding Citizen last night for 2nd time HD copy. Great film.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on April 10, 2010, 11:18:29 PM
Some Like It Hot
I'm probably the last person to have seen this. Great comedy.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 11, 2010, 01:09:37 AM
Harry Brown a gritty inner city vigilante flick .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on April 11, 2010, 05:32:09 AM
I watched The Forbidden Kingdom last night and we all thoroughly enjoyed it (reminded me of my teens when watching kung fu films and drinking Super-T was a great Saturday night). I thought that Michael Angarano was going to be as soppy as Ralph Macchio but he actually held up quite well and had some awesome moves. Nice seeing Chan and Li together too and not forgetting the irrepressible 'Monkey'!
As a family film I give this an 8.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on April 11, 2010, 07:32:32 AM
Heaven Can Wait (1943) Delightful darkish comedy by Ernst Lubitsch. Urbane and witty.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on April 11, 2010, 09:54:58 AM
Some members here have expressed there dislike for "old" movies. ;D
I never knew that? personally old movies like the Ealing comedies and others like 'Twelve angry men', 'Bad day at Black rock' are the only kind of movies I actually make time for. Most modern films including massive blockbusters, I usually just get around to seeing when the mood takes me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on April 11, 2010, 11:23:49 AM
I don't dislike older movies, I just don't like them. There's a small subtlety there, but it is still there. :-[
Hardly a small subtlety. Don't dislike and don't like are complete opposites of each other. ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on April 11, 2010, 01:49:54 PM
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Children grow up fast. From what I recall, Harry Potter was the least cute child in the first film, and it's the same in this one. That's the end of that. The film itself had a lot happening, I hate knowing what happens to Snape in the film that came out last year (:'() because he could've been my favourite character (I used to have the same hair as him :-[). I want a root baby! (Mandrake? Mandriva?)
It's fun when you recognise the actors from other programs (the Spanish Infanta ( <3 <3), although it can spoil the realism. But this is a film about magic people, and they've obviously changed their faces to appear more like their idols. It was nice that Shelob made an appearance, I've often wondered what became of her.
I should probably mention I don't care about fantasy films any more, magic isn't real and I'll never be a wizard... not even a bad one :'(
If I manage to get it, I may watch the third film tonight - I miss being hip with the kids.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on April 11, 2010, 06:29:04 PM
and have seen one episode of the 1957-59 Series Which featured 'Robby the Robot' ;D
Is he as urbane as William Powell? LOL.. I didn't even know it exited. And it's weird kismet you mentioned it. I was just relating Forbidden Planet to a real life experience just this morning.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on April 12, 2010, 05:09:39 AM
I don't dislike older movies, I just don't like them. There's a small subtlety there, but it is still there. :-[
^ But, that comment did strike me surprised. You like classic humor, and you seem to like classsic story lines.. so, I'd think you'd like older movies.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on April 12, 2010, 11:05:44 AM
I should, I know it's odd. There are some great classics out there I haven't even seen. Maybe I'll rectify that someday.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on April 12, 2010, 11:13:30 AM
There are also some classics that are way overrated. :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on April 12, 2010, 12:28:54 PM
Previously unseen photos of Marilyn Monroe on the set of the 1959 comedy "Some Like It Hot,"
I'd go post them in the sexy gir's thread.. but I keep getting distracted at work.. with work :P
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on April 12, 2010, 12:36:31 PM
There are also some classics that are way overrated. :-\
Like Citizen Kane (1941) and other Welles stuff + nearly all of Woody Allen's stuff
Ducks + Runs for Cover :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on April 12, 2010, 12:45:42 PM
My husband keeps saying that he still wants that 1.5 hour when I inflicted The Purple Rose of Cairo on him. I don't think it was that bad but 7.6 on IMDb!! People see the word Woody Allen and immediately rate higher than they would if they didn't know who directed the film.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on April 13, 2010, 06:27:29 AM
Citizen Kane may be absolutely technically brilliant, but it bored me to tears. I'd rather have Fritz Lang any day for technological brilliance on film. Though I gotta admit, I totally loved Orson Welles' monologue in The Third Man.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on April 13, 2010, 07:32:01 AM
Citizen Kane may be absolutely technically brilliant, but it bored me to tears. I'd rather have Fritz Lang any day for technological brilliance on film. Though I gotta admit, I totally loved Orson Welles' monologue in The Third Man.
^True.. Citizen Kane is fun to make inside jokes about.. and some of the effects are awesome..but it drags for me too. The Third Man beats it hands down.. no contest.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Robin-Graves on April 16, 2010, 01:57:26 PM
Like Citizen Kane (1941) and other Welles stuff + nearly all of Woody Allen's stuff
Ducks + Runs for Cover :D
No kidding,, I like off the wall things,, but Woody Allen did something possibly perverted to get into movies. Another person thats over rated is Angelina Jolie. A mediocre actress( at best) getting by on her boobs.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on May 01, 2010, 11:58:46 AM
Paintball 2009
Bloody and messy movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: AlienBC on May 01, 2010, 12:01:30 PM
No kidding,, I like off the wall things,, but Woody Allen did something possibly perverted to get into movies. Another person thats over rated is Angelina Jolie. A mediocre actress( at best) getting by on her boobs.
It's the lips for me ;)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on May 01, 2010, 01:48:56 PM
Planet Hulk (2010) I liked it --- Though it took a while to get him up to full power :D I'd never come across the Horsey Thor = Beta Ray Bill Apparently he was the Silver Surfer in the Mag --- Why the Change ? 7/10
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies (2009) Wow !!! So many Super Heroes + Villains Even Captain Marvel Turned up ;D ;D The General looked like a Bus Driver ;D 6/10
Planet 51 (2009) Why ?!?! Just a mass of 'Movie Connections' Don't pay for it --- 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on May 02, 2010, 07:55:13 AM
Iron Man 2 Well it had to top the 1st one to do well,and i think it did just that. Better than any other of the superhero genre,it sticks to the comic. There was perhaps 20 people in our theatre last night,im surprised there were weren't more. Worth seeing on the big screen,one for the kids too,though it's a 12A. My rating 9/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on May 02, 2010, 03:55:02 PM
^ I didn't even know it was already out :o
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on May 02, 2010, 05:49:18 PM
Came out 30th April. :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: AlienBC on May 06, 2010, 02:14:11 PM
I can tell you all about this movie before viewing lol 2001 A great movie iconic even. But must confess it's more of a study than viewing pleasure but even so always a pleasure to watch. You know I can't think of a better way to celebrate 2010 than paying tribute to A C Clark's masterpiece, not to mention contribution to man kind. It's one of those movies I've seen over and over, and will continue to again and again... :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on May 07, 2010, 07:36:36 AM
Yarr, is good film. I bought it on DVD but don't watch it because I don't want to wear the disc out :))
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on May 07, 2010, 06:43:36 PM
ClockWork Orange. :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on May 07, 2010, 09:23:40 PM
But what happened to Griffin ? And why the White Hair Roland ?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on May 08, 2010, 08:38:22 PM
Live Flesh/Carne Tr?mula
It's a Spanish film by that Pedro Almod?var, which mean it'll have scenes of sex and Pen?lope Cruz. This film is about a baby that comes out of his mother and then grows up to do stuff. This stuff has an effect on other people.
I quite enjoyed this film, it kept my attention. Even when I was feeling sleepy, I decided to stay up to see what happens next. They speak Spanish very quickly, which was unfortunate because I was curious about how much I remember from High School.
I think you should watch it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 09, 2010, 12:27:17 AM
the transporter 2.
much fun to be had after a few beers on a saturday night.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on May 09, 2010, 01:02:42 AM
Iron Man 2. Overall, I enjoyed it. My buddy saw it and described it as a "typical 'second' movie for a trilogy", meaning it focused more on character development than the main plot.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 09, 2010, 02:02:00 AM
my wife and children both loved the movie
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on May 09, 2010, 10:31:50 AM
I watched The Fourth Kind last night.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: jackalope21 on May 11, 2010, 07:25:38 AM
Planet Hulk (2010) I liked it --- Though it took a while to get him up to full power :D I'd never come across the Horsey Thor = Beta Ray Bill Apparently he was the Silver Surfer in the Mag --- Why the Change ? 7/10
i don't think they had the rights since he was in the FF movie
Iron Man 2 - had the right combo of action and comedy....good backstory....just had too much Fury in in for me....loved the comic references for us fans though (Hulk sighting, Project Pegasus boxes)...Overall , 7.5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on May 11, 2010, 11:23:01 AM
Taken (2008)
Good Action Flick = 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on May 11, 2010, 05:34:18 PM
Kick-Ass (2010)
This flick kicked ass. Excellent action film, good acting (except from Nicholas Cage) and excellent soundtrack. I was putting off seeing this because Cage was in it (I can't stand his acting) and he was true to form in a hammy "Adam West" impersonation, but even Cage's overacting didn't spoil the film (well he may have prevented it getting a 9).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on May 11, 2010, 06:21:19 PM
Interesting that you thought so Red. I thought it was a cute film to see for free but I wouldnt see it again. Different stokes and all....I think I might have it top out at 6.5/10.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on May 11, 2010, 06:27:11 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on May 13, 2010, 12:09:37 AM
Dr Strangelove Fantastic; Peter Sellers is amazing. Now whenever I see mushroom clouds I hear Vera Lynn singing and vice versa.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 14, 2010, 12:15:38 PM
::) a classic movie. you can actually see the supporting cast laugh at peter sellers in the movie as he impersonates the german scientist
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on May 14, 2010, 02:46:50 PM
Planet Terror (2007) Grindhouse genre i love it,2nd time seen now.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 15, 2010, 12:27:26 AM
the island.
much better for the second time of watching
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on May 17, 2010, 11:32:44 AM
Took a trip down memory lane and watched Cheech & Chong's Up In Smoke. (1978) Always good for a laugh.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on May 17, 2010, 03:02:28 PM
Avatar (2009)
I watched this last night with my 14 year old daughter and while I thought it was pretty good, she loved it. Visually it looks excellent, so it was probably right it won visual effect oscars, but I'm not sure why it was touted as a possible best picture oscar. The acting was good, but the plot premise was formulaic. I've heard it's the same plot as Pocahontas, but never having seen Pocahontas I can't really comment on that, but it kept reminding me of the Tarzan flicks - Jane comes from a supposed more civilised society, visits the jungle, mingles with the locals, embraces the local lifestyle, falls in love with a "primitive", helps the locals against her own people and stays behind.
Good film to look at but a more original plot would have made it much better. The kids will love it though if my daughter's anything to go by. 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on May 17, 2010, 05:00:44 PM
44 Inch Chest (2009)
Excellent acting, good script, a very enjoyable film. John Hurt is hilarious in it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on May 19, 2010, 04:48:33 PM
I watched this last night with my 14 year old daughter and while I thought it was pretty good, she loved it. Visually it looks excellent, so it was probably right it won visual effect oscars, but I'm not sure why it was touted as a possible best picture oscar. The acting was good, but the plot premise was formulaic. I've heard it's the same plot as Pocahontas, but never having seen Pocahontas I can't really comment on that, but it kept reminding me of the Tarzan flicks - Jane comes from a supposed more civilised society, visits the jungle, mingles with the locals, embraces the local lifestyle, falls in love with a "primitive", helps the locals against her own people and stays behind.
Good film to look at but a more original plot would have made it much better. The kids will love it though if my daughter's anything to go by. 7/10
That's a superb write up and i totally agree 100%.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: AlienBC on May 19, 2010, 04:53:13 PM
I would agree too a visually stunning movie but not so stunning from the writing side.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on May 19, 2010, 04:58:50 PM
That's because Hollywood sucks,i prefer small budget movies. At least if it sucks,you're not disappointed.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on May 20, 2010, 11:26:04 AM
I've heard it was basically the same plot as Fern Gully. My opinion? It was great visually, and pretty decent plot-wise. I enjoyed the movie and could give 2 rat turds to people telling me it sucks.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on May 20, 2010, 11:38:01 AM
Could be a new interesting way of rating movies too.
I saw Beerfest ( the other day. I'd give it 5 rat turds to it. ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on May 20, 2010, 11:52:06 AM
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
I liked it --- Especially the little tributes to the old TV Series... Although the 'Abomination' was too reminiscent of 'Father' in Hulk (2003) I also thought Roth/Blonsky was too Old, Short, Scruffy + Under Muscled for a Marine/Special Ops Captain...
Must Watch Avatar --- Now the lad has it on Blu-Ray + DVD
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on May 20, 2010, 12:04:08 PM
Could be a new interesting way of rating movies too.
I saw Beerfest ( the other day. I'd give it 5 rat turds to it. ;D
^ I caught part of that a couple of months ago :P Unfortunately I think they'll never top Super Troopers :-\ ..they set the bar to high with it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on May 20, 2010, 06:08:40 PM
The Book of Eli
Very good except end of it wasn't so good than I expected. 8+/10
Probably second movie is coming.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on May 21, 2010, 04:48:40 AM
Big Trouble in Little China I've never been to the US, let alone San Fransisco Chinatown. Some of the Cantonese is awkwardly bad for a Chinese viewer. Nevertheless, I ignored most of it and it was quite an enjoyable action comedy. Strangely, when Egg throws some of his magic dust or whatever he swears in Cantonese. Roughly meaning 'smelly vagina, all your family should die'. I liked Kurt Russell's Jack Burton.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on May 21, 2010, 08:20:36 AM
The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)
As a ReMake it is BAD !!! But judged as a work of its own it is Fair A bit Preachy and Cheesey 3 x 10^7 Metres/Sec --- Yeah Rite Why the Chinese Dialogue ? How old was that Boy - He was very annoying
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: MaxDreamer on May 22, 2010, 10:39:24 PM
La Mission ( ( If you don't like spoilers, the trailer is on the front page and starts immediately . . . You've been forewarned. :)
Excellent film about a relationship between a father and son set in San Francisco's Mission District.
It's a drama, but there is some funny banter between the characters who play longtime friends. The acting was really good and the film's score/soundtrack is great.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on May 23, 2010, 07:47:05 AM
Sunset Boulevard Absolutely amazing. Gloria Swanson is fantastic. So many cameos. Great script.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on May 23, 2010, 08:17:20 AM
Les Insoumis. A good action film. If you haven't seen any of the two Assault on Precinct 13 you'd find it better. It lacks the psychological part.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on May 23, 2010, 11:07:15 PM
The Tooth Fairy...I was really bored today. :-[
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on May 24, 2010, 12:49:48 AM
I never in a million years thought I would watch, let alone enjoy, that movie. But it was a fun 90 minutes.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on May 24, 2010, 09:02:44 AM
Good Luck Chuck. This one deserves to be rate with the rat turd system. ::) Dan Fogler is funny though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 25, 2010, 12:14:49 AM
book of eli - not too bad , moody nicely shot.thats it
the keep - 1983 movie good for its day but a classic
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on May 25, 2010, 06:33:01 AM
All About Eve Bette Davis ftw. Anna Baxter is good as the creepy Eve, but gets a bit melodramatic towards the end.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on May 25, 2010, 09:57:21 AM
Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy night. ;D
Not even Marylin f$%& up in that one. I should see that movie again.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on May 26, 2010, 05:43:49 AM
Marilyn Monroe had such a small part but was really cute and funny. I was quite surprised.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on May 26, 2010, 06:23:01 AM
Salve Geral ( Brazil's submission to Academy Awards. Inspired by true events (not based but inspired) by true events. I can understand why Brazilians (and Hollywood) didn't like better this film. But it's very good. Not unforgettable good but I liked it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on May 26, 2010, 12:42:15 PM
Avatar (2009) Saw a 720p copy 7.94GB file size the CBGB version,absolutely flawless quality. I was drinking grog and smoking whilist watching it,so i don't remember the end,so it's a pre requisite i'll be watching it again.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on May 26, 2010, 07:27:09 PM
Dogtooth 2009
Pure poo 3/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on May 26, 2010, 08:43:16 PM
Geez! The trailer sure looks weird. To say the least! :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on May 27, 2010, 10:52:51 PM
Mongol (
It's a very good movie. The cinematography is fabulous. The costumes are astonishing. The performances are good. The story leaves you the sensation that it lacks something but sometimes that happens with biographical/epic films. I'd recommend it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on May 28, 2010, 07:10:59 AM
I have no problem with a story being un-original, Shakespeare, Dickens, Poe + Twain etc... are constantly being Re-Done --- It's how the story is told that counts.
I was Not So blown away by the CGI... I just wondered why they needed human actors at all why not do a Final Fantasy / Planet 51 ?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on May 30, 2010, 04:25:50 PM
The only thing worth in that movie are the sights of Venice.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on May 30, 2010, 07:04:28 PM
IMAX: Hubble 3D --- I think I had an orgasm in the cinema.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on May 31, 2010, 04:10:42 AM
A Star is Born Weird scenes with photos. Judy Garland probably should've won an Oscar, though I haven't seen Grace Kelly's performance. Makes me feel James Mason is even more underrated than ever. He does drunk very convincingly.
It Happened One Night Funny.
Ninotchka First Garbo picture. I like her. I wonder how she said half her lines with a straight face. The Flesh and the Devil is waiting to be watched.
Up in the Air Bleak. Anna Kendrick's hairline is really distracting. Like the other Jason Reitman films, Juno and Thank You For Smoking, was indifferent after viewing.
Belle de jour Weird. First Bunuel feature. Catherine Deneuve's hair is ridiculously luscious. Weird. Was confused at first, the fantasy sequences are hard to separate from reality. Madame Anais was interesting. Weird.
The Boat That Rocked (Pirate Radio) Half an hour too long. Bill Nighy is spiffy. Portrayal of women is irritating. Nick Frost needs to lose some weight. Too slow at times.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on May 31, 2010, 12:36:33 PM
Rise Of The Footsoldier (2007) 720p copy Best British film in some time.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on May 31, 2010, 01:10:25 PM
Hors de prix (
If you like romantic comedies this is definitely the way to go. Sweet and funny. I loved both characters. It was worth staying up till so late at night and sleeping 4 hours. ::)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on May 31, 2010, 03:36:12 PM
It's a very good movie. The cinematography is fabulous. The costumes are astonishing. The performances are good. The story leaves you the sensation that it lacks something but sometimes that happens with biographical/epic films. I'd recommend it.
I saw that movie a year or so ago. I liked it too. It wasn't warrior-like at all (which I wouldn't have minded).. it was much more relationship focused.
Hors de prix (
I liked it too. It's a nice fun movie.
Gilda Rita Hayworth is a bombshell. Glenn Ford is so damn wooden wtf. I enjoyed the dance scenes. Good, but not great. The ending was a bit of a letdown.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on June 01, 2010, 07:08:51 AM
The movie hasn't been a success in North America, which is why, I guess, they made the remake. Which sucks, because people in America will mostly remember this movie as the not-so-funny movie with Chris Rock.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on June 04, 2010, 12:26:44 PM
Yep, Hollywood makes a lot of money out of remakes. Some are very enjoyable although never better than the original one. I haven't watched the remake of Death at a Funeral but from the top of my head:
Welcome to Collinwood (I soliti ignoti) 3 Men and a Baby (Trois hommes et un couffin) Everybody's Fine (Stanno Tutti Bene)
They are OK films to watch as long as you don't miss the real deal.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on June 04, 2010, 12:37:41 PM
There is a movie coming up called Dinner for Schmucks and it is a remake of the French Le Diner de Cons. Now, the original is extremely funny and is one of my favorite movies. I can't think anyone else than Steve Carrell to play the role in the movie. Yet, I am afraid the movie will f*ck it up like did Taxi. That was a nightmare. On the other side, Just Visiting wasn't that bad. It was not to the level of Les Visiteurs but still made me laugh a few times. Not like that awful Taxi remake. urgh.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on June 04, 2010, 12:46:40 PM
I agree American Taxi is awful. But think about it this way: it's so different than the French Taxi that it's almost not a remake. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 04, 2010, 12:48:42 PM
9 (2005) The Short was so good --- I may get the 'Full' Version
Justice League of America (1997) Not as bad as the IMDB led me to believe Yes the (male) costumes were BAD and the SFX --- Were NOT (Special) But overall not bad = 5.5/10
The Invention of Lying (2009) Well ?!?! I don't know what to say ! I am sure it would upset the God Botherers Which can only be a good thing ;D ;D ;D Why did Rob Lowe have that Scuffy Stubble ? Can't really recommend it and will prob... never see again = 5/10
The Hollywood version of 'Insomnia' was not Bad
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on June 04, 2010, 01:00:18 PM
But generally stuff makes it into the dollar bin for a reason. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on June 04, 2010, 01:58:34 PM
Gervais is by far one of my favorites. Has been since Extras but to each his own. I liked "Lying" sat down and watched it with the family the other night and it was a hit. I think I rated it somewhere earlier in the year with a 7.5ish rating.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on June 04, 2010, 02:35:32 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 04, 2010, 08:36:19 PM
Going Postal (2010)
Not Bad --- But not as good as : "The Hogfather" or "The Colour of Money"
I always imagined the Golem's bigger, but then they would be too big for normal doors ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on June 05, 2010, 09:41:10 AM
Prince of Persia Not bad fun weekend flick. Typical Bruckheimer affair. Gemma Arterton is so gorgeous it's unfair.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on June 05, 2010, 01:11:39 PM
Yeah, PoP was much better than I thought it was going to be. I really enjoyed all the parkour action (freerunning) too. Jake G. did a pretty good job.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on June 05, 2010, 06:14:12 PM
alice in wonderland with johnny depp.
it was alright , i really liked alices dresses expect for the one that she wore to the party. my granny enjoyed it although she did fall asleep half way through but I'll blame that on the fact that she hadn't had her afternoon nap yet.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 05, 2010, 08:06:04 PM
Bee Movie (2007)
Not one of the better (CGI) Animated Flicks
Normally I do not notice the voice actors but I found Jerry Seinfeld + Patrick Warburton very annoying... And Larry King --- P'leez
I will not be buying the DVD of this... 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on June 05, 2010, 09:28:20 PM
that movie was horrible
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on June 06, 2010, 07:34:59 AM
Yeah, PoP was much better than I thought it was going to be. I really enjoyed all the parkour action (freerunning) too. Jake G. did a pretty good job.
The parkour was really good. Jake Gyllenhaal had one of the Americans with a more consistent English accent :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on June 06, 2010, 12:38:42 PM
Prince of Persia is probably the best movie adaptation of a video game I have ever seen. But then again most of these movies suck.
I didn't know that Persians spoke such good English. :P
And, ostriches in Persia! Really? The comic relief got kinda annoying sometimes with his taxes. I usually like Alfred Molina as a comic relief, but in this case I had too much of him.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on June 06, 2010, 04:35:02 PM
I haven't seen PoP yet but I have been an avid fan of the game series since 'The Sands Of Time'. The one thing I was a little suspicious of was it's age rating, as in the games there is chopping up of minotaurs a plenty.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on June 06, 2010, 08:44:30 PM
I haven't seen PoP yet but I have been an avid fan of the game series since 'The Sands Of Time'. The one thing I was a little suspicious of was it's age rating, as in the games there is chopping up of minotaurs a plenty.
To be fair Sands of Time is not that gorey as its successors. And the movie lacks blood spills over the place. People are killed, yes, but details are not really shown.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on June 07, 2010, 06:21:38 AM
A 1080p copy of Leon.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 07, 2010, 10:05:05 AM
Prince of Persia is probably the best movie adaptation of a video game I have ever seen. But then again most of these movies suck.
I didn't know that Persians spoke such good English. :P
And, ostriches in Persia! Really? The comic relief got kinda annoying sometimes with his taxes. I usually like Alfred Molina as a comic relief, but in this case I had too much of him.
Now I always thought they were genuine Arabian stories translated to English then made into game. Unlike the Arabian Nights that were translated and made into movies.
Sands Of Time did nothing for me at all. no score.....
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on June 07, 2010, 01:41:48 PM
Kick-Ass (7/10)
Finally got around to seeing Kick-Ass, and while I didn't love it, it was a lot of fun (and some things are very different than the comic). And I'm sure I'll be in the minority by saying that Nicholas Cage was the best part of the movie, especially because he wasn't playing that guy that he does in every movie now - especially action movies. I think he might've also been channeling some of his own personal defeat into that character, too...
At the very least, whoever makes the next Batman movie needs to pay close attention to the editing and choreography in the fights scenes. Particularly the one in which Big Daddy takes out the mobsters in the lumber warehouse. You could see every action and the fight flowed very well. As opposed to the last couple of Batman flicks where the fight scene are so murky it's difficult to tell a punch has been thrown, much less who's fighting who...
Alice in Wonderland (2/10)
Just as I suspected, I really didn't like this flick at all. Too much obvious CGI, much of which was tailored to stick in your face to accommodate the 3-D. The acting was pretty so-so and Depp looked like he was just going through the motions with a bunch of make-up and Sideshow Bob wig.
I really wish I could get the time back from watching this...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on June 07, 2010, 02:59:00 PM
Yeah, I much more enjoyed the Alice "sequel" on SyFy.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on June 07, 2010, 07:26:01 PM
Full Frontal (2002)
WTF!! I literally fell sleep 4 times. Deliriously boring. A pretentious movie with a big cast and nothing else.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 07, 2010, 11:59:48 PM
Alice in Wonderland. WOW T B really went over the top on this one. :D i liked the movie alot. totally made for Bluray with the quality and the sheer over the " topness " made the movie for me.
The Road - heavy but gripping .I just wanted a happy ending after all the duo went through. i know it was never going to happen but :'( touched on the cannibal side quite well without too much gore. another powerful performance from V M again.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on June 08, 2010, 08:32:44 AM
The Road - heavy but gripping .I just wanted a happy ending after all the duo went through. i know it was never going to happen but :'( touched on the cannibal side quite well without too much gore. another powerful performance from V M again.
The Road will only have a 'happy' ending if you know how to see it.
The fact that The Boy never adopts the out-and-out mistrust of The Man and accepts the help of a stranger which may lead to The Boy to having a better life overall.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 08, 2010, 12:54:14 PM
Total balls :D But an enjoyable Yarn - if you can suspend disbelief
I completely agree with you Nobby. Another one that is similar in the plot is Echelon Conspiracy (2009) ( but is a little less enjoyable so I give it a 6/10.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on June 08, 2010, 05:00:53 PM
Sniper (1993) Tom Berenger and Billy Zane. Good film haven't seen it since 1993.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 09, 2010, 12:29:04 AM
The Road will only have a 'happy' ending if you know how to see it.
The fact that The Boy never adopts the out-and-out mistrust of The Man and accepts the help of a stranger which may lead to The Boy to having a better life overall.
i wanted to a HAppy ending as in farm food etc etc. although i knew it would / could not happen.
you are so correct about the boy's trusting nature compared to his father.
what was scary was the fact the boy resembled his mother ( charlize theron ) so much, as in real life
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 11, 2010, 05:18:11 PM
Rent (2005) Not bad --- Could have done without the Singing Which is why I am going to watch : La vie de boh?me (1992) next, which it was based upon. 6/10
LENNY (1974) Average sort of Bio-Pic Can't believe they wanted to jail him for saying 'cockerel Sucker' etc... Why Black + White ? 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on June 11, 2010, 05:46:19 PM
I Bought A Vampire Motorcycle (1990) Funny tongue in cheek British film.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 11, 2010, 06:14:06 PM
I got that on Tape (5 for ?1) from a Charity Shop
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 12, 2010, 07:15:27 PM
Children of the Grave (2007)
Terrible, Avoid !
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on June 12, 2010, 07:42:30 PM
Green Zone ( (2010)
7.5/10 Scored higher cuz I'm a Matt Damon fan but just takes a lot of "creative license", I guess, with facts.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on June 12, 2010, 08:04:12 PM
I got that last night,will watch tomorrow.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: AlienBC on June 13, 2010, 04:04:13 PM
A Team loved it as a kid movie first thought very bad, but by the end i thought not too bad. 5/10 poor in comparison to TV series. Not bad in it's own right.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: JackFrost on June 14, 2010, 03:32:03 PM
Survival of the Dead is poo.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on June 18, 2010, 06:06:29 PM
The Road 2009
Less good than I expected. 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 19, 2010, 06:08:08 AM
Valhalla Rising. different , vicious in places , weird in other :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 20, 2010, 02:34:12 PM
Green Zone ( (2010)
7.5/10 Scored higher cuz I'm a Matt Damon fan but just takes a lot of "creative license", I guess, with facts.
Green Zone's a brilliant film.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 20, 2010, 10:02:15 PM
green zone not to bad , passsed away an hour or so. never really kicked in for me. not bad but expected better.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on June 23, 2010, 03:11:00 AM
I thought it was a bloody good film personally.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 23, 2010, 08:11:19 AM
Ghost Town (2008) Not bad at all especially for a Ricky Gervais 15/20 = 7.5/10
The Boat That Rocked (2009) Silly but I Loved it + The Music 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on June 23, 2010, 01:57:31 PM
Dogtooth/Kynodontas (2009)
I saw this a few weeks ago. I rarely watch films because I find I'm not very patient when I'm staring at a screen. This film however, kept me interested and I think it is definitely worth watching (especially for the zombies). It's a Greek film about a family that are a bit... odd.
I was annoyed at although I don't think it's really a major issue.
I do wonder But I suppose with over 6.8 billion people on the planet, you're bound to find someone that agrees with you.
I rate this film 7/10.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: AlienBC on June 23, 2010, 05:53:28 PM
wasnt bad but i expected more. it never really kicked off for me
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on June 24, 2010, 12:18:29 PM
knight and day , i went in not expecting much and i wasn't disappointed my granny really loved it and i thought it was an okay movie too. i couldn't get over how weird tom cruises nostrils look. anywho... 4/5
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 25, 2010, 06:19:59 PM
The Spiderwick Chronicles (2008) Good Kids Film --- Fairly one dimentional but enjoyable 7/10
Starter for 10 (2006) Fairly predictable Rom-Com Catherine Tate was good - but way too young to be James McAvoy's Mum... 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 26, 2010, 11:12:46 AM
brooklyns finest a gritty police flick. i enjoyed alot and love this kind of movie
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on June 26, 2010, 11:45:37 AM
The Net 2.0 Horrible show. Watched about 45 minutes of it then put myself out of my misery and turned it off. Bad acting, bad cinematography, re-hashed story plot that was then written poorly, and shitty product placement. Overall, not worth it even if nothing else is on.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 27, 2010, 12:39:40 AM
Nine what a weird movie, full of beautiful singing women. not my cup of t but beautifully shot
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on June 27, 2010, 06:54:07 AM
I can't wait for Machete,a Robert Rodriguez production in the Grindhouse genre,starring Danny Trejo and Jeff Fahey.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 28, 2010, 01:04:08 PM
9(nine) post apocalyptic movie about knitted dolls kids loved it and therefore i loved it too. :D enjoyable movie
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on June 28, 2010, 01:25:28 PM
9(nine) post apocalyptic movie about knitted dolls kids loved it and therefore i loved it too. :D enjoyable movie
Have you guys seen The Fantastic Mr. Fox yet?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 28, 2010, 02:17:29 PM
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008) How did this slip under the Radar --- It got very little Promotion that's how :o The Chief Centaur looked like he was limping - they could have explained that, + Caspian was a little too old. Otherwise... Good Flick = 8/10 (Next Episode = X-mas)
The Time Traveler's Wife (2009) Expected it too be total balls --- But it was Very Good = 9/10 Must now read the Novel ;D Anybody read it ?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on June 28, 2010, 02:22:51 PM
The Time Traveler's Wife (2009) Expected it too be total balls --- But it was Very Good = 9/10 Must now read the Novel ;D Anybody read it ?
yes ,i have. very hard book to read as you are constantly shifting around in time. definitely a book to sit and read .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on June 30, 2010, 04:59:29 PM
How To Train Your Dragon 2010
Good for kids.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on July 01, 2010, 09:13:40 AM
This is hardly a children's movie, so fantastically awesome.
Lolita (Kubrick's version) Casting of James Mason as Humbert Humbert was spot on. LOL not that he looks like a pedophile, just fits the description in the book completely. I was expecting way more narration, since the book relies on Humbert's narration where offers his personal reflections on each passing matter. It's really chaste compared to the book, which has the BEST opening lines ever that should have been included. With lyrical prose like Nabokov's it's pretty hard to have a good adaptation.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on July 01, 2010, 12:20:52 PM
Stardust (2007) : This is hardly a children's movie, so fantastically awesome.
Never said it was --- But it was a PG : (
Goya's Ghosts (2006) Not a bad flick --- But it was not really 'about' Goya, but the times he lived in. 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on July 03, 2010, 09:52:33 PM
Interesting Concept --- But not a Film I could Recommend. 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on July 05, 2010, 05:34:24 AM
Session 9. WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED? And dont ask Jackal because he is no help at all. If anyone watches this can you please write your interpretation down for me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: jackalope21 on July 05, 2010, 08:44:53 AM
Session 9. WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED? And dont ask Jackal because he is no help at all. If anyone watches this can you please write your interpretation down for me.
duh, he was dead the whole time....wait, wrong movie
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on July 05, 2010, 08:45:41 AM
Thanks for demonstrating my point ::)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on July 05, 2010, 09:37:36 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on July 05, 2010, 10:16:26 AM
I like the (not so) subtlety that it's on a car spoiler. ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: AlienBC on July 05, 2010, 12:16:36 PM
What Dweez is not telling you is the spoiler is off demi moore's car...... :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on July 16, 2010, 07:06:40 AM
Predators (2010) A good instalment in the franchise,i liked this for it's originality,and of course the homages paid to the original,good story,good cast. I'd probably go as far as 8.5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on July 17, 2010, 11:33:44 AM
Forgetting Sarah Marshall ( What can I say to put it mildly... BAD.
The only way I could put up with that poo was: 1) It was on TV 2) I was doing the house chores at 2 AM. 3) I was half drunk
The only thing passable was the annoying Russell Brand. That movie was made with 2 cents and must have made buckets of money. I'm disgusted.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 17, 2010, 01:43:25 PM
clash of the titans. :-X
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on July 17, 2010, 03:14:58 PM
I thought killers would be a bit like Knight and DAy but it wasn't. the movie was pretty boring and the only character i really liked was the main characters mom that drank to much.
prince of persia
Jake G. was not naked enough for me to enjoy the family as much I could have. but it moved at an okay pace , although i did have the urge to fast forward some parts.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on July 17, 2010, 06:07:13 PM
The Valley of the Eliah
5/10 crap
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on July 17, 2010, 06:49:40 PM
Clash of the Titans (2010)
Not a bad Action Flick Effects were OK But why stilt the story ? (Man Vs Gods + Hades Vs Zeus) The Black Pegasus + The Djinn's + Calibos, --- I can forgive. 7/10
When did Sam Worthington move to Oz and how long was he there ? Coz he still had the accent ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on July 17, 2010, 06:56:58 PM
When did Sam Worthington move to Oz and how long was he there ? Coz he still had the accent ;D
Sam Worthington was born in England but he's Australian. He was 2 months old when they moved to Australia. He studied there and worked there until recently.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on July 17, 2010, 07:05:39 PM
Yeah --- Just read his Wikki Page ;D
That was him in Avatar ? :o
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 18, 2010, 04:48:32 AM
apparently he's hot property at the moment.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on July 23, 2010, 06:58:55 AM
never heard of it until now. the last song i have had to sit through with my daughter . so so but she loved it
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on July 26, 2010, 03:22:19 PM
Shutter Island. 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: MaxDreamer on July 28, 2010, 10:17:36 PM
Predators (2010)
I'm on the fence about this movie. It felt like it lacked something, but I can't pinpoint what it is. I didn't hate it, so I guess I'm leaning toward it was entertaining. But - I will say that it was way better than Aliens vs Predator - Requiem. That was the second movie (the first being The Bourne Identity) that really made me angry for wasting my time and money watching a film in a theater.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on July 29, 2010, 05:24:42 AM
I couldnt even make it 20 minutes Max, but your ability to watch "military" things far exceeds mine. Just couldnt get into it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: MaxDreamer on July 29, 2010, 11:42:20 AM
I couldnt even make it 20 minutes Max, but your ability to watch "military" things far exceeds mine. Just couldnt get into it.
The first 20 minutes was pretty snooze-worthy. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 29, 2010, 12:07:42 PM
Hitman not too bad movie. :)
Everybody's fine - fantastic movie , so touching , as a father it touched on lots of points. :'(
Valentine's day - nice romantic comedy ,would have been better off being made by the British though , it missed that Richard Curtis touch,but still very enjoyable.
Dorian grey again.still a good watch but the main star lacked that something.
Zombieland enjoyable yarn :D
The Imaginarium.of.Doctor.Parnassus so Gillian :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on July 29, 2010, 01:05:37 PM
s/Gillian/Gilliam ;)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on July 29, 2010, 02:24:23 PM
I watched 'The Last Airbender' this evening and am now officially in the "M Night Shamalamadindong is an arse" camp. How could such a fantastic animated series be butchered so comprehensibly? I mean, if you are going to write and direct a movie from scratch I'd understand that one could make some mistakes. But when you have so much source material at your disposal, surely there isn't much left to do?
If I were to give this a rating, anything over 1 would be overly generous.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on July 29, 2010, 03:05:12 PM
Inception 2010
Not my cup of tea,5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on July 29, 2010, 04:32:20 PM
THe girl with the dragon tattoo.. I liked it but...
Im like totally freaking out about the ending.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on July 29, 2010, 11:12:37 PM
Spoiler tags please.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on July 31, 2010, 02:33:56 AM
Inception Cool.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on July 31, 2010, 07:20:26 AM
Diary of a Whimpy Kid- 6/10 A definate must for kids 8-13 very cute. There is an underlying story about a piece of moldy chesse on the playground that sustained me through the whole movie. HA! :D
American Psycho - 7.5/10 I dont know how this movie got past me when it was origingally released but it was great!! I really liked it. Ive now watched it 3 times and find something more bizarre each time I watch it. I really dont like Christian Bale but he was awesome in this part. Thanks go out to the friend who recommended it to me. You know who you are you ginger stud you..... ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on July 31, 2010, 11:51:48 AM
Hehe, mishca, I would have added the spoiler tags for you but I didn't want to risk reading any of it. ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on July 31, 2010, 04:02:15 PM
I've been watching a fair few flicks recently including...
The Departed (2006)
I loved this film. Excellent cast, good story, can't really fault it - except for Ray Winstone's dodgy American accent. 8/10 The Princess and the Frog (2009)
I was expecting to hate this from the clips I'd seen, but I think it was Disney's best non Pixar animated film since The Lion King. No star names, just experienced vocal artists (i.e. people who know what they're doing). 8/10 The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009)
Typical Gilliam. Enjoyable over the top flick. Would have possibly liked it more without the overrated Colin Farrell in it (Jude Law was easily the best of the Heath Ledger stand-ins). 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on August 01, 2010, 09:27:39 AM
Diary of A Wimpy Kid
Family movie 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 01, 2010, 03:55:31 PM
Man of the Year (2006) Flawed in several respects... But entertaining none the less 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: MaxDreamer on August 01, 2010, 03:58:43 PM
I saw it this and Fight Club in the same night two or three years ago and thought why didn't I see these movies sooner? I liked both a lot. I don't like Christian Bale (or Chlo? Sevigny) either so that's probably why I avoided seeing this. But CB was brilliant as Patrick Bateman. He was creepy as hell.
Did you know that Bale's inspiration for his Bateman character was based on Tom Cruise? :D Article that mentions it. (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on August 01, 2010, 04:49:02 PM
Excellent tidbit MaxD. Couldnt agree with you more on all counts.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: MaxDreamer on August 01, 2010, 05:35:57 PM
After I read that article, I went back and watched the film and I can't believe how truly he captured Tom Cruise. I honestly think Cruise is bat-poop psycho. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 05, 2010, 06:25:10 PM
Ill Met by Moonlight (1957)
Good (Supposed True) Yarn ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on August 06, 2010, 09:51:31 AM
Sunshine Barry and the Disco Worms.
CGI animation and Disco music - What more can I ask for.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on August 09, 2010, 06:55:25 PM
8Mile 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 09, 2010, 07:43:37 PM
Chaos Theory (2007) Fair Enough Not Sure I'd Watch Again Though 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on August 09, 2010, 08:22:01 PM
Voice ( ..better then I thought it would be.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on August 11, 2010, 10:38:07 AM
Date Night meh.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on August 12, 2010, 05:16:25 PM
I started watching Valhalla Rising, but I would definitely need a stimulant to make it the whole way through in one sitting.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 17, 2010, 12:14:40 AM
the A team, dodgy copy,dodgy film but fun
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on August 17, 2010, 03:17:25 PM
This evening we watched the 1990 version of Captain America. It was without a shadow of a doubt, my childrens' introduction to low-budget film making - extremely 'low-budget'.
It did however, have a certain je ne sais quoi.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 17, 2010, 03:43:25 PM
Check Out : The Fantastic Four (1994) :D
and the TV Movies of : Dr. Strange (1978)
and Justice League of America (1997) :D :D :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on August 17, 2010, 04:30:05 PM
Check Out : The Fantastic Four (1994) :D
and the TV Movies of : Dr. Strange (1978)
and Justice League of America (1997) :D :D :D
Dr Strange was in the bundle I acquired, and I wasn't aware those other 2 live action versions. I kind of like having my kids seeing unpolished versions these types of films, it makes them appreciate modern special effects all the more.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on August 18, 2010, 12:29:27 AM
I'm gonna have to find The FF and Dr. Strange movies. As for the JLA movie, I had it, watched about 25 minutes of it, and deleted it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on August 18, 2010, 12:34:34 AM
I actually found them on a site I'm on that specializes in old/rare movies. I actually found a serialized movie of Captain American from 1944?!?! and a Captain America 2 from 1979.
I'll let you know how they are...eventually. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on August 19, 2010, 03:34:02 PM
Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time 9/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 19, 2010, 04:07:48 PM
9/10 Really ?!?!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on August 19, 2010, 09:29:49 PM
I really enjoyed PoP. I don't like giving number ratings for movies because I enjoy lots of different movies for lots of different reasons.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 20, 2010, 06:51:11 PM
When Harry Met Sally... (1989) Still Good even after 21 years ;D 9/10
Surrogates (2009) Interesting concept --- although unlikely to produce a Utopian Society Good Yarn + Some Action 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on August 21, 2010, 06:06:44 PM
This film is an Irish film in which Pierce Brosnan plays a debt collector. It's hilarious watching Pierce Brosnan being angry :D
It's also got that Dr Scheider from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, she comes out with a line in which she mentions New York, London and Paris!
It's not really that great a film, it's just silly.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on August 21, 2010, 06:38:05 PM
Salt 2010 7,5/10 not so good than I expected.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 23, 2010, 11:41:08 AM
When Harry Met Sally... (1989) Still Good even after 21 years ;D 9/10
21 years old :o
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 24, 2010, 11:24:39 AM
Exam (2009) Interesting --- But ultimately disappointing 7/10
Terminator Salvation (2009) I liked it --- Could have done with a bit more Background on Marcus Wright... Good Action Flick 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on August 27, 2010, 07:27:36 PM
Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on August 29, 2010, 05:39:25 PM
paul walker was great to look at as usual.
Chris brown was surprisingly good, so was T.I
Hayden Christensen was very pretty to look at .
it moved at a good pace. good action scenes although some of them moved like really fast and i was like WTF just happened. I just really enjoyed this movie and idris elba accent.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on August 31, 2010, 05:24:59 PM
Sky High
This film was fun and silly. I liked Kurt Russell, because he's Snake Plissken and I wanted that fire guy to end up with the flower girl, but they don't get together.
Unfortunately, you don't get to see as mush Kurt Russell as I'd have liked. I wouldn't watch it again.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on August 31, 2010, 05:46:27 PM
But Michael Angarano is great in it (as in every movie I've seen him in).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on August 31, 2010, 05:55:15 PM
This film was fun and silly. I liked Kurt Russell, because he's Snake Plissken and I wanted that fire guy to end up with the flower girl, but they don't get together.
Unfortunately, you don't get to see as mush Kurt Russell as I'd have liked. I wouldn't watch it again.
Films like this are one of my "secret pleasures" (same as "10 Things I Hate About You" and "Drive Me Crazy"). I loved Sky High.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on August 31, 2010, 06:05:41 PM
But of course! Who doesn't like those!! ;D
What I didn't like was Watchmen. But then those kind of movies aren't for me. I'm really not into those. Why did I see it?
a) It was on TV b) I was ironing clothes at 1 AM c) I couldn't find the remote. ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on August 31, 2010, 07:38:10 PM
Robin Hood 2010 8,5/10
Worth of watching.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 01, 2010, 02:31:58 AM
centurion a brutal blood and guts movie about Romans trying to get home from scotland.7 / 10
Prince of Persia why does Hollywood keep casting Gemma Arterton in a action role , she's as wooden as a hobby horse . in fact unless she is cast in a upper-class English role she sucks big time. must have been for her looks ;D why did Jake Gyllenhaal play this part ??? 3 /10 for me i'm afraid
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on September 01, 2010, 05:36:36 AM
centurion a brutal blood and guts movie about Romans trying to get home from scotland.7 / 10
ohh.. I accidentally watched abiout 30 minutes of that a couple of weeks ago. I was clicking around, and landed on it, then I had to go out.. so I missed the rest. When I came back home I realized that it was one I paid for. Somehow I clicked on a pay per view movie without realizing it :D It didn't show up on my bill.. so, I think i only previewed it :P The part I saw was good, and realiatic..then it started to slide a little into a more fantasy hyped up feel... so.. heh, that's all.. Nothing really useful added to this review :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on September 02, 2010, 05:45:40 PM
The Pink Panther2 2009 Funny 8/10.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 04, 2010, 02:47:13 PM
The Prestige excellent movie had me gripped till the end. good acting / good story. 9 / 10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 07, 2010, 01:02:00 PM
watchmen extended version a snip at ?10 for the blue ray. excellent film
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 11, 2010, 01:11:00 AM
sex and the city 2 some funny parts but not for me :-\ one for the girls
the Expendables action blood and gore nothing more nothing less fun to watch :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on September 11, 2010, 04:31:51 AM
I watched The Tournament last night and found it entertaining enough for what it was. Some of the gore was so extreme (like bodies blowing up) that I actually belly-laughed at it, which is probably an odd response.. Nonethless, Robert Carlyle softened it up enough to make it watchable until the end.
Another film I saw a bit earlier than that was Donkey Xote. I'm a sucker for these undiscovered CGI films but I'm not sure the translation from Spanish to English worked in this case. The story seemed to jump about a bit and for most of it I wasn't sure what the 2 'heroes' were up to? It was loosely based on Don Quixote so maybe I should read that and see if it clears things up.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on September 11, 2010, 08:46:34 AM
It was loosely based on Don Quixote so maybe I should read that and see if it clears things up.
Oh, beach reading... ;) That gave me headaches when I was in high school. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on September 11, 2010, 10:19:41 AM
Lawrence of Arabia At least I can say I've watched it. Epic cinematography. Great cast. I like David Lean.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on September 12, 2010, 09:31:28 AM
resident evil 3D was not very good at all.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 12, 2010, 12:26:22 PM
Robin Hood 2010 historical ( loosely) romp :-\
The Tooth Fairy not too bad a film , enjoyable with the kids
Prince of Persia second attempt and the last
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: MaxDreamer on September 17, 2010, 03:40:42 PM
I just got back from seeing The Town and I thought it was great (not because Jeremy Renner is in it, BTW ;D). Good heist film with thrilling action sequences. I was impressed with Ben Affleck?s direction of the film, he did really a fantastic job (and I don?t usually like him acting-wise).
I give it an 8.7/10.
I saw Jeremy?s dad at the screening and said hello. He told me he and his friend were playing hooky from work to catch the film. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: jackalope21 on September 19, 2010, 07:58:11 AM
Death Note - Surprisingly good. The twists were kind of predictable but nothing that takes away from the rest of the film...luckily my library has all 13 of the manga series so i will take a stab at those... 7.5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on September 19, 2010, 03:26:09 PM
I believe Zac Efron is going to star in the US remake.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on September 19, 2010, 04:17:01 PM
I believe Zac Efron is going to star in the US remake.
what the flip? You're joking right? One of the reasons DN worked as a movie is they got the actors close to the characters. It would lose it's 'death noteness' if it was remade. The idea of a Shinigami doesn't even translate well culture to culture.. Plus.. it's about 4 years late to jump on the band wagon :D
*hope's it was Red's dry sense of humor..*
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on September 19, 2010, 04:26:47 PM
This is probably not the time to mention that Miley Sirus is also rumoured to be in it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on September 19, 2010, 04:32:46 PM
Does somebody remember a remake by Hollywood that isn't crap compared to the original?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on September 19, 2010, 04:49:33 PM
Death Note makes no sense though...
The Ring wan't bad. Let Me In might be ok.. thought I've only seen one add.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on September 19, 2010, 04:52:28 PM
Insomnia was OK and Point of No Return was not bad
The Magnificent 7 / Battle Beyond the Stars and A Fistful of Dollars were Good ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on September 19, 2010, 05:03:04 PM
Also Dark Water was OK. Well, the original was only OK and not excellent.
I saw Les Choristes ( some time ago and I meant to post in this thread cause I truly recommend it. It's excellent.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on September 19, 2010, 05:14:34 PM
I didn't see theoriginal of Dark Water, but Dark Water did have a good creepy effect. And I haven't seen either version of the other.
The Magnificent 7 / Battle Beyond the Stars and A Fistful of Dollars were Good ;D ;D ;D
Not as good as the originals :P
I'm assuming they'll pretty up Girl With the Dragon Tattoo also, or make it fashionably more hip.
Let the Right One In will always probably win out because they spent so much time casting it. Same with Girl With a Dragon Tattoo, it's hard for me now to not think of those actors as those characters.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on September 19, 2010, 05:20:41 PM
I'm no expert, but when I did kung fu (the teacher lady called it Wing Chun), the Karate classes looked more aggressive and seemed to require more physical exertion. Of course, these are only observations made upon walking past the classes, but it made my kung fu lessons seem a bit tame. The karate people even got to say the "HAH" thing they do on TV.
I considered switching, but the Karate teacher looked angry and I liked the people I met in kung fu (one of them liked Star Trek and looked suspiciously like a ninja).
I'm terrible at making comparisons :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on September 21, 2010, 01:34:13 PM
Karate is Japanese (Okinawan to be precise) and Kung-Fu is Chinese. If we forget the people that think they're all 'slanty eyed' so they are the same, you actually have to very different countries and forms of martial art. The Chinese and Japanese have a terrible history toward one another (well Japan does against China) which is bad enough, but if the kid were to learn boxing (also a martial art) it would seem a little odd calling it the Karate kid would it not.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on September 21, 2010, 05:21:21 PM
^ true, and the people I know those tensions still exist.
in addition to the pc stuff.. common people are more savvy about martial arts every decade, so, they let themselves open to be critiqued on a blatant error. People know the difference between judo, and muay thai, karate, and Jiu-Jitsu etc. I haven't seen the movie, so, maybe they explain it in the context soemwhere. But, if they don't.. they should have known they were going to get called out.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on September 22, 2010, 02:42:37 AM
In the movie (which is way better than the original IMO), young Smithy gets relocated in China where he meets Jackie Chan and so on. It has nothing to do with Karate or Mr Miyagi from Okinawa (incidently, 'Miyagi' is like the name 'Smith' in Okinawa - at least 3 of my friends there share that surname).
So the film is absolutely about China and not Japan and should not be called the 'Karate kid' as that would be insulting to both nations (the Japanese/Okinawans are rather protective of Karate too), it is just that the overriding storyline is the same as TKK.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 22, 2010, 10:39:13 AM
Lock Stock and 2 smoking Barrels a blast from the past and enjoyable.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on September 22, 2010, 12:29:11 PM
thanks for info. ive learned something new
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on September 22, 2010, 09:02:13 PM
Tom and Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes (2010)
Boring ! Same old gags Stupid Plot Nearly fell asleep watching it 4/10
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
Action = Good People = Boring Music = Too Loud Plot = Stupid
Not as good as the first one 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on September 25, 2010, 07:33:13 AM
Alien Nation: Dark Horizon
This was on the Horror Channel, and it's fairly obvious why. They should have put more effort into fixing the background music.
It's a sequel to the TV series, which I rarely watched. Although it was a made-for-TV film being shown on the Horror Channel, it surprised me and exceeded my (low) expectations. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone not already a fan of the series, it's not very realistic.
My rating: 4/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 25, 2010, 10:02:24 AM
Revolver another guy ritchie film ( 4 watched this week )
love the cameraman ship some shots are worthy to be on a art canvas. ;D
the actual story though :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: MaxDreamer on September 26, 2010, 11:04:57 AM
Thank you for the links :) I want to see it.. but not if it's so bad it makes me angry :P
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on September 28, 2010, 05:13:31 PM
Predators 2010. 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on September 29, 2010, 03:01:56 AM
A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)
Actually an improvement on the original, Freddy's face actually looked like burn tissue rather than just mangled, the acting and effects are better than the original (a few effects in the original always looked fake even back then and Heather Langenkamp and the actress who played her mother I always found wooden). The story is more or less the same, although some of the killings are different. A good remake.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on September 29, 2010, 06:40:49 PM
Shutter Island (2010)
Excellent Drama that is only marred by the Over Loud Mood Music --- Especially the Honking ;)
Well worth seeing... 9/10 Must now look for the Book
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: jackalope21 on September 29, 2010, 06:44:30 PM
Excellent Drama that is only marred by the Over Loud Mood Music --- Especially the Honking ;)
Now I want to go back and watch it again and pay attention to the music. I probably wrote it off to the whole vintage feel of it, and didn't focus on it. I honestly can't remember what it was even like.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on October 03, 2010, 07:54:23 AM
Jonah Hex 2010 8,5
Worth of watching.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 03, 2010, 09:46:01 AM
Good enough DC Super-Hero Anim... Some take offense to Super Girl --- No Idea why. Nice to see Krypto :D Hate Immortal Ultra Powerful Villains --- but I suppose that was a result of Superman becoming so powerful - But he still had his weaknesses. Why was Granny Goodness voiced by Edward Asner ? :o 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on October 05, 2010, 03:55:18 PM
Nightmare on Elm Street 5/10
Reheated as many movies nowadays.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: MaxDreamer on October 10, 2010, 06:28:56 PM
Two films about scary kids... And too much Vera Farmiga for one night. :D
I was confused by the very ending but I enjoyed it though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 14, 2010, 11:59:59 PM
M?n som hatar kvinnor (2009) aka The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Interesting Murder Mystery Not as Convoluted or Sexual as I was led to believe --- To my mind it could have been a 15 cert...
I thought Sweden was a Liberal Country but apparently you can go to jail for Slander (Should be Libel/Defamation --- Surely ?) and a person of 24 can have a Guardian ? Probation / Parole Officer maybe ?
Anybody else find the Subs Clunky ?
8/10 Must now look for this Book too ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on October 15, 2010, 09:08:03 AM
Ah yes, good idea. You wouldn't want your original disc to get worn out.
;D ;D
rise blood hunter 2007 besides having the beautiful lucy liu in direction was a little off but enjoyable
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 19, 2010, 08:14:08 PM
Changeling (2008) Interesting if a bit baggy... Background Music a little Too Loud ! 8/10
Sherlock Holmes (2009) Full of Errors and RD's accent was weird But an Amusing Action Flick. 8/10
Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008) You could Really tell this was Shot for 3D All the things flying towards the Camera... A Silly (as all Center of the Earth films are) Action Flick 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on October 19, 2010, 09:18:33 PM
Winter War 6/10
It's Finnish cheap budget movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 20, 2010, 04:59:53 PM
Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning (2005) A Very Cheap (estimated ?15,000) Finnish Sci-Fi Spoof Where the Star Trek Universe meets the Babylon 5 one. The Space Battles are not too bad --- The Rest Not So ! 5/10
Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010) I did not know (until recently) that there was more than one Robin... This tells the tale of Robin No. 2 7/10
Cube (1997) An Interesting if unbelievable tale... 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on October 20, 2010, 07:09:19 PM
Shutter Island 8/10
Worth of watching.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on October 21, 2010, 02:06:00 PM
Iron Man 2 and Predators both 720p HD copies Funnily enough i saw them both on the big screen too. :D :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on October 21, 2010, 07:08:57 PM
Terry Pratchetts HogFather 2010
4/10 Good for older kids.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 21, 2010, 10:18:51 PM
The First Men in the Moon (2010) A fair enough remake of the 1964 Film --- Using CGI instead of Stop Motion Animation But I found it hard to understand what the Selenite's were saying especially the Chief As usual a Remake that need not be made. 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 22, 2010, 10:31:15 PM
Mary and Max (2009) A Dark Claymation Style Stop Motion Animation Hard to see who the target audience for this might be 4/10
Pollux et le chat bleu (1970) aka Dougal and the Blue Cat A Dark Feature length version of The Magic Roundabout I was not impressed 3/10
9 (2009) Not as good as the Short 6/10
Trekkies 2 (2004) Not as good as the Original 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on October 23, 2010, 12:15:01 PM
The Hole 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 23, 2010, 12:42:04 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 24, 2010, 11:54:19 AM
get him to the greek 6/10
night and day 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on October 25, 2010, 10:13:47 AM
Letters from Iwo Jima 2006 8/10 More than ordinary war movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on October 25, 2010, 03:32:11 PM
Watched Altitude (2010) last night but wasn't overly impressed. It relied on the in cabin drama rather than special effect and consequently only spent about 2 and sixpence on them. The acting wasn't atrocious but lacked any real depth, but I thought the ending was quite satisfying.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on October 25, 2010, 05:16:02 PM
The Mosquito Coast (1986)
This was on the BBC iPlayer ( and although the subtitles were a bit out of sync, I did enjoy it.
It's about a man with 9 patents, 6 pending, who decides to bring ice to the primitive native tribes of Central America.
Harrison Ford did well in this film, I almost forgot he was Indiana Jones.
I give it 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 25, 2010, 11:54:53 PM
Devils Playground typical Danny Bolye style Zombie movie. not too bad acting , worth a watch 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on October 26, 2010, 07:58:36 AM
I watched 13hrs (2010) last night and thought it was quite good. Sad about Simon MacCorkindale as it must have been the last thing he did before dying - and he didn't get much screen time in this. Gemma Atkinson didn't get her bits and pieces out even though her role looked like it should have been included, but the scary parts did live up to expectations and I did pull the quilt up above my nose once or twice.
I give it a 7/10.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 26, 2010, 06:20:17 PM
Bad Flick Just a lot of Shooting + Explosions --- from Weapons with Very Large Capacities Characters were Boring + Unsympathetic so one did not care if they got shot... The Plot ?!?! What Plot !!! Avoid 2/10 (for the Boobies)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on October 26, 2010, 07:32:25 PM
Jhonny Cash -An American Icon 2009 good document about him and his life.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 27, 2010, 04:21:14 PM
As a work of Fiction this was Interesting but adding the 'known facts' at the end makes it 'SUS'. I wonder what would have happened if he had 'Signed' at the first asking ? They would prob... have continued as in reality they just want to Break Him.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 29, 2010, 08:16:25 AM
the crazies. not as good as the original based film , gory murders but not too bad 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on October 29, 2010, 05:19:57 PM
Colditz 2005 7/10 While World War II Allied Officer Jack Rose is held prisoner in Germany?s notorious Colditz Castle, he recruits a band of fellow escape artists in the ultimate breakout only to discover that the greatest betrayal awaits him on safe ground.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 04, 2010, 07:14:54 AM
inception. liked this film a lot . hated the ending though
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 08, 2010, 09:32:18 AM
Red a surprising amount of stars featured. having known nothing about this movie , i watched and enjoyed quite a lot
typical Willis but enjoyable none the less
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on November 27, 2010, 04:33:43 PM
Music and Lyrics (
I normally don't post in this thread because I don't like to score movies. But I want a feedback on Hugh Grant phenomenon. I don't understand: he isn't that good looking, he isn't that funny, or that sexy, he's not such a good actor either... Maybe it's just me. :-\
Btw don't waste time on this film. The scenes from the end titles are funny though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on November 27, 2010, 04:47:42 PM
I don't think he's cute or sexy either. And, most of his movies are pretty average to bad. Soemtimes he gets smart and picks a good false hero part like the one he played in Bridget Jones. And.. About a Boy was a fairly good movie (although I only saw it, I'd have to watch it again to be definitive). And.. I did see him tell a super funny story one time about how his parents used to send him round to visit a serial killer all the, I can see how he can be charming and witty to a point.. but, he's not the end all end all by any means... but, he doesn't disgust me either... I'm jsut sort of 'whatever' about him.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on November 27, 2010, 04:53:58 PM
Iron Man 2 (2010) Good Action Flick 8/10
Inception (2010) Another Good Action Flick But Very Puzzling... Needs another viewing 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on November 27, 2010, 11:14:15 PM
Music and Lyrics (
But I want a feedback on Hugh Grant phenomenon. I don't understand
Btw don't waste time on this film. The scenes from the end titles are funny though.
I don't get the Hugh Grant phenomenon either, but Music and Lyrics is a guilty pleasure of mine. :-[ ;D The video in beginning credits and the end title scenes are my favorites.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on November 29, 2010, 05:57:34 AM
"...and then POP... goes my heart..." ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: MaxDreamer on November 29, 2010, 07:50:13 PM
So catchy. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on November 29, 2010, 10:22:12 PM
22 Bullets 2010
Not so good than I expected. 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 30, 2010, 07:30:41 AM
Brothers good cast. pretty crap though .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: MaxDreamer on December 07, 2010, 01:48:27 PM
The storyline was okay, if not confusing at times. It had good fight sequences, but they were kind of gory.
I enjoyed this film more than I thought I would. It reminded me of the Samurai and Shaolin martial arts films our family used to go see in Japantown or Chinatown on weekends when I was young. Good times.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on December 07, 2010, 01:50:02 PM
Ahhh, I really liked Ninja Assassin. You can't go into it like it's an American film.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: MaxDreamer on December 07, 2010, 02:00:30 PM
Ahhh, I really liked Ninja Assassin. You can't go into it like it's an American film.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 09, 2010, 12:35:29 AM
The Town. gritty bank robbery / love story. well played , nice speed , excellent ending. similar to Heat but played by a lower class of people.( Heat is playing on the TV in a bedroom ;D :D )
good acting
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on December 09, 2010, 05:28:25 AM
Toy Story 3 (2010) More of the same 7/10
The Happening (2008) Unbelievable Concept Bad Dialogue, Poor Casting Not Terrible, but Not Good either... 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on December 09, 2010, 06:00:25 AM
The Town. gritty bank robbery / love story. well played , nice speed , excellent ending. similar to Heat but played by a lower class of people.( Heat is playing on the TV in a bedroom ;D :D )
good acting
Ben Affleck's acting is painful to watch sometimes :( which keeps me from seeing his movies now. Which is dumb, because I think he's a likable guy. So, I might eventually see it.. And he grew up in Boston so he's ok at playing working class city guys. I like the writer who wrote the book.. so I might read the book first, then see the movie when it comes out on dvd.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 09, 2010, 06:30:19 AM
Ben Affleck's acting is painful to watch sometimes :( which keeps me from seeing his movies now. Which is dumb, because I think he's a likable guy. So, I might eventually see it..
I thought the same about Ben Affleck, but he was pretty good in the film. Definitely see it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 09, 2010, 11:57:04 PM
Rise Of The Footsoldier 2007 Set in Essex my old stomping ground too,been all over Essex.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 12, 2010, 09:55:31 PM
Predators 2010
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on December 14, 2010, 07:22:11 AM
^ i'm still waiting to watch that during my vacation time winter break. the yakuza guy is a good character
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 14, 2010, 10:04:20 AM
That's the Falconer Predator,he uses a bio electric Falcon to seek prey at a distance. Uses no energy weapons in the film,he's my avatar too
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on December 14, 2010, 01:19:05 PM
I watched Predators last night, it was quite good. It made me want to watch the earlier films.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 14, 2010, 05:22:10 PM
I've been where the original Predator was filmed near Puerto Vallarta. There's an old helicopter, cascades, a zipline (it wasn't there when I visited it :() and of course bars where you can drink a lot of margaritas. ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on December 15, 2010, 03:34:45 AM
I watched Predators some time ago and while it was a pretty good and worthwhile action flick, I just can't see Adrien Brody as a tough guy after that great film The Pianist.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: MaxDreamer on December 15, 2010, 02:31:48 PM
I just can't see Adrien Brody as a tough guy after that great film The Pianist.
This is why I thought something was off about the film. :-\
Jerry and Tom ( (1998)
A black comedy with Sam Rockwell was enough to get me to watch it.
It wasn't the greatest film but it was mildly entertaining. Acting was good and the storyline was okay. Some funny exchanges between Rockwell and Joe Mantegna. Lots of familiar faces for a movie that I had never heard of. Interesting transitions from scene to scene.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 17, 2010, 10:08:25 AM
as the predators films go the latest movie was not too bad. could have been a lot worse.
i have watched Monsters 2010. loved the speed it moved along at, could have had a little more action. nicely played 7 / 10.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 18, 2010, 11:05:26 AM
I watched Predators some time ago and while it was a pretty good and worthwhile action flick, I just can't see Adrien Brody as a tough guy after that great film The Pianist.
He pulls it off quite well,and i have The Pianist will watch soon.
Bonded By Blood (2010) In 1995, drug suppliers and career criminals Tony Tucker, Patrick Tate and Craig Rolfe were blasted to death by a shot gun whilst waiting in a Range Rover in Rettendon, Essex. The film charts their rise to become the most prolific dealers and feared criminals in the south of England, maintaining the hold on their empire with fear and violence until their untimely death
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on December 18, 2010, 02:17:10 PM
He pulls it off quite well,and i have The Pianist will watch soon.
I agree he did pull it off (he's a quality actor after all), but seeing him as the timid, quivering perhaps even cowardly character in The Pianist creates an image of him that's hard to shake. In some ways that made his performance in Predators even more admirable.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Geemonster on December 18, 2010, 02:32:11 PM
I agree he did pull it off (he's a quality actor after all), but seeing him as the timid, quivering perhaps even cowardly character in The Pianist creates an image of him that's hard to shake. In some ways that made his performance in Predators even more admirable.
Versatile actors are great.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 18, 2010, 02:49:18 PM
Nativity not too bad if you have children and have a drink as well. some very funny parts , but alas a English movie that lacks substance
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on December 18, 2010, 08:21:23 PM
Dark Floors 2008 4/10 Crap.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 20, 2010, 01:41:34 PM
Devil 2010 a different movie and not too scary for me. ;D I enjoyed anyway.
The American Funny little film.thought clooney was out of his depth , guessed the ending but i wouldnt watch again.
Despicable me funny little movie, watch and laughed along with the children. one of the better cartoon movies i have watched in a while.
Sherlock Holmes old movie that i have never watched. still haven't watched the entire movie due to bickering kids >:( >:(
Brooklyns Finest excellent film . ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 23, 2010, 02:03:29 PM
Tron legacy 2010 in 3d. not bad at all . stuck to the original sort of. excellent effects .fantastic soundtrack.
Michael Sheen was so over the top :D :D :D :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on December 23, 2010, 02:14:07 PM
Did not the young Jeff Bridges' mouth annoy you ? --- As it did Mark Kermode...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 23, 2010, 02:19:16 PM
the lip sync was off at times but for a cgi ( i guess ) i could live with that.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on December 23, 2010, 03:02:16 PM
Ya think they would have used the Avatar method ?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on December 23, 2010, 05:04:03 PM
Shrek (6/10)
This is the best Shrek. It should have been the only Shrek. I haven't seen it since it first came out, so a lot of the jokes were once again new to me (like that Farquad :o). The story follows an ogre and his ass as they attempt to complete a quest given to them by their perfect ruler. It's fun seeing the fairy tale characters and Robin 'ood was French. I wasn't so keen on the whole romance element, but I suppose it's better than no storyline. As long as you don't watch it more than once in a year, this is a good film :).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on December 23, 2010, 06:16:20 PM
Final destination 3 2006.
4/10 Crap.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 24, 2010, 01:13:18 AM
dark moody cowboy movie. grimacing at the end scenes but love this movie .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on December 24, 2010, 03:52:15 AM
Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (8/10)
This took me two days to watch. I've seen it before, but like the first time I watched Das Experiment, without the subtitles. Just like with Das Experiment, the subtitles gave me a whole new story.
The story is about a shy person who wants to win the heart of his wife. His wife is upset because her original groom died on their wedding day, and she agreed to marry her current husband because her father wished it. To make his wife love him, the man becomes annoying and funny stuff happens.
There are bits of this story that made me feel it was a bit wrong, but most of it was well done.
Baazigar (4/10)
During Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, there is a dance sequence involving a series of famous actresses. That first one, I thought, was very pretty. After a quick Wikipedia search, I found the title of this film on her page. The name sounded very familiar, so I watched it.
I've seen this before, I'm not sure when exactly, but I spent this entire film remembering it. The dodgy sound effects and action scenes were especially familiar. I also remember thinking it odd the man's daughter switched sides. I didn't like this film much, it was too dark for me.
Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (6/10)
So, it turns out Kajol was also in this film, and I already had this but never got round to watching it (they make such long films!). This film is about two best friends and something happens.
This was a good film. I didn't understand what problem that man with the curly hair had with the small mute boy, but the sound effects suggest it's funny.
Om Shanti Om (5/10)
I once went to a friend's house, and they were watching this. This film started off well, but I don't like the way it ended.
The humour was good, and there was lots of nice colour. I wasn't expecting a cameo from Kajol, but there she was. I wouldn't marry her, or anything, but she is very pretty.
I spend a total of 8 days watching these films, they're so long!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: MaxDreamer on December 24, 2010, 11:20:35 PM
I Feel asleep 30 minutes in, so I watched the rest the next day. Perhaps I'm not intelligent enough for this type of film but I thought it was a convoluted mess. :-\
The Town ( (2010)
I couldn't pass up the opportunity to watch it twice with two different family members. :D My review remains the same as the first time I saw it except my rating is goes up a little more.
The plot according to IMDb: Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice gets a Bollywood treatment.
This film is from the director of Bend It Like Beckham. It was beautifully done and delightfully cheesy. I enjoyed it so much I even watched the extra BTS from the film which are equally delightful.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 25, 2010, 01:25:41 AM
The Queen not my type of film but i thoroughly enjoyed M.Sheen yet again plays a excellent part.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on December 25, 2010, 08:57:46 AM
The plot according to IMDb: Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice gets a Bollywood treatment.
This film is from the director of Bend It Like Beckham. It was beautifully done and delightfully cheesy. I enjoyed it so much I even watched the extra BTS from the film which are equally delightful.
I was going to be an extra in that film, but in the end they wouldn't have us. But we still got paid for eating their food :D
?40! :o :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 26, 2010, 12:49:38 AM
can i have you autograph ;D ;D ;D ;D
hope the food was nice .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on December 26, 2010, 08:40:07 AM
Tomorrow When The War Began 2010
4/10 Crap
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on December 26, 2010, 09:24:21 AM
Maybe it was because it was the first meal I had that day, but I thought the food was awesome :D. And here: ( :D
Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (6/10)
This one was lying around and I was upset about my laptop heater breaking, so I watched it all in one sitting. The first half of the film isn't that great, it's about a guy who annoys a girl into liking him and then she ends up being forced into an arranged marriage. I've already given away too much of the story. What I found most interesting was the fashion, I can imagine living in the mid-90s and thinking his clothes were cool.
This film is another one with Shahrukh Khan and Kajol. I couldn't really relate to any of the characters, except for that guy that goes pigeon hunting and says "I'll tell you after the wedding" (cos, like, I totally do that all the time). He's the best! He's also the bad guy :(.
I now have 3 more Bollywood films to watch. None of them are Shahrukh Khan films, so maybe I won't watch them. :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on December 26, 2010, 09:36:55 AM
^ so Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi was the best of the bunch?
The only movie I watched over the holiday was Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. I'd suggest it as a good movie just for the novelty of the way it was presented (the animation and the photography). But the story and casting were also good, so, overall it was worthwhile.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on December 26, 2010, 10:10:56 AM
How to Train Your Dragon (2010)
Just another run of the mill Digimation I don't know what all the fuss was about
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on December 26, 2010, 02:44:28 PM
^ so Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi was the best of the bunch?
So far, yes. It's a very enjoyable film. The idea of the quiet, shy guy getting the girl just appeals to me. For some reason. ::)
More4 are doing an Indian Week, in which they're showing programmes and films from/about India.
I only found out last night, when I was telling a friend about that nice golden dress Kajol was wearing at the end of Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, so I missed last night's film.
If the internet says they're good films, I may ask my peers for a copy.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on December 28, 2010, 06:55:39 PM
Thursday (1998) It is a Violent Farce :D 7/10 Flickan som lekte med elden (2009) Not as good as part 1 but still Good 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on December 28, 2010, 09:20:31 PM
Jab We Met (2007)
I watched this last night. The story tells the adventures of a rich man who meets a chatty broad on a train.
A friend suggested it to me. I can kind of see the appeal with this film, it has humour, trains and lots of colour, but it's not for me. Kareena Kapoor looks eerily like someone I used to know, except with smaller boobs. There's nothing wrong with smaller boobs, it's just that I spent this film looking for differences. Kareena Kapoor has bigger ears.
There's nothing wrong with Kareena Kapoor, and maybe I should just stop watching anything she's in - it's getting kind of creepy now. I allowed myself to sit through Kambakkht Ishq ( when it was showing in the cinema, not even Sylvester Stallone could save that film. I remember finding Asoka ( difficult to watch because of who Kareena Kapoor reminds me of, but that was 7 years ago and I was also a bit upset I paid for the DVD.
They have kissing on the lips in a romantic way in the film! When did they start kissing in these films?! :o
It's a pleasent film, the characters are likable and although the music bits are a bit boring, a lot of the scenery looks pretty.
6/10 (I changed it :P)
Kites (2010)
I spend the whole day in bed, because I'm boring, and just finished watching this. This film was mostly in English. It's about a dance instructor who marries immigrants for money, and then he manages to become the boyfriend of the daughter of a rich casino owner. And then he falls for someone else and gets shot at.
I thought this was a different film, because my sister has a book and she asked me if I've read it and I thought this was the film of the book (the title had Kite in it :D)
For me to like a gangster film, it'd have to be really good. I don't like those kinds of films.
This film was a bit slow, they could have reduced the overall running time by getting rid of all the scenes where the two main characters stare at each other, because that's all they do :-\
I liked one bit, that was funny.
I should also mention I don't like seeing desert and heat on film. This film has lots of that.
It's too soon after watching the film for me to be sure of my opinion, but I will give it this rating: 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on December 29, 2010, 06:56:41 PM
Kick-Ass (2010) Good Fun Even Mr Cage ;D 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 31, 2010, 10:26:18 AM
::) must watch then , i have it but have never bothered up to now.
it has been a lean period over christmas for movies ( except for Tron) the T V was abysmal and even the bbc 3 / itv 2 / 3 / 4 was poor :P
i await the new year with more hope
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on December 31, 2010, 01:11:37 PM
Yup The Crimbo Telly has been Crap ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on January 01, 2011, 04:08:38 PM
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) Much better than I expected An Enjoyable Romp 8/10
The Wolfman (2010) Score was a bit loud + intrusive in places Film was a bit long, and seemed longer... Not as bad as I was lead to believe 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on January 02, 2011, 02:40:52 PM
true grit
I liked it i just wasnt crazy about the or matt damon
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 03, 2011, 01:33:59 AM
The Christmas card ( tv movie love story, soppy but nice ;D
The Horse Whisperer ( first time of watching.enjoyable ;D
The Book of Eli ( still not sure of this one. strong cast of actors but lacking
Enchanted ( first watch and ok.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on January 03, 2011, 10:41:13 AM
The Book of Eli ( still not sure of this one. strong cast of actors but lacking
I totally agree. I enjoyed it but was really expecting more. And I definitely have no desire/want to watch it again.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on January 04, 2011, 06:09:44 PM
Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) Poor --- only LOL was : "What Colour is M J ?" 4/10
The Mist (2007) Terrible - Especially the ending ! 2/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 05, 2011, 07:49:38 AM
black swan 2010.
dark , deep and only at the end did i understand what the hell was happening :D
well worth the watch
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on January 06, 2011, 08:23:50 PM
AVPR: Aliens vs Predator - Requiem (2007) I liked it --- Despite its IMDB rating I thought the Pred on the Ship was activating a Self Destruct not a Distress Call... Why did the Pred waste time on the Deputy ? 8/10
The Ruins (2008) "Cut his legs off, he might get Septicaemia of the Bone" :D Interesting Horror Story 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 07, 2011, 03:12:47 PM
Blame it on Fidel (La faute ? Fidel!).
This film is set in the 1970s and is about a little girl, who also happens to be very good at cutting fruit, trying to make sense of the everything. Because the film is shown almost completely from the child's perspective, the film contains humour. I do like this film, it's fun and has Commies in it. Pilar's mum looks a bit like Roo from Home and Away.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 08, 2011, 12:50:47 PM
Hotel Rwanda 9.9 / 10 nothing is perfect and it made me sad :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( sad that no one wanted to know and my friend was there
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on January 08, 2011, 02:47:16 PM
sad really i liked it .gave my son to watch so he wake up and utilize the gifts he has for learning .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 09, 2011, 11:15:28 AM
Les femmes de l'ombre Female Agents
I try not to watch too many world war two films because they normally have killing in it and there are so many of them that I'm kind of sick of them. But this film came on BBC4 (available until just before midnight, tonight (, and they only show good films.
This film is about four pretty ladies on a mission to save the the world. Four pretty ladies mean this film gets a final rating above 5 (one for each lady, but Sophie Marceau gets 2 because I'm in love with her :P).
The film was a good film, every time I got annoyed and wanted to skip something, the film changed scenes. That's very sneaky. :D
That General guy looks a lot like that guy from Das Experiment, I'll have to look this up when I'm bored.
I rate this film 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on January 14, 2011, 10:57:07 PM
Tripping the Rift: The Movie (2008) Mildly Amusing 5/10
Spanking the Monkey (1994) Boring --- Characters were unbelievable Most of the Actors were Phoning it in 2/10 (for the Boobs)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on January 15, 2011, 07:04:14 AM
at the moment i am watching Adolf Hitler downfall :D :D :D :D :D :D :D spike milligan story of his early life
With Jim Dale? I remember that as being a bit of a wash out.
I'd read Adolf Hitler: My Part in his Downfall plus Rommel and Monty in my early twenties and have never laughed so hard at a book ever since. Milligan was a literal genius, literally.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on January 22, 2011, 02:30:18 PM
Luftslottet som spr?ngdes (2009) aka "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest" Good Enough Conclusion --- But why was there a Trial At All ? 7/10
Buried (2010) Interesting Concept --- But Ultimately Flawed... "Can I Record This => F*ck No !" 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: MaxDreamer on January 23, 2011, 04:09:25 PM
I couldn't help thinking about how I would clean up a crime scene if I had that job.
Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work ( (2010)
The Girlfriend Experience ( (2009)
A total waste of time and film. I can't believe I watched the whole film and still not know what it was about.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on January 23, 2011, 05:13:20 PM
I liked the Joan Rivers documentary. I was watching qvc one evening and she came on to sell her eye wear, she was drunk as a skunk. it was fun to watch.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on January 23, 2011, 05:40:47 PM
Hellraiser 7
Crap 4/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on January 24, 2011, 05:48:23 AM
I've only seen the first two, think I'll give the others a miss if they're as bad as you say.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 24, 2011, 07:18:20 AM
the kings speech very enjoyable film to say the least
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on January 28, 2011, 11:38:17 AM
*** This post may contain spoilers ***
Since it's award season I thought I'd start watching some of the runners and riders. Over the last couple of days I saw...
Inception (2010)
I liked this a lot - maybe not as much as some of the critics I've heard, but it was certainly entertaining and pretty original. Good acting too.
8/10 The King's Speech (2010)
Excellent. Superb acting, engaging story and good casting (Timothy Spall as Winston Churchill? Who'da thunk it'd work?). This has the potential to clean up at the oscars. Highly recommended.
9/10 127 Hours (2010)
I wanted to like this because I like Danny Boyle and I like James Franco, but I found it disappointing. Franco is excellent and well worthy of an oscar nomination, but Boyle's direction is shite in this. I understand a film about a guy stuck down a hole could be boring if directed wrong so Boyle decides to liven it up with all kinds of tricks, but he failed. The build up to the arm removal should have been slower and longer to crank up the suspense, instead we have a too loud soundtrack and cuts every few seconds which do the opposite. This potentially could have been excellent with a different director and a more fitting soundtrack.
6/10 Over the weekend I'll be watching Toy Story 3, True Grit and possibly one or two others. I'm determined to try and see all the nominees this time round. :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on January 28, 2011, 05:35:42 PM
I've only seen the first two, think I'll give the others a miss if they're as bad as you say.
There is 8 Hellraisers,only 2 first are good,then quality goes downhill and fast as usual.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 28, 2011, 06:24:00 PM
I saw Tangled this evening and I was incredibly impressed. It seems that Disney has finally breathed the same life into its CGI creations that it did with its hand drawn animation - songs and all!
I can't get enough of CGI and find it hard to criticise, but this film had much more than just clever modelling/texturing/animating, it had a soul.
9/10 for its genre.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 30, 2011, 05:01:36 AM
A Good Year an excellent pleasant film
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on January 30, 2011, 04:39:05 PM
I watched "A Railway Station for two", a cheesy 80's Russian romantic comedy which I am afraid to admit, I liked. (I am not a big fan of romantic flicks usually).
I also saw "The Battle of Algiers". Very impressive movie and can easily be related to the current events in the Arab world.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on January 31, 2011, 02:07:31 PM
Wow! Why didn't they take you? Did you see the film, what did you think of it?
They said we didn't look right for it :'(. I haven't seen the film yet, it's fun to claim I'm boycotting it. My traitor friend has seen it. The traitor!
Les Ma?tres du temps (
This is a cartoon film. This film looks very French and very 1980s, which kind of makes sense (it's french and made in the 1980s). I liked the story, it was like in that episode of Deep Space 9, except French. And funny. I think everyone should watch this.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: MaxDreamer on January 31, 2011, 04:02:59 PM
They said we didn't look right for it :'(. I haven't seen the film yet, it's fun to claim I'm boycotting it. My traitor friend has seen it. The traitor!
Oh, I see. Whenever your boycott ends, you should watch it, it's enjoyable.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 01, 2011, 08:18:47 AM
Pandorum 2009 sci fi horror ish :D not too bad a watch.well played out
a big plus is this beautiful lady (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on February 01, 2011, 12:05:19 PM
Let Me In (2010) Disappointing 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on February 02, 2011, 09:02:15 PM
the girl who kicked the hornets nest
i liked it everything just came together? now I'll go read the books
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on February 04, 2011, 06:43:40 AM
Toy Story 3 (2010)
Another excellent Pixar flick. Maybe Lotso's characterisation was a bit too much like Stinky Pete, really enjoyable though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on February 04, 2011, 12:43:38 PM
True Grit (2010)
Much better than the original, Jeff Bridges is hilarious as Rooster Cogburn.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 05, 2011, 01:51:59 PM
Yeah, it didn't have the wooden John Wayne in it for a start. ;D
Black Swan (2010)
Not sure what to say about this one. Good but not enjoyable. I'm glad I saw it but probably won't watch it again. I've heard a lot said about Natalie Portman's performance - and it is good - but Barbara Hershey is the best one in it.
The Fighter (2010)
Good film, Christian Bale puts in a good performance but some of the fight sequences aren't much good. (and the actor playing Shea Neary seems to have a strange accent) :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on February 05, 2011, 03:45:15 PM
Yeah, it didn't have the wooden John Wayne in it for a start. ;D
most definitely
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on February 08, 2011, 04:46:46 PM
Frankenstein Unbound (1990) Mega Cheesy Avoid --- Unless you like Cheese ;D 4/10
They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (1969) Good --- if somewhat Bleak 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on February 08, 2011, 05:38:13 PM
Despicable Me (2010)
Good animated flick. Not to Pixar standards, but good anyway.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on February 08, 2011, 05:38:33 PM
Hehe, guess I pass on Frankenstein Unbound then. Thanks Nobby.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 09, 2011, 01:18:02 PM
Due Date - ( hilarious in places , sad in the part when RDJunior tries to sleep in the car :D R.D Junior again plays a good part 4 Lions - ( my son recommended this movie . some funny moments about a very tricky subject. worth a watch though
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on February 09, 2011, 06:43:04 PM
Traffic 2000
6/10 not so good than I expected.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on February 09, 2011, 06:54:20 PM
the mechanic
totally liked it , i would have loved it if ben foster was shirtless in more scenes. i really liked the ending though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 10, 2011, 12:14:37 AM
i just watched the ending of the original movie, so I can't say that it was. Except nakedness still scores +1
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on February 11, 2011, 08:10:01 PM
The Haunted World of El Superbeasto (2009) Crap ! 2/10
Drag Me to Hell (2009) Good Yarn + FX But I could see the 'Twist' coming :( 8/10
Tangled (2010) Not Bad --- The Horse was funny ;D Could have done without the songs 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on February 13, 2011, 09:44:47 PM
Hamburger Hill 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on February 14, 2011, 04:25:42 AM
Sinbad and the minotaur (2010)
Is this film so bad it's good, or so bad it's bad? Neither, this film is so bad it's an absolute pile of crap.
No minotaur for 98% of it, storyline that is so stupid it hurts (he obtains a map that has been lost for 1000 years, that leads to the treasure - but then finds the island by chance 5 minutes later and the locals tell him the golden whatnot is in them there hills) everyone has a Kiwi accent (as they do in Baghdad ::) ) and the leading lady's boob an nose job just doesn't fit with the period ::)
What can I say.. minus a google out of 10.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on February 18, 2011, 10:55:55 PM
The Wild, Wonderful Whites of West Virginia Documentary
I don't know how interesting hill billies can be. but it was a pretty okay documentary at times I found it hard to understand what they were saying but luckily they had subtitles here and there.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 21, 2011, 07:09:33 PM
by courtesy of Virgin airways cyrus ( cannot make my mind up if i hated or loved it
its a of a funny story ( loved it
middlemen ( not too bad
jonah hex ( mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm was a long flight :D :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on February 22, 2011, 08:59:29 PM
Primer (2004) Initially too Slow & Too much Techo-Babble Call me stupid, but I did not get it ! 2/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on February 25, 2011, 08:12:40 PM
The King's Speech (2010) Don't know what the fuss is about Very Average Tale 6/10
Four Lions (2010) Mildly Amusing Dark Comedy --- Got to Admire the Guts of the Makers 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on February 26, 2011, 07:15:32 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on February 27, 2011, 11:53:37 AM
The Social Network (2010)
Good film, decent acting. Enjoyed it.
8/10 Ten nominees for best picture are obviously too many judging by some of them - such as;
The Kids Are All Right (2010)
Okay, but hardly Oscar material. Mark Ruffalo and Mia Wasikowska were pretty good in it though.
Winter's Bone (2010)
A girl must find her father so she knocks on two of her neighbours doors. Nothing happens fast in this bleak snorefest.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on February 28, 2011, 12:27:02 PM
I saw Jack Black's Gulliver's travels last night and was thoroughly disappointed. The film moved so fast that if you blinked you'd miss half of it. In fact, there was so much that didn't happen that it disjointed the film to the degree that it didn't make sense.
The version with Ted Danson was far, far more enjoyable.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on February 28, 2011, 08:22:37 PM
Bronson (2008) Britain's answer to Chopper ;D Tom Hardy was good Worth a watch 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on March 01, 2011, 09:00:13 AM
Hey, mishca: He says Tom Hardy was good. ;D
I normally don't watch shorts (or comment in this thread) but I saw a short that's worth the 14 min: Our Time Is Up (2004) (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on March 02, 2011, 05:00:30 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on March 02, 2011, 07:33:16 PM
The Infidel (2010) Mildly amusing Nothing special 6/10
The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (2009) I liked it - I did not think I would I did not believe the end, but it did not spoil it for me... 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on March 04, 2011, 11:20:56 PM
Paranormal Activity (2007) Totally Unbelievable and Boring ! 2/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 07, 2011, 10:57:28 AM
Four Lions (2010) Mildly Amusing Dark Comedy --- Got to Admire the Guts of the Makers 5/10
agree and worth a watch. believe they won a grammy ???
on the return journey i watched
Hereafter ( a long film and would not have guessed a Clint Eastwood film. different worth a watch though.pretty easy going but answers nothing ( not that you can ) and doesn't try to ,steady pace to watch at except the opening sequence of the tsunami :'( :'(
Get low ( never heard off and glad i had the chance to watch . good acting , good story. i try to miss the block busters when i can .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on March 07, 2011, 11:36:23 AM
Won the BAFTA for : Outstanding Debut by a British Writer, Director or Producer =Christopher Morris (Director/Writer)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 07, 2011, 02:54:40 PM
Won the BAFTA for : Outstanding Debut by a British Writer, Director or Producer =Christopher Morris (Director/Writer)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on March 10, 2011, 08:07:38 PM
Code46 2003
4/10 Crap.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on March 10, 2011, 08:51:20 PM
Gurotesuku (2009) Had to see coz the BBFC denied it a Certificate Yet 'Srpski Film = A Serbian Film' got one ?!?! I think the makers wanted to see how far they could go with the 'Torture Porn' thing. 2/10 for the final sequence
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 11, 2011, 01:47:34 PM
::) gross
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: MaxDreamer on March 13, 2011, 08:08:43 PM
Question: Can an unfunny cartoon be turned into a funny and entertaining film? Answer: No.
At least it was only 75 minutes long.
I watched that also this weekend, and I believe you've been generous with that 3. Since when was Yogi old and jewish anyhow?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on March 14, 2011, 09:01:07 PM
Private Parts (1997) Quite Amusing --- Kept thinking he sounded like Alan Alda Worth a watch 7/10
CATS (1998) Nice Show but Lloyd Webber's Themes are a bit repetitive I know the words were T. S. Eliot's --- but they should have edited them a bit Good for Kids ;D 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on March 16, 2011, 03:11:58 PM
Let Me In. was okay, I liked the ending but felt bad for the boy to.
Next Three Days- took some time for it to build up to the action parts a bit, and the whole breaking your wife out of jail is pretty cool. So its worth a watch.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 17, 2011, 01:23:52 PM
the green mile
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on March 20, 2011, 05:45:01 AM
Tron: Legacy (2010)
An okay flick, not great, not shite. I was never a fan of the original Tron, so presumably fans of it will like this more than I did. Definitely not a buy.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on March 22, 2011, 05:10:19 PM
The Horde. cheap, sucky, zombie type movie with most of budget spent on fake blood. 4/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on March 22, 2011, 05:34:11 PM
The Horde. cheap, sucky, zombie type movie with most of budget spent on fake blood. 4/10
That actually sounds like my kind of flick.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on March 22, 2011, 06:36:36 PM
Probably not the place to discuss this but 99% of the times movie blood is ridiculously artificial. Even in high budget movies.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on March 23, 2011, 01:34:24 PM
Los cronocrímenes (2007) aka Timecrimes Great Time Travel Flick Though I don't think that would have been my final resolution. Catch it if you can 17/20 = 81/2 / 10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on March 26, 2011, 01:37:55 PM
Tron: Legacy (2010) 5/10
Original was better as usual.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on March 27, 2011, 08:03:45 PM
red riding hood.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 28, 2011, 07:23:13 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 04, 2011, 02:29:37 PM
is anybody there ( 8 / 10 enjoyed a lot.
sunshine ( 9 /10 a favourite.
30 days of night ( 7 /10 about as scary as i get ;) :D
harry potter and the deathly hollows pt 1 ( 8.5 / 10 not a big fan of this franchise , but dark , enjoyable , different to the rest crazy heart ( 7 / 10 nothing new
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on April 06, 2011, 05:37:03 PM
The Sentinel 2006 (
Typical conspiracy movie. 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on April 06, 2011, 08:46:59 PM
Alien Raiders (2008) Predictable Average 6/10
Splinter (2008) Novel Idea, Fairly Well Executed. Though I think the money ran out towards the end --- Which spoiled it a bit. 7/10 Catch it if you can.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on April 06, 2011, 11:05:07 PM
little fockers borinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on April 07, 2011, 07:53:41 AM
battlefield los angeles - 7/10 it doesnt deserve all the bad press it received. Independence day remade for today . action packed , no brainer , fun movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on April 08, 2011, 08:34:06 PM
OK Nick Nolte's Italian was dire But everything else was OK
I'd give it a 7.5 - 8/10
He's Italian accent might not have been so good but his passion was contagious. I liked that movie A LOT.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on April 09, 2011, 07:49:21 PM
Dead Snow 2009 (
Crap 3/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on April 12, 2011, 09:34:53 PM
Four Lions = FUNNY
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 18, 2011, 07:28:32 AM ( the way back.
wanted to like , wasn't too bad a film but lacked something.A good set of actors but i felt nothing for the cast. :-\ 6 / 10 have been told it may have been written by a surviving member ??? not too sure about that though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on April 18, 2011, 08:10:51 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 18, 2011, 11:41:58 AM
interesting. as usual many claim they were the "one"
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on April 19, 2011, 07:05:29 PM
Moon (2009). ( decent sci-fi flick. if you like 2001: A Space Odyssey, you'll like this. 7.5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 27, 2011, 01:18:27 AM
The Prestige ( truly a fascinating film, if you have never watched then i recommend you should.
Edge of Darkness ( :-\ ok movie for ?5. but alas nothing new.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on April 27, 2011, 06:37:22 AM
Defo Not New : "Edge of Darkness" (1985) ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 27, 2011, 06:43:30 AM
then it definitely wasn't worth a remake ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 28, 2011, 03:02:53 PM
The Kings Speech ( enjoyable , best supporting actor for me
Cinderella man (
never watched , enjoyable ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on April 28, 2011, 05:09:03 PM
Hanna some slow moments and some weird camera shots that made me sort of dizzy but I love action movies and chicks that kick ass. So this movie was good and not boring although it does leave some loose ends at the end...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on April 30, 2011, 05:31:23 PM
Imaginary Playmate 2006
Crap 3/10.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 01, 2011, 12:40:43 AM
Ben Hurr. The Abyss.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 01, 2011, 02:34:17 PM
Animals United 2010
I can't believe just how bad this film was. With such a star studded (english dub) cast, you'd have thought they would have installed some emotion into what was otherwise a bland, nonsensical, poorly animated CGI film. Very young kids may like it for the visuals, but I guarantee the bigger people will be fast asleep before the end.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on May 01, 2011, 04:02:08 PM
Well worth a watch at the theater. Very recommendable. It's entertaining and a lot of fun. Even if you're not particularly fond of fantasy movies.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on May 01, 2011, 04:25:34 PM
^ yay! that was one I was especially hoping wouldn't suck
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on May 04, 2011, 07:52:48 PM
Kill the Irishman. good flick. based on a true story, rise of Danny Greene and the Irish mob in 1970's Cleveland. would give it a 7/10, but since it's a true story, 8/10. if you liked The Town, you'll like this.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 05, 2011, 12:45:56 AM
::) will have to obtain ;) ;D
iron man 2 on blue ray +surround sound LOUD ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D awesome.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on May 06, 2011, 07:08:47 PM
I'll have to update before i watch it, i still just have the R5 :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on May 06, 2011, 10:13:19 PM
splice it was okay but i really really really didnt like the main actresses character.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 08, 2011, 06:07:43 AM
i am about to watch the kingdom
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on May 08, 2011, 08:41:41 AM
Superman: Brainiac Attacks (2006) Not up to the standard of recent DC fare Bish Bash - No Exposition... 4/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 08, 2011, 01:28:05 PM
well i watched it in blur ray , still very good ;D 8 / 10
then i watched over a glass of white wine Connie and Carla ;D what a laugh 8 / 10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on May 08, 2011, 01:41:51 PM
I like Toni Collette in most things ;D
Was Duchovny playing a wannabe Stud ?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 08, 2011, 02:49:23 PM
I saw Rio this evening and thought it was the absolute nuts. The little swagger nuances in the dance sequences was truly inspirational from an animation viewpoint. Good story for what it were worth too, and an all round warming movie.
Not only that, but now my son is desperate to go to Rio sometime for the carnival. That's about as good as ambition gets, especially when you're only 8.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on May 08, 2011, 03:07:20 PM
Rio cidade maravilhosa all year round!! ;D Carlos Saldanha, the film director was born and raised in Rio.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 09, 2011, 12:51:05 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on May 09, 2011, 07:12:38 AM
Idk if he played a wannabe stud. More like the "straight & sensitive" type. Or just the silly type if he couldn't tell Connie was actually a woman. :D We're girls pretending to be guys pretending to be girls! I agree it's a funny movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on May 09, 2011, 08:35:13 AM
If he is doing a Fox Mulder that's OK But NOT if he is doing a Hank Moody ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on May 21, 2011, 07:44:45 PM
King Kong 2005
3/10 poo.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on May 21, 2011, 08:17:24 PM
I thought that movie was actually pretty good. Especially since comparing to the original I'd expect high standards or would have considered it unwatchable.. But most people I know hatedddddddddddddd it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 29, 2011, 02:19:15 PM
I wouldn't say excellent but good. The performances were very good. Fortunately Affleck didn't spoil things. ;D
very good then ;D a mans film i would say
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on May 29, 2011, 09:34:28 PM
Black Swan (2010) After all the Hype --- I was disappointed Almost Bored in Fact... The Lesbo Scene was nothing :( 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 30, 2011, 01:05:48 AM
old dogs ( nothing new about the story line but the odd hysterically funny moments 7.5 / 10.
Black Swan (2010) After all the Hype --- I was disappointed Almost Bored in Fact... The Lesbo Scene was nothing :( 5/10
shame i thought it was worth at least 6/7 / 10 :-\ cannot remember the lesbo scene :o
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 11, 2011, 03:14:40 PM
the adjustment bureau - nice film , never would have guessed the twist a enjoyable watch . :)
Mash (original version) - a classic ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on June 12, 2011, 02:51:57 PM
old dogs ( nothing new about the story line but the odd hysterically funny moments 7.5 / 10. shame i thought it was worth at least 6/7 / 10 :-\ cannot remember the lesbo scene :o
Lesbo scene? I really need to watch this film!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 18, 2011, 07:24:47 AM
sucker punch 8/10 in a world of Hollywood remakes , some one has made a original movie. different indeed and for that alone i would recommend watching it ,whether you will like it is another matter :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on June 20, 2011, 05:24:59 PM
Different is good! Nothing from Hollywood surprises me much these days. Thanks goldshirt, I'll give it a try as soon as I can.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 21, 2011, 07:29:59 PM
Zombieland (2009) Quite Amusing --- But not as funny as I was lead to believe 7/10
Salt (2010) Good Action Flick 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 22, 2011, 07:49:54 PM
Priest (2011) Disappointing Stupid Story Some Poor CGI Etc... 5/10
PAUL (2011) 2 Laffs do not a Comedy make... Not as good as 'Shaun of the Dead' nor even 'Hot Fuzz' :( 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 23, 2011, 12:03:45 PM
Trick 'r Treat (2007) Fairly Average Anthology Type Flick Don't know why it's a '15' though 7/10
TRON: Legacy (2010) Some Nice Effects... But Boring + Predictable 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on June 23, 2011, 03:05:30 PM
I felt the same way about Green Lantern, christ. Not a bad movie, fairly enjoyable, but any fan will hate how they totally fsck'd up the history from the comic books.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 24, 2011, 06:25:07 PM
New Moon (2009) Very Boring in between the Fights Worse than 'Twilight' :( 4/10
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010) Not quite as good as the first two But still worth a watch 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on June 25, 2011, 05:00:12 AM
I finally watched Splice (2009) last night and thought it worth a tad more than the 6.1 IMDB reviewers gave it. As we're talking decimal points, I'd give it 6.6 and would have been more if Adrien Brody had used his normal English accent - even more if he knew how to spell his name correctly :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 25, 2011, 08:03:53 AM
Priest (2011) Disappointing Stupid Story Some Poor CGI Etc... 5/10
your too generous. a waste of electricity i thought.
Loves Kitchen nice pleasant English love story to waste a hour or so away . ( not very well reviewed i agree. 4/10 The Lincoln Lawyer . not bad a watch. ( 7/10 The Company men , again i do like this movie. 7/10 West is West . not as good as the original. a few good scenes i laughed at . ( 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on June 25, 2011, 09:19:07 AM
The only movie I watched this week was The Water Engine based on the David Mamet play. The only format I could find it in was 10 parts on youtube :P
I'm in the mood to watch a movie tonight, but I can't sort what kind of mood I'm in to decide what I'd want to see. Maybe it will dawn on me later.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on June 25, 2011, 03:58:02 PM
Watch French Kiss (
You're welcome :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 25, 2011, 05:15:20 PM
Seen that in a 5 for a £ VHS Bin ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on June 26, 2011, 05:18:38 AM
Romcoms tend to send me to sleep. Well, more honestly, I intentionally go to sleep before they start.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on June 26, 2011, 05:39:56 AM
20p for that much joy? Bargain! :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 27, 2011, 10:40:15 AM
Sucker Punch (2011) I liked the action sequences but YAWN to the rest... 6/10
Battle Los Angeles (2011) A little slow to get going.. (Too much character development) But otherwise a good action flick. 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on June 27, 2011, 05:32:29 PM
Watch French Kiss (
You're welcome :)
^seen it... my favorite things are a couple of Meg Ryan's outfits, Jean Reno, the main character's school project box, and the fact that Timothy Hutton was the 'bad guy', but not totally bad ( I never can figure out if he's cute, or not, so it left me satisfyingly still undecided). oh, and lasting want to own a vineyard/ helps to burn away the hideous imagery from the A Year in Tuscany movie.. that movie was awful x__X
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on June 27, 2011, 06:23:01 PM
sucker punch sucked but I did like baby dolls shoes and her sparkly outfit and i did not like the ending
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 29, 2011, 07:19:24 PM
Piranha (2010) Good Comic Horror Flick With Boobies ;D 8/10
Trolljegeren (2010) Some good FX for $3,000,000 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on June 30, 2011, 07:51:08 AM
omg, I finally got to see 13 Assassins last night :o It's so weird to see a movie that's actually good (not just good, amazing) and you don't just shrug and say 'meh. it wasn't bad..' It really was was flipping amazing. I can't put my feelings into context of people who don't watch samurai movies.. maybe if you don't, you wouldn't like it. I watch so many always that I can't separate myself and my feelings from my feeling of immersion in them. I'd have to assume though that people who didn't even normally watch those kind of movies would agree it's a well played movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 01, 2011, 09:50:07 AM
watched nothing all week :'( i did go to buy tickets to see transformers 3 for the family £37.00 :o i commented on how come so expensive and did he make a mistake. nope its correct price he replied. i can understand why people download then , I retorted and left with out buying tickets.
how expensive is a family trip to the cinema :o
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on July 01, 2011, 11:54:05 AM
$10 regular $14 3D $14 Fork and Screen $12 Cinema Suites $16 Fork and Screen 3D $16 Cinema Suites 3D
$1 service charge for any ticket
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on July 01, 2011, 08:11:02 PM
L'illusionniste (2010) I thought this looked similar to : Les triplettes de Belleville (2003) and find it had the same Director + Production Company I did not know the original screenplay was by Jacques Tati ;) A Charming Little Tale 7/10
Chico & Rita (2010) I like the Music and most of the Story but it was basically a Soppy Love Story 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on July 03, 2011, 05:28:43 PM
The one I watched was about Superman knowing he's about to die, so he prepares for his death. He meets people from Krypton. I don't know why they were alive, but they were. His fortress has robots in it and a pet sun-eater. Lex Luthor goes on about something that should probably go in a spoiler tag.
I didn't really like the film, the volume was too low and I wanted to go home.
I'm not sure of the name of this film, but it was an animated DC one. Superman looked like Lex Luthor with hair.
I give this film a 5/10, because I think I'd have enjoyed it if I was sober and the volume was turned up a bit.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on July 04, 2011, 10:06:10 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on July 04, 2011, 12:47:41 PM
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010) Liked the Comic Book/Video Game Effects But thought Michael Cera was mis-cast 8/10
& Where is in NOT expensive to go to the Cinema ?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on July 04, 2011, 08:20:57 PM
I have found that 3d really isnt worth paying extra for.
you do have to choose the right movie. i have only seen Avatar / Tron.
at first i go boss eyed , then all is ok ,then headache commences . I did find the adverts better than the movie actually . especially this , but obviously not on the pc screen. christ it makes me thirsty looking at it again ;)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on July 07, 2011, 07:28:47 AM
Rango 2011
7/10 nice movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on July 07, 2011, 09:55:49 PM
Super (2010) Not as Good as Kick Ass 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on July 07, 2011, 10:27:37 PM
Super 8!!!! Imagine Goonies + Stand by Me + ET = BRILLIANT I loved this movie and highly recommend it for people of all ages. We will be going to see this in the theater on Sunday. Classic Masterpiece in my opinion.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on July 15, 2011, 02:58:29 PM
I have just watched "Mars Needs Moms" and I have no idea how it only gets 4.5 on IMDB? The story was so-so I'd agree, although at one point I honest to God had a lump in my throat, but the use of MOCAP was superb and there were parts in the film that I forgot it was CGI it was so realistic.
I'd give it above 7, perhaps 7.5 out of 10, but then I never get bored of good CGI as I can envisage just how much work goes into these films.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on July 16, 2011, 12:47:19 AM
"Days of Heaven" This movie was amazing. It is my first experience with Terrence Malick, while waiting to see "The Tree of Life". It does not have much dialogue and the story is not anything special. But the cinematography and the soundtrack were amazing. The lack of dialogue was justified with the overwhelming images of nature. The images spoke more than the words. It is a great film and any human being should watch it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 16, 2011, 12:50:39 AM
Ironclad ( a magnificent 7 holds Rochester castle basically.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on July 16, 2011, 12:41:12 PM
Zebraman (
This is a film about a school teacher who wants to be a horse and fight some troublesome CGI.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on July 18, 2011, 08:28:49 PM
Rango [2011] Very Good 8/10
Thor: Tales of Asgard (2011) Fairly Boring 6/10
Made in Dagenham (2010) Did not deserve a 15 Cert... 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on July 19, 2011, 09:48:27 PM
RIO [2011] Predictable but Not Bad... Could have done without the Songs 6/10
Harry Brown (2009) I liked it ! 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: CMF on July 20, 2011, 08:44:25 AM
The Tree of Life: 10/10.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on July 20, 2011, 10:21:07 AM
Paul (2011) 7/10
I'm going to assume everyone knows the story by now. I thought this film was hilarious (I like pop culture references, it makes me feel like I've got some life experience). I think the fact that my beer had a twist-off cap made it easier for me to relate to a couple of Brits visiting the USA.
Some bits really annoyed me, but I can't change them. Unfortunately.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 20, 2011, 11:18:58 AM
harry potter and the etc etc etc part 2
effects were good ( to be expected) for a change he actually did magic :o
at the moment the last movie. ;)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on July 20, 2011, 12:35:40 PM
Age of Heroes (2011) Lacked Drama / Tension 5/10
Source Code (2011) Very Interesting 8/10
The Losers (2010) Good Action Flick Some Sloppy CGI 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on July 24, 2011, 05:57:20 PM
Chris evans is a freaking hottie So naturally I would enjoy, Capt. America. I did find myself wishing for a remote to speed through some scenes. The only way the movie could be any better would be to havr more scenes of CE naked. I saw the sneak pre iew for tje avengers and Thor was looking very very yum with even'longer blond hair.
Also so tje zookeeper it was decent with a few laughs
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on July 24, 2011, 07:17:34 PM
Is this the real Chris Evans or CGI?!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on July 24, 2011, 07:24:02 PM
I believe the CGI is used to make him look skinny IE Pre Serum
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on July 24, 2011, 07:27:07 PM
I believe the CGI is used to make him look skinny IE Pre Serum
Oh, that's for sure. But that couldn't be real either. Or could it?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on July 24, 2011, 09:07:23 PM
XT thats realllly real. I mean I havent had the chance yet to personal examine his body but I feel as if I've seen it so many times that I would be able to know if his hot bod was fake… :P
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on July 24, 2011, 09:31:46 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on July 24, 2011, 10:10:48 PM
I think the abs are real but the pecs are either padding or CGI. I'm sorry, that's steroid pecs right there and I doubt CE would 'roid out just for a role.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 25, 2011, 12:20:50 AM
The Perfect Storm 6/10
The American President 7/10
The Negotiator 9/10
a day of oldies
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on July 25, 2011, 06:41:01 AM
I think the abs are real but the pecs are either padding or CGI. I'm sorry, that's steroid pecs right there and I doubt CE would 'roid out just for a role.
Look at how huge hugh jackman got for wolverine. Im sure with the right diet and excerise. That its poossible
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 25, 2011, 10:15:04 AM
all the actors in 300 "pumped up for the film"
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on July 25, 2011, 04:53:42 PM
Hugh Jackman got big for Wolverine? That's not how I saw it. Cut and define yes. Huge? I disagree.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on July 26, 2011, 04:05:16 PM
Special (2006) Not as good as 'Kick Ass' or 'Super' 6/10
Defendor (2009) Not as good as 'Kick Ass' but better than 'Special' On a par with 'Super' 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on July 28, 2011, 11:43:41 AM
The Social Network (2010) Did not think I would like this But I did --- If there was a NDA, how did this come out ? Time Limited ? 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on July 31, 2011, 12:12:18 PM
The New One-Armed Swordsman (1971) Lots of ass-kicking wiht lots of blood. Incredibly cheesy, but awesome, music. Great fun.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 01, 2011, 08:46:44 AM
blitz ( mmmmmmm ok for an hour and a half 6/10. typical jason ,Paddy Considine appears also
a weekend of lord of the rings extended editions also. better as i haven't seen in a while
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on August 01, 2011, 06:35:06 PM
source code . it was okay not as much action as I like and it really would have been better if it tv movie special. I found myself wanting to fast foward through some of the scenes .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on August 02, 2011, 06:14:15 AM
I watched "Captain America" and really enjoyed the absence of overt CGI (even though itis my favourite thing). Not being overly wowed by the effects did make you pay more attention to the characters, their acting and the story (albeit a story we all already knew well).
I'd give it at least a 7+ out of 10.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: laama on August 04, 2011, 04:35:30 PM
The Hitman 1991
4/10 Crap.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 04, 2011, 04:54:39 PM
Ah well Chuck Norris --- What did you expect ;D ;D ;D
Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010) More of the same --- Fairly Boring Actually 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 09, 2011, 01:31:58 AM
Ah well Chuck Norris --- What did you expect ;D ;D ;D
hey dont knock the chuck ;D ;D The Veteran ( 7 / 10 nothing new but a watchable hour or so whilst folding leaflets. ;D
the trip ( 8/10 very enjoyable watch .kind of how i would imagine the road trip would be with 2 actors /comedians.
The Rite ( 6/10 brave of me to watch this movie :o not so scary but ok Hopkins is being Hopkins again :-\ only watched due to a radio 4 program about exorcism and the Vatican church giving courses on exorcism.interesting program didnt know it still went on :o
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 09, 2011, 08:55:55 AM
Zoom (2006) Soppy (well it is for kids) Super Heroes Flick 7/10
The Specials (2000) Not so Super Hero Yawn Fest... Don't know why it was an R/18 ? 4/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on August 09, 2011, 09:24:14 AM
cowboys and aliens
mildly entertaining
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on August 09, 2011, 07:33:20 PM
I watched "Rise of the apes" this evening. Great film but for the last half an hour I thought I was watching a rerun of Clapham Junction last night.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on August 09, 2011, 08:19:26 PM
is that the one with James Franco?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on August 10, 2011, 04:09:30 AM
Yes it is and I should have said "Rise of the Planet of the Apes". I was quite gripped from start to finish which is always a good sign, and the missus only fell asleep once (that's a record right there...).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on August 14, 2011, 04:35:34 PM
30 mintues or less. :( :(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on August 15, 2011, 09:06:26 AM
You only managed 30 mins or are you talking about my missus? I usually measure how long she stays awake in seconds, even less when we're watching a film.. :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on August 15, 2011, 01:03:59 PM
Maybe she's talking about 30 Minutes or Less ( My husband always fells asleep in movies. He fall asleep watching Goodfellas. I think he only saw the titles. 146 min of snoring and drooling. Unbelievable.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on August 15, 2011, 06:45:05 PM
I was talking about the movie 30 mins or less. it wasnt any good I laughed like once...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on August 16, 2011, 08:04:04 AM
Maybe she's talking about 30 Minutes or Less ( My husband always fells asleep in movies. He fall asleep watching Goodfellas. I think he only saw the titles. 146 min of snoring and drooling. Unbelievable.
I thought as much but I wanted to get the latter joke in.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on August 17, 2011, 01:16:37 PM
The Million Pound Note.
Comedy film in which Gregory Peck gets a million pound note and everybody wants to be his friend. I didn't hear a lot of the ending because people were talking too loudly, but it seemed like everything turned out OK.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 19, 2011, 12:07:12 PM
the 13th warrior , only the tablet crashed at the end :o
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 19, 2011, 12:58:03 PM
X-Men: First Class (2011) Good Action Flick 8/10 > 17/20 Why did Magneto have an Irish Accent ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 21, 2011, 09:07:37 AM
Win Win ( thoroughly nice watchable movie . P.Giamatti is becoming a favorite of mine .
The Sum Of All Fears ( Tom Clancy novel and i have a love of spy "ish" movies. I only wish they had made the last Debt of Honor (1994)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on August 21, 2011, 07:13:41 PM
The Man from Earth
decent well played plot
William Katt's bad acting almost ruined the movie.. then I remembered he was playing a hip yoga wannabe self-righteous professor type.. then his bad acting actually suited his character :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on August 22, 2011, 02:24:39 PM
The Man from Earth
That looks like areally good move. Definitely going to try that out on the weekend.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 23, 2011, 01:35:35 PM
Voces inocentes (2004) aka Innocent Voices Expected it to be more harrowing --- But it was not ! Though my version is 1:50.43 (23.976 fps) and IMDB sez it was 2:00.00 (rounded up)(24 fps). See it if you can... 7/10 > 15/20
"The boy's name is Salvador. They call him 'Chava' That's a Mexican thing. WE call our Salvadors 'Chamba'."
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on August 23, 2011, 08:40:44 PM
Voces inocentes (2004) aka Innocent Voices Expected it to be more harrowing --- But it was not !
I think it's definitely harrowing. When I saw it I had so much chest pain I thought I was having a heart attack. :) When the old woman talks about the chewing gum: "It doesn't taste so yummy any longer". :-X
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 24, 2011, 08:12:21 AM
well makes my movie look like a kids film spygame and patriot games. love both. ( i do need some new spy ' ish ' movies)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on August 25, 2011, 07:43:02 AM
I'll try to think of some actual spy or spy-ish movies.
many thanks :D
Wrecked. ( not too bad , different.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 28, 2011, 06:38:48 PM
THOR [2011] Disappointing :( Fights too Frenetic 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 29, 2011, 01:25:56 PM
friends with benefits . not too bad
thor as nobby said ???
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 30, 2011, 01:46:31 PM
i tried to watch the social network - but it kept crashing on my blue ray player from my external hdd. a glitch of sorts >:( so i will reserve judgement until i can watch in full.
Requiem for a dream ( movie about drug addiction.interesting indeed.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on August 30, 2011, 02:58:02 PM
I actually enjoyed The Social Network when I didn't think I would.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on August 30, 2011, 03:12:00 PM
I watched Shadow ( a couple of nights ago and was eager to see if I was in the group that gave it 1 or 2 stars, or the group that gave it 8 or 9.
I was surprised to find that I was in the latter.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 31, 2011, 08:40:29 AM
::) looks a little scary to me
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on August 31, 2011, 10:49:06 AM
I watched Everything is Illuminated ... Which I liked.
and.. Passchendaele. Which, I should have liked.. but it pissed me off on various small levels... so, I didn't like it so much
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on September 01, 2011, 10:02:34 PM
Eddie Izzard: Stripped (2009) Not Funny 4/10
Kevin Smith: Too Fat for 40! (2010) Very Funny 9/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on September 03, 2011, 09:33:44 PM
Fright Night (2011) Was OK --- CGI poor in places Less of a Comedy than the Original Toni Collette a little young for the role 7/10
Superbad (2007) It is a Farce - I do not like farces... Hated Jonah Hill = Seth Too Old & Obnoxious 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 04, 2011, 01:17:29 AM
the social network ( at last) twas ok nothing special
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on September 04, 2011, 06:53:54 PM
I liked the movie too , I feel like that was the last movie I saw eljah wood in.
I know.. I usually just see him as Frodo over and over :P he did a voice in '9', and tv wise he was in Wilfred. When I was watching the movie I was considering looking up more movies by the guy who played the guy who was showing him around.. then I realized it was Eugene Hutz from Gogol Bordello :o ..who, I already listen to.. so, that was funny.
Aksel Hennie was so good in 'Max Manus' that I'll look for him in other movies now. The movie was also good.. but, he by far was the best part of it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on September 05, 2011, 10:22:37 AM
The Ghost Writer Good, taut, political thriller. Kim Cattrall almost ruins it though, she needs to gtfo. Olivia Williams is positively arresting, what a screen presence. Ewan McGregor is in this, nuff said. Brosnan does well as a Tony Blair ish PM.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on September 06, 2011, 08:45:06 AM
The Ghost Writer Ewan McGregor is in this, nuff said
^ hellayeah! I need to see that.
I hate it when one actor almost ruins a whole movie. That's what provoked the comment by me about a movie I watched last week.. One person was so bad, it jerked you out of the plot so much I was hoping his character would be killed off ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: cz85b on September 06, 2011, 03:33:59 PM
Ghost Writer was great...
I JUST saw "Waking Ned Divine" It is an Irish comedy, it has some darkish tones to it, but over all it had enough funny moments to make it worth watching again, and that is saying something!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on September 06, 2011, 10:06:11 PM
Ned was a great film. Totally loved it. Not that I want to agree with you but I absolutely do on this point. Have I hugged you yet?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 07, 2011, 12:12:44 AM
a funny old film twas Ned Devine ;D
will have to get a copy of the ghost writer.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on September 07, 2011, 03:26:25 PM
Paranormal Activity 2 (2010) Better than the Original, but not much The Dog was the best Actor in it 3/10
Insignificance (1985) I saw the play many years ago in The Liverpool Playhouse Studio... The Film opens it up a little but it is not that different Drama/Comedy Sez IMDB --- Wrong this it ain't no Comedy Quite a Sad little tale in fact 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 09, 2011, 02:37:56 PM
flags of our fathers :'(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on September 09, 2011, 03:27:44 PM
All-Star Superman (2011) Very Bitty Nonsense & So Soppy... Worst DC Animation to date 3/10
Super 8 (2011) Good Flick Mostly Were they being Ironic... ? Throwing the Models into an otherwise Spectacular Crash. 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on September 09, 2011, 06:12:02 PM
DC just rebooted they're comic books. I've head a few of the one's release already. Not bad...I wonder if it'll take.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 10, 2011, 12:48:25 PM
setup ( :-\ very :-\ it doesn't know what style it is :'( 2 / 10 to be generous the guard ( graet film if you liked waking ned then watch this.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on September 10, 2011, 09:23:57 PM
Friends with Benefits (2011) Fairly Mediocre Rom-Com Did not like Justin Timberlake Mila Kunis was Great. 5/10
Bridesmaids (2011) A much better Rom-Com Could imagine Re-watching 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on September 11, 2011, 07:57:13 AM
Hobo with a Shotgun (2011) (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 13, 2011, 09:47:58 AM
red state ( dont look in spoiler if you want the plot given away. unsure of this one :o
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on September 13, 2011, 12:06:03 PM
Kevin Smith not doing Comedy :o
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on September 14, 2011, 10:51:34 AM
Star Command
When I was in high school, my teacher asked me to write a story. The story had everything in it: space ships, space battles, a Captain in command, lasers, space jokes, explosions, everything. That's what this film reminded me of. Except I'd never have thought to make every female wear short skirts and Eva Habermann.
Like my story, this film was awful. Not even Johnny 5 could save it.
3/10 (1 point for Eva Habermann, 1 more because I think they were serious).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 15, 2011, 01:48:44 PM
the last hunter ( old but old. ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on September 20, 2011, 08:44:33 AM
I watched
The Eclipse
Has anyone else seen this? I feel like I'm missing some major point of the film.. or, are we just supposed to take it for what it is was/is?... as literal vs. having deeper meaning? I feel like something went over my head.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on September 20, 2011, 12:12:42 PM
Is it like an Irish 'City of Angels'?
Page Eight
Nice film, lots of fun. I'm scared of the government now :(. 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on September 20, 2011, 06:51:25 PM
no, it was more real life based. Fairly boring. I think it mostly just had to do with tying up loose ends in your emotions.. but, it could have been more and I missed the point. It wasn't a bad movie.. just kind of meh.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on September 22, 2011, 03:37:51 PM
I liked that Goo Goo Dolls song.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on September 23, 2011, 06:38:04 PM
X- men First Class: was alright. I dont read comic books so it was cool to see how the blue girl went with magneto and how the beast became the beast.
Bridesmaids - made me a laugh more then a couple of times but it wasn't as outrageously funny as the media made it out to be. They could of casted hotter guys ….. the sister and brother duo were uber creepy.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on September 23, 2011, 07:35:34 PM
No Way ! Hate those 'everyone is beautiful' flicks
I still would.have liked one piece of eye.candy.
I forgot I saw Hereafter. Ill admit I fast.forwarded.through the frnch womans.part.because I thought that story was.boring . The ending was nic and some.scenes.made me cry. I feltsomewhat sorry for mattdamons character . Overall it was nice movie
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 24, 2011, 06:35:39 AM
horrible bosses ( not too bad had funny moments . green lantern ( hate the main actor with a passion, reminds me of work college who kisses a**
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on September 24, 2011, 10:35:35 AM
green lantern ( hate the main actor with a passion, reminds me of work college who kisses a**
Ryan Reynolds? that's super funny.. because you finally gave me words for what bugs me about him :D i never had good words for it. I know people that love him. He must be one of those guys you like, or you dont.
I forgot I saw Hereafter. Ill admit I fast.forwarded.through the frnch womans.part.because I thought that story was.boring . The ending was nic and some.scenes.made me cry. I feltsomewhat sorry for mattdamons character . Overall it was nice movie
So why do you think it didn't get overly good reviews? Was it the plot content of that subject is too hard to deal with if people don't get specific answers they want? or, was it the boring part?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 24, 2011, 12:42:21 PM
So why do you think it didn't get overly good reviews? Was it the plot content of that subject is too hard to deal with if people don't get specific answers they want? or, was it the boring part?
possibly because people wanted clint to give them a answer and he didnt ???
i enjoyed it
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on September 25, 2011, 02:34:08 PM
I watched The Dead ( a couple of nights ago as there had been some talk of it by some old horror freaks I know, but I am not quite sure what to rate it.
As a film it really didn't do much but there are parts of it that are unforgettable, especially the zombie with the fantastically weird leg. There were also some bits where I couldn't quite see the seams in the special effects, like when cars mowed people down - it almost looked like a snuff film.
If you like horror no matter the budget, then you may well like this even though it does not look cheap or badly made, you just have to be aware that it does not differ from most zombie movies in as much as it is just a lot of zombos munching flesh.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on September 28, 2011, 09:18:33 PM
Red State (2011) Horror ? I don't think so --- Although those people were Horrific Not a BAD film --- but Kevin should stick to Comedy 6/10
Superhero Movie (2008) Spiderman/X-Men/Fantastic 4 Spoof Supposed to be funny --- But NOT ! 3/10 (for Brent Spiner)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on September 29, 2011, 02:23:55 AM
X-Men First Class (2011) ( Enjoyable movie. Good acting. One has to ignore the annoying differences to the comics, such as Havok being an X-Man in the 1960s (movie) when he's meant to be Cyclops' younger brother (comics). Good film though. 8/10
Limitless (2011) ( Another good film. 8/10
Attack the Block (2011) ( I've heard this film got a bit of stick. not sure why, I thought it was pretty good. 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on September 29, 2011, 08:27:06 AM
I'm glad to hear your take on X-men First Class red. I thought almost the exact same thing. Was a really good movie but wasn't canonical to the comics at all. Banshee's a teen in the movie but in the books, he doesn't even meet the X-men until after he's stopped being an Interpol Agent and his daughter has been born.
Being a fairly hardcore comic fan, it takes a bit to look paste the discontinuity.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 29, 2011, 12:00:03 PM
Transformers-dark side of the moon. not too bad,a lack of action and too much of the new girl :P The Mist enjoyed, what humanity quickly descends into :-\
The wrestler - excellent still
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on September 29, 2011, 05:18:37 PM
Being a fairly hardcore comic fan, it takes a bit to look paste the discontinuity.
It does, but a while back I decided to watch the flicks like I've never read the comics - which means I get to like comic films that might otherwise have pissed me off because they changed things (Watchmen & Kick-Ass for example). Things still niggle, but I now don't mind too much if changes were made to characters or events so long as the film is good. What pisses me off much more is when the comics change characters to match the films.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on October 02, 2011, 03:07:05 PM
I watched The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus last night, and liked it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 02, 2011, 03:21:53 PM
Apollo 18 (2011) Not BAD --- But the 'Found Footage' and 'Shaky Cam' theme is becoming a bit Annoying. Did they not give us a Good look at the Selenites due to the budget or to ramp up the Tension ? 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on October 05, 2011, 02:42:58 AM
The Caller (2011) (
I thought this was going to be along the lines of "Play Misty for Me", but this is a decent supernatural thriller. I enjoyed it despite a few inconsistencies in the plot. 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Skadi on October 05, 2011, 09:11:22 AM
Good action flick, but something missing that I couldn't put my finger on. 7/10
I felt a little like Natalie Portman sort of 'phoned it in'.. that's what was missing for me most.
I saw White Irish Drinkers last night. It was decently made. Had some memorable moments. I'm glad I watched it all the way through. I doubt I'd watch it again though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on October 07, 2011, 06:51:52 PM
There was a film on today, I don't know what it was called. It had that guy in it who played the First Doctor (the crazy old one who finds everything funny). He played a seaman. It was a good film, but I only saw half of it.
Internet search says was called "Yangtse Incident"
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 07, 2011, 07:31:13 PM
Jennifer's Body (2009) Comedy | Horror ? Hardly ! Not funny or horrific enough... Similar (but inferior) to Ginger Snaps 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on October 07, 2011, 08:36:04 PM
I watched it bc OC1 said (I'm almost sure it was her) that she liked it. Yeah, I didn't like it that much either.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 08, 2011, 06:55:04 PM
Green Lantern (2011) Not a bad action flick... The end was predictable Hals Mask was Ridiculous and it was too Soppy 7/10 Could have been an 8 without the love interest
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 09, 2011, 01:56:02 AM
Fair Game ( 8 / 10. not too bad , busy at times (didn't know twas based on a true story ??? ) need to watch again to watch it properly ( daughter had a birthday sleep over and was interrupted constantly :o :o)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on October 09, 2011, 02:00:22 PM
Fast Five
silly and unbelievable but entertaining. strangely paul walker did look as good as I remembered. and I watched the uncut version and there was some strange grunts during certain parts but no mouth movement.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on October 10, 2011, 01:55:18 PM
Watched Transformers 3 last night and apart from being about half an hour too long, wtf is going on with Sam and the English broad? They had about as much chemistry between them as I have low-alcohol beer in the fridge.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 10, 2011, 10:02:50 PM
Colombiana (2011) - nothing new for me. killed a hour or so .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 11, 2011, 06:15:56 PM
Attack the Block (2011) Not as bad as I was lead to believe, Quite Good Actually --- Could have done with Subtitled Translation for the Patois. Probs + Mayhem were excellent ;D 8/10
Submarine (2010) Comedy | Drama = Not Funny or Dramatic Quite Boring Actually & The Music Was Awful ! 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 12, 2011, 07:14:33 AM
Submarine (2010) Comedy | Drama = Not Funny or Dramatic Quite Boring Actually & The Music Was Awful ! 6/10
so agree,
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 13, 2011, 11:50:45 AM
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011) Good Action Romp Silly but enjoyable 8/10
You would have thought they would get the flag right (apart from being upside down) (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 16, 2011, 07:23:28 AM
::) probably didnt even realise :o
captain America. interesting cgi with his body ;D ;D its allright , wouldnt watch again. crazy stupid love - laughable at times , not too bad. father of invention - killed an hour or so, expected better though .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 16, 2011, 08:06:38 PM
Gulliver's Travels (2010) Just Jack Black doing his stuff to a loose adaptation of part of the Jonathan Swift Book Amusing Enough I Suppose 6/10
Nothing Is Private (2007) Interesting & Disturbing in equal measure Good performances by most of the Cast 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 17, 2011, 02:15:19 AM
Shakespeare in love and sideways . wont go into details as they are old movies and you know them. both a favourite of mine
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on October 18, 2011, 11:39:27 PM
the american
I did not like it .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 21, 2011, 09:14:07 AM
::) its a slow one to be sure
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on October 22, 2011, 09:56:55 AM
You would have thought they would get the flag right (apart from being upside down) (
From the actor's perspective, it's probably OK :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 22, 2011, 02:31:15 PM
the hangover 2 - please no number 3. 1 was good , this was wrong
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 22, 2011, 03:50:29 PM
If you liked 1 --- What's not to like about 2 ? Except that you have seen it all before ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 26, 2011, 01:28:25 PM
margin call - enjoyable :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 26, 2011, 01:44:09 PM
Really ?!?!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 26, 2011, 10:01:02 PM
::) for me yes. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 30, 2011, 06:26:30 PM
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Undead (2009) Silly, but mildly amusing... 5/10
Contagion (2011) Over Hyped + Quite Boring Why the funny accent Jude ? 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on November 01, 2011, 02:15:59 PM
Contagion (2011) Over Hyped + Quite Boring Why the funny accent Jude ? 5/10
I've seen BBC documentaries that were more interesting, more scary, and above all, more entertaining.
I'd only give it 3.5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on November 04, 2011, 09:14:52 PM
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) I did not buy the 'Virus Drug' or the need to Weaponize it... I have other minor issues with it, But that said, It is still a good yarn. 8/10
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (2008) Horrible ! 3/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on November 06, 2011, 07:24:02 AM
We all watched Mr Popper's Peguins ( last night and we all thought is was rather good. It was a tried and tested formula to be honest, but there were at least 2 parts where I belly-laughed which is quite uncommon for me.
I have to give it a 7/10 for trying and for the fact that my kids loved it (it was aimed at them after all).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 07, 2011, 12:17:05 PM
Conan ( generous at 5.3
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on November 07, 2011, 12:45:00 PM
Trust (2010) Disturbing material handled well Liana Liberato was excellent 15/20
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on November 08, 2011, 07:41:45 PM
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Excellent 9/10
Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) Worst of the Three Seemed over-long and quite boring 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on November 20, 2011, 05:23:12 PM
In time :-\ was sort of okay. I would recommend waiting for it to come out on dvd or better yet cable.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 20, 2011, 10:02:23 PM
Cowboys and Aliens - not too bad .
Killer Elite - again ok .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on November 20, 2011, 10:22:15 PM
Cowboys and ALiens was okay but I'm not crazy about olivia wilde at all. She was in the movie In Time as JTs mom sort of creepy.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 26, 2011, 02:43:21 PM
The Thing. 2011 thoroughly enjoyed . effects true to the original ;)
Larry Crowne - ok not too bad , not the best love / comedy i have ever seen.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 29, 2011, 02:17:46 AM
Fright Night - a nice tongue in cheek movie :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 03, 2011, 02:05:35 PM
Warrior. brutal depiction of a man in pain .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on December 03, 2011, 02:53:26 PM
I finally got round to watching "Legend of the guardians" and WOW what a movie. The team that made it was huge, in the credits I counted about 50 lighting artists alone, but the end result was truly beautiful and a real work of art.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on December 03, 2011, 03:47:03 PM
lighting artists
On a CGI Flick ?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on December 04, 2011, 04:54:29 AM
Lighting is probably, no not 'probably' but definitely the hardest part of CGI. First you have to study the conventional theories on lighting and how photons work on different surfaces etc, then you have to mimic that on the textures of just about everything in a scene and also do other things like 'Light Linking' and also all the shadows etc. The beauty of CGI is you can cheat and and have some things not cast a shadow or not reflect photons etc (which you can't do in real life), but in most cases this only adds another level of headache.
I am still scared witless about learning and understanding that element of CGI, while I enjoyed learning how to model, texture, and rig.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 04, 2011, 06:34:32 AM
That's bc you know too much and you're paying too much attention to details and you don't sit back and relax as the rest of us mortals. ;D
I haven't been able to do anything on my comp' that's too intensive as a mobo fault causes it to crash. However, 3 weeks ago I bought myself a beast akin to Dweez's but can't set it up until Christmas when I have some time off.
I can't wait :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on December 04, 2011, 09:38:11 AM
Ah, that's torture. Having it all right there in the boxes but not letting you at them is maddening.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on December 04, 2011, 10:00:51 AM
Ah, that's torture. Having it all right there in the boxes but not letting you at them is maddening.
I have been buying other kit for it while I wait, like a triple monitor graph card and an Audiophile audio card to run my studio. All I need now is a 3rd monitor that runs off a HDMI port.
Just to keep things on track, I watched 'Mimic' last night but I'd forgotten how crap the FX were. Was Mimic 2 any better?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on December 10, 2011, 06:05:03 PM
The Thing (2011) Was OK for a Quasi-Remake But lacked Tension 7/10
True Grit (2010) Hailee Steinfeld was Robbed of a Best Actress Oscar Good flick --- apart from the CGI Snakes Slightly Better than the Original 8/10 Catch it if you can...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 11, 2011, 05:30:31 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: feelingindifferent on December 14, 2011, 01:14:50 AM
Crazy Stupid Love There are worse romcoms. Ryan Gosling's abs are unreal. Emma Stone is hilarious. How does Julianne Moore not have ALL THE AWARDS yet? (Not necessarily for this movie)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on December 14, 2011, 10:37:15 PM
Crazy Stupid Love There are worse romcoms. Ryan Gosling's abs are unreal. Emma Stone is hilarious. How does Julianne Moore not have ALL THE AWARDS yet? (Not necessarily for this movie)
I just got crazystupidlove, I havent watched it yet but the reason I got it was for his abs. hes such a hottie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 15, 2011, 11:40:51 AM
I just got crazystupidlove, I havent watched it yet but the reason I got it was for his abs. hes such a hottie.
::) ::) ;D ;D ;D ;D i thought it was a laugh , worth the watch
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 18, 2011, 12:59:03 PM
on a cold Sunday i watched the Inbetweeners - new watched the tv prog. Funny at points that's all. Contagion - believable , enjoyed , not scary enough Moneyball- OK movie watchable.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 22, 2011, 08:29:22 AM
I know some people here might want to eat my liver for what I'm about to say but Green Lantern is a BAD movie. Maybe it's that cult thing that doesn't touch me. Beh, maybe it's just me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on December 22, 2011, 09:23:33 AM
I know some people here might want to eat my liver for what I'm about to say but Green Lantern is a BAD movie. Maybe it's that cult thing that doesn't touch me. Beh, maybe it's just me.
The purist in me had to suffer it somewhat, but the CGI part of my make up, adored it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on December 22, 2011, 09:58:13 AM
Well, true "fans" can't really complain that it didn't follow the DC Canon much at all because effin' DC has up and YET AGAIN re-written it's history.
I thought the FX were great. I didn't care that some of the story (quite a bit actually) deviates from the GL history I remember but seeing Sinestro and Kilowog were particularly exciting for me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on December 23, 2011, 04:28:15 PM
Horrible Bosses Was okay
The Debt was good
Colombiana was okay
Fright Night was okay
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 31, 2011, 06:07:32 AM
Armageddon - a jolly good yarn :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on December 31, 2011, 09:23:48 AM
Scream 4 (2011) Was OK... But was it needed ? 7/10
Mars Needs Moms (2011) Was OK... But the Mo-Cap faces were annoying apart from Ki (Elisabeth Harnois) 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on December 31, 2011, 09:58:23 AM
DEvil double was good
Hangover 2 was alright
I watched something else but I cant remember the title.
Just remembered….
Mission Impossible 4. I didnt like that the opening credits gave away bits and pieces of the movie. but over all it was good action flick.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on December 31, 2011, 05:36:32 PM
127 Hours (2010) Very Interesting... Might have been better --- If I did not know the ending 7/10
Hanna (2011) Not Bad --- But lacked something 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on January 08, 2012, 09:02:35 PM
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) I liked it --- Catch it if you can 8/10
After.Life (2009) Bunch of Hooey 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 09, 2012, 07:29:21 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on January 11, 2012, 12:50:00 PM
Battle Recon:The Call of Duty. WWII movie about a Special Forces raid loosely based on a true story. big disappointment in my book, very predictable, and poorly done and thought out (think: guns that don't run out of bullets, blind and deaf sentries, etc.) 4/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 12, 2012, 01:10:46 AM
::) glad you reviewed that one. nearly borrowed, glad i didnt.
unfortunately no movies from me , lack of concentration when your sneezing every 2 seconds . ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: MisterAJ on January 12, 2012, 07:57:33 AM
Have you watched Looking for Richard (1996) ( I've heard people giving that one hell but I remember I liked it a lot back in the day.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: MisterAJ on January 18, 2012, 04:09:41 AM
Puss in Boots - Brilliant. You don't even have to be stone to enjoy it. Seriously, I was sober!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 18, 2012, 07:25:34 AM
Have you watched Looking for Richard (1996) ( I've heard people giving that one hell but I remember I liked it a lot back in the day.
no i haven't , will obtain :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on January 22, 2012, 12:47:14 PM
I've recently caught "The Guardian (" on cable a couple times this past week. I've always enjoyed this film. For being the big, stupid bag of goof he is, Ashton Kutcher did a great job in this movie. And Kevin Costner's character is perfect. Good supporting characters around too, Dule Hill (Psych, West Wing) and Neal McDonough (Walking Tall, Minority Reports). I just think it's really good movie. If you haven't seen it, it's worth at least one watch.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on January 26, 2012, 05:45:38 PM
Real Steel (2011) (
Could have been so much better. Quite enjoyed the cowboy bit, but the aliens ruined it for me.
That's pretty much how I feel too.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 28, 2012, 03:31:58 AM
The Hunter - ( not bad at all , didn't end as i thought it would and the speed was quite nice . 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 29, 2012, 03:30:17 AM
^ never heard of that and I think I'll grab it. What cert' would you say it was?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 29, 2012, 06:56:34 AM
not sure about "cert" but i would let my daughter watch it (shes 10 ) but she would find it boring ;D ;D
Anonymous 2011 ( expected a comedy but found a twisting plot of a yarn. enjoyable 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on January 29, 2012, 09:04:54 AM Says it is an Ozzy 'M' = 12 approx IE Between a PG and a 15+
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 30, 2012, 04:01:54 AM Says it is an Ozzy 'M' = 12 approx IE Between a PG and a 15+
Many thanks Nobby.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 08, 2012, 12:29:49 AM
War Horse - 7/10 twas ok but and that'sCould have more realistic but then no one would have watched it scene in no man's land made me cringe but nothing too sad to cry over.
IMAX -Climbing the Alps - WOW eye opening scenery and great cinematography. must get the Oceans and space ones next. :D :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 22, 2012, 01:05:58 AM
Underworld Awakening - another tightly rubber clad disappointment not for me 5/10
The Immortals - I had no idea what to expect of this and after watching it I'm unsure if I like it or not. needs another watch ? / 10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on February 22, 2012, 04:23:08 AM
^ same for me with Immortals.
I watched Tower Heist last night and it turned out to be a pretty decent flick for its genre. The very, very end was a tad silly (unless all the beneficiaries owned smelters) but other than that it kept me interested until the end.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 24, 2012, 12:48:31 AM
Tin Tin - mmmmmmmmmmmmmm I dont know what to comment about this one.scary graphics ( as in toooo good) and even though a lot of star voices, I have never been a massive fan of |Tin Tin. will post again after a second watch.
Vanishing on 7th Street - started off OK , interested me and had me in a nervous grip at times ,but not for to long unfortunately, went on for about 30 mins too long in my view .6/10 I just waited for Hayden Christensen (Darth Vader) to wip out a light saber and use the force on the darkness ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D . wonder if there is an out take of it ???
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on February 24, 2012, 12:15:26 PM
Justice League: Doom (2012) I liked it, although the plot was strangely familiar... and Superman was drawn too young. 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on February 25, 2012, 04:43:50 AM
Justice League: Doom (2012) I liked it, although the plot was strangely familiar... and Superman was drawn too young. 8/10
We watched that last night too. The one thing I can't understand is how one bloke could effectively bump off all the main hero players in a breath if he had the inclination, yet all the bad guys in the universe can't touch them.
Supervillains must be really thick.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 03, 2012, 02:01:46 AM
Goon ( Although i laughed sometimes , a movie that glamorizes wanton violence in a professional game is a little too much for me. 4/10
The Fourth Protocal ( for an old movie thoroughly enjoyable 6/10
Midnight in Paris ( after a second viewing ( always have to view Woody Allen films a couple of times) Different but not too bad.A plethora of stars . Owen Wilson as Owen Wilson as always . 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on March 04, 2012, 02:30:59 PM
I saw these a few months ago because I want to be a librarian and wanted to see what I was missing out on.
The Librarian: Quest for the Spear This film was a lot of fun, the kind of film they'd expect you to watch on a Saturday afternoon. It has that guy from ER who went out with Abby. It's like a budget Indiana Jones. 7/10
The Librarian: Return to King Solomon's Mines This one wasn't as good as the last one, despite having people from Star Trek in it. It was OK, but you'd probably want to drink a bit before watching it. 5/10
The Librarian: Curse of the Judas Chalice I remember not really liking this one very much, but it did have bits I liked. I think I was a bit annoyed the main character was comfortable being an action hero. Maybe I should watch them again. Jonathan Frakes directed this one and the last one, maybe he's no good :o. You need to stop being so picky. 5/10
Last Life in the Universe This film had killing in it. I did enjoy this film, but I don't think I understand the ending. 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 11, 2012, 12:41:46 PM
The Grey. not too bad at all , scared the hell out of my wife at times ??? ??? ??? definitely watch again 7/10
machine gun preacher - different, never heard of this subject till i watched the movie. A mean chap. watch the credits and actually see S. Childers talk about why he does it. I do believe there is a you tube vid about this subject going around at the moment.Apparently it went viral over night. 6/10
The Double. failed for me. you just knew what was coming and who was what. 5/10
One For the Money - totally fail on many levels 3/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on March 20, 2012, 04:54:16 PM
Apollo 18 - not as good as i expected, just alright, nothing special 5/10 Goon - i liked this one, bit of everything in it, comedy, blood, drama 7.5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on March 21, 2012, 07:39:34 AM
Haven't watched this yet of course, but judging by the comments about it so far I doubt I ever will:
Bad box office performance doesn't necessarily mean bad movie. Shawshank Redemption was a flop, as was "It's a Wonderful Life". Cutthroat Island lost a pot-load of money, as did Sahara: I (and a couple of others) enjoyed both of them.
Does that fly in the face of the Barnum idea then?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on March 21, 2012, 10:21:19 PM
Highlander supposedly didn't do too well either but became a cult classic.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 22, 2012, 12:39:58 AM
they spent a lot and hoped to make a lot.Trouble is times are hard and ticket prices are higher.
They released the movie at a funny time , why not target Easter with children off school and offer vouchers for discount.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on March 24, 2012, 11:49:50 AM
Just go with it - was okay out of ten, I would give this move a 3 Super8 another okay movie that I would give 5/10 Killer Elite - I love action movies but I just wasn't crazy about the story line 5/10 Man On a ledge- 6/10 Underworld latest movie- wheres Michael? I was disappointed 4/10 adventures of tin tin- Grams enjoyed it and so did I 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on March 25, 2012, 07:55:35 AM
Ghost Rider:Spirit of Vengeance. what can i say? not that good, but didn't expect it to be, i have a soft spot for movies like this, i used to love the Ghost Rider comics when i was a kid. pretty good effects, good movie to watch when you don't want to have to think much, maybe 6/10.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on March 25, 2012, 08:02:00 AM
After about the 6th sitting, I finally managed to get all the way through the remake of The Thing. Personally I thought it may have even been better than the first for memorable moments, but it wasn't as novel of course so it was ultimately just a kill-fest. Gotta give ot 7.5/10 though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on March 25, 2012, 01:49:30 PM
My sister said she was surprised at how good the John Carter film is. She said you wouldn't expect a film with a name like that to be worth watching.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on March 25, 2012, 02:13:32 PM
My sister said she was surprised at how good the John Carter film is. She said you wouldn't expect a film with a name like that to be worth watching.
That's encouraging as I'd hate to let a CGI film pass me by.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 26, 2012, 08:47:50 AM
The Three Musketeers ( Although every major acting roll is taken up by known reputable actors / actress I found it very disappointing . Way too much money thrown at it just wooden. 4/10 I still prefer the earlier versions ( .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on March 26, 2012, 09:08:52 AM
The Three Musketeers ( Although every major acting roll is taken up by known reputable actors / actress I found it very disappointing . Way too much money thrown at it just wooden. 4/10 I still prefer the earlier versions ( .
My sister said she was surprised at how good the John Carter film is. She said you wouldn't expect a film with a name like that to be worth watching.
looks good, but a big flop at the box office, it seems a lot of times big budget movies flop, they later go after downloaders with copyright lawsuits.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 29, 2012, 10:30:12 AM
hellboy 2 thoroughly enjoyed
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on March 31, 2012, 07:13:32 PM
The Adventures of Tintin (2011) I liked it --- A Good Action Romp Defo a touch of Indy Jones... I don't know why some people disliked the MoCap 8/10
Tinker Bell (2008) This was much too Young/Simple for me I could imagine a young (< 8 ) liking it But I was not interested... 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on March 31, 2012, 07:15:05 PM
Tinker Bell (2008) This was much too Young/Simple for me I could imagine a young (under 8) liking it But I was not interested... 5/10
I thought it was a nightmare but yeah, my daughter liked it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 01, 2012, 12:20:09 AM
The Veteran ( not too bad , worth a watch 6/10
The Way ( Watched in its fullest last night with a lovely bottle of Spanish red wine. I did like this movie, skipped along a little too quickly at times so you couldn't get to know the characters. 7/10
Silent Running ( A blast from the past. Still like it though
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 08, 2012, 08:10:08 AM
New Years Eve ( A movie in the Richard Curtis vein without a doubt,Would have been better if he had anything to do with it but still enjoyable to watch on a miserable Sunday afternoon . 8/10 more than imdb but i enjoy this type of movie :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on April 09, 2012, 12:32:20 PM
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) Not Bad --- Not as Brutal as the Original The new Lisbeth is too emotional - as demonstrated by the final scene ? 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 09, 2012, 03:21:47 PM
The Ghost ( Unsure what to say about this one. different, demanding, need to watch again. The ending shouldn't have surprised me but it did ??? 7/10
The Blind Side ( A feel good factor movie. 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 10, 2012, 04:36:11 AM
Odd that Pierce Brosnan doesn't make page 1 of the cast list.
your so true never noticed that ???
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on April 11, 2012, 09:03:10 PM
Underworld: Awakening (2012) Not BAD --- But not GOOD either Short and lacking something ? 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on April 11, 2012, 09:16:27 PM
Was it better than Underworld 3? I was fine with 1 and 2. Something close to that, maybe I'll watch it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on April 11, 2012, 09:37:18 PM
Well I scored the others : 8, 7 and 6 So it equals 'Rise of the Lycans'
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on April 11, 2012, 11:58:45 PM
Meh, Lycans sort of sucked...maybe I'll get it for the next time I'm out sick.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 13, 2012, 11:11:43 AM
::) wasn't worth a 6 IMHO
The Whistleblower ( Thought provoking and sad.A gripping watch. No matter how low people can fall, its good to know huge businesses / Governments can still screw humanity over for contract's worth millions . >:( 8.5 / 10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on April 15, 2012, 12:34:30 PM
I watched The Divide ( and I have to say that even though it was overly disturbing in parts and quite disjointed throughout, I actually really enjoyed it and will give it at least a 7 out of 10,
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 15, 2012, 12:53:08 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 19, 2012, 12:15:59 AM
Sherlock Holes , Game of Shadows . A jolly good yarn, I Loved ever minute.Entertainment All the way through. 9/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on April 19, 2012, 06:49:51 AM
Sherlock Holes? Is that porn?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on April 19, 2012, 08:14:52 AM
I like less and less going to the cinema but nonetheless I went to watch Safe House ( last weekend. Although the plot tries to be realistic but it fails the movie keeps you on edge (specially the first 45 min or so) and since that's the point of this type of movie it delivers. Denzel Washington is very good (as usual) and Ryan Reynolds plays a young, eager, naive, patriotic character and when he cried and trembled with desperation I bought it!! That's a first for me. He must have got a new acting coach. ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on April 19, 2012, 09:27:30 AM
it's right up there with "The Lucky One", "Think Like a Man", "Chimpanzee" "Darling Companion" and "Goodbye First Love".
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on April 26, 2012, 06:26:24 PM
Ultramarines: A Warhammer 40,000 Movie (2010) The CGI Faces were Bad Voice Actors + Music was Good A bit on the short side 5/10
Lawn Dogs (1997) Good Flick Watch it 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 27, 2012, 05:36:49 AM
red cliff - half way through,(only another 2.5 hours to go)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 29, 2012, 01:11:46 AM
Serpico ( 8/10 excellent movie for its age. his life story is interesting reading as well.
Haywire ( ? / 10 I don't know to make of this movie.Its direction was all over the place, full of stars, a little confusing. :o
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: MisterAJ on May 02, 2012, 10:36:18 AM
Loved it. solid 9.9/10. best damn superhero-movie of them all.
- 0.1 because Captain America's costume looked silly to me. But since that is the only thing I disliked, I would recommend it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on May 02, 2012, 09:23:18 PM
Good to hear it man. I'll be making plans to see it soon.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 03, 2012, 09:44:09 AM
Loved it. solid 9.9/10. best damn superhero-movie of them all.
- 0.1 because Captain America's costume looked silly to me. But since that is the only thing I disliked, I would recommend it.
That comment may even convince me to go to an actual cinema to see it, since the last flick I saw at one was "Se7en" (I can't believe that was 1995?!).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on May 04, 2012, 04:43:10 AM
That comment may even convince me to go to an actual cinema to see it, since the last flick I saw at one was "Se7en" (I can't believe that was 1995?!).
You'd better take some smelling salts along for when they tell you the price of the ticket.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 04, 2012, 05:24:55 PM
You'd still need money though to buy a choc ice from the ice cream lady during intermission.
Actually when did popcorn replace ice cream as the main cinema snack? I didn't realise it was happening until it was too late. >:(
The usherettes used to come round with their box of goodies around the neck, and always seemed quite confused at all the heads that suddenly appeared in a previously empty row of seats. They got even more of a shock when they realised we'd also smuggled in our own edibles for the intermission, which were also probably contraband.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 05, 2012, 05:04:11 AM
friend has watched the 3d version of The Avengers and praises it highly.
no movies for me this week as i have been on lates
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on May 05, 2012, 10:44:20 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on May 05, 2012, 11:53:15 AM
When I go to a theatre, I always get a mega-large drink (hate having to miss part of the movie to get a refill), a small back of popcorn (I can't share as I don't use my hands to eat the popcorn...just one of my quirks), and a box of Raisinettes. The mix of salty and sweet is a nice combo.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 05, 2012, 03:08:14 PM
Ice cream??! That's new to me. The classic cinema snack around these parts of the globe was chocolate-coated peanuts. I feel ancient right now. :D
Well cheer up because I too had either raisin or peanut Poppets at the flicks when I was a kid, and now they have been released again and the kids think they're brand new.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on May 05, 2012, 09:40:05 PM
When I go to a theatre, I always get a mega-large drink (hate having to miss part of the movie to get a refill), a small back of popcorn (I can't share as I don't use my hands to eat the popcorn...just one of my quirks), and a box of Raisinettes. The mix of salty and sweet is a nice combo.
I like goobers and pop corn but don't you have to go to the bathroom? I tried to hold it while at lord of the rings when it first came out and I was telling myself okay its going ot end in 5 mins , he's going to throw the ring in the lava….nope. So , I totally try to avoid getting big drinks at the movies.
Just Saw Haywire I think Gina Carano is awesome ! but I didnt like the voice altering thing they did to her voice.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 06, 2012, 01:52:37 AM
I like goobers and pop corn but don't you have to go to the bathroom? I tried to hold it while at lord of the rings when it first came out and I was telling myself okay its going ot end in 5 mins , he's going to throw the ring in the lava….nope. So , I totally try to avoid getting big drinks at the movies.
Just Saw Haywire I think Gina Carano is awesome ! but I didnt like the voice altering thing they did to her voice.
I have a pretty resilient bladder and if I know it's going to be an "epic"ly long film, I do my best to plan around action and make sure my movie-mate fills me in with any plot-critical goings-ons.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 06, 2012, 01:57:30 AM
what are goobers
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on May 06, 2012, 03:14:45 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 06, 2012, 05:56:15 AM
Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr look nice
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on May 06, 2012, 11:57:58 AM
they are delicious !
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on May 06, 2012, 07:06:24 PM
The Artist (2011) An interesting experiment But rather dull + predicable Very Over-Rated 11/20 = 5.5/10
HUGO (2011) Much more enjoyable... As predictable, but so what ! See it if you can. 17/20 = 8.5/10 Would have been higher, if Sacha Baron Cohen were ReCast.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on May 07, 2012, 05:44:53 PM
Excellent. Very enjoyable. Would like to have seen Hank Pym (as Giant Man) on the team though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on May 07, 2012, 08:05:17 PM
Chronicle (2012) Good Sci-Fi Action Flick Actors a little old for High School but such is the Hollywood way :-\ Did it need the 'Found Footage' gimmick ? --- NO, but at least it did not spoil it. A solid 8/10 maybe 8.5
Haywire (2011) Another Good Action Flick Derivative perhaps, but so what ! The weakest part for me was - Ewan McGregor - unbelievable
voice altering thing they did to her voice
? I did not notice anything... A solid 7/10 maybe 7.5
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on May 08, 2012, 06:26:28 PM
when you watch her speak her lip movements did not match up in all the scenes
Sometimes technology can spoil things rather than improve them.
Some might argue it isn't that far removed from soft focus filming and even stretching the film to make the actors appear taller and thinner (like what was reported to have happened with "Friends"), or perhaps even greasepaint as all 3 give you imagery of an actor or actress that isn't what they actually look like.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on May 09, 2012, 09:56:34 PM
the voice thing did spoil it for me but maybe because Im just sensitive to that sort of thing.
anywho, just saw attack the block… totally enjoyed it!
and win win . i almost stopped watching because I was just so annoyed by what the main character did but in the end I enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 10, 2012, 06:57:20 AM
looks good, but a big flop at the box office, it seems a lot of times big budget movies flop, they later go after downloaders with copyright lawsuits.
Wikipedia says it received "mixed" reviews, which I normally take to meaning you'd need couple pints beforehand (and maybe a couple more during) :)). But, yeah, they'll blame the pirates with their big made-up numbers and try to get even more of the internet censored >:(.
The Only Son
This was on Film4 last week. It was a bit odd in places, such as when the mother and grown-up son meet, they were smiling oddly and his wife was a bit too agreeable for my liking. But otherwise, it was really interesting. I really felt for the characters, and their situation, and only hope a sequel will be made showing them living happy lives. I'm not really hoping for a sequel, that was a lie.
Rating: 7/10
I never liked Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, it was boring and highly over-rated, and it was the reason I ignored Hero when it came out. Maybe my tastes have changed, because I liked this film a lot. It was also on Film4 last week. All the wire jumping action looks kind of silly, but the rest of the film makes up for it. Maybe I'll like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon now as well, people always seemed to mention these two films together.
Rating: 6.5/10
Dog Soldiers
Also on Film4 last week, this film was fun. It wasn't as scary as I thought it'd be (didn't even make me jump :(), but it was fun. These soldiers go around shooting things and have to keep at it all night. Good stuff :D
Rating: 6.5/10
I don't eat in the cinema, it distracts me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on May 10, 2012, 07:53:09 PM
No strings attached. wasn't funny not even a little bit.
One day
just awful ! I prefer my romances with happy endings. I knew it might be kind of sad but did they really have to :'(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on May 11, 2012, 10:31:48 PM
Three Businessmen (1998) Watched ages ago --- Scored 4/10 This time listened to the Commentary Track = Alex Cox (Director) + (his Producer/Wife) Tod Davies Informative and Funny = 7/10
Next (2007) I would not normally watch old horse face But this was 'Supposedly' based on a Philip K richard novelette = The Golden Man There was no Golden Man nor mention of Mutants... Although he seemed to have the secondary ability of Cris IE The speed + ease with which he got Liz Cooper in Bed. Interesting plus some good action sequences. 6/10
Kevin Smith: Burn in Hell (2012)(TV) The first hour was OK then he got all serious + maudlin 5/10 (I gave all his other shows 8 or 9)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on May 16, 2012, 07:58:37 PM
In Time (2011) Hmmm :-\ Interesting Concept --- But not one I could fully get my head around Obviously it was going to turn into a Bonnie + Clyde Spoof and I thought the Time Cop was going to say "I am your Father" ;D ;D ;D 6/10
Real Steel (2011) Soppy Father + Son Bonding Boxing Story à la Rocky / The Champ Ultra Predicable but Fun 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 17, 2012, 12:58:13 AM
Real Steel (2011) Soppy Father + Son Bonding Boxing Story à la Rocky / The Champ Ultra Predicable but Fun 8/10
so agree. Outpost Black sun ( carry on from the first movie Outpost. not as good. killed a few minutes, nothing new in that genre of movie. 5/10
Arrow the Ultimate Weapon ( Very enjoyable. similar to Apocalypto but set in Korea with Bows and Arrows. 8/10
Get the Gringo ( Not too bad.Decent Gibson movie.Not too demanding on the brain cells 7/10
Farewell my Concubine ( Excellent movie , thoroughly enjoyed watching again. 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 17, 2012, 03:21:11 AM
Real Steel (2011) Soppy Father + Son Bonding Boxing Story à la Rocky / The Champ Ultra Predicable but Fun 8/10
Would you say it was suitable for younger children to watch? I've had it a while but I was never sure whether I should put it on early or late.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on May 17, 2012, 04:54:19 AM
I haven't watched it myself but my mother-in-law took the grandchildren to the cinema to see Real Steel and she never mentioned there was anything inappropriate. What she did mention was she was pleasingly surprised by this movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 17, 2012, 05:37:40 AM
I haven't watched it myself but my mother-in-law took the grandchildren to the cinema to see Real Steel and she never mentioned there was anything inappropriate. What she did mention was she was pleasingly surprised by this movie.
Thanks XT, I'll schedule it for tomorrow before bedtime.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on May 17, 2012, 09:17:02 AM
I am surprised it was not a 'U'
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 17, 2012, 02:26:42 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on May 20, 2012, 01:12:18 PM
I saw Puncture (2011) ( a while ago. It's not a bad movie, it's unpretentious with satisfactory performances, specially that of Vinessa Shaw. The most engaging thing is that it's based on a true story and leaves you ruminating over how big corporations/money/big time lawyers have their way in the world. The main character is an intelligent, tortured, well meaning, drug addict played by Chris Evans. He's OK but he kept reminding me of his performance in London (2005) (maybe it's just me). As I said it isn't bad but if you don't watch it certainly won't change your life.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 20, 2012, 02:01:40 PM
reads similar to the
The Verdict
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on May 20, 2012, 02:42:24 PM
Ah, I wish but you can't even start to compare it with that one! And every time someone mentions "The Veredict" I can't help but think of "...And Justice for All. (1979)". Good one too, isn't it?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 20, 2012, 03:02:56 PM
We all watched Journey 2: The mysterious island ( last night and while the majority of it was nonsensical and showed little regard for any continuity, the laughing and smiling faces of the kids mean I have to score it a 6.5 for the fun loving yarn that it was. That and hearing the Rock call Michael Caine a 'grandmother'.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on May 21, 2012, 07:58:12 AM
battleships- was okay. alex skarsgard character reminded me of his character from true blood.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 22, 2012, 11:48:10 AM
Sacrifice ( 2 hrs long and i felt it all the way :-[ not the best i have watched
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on May 23, 2012, 06:42:56 PM
Get Lamp (2010) A documentary about Interactive Fiction/Text Adventure Games A little long + repetitive and Prob... of limited appeal. 11/20 = 5.5/10
Lost in La Mancha (2002) A documentary about Terry Gilliam's failed attempt to Film Don Quixote... QI ---> 15/20 = 7.5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on May 27, 2012, 08:02:14 AM
saw John Carter last night, just so-so, 6/10 at best.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on May 29, 2012, 08:48:04 PM
Safe with jason statham. the version I watched didn't have any subtitles so I felt like I missed some of the story. If you've seen it can you tell me
John Carter, saw this while in the nail shop. It was decent.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 30, 2012, 12:46:27 AM
::) am awaiting a hard subbed version myself
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on June 01, 2012, 05:16:39 PM
Snow White was Okay, Kristen Stewart was not as awful as I expected.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on June 01, 2012, 06:56:59 PM
Snow White and the Huntsman? preview looked good, but they always do.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on June 02, 2012, 07:40:36 PM
Yes Snow white and the huntsman, I was worried because they didn't show kristen stewart in a lot of the previews and if they did it was only for a second. I think theron sp? did a pretty good job as an evil witch! and huntsman aka thor was hot as always
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on June 10, 2012, 05:08:11 PM
I've watched part of "Vampires Suck" (Geez, the crap I watch while I'm ironing!). Believe me, please, don't go there. Consider yourselves warned. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on June 10, 2012, 09:29:11 PM
Gone with Amanda Seyfried …I liked it
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on June 11, 2012, 08:32:29 AM
watched Safe House on the weekend. not as good as i expected, but alright, plot has been used many times before. 6.5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on June 13, 2012, 12:17:04 PM
I now require everyone else to watch it, so I can discuss the plot, continuity, and philosophy in it. I demand you all go and watch it now.
I'll wait.
I'm waiting.
You with your scant regard for the passing of time.
Spring me a couple of hours away from the kids and I'll gladly get involved with your discussion.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 13, 2012, 03:38:35 PM
::) have heard mixed reviewed about this movie. Friend at work praises it to high heaven ( but he loves everything ) :) other mate hated it. not enough effects. :'(
am waiting for a evening off as per smokey.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on June 13, 2012, 04:08:23 PM
I watched John Carter straight after reading A Princess of Mars, which is always a bad idea. Don't ever do that. It's why I didn't like the film at all, they mixed up events in the book (for time, I suppose) and nothing was even remotely similar to my imaginary version (except maybe the sky).
It's a shame I can't judge it without thinking of the book, because there were enough changes to pass off as only being inspired by the book(s). Lol.
Visually, it was very well done.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on June 13, 2012, 04:36:51 PM
I now require everyone else to watch it, so I can discuss the plot, continuity, and philosophy in it. I demand you all go and watch it now.
I'll wait.
I'm waiting.
Hmm, I've heard a couple mixed reviews now too. Initially, they caused my desire to see this to wane but if you thought it was good (awesome) I might have to rethink that.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on June 13, 2012, 04:59:56 PM
I think he technically blessed it, inadvertently or otherwise.
Might do better at the box office now.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on June 14, 2012, 01:21:17 PM
I'm glad it's good. Star Trek disappointed me enough to not risk paying for another sequel/prequel/spin-off.
Johnny Mad Dog
This was on Film4 as part of their African Film season. It's about child soldiers and their pilligin' antics.
I hate this film, don't watch it. Stuff like that should never happen to people. They'll never make me want to go to Africa now, not even if they say it's OK here ( I have no innocence left :'(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 14, 2012, 01:48:03 PM
Don't watch : Voces inocentes (2004) it may put you off El Salvador
Mind you that was the 80's
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on June 14, 2012, 10:51:37 PM
It isn't an "effects" movie. It is a "story" movie. Avatar (for example) had a so-so story with magical effects, Prometheus is an interesting nearly-back-story to a well-loved and well-regarded bunch of movies, and the effects are barely noticeable. They are staggeringly well done, but you don't "see the join" so to speak: they definitely don't get in the way of, or detract from, the storytelling. Ergo anyone wanting a whizz-o effects driven extravaganza is bound to be disappointed. Charlize Theron is gorgeous by the way. (I don't consider that a spoiler)
i'm glad of that . I still cannot get time to go though :'(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on June 15, 2012, 06:03:20 AM
would love to see it, but, unfortunately, will have to wait until it comes "out" on DVD.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on June 15, 2012, 03:32:26 PM
Seriously though, when I go to the cinema, it has to be worth the effort. Films like Star Trek, they're fun films whilst they're playing, but only during that period. I took nothing from it, I just left the cinema wondering what the heck just happened. Maybe I just like quiet stories more. I know the film went too fast for me, I find that happens with a lot of films. I'm simple, I want the pacing to reflect a nice country walk. The characters were well done, it reminded me that I hate Kirk (I don't understood him).
I did like first ten minutes were awesome. They seriously should have made the whole film about Captain Robau, and then used the first ten minutes as the end of the film. Captain Robau was awesome! Then the next film could've worked on that reboot.
I watched Prometheus today. I liked it!! It got me hooked for the 2hrs. and that doesn't happen to me frequently. I saw the chestburster scene from Alien at the theater when I was around 10 yrs old. I'm glad I'm a grown up now or that Noomi Rapace scene would have marked me for life. :D Rapace and Fassbender are fantastic. Charlize Theron is the ultimate ice queen (although plays a secondary character that imo it only exists to make you doubt about things). One observation and one question. - Who sets up such a mission with people who don't know each other? It'd jeopardize the mission.
- The holograms: Do they trigger by themselves? I didn't understand how that happened.
Btw, I see another movie coming up.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 16, 2012, 06:16:29 PM
Ridley said it would take a couple more (IE a Trilogy) To return to Acheron = LV-426
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on June 16, 2012, 10:28:35 PM
Angry yes. But I notice you didn't refute my statement. :D
Oh I refute it alright. Ironically I am re-watching the TOS with my son as we speak and he adores it just as much as I did back then. I find it incredible that with all the advanced special FX and CGI jiggery-pokery these days, a 9 year old can be as awe inspired by something made in the 60s. If that's "mediocre", I'm learning another language.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on June 17, 2012, 09:03:02 AM
I find it incredible that with all the advanced special FX and CGI jiggery-pokery these days, a 9 year old can be as awe inspired by something made in the 60s.
I do believe that since two of my daughter's favorites are "The Three Stooges" and "El chavo del 8" ( (which is a Mexican TV show from early 70's)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on June 17, 2012, 09:47:40 AM
I find it incredible that with all the advanced special FX and CGI jiggery-pokery these days, a 9 year old can be as awe inspired by something made in the 60s.
He's probably amazed by how long a man can keep his gut sucked in for.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on June 17, 2012, 10:09:50 AM
He's probably amazed by how long a man can keep his gut sucked in for.
Pfftt! He's seen his old man do that for 9 years without coming up for air.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on June 17, 2012, 10:33:48 AM
Ha, I didn't say it wasn't enjoyable, just mediocre as a sci-fi series.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 17, 2012, 10:43:44 AM
Your mention of Mexico and all this nostalgia Brought to mind : "Don Gato y su pandilla (2011) aka Top Cat" which has not been well received even by kids who liked the old toons
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on June 17, 2012, 11:21:39 AM
Your mention of Mexico and all this nostalgia Brought to mind : "Don Gato y su pandilla (2011) aka Top Cat" which has not been well received even by kids who liked the old toons
I had that quite a while ago and all 4 of us bailed on it after 15 minutes. It was weird compared to the original series.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on June 17, 2012, 06:35:24 PM
Madagascar 3
was okay , I like the music and there were some funny parts
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on June 17, 2012, 06:39:01 PM
Outpost. pretty good, creepy for sure. blend of war, science fiction, and horror. Outpost:Black Sun nowhere near as good as the first one, tried to rely to much on action and gore instead of the creepy style of the first one.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 18, 2012, 10:18:03 AM
totally agree on the black sun part. when you did see new characters they were killed off so quickly .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on June 18, 2012, 08:04:47 PM
their filming another one now, this time featuring Russian Spetsnaz troops.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 19, 2012, 10:00:44 AM
it did leave the ending WIDE OPEN ;D ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 19, 2012, 12:58:26 PM
Earth vs the Flying Saucers (1956) Corny as Hell Full of errors 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on June 19, 2012, 03:50:46 PM
I bought "Plan 9 from Outer Space" the other week from the pound shop. I'm still not sure if it's really bad or so bad it's good, but the Missus thinks I was ripped off. :(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on June 19, 2012, 10:18:34 PM
Dangerous method with kiera knightly Was okay, I don't know why it was rated R. Knightly performance was good, so was Viggo sp?. It was a little boring and I found myself fast forwarding through most of it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 19, 2012, 10:24:44 PM
Rated R for sexual content and brief language 15 in UK
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 20, 2012, 02:01:53 PM
The Darkest Hour ( started off good. slowly went down hill after that
another apolitical movie that lost the plot 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on June 20, 2012, 02:32:03 PM
I bought "Plan 9 from Outer Space" the other week from the pound shop. I'm still not sure if it's really bad or so bad it's good, but the Missus thinks I was ripped off. :(
Just watch the bits with Bela Lugosi in it. I'm also a little worried that someone called Dudley Manlove would be cast as Eros.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 20, 2012, 04:50:39 PM
Better than Uwe Boll's crap ;D ;D ;D and a LOT cheaper !
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on June 20, 2012, 06:35:43 PM
Just watch the bits with Bela Lugosi in it. I'm also a little worried that someone called Dudley Manlove would be cast as Eros.
Bela died three years before this film was shot, so apart from some stock footage of him leaving a house (and one or two other bits) the parts meant to be Lugosi are in fact a stand-in who walks around with his face covered by his arm so no one can tell the difference. I've decided on a score for this.
8/10 Hilarious, whether it's meant to be or not. Only Ed Wood would have the temerity to make a film starring a man who'd been dead and buried for three years.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on June 21, 2012, 12:42:18 PM
Only Ed Wood would have the temerity to make a film starring a man who'd been dead and buried for three years.
You forgot Carl French:
Man (Michael Palin: (Jarring cord)...Well, this time you've crawled too far!
Woman (Terry Jones): Oh, Jeb, Jeb! Why did you do it? You could have destroyed the tapes and none of this leftist clap-trap would have happened!
Interviewer: (Michael Palin) An excerpt from Carl French's latest film. Carl, we're all a little mystified by your claim that your new film stars Marilyn Monroe.
Carl French: (Graham Chapman) It does, yes.
Interviewer: Who died over ten years ago?
Carl French: Uh, that's correct.
Interviewer: Are you lying?
Carl French: No, no, it's just that she'e very much in the public eye at the moment.
Interviewer: Does she have a big part?
Carl French: She is the star of the film.
Interviewer: And dead.
Carl French: Well, we dug her up and gave her a screen test, a mere formality in her case, and...
Interviewer: Can she still act?
Carl French: Well... well, she-she's still has this-this enormous, ah-ah, kinda indefinable, uh... no.
Interviewer: Was decomposition a problem?
Carl French: We did have to put her in the fridge between takes.
Interviewer: Ah, what sorts of things does she do in the film?
Carl French: Well, we had her lying on beds, lying on floors, falling out of cupboards, scaring the children...
Interviewer: But surely Miss Monroe was cremated?
Carl French: Well, we had to use a standin for some of the more visible shots.
Interviewer: Ah! Uh, another actress.
Carl French: Dead actress. But Monroe was in shot the whole time.
Interviewer: How?
Carl French: Oh, in the ash tray, in the fire grate and vacuum cleaner...
Interviewer: So Marilyn does not appear in the film?
Carl French: Not as such.
Interviewer: Mr. French, you're one of the film world's most arrogant queens. I mean not just homosexual or merry or anything, I mean you are a raving queen.
Carl French: Well, yes.
Interviewer: I mean, a real screamer, a real "Whoops! Get out! Don't mind me dear!" limp-wristed caricature.
Carl French: Is that not in order?
Interviewer: No, no, that's fine. And I understand that you married the beautiful black heiress Hueyna Tanoy partly for the publicity but mostly to cover up the fact that you prefer going out with little boys.
Carl French: Look, really!
Interviewer: Carl, you're an effeminate little poof, a mincing merry-bar loiterer, a winnet-covered walking perfume shop and an evil perverter of innocent little boys!
Carl French: What!? Really! Is this part of the interview?
Interviewer: No, no, I just wanted a few contacts.
Carl French: Well-well, shouldn't we be talking about the film?
Interviewer: We've been off the air for ages. Now, where'd you find them?
Carl French: Look, I think we are still on the air.
Interviewer: Oh, sod the bless'ed air! I just still get locked up with that sort of thing.
Carl French: What about the film?
Interviewer: Just a few addresses, please...
Carl French: Look, we got James Dean in it, in a box!
Interviewer: I-I can turn the microphone off if you...
Carl French: And bits of Jayne Mansfield...
I can think of a few, or rather many, actors whose acting ability would certainly improve after their demise. Keanu are you listening?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 22, 2012, 11:46:07 AM
Superman vs The Elite (2012) Terrible accents + smoke stack filled England crude art/animation for these days + Pauley Perrette as Lois Lane :o 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on June 22, 2012, 04:39:40 PM
Contraband - I liked it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on June 30, 2012, 07:17:28 AM
Soldier of Vengeance. don't waste your time, terrible movie. i still can't resist checking out Steven Seagal movies, hoping for a decent one, but i'm rapidly learning its not going to happen. 3/10 (i turned it off 3/4 through).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on June 30, 2012, 10:16:00 AM
Wrath of the Titans. 7/10 not as good as Clash of the Titans, but i liked it. if you like Lord of the Rings type movies, you'll like this.
I can't say I didn't like it but I've found the plot quite dull.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on July 07, 2012, 09:24:33 AM
totally agree, but good special effects. kind of seemed to me that they closed the door on the series, unless it takes a new route, did you get that impression?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on July 07, 2012, 09:36:08 AM
Yes, I did. But if they think there's money on another one they'll open a door, a portal, a gate or whatever. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on July 07, 2012, 02:12:05 PM
sherlock 2 - not as good as sherlock 1 . I could even say a little bit boring.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 08, 2012, 02:34:54 AM
I can't say I didn't like it but I've found the plot quite dull.
even the main actor Sam Worthington critised the movie. Sometimes i wonder if the actors actually give a dam about the movie and not just clocking in for the money.
any way i watched being Flynn ( different, enjoyable. worth a watch .
Safe house ( as stated before, nothing new .You know what your getting into, a fast action flick with the usual twist. glad i watched
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on July 08, 2012, 08:31:09 AM
even the main actor Sam Worthington critised the movie. Sometimes i wonder if the actors actually give a dam about the movie and not just clocking in for the money.
Sam Worthington might need a wheelbarrow to collect his money these days. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 08, 2012, 12:06:44 PM
Man on a Ledge ( not too bad, twists and turns as always. enjoyed for a hour or two.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on July 08, 2012, 03:21:03 PM
Man on a Ledge ( not too bad, twists and turns as always. enjoyed for a hour or two.
More Sam. ;D I enjoyed it too. Even when it was a bit predictable.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on July 09, 2012, 07:58:15 AM
Chronicle (2012) Good Sci-Fi Action Flick Actors a little old for High School but such is the Hollywood way :-\ Did it need the 'Found Footage' gimmick ? --- NO, but at least it did not spoil it. A solid 8/10 maybe 8.5
Haywire (2011) Another Good Action Flick Derivative perhaps, but so what ! The weakest part for me was - Ewan McGregor - unbelievable? I did not notice anything... A solid 7/10 maybe 7.5
finally watched Chronicle on the weekend, was good, but found it a very dark movie, you can't help but sympathize with the main character.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 10, 2012, 05:06:35 AM
I watched Prometheus today. I liked it!! It got me hooked for the 2hrs. and that doesn't happen to me frequently. I saw the chestburster scene from Alien at the theater when I was around 10 yrs old. I'm glad I'm a grown up now or that Noomi Rapace scene would have marked me for life. :D Rapace and Fassbender are fantastic. Charlize Theron is the ultimate ice queen (although plays a secondary character that imo it only exists to make you doubt about things). One observation and one question. - Who sets up such a mission with people who don't know each other? It'd jeopardize the mission.
- The holograms: Do they trigger by themselves? I didn't understand how that happened.
Btw, I see another movie coming up.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on July 15, 2012, 05:30:50 PM
They're only showing it in far away cinemas now :(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on July 18, 2012, 02:08:12 PM
Savages Missed a small part of the movie in the beginning. Blake lively acting really wasn't that great. I didn't feel like all three characters truly connected and loved each other the way the audience is suppose to believe. To make these two guys risk their lives for her. benicio del toro was very good. John travolta was alright, salma Hayek was oookay.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on July 19, 2012, 07:43:40 AM
well Christ, saw Prometheus last night at the drive in, and i agree, great movie, but don't go into it thinking Alien. 8/10 Ice Age:Continental Drift. was also playing, good family movie (but not really my thing). 7/10 as a family movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on July 20, 2012, 04:23:20 PM
Dark Knight Rises Although I have been really disappointed with the leading ladies that have been casted for throughout the trilogy Anne Hathaway did an alright job. Christan Bale is awesome. Tom Hardy uh I really like his face and his body and I couldn't tell if his voice was his real voice , his character wasn't bad so he mustve done a good job. anywho it was good movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on July 20, 2012, 04:32:53 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on July 20, 2012, 05:16:06 PM
sorry. I didn't think it was spoiler but thanks for fixing it for me. :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 21, 2012, 12:26:44 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on July 23, 2012, 04:14:50 AM
I managed to get around to watching MiB 3 on Saturday night and thought overall it was a decent and solid movie. The jury is still out with the whole "predestined" storyline as it didn't look like that in MiB 1, although at a push you could believe it.
These are the only films I have let my kids watch that are above their age group and they have really loved them, especially #3. Roll on #4 I say.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on July 25, 2012, 04:06:49 PM
That reminds me of a joke I made today. Somebody was talking about some fourth film in a film series (can't remember the film now, maybe Batman) and I asked if they were going to call it "Citizens on Patrol". He didn't think that was funny, even after I explained it was a Police Academy reference. I tried again a few minutes later with another film which could go all the way up to seven (and beyond), and I said "Mission to Moscow?". He got the reference, but didn't think it was funny. I still think it's funny.
I want to watch the Police Academy films again, but I'm worried I'd hate them.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on July 27, 2012, 05:26:22 PM
Eva (2011) Finally got round to seeing this Music a bit intrusive at times The Cat was good ;D What were those things doing in the Snow ? But mostly I thought 'WHY ?' and in the final scene 'WHAT ?' 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on July 28, 2012, 03:08:43 PM
I saw Batman yesterday.
I didn't know Marion Cotillard was in it, that was nice of them.
It was a good film, lots of stuff happened. I think it's a good thing they aren't planning on continuing the story.
I couldn't really enjoy the film because the volume was too high and it hurt my ears sometimes.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on July 28, 2012, 04:32:02 PM
Did anybody have a problem understanding Bane ?
Muffled ? Or just because you cannot see his lips ?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on July 28, 2012, 05:23:40 PM
Yes, he was too muffled. I enjoyed the film but it was all full of stupid stuff and other stuff that just didn't follow the Batman Canon. Still, I don't feel cheated for having saw it in the theatre.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on July 28, 2012, 08:45:42 PM
that's what the reviewers were saying, lots of action and special effects, but crappy storyline. all in all though, they recommended it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on July 29, 2012, 08:46:55 AM
that's what the reviewers were saying, lots of action and special effects, but crappy storyline. all in all though, they recommended it.
That describes pretty much every action film that comes out nowadays. :D ;D
I couldn't really make out what Bane was saying either. I thought it was because I watch everything with subtitles nowadays.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on July 31, 2012, 12:21:33 PM
Men in Black 3 (2012) Enjoyable Yarn / Action Movie Not as good as the First, on par with (if not better than) the Second. 7/10
Cop Out (2010) I nearly laughed twice... (The kid car thief + Seann William Scott in Car) This does not a Comedy make --- Played straight it might have made 7/10 But as is... = 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 03, 2012, 06:24:31 AM
Iron Sky (
mmmmmmmmmmmmm pretty much mel brooks / mars attack typeish film actually i turned it off. quality was great. plot was ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 11, 2012, 08:55:48 PM
Edge of Darkness (2010) Good Action/Revenge Flick --- A little long, one scene in particular could have been lost... 7/10 maybe even 15/20
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on August 12, 2012, 03:16:33 PM
When they mentioned Genetic manipulation in the Trailer I Switched Off ::)
Exactly the spot they lost me too. Harumph!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on August 14, 2012, 04:46:29 PM
apparently this movie was a trial balloon to see if the series can continue without Damon, obviously not by the reviews.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on August 14, 2012, 11:00:38 PM
They should have just asked me. I'm a big Jeremy Renner fan, and wouldn't mind seeing another side to these stories, but the genetic alteration thing is just recawkulous. But now it's making me think I need to re-read the Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow books again (the whole, parallel stories thing).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 15, 2012, 02:45:14 AM
mm R.Ludlom only wrote 3 books about Bourne. the rest were with written by Eric Van Lustbader
the latest movie is not about J,Bourne. it runs concurrent with the last movie.
The last movie i watched was Carriers 2009 ( nothing new.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 15, 2012, 05:42:01 AM
The Usual Suspects (1995). It popped up in my Netflix queue. Great cast and good drama. Nice plot twist. I think someone on Noid fora suggested it to me. (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 15, 2012, 05:53:41 AM
The Usual Suspects (1995). It popped up in my Netflix queue. Great cast and good drama. Nice plot twist. I think someone on Noid fora suggested it to me. (
one of my To Watch movies
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on August 15, 2012, 02:07:37 PM
This is the third in the REC film series, and takes place at the same time as the first (two?) films. It follows a completely different set of people from the previous two films and is more silly. I think I read it's meant to be more funnier than the others. That's probably why it's not scary.
It's better than the second film, but not as good as the first.
I liked the pretty lady.
They're apparently making a fourth film. This is going to be like Halloween, where the third film was different and they go back to Michael Myers for the fourth film.
Halloween 3 was stupid.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on August 15, 2012, 04:07:14 PM
The Usual Suspects (1995). It popped up in my Netflix queue. Great cast and good drama. Nice plot twist. I think someone on Noid fora suggested it to me. (
Another good film, although not as good as Spartacus.
Let me disagree. :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on August 18, 2012, 02:27:49 PM
Hunger Games
It was good.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 18, 2012, 06:00:21 PM
Slade in Flame (1975) Boring 5/10
Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero (1998) Robin was looking very grown up here Fair enough for what it was 7/10
Batman: Year One (2011) Selina Kyle a Prostitute :o Frank Miller is a Perv... 7.5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 20, 2012, 04:17:04 PM
Lesbian Vampire Killers (2009) Poor Comedy / Horror which is neither 5/10 (only because I like Corden & Horne)
The Invisible (2007) Soppy, Music Intrusive, Unconvincing 6/10 Will Check Out the Swedish Original Den osynlige (2002) --- Asap Although The movie is not true to the novel and was condemned by the author.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on August 20, 2012, 07:49:38 PM
That is a fest of fine movies you watched there. Batman may have been the only one I wouldn't have Shhhhushed the kids up for.
All DVDs I bought recently (among others that I've not got round to watching yet). I fancied watching Quadrophenia again the other day, but my copy of it seems to have vanished. >:( I'll have to get it again I suppose. I was looking to buy the Manitou, but I'm not sure if it was released in the UK. I remember it as being quite creepy (I was only around 13 when I saw it last) but it gets panned on IMDB. Not sure why.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 20, 2012, 09:05:38 PM
Den Osynlige (2002) aka The Invisible Not Soppy, a little amateurish in places Music not so Intrusive, Not as Action driven Outcome for Peter is Definative Ending is Very Different 6/10
Would like to know what the Author intended...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: yolanda71 on August 24, 2012, 05:26:33 AM
The Avengers, what a US-centric bless'ed snoozefest. 5/10 and that is only cos I like Hiddles.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 24, 2012, 06:10:35 AM
Hellboy Animated: Sword of Storms (2006) Not Bad, but also Not Excellent Catch Phrases Repetitive 7/10
Mosaic (2007) Looks like a Pilot for a Series that never got made ? Can Stan Lee Stop stamping his name on and making Cameo appearances in everything ;D 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on August 24, 2012, 08:30:38 AM
the campaign Some funny moments.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on August 28, 2012, 06:51:07 PM
Premium Rush there was really nothing new. It was an alright movie. Joseph Gordon-Levitt was cute before now he;s even cuter !!!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 30, 2012, 10:21:51 AM
The Avengers ( mind blowing fun :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 31, 2012, 07:26:53 AM
As recommended. Puncture 2011 ( enjoyable indeed.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 31, 2012, 11:53:01 PM
Avengers. Meh. Certainly not as advertised. I was worried it would be schizophrenic, but gave it a shot as Whedon has previously done team interaction very well.
It was not done very well. About the only friendship among the team was banner and stark. While awesome, it's basically five minutes in the film. Loki's observation of them as a damaged group of individuals rang untrue. They were all doing fairly well on their own (Except for hawkeye.)
They did the same "sketch out an obvious future obstacle" that was in the first iron man, I'm guessing marvel shoehorns those in.
It's starting to skew less iron man (Awesome) and more Spiderman/fantastic 4.(Schlock) And that worries me. Hopefully Iron Man 3 won't suck.
I guess I was expecting more Whedon and less crapulance. One would think a Whedon written, RDJ portrayed Tony Stark would be a barrel of awesome, and instead he's a fairly minor character in the film. The only person you really identify with in the film is banner. He did get the best comedy bits.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 01, 2012, 05:08:11 AM
wow you know your Avengers.
Snow White and the Huntsman ( not what i expected. did enjoy with the kids. Charlize was beautiful and played the witch great. Kristen was same o same o , pretty weak actually and no surprise there is no number 2 , they have decided to go with Chris Hemsworth character only with a spin off
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on September 01, 2012, 10:05:21 AM
I thought that was because she slept with the married director. is why they didn't include her in the spin off.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: yolanda71 on September 01, 2012, 10:06:50 AM
Poor girl. One stupid mistake with some nasty ass dudebro twice her age and her career is in tatters.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 01, 2012, 12:01:10 PM
she's a big girl, she blew it with her x , didn't realize it was this movie it happened at.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 02, 2012, 01:41:11 AM
Shutter Island ( Different, unusual , nice twist at the very end.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on September 06, 2012, 02:35:39 PM
I chose this film because I couldn't sleep and J-Horror usually helps me sleep. The first thing I noticed was that it didn't sound Japanese at all, I couldn't tell what it was. This distracted me enough to force me to look it up 10 minutes into the film. It's a Thai film, which I wasn't comfortable with watching before bedtime. I cannot remember ever watching a Thai horror film, I didn't know what to expect and I didn't want the wrong kind of scare before bed.
Fortunately, I was just being a silly bum. The yurei chick went around doing her usual creepin' and killin', and at one point I had to turn away because
It was fun.
It was disappointing the yurei chick Oh well.
Rating: 2/3
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on September 08, 2012, 10:24:36 PM
five year engagement wasnt very good at all. maybe one or two funny parts but other then that it was pretttttttty boring.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on September 09, 2012, 08:39:33 AM
Men in Black 3. not as good as i expected, first 2 were better. 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on September 09, 2012, 09:01:33 AM
think like a man…. was okay I can't say I liked or that I hated it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 09, 2012, 09:29:38 AM
think like a man…. was okay I can't say I liked or that I hated it.
nicely put, i watched last night and again i was left, well just left really.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on September 11, 2012, 02:16:46 PM
Kamchatka (2002) The story of a Boy and his family set during the 1976 Argentine coup d'état and 'National Reorganization Process' as seen from the Boys point of view. We are left in the dark about the events and the level of threat --- as the boy is, but this is dissatisfying. I think it would have more impact on people who lived through those times. 6/10 I imagine the book would be better ?
Carancho (2010) Interesting little romp that ultimately goes nowhere Some of it I just did not understand and not because of poor translation 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on September 11, 2012, 04:04:56 PM
I think it would have more impact on people who lived through those times.
It's so painful I can hardly watch those movies. I always say I'll watch La historia oficial ( again but I don't do it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: SACPOP on September 11, 2012, 05:26:40 PM
I'm about to watch Heavy Metal Parking Lot ( I've seen parts of it but I think I'm ready to watch the whole thing right now.
Priest Rules, man! :P
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on September 12, 2012, 04:30:55 PM
Jeff who lives at home. it was alright movie
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on September 15, 2012, 09:51:06 AM
Stone. as much as I like Norton as an actor his accent and overall body language as criminal was off. I cant say I really liked and I kind of didn't get it.
Watched the grey but fell asleep half way through I'll try to watch it again.
watched it again. did not like it ! awful ending.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 16, 2012, 03:37:54 AM
try reading the book
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on September 16, 2012, 04:01:26 AM
Friends with benefits...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 16, 2012, 02:09:14 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on September 16, 2012, 11:10:20 PM
I quite like it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 17, 2012, 08:11:07 AM
me too.
Outbreak ( Contagion ( A bit of a "end of the world" Sunday afternoon really
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on September 17, 2012, 05:38:24 PM
I've had Sundays like that.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 17, 2012, 11:49:35 PM
The Cold Light of Day ( mediocre, nothing new, waste of time
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on September 19, 2012, 09:32:30 AM
Mean girls! Oh and abduction. Was kind of interesting.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 28, 2012, 06:51:06 AM
Butter ( different ish. wouldn't watch again The Eagle ( better than expected, even better when i worked the english subs out ;D Centurion ( not too bad.
why do directors find it so hard to make a decent Roman / ancient movie. ???
moonrise kingdom ( excellent, quirky . different. The Lost Bladesman ( not too bad,
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on September 28, 2012, 07:04:49 PM
The Hunger Games (2012) I was overall a little disappointed The Shaky Cam was annoying The Plot changes also annoyed 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on September 28, 2012, 07:08:25 PM
dredd 2012 it was not very good
Resident evil(latest one) I dont expect much from this franchise any more . I just go and enjoy awfulness of it.
wanderlust paul rudd is great actor but it really wasnt that funny.
Point Blank action film I enjoyed it.
What to expect when expecting some funny moments but not great.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on September 28, 2012, 09:08:31 PM
Columbiana but i didnt see all of it
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on September 28, 2012, 09:25:58 PM
I liked it even if it was all done before.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 29, 2012, 12:59:53 AM
Signs ( watch in the dark, love it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on September 29, 2012, 11:08:44 PM
LOOPER . was good.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on September 29, 2012, 11:15:54 PM
This ? No 'S'
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on September 29, 2012, 11:18:15 PM
yes looper , its late sometimes I add extraw letters or completely incoherent sentences
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on September 30, 2012, 07:44:26 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on October 05, 2012, 04:37:40 PM
i liked it, thought provoking, thoughtful, and terribly obvious. a very drunk and nasty Giovanni Ribisi.. what exactly are ya lookin for in a movie? 8)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on October 05, 2012, 07:22:54 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on October 08, 2012, 04:12:42 PM
The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!
Watched this a week ago. I didn't really like it. Maybe I'm just too easily offended.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on October 08, 2012, 06:50:36 PM
taken 2 had the norm fights car chases explosions guns.. It was good and there will probably be a taken 3 at some point.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 08, 2012, 08:33:41 PM
You did not think it had been watered down (to get a PG 13 / 12A) at all ?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on October 08, 2012, 08:53:56 PM
the last taken was pg13 too. there was a lot less violence in taken2 then the first one
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on October 08, 2012, 09:18:23 PM
I want to see "Taken 2: Electric Boogaloo"
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on October 08, 2012, 09:40:56 PM
is liam nesson in that one to ?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 08, 2012, 09:41:25 PM
Twas a 15 here ;) Wot no Torture ? :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on October 08, 2012, 09:48:45 PM
no torture , he didn't make anyone suffer at all. the last scene were he confronts the boss is sooo anticlimactic I laughed. and I got really annoyed with the whole dumb female role "what?" "tell whats happening! talk to me !" blah blah. I was sort of hoping the daughter would kick some but but I guess that would have been to unrealistic ….
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 10, 2012, 11:36:27 AM
The Wild Geese ( unfortunately a little dated .Still enjoyed though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on October 14, 2012, 10:50:28 AM
Best. Film. Ever. (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 14, 2012, 04:03:08 PM
Sydney White (2007) [on BBC iPlayer] = Yawn 4/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on October 14, 2012, 11:16:56 PM
Paranormal Activity 2. Eh. The first one creeped me out massively, but I felt like this kne just went for the cheap scares.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 15, 2012, 08:12:56 AM
Just finished the BBC miniseries, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Next in the Netflix queue is the movie with Gary Oldman. Anybody have any opinion of their relative worth? Is one better than the other? For some reason we are into this Cold War spy vs spy stuff right now.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 15, 2012, 10:22:33 AM
the original series was great, but it was set nearer the cold war. new movie is worth the watch
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on October 15, 2012, 10:42:21 AM
I don't remember much about the miniseries. The movie is long and a bit slow at times but yeah, worth the watch. The lightning, scenery,costumes are incredibly well done.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 16, 2012, 07:20:17 AM
Expendables 2 - corny, laughable, but fun. Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer - as above. Taken - totally enjoyable. The Hill - gritty and enjoyable. Yours, Mine & Ours - a nice afternoon movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on October 16, 2012, 07:06:03 PM
watching girl with the dragon tattoo american version …. the opening credits is like watching music video. Its cool but I can't say that I like it for this movie.
…not as good as the original.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: bubu on October 17, 2012, 08:37:48 AM
i don't watch many movie but this one i like it very much, very interesting and touching,The Lady by Luc Besson,it is the real story of the Burmese (Myanmar) democratic leader Aung San Suu Kyi,tissue needed
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on October 18, 2012, 12:05:40 AM
Just go with it. It was cute. Basic romcom formula
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on October 18, 2012, 06:57:49 AM
i don't watch many movie but this one i like it very much, very interesting and touching,The Lady by Luc Besson,it is the real story of the Burmese (Myanmar) democratic leader Aung San Suu Kyi,tissue needed
It doesn't look like the typical Besson film. I'd be willing to give it a try. BTW, Luc Besson have done some crappy things but even those I liked. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on October 19, 2012, 05:18:02 PM
The Amazing Spider-Man ( (2012)
Disappointed with this one, some bits I liked and some I didn't. Liked Andrew Garfield and Rhys Ifans and some of the fight sequences were good. Didn't like Emma Stone much - she has the same speech impediment as The Miz (none wrestling fans think of a young Cliff Richard). I kept expecting her to say "I'm Gwen, and I'm AWESOME!!!" Hate the suit as well.
All in all, 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 20, 2012, 08:06:55 PM
Jay and Silent Bob Get Old: Tea Bagging in the UK (2012) Poor, Very Poor Kevin has his moments But Mewes is a pain in the Donkey Avoid 3/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on October 20, 2012, 10:24:21 PM
Our idiot brother Its not paul rudds best, but its not terrible.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: redlandslide on October 21, 2012, 06:38:39 PM
Cockneys vs Zombies ( (2012)
Not bad. 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on October 21, 2012, 10:11:26 PM
What to expect when you're expecting I loved the dad group
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on October 21, 2012, 10:14:12 PM
It wasn't that funny and a little bit boring. I guess i expected more from it ^
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on October 22, 2012, 10:30:21 AM
I didn't really start it expecting it to be funny. I thought it was a chick flick but the hubby really enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on October 29, 2012, 03:49:23 PM
Cockneys vs Zombies ( (2012)
Not bad. 6/10
Oh cool, Michelle Ryan. I love her :'(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 29, 2012, 04:27:00 PM
Dark Shadows (2012) Fun but confusing : A Witches Curse of Vampirism ??? The Curse did not die with the Witch ? Did he Bite her on the way down ? Why Johnny (silly accent) Depp ? Etc... Etc... 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 30, 2012, 12:40:19 AM
Red Lights was on in the back ground. I'm a littler behind on the movie scene at the moment
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on October 30, 2012, 02:11:15 PM
I wouldn't worry, you ain't missin' much. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on November 11, 2012, 08:07:11 PM
Perfect Sense (2011) Bad Cinematography, Shaky Cam, Annoying Over Dramatic Music, An interesting premise that went nowhere. Awful Film ! Avoid ! 3/10 (2 for the Boobies)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on November 11, 2012, 10:20:03 PM
The Amazing Spider-man. I enjoyed it. I think Andrew Garfield did a pretty good job with it and was much truer to the Spidey-banter than Tobey was. I liked how the sort of stayed true to the real beginning of Spider-man, meaning Gwen Stacy was the love interest not Mary-Jane Watson as well as Peter's parents having some pseudo-shady history. Dennis Leary captured Captain Stacy well and Martin Sheen was as good a Ben Parker as Cliff Robertson from the first Tobey Maguire Spider-man. They gave a nice nod to the whole "wrestling" beginning as well. Also, as much as I love the sentiment behind it, the actual phrase "With great power comes great responsibility" has been well played out. They were able to get the point across without actually saying it...kudos!
For me, being a long and faithful Spidey fan, I give it about an 8.5-9. Good reboot IM(NS)HO. For the "regular folk", probably somewhere between a 6-7.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on November 12, 2012, 08:40:53 AM
Perfect Sense (2011) Bad Cinematography, Shaky Cam, Annoying Over Dramatic Music, An interesting premise that went nowhere. Awful Film ! Avoid ! 3/10 (2 for the Boobies)
I should have read this first. IMDB is a liar!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on November 12, 2012, 09:05:20 AM
Moonrise Kingdom. Takes me back, good feelings. mellow and long, be ready for all that.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on December 12, 2012, 08:48:02 AM
Finally watching all the star wars movies. They're ok so far
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on December 12, 2012, 08:58:28 AM
The Avengers
Good, but not as good as I was expecting Damned Hype...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 12, 2012, 03:17:27 PM
Good, but not as good as I was expecting Damned Hype...
one of the top grossing movies of all time, i was informed :-\ Resident Evil 2012 (what ever the name was) same o same o, nothing new, wanton violence. enjoyed though
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on December 16, 2012, 01:29:14 PM
the hobbit…. it was long and I had hoped to see my favorite red haired dwawf from lord of the rings , but he wasn't any where to be found. Overall it wasn't bad, It kept a good pace going. I however thought since it was 2hrs and change it wouldn't have part II.. but it does.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on December 16, 2012, 01:35:51 PM
But you saw his Dad :
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on December 16, 2012, 01:39:09 PM
I dont see anything...
I thought he seemed a little familiar. The beard styles were pretty cool to.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on December 16, 2012, 10:29:01 PM
The Bourne Legacy: Overall I enjoyed it. I'm a big fan of the books but as anyone who's read the books and seen the movies knows, after The Bourne Identity, the movies have no correlation to the books. I seriously thought when they brought up genetic manipulation in the commercial preview that I was going to hate it but I'm fine with it (sort of reminded me of the Guardians from the tv show Nikita). I'm a big Jeremy Renner fan as well (not as big as MaxDreamer is) and I thought he did a great job carrying on this series. Don't want to spoil anything for anyone but the way this story paralleled (timeline wise) that of the Bourne Supremacy was pretty interesting and, I feel, just opens up the whole story. Sort of how the Ender Shadow's stories complemented the main Ender stories.
Anyway, not going to give a number rating as my opinion is pretty biased anyway but I'll say, it would have been well worth seeing it in the theatre (for me at least). I wouldn't have minded more action, but first in the story needs to build a little character development. Looking forward to the next Bourne movie(s).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 16, 2012, 10:39:08 PM
I believe the original author only wrote the first 3 books their now a franchise written by various writers. Film was ok, and opens up the possibilities of more movies. For good or bad.
Latest movie for me was Love 2012. Different interesting, a little weird at the end but if your not wanting a fast a room film, watch it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on December 17, 2012, 07:48:51 AM
Yeah, Ludlum only wrote "The Bourne Identity", "The Bourne Supremacy", and "The Bourne Ultimatum". Based on the timeline those 3 stories encompassed, It seemed fairly obvious that Ludlum had no intention of carrying on the series. He wrote the Ultimatum in 1990. Ludlum died in 2001 right before the movie was released in 2002. Eric Van Lustbader has released 7 books in the Bourne series since 2012. I've read a few of them but meh...they're lacking.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 17, 2012, 09:16:58 AM
as the latest movie i think :-[ hope the next movie, is better
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 17, 2012, 10:04:14 AM
The Bourne Legacy: Overall I enjoyed it... I wouldn't have minded more action, but first in the story needs to build a little character development. Looking forward to the next Bourne movie(s).
Same here. The last part with so much motorcycle chasing... Ummmnn, too long, way over the top and overall boring. The rest I quite enjoyed.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 20, 2012, 01:47:49 PM
The Words 2012 full of stars, story is nothing new, pleasant to watch, thats about it really
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on December 23, 2012, 01:29:06 AM
The proper order to watch them is Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6........then stop.
;D ;D ;D ;D yesterday I watched New Years Eve - nice movie stolen - mmmmmmmmmm another poor movie from cage
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 02, 2013, 02:06:40 AM
Skyfall - Another bond movie, that's about it. Action packed. Twists at the end I didn't know about, I still enjoyed it though.Unsure about Javier Bardem as the bad guy though. So when is the next one. ;D
The Hobbit - went to the Cinema with the family. For the first hour I was clock watching, not that it was bad but it was the same old story setting prelude to the action to follow ( I know you need this time to acquaint you with the story). Then the action kicked in and the next 2 hrs ish went by in a flash. Enjoyable, the cgi was terrific.Effects were awesome. Jackson did well directing this story yet again
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 02, 2013, 06:29:24 PM
Dark Knight Rises Although I have been really disappointed with the leading ladies that have been casted for throughout the trilogy Anne Hathaway did an alright job. Christan Bale is awesome. Tom Hardy uh I really like his face and his body and I couldn't tell if his voice was his real voice , his character wasn't bad so he mustve done a good job. anywho it was good movie.
Im just now watching this movie. HOW did the make Tom Hardy look so thick/bulky? I still dont believe its him.
Im only 45min in:
And whats with all the actors with lisps?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on January 02, 2013, 07:46:16 PM
Don't want to give anything away for you but...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 02, 2013, 08:11:37 PM
Well crap.... Thats not what I meant to say
Hathaway is the best part of this film in my opinion
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on January 02, 2013, 08:14:51 PM
Hathaway is the best part of this film in my opinion
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on January 02, 2013, 08:16:32 PM
I didn't like her as cat woman or as batmans leading lady.
Bale said that he would not do another batman movie. I can't imagine who would be the next batman, whenever they make the next one. I think Tom hardy was really that bulky when he played benson he was really muscular.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 03, 2013, 08:51:29 AM
Dredd 2012 mmmmmmmmmmmmmm I think everybody had best give up on the notion of making a decent dredd movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on January 03, 2013, 01:11:36 PM
Star Wars episode II.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 06, 2013, 08:28:25 AM
I don't remember much about the miniseries. The movie is long and a bit slow at times but yeah, worth the watch. The lightning, scenery,costumes are incredibly well done.
Really liked the movie, too. It was interesting to see Gary Oldman do a completely different interpretation of the Smiley character.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on January 07, 2013, 11:27:00 PM
Private. Based on a YA series I used to read. It was a terrible movie. Good attempt. I'm sure the teenagers loved it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 08, 2013, 12:50:33 AM
Total Recall 2012- better than i expected. Kate Beckinsale was an absolute madam is this movie, what a bad ass.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on January 08, 2013, 02:22:10 AM
Take this waltz. <3
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 08, 2013, 02:36:04 AM
::) looks nice, will have to watch. Me and the wife are a sucker for a romance
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on January 08, 2013, 02:36:53 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 08, 2013, 09:03:48 AM
Total Recall 2012- better than i expected. Kate Beckinsale was an absolute madam is this movie, what a bad ass.
My sentiment exactly. She was the saving grace of the film.
New Spiderman- I really dislike Garfield but he was perfectly cast for this role. I think I like him best. Feels creepy to even say that. The movie was adequate but the casting was goodod.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on January 08, 2013, 09:57:42 AM
My sentiment exactly. She was the saving grace of the film.
New Spiderman- I really dislike Garfield but he was perfectly cast for this role. I think I like him best. Feels creepy to even say that. The movie was adequate but the casting was goodod.
Exactly oc1. I've only every saw him in The Social Network so went into the new Spider-man prepared to hate him, but like you said, he was perfect for it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 17, 2013, 02:54:14 AM
Dredd 2012 mmmmmmmmmmmmmm I think everybody had best give up on the notion of making a decent dredd movie.
I quite liked that movie. I hadn't expected much as it was so underrated, but I thought the effects had a good budget as it stayed interesting enough to keep watching until the end.
I was pleasantly surprised.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 17, 2013, 07:26:28 AM
Django unchained. :o Excellent movie.Totally how tarrantino appeared for a few minutes. Argo- Very enjoyable on a different level to the above movie, had me on the edge of the seat at the end.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on January 17, 2013, 02:32:51 PM
I watched Jack Reacher. I didn't have any expectations but I must say it isn't bad. Of course Tom is his usual robotic self ( :D) but the story is engaging. More a thriller than an action movie although there's plenty of that. There's a tongue-in-cheek "far west" duel-like scene that's well done. All in all I didn't have a bad time.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on January 17, 2013, 06:39:09 PM
Last film I saw: Cosmopolis I read the book and thought it was DeLillo's oddest novel and was curious about how it would translate to the screen. I almost passed because of the Twilight actor but he did a very creditable job. Cronenberg swayed me to give it a shot. Kid, he sez to me, give it a rest... Actor's gotta eat too. The fact that Paul Giamatti's in it is a definite plus. 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on January 18, 2013, 06:18:29 PM
watchd the movie goon and I enjoyed it…
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 19, 2013, 03:16:24 PM
I can't really describe how much I adored Hotel Transylvania.
So I won't.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 20, 2013, 08:26:35 PM
Watched Life of Pi tonight. BEAUTIFUL cinematography, hope it wins for that. The kid actor did a great job. I dont know that I see why its nominated for an Oscar but I thoroughly enjoyed the movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on January 21, 2013, 07:03:32 AM
The guy at the video rental place sez to me Ya gotta watch this--it's gritty and the best version of this comic character on film yet! So I did.
I quite liked that movie. I hadn't expected much as it was so underrated, but I thought the effects had a good budget as it stayed interesting enough to keep watching until the end. I was pleasantly surprised.
Was a ok movie. Some of the original and this film mixed together would have been a great film.
Have just watched Flight- Enjoyable, watch able, would recommend. Denzel is Denzel and the story line is ok.Watch it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on January 21, 2013, 10:56:51 AM
I thought flight was dreadful and couldn't wait for it end and I thought it was to long.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on January 25, 2013, 11:49:42 PM
Bridesmaids again. Before that it was winters bone.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on January 26, 2013, 11:21:35 PM
Django. don't get what all the fuss was about. Typical QT film.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 27, 2013, 01:13:16 PM
EXACTLY!! I did like it and I laughed my ass off over the blood and gore but it was at least an hour to long.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 27, 2013, 09:54:01 PM
Argo again - enjoyed
The Way - totally enjoyed
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on January 30, 2013, 03:01:56 AM
Not since you. Corny. Disappointing.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 02, 2013, 01:21:07 AM
Friend lent me The Women in Black to watch. Put on last night in the dark, we lasted to the rocking chair scene, wife had a pillow over the face and we decided to turn it off. :-[
Love to know how it ended but will have to wait till she is at work, She even had nightmares when she watched I am Legend.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on February 02, 2013, 11:38:17 PM
Thats weak. Nothing scary about I am legend, except wills acting. Ha!
Red. Love Mary Louise Parker!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 03, 2013, 04:45:16 AM
I know its week but what can i do ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on February 03, 2013, 05:12:22 AM
I thought flight was dreadful and couldn't wait for it end and I thought it was to long.
I watched Flight last night and didn't like it in part because it wasn't what I'd expected, however, I really enjoyed the "unexpected" aspect of the film and found it incredibly thought-provoking.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on February 03, 2013, 08:25:39 AM
I think thats one of the reason that I didn't like it was because it was completely different from what I originally expected.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on February 03, 2013, 11:06:49 AM
Woman in Black was GREAT! I was so worried that my lil Daniel would fail but it was a good movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on February 03, 2013, 12:38:31 PM
really ? it suppose to be on cable soon, so I'll watch it now.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on February 03, 2013, 01:39:57 PM
OK let me clarify. On a quality scale I would give it a 6/10 BUT as a movie for Daniel it was easily an 8.5
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on February 04, 2013, 12:07:48 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on February 13, 2013, 09:18:03 AM
Zero Dark Thirty.
I was reluctant to go at first for two reasons: 1. I didn't want to contribute financially to a possible propaganda film. (I was wrong) 2. I didn't want to be shot in a theater by a crazed person. (I still breath)
The film was even-handed in it's treatment--if a bit long. I give it a 8/10 for film making...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 13, 2013, 01:42:37 PM
State of Emergency. Not the blood and gore Zombie movie i am use to.Killed 1.5 hours.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on February 13, 2013, 09:30:20 PM
That's my boy. Bleh.
Ted. Super blah.
Pitch perfect was stupidly hilarious. I loved it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on February 14, 2013, 07:40:47 AM
It's a silly movie but I laughed a lot with Ted. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on February 15, 2013, 07:40:47 PM
Too many fart jokes for me.
Breaking dawn pt 2 - thank goodness it's over
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 16, 2013, 01:19:20 AM
Humans vs Zombies ( A old fashioned movie about the obvious. Women looked way too old for college girls and the acting was the same. 4 / 10.
The Master ( WTF is this about, Had trouble understanding Phoenix all the way through the movie.Hoffman was at his normal best. Will have to watch this movie again.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on February 16, 2013, 07:03:57 AM
Seven Psychopaths. An insight into how movies are really made in Hollywood. 8.5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on February 16, 2013, 07:10:44 AM
Seven Psychopaths. An insight into how movies are really made in Hollywood. 8.5/10
I imaging Tarantino weeping of envy while watching that one. ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on February 16, 2013, 07:18:32 AM
To Quentin I say: Leck mich im Arsch Thing is, I generally enjoy his movies but it's all gone to his head. He needs to grow up and he'll never be the Directing God that he thinks he is.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: bubu on February 16, 2013, 03:05:21 PM
I have been to the cinema this evening and saw Lincoln by Steven Spielberg, I found it a bit slow but really interesting and Daniel Day Lewis really convincing, a good movie
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on February 23, 2013, 11:02:40 PM
saw the woman in black and I'm not a fan of the ending...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on February 24, 2013, 09:52:29 PM
To Quentin I say: Leck mich im Arsch Thing is, I generally enjoy his movies but it's all gone to his head. He needs to grow up and he'll never be the Directing God that he thinks he is.
Wow..... I actually agree with this. Whodda thunk it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on February 25, 2013, 11:51:41 AM
I watched tried to watch The Man with the Iron Fists last week. Didn't make it all the way through due to it sending me to sleep, and I am not going to bother retrying. I was really looking forward to to watching it too. The Rise of the Guardians was on the menu last night and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It twisted things up a little and gave personality to the usual lot that appear in kids' films.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 27, 2013, 11:41:44 AM
I watched tried to watch The Man with the Iron Fists last week. Didn't make it all the way through due to it sending me to sleep, and I am not going to bother retrying. I was really looking forward to to watching it too.
It took me two attempts to watch it, Made me laugh to be honest, Modern day kung fu film ;D ;D
Lincoln - Strong powerful performance of Daniel ( worthy Oscar). Silver Linings Playbook - Fantastic film.loved it, worth Oscar winner again. :D :D Twilight Breaking Dawn II - as the other films really,I wont hate it just to be trendy.Passed an hour and tied the story up nicely. Safe - Jason at his normal best. The Divide - post apocalyptic movie.Chaos ensues with a little bit of murder.Twas ok Dave - A nice little romantic movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on February 27, 2013, 10:33:20 PM
Twilight Breaking Dawn II - as the other films really,I wont hate it just to be trendy.Passed an hour and tied the story up nicely.
I don't believe I hate it to be trendy. I have hated the entire series mainly because I was such a fan of the books. They casted so terribly, but I had to watch them all to see where they went with them.
I'm dying to see silver linings play book.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on February 27, 2013, 11:16:34 PM
It took me two attempts to watch it, Made me laugh to be honest, Modern day kung fu film ;D ;D
Lincoln - Strong powerful performance of Daniel ( worthy Oscar). Silver Linings Playbook - Fantastic film.loved it, worth Oscar winner again. :D :D Twilight Breaking Dawn II - as the other films really,I wont hate it just to be trendy.Passed an hour and tied the story up nicely. Safe - Jason at his normal best. The Divide - post apocalyptic movie.Chaos ensues with a little bit of murder.Twas ok Dave - A nice little romantic movie.
Damn son, did you have the whole week off?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 28, 2013, 08:54:21 AM
I don't believe I hate it to be trendy. I have hated the entire series mainly because I was such a fan of the books. They casted so terribly, but I had to watch them all to see where they went with them.
I didnt know you had posted anything about the movie's ??? :) :) I find people hate / damn movies / bands / music because they are trendy / popular / commercial. A movie is a movie to me. like or hate it on its morals .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 03, 2013, 12:32:13 AM
Playing for keeps 2012 OK not too bad.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 03, 2013, 12:41:08 PM
Promised land - Enjoyable as in thinkable.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on March 03, 2013, 04:03:25 PM
She watches Breaking Dawn 1 and 2 at least twice a week. I think it's a stupid story.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on March 14, 2013, 08:24:00 PM
went to see Snitch with my friends my cake day and it was pretty awful. I'm usually not very critical about movies as for me they are just for entertainment….. it was just reaaaalllly bad and there was no action at all and the big action scene was really disappointing. dont waste money to see it at the theater..
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on March 14, 2013, 09:21:02 PM
Friends with kids
Loved it
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on March 14, 2013, 11:20:33 PM
Haven't finished watching it yet but Life of Pi is pretty good so far. Great CG.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on March 15, 2013, 05:07:40 AM
I've had a number of folk over the last 2-3 years say to me that I should read Life of Pi but, for some undefinable reason, I've had no interest in reading the novel. Same thing went for the film; I say went because I rented it about 3 days ago--again at the behest of friends. I knew I was going to like the film by the opening sequence with the sloth checking out the butterfly. I really enjoyed watching this. 8.5/10.*
* 9 is the highest rating I will give a movie. 10 being reserved for the untouchable classic films.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 15, 2013, 08:56:07 AM
Havent watched as yet, but it is so well reviewed .
Zero Dark Thirty - 2hrs 30 mins ish. Ignoring the torture scenes, a heavy going watch-able film. Some truth in it but a lot of Hollywood rubbish.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on March 15, 2013, 09:11:43 AM
hit&run… it wasnt very good.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on March 16, 2013, 06:39:32 PM
About a half hour into Les Miserables [2012]. I don't like musicals but I think I can make it through this one.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on March 16, 2013, 06:50:35 PM
I don't like musicals either. in HS I told my english teacher that I did not like musicals, so for special assignment she assigned me a couple of musical movies to watch and write about…. the only one I can remember off of the top of my head is the movie Hair…
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on March 16, 2013, 07:46:16 PM
the only one I can remember off of the top of my head is the movie Hair…
I couldn't help it. :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on March 17, 2013, 12:03:15 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 17, 2013, 12:50:04 AM
Shadow Dancer ( not what i expected, enjoyable .Didnt expect the end though :o
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Discover99 on March 17, 2013, 02:08:41 PM
last movie I watched was the Rise of the planet Ape
and the CGI messed with my concentration, my brain kept telling me how unreal everything concerning the ape's looked. also Cesar's facial expressions were weird for me, too human animated to be real. I kept seeing a surly teenager instead of an intelligent animal .. .. 4-5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 18, 2013, 07:30:57 AM
Identity thief ( Some funny / hilarious parts. too long and i'm afraid over rated . :-\ Tinker Taylor yet again :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on March 18, 2013, 02:22:30 PM
Finished watching Les Miserables and deleted it from the media player hard drive. Won't be watching that one again.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Discover99 on March 19, 2013, 10:55:13 AM
young adult
very interesting movie to me
couldn't understand the movitation of the main character and ended up listening to very good interviews by charlize
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on March 19, 2013, 05:41:18 PM
I liked young adult…. I think she just never matured emotional.
the Call
I liked it and the ending was good, Some of the other movie goers complained that that ending wasn't realistic. Halle Berry did good job and so did the girl from little miss sunshine.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 23, 2013, 12:39:46 AM
The Illusionist ( finally watched it all after many attempts. full of actors i like, but failed massively.Lots of clues what will happen and Giamatti acted well. 4 / 10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on March 23, 2013, 04:50:29 AM
Stalker. Tartovsky, not what you think. Hehehehe. (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on March 23, 2013, 10:13:15 AM
Stalker. Tartovsky, not what you think. Hehehehe. (
Ooooo, I saw that years ago with a couple buddies as we made some homemade salsa. It was odd, but very interesting (If I recall it correctly).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on March 23, 2013, 10:55:49 AM
Yeah, better than Solyaris (1972) ::)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on March 25, 2013, 12:16:33 PM
Red Dawn (2012). had heard some terrible reviews on it, perhaps because i went into it not expecting much i liked it better than i expected, though it wasn't great, or as good as the original.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 25, 2013, 01:22:50 PM
salt - directors cut not much different to the non directors cut except for a min or so at the beginning of the film.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on March 25, 2013, 09:07:39 PM
I wasn't impressed by "Salt" but it is my type of movie, espionage, spy, betrayal.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 26, 2013, 12:55:32 PM
::) i agree.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on March 26, 2013, 01:00:14 PM
^^ I also agree. Salt was a disappointment.
I'm just about to watch this: ( So can I say it's the last movie I watched? ;)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on March 26, 2013, 02:34:41 PM
I liked salt.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on March 26, 2013, 05:42:42 PM
olympus has fallen
like the first ten minutes was a little emotional to me because I started to think about 9/11 the possibility of something like that happen.
Wizard of OZ…
I give it half of a star. James Franco was just very flat :(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 27, 2013, 08:29:03 AM
^^ I also agree. Salt was a disappointment. I'm just about to watch this: ( So can I say it's the last movie I watched? ;)
And The Assassination of Richard Nixon. (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 27, 2013, 11:28:36 PM
There but for fortune (a documentary about the life of protest singer, Phil Ochs). Great interviews with his friends, family, and coworkers in the music industry interspersed with footage of him performing, and his music. It gives insights into the subculture of an era (the 1960's and early 70's).
As it was feature of Mark Kermode's Film Club He credits Danny Boyle with more influence than he deserves
Not as good the Second time around... 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on March 30, 2013, 08:16:15 PM
^ that movie made me sleepy.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 30, 2013, 11:51:05 PM
^^ I love it 8) havent watched a movie in 2 days :o going cold turkey
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on March 31, 2013, 03:52:27 AM
Yesterday she had the Hallmark Channel on ALL DAY. I hate the piano and violins that constantly play in the background, the generic plots and people that don't act or talk like normal people. When I started mocking her programs she said "STFU and go play with your computer". :o I spent the rest of the day with headphones on, playing PC video games. I need to find her some new movies.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 01, 2013, 03:07:13 AM
Due to British TV being so crap and repeats on all day Sunday I watched
Carry on Abroad - ( a drink this movie had me in stitches with laughter ;D one of the best in the series, not my favourite but great.The innuendo's flew thick and fast. ;D ;D
In Time - ( not too bad, a futuristic Bonnie and Clyde. lost it a bit from the middle onwards, but watch able.
The Impossible - ( graphic and sad with a nice ending, didn't know twas based upon a true story :-\. OK to watch, wouldn't watch again for a long while though if ever.
The Proposal - ( seen it all before, funny in parts but mainly in had the beautiful Bullock in :D.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 01, 2013, 02:19:11 PM
The family stone yet again :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Discover99 on April 01, 2013, 05:21:30 PM
a shadow of a doubt interesting movie, but unfortunately I'd already read about what would happen. Still the acting of Uncle Charlie's character was strong and creepy
everything you always wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask I watched it years ago and didn't remember much, but it had me in stitches of laughter most of the time
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on April 01, 2013, 06:31:04 PM
a shadow of a doubt interesting movie, but unfortunately I'd already read about what would happen. Still the acting of Uncle Charlie's character was strong and creepy
I think it's a bit overrated. Idk, it lacks...something. Probably just me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on April 01, 2013, 08:12:34 PM
The host
I expecting it to be more of an action movie but it wasn't it was still enjoyable to watch.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Discover99 on April 02, 2013, 03:04:51 AM
I think it's a bit overrated. Idk, it lacks...something. Probably just me.
I read a few reviews from people who had too high expectations going into the movie .. it being Hitchcocks fav movie and all.
Some things were a little weird, like the relationship between the detective and Charlie, it went way too quickly for my liking .. but I did love the way the movie was shot
the Host,
Idk why but the name of the movie doesn't speak to me at all.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on April 02, 2013, 09:26:18 AM
Still the acting of Uncle Charlie's character was strong and creepy
I liked her better than him. :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on April 05, 2013, 07:35:55 PM
Evil Things (2009) (
It was on TV and I was folding and washing clothes. I left it on and kept waiting for the entertaining and/or scary part to begin. Yeah, right! It's bad, very bad, really bad. Stay away from this one.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on April 08, 2013, 04:10:29 AM
I watched Dark Skies last night and my view is: as a sci-fi flick it was a complete waste of time (far too similar to The Forgotten), but as a scary movie, it worked really well.
Had to get a little closer to the missus a couple of times at the creepy bits, which is a good sign as it ain't a common event...
Big minus though is it really has to have a second part otherwise it is pointless.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on April 08, 2013, 04:54:02 AM
Killing Them Softly. Pretty much a Tarantino wannabe flik... crappy. 6/10.
This really speaks bad of the flick then. *Note* See dweez's previous opinion on QT
As was intended. 8)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on April 10, 2013, 10:04:01 PM
Deadline (2009) Quite suspenseful, without over use of the Jump Scare The atmos music was a bit over-done though :( Where did the printer come from ? :D Not as bad as the IMDB would make you think 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on April 13, 2013, 01:24:54 AM
Rock of ages. Sillier than I expected, but cute.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 14, 2013, 09:39:08 PM
Donnie Brasco (1997). DVD from the library.
Johnny Depp. Al Pacino. excellent cast. true story. Reasonably well acted. Had Anne Heche as Depp's long suffering wife. I just never could warm up to that actress. She's technically good, but there's something missing.
The movie was entertaining but a bit long. Somehow it didn't really hang together for me. 7/10.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on April 14, 2013, 10:40:42 PM
Had Anne Heche as Depp's long suffering wife. I just never could warm up to that actress. She's technically good, but there's something missing.
I can understand that. I feel the same way.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 15, 2013, 07:45:23 AM
A good Year ( salmon fishing in the Yemen ( The Hobbit (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on April 15, 2013, 03:50:21 PM
what did you think of the second one?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 16, 2013, 12:10:38 AM
Salmon fishing - It's a nice easy going movie.Nothing too demanding to watch and i love this style of movie. A typical British love story Apparently when this movie was released the tourist office was inundated with enquiries to go fishing in the Yemen ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 20, 2013, 12:12:33 AM
Jack Reacher ( Surprising good,twists and turns all the way, TC a little arrogant ( but suppose to be ). passed a enjoyable 2 hrs ish
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on April 20, 2013, 08:35:19 AM
Jack Reacher ( Surprising good,twists and turns all the way, TC a little arrogant ( but suppose to be ). passed a enjoyable 2 hrs ish
He's weird in that movie. Kinda like an extraterrestrial. Oohhh, maybe he is an ET! :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on April 20, 2013, 09:24:50 AM
Oblivion I'll be kind and say 7.5/10. Basically the usual special FX with a thin plot line we've seen a dozen times before.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on April 20, 2013, 11:24:09 AM
^ that is very kind. I did. Not like it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 20, 2013, 01:03:29 PM
Oblivion I'll be kind and say 7.5/10. Basically the usual special FX with a thin plot line we've seen a dozen times before.
It got a lukewarm review from Manola Darghis of the New York Times. Tom Cruise sends me running in the opposite direction. He's not much of an actor. Seems to have one speed.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on April 21, 2013, 06:32:09 AM
It got a lukewarm review from Manola Darghis of the New York Times. Tom Cruise sends me running in the opposite direction. He's not much of an actor. Seems to have one speed.
I feel like a chump for doling out the $8 for this thing. Ah, the p*r*te's life for me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 23, 2013, 10:56:30 AM
gangster squad ( disappointed with the story and the actors.A plethora of actors who wasted my time.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 26, 2013, 09:05:27 AM
The Host ( I honestly don't know how to rate this movie.Kind of a Marmite film. Twilight with aliens.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Excellent seeker cars ( (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on April 26, 2013, 09:30:43 AM
Do you say that because it was written by Stephenie Meyer Or just from the watching ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 26, 2013, 11:50:40 AM
Do you say that because it was written by Stephenie Meyer Or just from the watching ;D
both ;)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on April 26, 2013, 06:27:38 PM
I did not like the host but I think it was because it wasn't what I had expected
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 27, 2013, 12:53:24 AM
I was unsure what to expect, and i am still none the wiser
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 28, 2013, 09:41:31 AM
Any Day Now ( thought provoking story about gay relationship in the 1970's attempting to adopt a down child.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on April 30, 2013, 11:43:13 AM
I have been obsessed with the movie/music Jesus Christ Superstar since I was 11 yrs old. Played the LP non-stop for about a year because I love the music. Watched the movie as many times as I could afford due to being a ministers daughter and not really getting it. For some reason the movie ended up making me sure that if there ever was a higher power it/they/he/she wants humans to rely on themselves and others to make the universe a place where all beings can be happy.
Today Im on my third go around on the blu-ray. While watching I had IMBD up and was checking out the past and future of many of the actors. The only one I could find who has continued in main stream tv/movies was this one. (
One funny tidbit also: Paul Thomas (I) Director | Actor | Producer Trivia: Had brief success as an actor in mainstream films, including playing Peter in Jesus Christ Superstar before going onto become a porn actor/director.
Carl Anderson (Judas) was, without a doubt, the reason for this movies success. Ted Neely was great, dont get me wrong, but Judas is the star of this movie. ( Wont let me post the you tube actively.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: megamarkd on May 01, 2013, 11:52:16 PM
Last film I watched the entirety of was Cyborg. JCVD was in it, but he was not the cyborg of the movie title...
Not a very good movie, even for a JCVD movie. Not much fighting. It utilises the sets and costumes for a never made He-man film and a never made Spiderman film.
Really really poor all over.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 02, 2013, 12:46:05 AM
not a film but Life after porn ends ( interesting ish.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 12, 2013, 01:53:37 AM
Dark Skies - Twas OK. 6/10 Side Effects - interesting with twists at the end. 7/10.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on May 13, 2013, 01:16:11 PM
BBC production of a John Wyndham short story called Random Quest. 1 hour long (if that counts as a movie). Though British television seems to give a bit more credit to its viewer's intelligence than the sub-standard fare we usually get here in the States this isn't its best offering... still, I sorta liked it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 13, 2013, 01:49:24 PM
missed that one Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters ( ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Turn your brain off and have pure fun. ;D ;D ;D ;D loved it
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on May 17, 2013, 05:12:58 AM
I've forgotten if I've mentioned that I finally saw silver linings play book. Was predictable, but I still liked it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 19, 2013, 08:55:06 AM
Watched 2 films sat pm, Beautiful Creatures - Twas OK, didn't know what to expect and I did like the Ethan Wate character The other i will tell you about as its in the movie post ;)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on May 19, 2013, 04:59:40 PM
Dirty Girl - liked it .
Gringo - liked
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 20, 2013, 07:25:27 AM
Welcome to the punch ( enjoyable movie.Nice pace, not too bad a plot, well acted
Stake land ( watched again and again I enjoyed it
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 03, 2013, 02:07:19 PM
I give it a Year ( ok nothing brilliant. :) Jack the giant slayer ( totally enjoyable ;D lawless ( not too bad at all.gritty and well acted by guy pearce again
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on June 03, 2013, 06:29:05 PM
After earth was alright. If I had known that six sense guy was the director I probably wouldnt have seen it.
Hangover3 it was okay with some funny parts and some blah parts
the purge - was creepy and there was a lot REALLY!? I did like the ending.the movie has made substantial amount of money since its premiered, paramount only spent 3mill and its made 34 mill already.
now you see me- it was alright, it wasn't bad just a tad bit slow in some places.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 13, 2013, 12:27:09 AM
The last stand - ( O what fun this was, had me in stitches at times.Typical Arnie and great for a mind numbing action flick.Acting was mmmmmmmmm, story was mmmmmmmmmmmm, but again FUN.
Take Shelter - ( Recommended on here and I must say after having it sit on my hdd for ages I decided to watch. A great film, had me wondering what to expect next.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on June 13, 2013, 02:44:16 AM
Started Hick. It's bent up. Will finish it later
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on June 13, 2013, 09:56:22 AM
I liked the Hick the cowboy was uber creepy/scary.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on June 17, 2013, 08:53:41 PM
man of steel
it was enjoyable, I think it was better then the last one. no end credit surprise.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on June 22, 2013, 09:17:44 AM
I wasn't particularly keen on watching this film because it's about Vikings, and I've not found Vikings that interesting since middle school, but I had a fatal cold and didn't have anything better to do.
Meh. Five years ago I probably would have liked this film, but I was a different person then. I didnae care for the characters, nor their situation, and I gained nothing from the experience. The fighting was fun, when it wasn't too gory. I did like that it wasn't trying to trick you into watching Beowulf, unlike Outlander. Outlander was more fun than this film. Outlander had spaceships.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 22, 2013, 10:11:40 AM
Exorcists ? No ! More like Psychics Quite Interesting
Catch it if you can 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 29, 2013, 07:42:53 AM
A good day to die hard- basically crap Song for Marion (unfinished song) ( a truly nice British film, touched your hearts and bought a tear to the eye
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: SACPOP on June 29, 2013, 08:35:45 AM
Finally saw Ted. I liked it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on June 30, 2013, 12:59:26 AM
Cafe. It was weird.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 30, 2013, 02:03:45 PM
Olympus has fallen- ( What a corker of a no brainer movie, action, action , action all the way
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on July 01, 2013, 04:05:47 AM
Monsters University was a lot of fun. I don't think it was nearly as good as the first movie, but it was a lot of fun nonetheless.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on July 01, 2013, 08:52:44 AM
More like the Latest Movie You Slept Through, but The Call (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on July 01, 2013, 11:53:27 AM
More like the Latest Movie You Slept Through, but The Call (
A boring thriller?! Yay, those are the worst.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: megamarkd on July 02, 2013, 11:18:21 PM
Went to the cinema last night and watched World War Z. Not bad but not great either. Fair bit of padding, and Brad Pitt was in fine Paddle Pop Lion form. During the previews, I did think that Tom Hanks should play the next Wolverine.
6 1/2 choc-tops out of 10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on July 02, 2013, 11:43:08 PM
Perks of being a Wallflower- Almost like John Hughes is still alive. Great teen film. I sobbed full force at the end. And Ezra Miller? Damn hes great. Sadly Miss Watson just isnt a very good actress. She should skip film and go straight to full time modeling because she is stunning but acting ended when she grew up.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on July 03, 2013, 06:04:04 AM
I remember saying something like that when I posted "City Island" in the flick thread. I've seen him in a few things (haven't watched "The Perks..." yet) and he's amazing. In a fair world that kid would be bigger than DiCaprio.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 04, 2013, 01:04:32 PM
Blood ( excellent cast, good story, so disappointing ???
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on July 07, 2013, 02:58:19 PM
Just watched Man of Steel, fell asleep, and Iron Man 3, loved it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: megamarkd on July 07, 2013, 06:46:46 PM
Just watched Man of Steel, fell asleep, and Iron Man 3, loved it.
That is because Superman is a tool. Next time you feel the urge to read/watch a Superman comic/movie/cartoon, do yourself a favour and read/watch The Tick instead.
Sorry but no movie yet, though there have been murmurs of one every now and then.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: SACPOP on July 08, 2013, 02:55:11 AM
The Tick? hrmmm... I'll have to check that out! :P
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on July 08, 2013, 05:56:45 AM
Wooah! The Tick, no kiddin.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on July 08, 2013, 06:38:35 AM
it isn't , lots of bad reviews.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 08, 2013, 09:04:05 AM
Quartet - ( nice, enjoyable, pleasant.Funny in parts
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on July 08, 2013, 10:25:08 AM
I watched "Identity Thief" Hilarious. In every sense of the word + a good story. Not believable in any way, but I don't think I care any more.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: megamarkd on July 09, 2013, 04:58:42 AM
I watched The Last Stand last night. It was sorta like a mish-mash of different movie clichés starring Granpa Arnie. the plot was so-so, and action was slow coming but good when it happened. Johnny Knoxville was better than I would have thought. The cameo by Harry Dean Stanton was good, I really appreciated his performance.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on July 09, 2013, 07:40:56 AM
White house down.
I went in with low expectations and I was still disappointed.
Channing tatums acting is.....can he hire an acting coach?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on July 09, 2013, 09:51:55 AM
Blasphemy! Nah not really. Evil Dead is like the failed Evil Dead 2.
Hes talking about the new Evil Dead. Unbelievably good!!!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on July 14, 2013, 12:15:02 AM
Four brothers
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 21, 2013, 04:05:45 AM
Deep Blue Sea - ( Jaws - ( The Fugitive- ( A afternoon of oldies.Enjoyed Jaws after not seeing it for so long ;D ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 22, 2013, 02:06:19 PM
The Sapphires ( twas ok, lean and wishy washy in places but worth a watch
August Rush ( excellent, different.Just when you guess it out a twist appears.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on July 22, 2013, 03:18:19 PM
Me, Myself and Irene.
This film was very funny! Hilarious! Maybe it's because I haven't watched something this silly in ages. I need to stop being so serious.
7/10 because I'm not sure I liked that one bit after Hank and the coke machine.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: megamarkd on July 24, 2013, 10:19:12 PM
Went and saw Pacific Rim the other day. If it wasn't for the fact that there was giant robots involved I would have walked out. Apart from the giant robots fighting giant lizards from another realm, it is absolute rubbish.
The more I see that Wolverine trailer, the more I want Tom Hanks to be the next Wolverine. That movie with the magicians in it looks good.....might see that next.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 25, 2013, 02:04:06 AM
The Colony ( dont bother
Oblivion ( thoroughly enjoyed, right to the end
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on July 25, 2013, 02:41:19 AM
Watched A Good Day to Die Hard ( last night. Pretty stupid but a lot of action.
Downloading Oblivion now.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 26, 2013, 12:23:54 AM
::) Not a Full Die Hard film I thought,Suppose Willis is getting old er. D/loading whats that
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on July 26, 2013, 03:47:23 PM
WOLVERINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hugh jackman…….
but it could be because i love hugh jackman and I may be a little bias.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on July 26, 2013, 09:16:55 PM
::) Not a Full Die Hard film I thought,Suppose Willis is getting old er. D/loading whats that
Maybe but SO much hotter.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on July 26, 2013, 11:17:02 PM
Friday... Watched Oblivion, thought it was OK. Watched Parental Guidance (, it was kind of cute. We both slept through Safety Not Guaranteed (, maybe try again later. Started Evil Dead ( but she said she wasn't in the mood for horror and stopped it. Saturday... Watched Mud ( It was OK. Spring Breakers ( was a waste of time in my opinion. Watched The Place Beyond the Pines ( Didn't care for it. Probably watch Dead Man Down ( sometime today.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: megamarkd on July 27, 2013, 07:39:20 PM
"Android" ( Not a bad movie, but not great either. As far as sci-fi goes, the story is good. The acting is rubbish, the main role is played by someone who calls himself Max 404 and plays himself. I guess Klaus Kinski was okay. Pretty sure it was a post-dub affair as the voices didn't sound like they were in the rooms the scenes were filmed in. Finally, I'm curious as to if the actor who plays Sheldon in Big Bang Theory has seen this film as his stilted movement is a lot like that of Max 404.
If you like sci-fi, get this one.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on July 29, 2013, 05:27:43 AM
Hua Mulan. Astounding. Very clean film. Full of life, death, and somewhat of a resurrection. If anything a resurrection of hope. Excellent war scenes. Touching in about a million ways, full of emotion.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on July 29, 2013, 03:13:56 PM
Mama (2013)
This is a horror film. The ghost/monster was mostly CGI, which always distracted me during the scary scenes and...
The children made it scary. It was scary.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on July 30, 2013, 02:52:08 AM
I watched Farewell My Concubine, just as excellent as the last one from this director. ;)
The story was hard to watch at times, extremely emotionally hurtful at times, and at others it just made me think about how good I got it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 01, 2013, 05:05:51 PM
Surviving Summer (2009) aka Greta
I just did not believe Hilary Duff was 17
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on August 02, 2013, 11:21:09 PM
adventures of babysitting
enjoyed it. whats not to like about it? I enjoy must 80s, I think because some of it is just so far fetched.. incent Phillip D'Onofrio is a little creepy but I think he always has a little creepiness about him, made the tv show criminal intent interesting to watch.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 03, 2013, 06:47:33 AM
Vincent D'Onofrio Creepy ??? Surely Not !
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on August 03, 2013, 09:05:01 AM
To me he gives off a creepy vibe
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on August 03, 2013, 09:17:21 AM
I agree with mishca. He can be creepy at times. But he's an outstanding actor.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on August 03, 2013, 09:34:45 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on August 03, 2013, 02:29:30 PM
"The Cell" scarred my soul.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: megamarkd on August 04, 2013, 12:48:06 AM
Ricky 6 (
For some reason I downloaded this film thinking it was going to be the true story of some silly young metal-head in the 80's, who talks all this bs about being a servant of satan, getting blamed for a murder (because he is a silly young metal-head etc and the 80's hated metal and satan). I took it to my mate's house and we put it on, then within 15min the phones were out looking up trivia about this really bad film.
Firstly it has only ever been screened at some film festival in Montreal where it won the audience award, which, not knowing any more than that, would be a good sign. But the festival was the Fantasia Film Festival, and if sharing a name with an old Disney animated film is not enough of a warning, looking up the festival reveals it was inaugurated by HK kung-fu film and japanimations fan-boys to show-case those two genres.....
Okay, so it hasn't been screened since; was it banned? No. The person who obtained finance for the film died before it was released, so officially the film belongs to the bank, who want an amount of money for it. More than anyone thinks it's worth it would seem. Another red flag.
(Just trying to find a running time I came across details of it being screened at two other festivals: Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival in 2001 and Rhode Island International Horror Film Festival in 2006)
Anyway, we knew there was going to be a murder sometime soon in the film, that will be good. It took and hour and a half before anything spooky/creepy/scary happened. In in the end he did murder someone, so Ricky was a nutjob after all, and not the victim of a media fuelled lynch-mob looking to demonise the latest popular music.
Don't bother even for the comedy value. There isn't even any good music in it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on August 11, 2013, 01:16:10 PM
"Android" ( Not a bad movie, but not great either. As far as sci-fi goes, the story is good. The acting is rubbish, the main role is played by someone who calls himself Max 404 and plays himself. I guess Klaus Kinski was okay. Pretty sure it was a post-dub affair as the voices didn't sound like they were in the rooms the scenes were filmed in. Finally, I'm curious as to if the actor who plays Sheldon in Big Bang Theory has seen this film as his stilted movement is a lot like that of Max 404.
If you like sci-fi, get this one.
This film is difficult to acquire. It is en route, mais lentement :(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: megamarkd on August 11, 2013, 10:47:10 PM
I watch some really bad films looking for the gold. Brain Damage ( is one of those really bad films. Brian meets a worm like creature that lives in his arm pit (or somewhere like that) and squirts blue liquid into an hole at the base of is head. It sends Brian into a moronic state of running around hooting like a simpleton at the fun fair and seeing things in goofy-vision. The creature lives off brains and while Brian is high, it sucks the brains out of unsuspecting people. Except if the victim is female. Oh yeah, almost forgot about that scene, which is pretty much softcore rape porn.
And there is your reason not to watch the film. Not because the acting the worst I've seen in a while, not because it is basically a 2 hour anti-drug advert. Even though Basket Case and Frankenhooker were great, I don't think I'll be watching any more films directed by Frank Henenlotter.
I watch some really bad films looking for the gold. Brain Damage ( is one of those really bad films. Brian meets a worm like creature that lives in his arm pit (or somewhere like that) and squirts blue liquid into an hole at the base of is head. It sends Brian into a moronic state of running around hooting like a simpleton at the fun fair and seeing things in goofy-vision. The creature lives off brains and while Brian is high, it sucks the brains out of unsuspecting people. Except if the victim is female. Oh yeah, almost forgot about that scene, which is pretty much softcore rape porn.
And there is your reason not to watch the film. Not because the acting the worst I've seen in a while, not because it is basically a 2 hour anti-drug advert. Even though Basket Case and Frankenhooker were great, I don't think I'll be watching any more films directed by Frank Henenlotter.
Check PM's
I think when your drug days pass you some of these classics just arent as funny anymore.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 17, 2013, 06:11:09 AM
The Big Wedding ( excellent funny parts. that's it Gallowwalkers ( mmmmmmmmmmmm. The Iceman ( suspected cameo appearance's.Wha a calm evil so and so.worth a watch
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: megamarkd on August 20, 2013, 09:02:41 PM
I watched "It! The Terror from Beyond Space (", POTC4 (, and "Ghosts of Mars (" in the last few days.
"It! The Terror from Beyond Space" was pretty funny to watch. Scientists on Mars encounter and an intelligent alien monster that looks like the monster from "The Creature From The Black Lagoon". It boards their ship and they use 20th century weapons to defend themselves. Fairly average, but it's a movie about Mars, so I needed to watch it.
"Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" was good. I've seen it before, so I knew what was going to happen. I like pirate films. I thought the zombie crew were more a possessed crew of the the damned, thought that is my only criticism.
"Ghosts Of Mars", John Carpenter's even. What could go wrong? Ice Cube? Nah. that will be great. Jason Statham? Yeah he's good in lots of stuff. Pam Greer, she doesn't do rubbish.... besides, it's set on Mars and there is no better place to set a Sci-Fi story. The movie was slow and boring. The best bit is hearing the way the baddies communicated and looking at the names of the tracks in the soundtrack. Oh yeah, Anthrax and Buckethead were some of the musicians who performed the score. Now some (aka my better judgement) would say to me "what do you expect? John Carpenter is not really that good. "Big Trouble..." is his only truly great film (in which Kurt Russell proves he is the greatest actor of all time), and those 'stars' you point to are actually all hacks who's only entertainment value is they are enjoyably bad at what they do", to which I would reply "shuddup, what would you know? "They Live" was pure brilliance!"
I think when your drug days pass you some of these classics just arent as funny anymore.
Nah, it's not that. I was reading that during filming of the scene, which was censored from the theatre and vhs release, cast and crew walked out. If it wasn't included in the version of the film I viewed, I might put it in the classic trash bin, but still it goes for too long and felt like it was on the "no, but seriously..." side of the just-say-no fence. Also, it needed more hair metal.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: megamarkd on August 30, 2013, 02:57:39 AM
"2 Headed Shark Attack (" For the love of all that is good, run a mile from this film. "Jurassic Shark" was a masterpiece in comparison to this one. There was supposedly a model shark built for this, but I have seen independent video games made for charity drives with better graphics than 2HSA (pretty sure that abbreviation is also the chemical name for a designer drug).
"TerrorVision (" Not bad, for an 80's sci-fi/horror. Stars a guy that was in "The Search For Animal Chin (". Has footage from "Robot Monster (" and "The Day The Earth Stood Still (http://)" on the telly.
"The X From Outer Space (" Good Japanese rubber suit monster film, just slow. Uses the same set as "It! The Terror From Beyond Space" at times. Super cute girls (two) in it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 30, 2013, 06:08:44 AM
I watched "Ghosts of Mars (" it needed more hair metal.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on August 31, 2013, 06:43:39 PM
haunted house with marlon wayne. I could not make it past 30 mins , had to switch it off it was so bad.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: megamarkd on September 01, 2013, 03:29:31 AM
I wated Xtro last night. As a kid, it was the title on the wall of the video rental store that we all wanted to get, it was said to be the scariest movie ever. Banned in Britain and all. The cover had the most disgusting looking monster of them all, and the fact that it had the monster on the cover meant that we would actually see a monster in this horror film. But, it was rated R(+18) and so we couldn't hire it and nobody's cool parents agreed to rent it for us.
So when I saw the chance to get a copy recently I grabbed it. I was expecting a lot worse, but it wasn't the usual b-grade horror.
Set in England, a guy gets abducted by aliens and his son sees it all go down. Nobody believes the son, who has the same name as my brother, and assumes the guy has done the runner on the wife. Jump some years and the wife has a new beau and the son seem quite happy-go-lucky for someone who watched his dad (who has the same name as my nephew) get stolen by moon-men in a flash of light.
But then dad-guy shows-up from seemingly out of nowhere (we get to see from where, and it was hilarious) unable to remember where he had been. Mum's new bloke get the shits and sonny-boy is over the moon. He was a little freaked out when daddy ate his pet snake's eggs, but has able to understand once dad tracked him down and gave him a very strange kiss on the shoulder.
It gets weirder, albeit slowly and in that Pommy way that makes the old Doctor Who series so creepy.
Shogun Assassin and Xtro have often been mistakenly listed as video nasties, though neither film ever appeared on any official DPP lists.
Xtro was rated 18 (1982 Film / 1987 Video) then re-rated 15 (2007)
Yeah, I read about that, and it spurred me to go look for the DPP list and watch the films on it. Of course I have read synopsis's of the movies before downloading. "I Spit On Your Grave" is one on the list that I had heard about for years and was told that I don't really want to see it, but that advice always makes me want to see it even more. Now I have read the brief on it, I realise that no, I don't want to see it.
Then another on the list is the incredibly dumb "Evil Dead". The horror in that film was so implicated it was more a suspense/thriller than a horror. The fact that Evil Dead 2 was basically a remake with a hammy and OTT plot in the style of what had become the popular image of horror, is testament to the fact that the first was not a scary horror film.
But yeah, it's weird to think back to the 80's when, as a child, stories about what goes on overseas abounded with no good way of verifying what was the truth. 'Video nasties' was a term most kids had only heard on tv shows like The "Kenny Everett Video Show" and "The Young Ones" and it was an hard schoolyard fact that England banned almost every horror and porn film ever made.....
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on September 02, 2013, 10:00:34 PM
Stop ! or my mom will shoot.
Estelle Getty loved her in golden girls and just about everything else. Cute movie and enjoyable time waster.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on September 02, 2013, 10:32:42 PM
World War Z ( I liked the Resident Evil movies better than this zombie apocalypse thriller.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: megamarkd on September 03, 2013, 12:48:36 AM
Watched C.H.U.D ( last night. It was not bad. Acting was a bit poo but the story made up for it.
Watching Superman: Unbound made me realise that I don't like Supergirl at all. I always skip her bits in these cartoons. Maybe it's because I can't relate to her.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on September 05, 2013, 05:48:37 PM
Fast & Furious 6 (2013) ( is on now. I had to run errands and missed most of it but the parts I caught look pretty good. Action baybee...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on September 22, 2013, 03:03:06 PM
Quatermass 2 (1957) aka "Enemy from Space"
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 29, 2013, 01:44:28 PM
+ 1 ( seriously wtf was this about.besides naked women / fratt house drinking I have no idea why this was made
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 18, 2013, 09:02:37 AM
Man of Steel - I watched with trepidation as i am not a fan of comic based movies, but I can honestly state I really enjoyed this movie.Ticked all the boxes for me, Action / love / sadness / AMY ADAMS :D. I apologise if this upsets anyone but a film is a film and I enjoyed it. And why cant i have a body like that :o ( (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on October 18, 2013, 11:18:46 AM
Sin City was a movie based on comics by Frank Miller that I liked.
never watched- really is it worth it ? :)
Latest movie Only God Forgives ( seriously wtf was this about.Beautifully shot, moody to the point of being obscure. Kristen Scott Thomas looks as if she needs a few meals. I wouldnt recommend it and i do like unusual movies.
Flower and Snake or Flowers and Serpents ( Basically a soft porn movie ( :o didnt realise ) about 'Kinbaku' or. 'Shibari' which ever you prefer to side on.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on October 19, 2013, 07:27:27 AM
It's Rodriguez + Tarantino so you know what to expect.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on October 19, 2013, 04:50:14 PM
just watched nine dead. it was AWWWFULLLL
saw cabin in the woods finally. refreshingly different and hilariously entertaining!!! Would watch again!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 19, 2013, 04:57:39 PM
Also watched The Cabin in the Woods (Blu-ray) I was disappointed, Possibly the Hype Spoiled it ? But even whilst watching I kept thinking : "Buffy / Angel (Wolfram & Hart)" and when my Sister walked in and asked : "Is it Scary ?" That's what I compared it to :D 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on October 20, 2013, 05:32:48 PM
well i didn't hear any hype, so i had no expectations. :) i thought it was really funny.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 21, 2013, 12:33:33 AM
had a anti White house day of movies yesterday. white house down Olympus has fallen basically the same film with different stars blowing up the White House. ;D ;D ;D ;D wife loves both the main actors so an easy choice. ;D ;D Both enjoyable in their own movie genre, and with a few ciders it was pleasantly nice afternoon.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on October 21, 2013, 05:13:15 PM
You should have added Live Free or Die Hard and Independence Day to the mix.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on October 21, 2013, 08:08:19 PM
And Mars Attacks! (1996)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 21, 2013, 09:37:07 PM
Snap ! I thought of that ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 22, 2013, 12:11:07 AM
watched independence day last week :) great film
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 24, 2013, 08:13:55 PM
ParaNorman (2012) I liked the story, but not the Animation. 7/10
Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) Mmmmmmeh 6/10
Superman: Unbound (2013) I did not mind Supergirl --- but Lois knowing = Yuck ! 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on October 25, 2013, 08:28:25 PM
Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox (2013) I liked it... 8/10
Prometheus (2012) Has its flaws but still good 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 26, 2013, 01:26:32 AM
The Kings Speech / Terminator Salvation
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on November 02, 2013, 07:16:53 PM
Man of Steel (2013) Good Action Flick --- But not really a 'Superman' Film and what was with the Wobbly Cam bits ? 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 02, 2013, 11:17:36 PM
The Heat ( ok nothing great, the more i drunk the more i tittered
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on November 03, 2013, 04:51:18 PM
Rush (2013)
Spectacular! I loved it! I recommend it. Well worth watching at the theater.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: megamarkd on November 08, 2013, 04:41:13 PM
It's the same as the new costume, it brings it out of the 1950's. Or that is what it attempts to do.
I saw half of Kickass 2 most recently (had to go get to bed early), and it was not bad, I want to see the rest of it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 10, 2013, 02:00:44 AM
The Wolverine ( ok so wasn't too impressed
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on November 10, 2013, 05:40:25 PM
I thought this was great but the movie was really gross. Well.... most of time. The other, funny.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 23, 2013, 12:43:54 AM
Last days on Mars ( OMG why did L.Schreiber act (loose terminology there) in this movie. so bad on so many levels.Could have been renamed Zombie on mars. 2/10
All is Bright ( I enjoyed this movie, At least someone in the Movie industry takes a risk and make a different film.Dont expect it to make you feel good, but do expect a different movie to "watch" not just have on in the back ground. Paul Giamatti yet again plays a down trodden character and i wish he'd play a upbeat character.A fav actor of mine.Paul Rudd plays opposite him in a character role that i would not have thought he pull off. Give it a shot.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on December 19, 2013, 09:20:18 PM
i told myself I wouldn;t watch it. It was emotional and disturbing, the things that people will do for money and how quickly they blame the dead. it was a good documentary.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 19, 2013, 09:41:03 PM
::) so true
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 20, 2013, 06:04:56 AM
i told myself I wouldn;t watch it. It was emotional and disturbing, the things that people will do for money and how quickly they blame the dead. it was a good documentary.
I wonder why those animals don't kill every single "trainer" ( ::)) that comes their way. They're called "killer whales". If I was one of those animals I'd be a "serial killer whale".
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on December 20, 2013, 05:59:07 PM
I thought the same thing. A expert said that there was no evidence of a killer whale in the wild killing a human, only in captivity they have attacked and killed humans.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 21, 2013, 12:28:49 PM
possibly pissed off for being in a large bath. ???
interesting Doc nether the less.Money is always king in the tourist trade :'(
Any way The Family ( Starts off witty, different then fails with a big bang. :-X
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on December 21, 2013, 07:26:24 PM
Romy and Michele one of my favorites.
another fave
what about bob? with bill murphy
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on December 23, 2013, 12:35:58 PM
I watched Precious. How many bad things can happen to a person?! :o
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on December 23, 2013, 07:30:52 PM
It's based on true story or at least that's what they say. Don't know if it's true or not
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 25, 2013, 01:55:17 AM
The Hobbit The Desolation of Smaug .
Family visit to Cinema. Great film yet again, Action, love twist, visually awesome.Cannot await the last film.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 30, 2013, 01:21:50 PM
The Butler 2013 ( I appreciate there is a lot to cram into a film. but it seemed like Forest Gump for another generation. was ok, glad i watched
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 31, 2013, 12:11:54 PM
Kinky Boots Fantastic Rush impressed with this The Worlds End pass 3 Days of Normal. Nothing hill set in America
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on December 31, 2013, 04:22:12 PM
The two Percy Jackson movies. meh, but she liked them.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 04, 2014, 12:51:32 AM
Lone Survivor ( Without sounding disrespectful to the armed forces, Its a good film, Blackhawk Down ish in action and a good ending.Sad so many died, as a true story.Also shows not all Afghans are American hating Taliban. If you like these kind of films watch as you wont be disappointed.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 04, 2014, 10:26:13 PM
Saving Mr. Banks *** 1/2 stars. One of the most brilliant scripts Ive seen in decades. Acting was great and film as very good but this script. Oy..... masterful. Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom *3/4 stars. Not a good movie in many ways. I respect what I know of this man but this film did nothing for me or his memory. American Hustle **. Meh. I dont get what all the fuss is about. Not sorry I watched it but again, Meh. UPDATE: I wrote this when I was about half way through with the movie. I would like to add another * to my rating. Cool movie. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug ** 1/2. Love the story so I enjoyed falling into it but glad I didnt pay to see it. Frozen***. Brilliant ending. Liked the movie but the ending sealed the deal for me. Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues **. Daughter and I went opening weekend. She feels about this movie the way I feel about Hobbit series. Very committed. Movie sucked though. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire ** 1/2. Enjoyed it. Will watch the rest. Don Jon **. Masturbation is not the basis for a film. Well....... for me anyway. Cute non the less. Gravity ** 1/2. Will easily win in the tech aspect. Brilliant. This is one movie that I wish I would of spent the money to see it on the big screen. Pretty cool. Sherlock ***1/2. TV Show. AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! Very excited for this episode. Worried that Sherlock is going mainstream though with his character. LOVED IT.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on January 05, 2014, 04:14:59 PM
a few best men; fun movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 05, 2014, 06:43:32 PM
Dallas Buyers Club - *** Good movie. Destined to bring in some awards. Leto was REALLY good.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on January 05, 2014, 08:22:39 PM
wolf on wall st; was good.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on January 05, 2014, 09:13:24 PM
Oblivion (2013) Not bad, even the unbelievable final act did not spoil it. 8/10
Despicable Me 2 (2013) Loved it ! The minions are brilliant 8.5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 06, 2014, 11:33:14 PM
Saving Mr. Banks *** 1/2 stars. One of the most brilliant scripts Ive seen in decades. Acting was great and film as very good but this script. Oy..... masterful.
Viewed last night- Strong, powerful, addictive, I would guess not as brutal as it could have been. beautifully shot. Hopefully the Oscar committee will forgo their normal "Gifts" and vote for a film that truly deserves to clean sweep the board.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on January 07, 2014, 02:34:40 PM
Couldnt agree more Goldie!!
Despicable Me 2 was really cute, I agree.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 10, 2014, 02:19:13 PM
Having just watched Gravity, it shouldn't win all the baftas. Good and very watchable, But not as compelling as 12 years a slave.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on January 10, 2014, 02:37:29 PM
Drive (2011) I think it was over hyped again She offers him Water ??? 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on January 12, 2014, 07:43:06 AM
Phil Spector with Al Pacino and Helen Mirren. Pacino is just great, so nuanced. I never really mustered any interest in Spector as a person and know nothing of the events around the murder (?). Did he or didn't he? But Pacino actually managed to make me feel sympathy for the guy. (
Today I plan to rent Caesar Must Die.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on January 12, 2014, 08:27:23 PM
we are the night; expected it to be something else entirely but it was really good.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on January 13, 2014, 08:11:08 AM
Having just watched Gravity, it shouldn't win all the baftas. Good and very watchable, But not as compelling as 12 years a slave.
I think that one day--should we last that long as a civilization ;)--we'll be talking about Alfonso Cuaron in the same way film enthusiasts discuss Hitchcock, Welles, or Kubrick. I think he has the potential to be great.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on January 13, 2014, 11:45:48 AM
I think that one day--should we last that long as a civilization ;)--we'll be talking about Alfonso Cuaron in the same way film enthusiasts discuss Hitchcock, Welles, or Kubrick. I think he has the potential to be great.
I do consider it an excellently filmed movie.wish I could have watched in the cinema in 3d. One day he will have an Oscar written script for him to excell at filming, but Gravity wasn't one. A excellent far fetched watchable yarn, but not Oscar material.
Also just watched. Legion. Am watching The Dark Knight Rises
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on January 13, 2014, 02:10:45 PM
Nominated for: Children of Men (2006) + Y tu mamá también (2001) ;)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on January 13, 2014, 06:13:42 PM
Nominated for: Children of Men (2006) + Y tu mamá también (2001) ;)
Both very cool films.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on January 16, 2014, 05:56:09 AM
Has anybody watched Sólo con tu pareja (1991) ( Nice comedia de enredos if you can get passed the 1st half hour that's quite boring. Cuarón's first feature film and VERY well directed. "Cómo el French Poodle de la gringa!" ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on January 19, 2014, 08:15:13 PM
^ I have.
And some low-brow fun: Watched Riddick today. Basically a self-loving, testosterone-filled, corny-dialogued remake of the first one. I liked it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on January 19, 2014, 11:28:05 PM
Just watched Prisoners (, liked it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 20, 2014, 11:26:13 AM
Watched Riddick today. Basically a self-loving, testosterone-filled, corny-dialogued remake of the first
so agree same o same o
Captain Phillips ( couldnt watch more than once, enjoyed it. A little subliminal at the end but enjoyable
A single Shot ( Again enjoyable.twists and turns.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Maudibe on January 20, 2014, 11:48:37 AM
12 Years a Slave
A very good movie but a hard watch
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 20, 2014, 11:58:10 AM
Captain Phillips ( Good movie...
did you get all the subtle hints at the end
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on January 27, 2014, 08:13:35 AM
Extinction. On Hulu... It was OK if pretty reductive of the genre. I've seen worse B "zombie" movies. (
Check out Exit Humanity (also on Hulu) if you like well made B movies. This zombie flick has a new twist.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Maudibe on January 27, 2014, 06:16:24 PM
Extinction. On Hulu... It was OK if pretty reductive of the genre. I've seen worse B "zombie" movies. (
Check out Exit Humanity (also on Hulu) if you like well made B movies. This zombie flick has a new twist.
Cool never heard of it and I do respect your taste. Gonna watch it
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on January 27, 2014, 08:10:51 PM
Zombie Apocalypse. 6/10 rating. My question is, who's Ving Rhames' agent? How can a guy (admittedly a one range actor) go from being in decent films like Pulp Fiction and the Dawn of the Dead remake to acting (sort of) in such "undead silliness"? (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on January 29, 2014, 03:40:05 PM
Somos lo que hay (2010) Yawn ! Very Theatrical, especially in the way distance is compressed. Avoid ! 3/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on January 29, 2014, 07:56:47 PM
I am Frankenstein , I was a lttle bit disappointed but it wasn't terrible
Jack Ryan shadow recruit: was good, moved along at a good pace, some suspense and decent action. Better then Frankenstein
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on January 30, 2014, 07:30:50 PM
Is it possible to make a movie featuring ET's without gun-blazing action? Why, yes... yes it is.
Low budget (with a solid film-directing sensibility), thoughtful, mysterious.
Earthling 7.5/10 (at least until 2/3 of the film--it sorta stumbles near the end).
I would say the same thing for The Butler, which I watched yesterday. It was good but in an emotionally manipulative way that reminded me of Spielberg. 8/10 I remember watching the JFK funeral on TV when I was 7 and then, five years later, witnessing the riots in Detroit after Martin Luther King was shot. The film just didn't convey the gravitas of those moments--though it desperately tried. The Butler told an ugly truth about USA history but I've seen it done better in other films.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on February 01, 2014, 04:56:05 PM
West Is West (2010) A more serious follow up to 'East Is East (1999)' Worth a watch if you saw the first film... 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on February 02, 2014, 07:00:08 PM
Watched Last Vegas ( tonight. Morgan Freeman jumping out of a window to escape his overprotective son to join his buddies in Vegas cracked me up.
Stars: Robert De Niro, Michael Douglas, Morgan Freeman, Kevin Kline, Mary Steenburgen
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on February 02, 2014, 08:36:12 PM
WOW! Do I disagree on this one. Most brilliant script/story Ive seen in decades. But thats why there a wide variety of films put out so that everyone can pick what they like. :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on February 03, 2014, 03:42:58 PM
Lone Survivor, lot of action, based on a true story about a U.S. Marine covert operation in Afghanistan. 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 04, 2014, 12:20:31 AM
Emperor ( not a lot of anything in the movie really, lacked a lot
Thor-The Dark World ( Was ok enjoyed.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on February 04, 2014, 06:23:07 AM
La piel que habito (2011) Weird Film :-\ Don't know what to say about it Defo a one time watch 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Maudibe on February 04, 2014, 06:48:38 AM
WOW! Do I disagree on this one. Most brilliant script/story Ive seen in decades. But thats why there a wide variety of films put out so that everyone can pick what they like. :)
I didn't dislike it the performances were good. I've just seen better is all.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on February 04, 2014, 10:10:47 AM
I don't care if it was cheesy, I died laughing when they flurry smacked each other.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 05, 2014, 12:32:09 AM
agree, a lot of life / history in a 2 hr film, a lot of historical incidents rushed by.
exactly, this is the problem I have with most bio pics
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 10, 2014, 10:26:32 AM
Philomena ( An excellent and at times a heart wrenching film.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on February 10, 2014, 11:27:21 AM
Caesar Must Die. ( Most excellent.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on February 10, 2014, 11:57:04 AM
Iron Man Three (2013) Not the Mandarin from the Comics Last act too long... Good enough Action Flick 7/10
The Little Mermaid (1989) Not seen this for Decades :o Soppy but OK for a kids flick 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on February 10, 2014, 01:45:54 PM
The Starving Games
A spoof on The Hunger Games. Pretty silly but I liked it better than the two Hunger Games movies.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on February 10, 2014, 06:38:50 PM
Oh dear heaven..... If you havent seen Philomena please do it now. This incredibly movie clearly displays how so many people that categorize generations just arent asking the right questions. This is a brilliant film and I feel indebted to these writers, actors, producers, etc. Thank you for this experience.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Maudibe on February 11, 2014, 06:21:38 AM
Nebraska a very very funny and moving movie. A must see
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on February 11, 2014, 07:50:58 AM
Nebraska a very very funny and moving movie. A must see
Yay, this one I want to watch too!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on February 11, 2014, 11:41:11 PM
Vampire academy . I knew it wasn't going to be good. But I saw it anyway and i was right but I think if I was preteen or young teen I might have enjoyed it.
Ender game. Long but intresting sort of. Strangest ants I've ever seen
Last Vegas the whole family enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Maudibe on February 12, 2014, 10:44:29 AM
American Hustle I liked it Bale really holds it together
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on February 12, 2014, 06:56:33 PM
I really liked Cemetary Man, not for the family, though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 14, 2014, 08:18:10 AM
The Immortals City of Bones. Not too bad, Got the wife off her ipad and kept the daughter gripped.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Maudibe on February 20, 2014, 10:40:53 AM
The Lego Movie I really liked this, a lot of fun to watch. Great cultural references and adult humour
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on February 23, 2014, 04:02:33 PM
I will not assign a point system to this film because I'll just give it a thumb's up for trying. Heroic in its way and offering a lesson which Hollywood and its ilk could stand to learn something basic from: it doesn't take kazillions of bucks to make an OK film (which, at best, most studios films are).
Not that this film is great or even good. But it is OK. And I'll tell you why in a bit. What do you get when a group of physicist students pool their creativity and pennies together to make a zombie movie? You get a film called Decay. The object lesson of this movie is that it was made for under $3500! The editing is decent, with really clean-looking, well lit footage and some sweet establishing shots. Add to this an often claustrophobic feel without resorting to murky shadows or a creepy soundtrack (The soundtrack, btw, is something that any old school "shoegazer" ex-punk would love. I did.). And I'd say these folks know how to make a zombie genre film without the glaring silliness of many B films. The film is generic and shares the same genetic code* of most zombie flicks and the acting is definitely not great but I never groaned out loud at any ham-fisted gaffs; these are creative physics students owning their low-culture, zombie gore roots and this was obviously a labor of love. You could do much worse if you're in the mood for some zombie love.
* The soundtrack owed much to 28 Days Later, for example.
The Family ( I like Robert De Niro and Michelle Pfeiffer's still looking pretty good.
enjoyed but either badly edited or could have been better.
The Counsellor ( hard going , brutal , mus t watch again.
Oldboy ( never watched the original, so no idea what was going on. came as a surprise at the end
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 01, 2014, 12:59:47 AM
Homefront same o same o Jason, Was ok
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on March 01, 2014, 10:37:45 AM
Gravity (2013) Meeeeeeh :-\ What is all the fuss about ? 7/10
Ashens and the Quest for the Gamechild (2013) Do not waste your time (even if it is Free) 5/10 For the appearance of: Warwick Davis + Robert Llewellyn
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 02, 2014, 07:15:04 AM
Gravity (2013) Meeeeeeh :-\ What is all the fuss about ? 7/10
Wish I could have seen on the IMAX, visually even on my old TV its good, Story though :o :o
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 05, 2014, 12:27:58 AM
One Chance - ( If nothing else on the TV, watch it but other than that why bother making it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Maudibe on March 07, 2014, 06:03:18 AM
Stalingrad don't waste your time just watch the trailer
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 08, 2014, 12:50:34 AM
I FRankenstein :-[ had a good fight scene in .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on March 08, 2014, 07:09:10 AM
Watched Homefront ( last night. Stratham's a badass again.
A former DEA agent moves his family to a quiet town, where he soon tangles with a local meth druglord.
Lots of action, I liked it. 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Maudibe on March 10, 2014, 02:54:20 PM
300 Rise of an Empire more of the same. Didn't hate it
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on March 10, 2014, 02:57:56 PM
^ ' i want to see that. I think lena headley is great.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Maudibe on March 10, 2014, 03:08:38 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on March 20, 2014, 03:37:53 AM
7 Psychopaths - Excellent movie. My name pops up as a white rabbit's name. I just can't explain how it is that I can like movies this well or what about it I liked so much, creative, christopher walkin, all the finer things in life.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 22, 2014, 05:57:29 AM
47 Ronin. :o what a mixed up movie :'(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 26, 2014, 10:49:13 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Maudibe on March 27, 2014, 01:46:04 PM ( excellent for a 60's movie. plus mother made me grow up on Steve McQueen films as she adored him ;D ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 06, 2014, 01:43:02 AM
the legend of hercules :P :P :P :P :P :P turned it off Filth - :o different and enjoyed :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Maudibe on April 06, 2014, 05:41:37 AM ( excellent for a 60's movie. plus mother made me grow up on Steve McQueen films as she adored him ;D ;D
Yeah my mother to. Although I have to say I do like him
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on April 10, 2014, 03:37:07 PM
Out of the Furnace
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on April 10, 2014, 06:12:17 PM
The Truth About Emanuel (2013)
I'll give it a 1/10, only because I needed the sleep.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on April 10, 2014, 07:27:09 PM
Riddick (2013) Almost a return to 'Pitch Black' with a bit of humor thrown in A solid 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 15, 2014, 12:52:43 AM
Snowpiercer ( Not what i expected at all, although I wasn't sure what to expect. Reminded me of Cosmopolis somewhat. :-\ :-\ Not sure what to rate this
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on April 27, 2014, 09:34:31 AM
I watched 300: Rise of an Empire which as far as I can see was the same film from a different camera angle.
Odd that nearly everyone I know (including the missus) calls her Lena Headley, when in fact, her name is Lena Headey?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on April 27, 2014, 09:43:59 AM
G.I. Joe: Retaliation Big steaming plate of crap.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on April 27, 2014, 11:40:19 PM
Grand Budapest Hotel .
reallllllllllly great movie. great performances. just really enjoyable.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 28, 2014, 12:10:10 AM
The Railway man - loved it, very touching / graphic excellent played out.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on April 30, 2014, 09:13:42 PM
The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman 0-0 Magnificent.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: chekovsulu on May 03, 2014, 05:58:47 AM
Europa Report. I liked this film a lot. Astronauts from different countries take a trip to Europa and they do research there because it's all water underneath, so maybe it has life in it. That's the gist of it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 19, 2014, 03:18:24 AM
Garbage from pre-credits to end credits, and I was glued to the screen.
My sentiments eggsackly.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on May 19, 2014, 04:58:04 AM
On a Cusack kick yesterday. I'm a huge Cusack fan--He's my man-crush and I'm unashamed--so my ratings will probably be a bit higher that other people would rate them. That being said, while I enjoyed both movies, even by my ratings they sort of sucked.
The Numbers Station ( (2013)
6/10 Just a blah movie. You think it's gonna be all espionage-y because of the synopsis but nope. Hardly any character development or back story at all. Also, Every time I saw Liam Cunningham I was ripped back to GoT.
The Factory ( (2012)
6/10 Was ok. I liked all the characters. Story was ok. Good to see Dallas Roberts (loved his role in the AMC TV series Rubicon ( (2010)--too bad it got canceled) even if it was in a scuzzy role. They did a decent job of trying to make a nice twist at the ending, as well as set up the audience not so much for a sequel but with something to go on with their own imagination but all in all, the ending sucked and ruined it for me. Also, what's up with the daughter's "hair helmet", sheesh.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on May 19, 2014, 09:13:49 AM
The Numbers Station ( (2013) Also, Every time I saw Liam Cunningham I was ripped back to GoT.
He has a small part anyway. I agree the movie is meh... (I could be a film critic :D)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on June 05, 2014, 06:03:26 PM
Parts Per Billion. A Thoughtful little film about biological warfare. 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on June 05, 2014, 06:35:56 PM
Blade Runner (Final Cut) Not that different... ::) except the Dream is now a Day-dream Still a 9/10 flick
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on June 05, 2014, 08:04:47 PM
I fast forwarded through all the sing parts. Which was most of the moive but the rest of it was nice
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 07, 2014, 12:43:28 AM
Noah - What a load of biblical bolox Calvary - - A truly good film, The little production companies show Hollywood biggie's that a unusual storyline can work.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on July 07, 2014, 03:27:50 AM
Aronofsky really disappointed with this dog. Sort of a cross between the remake of Old Boy and Transformers... Noah apparently ran a suicide cult. Q: How many people would Noah like to personally kill? A: The entire human race.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on July 09, 2014, 07:32:17 AM
This Is the End (2013) A big fat Meeeeeeeeeeh... 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on July 09, 2014, 10:17:21 AM
Aronofsky really disappointed with this dog. Sort of a cross between the remake of Old Boy and Transformers... Noah apparently ran a suicide cult. Q: How many people would Noah like to personally kill? A: The entire human race.
Regardless of whether it's any good or not, am I alone in thinking it's one of those films that you just don't fancy for some reason.
I felt that way about "The Beach" and still to date I've yet to see it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on July 09, 2014, 04:40:28 PM
bad words .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on July 10, 2014, 04:02:00 PM
I saw The Winter Soldier a week or so ago and whilst it was very good, I can't remember much about it.
What's up with that?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on July 10, 2014, 04:59:10 PM
I saw The Winter Soldier a week or so ago and whilst it was very good, I can't remember much about it.
What's up with that?
I suppose when I'm old it'll happen to me too. ;) :D
Talking about "meeeeh" movies I watched the new RoboCop a while back. Don't waste time or money in that one. Wait till it's on TV on a rainy Sunday. Gary Oldman it's very good but that's nothing new.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on July 10, 2014, 05:32:49 PM
I suppose when I'm old it'll happen to me too. ;) :D
It's like to good old days of pirate VHS: watch and wipe.
I can't be arsed weaving new strands of memory, there's hardly enough room left up there as it is..
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on July 28, 2014, 07:58:21 PM
Food or cigarettes? Food or cigarettes? Cigarettes. Cigarettes or a movie? Cigarettes or a movie? A movie. Watched Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and it's the best of the new series.
Funny thing though... regardless of which species runs the planet it's still the males in charge. Males or females? Males or females? Seems like the females of either species might have made a better job of it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on July 28, 2014, 08:16:52 PM
Her (2013) :-\ Prob... 5/10
Thor: The Dark World (2013) Meeeeeh 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on July 29, 2014, 01:29:19 PM
I saw The Winter Soldier a week or so ago and whilst it was very good, I can't remember much about it.
What's up with that?
for me, that usually means A) it wasn't that good, B) i watched late it on beer night (Friday or Saturday night), C) all of the above
now where did i park that damned car....... ;D
back on topic, i watched Heaven is for Real on the weekend, "based" on a true story, a nice film that i actually liked and found intriguing (not the type of movie i would normally check out, but heard good things about it). really makes you wonder, i give it 7.5/10 (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 09, 2014, 12:39:11 AM
Locke - ( 1 actor , 11 voices on a mobile car phone. At first wondered wtf is going on. Imaginative / different something that is missing in Hollywood today. I really enjoyed.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on August 09, 2014, 09:52:19 AM
someoen said it was similar to the movie Driver
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 10, 2014, 01:35:51 AM
nothing like the movie Driver.
latest Captain America The Winter Soldier - A easy money earning hollywood comic film.Was ok
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 10, 2014, 08:03:00 AM
The Lego Movie (2014) Another big fat Meeeeeeeeeeh... 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 10, 2014, 05:20:39 PM
Upside Down (2012) Leave your Brain at the door and you might like it I could not Suspend Disbelief, and so I don't. 5/10 (for the Visuals)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on August 10, 2014, 08:42:52 PM
Upside Down (2012) Leave your Brain at the door and you might like it I could not Suspend Disbelief, and so I don't. 5/10 (for the Visuals)
I enjoyed it very much. Maybe bc I haven't any brain to leave anywhere. :D And the cinematography and visual effects are breathtaking. The director said (translated freely by me): The film needed at least twice the money to be done normally. It was an odissey. A 7 yrs nightmare. I slept 4 hs a day for 2 yrs. I knew it was going to be crazy and I can confirm it was. It was the worst experience of my life. I wouldn't repeat it for all the gold in the world. But I'm proud of the result.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 10, 2014, 09:07:36 PM
Edge of Tomorrow (2014) Brilliant ! See it if you can 8.5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on August 10, 2014, 10:16:26 PM
Big Ass Spider! (2013) (
Soooooo bad! The things I watch while I iron clothes...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 27, 2014, 03:20:39 PM
Transcendence (2014) I don't know why people are hating this ? Maybe just Anti Depp ? It was fine = 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on August 28, 2014, 07:34:37 AM
Resident Evil: Damnation (2012) It's an animated movie that was made by Capcom, the people that put out the Resident Evil video games. I liked it. 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 30, 2014, 04:36:46 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on August 30, 2014, 04:42:58 PM
Son of Batman ( (2014) 7.0-7.5/10
It's hard to give a universal rating for movies like this IMO (comic-based animated films) as it really comes down to the individual person. That said, I enjoyed this one. Of course, I don't go into them with high hopes anymore so when they are decent, I'm pleasantly surprised.
It didn't exactly follow DC canon, but what does anymore. If you like these types of movies, you should enjoy this one well enough to make it worth your while.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on August 30, 2014, 07:42:11 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 30, 2014, 09:32:47 PM
Blood (2012) I liked it, the only things that threw me... The daughter was no way 15 and Paul Bettany + Stephen Graham Brothers ?!?! 15/20
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 30, 2014, 11:53:51 PM
Godzilla 2014 - crap. Draft Day 2014- gave up on. The Love Punch - A English bumbling along film, better than above 2 and had E.Thompson in :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on August 31, 2014, 04:05:40 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 01, 2014, 12:14:44 AM
Thanks For Sharing - ( We thought it was a light hearted romantic movie, how wrong can you be ;D Not too bad a film actually, interestingly thoughtful.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on September 02, 2014, 11:04:52 AM
How to Train Your Dragon 2. She liked it. That made me happy. 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on September 07, 2014, 03:20:45 PM
Sis + Nephew put on : Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) I was so bored with it I left during the 'Old' Girlfriend Scene. ::)
Tropic Thunder (2008) The Commentary was better than the movie ::)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on September 09, 2014, 03:06:34 AM
I watched 7500 ( last night and (big spoiler to follow):
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on September 09, 2014, 11:11:06 AM
Funny you should say that... The writer Craig Rosenberg was an executive story editor on LOST
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on September 09, 2014, 04:52:36 PM
Funny you should say that... The writer Craig Rosenberg was an executive story editor on LOST
Wow! I didn't know/realise that. I must tell the wife.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 10, 2014, 11:44:51 AM
X-Men: Days of Future Past (
Totally enjoyed. Effects were awesome. Enjoyed all of the "series" but this one raised the stakes, and enabled more to be made with the original cast The sentinels were scary ( (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on September 12, 2014, 06:24:21 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 13, 2014, 12:29:24 AM
Edge of tomorrow ( 8/10 Chef ( 8/10
Both enjoyable for different reasons.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on September 13, 2014, 01:56:52 AM
Maleficent, a twist on Sleeping Beauty by Disney. I give it a 6, milady would probably give it a 9/10.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on September 24, 2014, 04:42:03 PM
Pacific Rim (2013) Loved it ! 9/10
Maleficent (2014) Very Good 8/10
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) Meeh... 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 25, 2014, 08:11:58 AM
The Homesman ( 8/10, different / couple of shocks. don't expect a laugh or a light hearted film Liked
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on September 27, 2014, 07:40:12 AM
Only Lovers Left Alive (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 28, 2014, 04:31:06 AM
::) any good though ?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on September 28, 2014, 07:12:51 AM
I liked it. Liking the film depends if you're into Jim Jarmusch's style.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on September 28, 2014, 04:22:07 PM
The Homesman ( 8/10, different / couple of shocks. don't expect a laugh or a light hearted film Liked
I have a bit of a thing for Hilary Swank, even more so after watching this.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 29, 2014, 12:20:34 AM
;) A bit of a shock what she did. :o
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on September 29, 2014, 10:23:56 PM
Hilary Swank was ruined for me after "Boys Don't Cry". Same with Salma Hayek (Frieda) and Charlize Theron (Monster).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on September 30, 2014, 04:56:03 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on September 30, 2014, 04:41:02 PM
Oh-bla-di, oh-bla-da
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on September 30, 2014, 08:45:33 PM
Box trolls great movie for kids and adults.
Equalizer was a bit long but it checked all the boxes. My mom said it was actually a tv show sooo now I'll try see if they have the old eps. On netflix or something.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on October 01, 2014, 02:51:44 PM
'twas a TV show, but shares pretty much nothing other than the name.
They'll do a sequel to the film. They comment about that in this site ( and they use a pic from the TV show. ::)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on October 05, 2014, 08:08:50 AM
i used to watch the series and liked it, but haven't seen the movie yet.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 06, 2014, 12:14:55 PM
Bad Neighbours ( I think I laughed once. ???
bad neighbors was bad but most seth rogan films are
His job at end of film sums him up, at Abbercrombie and fitch
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on October 25, 2014, 05:18:03 PM
Under the Skin. (
This is the kind of film that you either like or don't. Roger Ebert wrote a review of it wherein he said it was as if Michelangelo Antonioni had directed Species.* There are moments in the film where the director (Jonathan Glazer) presents you with an image, or scene, and asks you to supply the content. This is literary film-making; more akin to reading than watching. Definitely a science fiction of minimalist aesthetics in the vein of filmmakers like Tartovsky, Kubrick, and the school of Robert Bresson. I liked this movie. 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 26, 2014, 01:38:51 AM
::) I Am but awaiting the right moment / mood to watch
On Holls Battleship, Zero dark thirty, Locke, Paths of Glory ranging from ;D ;D ;D ;D to :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on October 26, 2014, 09:26:05 PM
the judge was suprisingly good
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 27, 2014, 12:28:24 AM
Perriers bounty ( enjoyable caper with flashes of brutal violence.
Heartbreak Ridge. ( I seriously forgot how corny this was
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on October 27, 2014, 08:31:24 AM
Watched the new Walking Dead last night. (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on October 28, 2014, 02:11:14 PM
I know. People were going on about brutality, I only see what I want to happen that would relate to what I read in the comic.
I watched Witches of East End..... Dracula (series), and I am downloading two documentaries, one is:
The house I live in and the other, Why We Fight
On movies, I've watched a couple recently I think, I watched "The Beach" again. 300 Rise of an Empire Charlie Countryman Beauty and the Beast - 2014
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on October 28, 2014, 08:04:46 PM
John Wick
the first part of the movie was pretty brutal but Reeves delivers what he always does. So I wasn't disappointed...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on November 05, 2014, 09:59:17 PM
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World. An asteroid on a collision course... The world has three weeks until impact, at which time...
Sweet little film. 9/10 comedy, 1/10 not. Will love save one man's world?
I thought about watching that movie but it seem really depressing
Nah, it's not like that. You alternate between ridiculous situations and funny gags. And then it ends and you forget about the whole movie altogether. At least that's what happened to me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on November 07, 2014, 02:24:56 AM
Nah, it's not like that. You alternate between ridiculous situations and funny gags. And then it ends and you forget about the whole movie altogether. At least that's what happened to me.
The world revolves on a woman's hips someone once said. Whatshername reminded me of a girlfriend I had about 15 years ago so the end did depress me a wee bit but now I've forgotten about the whole movie altogether. ::)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 08, 2014, 10:02:03 AM
Has anyone seen Interstellar? I've been reading reviews and it sounds like it might be worth it for the eye candy.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 10, 2014, 09:24:13 AM
Some good, some trash.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on November 10, 2014, 06:13:56 PM
i also watched Hercules on the weekend and liked it alright, i agree with your 6.5 also watched Lucy, different sci-fi, but i liked it too, 7/10 (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 12, 2014, 12:14:50 AM
Gravity. Blue ray and surround sound. Story is laughable but visually tremendous 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on November 12, 2014, 02:00:04 PM
A Most Wanted Man. 8/10* (
Goodbye Mr. Hoffman, you will be missed.
* 9/10 being Classic 10/10 Absolutely Amazing So 8/10 means very good.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 14, 2014, 09:02:41 AM
when Hoff made a good film Wow, quality
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on November 16, 2014, 09:28:42 AM
I watched Hercules last night and spent much of the film feeling pissed off that it abandonned the supernatural for most, if not all the film.
It redeemed itself in the last quarter in my opinion and I came away feeling it was great fun.
I still would have liked something more akin to Jason and the Argonauts as I loved all the magical stuff in that.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on November 16, 2014, 12:54:17 PM
I attempted to watch hercules with the rock twice and I managed to fall asleep twice.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on November 16, 2014, 01:06:15 PM
I attempted to watch hercules with the rock twice and I managed to fall asleep twice.
I had to dose the wife up with coffee twice, but she made it in the end.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on November 16, 2014, 01:44:05 PM
Wasnt expecting anything really but, wow, what a great movie. Wouldnt call it a comedy but it was a really good story. Still cant figure out how Naomi Watts got cast but she was actually pretty good in this role.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 17, 2014, 10:07:29 AM
The November Man 2014 yuck 3/10
The 100 foot journey nice, pleasant 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on November 18, 2014, 06:11:52 AM
Pretty and frosty like a popsicle--a cold-hearted Blade Runner knockoff with the nutritional content of sugar.
For the first 45 minutes or so (despite the "homage" [read: uninspired rip] to films like Blade Runner) the film might score a 7/10... the remainder of the muddled, aimless plot is as arid as the desert it takes place in and scores a 4/10. So, being kind, and working out an average score, Automata's score might be as high as 5.5/10. A shame.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on November 22, 2014, 01:40:30 PM
22 jump street
stupid, predictable but entertaining
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on November 22, 2014, 02:52:19 PM
Interstellar. 7.5/10
Beautiful to watch and at times one of those films which can make the human heart soar. At other times it'll make the human heart sore. Sometimes thought-provoking and yet at other times a bit muddled (no, I don't have a hard time understanding conceptual physics but the screenplay doesn't always translate well what it seeks to convey). The director sought to cover this internal weak-spot with an abundantly loud score. The upshot--I liked this film about time, memory, loss and regret.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on November 22, 2014, 03:42:06 PM
Edge of Tomorrow
repetitive. not cruises best work.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on November 22, 2014, 06:09:25 PM
Watched the Turtles this evening and while the story was so-so and you've seen it all before, the turtles themselves were the best ones yet! Like 4 mini Hulks running around bashing things.
I watched Lucy later on and that was just silly.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on November 22, 2014, 06:51:57 PM
Lucy was silly… is it the new turtles or the classic turtles?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on November 23, 2014, 03:49:39 AM
Snowpiercer - silly premise, weak story, but I enjoyed it decently. I'd give it a 7 but would figure most people would give it a 5 or less.
I really liked that too. Far from a conventional movie which I think saves it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on December 01, 2014, 06:34:06 PM
It sort of gave me a "Bioshock" feel but on a train instead of underwater.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on December 01, 2014, 06:56:56 PM
IDK... a train movie? Was it better than Runaway Train? :D I'd like to watch that one again.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on December 01, 2014, 07:32:30 PM
Haven't seen "Runaway Train" (aka "Unstoppable" correct?) but it's probably nothing like the train in "Snowpiercer". Anyway, as train movies go, nothing beats Silver Streak.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on December 01, 2014, 09:30:27 PM
Nothing beats Money Train !!!!!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on December 02, 2014, 02:40:21 AM
It was probably because all the copies of Ticker were already rented out.
Sorry, I meant "copy".
The comments on Utube about Seagal's videos are downright hateful and inappropriate but I laugh anyway bc I'm a bad person. ;D And if half of what I've read about him is true he's a bad person too.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 05, 2014, 12:54:33 PM
guardians of the galaxy ??? ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on December 06, 2014, 08:58:15 AM
Ridley Scott's Prometheus. 7.5/10 Better the 2nd time thru though I still...
... found the pregnancy and surgery distasteful.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 06, 2014, 12:56:25 PM
weird in deed :P any news on next one
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on December 06, 2014, 03:33:31 PM
Under the Skin (2013) Very Weird, Very Slow and Very Boring ! Avoid ! 1/10
( Needed Subtitles --- MubbleCore Scottish ;D )
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on December 07, 2014, 06:48:33 AM
I liked it Nobby. A sort of distant cousin to Tartovsky. :)
My review (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on December 07, 2014, 12:01:35 PM
Stalker made more sense than that... and the only boring bit of Solyaris was the drive around the City ;) Andrey Rublyov was practically Hollywood ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on December 08, 2014, 05:09:13 AM
I'd read somewhere that the long drive was meant as a metaphor of the space flight to Solaris.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on December 09, 2014, 02:41:49 AM
I watched IMDb: The Boxtrolls on Saturday and, one way or the other, I totally enjoyed it.
It did take a bit of getting used to as there can be no denying it is a little weird, but the incredible stop-frame animation was beautiful and the story grew on you as it progressed.
I give it a 7.5/10 and if you do watch it, there is a clever little bit in the end titles voiced by Richard Ayoade that's worth hanging about for.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 15, 2014, 12:47:18 PM
IMDb: Marvellous (2014) 8/10 What a great film. It was entertaining,funny,sad and Englishly quirky ;D If you have a free 1.5 hrs its definitely worth a view.
Edited to fix the link.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on December 16, 2014, 04:50:37 PM
I watched IMDb: Predestination and, okay, I get it. The whole mind-numbingly complicated events that accompany time travel - and this film beats all others at that hands down!
When you have untangled your mind a little and understand what exactly went on, you can help feeling the sense of "why" and "wtf!".
Is there anyone here that can explain what the hell this film was actually trying to say?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 17, 2014, 10:05:19 AM
Possibly "Don't try this at home" ;D ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on December 20, 2014, 11:20:12 PM
teenage mutant turtles (2014)
couldn't stop comparing it to the original. It wasn't bad just not that great. Meagan fox didn't help any.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on December 21, 2014, 05:55:00 AM
I watched IMDb: The Signal last night and I'm left umming and erring with a finger on my lip. Some of the effect was great and really catch you by surprise, but the speed (or lack of it) of the film will just send you to sleep.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on December 21, 2014, 10:32:52 AM
The Dark Knight Rises (2012) I thought Bane was supposed to be unintelligible -- Sounded fine to me, though not Hispanic ;D The whole 5 months for the Bomb to go off was a bit much - but they needed time for the Bat to recover ? :-\ 8.5/10
Batman: Assault on Arkham (2014) Too much Suicide Squad, though Harley Quinn was good ;D 5/10
Total Recall (2012) WHY ?!?! and what's with the Core travelling bit ? 5/10
Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) Kristen Stewart mugging again ::) Famous actors heads on Dwarfs :o Chris + Charlize were OK though 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 24, 2014, 12:44:52 AM
The Hobbit- Battle of the Five Armies. It is what it is. Action, Love, Remorse. Glad I watched it and glad its over :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on December 24, 2014, 04:49:10 PM
saw that today ^^. it was okay thought the ending was a bit disappointing etc.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 26, 2014, 12:18:59 AM
Went straight into the First Lord of the Rings. Must watch the Directors cut, much better than edited ones
Rumour has it P.Jackson will be making a remake of "The Dam Busters". Wonder if he'll included the dog
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 03, 2015, 01:22:59 AM ( Pride Another great little British movie. well worth a viewing 8/10. ( A Walk Among the Tombstones Another action movie by Neeson. Twas ok, gripping and brutal in places 7/10. ( New in Town A nice easy going movie to pass an hour or so 6/10.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 03, 2015, 05:11:06 AM
What I loved about A Walk Among The Tombstones was when he dropped his gun right at the beginning and when he fell down the stairs (and other bits that could be spoilers). It's rare that films are made that truly resemble how things are in real life. Great direction in my opinion.
I watched IMDb: Automata on news years day and, while the film was a little entertaining and thought provoking, it had 2 speeds which were dead-slow and stopped (it may have also had reverse). Not a film to watch if you're a little tired - unless you need to fall asleep.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on January 03, 2015, 08:24:48 AM
I envy you, guys (with an envy that borders on hatred :D) bc you have time to watch movies. But tomorrow is the day. I will entrench in my room and go on a binge of movie watching till my eyes hurt.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 04, 2015, 01:04:09 AM
::) when the wifes home i try to drag her away from the usual tv dross. so we try to watch a film, we do go periods with out watching a film together, I try to watch a film a week.
What I loved about A Walk Among The Tombstones was when he dropped his gun right at the beginning and when he fell down the stairs (and other bits that could be spoilers). It's rare that films are made that truly resemble how things are in real life. Great direction in my opinion.
Agree he did seem a little more human.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 04, 2015, 08:28:34 AM
I envy you, guys (with an envy that borders on hatred :D) bc you have time to watch movies. But tomorrow is the day. I will entrench in my room and go on a binge of movie watching till my eyes hurt.
It's Christmas so I'm off and have a little time to do homely things. Usually I don't watch anything except the news - even on weekends.
I think I'll take some time off work after this next batch is out of the way, and properly catch up with some movies and books that are gathering dust.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 05, 2015, 12:12:56 AM ( Northern Soul mem waited for something to kicj off and it never did 4/10 ( 4 for the music) ( The Hundred-Foot Journey Again a easy going feel good film. 8/10. ( McVicar Hasnt lasted the test of time. 5/10 ( 5 for the music again)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on January 18, 2015, 06:28:33 PM
I watched Inherent Vice (2014) ( today. The time and place is fantastically achieved. The costumes, hair, make-up are truly remarkable. Brolin and Phoenix performances are very good. BUT this is a 2.5 hs movie. It has hundreds thousands of characters and the plot is unnecessarily complicated (I suspect the novel is way better than the movie). It tries to be psychedelic and ends up being narcoleptic. The music helps a lot in that regard. I can't say it's a bad movie but I'm writing this so if you decide to watch it you do it with both eyes open. Until you fall asleep.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 19, 2015, 12:08:13 AM ( Outcast 2014 Mmmmmmmmmm what can i say, nice scenery in china.What a flop. ( Did You Hear About the Morgans? (2009) Passed a hour or so on a Sunday afternoon. Didnt think much about the movie at all.
Fury 2014 Wish I had subtitles for the Non english speaking parts but enjoyable.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 19, 2015, 02:24:00 AM
I watched Inherent Vice (2014) ( today. The time and place is fantastically achieved. The costumes, hair, make-up are truly remarkable. Brolin and Phoenix performances are very good. BUT this is a 2.5 hs movie. It has hundreds thousands of characters and the plot is unnecessarily complicated (I suspect the novel is way better than the movie). It tries to be psychedelic and ends up being narcoleptic. The music helps a lot in that regard. I can't say it's a bad movie but I'm writing this so if you decide to watch it you do it with both eyes open. Until you fall asleep.
I spent much of this morning reading about that movie. After reading the summary, I couldn't figure out what it was actually meant to be about. Even the synopsis was overly complicated.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on January 19, 2015, 05:18:19 AM
I spent much of this morning reading about that movie. After reading the summary, I couldn't figure out what it was actually meant to be about. Even the synopsis was overly complicated.
Maybe they tried to be true to the book. That's not always good for a movie.
Sounds like a rehash of For Richer or Poorer (1997) (
possibly funnier
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on January 26, 2015, 05:53:12 AM
Watched about 5 over the last week of which Wetlands was the smartest. If bodily fluids don't gross you out, I'd recommend it. 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 26, 2015, 07:39:29 AM
I've just finished watching Contracted ( which was a strange film to say the least.
Reading the reviews on IMDB you'd run into a lot of 1 star ratings which I don't think are at all valid as I think all the acting was sound. Some actors even seemed to punch above their weight (the Jack Black looking guy for one) so while the story might have been a bit poop, it was watchable nonetheless.
I'm going to give it a 6 if only for the maggots.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 26, 2015, 12:18:49 PM
American Sniper 7/10 ( Twas ok again for a Eastwood movie. Didnt glamorize war too much.
What we did on our holidays 8/10 ( another quirky British movie.
The machine 7/10 ( Didnt know what to expect and I wanted to watch it right to the end. Was ok for an unexpected find on netflix.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on January 28, 2015, 06:58:23 PM
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
LEGO Batman: The Movie - DC Super Heroes Unite (2013)
Both Average = 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on February 02, 2015, 07:00:44 AM
Fury 8.5/10 ( An elegy with an amazing musical score, a war-is-hell film, Whenever I saw a young woman in this movie, I thought of my mother and the stories she told me of the war when the Americans came through.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on February 02, 2015, 02:51:57 PM
As I have mentioned I watched The Atticus Institute ( the other night. Unfortunately there really not too much too report. If it were on regular TV you'd probably make it too the end, just as long as Star Trek wasn't on the other side.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 03, 2015, 12:36:28 AM
Schindlers list Enough said. :'(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 03, 2015, 04:56:01 AM
well spotted ;D ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on February 03, 2015, 05:19:08 AM
Just the once. That day turned into a bit of a train wreck to be honest.
Did you forget to wear heels. They're a must with polka dot.
We watched Dinosaur Island ( a couple of nights ago and I have to say I am more than a little confused why this has a rating of 3.6?
Sure, the acting is what you'd expect from something like a Nickelodeon made film and you'd be hard pushed to recognise any of the cast, but the storyline worked well enough for what is was and, contrary to the comments in the public reviews, the CGI was way better than half the stuff on Syfy.
Most antipodean CGI is better than average as they pioneered techniques that are now industry standard. Compare that to some of the astonishingly awful stuff from remote parts of Europe, and there is no way this film can be marked down on its CGI. I think (based on some reviews) that people didn't really get why most of the dinos in this film had, or had the beginnings of feathers and assumed it was sloppy work.
I'm giving it a 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on February 15, 2015, 01:36:16 AM
Seventh son ....sucked so bad I fell asleep, on the plus side it was the best sleep I've ever had at a movie theatre. Right after seventh son went to see Jupiter ascending it was amazing compared to seventh son. Channing Tatum acting was top notch but it was probably because he didn't talk much.
Wedding Ringer was mostly funny even though Im not a fan of Kevin hart.
The interview was total crap. Fast forwarded through most it but it reconfirmed how annoying I find Seth rogan.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 15, 2015, 02:30:19 AM
Seventh son ....sucked so bad I fell asleep, on the plus side it was the best sleep I've ever had at a movie theatre. Right after seventh son went to see Jupiter ascending it was amazing compared to seventh son. Channing Tatum acting was top notch but it was probably because he didn't talk much.
Wedding Ringer was mostly funny even though Im not a fan of Kevin hart.
The interview was total crap. Fast forwarded through most it but it reconfirmed how annoying I find Seth rogan.
Good to see you around, mish.
I finally got around to watching "Riddick" last night and, as usual with these fims, I loved it.
Forget acting, storyline, seamless FX - just gimme the action!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 16, 2015, 12:20:26 AM
The Theory of everything ( gripping, fantastically acted, loved it. Should win the Oscars most of.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on February 16, 2015, 04:45:05 AM
Nightcrawler 8/10
A very good film with a strong performance by the three leads. Shades of Travis Bickle...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 22, 2015, 01:43:36 PM
Whiplash 2014 I thought it twas a great film.Gripping to a brilliant end.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on February 23, 2015, 02:36:21 AM
Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast ( kept the kids quiet for an hour and a half. That's a win in my book.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on February 23, 2015, 04:31:03 PM
Looks like Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu's entering the territory of [director] John Cassavetes.
>>> Remember, on my rating scale, 9/10 is perfect and 10/10 is reserved for the classic films of all time.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on February 23, 2015, 05:53:29 PM
Never finished watching Birdman <delete>
Watched American Sniper. 8.5/10
Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle's pinpoint accuracy saves countless lives on the battlefield and turns him into a legend. Back home to his wife and kids after four tours of duty, however, Chris finds that it is the war he can't leave behind.
They chose not to ask for the death penalty for his murderer. He plead not guilty by reason of insanity.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 10, 2015, 01:12:58 PM
::) never are
Exodus - god and kings ( What a waste of time. I could go on but I wont. Sometimes you have to upset people to make a good film.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on March 10, 2015, 05:31:08 PM
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) Good Flick 8/10
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014) More of the same But not as funny 6/10
Autómata (2014) Interesting --- BUT : Low Budget ($7,000,000) Bad Acting by supporting Cast Stupid Blade-Runner type effects = 5/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on April 01, 2015, 04:19:03 PM
Autómata (2014) Interesting --- BUT : Low Budget ($7,000,000) Bad Acting by supporting Cast Stupid Blade-Runner type effects = 5/10
Melanie Griffith hasn't looked that good in years.
As Cleo, that is.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 02, 2015, 04:39:24 PM
Dune, with Sting and Kyle McLaughlin. Boy did that suck. And the DVD we got from the library was so scratched that it simply stopped halfway through and wouldn't play any more. We thought it was so bad, we just took it back.
This is a great plot for a movie and somebody should really remake it without such cheese in the sets and low level technology. With new CGI effects it could be so much better.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on April 03, 2015, 03:52:27 PM
We just watched Paddington and I have to say I was more than pleasantly surprised. I think that had a lot to do with Julie Walters even though she probably had the least screentime of the majority of the cast. She really is a marvellous actress.
Anywho, not much to criticise with the film and plenty of laughing out loud to be had from it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 04, 2015, 12:50:37 AM
Taken 3, not as much action and hopefully the last. F,Whittaker was good though in the small scenes he had
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 05, 2015, 11:02:05 PM
Kyle McLachlan has one speed. Stodgy.
I agree with you about the book (I've only read Dune). He seemed to be well on the path to tyranny when the book ended. I have yet to pick up the next. I'm reading the Aeneid now, or at least trying. I had to put it down to give myself a quick refresher in ancient Anatolian towns and various persons parentage. It's easier with a scorecard, I think.
I'm plowing through Neverwhere right now (the 1996 tv series). It's dated but sort of interesting.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on April 06, 2015, 03:59:45 PM
I can't recall a decent movie with Kyle McLachlan in. Dune is much better left as a set of books, I think.
Dune appeals to me as it is there are a gazillion stories of the underdog travelling to the throne, but only Dune actually asks the question "what does he do next - turn into the tyrant himself?"
I'm still pissed off they cancelled Believe. Maybe it was Kyle that killed it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on April 17, 2015, 08:39:45 AM
Looks like Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu's entering the territory of [director] John Cassavetes.
I watched it a few days ago. The direction, performances and cinematography are OUTSTANDING. The direction and cinematography gave me an oppressive feeling (and that's a good thing regarding the movie BTW). The plot is what I liked the least. So much angst and self-torture and egotism made me want to slap some sense into most characters. Maybe that was the point? :-\ I've read a critic (I like to read movie critics after I watched films) and it said it's "Godardian". I think that could be correct cause I kind of struggled through it. ;D What I liked best: Michael Keaton and Lindsay Duncan (she has a tiny role but she's fantastic!!).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 17, 2015, 03:05:34 PM
That's been well reviewed. Maybe we'll view it if we can locate it at the library. It may be too soon. Heard Keaton interviewed on public radio and he sounded like a nice unassuming kind of person.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on April 18, 2015, 09:28:28 AM
^^ I heartily recommend it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on May 10, 2015, 09:38:13 AM
it was really bad.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on May 10, 2015, 09:44:44 AM
My daughter is really keen to see this. Perhaps I'll wait for the DVD.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on May 10, 2015, 05:26:11 PM
I've just asked my daughter and husband (they watched it a couple weekends ago). My daughter liked it (but then she likes everything ::)). My husband made a doubt face and said it might be for small childrens.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on May 10, 2015, 10:50:43 PM
I agree it was def. for small children. I felt like it was long Rihanna video but she's just animated.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on May 18, 2015, 09:35:05 AM
The Lazarus Project. wasn't very good or very scary, 5/10. heard rave reviews about the new Mad Max reboot though (Fury Road).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 18, 2015, 09:40:17 AM
Kingsman the secret service ( past away a funny hour.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on May 19, 2015, 06:56:23 AM
Mad Max: Fury Road. Better than I thought it would be but pure car porn. 7.5/10 for amazing action and rather dull exposition.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on May 19, 2015, 08:37:52 PM
Work is having a "team building experience" tomorrow afternoon and we're all going to see Mad Max. Thanks for your review tara. That's about what I expected it to be.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 20, 2015, 12:25:15 AM
team building and going to the flicks. Nice :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: townie2 on May 20, 2015, 06:36:41 AM
might be a good chance to slip in a nap..... ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on May 20, 2015, 07:13:40 AM
Getting paid for watching a movie AND having a nap. I could do that. ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on May 20, 2015, 03:47:42 PM
Well, it was pretty good. Nothing great and the plot is nearly paper-thin and "Max" had maybe 4 full lines but the acting was pretty good and Charlize Theron does a great job.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on May 21, 2015, 06:42:36 AM
Charlize Theron always does a great job.* And the new Max seemed dumber (but wasn't) and definitely crazier.
Inherent Vice. Lotsa fun and reminded me how stone(d)age funky the 70's were. Of course, I live in California, and therefore still see such people on a daily basis. 9/10
*PS Have you ever seen her in Monster?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on May 21, 2015, 04:20:57 PM
Yes, I've seen "Monster". Hard to describe the impact that move had on me. Charlize was phenomenal in it...and I hated her.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on May 21, 2015, 05:45:09 PM
Maps to the Stars. Hard to know what score to give this one. It's David Cronenberg so, ya know... ya kinda expect whatcha get. These are deplorable people one and all* and if 50% of the "stars" today are even remotely as bent up as these folks then it's no wonder we get the level of films that Hollywood churns out. Think Day of the Locust (film) played for dark laughs and sun-shiny anxiety and neurosis. So... what score? 7.5/10 for film creation and a great cast and 4/10 for some deeply dislikable people. Did I mention that I live in California? ;)
* Except for the role played by Mia Wasikowska.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on May 23, 2015, 05:37:37 PM
What We Do in the Shadows. Fun/10
Watch this documentary about vampires in New Zealand and then >waves fingers magically< you will forget what you witnessed.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 24, 2015, 11:29:58 AM
That's obscene! A man with a girlfriend 4 times younger than him.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on May 24, 2015, 11:49:47 AM
Robot & Frank (2012) Meeh ! 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on May 28, 2015, 04:38:47 PM
Check out A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, a new Iranian vampire movie by Ana Lily Amirpour which is pretty good. I see a lot of film influences in it--Tartovsky (via Kiarostami), Lynch, a peppering of Jarmusch... and a light salting of Wenders. Gorgeous black & white with a cool soundtrack. Fun. 8/10
^ Yep. Hollywood doesn't know the difference bewteen hackers n' crackers; film thinks it's wise cuz it seems to know about black/white/grey hats.
Kafka (1991). No score. Small kafkaesque* potatoes--sort of like an American in Prague who can't read the can labels and thinks he's buying pearl onions and ends up with mini-taters instead. Did the writer even read Kafka? Did Soderbergh? Great cast though.
* Small "k" intended.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on June 01, 2015, 01:56:34 PM
I watched that movie. I don't remember much about it. Only that I liked the cinematography. :-[
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 03, 2015, 08:56:04 AM
Dragon Blade 2015 :o :o :o :o OMG. Monsters dark continent 2014 mmmmmmmm must watch again but what I saw of the Monsters , they were great but wtf was the story line about
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on June 13, 2015, 02:52:25 PM
Wild Tales (Relatos salvajes). 2014. 8.5/10 Must be seen. If the first act doesn't make you laugh... ;D
^ I thought of that while I was watching. I love the way each story develops quickly and so economically. And quickly becomes more and more absurdist.
The bit where the "bottom" driver tries to blow out the fire he started... isn't that so human, the way we devise our own extinction. Liebestod indeed.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on June 13, 2015, 05:48:30 PM
IMDb: Danny Collins 2015 Not too bad a watch, funny in places and not what I expected. Worth a watch.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on June 22, 2015, 02:16:39 PM
Hell. A German apocalypse survival film. Not bad, if a little reductive. No zombies but cannibals. The word "hell" in German means "bright" or "light" but the English association works too. No score but better than a 5/10 for the scene settings and the cinematography.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on June 27, 2015, 09:02:15 PM
Just finished a DVD doubleheader. A Most Violent Year which I thought was really well-made though it had a semi-gratuitous last act... A great film. 8.5/10
Dante 01. I like foreign films--even French movies ( ;))--and I like science fiction films, thoughtful and enigmatic or big, brash, bold ones as long as there's a modicum of story. Intelligence is always a nice option but frankly I don't always expect that and when I plan for a film being a no brainer, it doesn't bother me. This film was visually beautiful... but also egocentric (as in the director being smitten with self),and obscure to the point of pretentious silliness. No score but, ultimately, in this poster's opinion, this movie sucked.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 29, 2015, 08:08:40 AM
IMDb: Mad Max fury road 2015 well it resembled the first two movies, good fun. Not a Oscar winner but I never thought it would be. Again great fun if you have 2 hours to kill, although why Tom Hardy wanted to play in this film I have no idea
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on June 29, 2015, 08:31:18 AM
why Tom Hardy wanted to play in this film I have no idea
I read somewhere got $5 million for playing Bane. He must have doubled that money for playing Max. And he signed up for three more “Mad Max” films. Yeah, no idea why. ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on June 29, 2015, 09:24:49 AM
and he didn't have to learn any lines besides "I"m Max" and grunt a few times
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on June 29, 2015, 10:28:33 AM
IMDb: Mad Max fury road 2015 well it resembled the first two movies, good fun. Not a Oscar winner but I never thought it would be. Again great fun if you have 2 hours to kill, although why Tom Hardy wanted to play in this film I have no idea
Above, I wrote "Intelligence is always a nice option but frankly I don't always expect that and when I plan for a film being a no brainer, it doesn't bother me." Mad Max: Fury Road is a good example of what I meant--it gives the viewer exactly what they expect... no more and no less. I liked it.
Another double-header last night... both excellent films.
American Sniper and All is Lost.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 05, 2015, 12:43:13 AM
IMDb: Women in gold ol film but whole story was a little nice for a emotive subject IMDb: The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Why did Richard Gere want to be in this film, he nor his story line did nothing to improve a confusing mish mash of a storyline. Fun in parts though
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on July 05, 2015, 04:16:58 PM
Heaven. Gorgeous film. I watched it without subtitles... dint need 'em 'cuz the body and face language conveyed what I needed. Also, I felt like a disembodied spirit (who spoke no Italian) hanging out in Turin and environs and witness to the dreams and fears of mortals.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on July 06, 2015, 03:18:01 PM
So Franz Kafka and Philip K. richard meet in a bar and have too much to drink. They rent a room (in a dark and seedy dive) and have sex. Later that year one of them gives birth to a child (I never learned which one had the baby). They decide to name the child Dark City (Director's Cut).
Spy was funny, definitely better than wasting money to see terminator or magic mike.
It's fun. The script is pretty basic but the gags are funny indeed. The best: Melissa McCarthy and Peter Serafinowicz's performances. It lacks a stronger (funnier) "bad guy". Rose Byrne was bleeh...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on July 10, 2015, 06:30:40 PM
spot on xt ! I wonder who could have played Jason Strathrom sp? part ?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on July 11, 2015, 07:47:54 AM
I wonder who could have played Jason Strathrom sp? part ?
I see what you mean. He's not a comedy actor and his performance is a bit embarrassing at times. But they probably intended to do a parody/pastiche of his own roles in movies like The Transporter or Crank and that was achieved.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on July 11, 2015, 12:39:49 PM
you;re right. I didn't even think about his Crank and transporter movies.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on July 11, 2015, 04:03:51 PM
We watched Inside Out ( and I truly adored the premise of this film. It allowed me a lot of scope to address emotional issues with both my children, and it even reminded me that emotions, like all things, need balance.
Excellent movie in my opinion - but perhaps it was more poignant for someone with relatively young children.
Also, I may have had a little tear running down my face at the end, but I'll deny it if asked.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on July 11, 2015, 04:52:52 PM
Derivative of the Shoulder Angel, in my opinion. Or even "The Shepherd of Hermas" - just to continue the shepherding theme a little longer.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on July 12, 2015, 07:24:03 PM
Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (2011) Boring 4/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on July 13, 2015, 06:48:05 AM
I watched Jurassic World yesterday. The story was predictable. The characters were predictable. During the 1st half hour I thought the little kid's character would have got an important role but then it dissolved into nothing. D'Onofrio's acting skills were wasted in this movie. Don't get me wrong: it was entertaining. But I'm glad the tickets were 2x1 if you know what I mean. Finally I'll talk to you, raptors: make up your minds!! :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on July 13, 2015, 07:20:55 AM
But you must admit it's a great vehicle for product placement.
"Vehicle" indeed! This is from a site dedicated to cars:
The star is not Chris Pratt, but a lineup of cars including the new GLE, the G63 AMG 6x6 and a small army of Sprinter vans and Unimogs. Parts of the trailers look like thinly-veiled Mercedes ads.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on July 13, 2015, 03:19:40 PM
But, really, I only mention seeing this movie as a means to share an anecdote from years ago. I'd seen Cloverfield at the theater when it was released and, walking to the parking lot afterwards, there was a couple about my age in front of me... the husband says to his wife: "That was the lousiest movie I ever saw; the damn director couldn't even hold the camera steady..."
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on July 20, 2015, 09:58:26 AM
I got around to watching Maggie last night and my internal jury is still "out" as to how good/bad it was.
I'm not fooled my the minimal dialogue chestnut that is supposed to give a film 'atmosphere', as most of the time all that does is send you to sleep (the wife was testament to that). However, seeing Arnold force a tear out to order did soften him enough to make me forget the Terminator for a few minutes, and therefore allowed me to get involved with his character to some degree.
All in all though, the film was about nothing more than euthanasia. While that was perhaps thought provoking enough to make the film stand up, the sheer lack of zombies and action made it too disappointing for a film starring the big man.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 21, 2015, 12:11:09 AM
Chef IMDb: Chef 2014 and the complete Iron Man trilogy :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on July 30, 2015, 04:16:01 PM
U Turn. Typical Oliver Stone acid flashbacks style & assorted cinematographic horseshit; he used the same tricks he used (to better effect) in Natural Born Killers. A good cast wasted in this self-derivative foray into... ?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on July 31, 2015, 05:54:34 AM
U Turn. Typical Oliver Stone acid flashbacks style & assorted cinematographic horseshit; he used the same tricks he used (to better effect) in Natural Born Killers. A good cast wasted in this self-derivative foray into... ?
I liked Natural Born Killers. It's over-the-top in many respects (it's Tarantino's story, go figure ::)) but in a good way. At least it was quite original in 1994. U Turn is forgetable. Which is exactly what I did after watching it. I only remember Jennifer Lopez in a tight red dress.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on July 31, 2015, 06:15:38 AM
... and Clare Danes skipping to catch up with Sean Penn. I liked Natural Born Killers and found it's stylized story-telling very interesting. But since then I've come to the conclusion that Stone is a one-trick pony... Well, a two-trick pony factoring in JFK--which I also liked.
PS just returned from seeing Mr. Holmes. It was superb.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on August 04, 2015, 03:47:27 PM
I saw Ex Machina the other day. Interesting movie. Very good performances. My advice would be: keep watching, all the "mistakes" you think you spot will fall into place later.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on August 15, 2015, 05:27:22 PM
Justice League: Throne of Atlantis (2015) Meeeh :P Not the Aquaman I know... 4/10
Ex Machina (2015) Disappointing :( 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on August 15, 2015, 06:21:55 PM
Fantastic Four (2015) Ratings: 3.9/10 from 28,851 users Metascore: 27/100
Yeah, public opinion about this film is pretty much spot on. Glad I didn't pay to see it. Way I hear it, Fox is just making a film every 7 years to keep the licensing rights from reverting back to Marvel...bastiches.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 22, 2015, 03:16:15 AM
Abraham Lincoln - Vampire Hunter On tv, I was a little tipsy best way really to watch it ;D ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on August 22, 2015, 12:21:07 PM
Abraham Lincoln - Vampire Hunter On tv, I was a little tipsy best way really to watch it ;D ;D
Bad movie with surprisingly good cinematography and costumes.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on August 22, 2015, 02:50:19 PM
We've been to the Caribbean Cinema here in St Lucia a couple of times this week.
The first time (Wednesday - the boy's birthday) we went a saw Ant Man. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this film as it made me belly laugh more than once - and that's when you're trying to hold it in as your in a public place. The action was great too and there were little details that surprised me (the vinyl DJ keeping recorded in sync using the centre pin of a turntable - now that's detail). I'm giving this an 8.5/10
The other movie was Minions that sent the missus to sleep and had me longing for the games arcade on the foyer for much of it. That said, the kids liked it so their vote for it would be around 6.5/10, mine would be nearer 3/10. Be warned, grown ups!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on August 23, 2015, 04:48:41 AM
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
2 hours of senseless violence. 9/10
My gal liked the old ones better. They probably are better, but if you like action this one's OK. Just don't look for a deep storyline.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on August 29, 2015, 05:18:46 PM
Agent 47 it wasn't great but loads better than the first one.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 02, 2015, 12:24:02 AM
Shaun the Sheep. Hardly to the level of Wallace and Grommit, but entertaining enough when viewed with small children.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 02, 2015, 12:45:54 AM
Outpost 3 - Rise of the Spetsnaz. Loved the first movie, second was OK, this version was absolutely trash :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 03, 2015, 09:47:08 AM
I'm watching Citizenfour, a two hour documentary on Ed Snowden. It's basically altered my opinion of him. I see t has mentioned it above.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on September 03, 2015, 11:36:40 AM
Watched Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) I give it a 9/10 for action.
Watched Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) I give it a 9/10 for action.
I saw that last night. Very entertaining. A bit too long maybe? Furiosa is even more of a main character than Max. She's great. I'll watch the sequels.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on September 09, 2015, 01:57:51 PM
"Is it 'It Follows (2014)' ?" Indeed :D
"Furiosa is even more of a main character than Max." Sure is :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 10, 2015, 06:31:51 PM
GI JOE: rise of cobra.
It was not a good movie.
It seemed to have the same plot as battleship or iron man 3, only without coherence.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on September 10, 2015, 07:08:48 PM
It seemed to have the same plot as battleship or iron man 3, only without coherence.
The level of most studio films these days.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 10, 2015, 08:30:25 PM
I liked Straight outta Compton. The original writer gave an interesting interview with the av club about writing the film back in 06, and how he went about trying to keep things unbiased by interviewing people who hated the subjects of the film. He said there was a bit about Dee Barnes in his draft, but he was not surprised that got cut.
I also like that even when Hollywood tries to play it safe, they still can't predict how films will be received.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on September 13, 2015, 04:15:07 PM
I plan on watching that. Jackson looks like Ice Cube.
My latest: Here's an example how a small budget film with an imaginative script, decent actors, and a creative director can produce an interesting film. I imagine a major studio throwing big names and big bucks at an identical project and reducing it to standard tropes and the routine, flash-bang (and silly-ass) ending. I'm referring to Listening (2014).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on September 20, 2015, 07:17:33 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on October 05, 2015, 05:04:05 PM
Maze runner 2... not very good.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Autumn on October 06, 2015, 03:58:41 PM
Snatch. Well, I tried to. but I quit.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on October 23, 2015, 05:09:32 PM
Cooties. Sucked, inna word. Makes you wonder what happens in an actor's mind when he/she signs on for something this lame. Particularly when he's (in this case E. Wood) actually been in some strong films. 4/10 (
But the real piece of crap film I watched yesterday was Howl... which is what, I imagine, the audience must have done during the movie. This dog-wannabe-wolf started well but lacked any semblance of sustainability. 2/10 (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on October 25, 2015, 06:38:13 AM
One thing is for sure, T, is that you have some real staying power.
I'll nut a film off in the first 10 minutes if it's crap.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 26, 2015, 12:13:10 AM
IMDb: Boychoir 2014 so so movie, Dustin being his moody self
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on October 26, 2015, 06:23:35 AM
One thing is for sure, T, is that you have some real staying power.
I'll nut a film off in the first 10 minutes if it's crap.
I suffer movies till the very bitter end too. IDK why. It must be the "glass half full" in me. Sometimes it takes me several days to watch a bad movie. That only makes things worse.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 26, 2015, 01:41:36 PM
I watched from dusk til dawn on IFC, and then a few days later I watched the first 30 minutes on bbca. The edits were interesting. Hell of a soundtrack.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on October 26, 2015, 03:56:18 PM
Watching a movie once isn't a real measure for me: anyone can sleep/ catnap/ daydream all the way through a crap picture once. I measure success by rewatchability. I have watched (e.g.) Armageddon dozens of times (one day, maybe, Harry Stamper will survive ...), but I cannot bring myself to watch Prometheus again. That is despite thinking that I had enjoyed Prometheus when I first came out of the theatre.
I have to watch the thing all the way through and then let my subconscious decide if it was worthwhile, as obviously the conscious me makes poor decisions and I wouldn't want that to happen only ten minutes in!
(There are many, many pictures for which I cannot remember what happens much after the opening credits. I don't rewatch those, either.)
Sometimes I don't make it to the second line of dialogue. This is on account that the first holds enough evidence to get the hell outta there.
This is especially true of Segal movies.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on October 26, 2015, 10:23:15 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on December 04, 2015, 05:20:52 PM
The Walk (2015). OMFG... there were scenes in this film which literally had me gripping the arms of my chair lest I fall out of it. Just thinking about it gives me vertigo. Philippe Petit was absolument fou, suicidal, vain and a slew of other words of the same ilk. He was also truly awesome and one of the bravest (no, "fearless" might be more accurate; a lot of regular folk are brave in so many different ways) human beings I could think of. What an audacious thing to do. (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on December 06, 2015, 07:04:43 AM
^ That looks like it's haemorrhaged around 25 million $ from budget to takings. What's up with that? Looks like an excellent movie to me.
I watched The Little Prince (http://The Little Prince) which is a beautifully crafted piece of animation combining hand-drawn, stop-frame and CGI techniques throughout it. It was a very touching and wonderful book adaptation too.
Those with kids beware though: it is a little long and quite slow in parts and younger children will bail midway if they lose their attention. It might be better to watch it in a couple of sittings.
Still, it's worth a watch for us growd-ups.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on December 06, 2015, 11:28:25 AM
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) A good looking action flick... but I just did not believe it 6/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 06, 2015, 05:00:55 PM
The flashbacks and flash forwards were a little too frequent. I loved the Pentagon scene. And the callback to first class was great, even though I didn't think much of the film.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 06, 2015, 11:49:13 PM
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) A good looking action flick... but I just did not believe it 6/10
WHAT its not real :o . off to bed in shock
but with these ending, it allows the producers to make more film;s with characters who have died, look at star trek
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 07, 2015, 02:08:30 PM
X-men 3 brought back a character at the end, can't remember if it was a clone or if the character just regenerated from being atomized. If it was the second I wouldn't mind a trip to his doctor. Unfortunately, Dr. Moira MacTaggert is fictional.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 13, 2015, 01:14:48 PM
Mr Holmes 2015 totally enjoyable, not what I expected. good acting
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on December 21, 2015, 05:36:21 PM
Two Step. Solid first-time Indie film. I need to watch Blood Simple again but this one reminded me of it (it's been 30 years!) to check why. Probably the slow build up and the atmosphere.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 30, 2015, 12:51:04 AM
Sicario 2015 enjoyable, brutal, worth a watch. Benicio del Toro as his moody self
Legend 2015 surprisingly good, T.Hardy played both of the brothers with gusto.
The Hateful Eight 2015/6 Overly long, predictably unpradictable, S.L.Jackson acts as in most of his films, K.Russel is good he needs to make a film NOT typically Tarrantino ???
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on December 31, 2015, 10:11:27 AM
Creed (2015)
Too much boring romance and not enough boxing. 3/10
Sicario 2015 enjoyable, brutal, worth a watch. Benicio del Toro as his moody self
Worst of the movie: The main character=the female character. She always looks out-of-place, naive, unprofessional, and even completely lost. An FBI agent that doesn't have a clue how the world of narcos works?! Ridiculous. The rest is really good.
I watched Philomena (2013). Pretty good. Not the story I expected.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on January 04, 2016, 11:38:01 PM
The Revenant (2015) 5.5/10 ( ( It's a remake of the 1971 film Man in the Wilderness. ( ( Been there, saw that.
Not quite, 1971 film was a excellent film of that age, The Revenant is more of this age and technology. The scenery was stunning, story was more vicious. Leonardo received a globe for his acting and what a ending NOT TYPICALLY Hollywood for a change :) :) only let down for me was Tom Hardy's accent, hard to understand at times(as per Lawless). I enjoyed it and await the blue ray release 8/10.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 13, 2016, 09:36:32 AM
I watched Pontypool ( last night as it has some decent reviews for a movie of that kind.
All I can say is that not only was the director on something quite potent, but apparently a lot of people who reviewed it are too.
On IMDB it suggests that it's budget was $1.5mil, but it only returned revenue of $3700? Shades of a Max Bialystock venture, methinks.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 16, 2016, 02:09:25 AM
suffragette 2015 A Hollywood style movie that needed the grittiness of a film 4 release. Disappointing film in many ways, So sad as I did look forward to watching this release
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 16, 2016, 11:42:29 AM
IMDb: Bone Tomahawk (2015) Unsure what direction the film was suppose to be shot as,gritty western/arty Western. I suspect neither did the director. ???
IMDb: No Escape (2015) What a waste of time watching this film. :-X
unsure what to watch now ???
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 17, 2016, 11:10:57 AM
IMDb: The Danish girl 2015 Thought provoking, disturbing at times excellent movie. Shame the film is so close after his Oscar winning performance in 2015. IMHO should be a Oscar winner with a strong supporting cast. But I doubt he will win the Oscar
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on January 17, 2016, 11:44:21 AM
Tom Hanks did it in 94/95 (Philadelphia + Forrest Gump)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 18, 2016, 12:22:45 AM
Tom Hanks did it in 94/95 (Philadelphia + Forrest Gump)
Possiblr then, thanks for the info, depends on how big the bribes gifts are then ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Nobby on January 24, 2016, 09:35:32 AM
Ant-Man (2015) Good action flick Though I thought Scott + Hank were miscast :-\ Not as bad as Ben 'Fat' Affleck in DareDevil. I thought the ants would have torn Yellowjacket apart but it was a PG after all ;D 7/10 maybe 7.5 :-\
Inside Out (2015) Not impressed --- infact quite disappointed Toy Story(s), Mosters Inc, The Incredibles, Wall-E, UP or even Brave I could watch again and again, But this --- No ! Why did she not send the Core memorys up the tube the Jingle went up ? Funniest thing in it = The Cat in the end sequence. 4/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 25, 2016, 08:14:56 AM
Had a movie fest this weekend IMDb: The Martian (2015) A heroic feel good film, not believable in the slightest but enjoyable IMDb: The Last Witch hunter (2015) Mmmmmmm no comment IMDb: Bridge of Spies (2015) A nicey film about the start of the Spy war with Russia, Was watchable T,H being his usual self Watchable . IMDb: Solace (2015) Crap IMDb: Whiplash (2014) Spoken in a earlier post, still excellent IMDb: MacBeth (2015) A storming film, beautifully shot,Acted,Loved it IMDb: The Visit (2015) WTF was that about Hunger (2008) Gritty film about a troubled time,
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 30, 2016, 03:20:18 PM
IMDb: Creed (2015) So basically a remake ish of Rocky 1, still enjoyable all the same
Did you watch it twice?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on February 12, 2016, 03:48:59 PM
Pawn Shop Chronicles -- Just the way I like it, weird, awkward, violent, and showing parts of life that certainly exist, yet is virtually unspoken of. With it's own artistic twist such as A Scanner Darkly had, +great characters.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 14, 2016, 12:59:06 PM
Viewer reviews and ratings don't look that promising. What is your score out of 10?
Re: Black Mountain Side. I'd say 6.5 - 7. It's not bad and has some decent dialogue at the beginning... Also, very well filmed; pretty accomplished for a first time director.
Yeah, it sucked. Having actually read Chase's own recounting of the event (and later the Philbrick book--not to mention what Melville had done with the material) the film was an utter disappointment. Instead of following the true core of the "story" about survival at sea--think of Bligh after the mutiny--this film decided to go all Moby richard and resulted in being neither cetacean story nor cannibal feast (i.e., fish nor foul).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 19, 2016, 01:15:37 AM
All The Matrix films in one night, just go's to show that throwing money at a film sequel doesn't always make it better
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on March 19, 2016, 04:59:50 AM
Why would you do that to yourself? Just watch the first one then take the blue pill.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 20, 2016, 12:12:22 AM
I've been told this is what you see if you take the blue pill:
Whatever! The new movie is great!! Consistent with old school pee wee. The only thing I was missing was the weed. I really miss the weed................
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 09, 2016, 12:04:33 PM
Roger Waters. The Wall. Couple ot brandies and this film on very loud
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on April 16, 2016, 02:41:09 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 18, 2016, 06:31:01 AM
I can't bring myself to view Batman vs Superman. I think I'm allergic to Ben Affleck. He just seems so annoying, I can't envision myself sitting through two hours of his wooden performance.
We're watching old Mayor of Casterbridge at the moment. The old BBC series with Alan Bates. It's dated, but he's a good actor, so we are slogging through it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on April 21, 2016, 01:17:38 PM
Le placard ( It was funnier the 1st time I watched it. But I enjoyed it nonetheless. The best character is Santini. Depardieu is great in this movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 25, 2016, 12:53:04 AM
IMDb: Triple 9 (2016) A gritty police story, nothing new enjoyable
I didn't like it. At all. Well, maybe Dev Patel's performance. I liked District 9 and since it was on TV I decided to give Chappie a try. It gave me an endless feeling of vicarious embarrassment. The plot alternates between silly and predictable. And it probably cost a fortune.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on April 29, 2016, 12:17:17 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on April 29, 2016, 03:08:06 PM
I didn't like it. At all. Well, maybe Dev Patel's performance. I liked District 9 and since it was on TV I decided to give Chappie a try. It gave me an endless feeling of vicarious embarrassment. The plot alternates between silly and predictable. And it probably cost a fortune.
I quite liked it but mainly as I'm a CGI freak. It also because it reminded me of Short Circuit...
was a wet afternoon and i had a few tins of Black Sheep to drink
just in case you wondered ( (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 01, 2016, 05:12:55 AM
It was the scene where this was reversed that made me feel a little uncomfortable. Especially as we'd allowed our 13yr old son to watch it with us (all his friends had seen it).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 01, 2016, 07:34:02 AM
happy womens day ;)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 02, 2016, 12:02:23 PM
I watched the new Jungle Book last night and really enjoyed it up to the point when it became the Disney version. Don't get me wrong, the the Disney adaptation is on of my favourite films, but after reading that the director was glad that none of the production team had seen it as he didn't want that to influence this version, I was ready to get something more like the original Sabu movie.
What we end up with is a cross between them both, but rather than this being a mix/merging of the 2, it is half the 1942 flick and half Disney.
One last thing, if you are going to sneak in a couple of songs, make sure that actors you cast can sing. Bill Murray evidently cannot and Christopher Walken can but not really in a "singing" kind of way.
I give the first half 7/10 and the second half 5/10.
However, the effects were great!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on May 04, 2016, 04:21:06 PM
It was a disturbing. Not the torture scenes and the violence but
the Wham vinyl record and the money shitting unicorn. ;D
I thought the Wham connection was a stroke of genius. No-one, and I mean no-one could be mistaken into taking the film seriously with them in the soundtrack.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on May 16, 2016, 08:57:56 AM
I have avoided batman vs superman, as I did alien vs predator, Jason vs Freddy(hate obvious winners - Jason doesn't sleep.) And all superman movies, so far I prevail.
The Witch - im not big on horror, I kinda dig thrillers and " spaghetti gore/horror" I pretty much despise gore movies, no matter if they by chance have a plot... Although I did like a lot of nineties horror, scream types, summer of Sam, rob zombie flicks.. Most which fall under speghettie horror to me. the classics of horror are a go, scarier than modern movies are my prefered favorite in oldies. This was none of these really, i read it described as hard to watch, as in, you feel like you shouldnt be watching it. but I did, and I admit to enjoying the story no matter the graphic content. Usually I love movies that posses the quality to make me feel it's something I shouldn't see... The words should & shouldnt are over used, to say in the slightest.. The filming was very well, actors were very well, and a solid ending with no need of a twist to keep you pondering some of its mysteries well afterward.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 16, 2016, 09:28:04 AM
me also but this isnt a horror really, more of the time it was set and what they believe. Poor really.
nothing new for me atm
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on May 16, 2016, 02:33:08 PM
Do you find the movie poor, or the culture of era, maybe something else? I rather enjoyed seeing the time period acted out, I loved the dialect. It's a subject I'm interested in, a fantasy, and still holds historical root. I could not decide between two theories i predicted to happen, and for once I didn't care when it answered to neither, yet gave a fully descriptive ending.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 16, 2016, 02:46:15 PM
Ok, we watched Cap'n America: Civil War and I personally thought the story was the most coherent out of all the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies.
I'm giving it an 8, no less.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 17, 2016, 07:57:51 AM
Do you find the movie poor, or the culture of era, maybe something else? I rather enjoyed seeing the time period acted out, I loved the dialect. It's a subject I'm interested in, a fantasy, and still holds historical root. I could not decide between two theories i predicted to happen, and for once I didn't care when it answered to neither, yet gave a fully descriptive ending.
not poor and I loved the period and language. Not gripping enough, I expected a on the edge of the seat experience and was let down. Loved the "satan" appearance for a few seconds and how/what he spoke. Funny flying ending though :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 24, 2016, 12:17:01 AM
The Huntsman: Winter's War 2016 - basically a waste of time
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 24, 2016, 03:30:50 PM
I watched a little CGI version of The Boxcar Children ( It was very sweet and totally watchable regardless of the slightly dodgy animating. Suitable for any age group.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 01, 2016, 01:59:38 AM
I have avoided batman vs superman, as I did alien vs predator, Jason vs Freddy(hate obvious winners - Jason doesn't sleep.) And all superman movies, so far I prevail.
The Witch - im not big on horror, I kinda dig thrillers and " spaghetti gore/horror" I pretty much despise gore movies, no matter if they by chance have a plot... Although I did like a lot of nineties horror, scream types, summer of Sam, rob zombie flicks.. Most which fall under speghettie horror to me. the classics of horror are a go, scarier than modern movies are my prefered favorite in oldies. This was none of these really, i read it described as hard to watch, as in, you feel like you shouldnt be watching it. but I did, and I admit to enjoying the story no matter the graphic content. Usually I love movies that posses the quality to make me feel it's something I shouldn't see... The words should & shouldnt are over used, to say in the slightest.. The filming was very well, actors were very well, and a solid ending with no need of a twist to keep you pondering some of its mysteries well afterward.
The only Versus movies I'll watch usually have Godzilla as the first of the two. Whatever else is fine with me (Mothra, Rodin, name of weirdly evolved mutant creature here).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 04, 2016, 09:56:38 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: xtopave on June 04, 2016, 11:16:14 AM
The Intern (2015) ( Geez, what a waste of time. It's supposed to be a comedy but I didn't laughed. There isn't a story at all. It's shallow and ridiculous. It's a big bowl of nothing.
Black Mass (2015) ( I liked it very much. But then I'm a sucker for mob flicks based on true stories. Depp and Edgerton are fantastic.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 05, 2016, 01:35:31 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on June 05, 2016, 11:02:48 AM
A.C.O.D.-2013 Kinda fun, didnt hate it, not sorry I watched. Thats as good as it gets. Sorry.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on June 05, 2016, 06:37:02 PM
Eddie the Eagle: I really enjoyed it but it's kind of a goofy movie.
The Revenant: This movie had me fully engrossed. I was sitting, so absorbed in it, then I realized Leo hadn't even spoke in over 20 minutes. The bear scene was pretty wild.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: ohcheap1 on June 19, 2016, 08:38:33 PM
RIGHT NOW!!! I want someone who lives in or around London to explain to me right now what the story of the
Eddie the Eagle: I really enjoyed it but it's kind of a goofy movie.
The Revenant: This movie had me fully engrossed. I was sitting, so absorbed in it, then I realized Leo hadn't even spoke in over 20 minutes. The bear scene was pretty wild.
I was SO angry that Tom Hardy didnt win for his role. To me his performance was the best of the bunch. I LOVED him in this.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on June 19, 2016, 09:09:53 PM
Batman v Superman - darker than i expected, nut have never read the comics. Enjoyed
Same Pretty Good, Bit Over Use Of CG... But All In All 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on August 23, 2016, 05:39:56 PM
Along Came a Spider ( ( is a pretty standard fare cops and robbers film--even though Morgan Freeman is always enjoyable to watch--but what made this an interesting movie for me to watch is my theory that the director spent some time studying Alfred Hitchcock. Early on in the film there are a few typical Hitchockian effects which I'll put in the spoiler below. The movie itself has a 35mm feel to it and the color palette and cinematography sure feels like that of The Master. And the soundtrack sounds a bit like Bernard Herrmann (light). A below average thriller with some visual appeal. 7/10
Two examples. The car veering off of the bridge, hanging there while the female cop sits unconscious in the passenger seat, and the bad guy plunging to his death has a very old school look to it; video effects and CGI technology must be cheaper to do these days than rear projection shots. I think this was a deliberate choice Lee Tamahori made to seem Hithcockian... it couldn't have been an economic one. The other shot, which reminded me of Hitchcock's sense of humor, was the one where Mr. Freeman checks out the CZ Redhead O/U 12 gauge shotgun (I had to look this up) and swivels it directly at the camera/viewer. It was too purposeful a film-quote and unlike any other POV in the film to have simply been a one off. For some reason that scene reminded me of Rope... was it the close up of the garrote? I found myself checking the background scenes for heavyset bald men.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on August 26, 2016, 01:10:19 PM
I saw a couple of movies in St Lucia.
First we watched The Suicide Squad which I thought was a confused film. Of course the team was central the the story and obviously the point of the film, but they made the Enchantress story equal of not superior to the intentional plot so the heroes/villains sort of got lost. If they made a sequel they could drop the 'squad' and still get away with it.
Next we saw Ghostbusters. What can I say.. some belly laughs for sure but overall it was just meh.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on August 30, 2016, 03:03:36 PM
Saw the new Tarzan film and here's an idea film making people: try getting yourself a storyline before you start filming. Otherwise all you have at the end is a day in the life of..
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: tarascon on September 05, 2016, 02:49:26 PM
Seven Pounds Best work Will Smith has done yet, Imo.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on September 05, 2016, 03:34:02 PM
The Secret Life Of Pets. Here's and idea film making people: try getting yourself a storyline before you model your fluffy little creatures. Otherwise, all you have at the end of the day is fluffy little CGI creatures not doing terribly much. Even kids will get bored of that.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on September 05, 2016, 07:44:31 PM
Captain American Civil War
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 06, 2016, 12:44:04 AM
::) ditto
Money Monster - surprisingly quite good
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 04, 2016, 07:52:28 AM
Star Trek - Beyond :) was ok another movie in the franchise, hope the next is better Independence 2 - lots of money spent on CGI and the storyline was so so predictable Warcraft - was advised to give it a go. CGI was great, story predictable but entertaining, worth a watch Pink Floyd-The Wall live Berlin The surround sound was loud and it was great
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on October 04, 2016, 03:16:36 PM
Another challenge that we set ourselves: Find a single event/ occurrence/ action in the movie that is actually believable/ possible/ scientifically accurate. We still haven't managed to come up with anything. I think the total lack of believability adds to my enjoyment.
Same reason I used to watch Neighbours.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 02, 2016, 06:12:24 AM
8/10. Nice story although a bit slow unfolding the narrative. Deducting 2 points for inconsistent logic via linguist.
I enjoyed the film. It was thoughtful and well acted with nice special effects.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on December 19, 2016, 11:11:08 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 29, 2017, 01:10:45 AM
The Girl with all the gifts IMDb: was a decent film until near the end where the girl grunts and groans to the other children (unsure if this was originally a child orientated book ?)
La La Land IMDb: Its not as good as its reported but I enjoyed, Loved the ending inn the jazz bar though. What if what could have been. great ending
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 06, 2017, 12:51:41 PM
Some nerd backstoy: the character Jack O'neill was a POW in the gulf war.
Steps through stargate, sees sand, sets up nuclear weapon.
Oh, and the movie is stargate. bless'ed widescreen on an hdtv is infuriating.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on February 06, 2017, 09:33:47 PM
Sleepy Hollow, twice. But I've seen it before, just on VHS now.. I enjoy it's visuals. I watched Deep Cover, that was pretty good. I've always enjoyed "surviving the game" seen it a bunch. Something about ice-t when he doesn't play a cop is well.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 09, 2017, 02:56:37 AM
13 Hours (2016) - IMDb: also reading the book (not I believe H.Clintons finest hour depending on who's viewpoint you read )
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 09, 2017, 05:39:45 AM
I could not sleep, and google seduced me with a dollar coupon. Glad I have the chromecast, as my ancient tablet did not want to play the HD version I rented.
Cap America: Civil War.
I really liked parts of the movie, but wish it had played out more like the trailer. Tony just gets kicked around for stupid reasons and takes it. poo, he would have eaten a bullet if he didn't have his last ditch holdout [nice IM3 reference]
They broke up Tony and Pepper, which sucks, but was probably inevitable after portman quit and marvel decided to cut the girlfriends, which is a little better than killing them off and stuffing them in a refrigerator, which was totally a thing in comics.
Everything from Ultron? Done, out the window, finito. All the panic and fear tony had in ultron? Still there. Evil bless'ed aliens want to destroy earth, and he's stuck dealing with this poo.
Cap? Still being a madam. In the civil war comic, they tried to use the argument that steve was out of place in our post 9/11 youtube society, and that everyone in the US was totally cool with the patriot act, or even worse, the SHRA. Which I thought was totally gross.
In the movies? He wants to protect an attack dog that Tony accurately calls a manchurian candidate. Hell, the last Cap movie was called the winter soldier, and the politician spent most of that movie killing people!
At least shield and hydra, or shydra, since there wasn't much of a difference, are gone. Which is weird, because there is totally an agents of shield show I don't watch.
That much was in the trailer. I'll avoid more because of spoilers, but I totally have more to say about this movie.
One minor spoiler, Stan Lee calls Iron Man "Tony Stank" and it is amazing.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 09, 2017, 01:55:26 PM
In the movie the UN is trying to get them to recognize national borders instead of just showing up and wrecking the place, set to a montage of them wrecking cities everywhere they go.
But yeah, they have a magic ocean gitmo. Building extrajudicial prisons never turns out well for anyone.
In the comics they stuck them in an alternate hell dimension prison. It did not end well.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on February 19, 2017, 03:01:59 PM
John wick 2 . Loooooooved it.
Trolls ....terrible.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on February 19, 2017, 07:16:20 PM
Bloodsport Again :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on February 20, 2017, 09:32:23 AM
Arrival ... it was okay.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 20, 2017, 12:35:28 PM
sunday was a day of relaxation so we watched 71 dead man down what we did ob our holiday loves kitchen
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on February 20, 2017, 03:50:33 PM
We watched Moana and Doctor Strange yesterday, one straight after the other.
I thought Moana tried too hard to me a musical, but the songs just didn't really cut it. It was no Frozen that's for sure. Not much else going for it and I found it bereft of any emotion on the whole. 6/10.
Doctor Strange was visually a great watch and Benedict Cumberbatch is some actor! That said, even he couldn't really breathe life into this rather stretched storyline that had far too much padding. Regardless of that, I still drooled at the CGI and action sequences and was sorry when it ended. 7.5/10 (mainly for the CGI).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 23, 2017, 11:29:41 AM
I thought Doctor strange was visually great but thats it 8)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on February 24, 2017, 09:53:58 PM
Keeping up with jonses with Jon hamm Not good
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 26, 2017, 02:32:39 AM
I attempted to watch American Pie last night. Still a classic film, the oly trouble was i was a little too drunk and full of food. Wife filmed me snooring my head for most of it ;D ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on February 26, 2017, 05:32:24 AM
We attempted to watch The Games Maker last night but, 40 minutes from the end, all 4 of us agreed to bail on it and watch the remainder today.
Needless to say it had only 2 speeds: dead slow and stopped.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 27, 2017, 12:59:44 AM
Sunday was a day of rest and films so we watched Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find - thoroughly enjoyed from start to end. Fences - Watched about 30 mins and stopped as wife didnt fancy it. Kilo Two Bravo (Kajaki) - Interesting movie, both of us enjopyed (love the credits where they show you what happened to the actual soldiers post Tour) Jurassic World - Easy going enjoyable film
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 27, 2017, 08:33:06 AM
I watched Twilight out of perverse curiosity.
What a goofy teenage girl film. I realize this is stating the obvious, but it seemed quite popular so I thought I'd check it out. I don't feel the need to watch any of the sequels; let's just say that.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 03, 2017, 09:42:10 AM
I am at present watching Waterloo. Rod Steiger is great. Such a English man is Plummer
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 04, 2017, 01:07:46 AM
Passengers. Mmmmmmmmm A modern day Love story or a making the best of a journey in space ??? Either way I enjoyed it, graphics were great. M,Sheen was a good bar tender and they both pulled it off for me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Alfonz on March 04, 2017, 06:35:59 AM
Hidden Figures---Just what I expected it would be, highly entertaining! If the movie is true to the real life events, these were truly some amazing women! End of the movie did display the accolades and achievements each of these ladies received throughout their lives, recommended. 8/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 29, 2017, 01:09:33 AM
IMDb: Silence (2016) promised much delivered some IMDb: Assassins creed(2016) better than the original and leaves the door open for lots more films
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on April 08, 2017, 09:57:08 PM
Assassin creed. Enjoyed the last 15 mins then the whole movie
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 09, 2017, 12:02:39 AM
Brooklands finest, twists and turns and a decent film
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 01, 2017, 11:42:00 AM
Started watching Colossal ( last night but only made it half way through (due to tiredness).
So far my rating is:
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 02, 2017, 12:50:57 AM
Girl on a Train The Best Marigold Hotel both of which I enjoyed
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Alfonz on May 03, 2017, 04:58:26 AM
Star Trek Beyond
I thought it lacked the usual depth of story line and plot that can be expected from Star Trek movies, special effects were still decent.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on May 03, 2017, 07:38:38 PM
Bones (2001) Should have posted this in the "Movies the world didn't need thread".
Over 20 years after his death by a gunshot, Jimmy Bones comes back as a ghost to wreak revenge on those who killed him and to clean up his neighborhood.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 13, 2017, 12:25:35 AM
IMDb: The Great Wall 2017 I liked, but then again i am a sucker for Chinese mixed cultural films. It is what it is . :) IMDb: Logan 2017 will watch again when daughter and wife not chatting and asking questions after the event has happened. From what i was allowed to view uninterrupted was good, Hugh was acting his socks off and I did expect a spoiler in the credits There was none I could see :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 30, 2017, 03:12:18 PM
I caught Love Is All You Need (2012) on terrestrial TV a few days ago and it was one of those films that was on too late, looked a little confused at first glance, was partially subtitled which is a bit of a pain when you're drowsy, but you just had to keep going until the end.
Not really my sort of thing on paper, but I really enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Alfonz on June 12, 2017, 04:46:43 AM
Pretty slow movie, tragic, sad, and somewhat depressing. Based on a true story, I guess that's life :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 12, 2017, 06:29:43 AM
Life ( ( Team of scientists on the International Space Station get a sample of soil from Mars, mess with it, zap it with electricity, and encourage growth of a dormant life form in a variety of atmospheres. They manage to awaken it. At first it seems cute and harmless. Guess what? It's not. Ho hum. Disaster ensues. I gave up after about a half hour as it was simply too predictable.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 12, 2017, 08:10:51 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 28, 2017, 07:49:33 AM
IMDb: Chips 2017 Why o why o why ??? the only funny parts were literally toilet humour, which the Carry on films were far better at.
forgot I also watched IMDb: Kong skull island , turned my brain down to - 30 and enjoyed
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 02, 2017, 04:25:38 AM
IMDb: Their Finest (2016) A former secretary, newly appointed as a scriptwriter for propaganda films, joins the cast and crew of a major production while the Blitz rages around them An innocent little film I enjoyed.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 03, 2017, 12:57:18 AM
Three today,the wick films and deadpool.
I realize now, why we need these movies with brutality.
I would love to neck kick the pencil pusher who keeps denying the medical records my doctor needs, but I would end up in jail.
I do not want him smeared on a freeway distance sign, to have a lit car cigarette lighter shoved in his mouth, or to have his front teeth destroyed with a pencil. Nor do I want to jam a knife in his testicles.
But the neck kick seems about right.
The John wick movies deliver what the matrix sequels denied, and they were totally scouting those locations back then. My only complaint is that wick 3 isn't out yet.
As to deadpool, the mood whiplash is insane. From the quiet diagnosis, and god does being in that room suck, to the rap song and zamboni kill are certainly art, but the international womans day scene means I can't recommend it to my mom.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 04, 2017, 12:42:10 AM
Suicide squad was bless'ed horrible and waller was worse than the reaper husks. Sorry, magical borg, sorry, whatever the golly those bump faced abominations were.
There were a few things I found interesting, but I'm pretty sure those got flushed when the ad people took over the film because of the "buzz" the trailer got.
Hell, as it stands, Waller is the terrorist who killed an entire city BEFORE the borg assimilated her and cut the aircraft carrier in half. Movies need to stop doing that unless someone on the carrier is important, or it's just lazy stakes baiting.
Essentially though, the suicide squad were a team without a mission, before waller engineered the whole shitshow, and deadshot had no reason to let harley live.
And yeah, this joker doesn't have the balls to stand toe to toe with batfleck's old man wayne. The after credits sequence dismisses the film too, which I found amusing.
Either way, this dc verse is bent worse than marvel zombies, and zack snyder needs to go down the memory hole with giant spider guy.
Also, I hate that I have more to say about this piece of poo than I did about deadpool, which is so much more superior to anything DC shits out.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on July 04, 2017, 01:49:01 PM
Ryan Reynolds is ready shoot deeadpool 2
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 08, 2017, 12:24:55 AM
IMDb: Death Hunt (1981) Lee Marvin and Bronson being themselves. Didnt realise Carl Weathers was in the movie, he never ages :-X
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on July 10, 2017, 03:49:13 PM
I think I enjoyed Wonder Woman, but I have to confess to being besotted with Gal Gadot.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 10, 2017, 08:08:13 PM
Did they pull the bless'ed doomsday device plot again? Where it's a bunch of cg turds? One of the few good lines in suicide squad was when wild wild will called the doomsday device a bunch of floating garbage, because it was meta.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on July 13, 2017, 03:32:59 PM
Did they pull the bless'ed doomsday device plot again? Where it's a bunch of cg turds? One of the few good lines in suicide squad was when wild wild will called the doomsday device a bunch of floating garbage, because it was meta.
Can't remember. Too busy focusing on Gal.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on July 13, 2017, 04:58:13 PM
Gifted - I really enjoyed it but this is the type of movie that tugs on my heartstrings.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 14, 2017, 04:54:47 AM
Gifted - I really enjoyed it but this is the type of movie that tugs on my heartstrings.
undecided whether to watch or nor ????
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 14, 2017, 11:52:36 PM
IMDb: Ghost in the shell 2017 I wish i could say what a great film but i cannot. CGI was poor at ti,es. story such an old idea and go's to show a single star does not make a film. So sad
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 16, 2017, 12:14:30 AM
IMDb: Pilgrimage 2017 spoken in French, Latin, Gaelic and English 13th century Ireland, a group of monks must escort a sacred relic across an Irish landscape fraught with peril better than my previous film.If it wasnt for the Torrent film sites many a good film would pass away never to be heard from.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on July 16, 2017, 08:30:12 AM
Garlic is a bugger to learn. Especially in a room without ventilation.
fingers have a mind of their own of late
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 23, 2017, 12:31:43 AM
rainy Saturday so we watched Patriots Day Deepwater Horizon Lone Survivor All enjoyable.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Alfonz on July 23, 2017, 06:15:03 AM
It had it's moments, but was not as good as Little Man Tate, a similar movie with similar obstacles from 1991. We still enjoyed it, worth a watch and a tear or two.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 27, 2017, 08:08:35 AM
IMDb: King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) . so Guy Ritchie, didn't know what to expect after the reviews, but so glad I watched it. The cgi was great and the acting was so Guy Ritchie ;D ;D. all in all watchable
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on August 01, 2017, 08:28:29 AM
That looka pretty good
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on August 16, 2017, 09:30:54 PM
Message from the king on Netflix isbvery good
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 18, 2017, 09:49:00 AM
Wife wanted to watch a easy going film. I had had a few drinks and on it went. Took us 2 days to fully watch and more drinks on my part. ;D ;D
I struggle to describe how corny it is ???
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 30, 2017, 02:27:16 AM
The tv show was lame. You waited for someone to get into trouble in the water and then watched the bouncing mammaries as the troop of lifeguards sprang into action. Occasionally there were romantic interludes in the plot, but basically, there was no there there.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 30, 2017, 03:17:30 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 30, 2017, 04:04:55 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on September 03, 2017, 10:22:23 PM
Unlocked it was good.
Snatched with Goldie Hawn & what's her face Schumer. Terrible
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 11, 2017, 06:23:14 PM
Hitman's Bodyguard.
Surprisingly deep, and the flashbacks make me wish for a longer film.
Kinda shits on deadpool just by having Ryan Renolds be so full on. Sam Jackson is a storm in this movie. Two scenes in particular, he's a force of nature.
The torture scene, holy poo that was brutal. But conveniently non disfiguring.
I'd say it's half popcorn film, but it delivers like crazy.
Aside though, when people talk about "turn your brain off" movies, I want to hurt them. Because I'm fine with a cowpoo premise, as long as the director can sell it.
But that anti-intellectual horseshit of "turn your brain off"? Those are the pesky-folk texting in the theater.
[Sam Jackson used "fool" to cover a stutter.]
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: brickbatz on September 12, 2017, 03:58:05 PM
Wonder Woman 8/10 for action.
When a pilot crashes and tells of conflict in the outside world, Diana, an Amazonian warrior in training, leaves home to fight a war, discovering her full powers and true destiny.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 12, 2017, 06:23:49 PM
And tomorrow we go to the zoo.
Honestly, movies can't take the time the long kiss goodnight took, and kill bill looks weak in comparison, but LKG is a classic that will be denied classic status for being an action flick.
Much like kill bill though, you want to see some of the poo charlie/beatrix got up to before turning domestic/coma patient.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 13, 2017, 12:28:03 AM
Aside though, when people talk about "turn your brain off" movies, I want to hurt them. Because I'm fine with a cowpoo premise, as long as the director can sell it.
Its not an insult stating this sort of film is a "turn your brain off". Its an easy going you know what your getting action film. I enjoy these a lot.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on September 13, 2017, 05:50:05 PM
Christ ,
Long kiss g9od night is one of my faves as well
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 14, 2017, 12:35:11 AM
havent watched any for a while, not many around
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 15, 2017, 10:41:43 PM
Guardians vol. 2
Drax is awesome and horrible at the same time.
The zune gag was great.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 16, 2017, 12:36:31 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 19, 2017, 03:20:58 AM
As fun and enjoyable as vol. 2 was, kick-ass 2 was a horrible dirge of a film. I understand the source comic also dropped all pretense of fun as well.
I really wish the second film didn't exist. They flushed the optimistic end of the first film for a horrible team up group who only end up adding tragedy in the film.
No one comes off well, with the protaganist himself causing most of the pain in the film.
Mark millar sure does like him some rape. Holy poo. I need something fun to watch now.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 19, 2017, 11:48:26 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on September 21, 2017, 09:01:08 AM
Transformers story line, for me, hadn't ever existed anyhow, just watch the pretty colors and await voltron.. I watched bad mother =7/10, thoughrouly laughing my bum off in enjoyment.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 25, 2017, 12:30:24 AM
Wonder Women then Batman v Superman wife wanted to see them
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 27, 2017, 12:19:11 AM
The last boy scout.
The title only vaguely applies, but it's an immensely satisfying film.
The one gripe I have is the opening of the film, with the on field shooting and suicide at a football game. There is a small callback during a villain speech, but other than that, it doesn't really tie in to the film.
Other than that, it's pretty awesome.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 03, 2017, 09:08:16 AM
IMDb: 47 meters down (2017) A lot better than expected, the suspense almost made the wife sick. Just when you think something will happen it doesnt then all of a sudden BOO ;D
nice twist at the end
worth a watch once it gets to the diving part
IMDb: Baby Driver (2017) Didn't know what to expect but I loved it. Went along nicely and a couple of great car chases.
not an ending I expected straight away
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on October 04, 2017, 01:07:39 AM
Spider-man: Homecoming.
Michael Keaton made it for me as the rest of it may as well have been 2D animation. If fact, 2D animation would probably have looked more realistic than some of the CGI Spidey-bloke jumping around.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 08, 2017, 06:06:28 PM
Guess you talked me into it.
Spider-man is bent, Michael Mando is after him. Can they even do that in a PG-13? Anyway, the third to last surprise made me super happy.
And the last one, cap, really? Make us all wait for post credit poo, then insult us for doing it? Bad form.
So I still don't give a poo about cap/bucky, but the unfukt relationship in homecoming was nice. Kinda cheap, but nice. Hopefully they'll go into that, but they totally won't.
bless'ed infinity war. Totally not hyped, still don't give a flying golly about thanos.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 09, 2017, 12:09:01 AM
IMDb: Revolt (2017) basically a mash up of lts of sci fi films minced together. Was ok IMDb: A Hologram for the King (2016) Unsure what to say about this film, very Hanks and thats it
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on October 10, 2017, 03:26:00 PM
I saw Revolt and thought it an unashamed rip off of War Of The Worlds. However, I enjoyed all of it.
totally agree.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 13, 2017, 11:07:07 PM
Jason Bourne (2016)
God damn am I overthinking this movie.
Without going into spoilers, it's a decent movie. Damon is getting older, and the movie acknowledged this... to a fault.
I'm a fan of the original book, but the second movie kept me from reading the sequels because god damn, girl in a fridge.
Well, this one fridges a girl too, over a bless'ed assange expy. Goddamnit.
Treadstone is a mix of the program that created Captain America and James Bond.
I liked Renner's movie, and sadly, this movie doesn't even touch on the evil voodoo of that film. Not that it doesn't have evil voodoo of it's own.
I liked the movie, is what I'm getting at.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 14, 2017, 12:41:38 AM
IMDb: The Man with the Iron Heart 2017 (2017). What an evil son of a gun he was, Main actor played him with aplomb and the story was ok, but I also watched IMDb: Anthropoid (2016) a while ago and preferred due to a better story line.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on October 14, 2017, 07:04:43 AM
8ully, the Bourne movies, with the exception of the first, do not even roughly follow the Bourne books. I say give them a read. Ludlum only wrote the first 3 before he passed. Any more in the Bourne series were written by Van LustBader and aren't that bad.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on October 15, 2017, 04:24:32 PM
Finally got around to watching War for the Planet of the Apes. Half way through I didn't want it to end, and three quarters in I was over it.
I think the moral is that it could have been half an hour shorter.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 15, 2017, 05:47:52 PM
They had to golly it up, it's a planet of the apes movie. The franchise that should have been left in the seventies, where it belongs.
I feel bad for all the people who worked so hard on these crap films.
It's like how Avatar is going to have eternal sequels, when it should have been left to die after the first one.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Alfonz on October 15, 2017, 08:05:49 PM
The Foreigner
Not a huge Jackie Chan fan but this was pretty decent movie, good plot and Jackie played out the mourning, vengeful, character rather well. Lots of action goes without say.
Maybe it was a night out at a big ass recliner theatre, either way, I enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 17, 2017, 07:52:44 AM
IMDb: War for the Planet of the Apes (2017) The CGI is amazing. didn't mind the movie, a tad Hollywood ending with the usual mad dictator thrown in for good measures. Entertainment.
IMDb: Free Fire (2016) Took a chance and thoroughly enjoyed. Such over acting was a pleasure to laugh at. Worth a gamble
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 17, 2017, 08:11:22 PM
Natural Born Killers.
Not a good movie by any stretch, but Tarantino wouldn't have done it better.
There is something under all the poo, but it really is weighed down by all the poo.
Considering the real life poo with woody harrelson, a better movie was due.
bless'ed hell of a soundtrack and stable of stars though, holy poo. RDJ, TLJ, and sizemore turn in roles that are bless'ed terrifying.
Sizemore though, holy bless'ed poo. If anyone has a demon riding them...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on October 18, 2017, 08:29:22 PM
And Sizemore has been battling addiction .... I think he's sober now though
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 29, 2017, 12:15:09 AM
IMDb: Going in Style (2017) a plethora of aged actors and a few young making a witty film, worth a watch
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Alfonz on October 29, 2017, 05:31:03 AM
Finally got around to watching Lucy.
First of all, I felt Scarlett Johansson was miscast, not that I don't like her as an actress, I do, but I just wasn't convinced by the enormous strength required to fulfill this character. Secondly, the movie could have delved a little deeper into what exactly was happening as her brain was utilizing over 50% and more, it was rather vague in it's visualization to the screen.
Overall, a pretty good movie and I always like Morgan.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on November 01, 2017, 04:16:05 PM
She was a miscast
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 05, 2017, 04:47:47 AM
IMDb: Atomic Blond (2017) I approached this with trepidation due to who and the subject, The adage dont judge by its cover is so correct to this film. Loved ever minute of it, music took me back to my youth (ish). James McAvoy placed an absolute nutter. The fight scenes although not natural to CT were pretty good. The whole filming in Berlin was great.
And a bonus CT strips off nearly all the way through the film :o
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on November 05, 2017, 07:48:37 AM
Ioohhh I want to see that.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 06, 2017, 12:18:47 AM
Family Man (2016) touching
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on November 06, 2017, 03:05:10 PM
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
WTF! Is Dane DeHaan Canoe Reeves in disguise? I mean, just sounding like him is one thing but no one can mistake that godawful acting.
Nevertheless, it was fun.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 07, 2017, 12:42:19 AM
Pressure (2015). Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 13, 2017, 08:15:56 AM
IMDb: Atomic Blond (2017) I approached this with trepidation due to who and the subject, The adage dont judge by its cover is so correct to this film. Loved ever minute of it, music took me back to my youth (ish). James McAvoy placed an absolute nutter. The fight scenes although not natural to CT were pretty good. The whole filming in Berlin was great.
And a bonus CT strips off nearly all the way through the film :o
I liked it too. The last time I was in Berlin was before the wall came down, so it was nostalgic in many respects. Good music, too. Theron is a gifted actress. It was nice to see McElvoy play something other than a pretty boy.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 18, 2017, 06:42:00 AM
I genuinely wondered how the Assylum managed to pay for the famous faces on this shitfest of pseudoscience garbage, slightly more cerebral than such unforgettable movies as Sharknado and Sharknado2 (SIC) it contains too many inaccuracies for even the pretty CGI to detract from though I am sure there is enough to keep the idiocracy blissfully happy in their ignorance...
For those with a higher IQ than a glass of water the inaccuracies pile up in an intollerable manner so that you dont even get to exercise your suspension of disbelief before the next pile of badly thought out pseudoscience comes along, it is true this is a roller coaster ride but not in a good way think of that really bad hang over you had and some evil sonofabitch first force feeds you with every greasy thing in the kitchen and then puts you on a roller coaster ride and you are too busy trying not to vomit on yourself to enjoy the ride, for anybody that understands even the most fundamental scientific principles this film is like that....
OK it has a little intrigue, it has conspiracy, it has pretty CGI and it has explosions and some action but all that is lost because you are still reeling from the last pile of pseudoscience garbage...
Spoiler Alert,
the ending is ripped off straight from "Independence Day" without cigars...
I watched this with the family last night and it didn't go down so bad with the young'uns, truth be told.
Personally, while I could handle the fantasy and average acting, I found it hard to tolerate yet another actor putting on a Canoe Reeves voice (Yes, Jim Sturgess, I'm talking about YOU!).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Alfonz on November 26, 2017, 04:52:36 AM
I genuinely wondered how the Assylum managed to pay for the famous faces on this shitfest of pseudoscience garbage, slightly more cerebral than such unforgettable movies as Sharknado and Sharknado2 (SIC) it contains too many inaccuracies for even the pretty CGI to detract from though I am sure there is enough to keep the idiocracy blissfully happy in their ignorance...
For those with a higher IQ than a glass of water the inaccuracies pile up in an intollerable manner so that you dont even get to exercise your suspension of disbelief before the next pile of badly thought out pseudoscience comes along, it is true this is a roller coaster ride but not in a good way think of that really bad hang over you had and some evil sonofabitch first force feeds you with every greasy thing in the kitchen and then puts you on a roller coaster ride and you are too busy trying not to vomit on yourself to enjoy the ride, for anybody that understands even the most fundamental scientific principles this film is like that....
OK it has a little intrigue, it has conspiracy, it has pretty CGI and it has explosions and some action but all that is lost because you are still reeling from the last pile of pseudoscience garbage...
Spoiler Alert,
the ending is ripped off straight from "Independence Day" without cigars...
Watched it last night as well. Lots of eye rolls through watching this movie, and I really felt the CGI left something to be desired, it appeared very unrealistic throughout most of the movie but the CGI paled in comparison to the poor acting. Or was it the script? Either way, I managed to watch the entire movie and was rather glad to see that no provision was reserved to create a continued franchise out of this movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 12, 2017, 02:00:51 PM
Dunkirk 2017 I so expected more, reminded me of a post/during Noel Coward movie. Beautifully shot,great sound but so lacking. It showed our still upper lip at it greatest. The ending was pfft. What a pity
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 13, 2017, 09:50:06 AM
A submarine in the latest Transformers movie was shot in Gosport, too.
Yeah, they need somewhere off the beaten track.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 15, 2017, 09:44:31 AM
star wars: the last Jedi - Started with a bang and ended with a bang. Startling cgi and a story that is Star Wars. Thoroughly enjoyed
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 15, 2017, 03:37:05 PM
I wanna ask you questions, but I don't.
I had reason to believe I was gonna die around the time awakens came out. Thankfully my doctor stopped that nonsense, but I thought it was gonna be my last movie, and I bless'ed hated it. It was a new hope retrodden.
So I guess my one question is, is it better than JJ Abrams shits on star wars?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on December 16, 2017, 11:06:47 AM
When I saw that Jackie Chan was in this my expectation was that whilst he is good in comedy and light action movies I didn`t know what to expect from him in a movie like this, I was pleasantly surprised, throughout Jackie Chan delivered the perfect performance as a grieving father with a fixation on bringing the murderers of his daughter to justice...
I heartily recomend this movie, it shows Jackie Chan can do serious acting and has a depth of acting ability I hadn`t thought possible for a glorified stuntman but he has truly acquitted himself very well on screen and proved my previous thoughts erroneous...
I agree, thoroughly enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 29, 2017, 02:02:06 AM
When I saw that Jackie Chan was in this my expectation was that whilst he is good in comedy and light action movies I didn`t know what to expect from him in a movie like this, I was pleasantly surprised, throughout Jackie Chan delivered the perfect performance as a grieving father with a fixation on bringing the murderers of his daughter to justice...
I heartily recomend this movie, it shows Jackie Chan can do serious acting and has a depth of acting ability I hadn`t thought possible for a glorified stuntman but he has truly acquitted himself very well on screen and proved my previous thoughts erroneous...
as already stated a great film by all actors. didnt expect what i watched and again i would recommend
Bright 2017 - another film I enjoyed for what it was
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on December 29, 2017, 05:18:43 AM
bright in Netflix was pretty good.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on December 29, 2017, 04:16:27 PM
Gal Gadot had the vast majority of screen time in The Justice League.
Can't remember that much about the story but somehow I loved it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 29, 2017, 10:18:41 PM
The last jedi. I don't like the last Jedi. I especially didn't like anything Leia did, that subplot was bless'ed garbage. "You can't solve everything by jumping in an X-wing and blowing stuff up" first empire: blows everything up.
I also didn't like the pointless social justice subplot either.
I did like the force spoiler thing, but the cameo was pointless.
And they let Nazi Weasley live. Damnit. At least he got a taste of the Darth Vader management style.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on January 01, 2018, 11:47:42 AM
I confess I have yet to watch a new star wars since the newest bout began 5 years ago or whenever. It's one of those saving for a marathon things, that, and I have to look up the timeline. Such as, I just finished all three hobbits, now it's time to Lord of the rings marathon, and onto the books. Oh, I think the most recent I hadn't see was "stomp the yard" longest three hours ever, after the first half hour.. .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 02, 2018, 11:37:52 AM
-- oh, and TLJ - I enjoyed it. I particularly enjoyed the call outs to other movies: the flux capacitor, and the jurassic park ripple to name but two.
He didn't make it? There's always next time, eh.
I watched a relatively short horror film called Lights Out. All I can say about this film is:
poo THE bless'ed LIFE OUTTA ME!!!
I totally recommend this movie, especially if watched in bed with the lights off.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 03, 2018, 12:09:55 AM
I, Tonya. It was sort of sad to see the trajectory caused by a lifetime of abusive relationships ending in the derailment of a promising athletic career. It was reasonably well done.
Last night I attempted to watch Blade Runner 2049. There's not enough NoDoz in the world for that snore fest. I literally kept falling asleep; further testimony to the tedium and predictability of the plot. Philip K richard is probably spinning in his grave. I sure hope it enriches his heirs as that's about the only conceivable benefit to having made it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 04, 2018, 01:01:52 AM
If so I agree it was fun to watch and so was Kingsman - The golden circle ;D
sorry yes :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 15, 2018, 01:22:54 AM
Burlesque 2010 MMMMMMMMmm, but she can sing. The Mountain between us 2017 . a decent watch Jaws 2 - not as good as one but still good
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 20, 2018, 04:27:13 PM
Just watch IMDb: Coco and even I needed a box of tissues.
Loved the film and would only knock a couple of points off due to its rather slow middle part.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 21, 2018, 12:44:11 AM
due to the state of the weather atm have watched a couple of films IMDb: Quartet 2012 love it IMDb: What we did ou our holidays 2014 love it IMDb: Boat trip 2002 just pure fun
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 22, 2018, 07:52:18 AM
watched all 3 Thor movies yesterday due to snow stopping all outdoor activities, only because we had for got how things finished before watching IMDb: Thor Ragnarok (2017) What a laugh. ;D ;D loved it
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on January 22, 2018, 04:28:46 PM
Yeah, I enjoyed it a lot. I was initially put off by the occasional goofiness but now I think it just added to the whole thing really well.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 03, 2018, 12:19:55 AM
IMDb: Braven 2017 the wife loved it, for me was ok
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on February 04, 2018, 08:06:20 PM
commuter ... not bad for what it was
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 05, 2018, 08:02:22 AM
Merida ? had to google that ( def not bikes lol). correct its with Jason Momoa
We chuckled through American Pie the wedding on saturday ;D ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on February 08, 2018, 02:40:15 PM
We watched Wonder the other day and while it was good, it did remind me and any one of the medical oddity shows on TLC.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 21, 2018, 08:19:34 AM
Justice League 2017 ??? wonder why they made it really.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 21, 2018, 08:55:56 PM
They fired saturation lens boy for filming an unwatchable movie, then told Joss Whedon to fix it without starting over. I don't care how well a poo sandwich is garnished, I'm still not gonna buy one, let alone eat it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on February 26, 2018, 05:24:00 AM
black panther ... it was alright not as amazing as everyone suggests.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 27, 2018, 12:53:30 AM
went retro in sunday When Harry met Sally ;D ;D Inferno :P
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on March 04, 2018, 08:35:20 PM
Excellent choice. I myself watched a movie, (most of) about a photographer named Mick Rock. The psycho mantra of. Enjoyable.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 04, 2018, 10:29:09 PM
I did watch Lady Bird. It was sweet.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 05, 2018, 08:00:11 AM
IMDb: Darkest Hour 2017 can fully understand why Oldman received the Oscar. A powerful performance that suited him. well worth a watch
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 06, 2018, 01:13:08 AM
Thanks for the recommendation.
I liked the Shape of Water. It was quirky but well done.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 08, 2018, 12:17:38 AM
I vaguely remember seeing that as a child. The Hydra scenes were kind of kitschy.
I'm supposed to go see Black Panther next Tuesday. It will be interesting to compare notes with mischa.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on March 11, 2018, 11:06:27 PM
Ill be glad to read what you think if that movie, Six. I've thought to check it out eventually. Still binge watching shameless, I'm on season 5 now, maybe six, idk. Netflix keeps track for me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on March 15, 2018, 03:16:11 PM
In the light of all its positive press from wimmin I was surprised that the full use of her powers only kicked in as a response to Captain Kirk frying himself. I thought that the received wisdom was that super women don't need men to release their powahz.
... other than that, and the fact that DC appear to have forgotten that you can shoot film in colours other than muddy brown, it was OK.
But the actress is a real life soopa woman that could probably kick the living out of most folk on set.
She probably enjoyed a role that allowed her to play things down a little.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on March 16, 2018, 07:52:45 PM
a Chinese Canadian mo vie about a wife who finds out hee husband is cheating on her and she decides shes.going to live her own life for the first time
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 16, 2018, 11:32:59 PM
Ill be glad to read what you think if that movie, Six. I've thought to check it out eventually. Still binge watching shameless, I'm on season 5 now, maybe six, idk. Netflix keeps track for me.
I really liked Black Panther. The acting was very good, the costumes were gorgeous, sets were amazing and good CGI work. It was a bit moralizing but not so much as to be obnoxious.
I assume you are watching the U.S. version of Shameless. I liked the British version a lot. There's great actors in the American cast, so I'm hopeful that it will also be good. I haven't seen the Fargo series, either. I started watching Red Sparrow, but it was so awful that I quit after 20 minutes.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 17, 2018, 05:15:24 AM
the latest starwars movie, hoped for more but hey ho
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on March 18, 2018, 08:00:13 PM
I'm glad you enjoyed it six. did you think it was a bit long ?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 21, 2018, 04:21:16 PM
Now that you mention it, I was kind of surprised at the length. I wasn't bored, but I was surprised that I got home so late after a 7 pm showing (didn't get home till around 10:30, and expected it to be about an hour sooner). Maybe they could have save a few minutes from the Star Wars fight scenes with the very derivative flying ships (one of the few criticisms I have is that the CGI looked like they'd just borrowed software from George Lucas and inserted the "flying battle scene ship hardware layers" into Black Panther --specifically, I'm thinking of the Martin Freeman scenes). That was a bit drawn out and sort of formulaic.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 27, 2018, 01:02:00 AM
Annihilation interesting indeed. Read the book series and not too far off.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on March 30, 2018, 11:34:12 AM
Watched the 3rd Maze Runner film last night that we were all eagerly awaiting. It was pretty good, but not quite as good as the first or second (even though the first movie trumps them all in my opinion).
The issue I now have is that there are no plans to film the fourth and final book from the series, which is a bit of a betrayal. They did leave the 3rd film in a place where you can draw a line under it if you wish, but they also left with one of the characters gazing off somewhere with obviously a plan in mind. Maybe they were hedging their bets? But, for my money, you set it up, you finish it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 24, 2018, 12:12:29 AM
Silence of the lambs > Hannibal
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on April 26, 2018, 09:34:28 PM
idk smoke... the main character got seriously injured . maybe they think the movies cursed ? and wont film a 4th?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 27, 2018, 09:48:41 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 01, 2018, 09:05:39 AM
This is where the marvel hype machine bent up. They confirmed the sequels BEFORE they killed them off, meaning every one knows the deaths are pointless. And like I said years ago, I don't give a golly about thanos, and the Russo turds said he is the protaganist of the film.
Had they not bent up with that asinine release slate that has always meant golly-all to reality, the kills would have been considered a bold move.
Meh, I'm still bitchy RDJ said he's out with AV4. He's been fantastic at rolling the media, to the point IM3 had that postscript saying Tony Stark would return.
I also like how he acts PTSD as golly in all the press shots and suit ups. Seriously, whoever decided to make it look like the suits are eating him deserves all the checks.
Honestly? I think the marvel machine is stupid, and has too many creative directors, who have been bless'ed poo up since IM2. I think the first time I realized that something was wrong was midway through the Monaco fight. It felt like the shitty marvel films, like punisher, or even worse the fantastic four poo fox crapped out.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on May 01, 2018, 06:19:04 PM
waaaaaiiit ... rdj inst going to be iron man anymore?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 04, 2018, 01:24:55 PM
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Thor has had a good run lately but his contract is up as of Avengers 4 too.
Chris Evans has bitched and bitched the entire time he's been Captain America maybe they'll kill him off. Speaking of killing off there's a website where you can check if Thanos killed you in Infinity war.
Been a while since I've seen a .me.
Thanos spared me, but killed my mom. Guess he heard I talked poo about him and decided to go for the pain instead of the kill.
If someone could url that up for me, that would be great. I'm on mobile.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 05, 2018, 04:12:47 PM
Maybe I'm a little behind but I've just finished watching Black Panther and I'm left think "what the golly was all the fuss about?".
I'll accept the movie was at least "average", but saying it was anything more would be very generous.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 12, 2018, 12:04:59 AM
Maybe I'm a little behind but I've just finished watching Black Panther and I'm left think "what the golly was all the fuss about?".
tried to watch turned it off, will try again when not so drunk ;) same went for Anon, only I fel asleep on this one
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 12, 2018, 05:07:58 PM
I seem to think this of most films which leads me to believe I haven't quite got the attention span, but, we watched Ready Player One this evening and I enjoyed the first half immensely, and found the second half a bit of a chore.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 13, 2018, 02:54:56 AM
Genesis. It looked like someone spent about $100 US making this dog's breakfast of a film. Really. Most of it took place in what looked like some underlit warehouse in L.A. with the external shots confined to some hilly lot with trees. I've seen Japanese movies like Godzilla and Rodan from the '50's that were about this well made.
The question is, how in the name of all that is holy, did some decent British actors get dragged into this boondoggle. Great googly moogly. That's 2 hours of my life I won't get back.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Alfonz on May 14, 2018, 09:21:43 AM
Maybe I'm showing my age, but I liked them best with Peter Gabriel.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 14, 2018, 10:36:25 AM
Strangely, I am nearly certain that I saw them in Chicago right before Gabriel left the band. The Auditorium Hotel is an historic theatre with remarkable acoustics. I'd never heard of them before that concert. A friend took me along.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 15, 2018, 11:39:57 AM
Strangely, I am nearly certain that I saw them in Chicago right before Gabriel left the band. The Auditorium Hotel is an historic theatre with remarkable acoustics. I'd never heard of them before that concert. A friend took me along.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on May 18, 2018, 07:28:42 PM
going to see deadpool 2 tomorrow
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 24, 2018, 03:08:29 AM
started to watch red sparrow, stopped it and may carry on later or not. Nothing new
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 25, 2018, 10:20:32 PM
I managed 20 minutes before I turned it off. It was boring and annoying.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 27, 2018, 07:11:04 AM
I saw that Lazer Team 2 was out and after knowing absolutely nothing about (or even the existence of) Lazer Team (1), I set about finding a copy and we all duly watched it.
I actually found it a really decent film with great humour that wasn't spelled out for the less bright, and it has excellent comic timing which improves comedy regardless of the material. The story and FX were pretty decent too.
Not exactly a box office breaker, but damned good fun for a family sit down on a Sunday.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 29, 2018, 03:29:23 PM
Ok. Made the big mistake of ignoring the reviews and watched A Wrinkle In Tme with the family.
Half the family bailed, one fell asleep and my daughter and myself struggled on which was not a wise thing to do.
It was totally pants.
And then some.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 02, 2018, 04:47:13 PM
Yeah, the movies community declared that one a stinking turd pre-release.
Oprah can act, but I don't like her, or whoopi. Which is weird because both are fantastic actors, with poo opinions.
Straight outta Compton was on TV, and FX allowed most of the words through, including the police bless'ed and richard sucking.
They were not allowed to say the name of the group, which means NWA is still too hard for TV.
Hell of a legacy, and it riled my mom up something stupid.
That was an interesting dog walk post film.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on June 03, 2018, 03:46:17 PM
So we did the Lazer Team 2 thing. It was pretty ok if not a tad adult in parts that was a little out of character for the film overall. Still had plenty of laughs and tomfoolery and certainly not a waste of an hour and a half of our lives.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 04, 2018, 01:26:53 AM
finished watching Black Panther was ok
A Quiet Place - enjoyed
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 07, 2018, 02:22:43 AM
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom - Basically a remake of "The Lost World: Jurassic Park" still a good watch and a few jumpy moments. I image a number 3 will appear :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 19, 2018, 05:45:58 AM
I mean, lost world wasn't the coffin nail JP3 was, but a remake doesn't make a whole lotta sense. Gymnastic kicking a 600 pound murder machine doesn't make much sense either, but JP:LW went there.
I was watching a youtube copy of a documentary on "the real sopranos" and it honestly made me feel more contempt for law enforcement than anything else.
To make fake gains, they turn evidence over, just like cop shows, essentially fueling the crime they say they are busting. They're smug as golly about it too, which makes me think they use that smugness to provoke confessions.
But the biggest turn in this documentary, and the biggest win for the cops, was when they pretended to turn in a gambler to the mob who "worked at a cell phone store." They don't really elaborate on this, but it's fully obvious that this is how they got the jersey mob to wire themselves. And yeah, the mutants in Jersey would be that bless'ed stupid.
I thank God my mom was conceived and delivered in PA when Grandpa was still in the army. Because the rest of her family? Jersey damn' stereotypes. Both Uncles do the heavy accent thing, and the one who owned me even looks like gandolfini, the fat golly.
Anyway, the sizzle opener, of mob retards arguing about themselves being portrayed on the show was about 30 seconds long, and the rest of the thing was a true crime waste of time. I wish I watched something else.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 03, 2018, 02:45:27 AM
Crimson Peak. That's two hours of my life I won't get back. Guillermo del Toro. Gothick romance. Good sets and costumes. But melodrama gone wacky. Ghosts weren't as scary as the actors. I must say, it was probably fun to play the crazy sister. I think she had the best role: menacing and murderous as well as a mean piano player.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 04, 2018, 07:50:26 PM
Sicario 2. The copy I watched lacked subtitles. Much of the film is in Spanish. Part of the film is in sign. I don't speak Spanish or sign.
Pretty shocking opening, I'll say that. Trump's wet dream, and of course the state department shits the bed.
I guess it's a good movie? the lack of subtitles ruined it for me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on July 05, 2018, 09:10:48 PM
Sicario 2. The copy I watched lacked subtitles. Much of the film is in Spanish. Part of the film is in sign. I don't speak Spanish or sign. Pretty shocking opening, I'll say that. Trump's wet dream, and of course the state department shits the bed. I guess it's a good movie? the lack of subtitles ruined it for me.
cannot wait to watch, love a gritty film.
Lately I watched The Domestics 2018 - weird but watchable. Entebbe 2018 - waste of time for me
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on July 07, 2018, 06:37:07 PM
the ant and the wasp... still funny, kept my attention.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on July 18, 2018, 08:08:07 PM
I watched Hostiles. I cried four times, I'd say we have a winner. Reminded me of "The Missing" a bit. I thoroughly enjoyed both.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 04, 2018, 01:44:56 AM
Finally got around to watching Avengers Infinity war :o :o for me was fantastic, love how they kill most of the stars off.
The Rider 2017 - rodeo horse rider - pretty good and an eye opener
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 04, 2018, 08:18:14 AM
Sorry to Bother You.
It was entertaining if amateurish. Reminder: don't snort anything unless you really know what it is.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 06, 2018, 04:19:32 PM
I used to snort salt water when I had sinus infections, and it helped, but yeah, things are supposed to go OUT of your nose, not in (unless it's the fragrance of a flower or some other pleasant smell.)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on August 08, 2018, 06:20:42 PM
equalizer 2 ... fell asleep the last 10 mins
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 08, 2018, 09:40:12 PM
I tried to watch the first one, it was so intentionally dark I turned it off. Like yeah, he kills a lot of bad people, but there are no good results, he just removed several assholes from a world filled with assholes.
If anything, he abetted lateral bottom promotion.
Apparently it's the first time Denzel has done a sequel, and one wonders what made this the series he wanted to return to.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 17, 2018, 12:02:26 AM
Apparently it's the first time Denzel has done a sequel, and one wonders what made this the series he wanted to return to.
money ?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on August 17, 2018, 05:43:31 PM
I cant imagine he needs the money ... maybe to prove he can still do action films ?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 17, 2018, 06:18:57 PM
Maybe he likes that world? Like I don't, but I'm not him. Maybe they had kick ass BBQ's during production?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 18, 2018, 12:18:22 AM
few sequels work. watched
Patient Zero 2018 - some good parts , some shiiiiiite. I don't understand what the director wanted from the film, cartoon over voicing at the beginning and end?? why are surviving armed forces so stupid in assuming no one will find them ;D ;D havent they ever watched a zombie film ;D ;D
Deadpool 2 - A tad over done in places but totally enjoyed
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 18, 2018, 12:58:50 AM
yeah, one death scene was dragged out. I got that it was intentional, but they could have gone the other way and been shocking and poignant. AND STILL have had that after credits sequence.
Had to look up who the vanisher was, just looked like generic white guy when he died.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 18, 2018, 05:28:40 AM
Had to look up who the vanisher was, just looked like generic white guy when he died.
"he" looked a little like brad pitt when he electrocuted himself
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 18, 2018, 09:00:02 PM
Yeah, that's Brad Pitt.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 19, 2018, 12:28:57 AM
Book Club 2018 - enjoyable with a few laughs Prayer before dawn 2017 - Straight away you can tell its a film festival ovie, enjoyed
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 23, 2018, 12:10:58 AM
Tried to start mom on Firefly. She saw me buy Serenity and asked what it was, so I started her on the show.
Pilot ran fine, but The Train Job disk just wouldn't go.
Obviously, I loaded it up on a non-reputable source on chromecast, but that pissed me off.
And I don't think it's a fixable thing. :(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 23, 2018, 02:34:16 AM
Never Hike Alone. That's the full movie there, give it a look. It's better than the real sequels, and it's a fan made film.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 26, 2018, 03:10:20 AM
Misery 1990 - still as good today as then
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 26, 2018, 12:05:56 PM
War Machine ;D ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 27, 2018, 01:06:41 AM
Bamboozled 2000
Tucker and dale vs evil 2010
Babysitter 2017
Big disparity between the first two, similar premise for the second two.
I had read about bamboozled while doing high school classwork, but never actually saw it. Even until now I did not know it was a Spike Lee "joint". Had I known, I would have skipped it.
Essentially, a TV producer who is ashamed of being black, deals with a white boss who likes being hood and throwing around the N-word. He tries to get fired by proposing a blackface minstrel show, which unfortunately, becomes a national hit.
There are a lot of good points, but the film wanders when it should be laser focused. A subplot rivalry between the minstrel star and producer is just confusing and ties together things for no payoff.
In a later scene, the producer is in blackface, but no reason is given, he just is. It's confusing, and they don't ever say why. He did have a heart of darkness moment BEFORE the blackface, which would have been a good spot to put that in, and there was a prior scene explaining just how bless'ed awful blackface was, so it doesn't WORK. GOT DAMNIT SPIKE!
The end of the film is unfulfilling, and one is left feeling that this was an intentional choice by the director. Skip any "Spike Lee joints".
Tucker and dale vs. Evil 2010
This movie is a doozie, and I don't think it ever misfired. It's tight, consistant, and you're never left wondering what the hell is going on, because it's illustrated in bright colors.
I think they could have done a bit more with the murder cabin, but that would have probably slowed the movie down. It's like a theme park ride filled with cruel whimsy. It's fun, even when people are dying horribly. Full stars for this movie, it's a got dang classic.
The Babysitter 2017
This one started at New Line and ended up at Netflix, and I feel it kinda shows. Horror movies have lost their souls, and we're left with poo like the golly ugly puppet, or even worse, the upcoming nun. Who is scary because of JUMPSCARE!
This movie however, is charming and fun, even if it does feel like they weren't sure where the audience was. Some of the audience winks are bless'ed fantastic, other ones are corny and pointless.
The "Twist" on teenagers being killed off one by one is fantastic, and I feel, is wonderful. It's similar to the inversion in Tucker and Dale, but does it's own thing.
Instead of whiny, the protaganist comes off as someone bravely, if not entirely realistically, dealing with a REALLY SHITTY friday night.
The warmth in the film was honestly something I thought the director, McG, was incapable of. It's a really fun film, and it will not let you down.
Tonight I'm gonna watch really schlocky and shitty 80's horror films. If any are worth a view, I'll bring it here.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 27, 2018, 11:10:46 AM
I haven't seen much Spike Lee lately. Do the Right Thing was good. And I liked She's gotta have it. Jungle Fever was meh. Malcolm X was a bloated mess. I fast forwarded through most of it. The subject deserved better. He seems like someone who has been spoiled by early success and who would benefit from submitting to a sympathetic, but disciplined editor. Sadly, his inflated self confidence prevents it. I don't feel tempted to watch his movies as a result.
Have you seen School Daze? I am curious about that one, but the rest is just kind of tedious dull stuff. There are more imaginative and inventive films coming out of Oakland by younger African American directors. Those I see. Black Panther, Sorry to Bother you, etc.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 28, 2018, 12:07:06 AM
Oceans 8 - I thought the musical score was poor and it just didn't move along as smooth as the originals. scrit and acting was ok, left it open for Danny to return
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on August 28, 2018, 02:53:21 PM
The newest Spider-Man. And I really enjoyed it too, 8 outta 10 will cover that vote. Other than that I did enjoy "deadpool2, 8 of 10"
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 29, 2018, 12:19:51 AM
Terminal 2015 - mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on August 30, 2018, 06:28:10 AM
We saw 3 flicks while on hols: Skyscraper, Alpha and Darkest minds.
Darkest minds was a whole heap-o-crap. Both my daughter (who is 12 so it's not a generation thing) and myself couldn't wait for it to end. It was so boring and over melodramatic that had I'd not been in a cinema, I'd have bailed half way through.
Skyscraper was a lot of fun and I can't fault it. I could fault it if I'd gone to the theatre expecting great acting, a coherent storyline, some idea of whether I was watching a thriller or a comedy, but I didn't. I wanted the Rock, and I got the Rock.
Alpha was an interesting watch. Kinda really liked it, but not so much that I can remember a good deal about it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Alfonz on August 30, 2018, 01:00:31 PM
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
We enjoyed this movie very much, good acting and great story line.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 03, 2018, 03:19:32 AM
Don't get how anyone can stand Kevin Hart, but okay.
Jack Ryan: Shadow recruit.
Poor, middling at best. Captain Kirk (Chris Piney) Is at college when 9/11 happens. So he joins the marines, which is footnoted at best.
His helipopter gets blown up by a missile, and he gets to go to glamourous, Hollywood rehab.
Where he nets himself natalie portmans stand in, sorry, Keira Knightley, who once again attempts an American accent. Like someone got paid for her to drop some vowels. I kid you not, she had a voice coach.
For this shitty movie, where she plays damsel for five minutes, and otherwise has not significance. to the plot.
Which is, hit NY with another terrorist attack, and the stock market will be your madam.
Once again, this movie uses GASP, WHITE! terrorists for the baddie, even though the politician nets like 30 seconds of plot detail which signify NOTHING. He gets drowned in a sewer, Do not watch this movie, it is POOR.
Kevin Costner brings in a last gasp performance in which, seriously man, you're better than this. poo, the SOURCE MATERIAL is better than this.
So it's an evil russian, he has cirhossis of the liver, Kiera can't act gives him three months, his son bungles the terrorist act.
And seriously. That's it, my previous SENTENCE is the film.
Next, Jim from the office becomes Jack Ryan.
Much better than the preceeding film. Jim from the office is Jack Ryan, deal with it.
Chris pine pissed in the character, but at least Krasinsky puts in the effort Pine did not.
It's a good season. But it naffs the books, bad.
Specifically, Executive Decision is not Fat ponytail dying, while Kurt Russell and Hale Berrry flirt on a plane, it's a hell of a book.
Specifically, Jack Ryan never has a political party stamped on his ass [He is a republican]
Demo pres makes him vice pres, against his desires.
During rah rah parade, japanese pilot slams a 747 into the capitol dome, and kills everyone.
Jack ryan is in the basement, now he is president, holy poo. CUE RAINBOW SIX!
And we get Tom Clancy jacking off how he would president.
There is a sub plot with terorists and ebola, which leads into a rah-rah politiwar, and then we nuke Iran, the end.
Jack Ryan Amazon steals the ebola plot, which seriously, you can't recycle later, so they have poo in the source material.
Specifically, terrorist who loves the safety dance is radicalized in prison because he takes a sentence to protect his brother.
Which is poo writing. Don't do flashbacks if you don't have to.
So we get safety dance bin laden, or Suleiman. He hates America. But France more.
So he kills a bunch of people in france, here comes Jack Ryan!
Jack Ryan says they are using phone sim cards for cash, because he is a financial analyst, and this is his foot in the door.
Bunk from the wire replaces James Earl Jones, and he is a Muslim. HOW SHOCKING. Nevermind, it's poo.
So Jim, sorry, Jack, finds the new Bin Laden, and everyone else is stupid and naffs it up.
New Coke Bin Laden uses Ebola, which naffs THE SOURCE MATERIAL DRY.
There is some stupid poo about New Coke's family, and a drone pilot, but seriously, he just vanishes, so golly him.
New Coke makes it to America !!!!!!! seven.
And they try to kill the president!!!1111
And Jim kills new coke bin laden.
They waste the ebola plot. Like seriously, bad writers. In the source material, it was the walking dead up in America, in this show, it's a one episode plot point.
So that happened.
I don't get how they can do more clancy. In executive decision, he became president.
And in the show, he's head of, Terrorist financial analyzation and logistics.
Sooo, how the golly can they do season 2?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 04, 2018, 12:48:37 AM
Give me Homeland any day of the week.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 04, 2018, 08:03:17 AM
Siberia 2018 - MMMMMMmmmmm unsure what to say really
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on September 04, 2018, 03:50:22 PM
We saw 3 flicks while on hols: Skyscraper, Alpha and Darkest minds.
Darkest minds was a whole heap-o-crap. Both my daughter (who is 12 so it's not a generation thing) and myself couldn't wait for it to end. It was so boring and over melodramatic that had I'd not been in a cinema, I'd have bailed half way through.
Skyscraper was a lot of fun and I can't fault it. I could fault it if I'd gone to the theatre expecting great acting, a coherent storyline, some idea of whether I was watching a thriller or a comedy, but I didn't. I wanted the Rock, and I got the Rock.
Alpha was an interesting watch. Kinda really liked it, but not so much that I can remember a good deal about it.
Not sure what this says about the film but we'd actually visited the cinema 4 times. The movie I'd forgotten to mention was The Meg. Not an awful lot to write about barring the one scene when the little girl in the underwater corridor and the shark is peering through the glass. That one short scene was worth going to the cinema for. Otherwise, supposed tough guys with strong London accents are a it old hat. At least, that's what people tell me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 06, 2018, 08:57:34 AM
Journeys end 2017 - Thankfully was spared the gruesome fighting, Men in the mud suffering with ptsd. Interesting watch
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on September 06, 2018, 09:15:45 PM
kin ehhhh , so so
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 10, 2018, 12:03:19 AM
Skyscraper 2018 - fun. Hurricane 2018 - was ok Geo storm 2018 - mmmmm past an hour or so
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 13, 2018, 12:54:35 AM
Sicario: Day of the Soldado - still brutal
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on September 14, 2018, 10:05:58 PM
oceans 8 ... not terrible... just lacked a certain charm superfly ... highly fictionalized urban drug dealer happy ending kind of stort.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 16, 2018, 12:28:24 AM
Solo - had the money , the effects, but lacked something ???
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on September 25, 2018, 07:09:18 PM
the passenger... fast forwarded through most of it. wouldnt reccomend... gave me adam and eve vibes
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Alfonz on October 01, 2018, 12:30:31 PM
Tag Fun movie, reminded me of some of the antics my buddies and I would pull.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 02, 2018, 08:41:19 AM
a tad slow on my front for movies, in fact non existent ???
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: mishca09 on October 06, 2018, 05:42:24 PM
venom ... was pretty good. can't wait for the sequel with wh
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 06, 2018, 08:27:28 PM
Anthony Edwards actually became a pilot to try and live that down, it didn't work.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 07, 2018, 12:49:07 AM
American Assassin . maze runner to tough guy ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 10, 2018, 01:22:57 AM
After a reccommendation from Jock I watched "Kajaki" which is a true story of British soldiers whose patrol took them into a russian mine field left behind after the Russian occupation of Afghanistan.
Jock knew some of the actual guys this happenened to and it was very true to life (No dramatic music, no faux heroics and the humour in the face of adversity was typical of army humour, dark but somehow uplifting for those around). A solid 10/10 but not for the faint hearted as the make up and effects are realistic.
Agree, (also named Bravo two zero) very gritty and definitely not shot in the Hollywood style .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on November 11, 2018, 02:52:53 PM
Mission Impossible: Fallout. Meh, typical MI movie. Enjoyable but not memorable.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 12, 2018, 08:03:10 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 15, 2018, 12:02:50 AM
Wowee zowee.
Bohemian Rhapsody. What a train wreck of a movie. It was like a Wikipedia article set to film. No character development, no logic, no insights. Just the facts, ma'am. After 59 minutes, I made an economical assessment. What was more valuable to me? Another 61 minutes of this sad effort, or a good hour of sleep? I opted for the latter. Rami Malek is a cute guy. He's like Mr. Robot in the 70's. Cute, and singing. Freddie Mercury he ain't.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on December 10, 2018, 04:48:15 AM
Bohemian Rhapsody. What a train wreck of a movie. It was like a Wikipedia article set to film. No character development, no logic, no insights. Just the facts, ma'am. After 59 minutes, I made an economical assessment. What was more valuable to me? Another 61 minutes of this sad effort, or a good hour of sleep? I opted for the latter. Rami Malek is a cute guy. He's like Mr. Robot in the 70's. Cute, and singing. Freddie Mercury he ain't.
Not something I'd fancy at all but I find it interesting that it gets high review ratings pretty much everywhere and has already earned about 10x its budget.
Perhaps it's akin to Springtime for Hitler.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 10, 2018, 11:22:55 AM
Dumplin' surprising ok Hold The Dark different
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 10, 2018, 07:13:06 PM
Not something I'd fancy at all but I find it interesting that it gets high review ratings pretty much everywhere and has already earned about 10x its budget.
Perhaps it's akin to Springtime for Hitler.
Could be. I'm amazed at how many people just LOVED it. Great googly moogly. Maybe I'm getting cynical in my old age. Rami Malek just does not have the gravitas to pull it off. Sorry. Good costumes and makeup, though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 15, 2018, 11:13:42 PM
The Appearance 2018 a little bit of name of the rose and the witch.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 18, 2018, 08:28:10 PM
If it's any consolation, Jennifer Garner made AJ's life a living hell. He is now a shell of his former self.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 19, 2018, 02:18:09 AM
His real teeth are tiny nubs, Michael Bay paid to replace his ACTUAL TEETH to make him more of a movie star.
If anything, he's regretting batman most for being alive. He directed and produced a film, only to get batman questions on the red carpet. Like yeah, you made some depressing arty film that will be forgotten in two months, WHAT'S UP WITH BATMAN?
Crap, now I'm depressed and want Michael Bay to buy me new teeth.
But Jennifer Garner. God do I hold an irrational hate for that woman.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on December 19, 2018, 08:46:25 AM
Sounds pretty rational to me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 19, 2018, 11:00:30 AM
I only know J. Garner from playing Sydney whatever on that TV show, Alias. It was formulaic and predictable after a while. Never caught her in a movie. Why the hate for her? I'm sure you have your reasons, I just wonder at it.
I find her omnipresence in the supermarket tabloids wearying, but that's about it, but I don't see lots of movies, so I'm curious.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 20, 2018, 01:28:32 AM
There is a particular Conan O'Brien interview where the mask comes off, plus you're more right than you know about the tabloids, she has her own industry in the Midwest based on telling women how to live.
Plus for quite a while I only got capitol one ads on my youtube. The ads would load fine, but then the video wouldn't. So I'd get to see her shilling air miles 3x5 times before I actually got to see the video.
I guess hate is a strong word, it's more of an irrational dislike.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 20, 2018, 02:34:59 AM
In the U.S., when you are checking out with your groceries, most supermarkets have a selection of magazines for purchase, along with candy, gum, and other impulse buy type items near the register.
Many Americans use these as a short term library to entertain themselves while waiting to check out. I'm frequently mystified by the news as it's about celebrities I've never heard of. The tabloids there are like your mainstream Sun, etc. National Enquirer, the now defunct, but more entertaining, Weekly World News (Color TV found on Mars, Statue of Elvis Found on Mars are two headlines that I recall). There is usually news about the Kardashians, the Royals (marriage trouble, accusations against Prince Charles -- alleging that he had Diana murdered, suggestions that Camilla and Kate are at odds, that the Queen doesn't like Meghan) or marital spats between celebs like J. Garner and her ex, Ben Affleck. The themes are pretty consistent, only the individuals involved change. There are also small specialty mags like Soap Opera Digest, and women's magazines, like Better Homes & Gardens, Cosmopolitan, People, and then cooking magazines. I normally don't read there, except the information on the covers.
Interestingly, there are no magazines in the Self Check Out area. It's much more dull to wait in line there.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 20, 2018, 05:28:17 AM
It's worse than that. She has one where she tells you how to comport yourself in life. It's popular in the flyover states.
That's a hell of a list you got there little c. I was telling mom Geena Davis almost qualified for the Olympic archery team in 2000, and she mentioned long kiss goodnight and how it's one of her favorite movies.
Sometimes mom is cool.
I went and read the Wikipedia of Mizz Garner. First, she isn't Jimmy Garner's, so it isn't like he used up the cool supply before she was born, it's just a coincidental name match.
Next, dang are her reviews brutal. I think the highest praise she's had is that she is adequate.
I thought it was crazy that Last Boy Scout didn't lead to another Bruce Willis franchise, but then I read about what a pain Damon is. DANG is he ever.
Like he has a TV show right now, Lethal weapon. And he made them kill off the Mel Gibson character. Like dang.
So they replaced that guy with stiffler.
And damon quit.
The batshit insane GOTHAM got cancelled so the abysmal Lethal Weapon series could go on, and egghead decides he's done with it. But you know executives, GOTHAM isn't going to get a reprieve.
They had a crime depot. I poo you not. Explosives had its own aisle! And they canceled it for MOAR DAMON.
Part of why Hallie dies in LBS is that he was a grabby poo whenever she was on screen with him. I'd ask for a write off if I found a coworkers hand on my crotch too.
So Damon sucks.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 22, 2018, 12:25:53 AM
Hunter Killer 2018 :P :P what a load of twallop
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 22, 2018, 01:31:54 AM
Yes, but could you elaborate?
From the rust on the hatch in the trailer, I figured they rented the old subs from Disneyland. Actually, I was a little pissed that ride was gone the last time I was in Anaheim. It was absolute garbage, but it was CHARMING absolute garbage. Cement mermaids missing arms type stuff.
Reminded me of the Hershey Park animatronic where the arm was chopped off the robot, but still attached to the automated switch, so it went up and down in a morbid display as the bot twitched the stump up and down.
I really did get to see these theme parks (Univ Hollywood) (DisLand) (Hershey Park) at their best. I hear they've all gone to poo.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 23, 2018, 01:03:33 AM
So bad it hurts. Lets just drop 4 soldiers into Russia around their biggest Naval unguarded base :o :o Butler as a merman just didnt cut it on so many levels. Why they archery scene at the beginning ?
Will have to sit through it again for the wife I imagine. >:(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 23, 2018, 01:10:22 AM
The Greatest Showman :D :D love it
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on December 23, 2018, 11:45:02 AM
Ok. I watched a film last night called IMDb: Replicas which starred Canoe Reeves. I cannot begin to explain the absurdity of the story which was nearly impossible to rationalise. Canoe's acting made it infinitely harder to fathom and you cannot help but be stunned by at least the first half of the movie and the decision making of at least 2 of the characters within it.
On the whole it doesn't get much better as it goes on but something remarkable happens that you creeps up on you. What actually happens is in the last 20 minutes or so, the film starts to level out and make sense(ish) and the end, and beyond all expectation, it leaves you somewhat satisfied.
I'd recommend it even though I've said it's pretty crap. It's just one of those kind of flicks that you'd talk about afterwards.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 29, 2018, 03:06:11 PM
I was just on a site that talks about movies leaving Netflix. I have never used Netflix, but for some reason my TV has a button on it that says Netflix.
Anyway, Harry leaves Netflix on Jan 18th, so you'll never have to see him left behind again... on Netflix.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 29, 2018, 11:54:04 PM
Redcon-1 NO Comment
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 30, 2018, 06:51:34 PM
zombies doing flip hammer fists? Do they not have aircraft in this timeframe? Because here's how I'd do the mission.
1) acquire prison inmate. 2) zip drop the chump in a parking lot. 3)wait for swarm 4) Zip him back up 5)Vulcan cannon.
Repeat until area pacified, send in extraction team
Bite checks and quarantines all around. Even the pilots.
I watched "The Osterman Weekend" 1983, and was shocked at how they did everything in bourne… in 1983. You've got your surveillance, your shitty backroom deals, your backstabbing, your shady CIA operations...
But it doesn't work. The film is a bless'ed mess, and it's a shame that it was Sam Peckinpah's last.
Some of it is absolutely fantastic, but it really falls apart after the aforementioned "Weekend"
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 02, 2019, 12:05:03 AM
I do find it interesting that Paul Greengrass stole from Sam F'n Peckinpah.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 02, 2019, 06:57:17 PM
I mean when you read a Ludlum, you kinda know what you're getting into. Shadowy conspiracies that may or may not exist hounding our protagonist, generally through exotic locales.
It's actually interesting how tight Osterman Weekend is, considering that. Most of the action takes place on one estate. I wouldn't say he recycled elements, but the feel he establishes tends to be familiar. Kind of like how the crappy call of duty games have linear paths that guide you through scripted explosions, like a rollercoaster ride.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 17, 2019, 12:47:04 AM
the star trek franchise (Chris pine ) on a dull day was fun
white boy rick twas ok
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 17, 2019, 01:56:05 AM
He did get to have a lot more fun with that one than most of his roles at the time. Plus the character is amazing.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 19, 2019, 12:33:30 AM
- Finally got around to watching, Fantastic film. - Twas ok, - worth a watch if you have a spare hour
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 20, 2019, 03:58:26 AM
It's the failure to differentiate Freddie Mercury from Mr. Robot that I found disturbing in the Queen film. Give Malek a moustache and a British accent, and, voilà, Freddie Mercury. So I don't get the "he's a great actor" thing. He is handsome and charming, but that's as far as I can go with the Ravi Malek assessment. There are so many gifted actors, particularly in the UK, where theatre is taken much more seriously than here. Many of those actors are relegated to crucial supporting roles, and remain under the public's radar, despite their remarkable contributions to the profession. He's not one of them.
The 3 Billboards looks intriguing. I like Frances MacDormand, generally. I remember the reviews from the Barbra Streisand version of a Star is Born, "A Bore is Starred." Haven't seen the Lady Gaga version. It's hard to top Judy Garland.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 22, 2019, 04:24:02 PM
The Hidden - (1987)
DAYUM was that a movie. I don't want to ruin it, but I can't even begin to describe it without spoilers.. It's got Danny Trejo in a five second cameo, in a shitty brown wig! And the rifle stormtroopers use, in it's actual configuration! (Sterling SMG)
There are a lot of guns in this movie, and they get put to work.
Sometimes it felt like the movie was dragging, and then I realized it's because I'm used to movies ping-ponging between scenes at high speed. For instance, there is an absolutely fantastic roof chase that extends to exactly ONE roof. Not 20, where the protaganist has to hero jump and roll between different gradiants.
I really, really liked this movie. It's got Claudia Christian in a role that I never thought I'd see Claudia Christian in. dang! Mulders dad shows up!
A police bullpen with ZERO COMPUTERS!
And a Ferrari salesman who keeps cocaine in the trunk of a small model ferrari. Because the bad guy likes ferraris!
Seriously, that's how the cops track him. He always steals ferraris.
This movie makes Terminator look like it was written by CHUMPS!
Leviathan - 1989.
Robocop and Ernie Hudson vs. The thing. UNDERWATER.
Oh, and Daniel Stern is a total garbage bless'ed human in this movie. He's the first to die, and his coworkers don't shed a tear.
Not a good movie, but it hit this weird merchandising convegance I've noticed in other films. People kit together weapons that would be absolutely awesome for a tie-in toy. In this case, they use deep sea drilling robot claws and turn them into flamethrowers... for some reason.
huh, nope, no action figures here. Must have mixed it up with that virus movie from '98.
These robo-flamers are not particularly effective against the monster, who once it eats you, it adapts your distinctiveness to it's own.
The ending was poo too. This monster, who at this point is presumably unstoppable, is free to go about it's business while robocop and female survivor punch the CEO and walk away.
Sleepwalkers - 1992. Steven King has some REALLY effective nightmares in that noggin, and you can totally see it for yourself in this film. It's a king typical. Big house, overgrown yard, Bear traps, dead cats. Wait, WHAT?
Oh yeah, this one is about ̶v̶a̶m̶p̶i̶r̶e̶s̶. Er, Catpires? Anyway yeah. You've got your usual King creepy sexual innuendo that the boy Catpire is totally boning his mom, the borg queen Alice Krige.
I have a strong feeling these makeup effects, and general film attitude were adapted to the TV version of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I'd previously heard comparisons to Pitt bulls or the T-rex from Jurassic park, but when the Pretending to be a teenager VampCatBoy goes monster face, it's damn near identical to a BTVS vamp on the show.
So, the cats.
The cats are these VampCatPires only weakness. Pop one of their eyes with a wine corkscrew, and they'll madam about their shirt being ruined. Once again, an attitude BTVS copied. Shoot em with a gun? They'll impale you on a corncob (TOTALLY WEIRD)
There was one injury in this one that actually terrified me. The window in a police cruiser is bashed out, leaving shards of glass everywhere. Borg queen slides our female hero's arm across a jagged edge. YIKES!
So yeah, lotta people die, one liners are lined, and a friggin cat saves the day. As not good as this movie is, I must grudgingly admit I enjoy it. Better love story than twilight, as the Pedo-Pire is unmasked on the first date.
Stay Tuned - 1992.
John Ritter stars in this surprisingly effective spoof. I wrote an essay in notepad about this, but it's mostly fanfic garbage, so I'll leave it out.
The costumes and sets in this movie are shockingly on point. I don't think a show that takes any of the spoofs seriously could get the props and costumes in Today's Hollywood. I mean it's surprising how far they go in these.
The Premise: Dude put his soul up as collateral on a heckin' sweet TV/Satellite setup, and Hell needs to kill him in 24 hours, or he walks.
He visits a game show - You can't win. And survives via technicality - it was a trick question.
Another contract holder is killed by a copyright free knock-off of Godzilla, and then it's off to
Northern Overexposure! Seriously, these spoofs were probably how the film got pitched, Even the credits are filled with these.
And yes, he visits Three's Company.
This movie has a special place in my heart, and the rewatch was as fun as my first watch. Check it out. Really.
Reign of the Supermen (2019)
There's always something a little off about these animated DC titles, part of it is the adult baiting, like having EXUNCTLY ONE SWEAR WORD in the movie, other times it's the crap animation.
Here is the euthanasia scene for Superboy. Gratutious? You bet your ass. Luthor is obviously a richard in this one, but he damn near euthanizes his own son, just because he hasn't hit the proper PR margin.
Superboy is pretty good in this one, it's the 1993 Superboy. I liked the character, one of the reasons I never bothered with Young Justice was because they retconned him into a moody bottom.
This Superboy revels in the powers he has, and has fun with it, unlike the dense bottom in young justice.
So I like the movie, but there are a few sour notes to be aware of. Jerry O' Connell does a hell of a job voicing 2/4 supermen.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 05, 2019, 09:27:47 AM
Mortal Engines ??? ???
Velvet Buzzsaw ??? ???
A Private War 8) 8)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 05, 2019, 02:02:18 PM
Private war looks like a movie you'd watch when you're too happy and need to lower that level.
How was Velvet Buzzsaw? I noticed the robot changed what he said. During the crowd scene he says "I cannot help you"
Then when he's all creepy storage unit terminator, he says "I can help you".
I was guessing the trailer was just going to be a hook and have nothing to do with the robot, dream sequence, etc...
Witchboard - 1986. Put this one off because it was too stupid, but for about a month I've left the wikipedia tab open, so I figured why not. So why not? Because it's a shitty movie! Funny enough, watching this both spoils AND ruins Paranormal Activity. Like I thought the Ouija board poo in Paranormal activity was shorthand to scare the excorcist crowd, but Witchboard damn near makes Paranormal Activity a comedy!
I mean we join this story at a raucous 80's party, where a dude who doesn't drink, and doesn't smoke, but does have a mullet, and is wearing a suit when everyone else at the party is casual, whips out his... Ouija board! But the movie couldn't be called Ouija board, so they called it Witchboard! but they never call it a witchboard, it's a Ouija board!
I mean it's all there. The boyfriend who doesn't believe, the girlfriend who slowly gets sucked in by The EVILS. Witchboard literally spells it out, it's Teh EVIL!
I mean there's a lot more to this long boring movie, like how the two dudes in the movie, who both lust after the same chick go on a weekend vacation together in Big Bear.... Are they actually after the girl? They grew up together, are spending the weekend together. OH, an axe in the face clears things up not at all.
Dude even carries his best friend out of the lake and cradles his corpse, almost implying the movie is better than it is. And it isn't... good at all.
So he goes back and things go typical 80's horror. Dead serial killer possesses 1980's hairspray video girl, Security deposits are voided, and SHOCKER, THE APARTMENT BUILDING IS WHERE THE DEAD SERIAL KILLER LIVED!
Huh, that kinda shits on AHS too. Nothing new under the sun.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 06, 2019, 08:37:13 AM
Private war looks like a movie you'd watch when you're too happy and need to lower that level.
How was Velvet Buzzsaw? I noticed the robot changed what he said. During the crowd scene he says "I cannot help you"
Then when he's all creepy storage unit terminator, he says "I can help you".
I was guessing the trailer was just going to be a hook and have nothing to do with the robot, dream sequence, etc...
Agree with A private war comment
Velvet is predictable from the first time the artist is "found" to the end.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 06, 2019, 04:05:40 PM
Wow, just read the Wikipedia on Velvet Buzzsaw, that seems like a script that would have been rejected from the 90's Outer Limits show for being utter crap.
Would probably have been rejected from the 1960's Night Gallery for being too "On the nose". I can see Rod Serling looking at the script in disdain. Shame about the robot, I thought it would be a character, but it's a one off gag. (I learned gags don't have to be funny from a making of Event Horizon video. They were showing some severed limb gag that sprayed blood.)
A lot of film synopsis are being removed from Wikipedia articles, but someone disliked the movie enough to spell it all out. That was nice of them.
Another reason to be sad Siskel and Ebert are dead is some of their flaming of crap movies is FANTASTIC. They could tear a film down in two sentences, and Ebert really had a soft spot for enjoyable poo movies. I wonder why tragedy seems to visit good people more often then absolute scum. Rumsfeld kept a piece of the plane that hit the pentagon in his office to "Start conversations" The bless'ed ghoul. Cheney literally has no heart.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 07, 2019, 10:53:56 AM
Robin Hood 2018 you just cannot polish a turd
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on February 12, 2019, 01:02:19 PM
Right, and I had heard that about the new Robin Hood. Good to know, I would have end up turning it off the other night.
I showed my mom and her boyfriend the Hateful Eight the other night. They enjoyed it.
As much as people went on about bird box after I watched it, I just didn't look, ha ;) To be honest, I really enjoyed the movie, it had a relaxing tempo and every now and again that's all it takes for me. Plus I had just come out of watching the haunting of hill house, needed a thriller fix. Not sure if I mentioned I liked guardians of the galaxy and the second one, really had a great time watching them. Keep it up 8ully, you choose some fine films, I havent seen many of the ones you wrote about. Mainly because my movie watching, it is now limited to Netflix and hulu.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 13, 2019, 01:26:41 AM
Vice. A light n laffy overview of the rise and train wreck that was the public life of richard Cheney. Really. Does 9/11, the specious wars that ensued, and the printing of facts about the 600000 Iraqi civilians sacrificed on the altar of American arrogance compensate for the casting of Steve Carell as Don Rumsfeld? Henry Kissinger gets reduced to a stick figure, as do other key figures: Paul Wolfowitz, Mary Matlin, Karen Hughes, sort of stand around, doing little other than supplying lookalikes to their historical counterparts. The production might have saved money by substituting some cardboard stand ups. Other key figures, are similarly reduced to mere sketches: Condoleza Rice is distinguished only by her black skin and constant fretting over Cheney's regular power grabs. This sad -- tragic, really-- chapter in our history certainly deserves a film with greater gravitas.
It was entertaining, but not in a good way, and it didn't give the story the serious nuances that it deserved. In short: Cheney bad. Iraq War: Bad. George W Bush: a laughable ex drunk who served as Cheney's puppet. That characterization does no credit to either Bush or to Cheney. Surely the writers could have managed better.
Christian Bale did a creditable job in his role, as did Amy Adams in hers, given the poor material they had to work with. The makeup was fantastic. Otherwise, I'd advise you to pick up a serious history book instead of waste 2 hours of your life on this one.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 15, 2019, 05:58:12 PM
Somebody really wants them a Robin Hood movie. It's probably someone my age. I remember picking up a book in the early nineties with all sorts of robin hood stories.
I realized he never made anything better and declared him lame. And he is. let him live on in the Mel Brooks sense, but he is not someone to base a cinematic universe on.
Hell, nothing is worth a cinematic universe at this point. Marvel's running their scam on inertia and RDJ, and going by the dying in space trailer, stark ain't lookin' so good.
So I'm up to 2001 in my movies by year experiment. Nothing amazing.
I just watched Valentine (2001) Hell of a soundtrack, absolute turd of a film. A contemporary review said gratuitous nudity could have saved this absolute bore of a film, but it probably wouldn't have done much.
David Boreanaz did a hell of a job making a date rape vampire seem sinister in Buffy The Vampire Slayer, but the character here just limps along. Seriously. I read he had two weeks to film his scenes, and it shows. He's checked out of a film in which he is the friggin pillar on which the island of sand was built.
And it don't work. Do not watch this movie. Maybe buy the soundtrack, it's pretty good. And the soundtrack netted an SNL sketch, not too shabby.
I guess 2001 and Jurassic Park III was my first introduction to "Stop bless'ed that corpse, you've already defiled it enough" as a cinema goer.
I mean seriously, golly that movie.
I guess Jay and Silent Bob was okay? I mean not a good movie, but got damn 2001 was a shitshow.
I apologize, I'm going month by month here, Training Day is BOSS AS HELL.
Oh poo, "The One"? Yu Law, is NO ONE's madam!
Hot Damn, Brad Pitt gave up the option to play Jason Bourne to co-star with Robert Redford in an anti-china movie everyone has forgotten. Great job, Detective Mills!
Lard of the rings: Trees and walking. I remember saying many words about this shitty film series, to be cut low by the clerks 2 Randall scene. So yeah, golly this hobbit infested, anti-technology Wizard fellating shitfest. Thatched hut enthusiasts are sexual deviants. I said it!
Black Hawk Down. There is a deep dark place in Americans that got put in storage after 9/11, but Black Hawk Down is a very good illustration of it. We feel that native life is worth less than American life, even when it's being played by Europe's best. We've got: Obi-wan, as a specialist, Horatio damn' hornblower as a Lieutenant, Lord Lucius Malfoy plays a Captain, Bane, or Shinzon as a specialist, Legolas shows up as a fucken PFC, Chopper Reed, AKA not Ed Norton/Mark Ruffalo hulk is a SFC, and Jaime damn' Lannister shows up as a Master Sergeant. Tywin is gonna be pissed!
In reality, BHD beat the drums of war against dark people, and mockery aside, that's not a good thing.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on February 15, 2019, 11:34:06 PM
I just read all of that. You are a captivating writer, my friend. Goodnight
I'm not sure I watched the end of jurrasic world 2. Showbox is a great app. I watch gunsmoke and bonanza at work.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 16, 2019, 11:47:16 PM
nothing new
That's Entertainment
Yes I did enjoy it, you know what your getting and you get it !
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 17, 2019, 12:21:33 PM
The Interview - Holy crap was it hilarious. my favorite bits were Eminem and the Margarita joke.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 22, 2019, 11:16:32 PM
action and Wahlberg at his fastest talking yet ;D ;D I fell asleep
but had a bottle of red wine and hikes
Enjoyed, but it has dogs in 8) 8)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 01, 2019, 08:52:17 PM
Overlord 2018
I liked the movie, but a lot of things felt like they got cut down for time, and just like sicario 2, there are entire scenes that are not subtitled. Even worse, the CC has crap like [Speaking French] or [Speaking German] instead of saying what the hell the characters are speaking.
I for instance, wanted to know what the reanimated head was saying, but all I got was [Speaking French].
The sets are also way more designed, as if there was supposed to be more movie down there. That being said, some of the scenes in the farm house drag on before we get into WTF country.
So, overall it's a decent film, extremely gory if you're going to watch it with other people, maybe don't let the kids watch it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 02, 2019, 12:00:36 AM
I read the Wikipedia synopsis. Sounds intriguing, except I'm not so big on gore.
I watched "The Trials of Henry Kissinger" tonight. He was not a nice man, prone to play chess with the lives of millions of innocent civilians. Christopher Hitchens was central to this film. I saw him speaking at the U of CA Berkeley law school once. He was brilliant. I really miss him and his insights. Lord knows we could use him these days.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 02, 2019, 12:30:29 AM
Green Book, struggled at first but then I really enjoyed. Was it worth the Oscar ???? Dont care
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 08, 2019, 12:21:58 AM
Aquaman - as with most first films that set the scene, it was ok
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 08, 2019, 05:21:37 AM
Captain Marvel
Horrible cam, Decent flick. I mean it's not amazing, and everything in the 1990's is happening in one time period, but I'm pretty sure that happened with every other "back in time" film.
The cam also doesn't have the post credits scenes, which Marvel have made mandatory viewing, rather than fun, how they used to be.
The twists were good, the de-aging was good, and the cars were hilarious. Fury drives a '90's impala. I thought they were uggo at the time. Now I think it looks like a decent sedan, compared to some of the crapboxes coming out now.
Sadly, Danvers is not a NIN fan, she just stole the clothes ala Terminator.
Nick Fury though, Holy crap is he awesome as a sidekick to Danvers. Not at all the Grim Jerk from his other appearances, Sam Jackson really has fun with it.
I really liked the 90's Quinjet, and they explain why they are so friggin' badass and fast circa Avengers 2012 here.
I honestly never thought I'd like anything to do with the Kree/Skrull war. I always thought both sides were assholes, and this film is far more nuanced.
So, don't watch the CAM. Either go see it, or wait for the official release. God, the constant russian overlays pissed me off so much...
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 29, 2019, 11:48:11 AM
Lucky Number Sleven / Smokin' Aces.
A duology here, or twin film thing. Usually you get one artsy fartsy, one retardy Springery. Huh, I don't know what the modern day Springer analogy would be.
Kind of like Deep Impact / Armageddon (Sorry c Boss) or Olympus has fallen / White House down.
Ironically, in this case, both movies are both poo and amazing.
Specifically, Sleven seemed too clever for it's own good, First with Bruce Willis phoning in a story about a Kansas city shuffle, and then I wanted Morgan Freeman dead as soon as he started spouting cowpoo about shmoo.
Thankfully, the film walks away from that poo after a rocky start, and an enjoyable film follows. Not a great film, maybe not even a good film, but an enjoyable film.
Smokin' Aces
Honestly, I thought these were the same movie for a long time. Ryan Renolds once again turns in a performance for a movie far better than what is actually on screen, I really liked this movie.
Kind of hard to explain without spoiling stupid poo, the turn is actually pretty damn' stupid. If you ignore it, and just follow the central premise - Million Dollars on Jeremy Piven's head, then it's an okay film. I didn't care for the white supremecist killers, but pre- Captain Kirk Chris Pine was pretty good. I don't think the other two in his crew even had speaking lines, and they were annoying cartoon characters.
I feel like there was supposed to be more here than the film actually delivered. We see Piven with a chest scar, as if he's already had heart surgery, and the death contract specifies that the heart must be retrieved, but once again, it folds back into the stupid shitty twist that was no good.
Polar - Do not watch this movie. It's garbage. Part of why I watched the preceding two was to wash this bless'ed garbage movie out of my brain.
It's a mean spirited pointless romp about a Contract Killer organization killing off their hitmen on retirement because they don't want to pay pensions, as if a criminal damn' job comes with a pension.
This film is shockingly mean spirited, as if they were mad that John Wick existed first. They even have the protaganist adopt a freakin' adorable leathery monsterface dog, only to have him blow it's brains out in a shitty flashback, whose payoff isn't even worth it.
Seriously, that dog deserved better than being in this bless'ed garbage movie. I watched it on a streaming site and I still want my money back.
I actually searched why the movie sucked so bad. DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU USE BING. {removed descriptive text. I may have seen it, but there is no reason to project it into your brain.} I have no idea how to scrub this from my mind. Also I got some pretentious golly with a ledger joker poster behind him, but it's the other thing that has left me mentally scarred.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Alfonz on March 30, 2019, 06:37:28 AM
Galaxy Quest
Had somehow never seen this movie, it was entertaining enough but probably could be done better today.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 30, 2019, 11:31:23 PM
Funny enough, I'd disagree. Not that Galaxy quest isn't a classic, but there's something that slowly drained heart out of movies, and it started shortly after GQ.
For instance, it think they'd cut out the entire Gorignak sequence, and the Thermians would have had deep cuts as well, for runtime. Any scenes where characters just hang out would be excised for firefights.
If you mean the effects, well one of the running jokes is that the effects on the original series were complete crap. When Nesmith fires on the alien ship because he's hung over, he just flat out says "Fire the blue particle cannons, fire the red particle cannons"
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 01, 2019, 08:59:27 AM
ironically enough, JJ trek lifts quite a bit of the plot from galaxy quest. The weird spiny bad guy ship with bad steamy environmental controls, Bad guy sits around in the dark being EVIL. His primary form of entertainment being TORTURE OF HOSTAGES. Time travel is a PIVOTAL component of the story.
The Captain is a COCKY JACKASS who takes the situation TOO LIGHTLY resulting in HORRIBLE CONSEQUENCES. His first officer LOATHES HIM.
The PROTAGANIST ends up on an ALIEN PLANET and is chased by a GIANT MONSTER.
A cowpoo element (Element 13, or Red Matter) is central to the main plot, but is in reality a STUPID MCGUFFAN
Both ships travel through black holes even though that is a STUPID IDEA.
Both movies were followed by a TV series revival.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 02, 2019, 02:54:43 PM
For lack of something better to do, "Leaving Neverland," the 2-part 4-hour documentary about two men who, as children, became close to Michael Jackson for a short time. I was very skeptical of this, mostly because of the hoopla surrounding the deceased celebrity, and what seemed to be a peculiar about face by two children who swore in court on a stack of bibles that the singer had done nothing inappropriate with them during their unsupervised visits. The men explained that they were in the graces of the star for a while until he grew bored with them and replaced them with other boys. In the documentary, they describe a series of inappropriately intimate behaviors between man and child that are against the law in most states.
I just finished part 1. It could easily have been edited to half its present length. The descriptions of Jackson's behavior by the families and his alleged victims, two former aspiring child stars, were believable.
One comes away with a disturbing perception of the power of celebrity and of people's willingness to jettison common sense in the presence of big stars. Would you let your 7 year old daughter sleep with a 40 year old pop singer of the opposite sex? No? Well, why would the same prospect for an arrangement involving your son of tender years with a man four or five times his age not set off warning bells in your head? The parents seem to realize in retrospect that they should have been more vigilant. Apparently, being overwhelmed by glamour and generosity was enough to dampen any apprehensions they might have had.
The children were so into Jackson and the parents did nothing to persuade them to channel their energies into a healthier direction. The two boys were very talented dancers, but the pelvic thrusts and crotch grabbing that might have been acceptable in an adult male pop star seemed especially inappropriate in the dance routines of 5 year old boys. Call me old fashioned, but that, alone, had me scratching my head and asking, "what is wrong with these people that they let their child perform like that in public or anywhere else?" Not ok for a 5 year old. No. Not in Australia. Not in America. I can't help but feel the parents were partially to blame by being willing participants in the larger sexualization of children that such routines implied. The whole business is unwholesome in the extreme.
What is more inexplicable about this is that these events took place quite a while after the original Thriller album (1982) which met with such justifiable critical acclaim and before there was a whiff of anything especially off about Jackson. The children's involvement began a half decade later (1988 for James Safechuck and 1989 for Wade Robson) during a period when the star's odd behavior had begun to manifest itself via repeated and increasingly damaging plastic surgeries and other juvenile displays.
So it's not like anyone with a half a brain couldn't have seen that there was something off about the guy.
In sum, all this documentary manages to do is to put to rest any doubts any of us may have had about the fact that Jackson was a deeply damaged human being who took advantage of young children to their detriment. There's some twisted and very sad events described in this. But it's so slow and so long that I kept falling asleep in the middle of it, so not the most riveting thing to watch late at night.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 04, 2019, 08:10:21 AM
The Highwayman was ok not as bad as i thought and loved the photos of the original people at the end.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 04, 2019, 09:50:42 AM
"Let's make the car a place of quiet Tommy-gun loading"
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 04, 2019, 11:31:43 AM
The Highwayman was ok not as bad as i thought and loved the photos of the original people at the end.
That looks like it might be entertaining. And a good deal more engaging than another couple hours watching a documentary about a pedo.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 09, 2019, 12:43:34 AM
Vice 2018 I enjoyed a lot, interesting with touches of humour
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 09, 2019, 01:02:40 PM
I liked that film. It's been a while since I saw it. Christian Bale did a good job in that role and the makeup was amazing. Steve Carrell is no Donald Rumsfeld, though--that part didn't work for me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 19, 2019, 05:45:50 AM
True Romance
Got damn that is a coked out movie.
I've heard that True Romance and Natural Born Killers were originally one long Tarantino Road Trip script.
Can't say I see it. All four "heroes" are idiots, but Woody and Juliette were just mean spirited. I felt like I needed a shower after NBK, this film is a bit more triumphant.
Clarence and Alabama are just morons in way over their head.
I really like the finale, and James Gandolfini is pretty freakin' dark here.
The Dialogue has aged poorly. We are introduced to our Hero Protaganist talking about how he isn't gay, but if he had to, he'd golly Elvis. It's not a sympathetic portrait, and honestly, he doesn't get much better.
Alabama doesn't come off much better, a hooker of four days, who has fallen in love with the john.
Gary Oldman is as usual, a chameleon, but I'm kinda pissed he killed Sam Jackson so early, I wonder what that character might have become. Maybe a hunter of the cursed suitcase... Wait, Wrong movie.
I'm honestly surprised I've never seen the movie before, but Tony Scott was a hell of a director. He hits the notes that bless'ed hack Michael Bay wishes he could.
So it's flawed, but definitely worth watching. And Brad Pitt is useless. That was fun.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Alfonz on April 20, 2019, 11:06:57 PM
The Highwaymen.
Entertaining enough. Haven't seen Costner in much lately so it was good to see him in a recent film. Well worth the watch, especially if you know the history of these two outlaws.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 21, 2019, 12:28:29 AM
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang. How the poo did I never see this before? It's hilarious! I was shocked to find out it was Shane Black's directorial debut.
I'm also shocked I'm so fond of a movie in which Robert Downey Jr pisses on a corpse.
little c would like it, it plays back a lot like Long Kiss Goodnight, and was made to spite the people who called that film a failure. Shane Black is great.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 27, 2019, 11:36:35 PM
Full of Known actors, how truthful I have no idea. Accents a little hard to understand at times (or i am just going deaf). Enjoyed
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 28, 2019, 12:27:12 AM
Endgame, well, 99.5% of it. Chinese site I used cut off the credits. huh, all the cams cut off. Guess they didn't want to get caught.
Weird, even the youtube postings of just the credits cut off at the exact same point.
So, post mortem... Still don't give a golly about Thanos.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Schmoogsley on April 28, 2019, 01:12:58 AM
Buddy from work saw Endgame and said it was "AWESOME!" Yeah, ok. I'm sure I'll just freakin LOVE it. >:(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 28, 2019, 01:53:36 AM
poo man, I'm sorry, I've been chopping my own post off to try and not spoil it. I'll make another thread, but as someone who's been watching from the start, I was not happy with the end.
Eh, I posted a spoiler here before, but decided to nuke it.
ooh ooh, came up with a better one, and this one is entirely context free. Banner is cool because he gives Scott Lang a taco, when Scott Lang really wants a taco.
Like, I had already ate dinner when I watched the movie, and I wanted a taco. Apparently Bruce Banner is the Bro in the Banner-Stark Science-bros.
Man, if anyone just walked up and handed me a tasty taco, I might swear for their house. damn' thrones.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 28, 2019, 10:49:31 AM
Full of Known actors, how truthful I have no idea. Accents a little hard to understand at times (or i am just going deaf). Enjoyed
My husband read that book and loved it. Didn't know there was a movie. He'll be thrilled. Thanks.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 07, 2019, 12:09:56 AM
Documentary - interesting
dont mind a low budget film but I turned it off
Not a valid youtube URL liked alot especially as it was a true story (didnt know) and lots of original footage photos at the end
cannot say if any good as i fell asleep (drunk)
different, quirky enjoyed
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Schmoogsley on May 07, 2019, 06:01:11 AM
I watched 'Ted' last night. Enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Pretty funny. I hope nobody made a mistake and took their kids to see the movie about a cute Teddy bear. lol (Was a very filthy movie). The 'R' rating was well deserved.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 17, 2019, 09:06:24 PM
John Wick III. It was bad. I made a thread about it, but boil it all down, It was bad.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 22, 2019, 12:44:46 AM
not something I could do and I love outdoor activities. First few shots made me giddy looking at the height they climb :o :o
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 27, 2019, 12:35:25 AM
Destroyer seen better, seen worse. Bit of a disappointing ending
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 27, 2019, 12:45:52 AM
The trailer music is a bit overwrought.
She's a beautiful woman. I'm not sure if I would call her a brilliant actress although people like to say she is.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Schmoogsley on May 27, 2019, 01:05:58 PM
Watching 'Darkest Hour' right now.
LMAO! Great opening scene for Gary Oldman. (Eggs, toast, whiskey, and a cigar; in bed. LMAO!)
Ok, that was decent.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Schmoogsley on May 27, 2019, 04:55:54 PM
Next on today's double header: 'The Shape Of Water'.
Well, this movie was decent as well. I don't at all understand the purpose of the two masterbation scenes.? Anyway, I really like Sally Hawkins. (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 27, 2019, 07:50:48 PM
I liked the Shape of Water, although it's been a while since I have seen it. It was in a theatre so the effects were amplified over the usual viewing platform (tv or computer screen).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Schmoogsley on May 27, 2019, 08:03:49 PM
The video & audio were superb with this 4k download. (60 gigs) The first few 4k movies to appear for download were not very good. They've only cracked the code about a year ago. They are getting better and better. This movie just may be a keeper. I really dig my nVidia Shield. :)
*Disc is still king. For now.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Schmoogsley on May 31, 2019, 03:21:27 PM
Just started watching: Fantastic Beasts - 'The crimes Of Grindelwald'. I really enjoyed the first one. Hope this sequel is at least as good as the first. I thought the first one was like an adult Harry Potter movie. I'll report back when it's over.
Ok, not as good as the first. I agree with most. Oh well. Boy, the Audio/Video/Special Effects were awesome though.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on June 01, 2019, 07:34:48 PM
Captain Marvel. I liked it fine but hated how Fury was more or less comic relief.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on June 03, 2019, 07:17:53 AM
Sam is comic relief more or less everywhere, nowadays.
Have you broken your photobucket account, sir?
I broked it real good. I honestly didn't remember I still had a PB account until I got an "Over limit" warning email, which of course I wasn't over any limit, they just wanted me to sign up for a paid account.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 06, 2019, 11:59:47 PM
Gremlins 2.
Fun movie, picked it up at goodwill.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 07, 2019, 12:09:35 AM
nothing new as of late, did re watch Deep water horizon and Patriots day again
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on June 07, 2019, 11:42:40 PM
So, I enjoyed Outlaws and Angel's, very much. Also watched most of the homesman, Tommy Lee Jones, loved him and Jennifer Garner's performance so far, but I've only had wifi for two days, so bill have to finish the last hour soon.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 08, 2019, 12:57:09 AM
the homesman, Tommy Lee Jones, loved him and Jennifer Garner's performance so far,
have also watched that, love a unusual movie (not run of the mill)
Shot Caller Harsh
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Schmoogsley on June 16, 2019, 02:14:25 AM
Just watched 'Desire Under The Elm' for the 50th time. Such an awesome movie. All star cast. Always was a Burl Ives fan. And Sophia Loren? OMG! What a beautiful woman she was.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 17, 2019, 02:37:52 AM
I suspect it was better than "I am mother."
Interesting idea that fell flat. The robots were more interesting than the humans. A post apocalyptic world with no clue as to how it got that way.
It reminded me of Genesis in that it was probably pretty low budget. Most of it takes place inside a tricked out warehouse made up to look like a high tech facility with a few shots outside of a) field of dead trees, b) cornfield, c) oceanside beach inexplicably littered with storage containers like those on the back of 18 wheel trucks. Minimal cast means few of those pesky actors to pay. So win-win for those in the accounting dept.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Schmoogsley on June 17, 2019, 02:54:53 PM
Hmmm, that's a shame. The trailer for 'I Am Mother' looked like it would be a goodie. Doesn't matter either way, I don't have Netflix anymore anyway.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 17, 2019, 06:46:00 PM
It wasn't terrible. I just heard so much about it that I was surprised when it didn't really measure up to expectations. It's far from a candidate for the "I want my money back film festival."
I've run out of tv to watch so I'm on to movies.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on June 17, 2019, 08:01:40 PM
Self/less - I'm a big Ryan Reynolds fan but this move was just ok.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Schmoogsley on June 17, 2019, 09:26:58 PM
I felt the same way about 'Lost In Space'. Had high hope for that mini series and holy poo was that one big POS. Seemed like it was made for kids. Anyway, I thought it was chow blowable.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 17, 2019, 10:04:55 PM
The sets for the aborted Fox series "Lost In Space" that was supposed to follow the movie reboot were recycled as the BATTLESTAR PEGASUS.
3 guesses what show PEGASUS showed up on.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 19, 2019, 12:37:56 AM
not many movies atm are catching my eye
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Schmoogsley on June 19, 2019, 03:49:07 AM
Watched 'The Reader' last night. Was pretty good. And sad. :(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 19, 2019, 08:03:31 PM
Edge of Tomorrow. I liked it, and also didn't like it. They do the stupid over explainy poo every Tom Cruise film does, but I liked everything else. (The training montage was dumb, and threatened to let the aliens win).
I've got thoughts about the movie, but I don't want to spoil it, so I'll make another thread.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Schmoogsley on July 02, 2019, 06:28:56 PM
Just watched an old movie with Virginia Mayo in it (Fort Dobbs). Whew, what a beautiful woman. I wish women these days were more like the women back then. Beautiful, even sexy, yet classy. Also, I don't like women who cuss like a sailor. I realise, in a way, this is sexist. Oh well. However, I don't swear around women and children. I think a woman has a right to, though. I'm just saying it turns me off.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 02, 2019, 09:51:17 PM
Counterpoint: Jessica Jones.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 03, 2019, 12:43:45 AM
red Joan - killed an hour, a couple of thought provoking discussions wouldnt watch again I am Mother - interesting indeed with a twist
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 03, 2019, 02:18:33 AM
Idle Hands. Campy and entertaining. I love Seth Green. It was pretty over the top as a send up of the genre. Jessica Alba is pretty, but not exactly a tour de force in terms of acting.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 03, 2019, 02:40:22 AM
How funny. I looked him up. I should have noted the resemblance.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 11, 2019, 02:31:58 AM
Fast and Furious - 3okyo 3rift. Not a good movie by any means, it literally ends with our white "hero" beating the native Japanese "baddie" down the mountain slope, almost as if this were a 1980's cusak movie.
Lil' Bow Wow can't win. I mean I know he dropped the "Lil" but in this movie, he's named "Twinkie" or "Twink". I'll save you some time, don't google that. It's a term for homosexual.
Vin Diesel phones in a cameo in the last minute of the film - literally. Good for him, it bought him the rights to Riddick. They jam in the "family" poo, even though half of the actors can't stand each other.
One note, the movies AFTER Tokyo Drift exist in a weird time bubble because this movie kills off Han, but he shows up in more sequels than is plausible.
Like he dies in 2006, but is still appearing in films in 2014.
That and you know, the Paul Walker thing.
I might watch the f4st and the f4ious tonight, I've got nothing left to read. I mean I'm sure I'll find more later, but I'm boredski.
Polar was poo, and nowhere near as brutal as the wick films. It's Netflix traash.
Okay, watched "Los Bandoleros" Aside from a Dominican Republic vacation, this was poo. Thankfully, it's only 20 minutes long. I do feel bad for Michelle Rodriguez. Vin Diesel wrote and directed her making out with him. Which is kind of "guh" if you stop and think about it. I mean people know Hitchcock treated his female leads like poo, but they didn't have to make out with him, in film.
I honestly mixed up the opening of the fourth film and this piece of poo. It's free to watch on Vimeo, but it's a complete waste of time, aside from establishing that while Han is Japanese, he was not raised that way. Prior to involvement in the franchise, he'd never left the continental united states.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 11, 2019, 05:18:38 AM
4ast 4our
I like Sophie Trinh. She doesn't drive a car, but she does most of the work in the movie, AND calls cowpoo on the premise of Paul Walker waltzing into CRIMEGANG
The race is very video game, bad video game. like the racing segments in GTA.
LOL, Trinh is still doing all the actual work, Walker is a charlie's angel, she ran the actual fingerprints.
Yup, total vidya game, they're in magic tunnels in the border that look like the mines in skyrim.
"You and me, we're not so different" - shows up again. weird note to reprise from 3okyo 3rift.
I like the bad guys with uzi's in the ford escort station wagon, that's furious, but isn't in any way fast.
Then they have trucks jumping. Perhaps I was too invested in the escort.
Now we have a desert chaase, reminiscent of 2fast2furious weird convoy of crime.
Now they're back in the mines of skyrim.
Actually, this final stretch is very similar to the down mountain race of the previous film. With a higher budget.
I do not recommend 4ast 4our.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 15, 2019, 02:20:16 AM
God help me, I think I'm gonna load up 5ast 5ive tonight.
AST 5IVE opens with a stunt that's a mix between Just Cause and GTA.
One of the annoying ones where you die constantly until you figure out the "trick" Still, hell of a sequence.
Another baddy has Vin Diesel wrapped up in chains and believes he has the upper hand. SUCKER! Sure enough, when baddies go for kill, CHAIN-FU.
Mr. Rock shows up and gets the one PG-13 golly permissable. Seemed a bit cheap. Seeing his arrival reminds me of the notorious runway from the next film. 5 miles long, I've read.
Apparently the baddie for this one is borrowed from Desperado. He gives a civilized, board room pitch. Dwayne is delivering garbage dialog but GOT DANG if he doesn't deliver.
Good news, bad news, he likes the dessert first. Then for the bad news, he says "Give me the veggies." That is GARBAGE, but he delivered.
Rock rides in a custom SUV, it's comical. Even with headphones I'm dealing with the quiet dialogue, deafining gunshots problem. golly this future.
Pretty sure MW2 straight up ripped the favella mission out of this movie, and I don't blame them. It's pulse pounding, no thinky action. Like, they portray Mr. Diesel as some agile cat, nimbly pimbly bouncing roof to roof.
Mr. Johnson SLAMS THROUGH CRAP, AND MURDILATES THE PANTYHOSE GANGERS WHILE HE'S AT IT. JABRONIS! It's visually stunning, but the way they cash on horrible poverty makes me feel bad for watching. This isn't toon town, people really live in these conditions.Interestingly, Vin's "crew" go non-lethal, punches, kicks, and running. As mentioned, Rock MURDILATES.
Almost seems his character has a murder fetish, and this chase allows him to sate it.
Okay, it's not subtext, Rock's crew straight up ventilates. They're not looking for confessions. Hah, then they confirm it, this isn't an investigation, they consider Vin and Paul names on a list.
Holy poo, they did an emotional scene where "Brian" talks about not even remembering his father, and "Dom" tells him he won't be like that. And then we segue into the "team assembly" scene straight out of the 1970's.
the two guys from the previous film, their schtick is spanish, and it's lame. Tyrese, lame. Ludacris, Holy poo, he does this one interested look with his eyes that is beyond this film.
I hear he goes by Chris Bridges in movies? Kind of like how Dwayne goes by Dwayne Johnson. Like, why build up the brand? Either way, when Vin straight up Brando phones it in, This guy deserves a better movie.
I think the main hench was a backstreet boy? okay, my bad, Michael Irby is not a backstreet boy.
We get a bodycount on the favella, Rock smoked 16 baddies. The RC car segment was fun. Not as much car action in this one as heisting. We get some beauty shots, but the racing portions of the series seem to be ramping down, if not gone.
poo, they literally cut the race segment. I thought I was going to eat my words, then nope, they just get the porsche. Gal Gadot gets to be pretty. She's dang good at it.
They try to do a bit about the team being burned, but it doesn't work, they're CRIMINALS. One fun subversion, they kind of rely on the "it's not really him" thing with Vin having his back to Rock, then it isn't. It really is Vin.
I kinda dig the "I don't feel under arrest" bit. I also dig the second, total Stallone voice officer from the ROCK STEADY CREW "Come on H, Another day."
Also fun politic, Vin throws out that Rock isn't in America, and all the gangers pull their pieces.
Another thing I like from these films, when we go into the homes of characters, they do a good job dressing the sets. I was impressed with it in 3okyo 3rift, and I like it here. It's a weird depth of character developent that's honestly out of place in these films.
Another surprisingly deep scene in a crap film. 3rift reprise, which is funny, since this is supposed to be before 3rift. HOLY CRAP, THE RIDICULOUS SOMETHING MEASURING CONTEST ACTUALLY HAS A POINT IN THE PLOT!
They needed to know the cars could burn, and then showed them being super cool for the viewer. That's like, double payoff. This movie has no right pulling something that clever.
I really hope most of the vin/rock fight was CG, because Rocks head meets a lot of hard metal right edges.
what.the.golly. this movie just went hurt locker.
Rock's rock mobile survives, his entire team dies. even stallone voice. The vault pull is completely ridiculous, but I can't lie, it's compelling cowpoo.
Also somewhat lazy that they establish ALL the cops in the chase are baddies, and thus, expendible. oh dang, vin is murdering them with his giant vault flail.
Then rock just straight up murders the baddie, like a sneeze. Seriously, he must be bless'ed the president to get away with that poo. We were told baddie runs Rio, then BLAM BLAM, like Rock doesn't even look at the politician when he kills him.
The vault fake out is cheap. Honestly, Gal Gadot earns her MVP this movie. Dang. Sleeze lord grabbed her ass, and it got them 100 million dollars. Talk about a sexual harassment settlement. Plus the politician is dead!
Hell of a mid credits scene too. Hey, Dead person might not be dead!
Weird thing, I drank like, a poo ton of beers watching 3, and wrote far less than I did on Ast 5ive. One beer this time. Can. Miller. Not really worth writing about, but still.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 16, 2019, 11:49:46 PM
Rocketman really enjoyed McKellen Playing the Part interesting COLD BLOOD so so ??? John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum you know exactly what your getting
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 17, 2019, 12:49:59 AM
Fast 6.
The one alotted PG-13 F-drop was a lot less cheap. Good life advice actually.
If a girl shoots you, STAY THE golly AWAY FROM HER.
The Rock is jumping around like spider-man, which I found somewhat less believable
The crew is assembled fairly quickly, less time being spent on it than the previous film.
The baddies drive weird F1 cars with metal flip plates, I'm sure that was a hell of a toy. With all the toy tie-in films I'm shocked Fast and Furious doesn't do a hot-wheels tie in. But I have heard the eventual goal is fast and furious in space.
The captioning unsynced, I was mucho unhappy.
I broke for dinner and came back.
Gal Gadot, DANG.
We get a baddy comeback from a prior film
And then we get a hot car moment, almost as if they remember what the series was about.
The Letty / Dom Car race is honestly more romantic than the actual prior interaction. Nice callback too, he makes her fire off her NOS tank before he does, which was a primal sin in the original movie.
I just realized, we got stupid nose punch agent, but Sophie Trinh doesn't come back. That's a damn shame, she was a decent character in a cookie cutter lineup
Rock's script derived banter has improved. Which isn't saying much, but it is more fun.
That's why people like the Rock in movies, he makes garbage look good.
"Brush up on your spanish, I'll see you in España"
Honestly, I'm reminded of KnightBoat at this venture.
Every week there's a canal, or inlet! or a Fjord. QUIET! I will not hear another word against the boat!
That was good. I even like that Egg Diesel was willing to die for Rodrieguez. That's a nice beat, when Vin is about as romantic as a toaster.
Rock pulls a weird double cross that makes no sense, besides ROCK AND ROLL MANG!
Baddies pull the C-130 unit. Russians are flying it for some reason.
Okay, yes, the fact that they are still on the runway after several minutes of fight scenes IS confusing. Entertaining as hell though.
1:50 - things are a bit of a mess at this point, multiple people are firing harpoon guns? and they all fail?
Gal Gadot gets eaten by darkness? like literally, she pulls out a gun, shoots at baddie, and vanishes into the dark. Maybe they didn't want to do a gritty death scene for her character?
I feel Jordanna Brewster has been somewhat mistreated by the franchise. She didn't even get a sex scene before she got damseled off with a baby. She does get some drive time here, and she makes the most of it, driving and emoting.
The C-130 blows up, dramatically, with Vin Diesel aboard. He blows out of it, stupidly, and his car really spins about.
We end this scene at the end of the runway. Took long enough.
Vin walks from the flames like a terminator, Mcguffin in hand, PARDONS FOR EVERYONE!
I've heard the Rock V tyrese line was an ad-lib. Tyrese says "hide the baby oil." Rock says "Hide that bigass forehead". Ludacris spit-takes.
Elena kind of gets screwed in this ending too.
Dang, Letty is almost drafted, Stockholm style. I've already said I find the Letty / Dom relationship off, now it's worse.
We are introduced to Jason Stateham. No clue why they didn't work in the transporter. I guess it's because Transporter was 20th century Fox, and the Fast and the Stupid is Universal.
I HATED Wick 3.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 17, 2019, 03:45:28 AM
Furious 7
Huh, I guess we're not doing the name thing anymore.
Anyway, ANOTHER ONE? another one. Han died at the end of six, or middle of three. Whatever, he's dead, the fast and furious time bubble is popped!
Hector is in like everything. His name isn't actually Hector, but that's the character he plays. Check IMDB. Hector.
Oh hey, they're actually acknowledging the fact that Letty has no clue who Letty is.
Well, they didn't explode Elena, like I thought they were about to.
The fight scene is a bit cheap. I was hoping that Jason Statham would use Rock's size against him, instead it's just a stupid punch punch.
Brian is unsettlingly fertile. Poor Jordana Brewster is knocked up again. And much like Cat Dennings when Natalie Portman ditched Marvel, she's bent out of a future movie role here. I honestly can't say if this is a good or bad thing, considering what little screen time she gets.
Dang, good bomb sequence, I thought it waas going to be han's head in the box, Se7in style.
Movies REALLY LIKE the Panasonic Toughbook. From what I remember, they're pieces of poo in an impressive case.
short insulting 3ast 3urious interlude. Now we're in LA, so everything looks like GTA 5.
Stupid dickwaving chicken game where neither Vin or Jason swerves. OH poo - Mr. Nobody. I don't want to spoil it, but dang.
So the shadowy government people want Goldeneye, sorry "god's eye"
Written by a hacker named Ramsey. This is hilarious, because there was an old pre-youtube video called hacking with ramzi
Tyrese actually gets a play. I like it.
They almost said furious.
I've never skydived, but I deeply enjoyed the dropping cars sequence. Like, how the hell would that feel? I do know that cars have been dropped without people, but that seems like it would be nuts.
I also notice the Brian Dialogue getting thinner. I know they finished batman without ledger, but I wonder how this one will turn out. I mean is Brian just going to be a head in a car from this point?
Okay, so Brian gets some fighty scenes. With the cars, I'm starting to wonder why they don't just stop. Bad guy has to speed, the good guys not so much.
We get a weird stunt reprise from a scene in the second Jurassic Park film, I dunno, seems off. Tyrese gets a shining moment. I feel like the mountain scene was supposed to be the opening of the film.
Okay, now I get what was weirding me out, that's Missandei. Seriously, Missandei gets the cheesecake scene. And it's quite the cheesecake scene. With added misogyny. Men calling dibs on DAT ASS, with rock paper scissors.
Well they are in the UAE.
Ronda Rousey shows up, and dang. I never thought I'd consider Michele Rodrieguez a delicate waif, but every time she punches Ronda, I expect her hand to snap off. Ronda is a BRICK HOUSE.
Ronda doesn't really have acting chops. Gina Carano was in the previous film, and she was friggin Philip Seymour Hoffman compared to poor Ronda. Like, JAWS, from the old cheesy bond films laps Ronda.
The fight is pretty hardcore.
Luda gets to throw some close quarters. Looked good! But then Vin gets to do some CQD - driving, you get it.
We get creepy surveilance, and baddie is hiding out in a MW2 map. Mr. Nobody gets a pretty cool but sadly short scene after his protege eats it, but honestly, what a waste.
WOW, Mr. Nobody is secure in his masculinity. Lets Vin Fireman carry him. Mr. Nobody has Tony Stark level armor. Sadly, it's IM1 level, and he's gutshot.
I kept expecting Mr. Nobody to cross the team, I'm happy they didn't. Mainly because Mr. Nobody is one of my favorite actors.
The secondary baddie, I'm having trouble with him, because he was some stupid greebly beard baddie in an MCU movie. one of the Thors? I think they changed cars a couple times, Missandei goes from a 70's beater to the rice rocket Brian is driving, and it isn't explained, she's just in a different car now and deal with it. And they're up against VTOL drones, that give up? For some reason.
Seriously though, I wish they'd cast anyone but silver beardo for chopper baddie. Vin and Jason run chicken against each other, again, and once again, neither choke.
Beardo baddie blocks the hacks, Rock gets high, and loads up his gun. Vin and Jason caveman fight.
Same thing with Michelle vs Ronda, Jason can't nimbly pimbly against Vin's HUGH ARGH.
Wow, Rock slams an ambulance into the drone enemy. That was impressive. Then he picks up a vulcan cannon (Minigun)
Ooh, I actually like this, when the baddies lose their nightmare surveilance ability, the military sends in fighter jets to kill the golly out of them. A lot of time in the movies, it's like "At this point, the military would say golly it and carpet bomb the movie." And that gets some play here.
All the baddies die, Rock drags Jason Statham off to " We point guns at you 24/7 prison"
The team sits on a beach watching Dead Paul Walker be not dead.
Honestly, the veneration seems a bit much to me. Dude liked 13 year old girls.
Anyway, that's where 7even leaves it. Giselle, Han, and I guess Brian are dead.
Eh, I got nothing going on tonight, maybe I'll mainline it until hobbs and shaw.
I DO know that the 30 year old 17 year old from 3okyo 3rift was only permitted to do this one cameo by CBS. I guess NCIS holds your life by the balls. Sucks for Sean Boswell, works out great for Michael Weatherly.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 17, 2019, 06:18:19 AM
It's a little fun seeing Universal jump companies each film and wondering if we'll get that bombast theme.
We don't here. We open on a long strip of ocean straddling road. We're in Cuba!
Asses abundant, but I shouldn't whine, that's a series staple.
Eh, Vin being folk hero is stretching things even beyond existing stretch.
Oh hey, Dom subscribes to the T2 life plan - No fate but what we make for ourselves.
Rock Hakas with little girls, dang.
Not gonna lie, I want a movie where those girls are the crew. Vin is getting long in the tooth.
Rock's character gets a first name, LUKE HOBBS.
Oh poo, they're actually acknowledging that Vin is burnt out on this.
To be fair, Rock did lock the team up AND got several members killed over the last two films.
Wow, I'm shocked at how blatant the shift is from old FF to Hobbs and Shaw, like it's literal.
DAMNIT, Tormund is a bad guy? NO! ME NO LIKE!
Jason Statham is a bad guy at this point, but you WANT him to win.
Huh, Rock does some parkour poo, and it feels less crappy than when he was spider-man jumping two films ago.
Statham gets his first good guy moment, saving Missandei.
oh god, they're seriously damseling Elena. And worse. They add a baby.
This is a fairly well written out for Jason Statham, he's not a baddie, he's been blackmailed!
Huh, baddies hacking the "collision detection" on vehicles and using it as a swarm attack is fairly scary stuff.
I'm surprised the vehicle companies allowed this, one of the barriers to racing games is manufacturers saying they don't want their cars scratched up in any way.
They fridged Elena. I don't like that, it's poo writing. Making the "Man" work through his trauma. Cheap and bad.
On to the polar sub base.
Serious MW2 flashbacks here.
Soviet base, nukes in play.
Okay, that's nonsense. Charlize Theron directs Tormund to kill Dom's team, yet he leaves Dom sitting in the car.
That makes no sense, Dom would be the first person to shoot.
I do like that Roman is the straight up bait in this sequence. In the last movie it didn't really pull off, but he does play the highly visible bait extremely well. He IS driving a bright red Lambo, on an ICE SHELF.
Damn, he killed a whole team of baddies.
Oh dang, the Shaw brothers. That's like, a reference even. I didn't get that until now. Shaw Brothers.
A good reference.
I like vin's crazy eyes when he faces off with Tormund, that was dope. CRAZY EYES YO.
I thought the pacifier was hilarious, having Jason Statham be a bloodier, more horrible version is a laugh.
Still mad about Elena, that was horseshit.
Oh dang, this is the COD4 mission at the end where you storm the plane. Maybe it was MW2, it all sort of blurs.
But Jason Statham in a murder spree with a kid carrier is gold. He even gives the little dude ear protection. MVP Statham!
Rock getting in a jaws line "We're gonna need a bigger truck" is pretty boss, considering he's been riding in an oversized SUV since he showed up.
Honestly, I wish the kid was Jason Statham's. (it would be way cooler)
God Damn!
Eight seasons of game of thrones, they kept saying "the pack survives"
And this movie tops it simply by having "the crew" stack their cars in front of Vin Diesel so he doesn't die.
Seriously, cheap heartstring pulling or not, it bought me, as a viewer.
I do like that they didn't make Scott Eastwood evil. Would have been super easy, but they didn't do it.
He even gets to attend "familia" dinner.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 17, 2019, 06:29:54 AM
I'm about to watch a CAM for these reviews. Do you get that? a CAM!
Hobbs & Shaw
I don't like the GI JOE poo with Idris. Or the virus.
I'm getting really annoying bitcoin ads.
Hobbs & Shaw make breakfast, Shaw sells it.
One thing that this movie should make interesting is that Hobbs no longer has access to "The crew" something he's relied on since joining the series.
Rock drops a "Nice Tats" line.
I'm a little pissed that the CAM is letterbox. I mean we're all on 16x9, aren't we?
I'm digging the development on Shaw, children with explosives. YEEEEAAAAHHH!
And his mom picks locks!
Double Snap, Reynolds is a LANNISTER!
Hah, a co-op on the one PG-13 golly!
Aww, half an actual rock quote. Take the chair, turn it sideways, and shove it down... a throat.
NOOOOOOO Threaten to shove it sideways up his candy ass!
I am enjoying the film.
crap, more idris. some technical superiority poo out of Deus Ex from 1997
OH GOD DAMNIT, the worst cutscene cowpoo out of a video game type plot.
Not only is everyone decent put on their ass, the baddies get an unstoppable window to do whatever they like.
The movie is good, but this type of writing is always poo.
sure enough, Idris is some robocop type poo, Statham already killed him.
And of course, Idris has a tron cycle.
Honestly, this whipidey dipitty poo is more likely to kill the franchise than Vin growing additional neck folds.
Yup, idris tron-cycle gives him the edge. Instead of credible threat, he comes off as cheat codes.
Oh man, Ryan Reynolds played the shoneys line from Rick & Morty.
We got a stupid "They would be much more powerful as an ally" "They must join us or die" scene. Funny enough, Idris is CON, he doesn't want to bring them in.
I HATED Idris so far, but he's got an idiot boss.
Now I feel bad for the killing machine. Gotdamnit.
More bitcoin poo.
Weird, they actually talk about gender politics when Elena got killed last movie.
I don't like Kevin Hart, but he's good in this.
Hah, he job interviews.
I do like the gear up, and the rock mock.
idris gets a bit more blah blah.
We get our "poorly written film" 45 minute countdown. I don't remember the minute count on the actual film, but it was less than 45 minutes at this point.
I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but Iron Man was supposed to have a stupid 15 minute countdown, instead they actually wrote a compelling showdown. They didn't want to, but the visual stunt they were going to use didn't work out.
Hobbs & Shaw work through the vehicle bay. painfully.
Oh hey, competent baddies. I can't say I like it, but it was about time for them to roll into some movie.
un-subtitled russian dialogue.
Hobbs is up poo creek. Shaw is up poo creek.
Weird, this is almost the same premise as Rainbow Six. A privliged elite being allowed to survive, while most of the world dies. It's probably a fairly common roadmap.
I think this might be the russian distro, the science guy said something I didn't understand, then killed some baddies with a flamethrower.
Idris killed flamethrower boy.
Cult lab got blown to poo.
Statham's car is straight up a halo warthog without a minigun. Like, the fact there are no lawsuits is mindboggling.
They even do the endstage warthog run where you drive the level to avoid death.
A lot of movies do the "I got you" grab. The rock is someone who can sell that. If he reaches out, he's got you. like, I would feel safe. Would you?
Hah, Kevin Hart got a solid utility pickup. I know I've been saying MVP over these reviews, but Kevin Hart is solid support.
I think Hattie gets MVP, she was willing to carry SUPER EBOLA.
HAH, seeing Rock get called Skin and bones is hilarious.
Samoans with a pickup and can of gas more effective than battle of Winterfell.
That being said, they went from night to day in about 30 seconds.
I think this was an Army of Two map, to go with the MW2 map thing I've mentioned in prior films.
Movie is long enough it triggers the Are you a robot warning. on a pirate website.
Honestly, the entire defense is poor. They had to keep one woman protected, and instead they went full loincloth.
And that meant the baddies got the woman.
"good guys" snag a blackhawk with a tow truck.
And reel the baddies in like a fishing pole.
Idris executes a pilot for, flying wonky?
okay, Rock's people are dothraki with trucks.
Truckraki hit the Nos, it's super effective.
More fishing pole nonsense.
They realize they can't beat Idris without co-op, so that happens, with all the slo-mo implied.
Bitcoin nonsense shitted up the climax. I THINK they outlasted the countdown? But Idris is still there.
Okay, Idris got windows updated to hell.
I don't get the mid or post credits scenes, because CAM.
So, overall, I probably would have enjoyed this movie in the theater, but I'm glad I didn't spend the cash.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 21, 2019, 05:15:08 AM
Wow, I really had a lot of words for the car boys, didn't I?
Anyway, I'm going to recommend something completely different, Long shot.
Yeah, Charlize Theron is in that, and she was a horrible monster on one of the fast films, honestly can't remember which one, but GOD that one made us hate her.
But you shouldn't hate the actress, you should hate the character, and she's a friggin Princess in Long shot.
I mean all the poo women have to deal with that men don't, it gets boiled down. And it's funny, because it's thrown out in an argument, and when Charlotte (Charlize Theron's character) calls cowpoo, Seth Rogen flat out stops and goes "golly you're right."
Because it's true, we're on a flaming ball of hell, currently under the auspices of a spray tanned monster.
Like I can't enjoy that level of satire in the film, we're living it.
Holy poo that spray tan monster could end the world tomorrow, over cowpoo on twitter!
But it's a good movie, it's entertaining, and you should watch it. Just don't watch it with your mom. Seth Rogen jacks off, and it sprays his beard.
I'll put that out, because that's the shaming angle the "Wembly News" network puts on it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 15, 2019, 10:37:16 PM
Halloween - 2018.
I dunno, the disconnect in horror movies where you laugh at the stoner getting ganked seems kind of absent in this one, and I think that's what they're going for. A lot of the conventions are, if not subverted, disregarded.
Michael, as always, is the shape. Not exactly human. They disclaim all the sequels, something I didn't know you could do, but seems like a neat trick. Maybe we can disclaim the Snyder DC films?
Anyway, they DO acknowledge the eye gouge with the hanger, one of the more powerful moments of the original. Michael still has the eye, but it's somewhat destroyed. He's not some indestructible boogeyman, he actually takes damage. No immortal rampager, but a very visceral threat.
I mean some of the kills just make you feel bad having watched them, almost as if you're not supposed to like the movie.
I'd say the film was competently done, but I absolutely cannot say I enjoyed it. I was upset by the end of it.
Maybe I'm getting old. I've read back the old Siskel & Ebert reviews, and they openly despised slashers.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 21, 2019, 12:19:27 AM
Mary Queen of Scots 2019 UNsure how true to history it is but I enjoyed
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 30, 2019, 10:46:53 PM
Doom Annihilation - Another corridor crawling shooter, the guns lack oomph, the baddies get kills way too easy, it seems like a film in search of more money.
Funny thing is they thank Paul W.S. Anderson, and this could be a lower budget take on Resident Evil. At least that one was fun. this movie sucks, and I recommend against watching it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 02, 2019, 12:31:10 AM
It's OK - no-one else knows how true it is either.
Fair enough
Wife had never watched Suicide Squad so last night we watched it. still fun love the music in it. prior to Suicide Squad Watched Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, A fan of Besson and his typical visual film.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 02, 2019, 04:37:20 PM
CBGB. A millenial's idea of the late 70's new york music scene. The actors playing the future music stars were all squeaky clean, particulary the actress playing Debbie Harry. The guy playing Iggy Pop looked like the actor who played Rocky on the Rocky Horror Picture Show, dragged into the production for his improbable good looks. Pretty boy, maybe, but Iggy he was not.
To be fair, there was plenty of dog poo and vomit, and some cute trained rats, representing sanitation failures, but this was a Disneyfied perspective on a gritty reality and it just didn't come off. Alan Rickman did a creditable job representing Hilly Kristal, the driving force behind this legendary nightclub/bar. But his mother, played by Estelle Harris, the comedic actress best known for her role as the matriarch in the television show, "Everyone Loves Raymond," neatly symbolized what was wrong with the whole production. It was lacking in gravitas and shot wide of the mark. If you need exercise rolling your eyes, this is the film for you.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 07, 2019, 09:03:30 PM
I had to shut off Solo. Holy poo is it a lousy film. Every element of the original films needs to be explained out, events have to happen at a slapstick pace, no one is likable, least of all Han, And sure as poo, on his VERY FIRST criminal mission, he drops the loot.
Yeah, we get it, it's a reference to why Han was in trouble with Jabba in Empire. It's BAD WRITING.
Like, after the heist, where the stupid CGI alien partner karks it (I liked that he died, I did not like that he existed), we cut to a criminal party, where a singer with stupid poo all over her face croons in French with a gack in a jar. (The gack in a jar also sings in French, in a deep voice.)
It's like someone watched all the poo lucas jammed into the 1997 re-releases of the original Star Wars, and decided that was the way to go.
The film has a stupidly high approval rating, I think it's somewhere around 83%, but was a box office bomb.
Like seriously, things don't need to spin or explode every 30 seconds. One of the things I liked about cloud city is that it was boring, with weird 70's aesthetics that made it seem alien to me. I didn't know what a millennium was!
So, Skip Solo. It's not even worth trying. The only reason I loaded up was to try and drain my cell battery, and it was even bad at that.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 07, 2019, 10:23:20 PM
So, Skip Solo. It's not even worth trying. The only reason I loaded up was to try and drain my cell battery, and it was even bad at that.
That was a great review. And I thank you for the comedic description. I won't need to waste my life attempting to view it. Frankly, the Ewoks were enough to convince me that I'd seen enough of the Star Wars franchise for a lifetime. I haven't seen one of those films since.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 07, 2019, 11:29:28 PM
Not a bad call, they should have let it end with ROTJ. I got it down to 18% now, random youtubs.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 08, 2019, 01:38:59 AM
I knew there was going to be some stupid poo with daenareys taryargan as soon as she showed back up and decided, nope, that's plug pulling time for me.
(The phone charger I bought off amazon is working, but I won't know if it's worth it for 52 more minutes)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 08, 2019, 02:23:16 AM
And I got sort of disgusted by the whole Daeneyrs story arc. Women + Power = BAD. Thanks a bunch.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 09, 2019, 03:29:00 AM
I'm not going to tell you to go watch Game Of Thrones because I like you, and the way that show ended, golly.
With Dany, they spend more time comparing her to Aerys than who she actually is.
They also love constantly repeating the refrain "When a targaryan is born, the gods flip a coin"
Nah, I tracked the quote down -
Ser Barry - "King Jaehaerys once told me that madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a new Targaryen is born, he said, the gods toss the coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land"
In the books, this is meant to indicate that Dany has won Barry's loyalty by proving she isn't batshit insaneo.
At one point, she does execute prisoners with her dragon.
But she bless'ed had to. Those people were never going to bow, and if she'd let them live, they would have just come at her again. So she burns Dickon Tarly.
I'd say that Dany made the mistake of being overly on-the-move. She never consolidates her rule, she just rolls on to the next group of shitbags that need a dracarys enema. Which is pretty much everyone on the crapsack planet.
But you can't blame the ending on her, it's just bad writing from dipshit & dumbass. You could tell when they ran out of material and started winging it.
A lot of people criticized seasons 7 and 8, even before they were FILMED because of the forced pace. Even the fat man says the source material would eventually hit 14 seasons, and that he didn't understand the rush.
I do, they wanted to move on to the next job, and were either sick of GOT, or hated it from the start. We get such stunning insights as "Well Dany just forgot the Iron Fleet existed"
Like, the Iron Fleet split down the middle, one of her most solid backers, YARA GREYJOY, was both routed and captured... and Dany forgot? She lost the bless'ed fleet that brought her from Essos to Westeros. YOU DO NOT FORGET LOSING YOUR ARMADA.
And the sudden end snap was similarly cheap. You have her being all resentful post battle of winterfell, ANOTHER one of her dragons gets ganked, but it was a bell.
The ring of a bell made her decide "golly it, kill everything, I'm evil now".
The less said of Jon snew, King of "I dun want it", the better. They subverted expectations by giving him brain damage. Sansa's a dipshit, Bran always sucked, Arya says "golly this poo I'm out" and she's the smartest of all of them. Canonically, only Arya has plot armor, because the fat man's wife told him he isn't allowed to kill her. So he just tortures her endlessly. Then again, Gendry was poo.
Wow, I still have a lot of feelings about Game of Thrones.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 09, 2019, 10:36:52 AM
I pretty much agree. And want to say that the odd turn in Dany's character is what pissed me off, and one of the only ways I could explain it was a generic institutional misogyny among the writers.
Had she just been a richard and behaved in a consistent way, I'd have had zero issue with that. But she starts out as a young, naive manipulated child and grows into an idealistic, effective leader. Then, for no apparent reason, she turns into Hitler. Go figure. You explain it in some way that doesn't make the writers look like a bunch of women hating boneheads who couldn't come up with a better ending than to have the one autonomous female leader go mad with power and then get offed by her nephew/lover. Maybe if it were in the books, it would have made more sense, but it really made the writers look like hacks who just wanted to get the series over with and on to their next paychecks.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 10, 2019, 01:31:21 AM
It's good to have differences of opinion, especially with people you're friendly with, it makes you actually consider your own positions on issues. I'll actually regret the self destruct on that one, it was a thought provoker.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 10, 2019, 11:43:24 PM
Oops - sorry - accidentally let the monster out from under the blanket. Apologies.
Monster? Power corrupts. We all get that. I guess my issue was the ham handed way the writers effectuated that transformation. And it was a drag to have a character who seemed extraordinarily good get dashed as just another psycho dictator. At least there's Anya. I agree with 8ully, she was the best, most interesting.
I haven't seen any movies lately as I've been studying the tax code. The fun never stops.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 11, 2019, 12:54:49 AM
Anya was from Buffy. I didn't like how everyone always treated her like poo, but she did torture people for 1000 years.
That's also a valid reason not to marry someone. (Them having tortured people for 1000 years).
Not really a movie thing though, more of a TV thing. Be interesting if we had a thread for that... hint.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 11, 2019, 01:51:04 AM
I meant Arya. I had 2 hours of sleep, prepping for an exam, so my pop culture knowledge isn't what it might be otherwise. I never saw the Buffy tv series, but the Pee Wee Herman death scene in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the film, was one for the ages.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 11, 2019, 04:03:32 AM
The TV show exists because Joss Whedon was so angry at how they handled the film. Buffy began life as "Rhonda, the immortal waitress".
I don't have the discs for BTVS, apparently the entire show is up on facebook watch, but you have to use a specific browser, and I don't remember. Maybe it was chrome?
The concept is pretty fantastic. All those movies where the pretty blond trips and game over. What if it was a ruse? What if she was hunting the monster?
I did not mean to insult your Pop-Fu, and apologize if it came off like that. I don't think I've thought about the Anya character since everyone had flip phones. UPN had some good episodes, but they kind of did the series dirty.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 12, 2019, 01:13:50 AM
watched Lawless last night whilst drinking a couple of cans of dark ale
still cannot understand Hardy. :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 12, 2019, 01:42:35 AM
I was surprised how much I liked that despite Shia.
The ending was bless'ed campy though. I get why they did it, period piece and all, but it reminded me of the film code, where the baddies weren't allowed to get away with their misdeeds.
That's why the Italian Job ends on a cliffhanger.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 12, 2019, 08:45:21 AM
El Camino -
poo, I have no idea how to review this movie without spoilers. It's satisfying. Walter White comes off even worse. Honestly, that was the biggest point.
Like, BCS, everyone has been waiting for Mr. White to show up.
When he shows up here, it's VERY early BB days. The RV is shot up, but intact. They hit a Diner / Truck stop. The buffet makes me think Truck stop. Diners are less generous.
And he undersells Jesse. No big surprise, the entire series sold him as wasted potential. Walter White was both an inspiring teacher and the worst thing that ever happened to Jesse Pinkman.
I was shocked how much I missed it. There's no artifice here. The world is as much a poo show there as it is here. Skinny Pete and Badger are still playing Xbox 360. They've got the Enterprise in a bookcase. Like real, actual, human people.
Sadly, the trailer doesn't happen. Skinny Pete might have seen an interrogation, but it doesn't weigh heavy on the movie. And holy poo if this movie doesn't weigh heavy.
God I missed BB. And it's only an eternity from here. We got something very special, and now it's gone.
I'd certainly say watch the whole show before you hit the movie, or you'll be cheating yourself.
But holy golly if that wasn't a straight up, 100% pure experience. I'm glad I got to see it.
But it does leave you feeling empty. I don't mean it's a bad ending, but you want more, and there isn't more.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 12, 2019, 06:19:28 PM
Did you ever see The Path? Aaron Paul is a key figure in that series. It's not bad at representing the inside of a cult. The ending is not very satisfying, I sort of felt they pulled the plug and it kind of dwindled away.
We watched El Camino tonight. It was really enjoyable and reminded us of how much we missed Breaking Bad.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 14, 2019, 07:31:07 AM
Breaking Bad got two fantastic Finales, and GOT couldn't manage one.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 14, 2019, 09:33:48 AM
Underworld 1 + 2 haven't aged that well
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 14, 2019, 09:38:37 AM
Breaking Bad got two fantastic Finales, and GOT couldn't manage one.
Yeah. Well they both beat the pants off Downton Abbey. I somehow wanted to run the other way when exposed to all the hype from that movie. Needless to say I didn't go see it. I think GoT -- the suits version-- is working on a spinoff of some kind. That's too big a cash cow not to milk it some more.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 14, 2019, 09:43:42 AM
hah, that was the first movie I watched on an HDTV, it looked janky. Yes that is a technical term.
I don't think that movie could have aged well.
Funny enough, Jason X, a film I do not recommend in the slightest, soundly skewers both the Underworld and Resident Evil series.
And the robot lady in Jason X doesn't have nipples!
I can't recommend that movie at all, but it's got some absolutely batshit scenes. Said nipple-less robot delivers the ass kicking I believe ALL of us horror movie viewers screamed for for decades.
It also features Jason on a holodeck, killing a promiscuous camp counselor in a sleeping bag, with another promiscuous camp counselor in a sleeping bag.
Both scenes are too good for the actual movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 14, 2019, 11:38:56 AM
I am trying to remember, Jason is the guy in the hockey mask who kills teenagers? So this is the 9th sequel to that? And how do you know she has no nipples? Is it because she's wearing a tight outfit (bustier is the correct term, I believe) or is this revealed via some kind of nude scene prior to this. I think I'd probably want to bring a good book to this movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 14, 2019, 12:27:24 PM
It's a plot point. It's Jason movie 10, hence X.
Like I said, there are some weirdly fantastic moments in the film, but I do not recommend it.
Like seriously, it's rage inducing when they go left, when going right would have been so much better.
I used to consider horror movies my favorites, now I wonder if I just wanted to look at boobs. And see vampires rip people apart.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Alfonz on October 23, 2019, 08:38:11 AM
Never really been a big fan of Marvel or DC movies, probably because I didn't read comic books when I was a kid. Anyhow, for lack of decent movies I decided to watch every movie in chronological order rather than released order. I've watched the first 5 so far and I'm enjoying them so far.
Captain America: The First Avenger (takes place during WWII) Captain Marvel (takes place in 1995) Iron Man (takes place in 2010) Iron Man 2 (takes place after Iron Man) The Incredible Hulk (time unspecified, pre-Avengers) Thor (time unspecified, pre-Avengers) The Avengers (takes place in 2012) Iron Man 3 (takes place six months after The Avengers) Thor: Dark World (post-Avengers, pre-Ultron) Captain America: Winter Soldier (post-Avengers, pre-Ultron) Guardians of the Galaxy (sometime in 2014) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (after Guardians) Avengers: Age of Ultron (takes place in 2015) Ant-Man (takes place in 2015) Captain America: Civil War (post-Ultron, pre-Infinity War) Spider-Man: Homecoming (post-Civil War, pre-Infinity War) Doctor Strange (takes place in 2016) Black Panther (takes place in 2017) Thor: Ragnarok (post-Ultron, pre-Infinity War) Avengers: Infinity War (takes place in 2017) Ant-Man and The Wasp (ambiguous, but fits nicely between IW and Endgame) Avengers: Endgame (starts in 2017, finishes in 2022) Spider-Man: Far From Home (post-Endgame)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 24, 2019, 11:44:33 PM
90 mins of well, nothing really
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 31, 2019, 08:24:57 PM
Cabin in the woods.
I get why they leaned the way they did, they didn't want it to be viewed as a parody, but some of this movie is deeply upsetting despite being a comedy.
My mom loved it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 17, 2019, 12:20:33 AM
The Public Another Emilio Estevez film I really enjoyed, A spattering of "stars" about a touchy subject.
Angel has fallen It is what it is what it is ;D great fun but no more !
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 17, 2019, 12:43:44 AM
I do like that they finally blame Gerard Butler for all the poo. One can only be surrounded by that level of event so many times before people start to talk...
I wish they'd gone the way of the Saints Row series. First one is a serious crime drama, with some humorous notes. Second one thoroughly mocks the tone while supposedly following a similar path (Take over the city), this time as a batman villain. Third one, utter insanity mixed with an 80's teen film. Fourth one ALIEN INVASION AND YOU'RE THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
Hell, he's already been in the right locations for all of these possibilities, and he's saved the President enough times I could see other people not running against him in the general election. like, "I don't want to be president, Korean/arab/haliburton terrorists are just gonna try and kill me, and this guy won't be there to save me!"
And he just grins at them across the podium, knowing exactly what they're thinking. Butler's got a great unhinged smile.
Plus you know, Earth has fallen is an easy title there.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 29, 2019, 02:30:30 PM
Technically a Documentary but Meru fascinating watch
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Alfonz on November 30, 2019, 06:41:41 AM
The Irishman. 3.5 hour long movie but the Scorsese format kept it interesting. Great cast and it was pretty cool to see Romano play a serious role.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 03, 2019, 04:17:05 AM
Rambo last blood, starts of slow and off it go's
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 03, 2019, 05:26:30 AM
My feeling with Rambo LB was someone saw man on fire and was deeply offended.
Eh, I was mad at True Detective Season 2 when the cartel guys... wait, spoilers. Let's just say I was unsatisfied how S2 dealt with the cartel people, and that I didn't bother with True Detective Season 3 because of it.
Like, just the yarn spun at the drugged out meetup with Rust's cover of "crash" in S1 would have been fantastic, instead we got morose Vince Vaughn, concussed cowboy Collin Ferrell, and a female lead who may as well have been a ghost.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 04, 2019, 06:27:31 AM
I heard people are afraid to say it sucked, don't know if I want to sink that kind of time on a Scorsese.
I just watched "the first 8" which is kind of a doco on Tarantino. They touch on the Weinstein, but it rings a little hollow. Michael Madsen spent a lot of time with the production, and he just flat out says, even if you knew what he did, and Quentin did, Weinstein could destroy you with one phone call.
I didn't like basterds. Like the opening scene, super powerful, but the movie itself didn't hold me. So I haven't actually watched Django or Hateful 8.
I have heard 9, Once upon a time in Hollywood, is not great, and he's said he's only doing ten.
I do wonder what ten will be.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on December 06, 2019, 12:22:06 PM
I watched a really decent little horror recently called IMDb: In The Tall Grass. It was quite original even though the story was a little hard to understand - even when you sort of find out what's going on towards the end.
Nonetheless, I personally thoroughly enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 06, 2019, 11:31:55 PM
I slogged through the Stand, an American TV miniseries. It started out well but then dragged on and on and on. Gak. The book looks like a doorstop and there's too much to read and too little time to venture into that. I once read Norman Mailer's Ancient Evenings, a novel in desperate need of an editor who could whip it into shape and down to a manageable size. I suspect Mailer's adept transformation of himself into an American literary monument averted such useful and necessary interventions. Maybe that was the case with the Stand. I think a skillful screenwriter could adapt Ancient Evenings into a decent miniseries or movie, but I haven't seen any effort in that direction.
I've only read King's short stories and Pet Sematary, a novel that I enjoyed a lot. It's clear that he's a brilliant writer. His descriptions are well wrought and the plots play on all kinds of human anxieties and longings. He seems to have a clear sense of how pursuing those longings to an extreme can lead to catastrophe.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 07, 2019, 12:03:55 AM
A Rainy day in New York So woody Allen The Script flowed from scene to scene, shots tight. I Enjoyed
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on December 07, 2019, 04:51:14 AM
I am sure that I have posted pretty much the same post as this sometime ago, but I can't seem to find it.
You probably explained some of this (not as much) in the TV thread as I had devoted a sum of about 20 minutes to watching The Dome only to decide it was too lame. I think you weighed in there, but I'm happy for the further elucidation. I haven't read Dean Koontz, but am not sure it would be worth it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 09, 2019, 07:57:20 AM
Danvers was an Air Force Captain, unlike Captain America who was a war bonds stunt.
She also took up the mantle of finding the skrulls a new home.
Joe Hill's publisher only realized he was Stephen King's kid after seeing a picture of him with a beard.
In the comics Danvers made it to Colonel before being discharged for being part space alien. In the movie, they pump the kree blood into her, in the comics her mom was a space alien.
The movie sucked because it was a movie by committee, and despite being announced in I think, 2014, the actual movie was steered by endgame, which they were reworking all the way up to the premier. I'm not defending the movie, it's crap, but it's not the whole "girl power" thing's fault, that was just a marvel initiative.
Like the dumb "lets have all the women team up" during endgame, when their powers means they would be better as lead/support instead of gender based troop dispersal.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 10, 2019, 05:04:34 AM
Joe Hill basically sucked up Danse Macabre, that book is a bless'ed master class on writing, with all the romance stripped away. Anyone who grew up in that? They know their poo.
So, did Joe benefit from his dad, absofuckinglutely! Is it nepotism? No.
Honestly, I don't particularly care for the Joe Hill books, but he's got his own voice.
On to that bless'ed horrible movie
They weren't allowed. Seriously. All we get is a "you go girl" montage of her falling down and picking herself back up.. The movie is bad, the character is good, and I don't think Brie Larson is the right choice.
Same time, Jenna Jameson can't act for poo, and is way past her prime. One of the not so secret secrets of the comic book world is they just trace porn and put as little clothing on the characters as is possible.
Captain Danvers had the utterly charming call sign of "cheeseburger" because she once ate a cheeseburger in the vomit whirl.
The movie screwed that, changed her call sign to avenger.
OK, was a madam to find the clip, but yeah, she flew as a Captain in the movie.
Still say Cheeseburger was the more badass callsign. Plus, this does that ugly predestination poo prequels do.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 10, 2019, 06:22:39 AM
bad form, Mar Vell was both the mentor and assumed identity of the supreme intelligence.
I mean yeah, the movie just spun that as "Kree bad!" but it's kind of like calling yourself Captain Throw Nazi's Down An Outhouse.
Mar Vell was not a chump, despite making bad plays at our hero. Honestly, this is a marvel speedbump that was wore out before it appeared.
I don't blame Favreau for dumping IM3 to Shane Black. Downey loves Shane Black.
Same time, movies by committee are trash.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 13, 2019, 08:29:11 AM
6 underground.
Wow, go watch the movie. no review, no words, just go watch it. I guess for a minimal, this is what I want out of all the movies I watch.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 14, 2019, 12:23:35 AM
Arctic 2019. not as action packed as the trailer portrays but enjoyed
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 15, 2019, 12:29:01 AM
Ad Astra 2019 I can see why it was not widely liked.It moved along at one pace, story a little out of sync but beautifully shot
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 15, 2019, 04:18:37 PM
Watched the trailer and read the wiki summary, does not look like a fun movie. But hey, different strokes for different folks.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on December 15, 2019, 11:00:55 PM
Gleaming the cube. Oh yes, I loved it
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 18, 2020, 01:19:22 PM
I haven't been to Florence in a long time, but it's a lovely city. I envy you the frequent visits.
I saw Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Pretty entertaining. Satisfying ending. I don't want to say much more except that it tended to encapsulate a period of time and represented the historical characters well. Charlie Manson has always been bad news and it's nice that Tarantino gets that.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 18, 2020, 02:06:26 PM
Have you heard about Bruce Lee's daughter and other stuff about the film?
I'm pissed because Tarantino now wants to do a TV series based off the in movie show. There were enough cop shows in the 70's.
He's dropped his Star Trek plans because of it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 18, 2020, 02:32:50 PM
You know, that was a miniscule part of it, but it did seem a little off to me. Lee majored in drama at the University of Washington but apparently never graduated. He struck me as a thoughtful man but also an effective action film star (I've seen Enter the Dragon a number of times). It wasn't clear why Tarantino included that scene except maybe to show that the Pitt character had real problems with anger management and behaving in a professional way while on a set. Lee's daughter's complaints don't seem unreasonable to me. And the portrayal of Lee as an arrogant blowhard does not really ring true from anything else I've read.
There's artistic liberty and then there's sensationalism that screws up the movie by focusing unfairly and inaccurately on minor details just to make a point that is intended to drive the plot or to flesh out a character. That scene could have been cut and nothing else would have suffered.
Has Tarantino ever produced a tv series? He certainly seems well versed in the history of TV but as for producing a viable show? Hard to say if that will work.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 18, 2020, 03:11:18 PM
I just really wanted Tarantino Trek. It's all been so antiseptic, but I hate discovery, which introduced the F word to trek.
I hated that show so much, but I convinced myself to stop hatewatching it, since it brought me no joy and just made me want something else.
Like, I'd LOVE the Eugenics wars to be on the big screen. Or even streaming!
According to Trek, the world ended in 1996, in nuclear fire as opposing genetically engineered supermen clashed for control of the world.
That's why Khan was on a sleeper ship in "Space seed". In WWIII, everyone lost. I feel like Tarantino could capture a 1996 that was a mix of 1960's/1970's looking forward, and actual 1996. You know, big cars, big hair, that sort of poo.
Kind of like how the Fallout series gives us a future imagined through the lens of the 1940's. No integrated circuits, floating service robots, the ever present fear of "The Bomb".
Like I'd imagine the first half of the season is clandestine Bourne identity esque shadow games being played by pawns. Then, middle of the season, the bombs drop.
Now these pawns have to survive an absolute hellscape for the back half. All to a tarantino beat and soundtrack.
But apparently he wanted to go with a time travel thing like Yesterday's Enterprise. To be honest, Time Travel is kind of beat to poo at this point. I especially disliked the lecture in Avengers: Endgame that time travel doesn't work the way I think it does, but instead follows the multiverse theory. You make a change, you ride a different branch, and leave the original undisturbed.
That's fine, but the lecture felt like a richard move instead of exposition.
That take on time travel would also make the solution and sacrifice in Yesterday's Enterprise entirely pointless.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 19, 2020, 01:07:14 AM
Terminator Dark Fate. Another follow on with a suggested follow on. Entertaining as always 1917. How he managed to shoot this as he did was amazing. Will watch again when out in BRay. Baywatch. Didn't realise how adult this was but passed a hour or so away whilst on a bottle of red.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 21, 2020, 07:19:47 PM
Thanks for the recommendation. Frankly, those Baywatch bathing suits seem particularly ill suited for ocean swimming. Rather ill fitting and impractical for saving lives. I say this as someone who used to swim a mile each day for exercise. I say, "go get yourself a decent speedo and save the bodacious displays for cocktail hour."
One question for Goldie. Does the Rock run around raising one eyebrow a lot in this film? I'm just wondering how it compared with the David Hasselhoff tv show.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 21, 2020, 09:47:22 PM
Die Hard 2
John McClane incurs a considerable amount of paperwork in this film, and the one person I wanted to die (The tow cop) does not die.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 23, 2020, 09:06:09 AM
Doctor Sleep - Enjoyed this a lot
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 24, 2020, 11:05:00 AM
the last full measure. A tremendous film and worth a watch. Be aware tissues are needed
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 27, 2020, 12:55:34 AM
Dark Waters, A decent film shocking as true well worth a watch Big business sucks
Just Mercy, Well acted, was ok nothing new in a film as have seen before ref miscarriage. Again a decent watch
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 04, 2020, 01:20:50 PM
Last Christmas. A tad late but a first attempt by E.Thompson who was surprised they agreed to film. Lots of cameos, plenty of wham. A tv movie to be honest
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 26, 2020, 12:24:33 AM
I feel guilty, I finally watched one of the "Free ad-supported" movies on youtube, and it was only an hour into the film I realized my AdBlock was still up.
That's dangerous, I've heard of people losing their entire google account pulling such poo, but too late.
We watched Ronin. I liked it, but did not like that Diedre did not get any comeuppance.
It turned out, I was mistaken, the east german sniper is never identified, so maybe she didn't murder an ice skater in cold blood. Also, in the original ending, she DID get comeuppance, but test audiences boo-hooed it, and it was removed.
Also, Natasha McElhone is going to be playing Dr. Elizabeth damn' Halsey in a HALO series. HOLY poo. That's like, Deuteragonist!
First with Halsey, monsterous bless'ed actions in conscripting FIVE YEAR OLDS, and molding them into supersoldiers, but then she ALSO has to play Cortana. Cortana is a thief, and she keeps what she steals.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 25, 2020, 01:39:17 AM
I doubt that's California. More likely Canada. California license plates look nothing like what's on the back of that vehicle.
Thanks for saving me the trouble. I'd never heard of that movie, and now I don't have to even waste a few brain cells considering it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 25, 2020, 03:18:35 AM
Doesn't much look like CA to me, more like a backlot on a studio.
And yeah, California plates look nothing like that. We get reflective rectangles, tend to be center low mounted.
so a plate would look like
I believe most have the California in red cursive on white plate. Vanity options include yellow lettering on blue plate and yellow lettering on black plate.
I've not been to Canada, but those plates do look like the ones in the highlander series. I believe they shot in vancouver, but pretended to be either the fictional US city of Seacouver, or Paris... France. Not to be confused with Paris, Texas.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 25, 2020, 08:58:02 AM
I was thinking that the first screengrab was more like California with the hills in the distance and that part of the road is on a pretty steep hill making me think of San Francisco, the other screengrabs come from a part of the film that looks remarkably like South Africa with its corrugated metal roofs and the architecture it looks like one of the smaller townships.
There's street signs unlike anything posted in CA. The vegetation and architecture (particularly the walls along the street and the odd little green concrete balls adjacent to the driveway) don't look right. Of course my knowledge of the state is limited to the I-80 pathway running to the east from San Francisco, the Bay Area, the roads to Mendocino, and the interstate between the Bay Area and Los Angeles. I've been around L.A. and its close dependencies. There may be parts of CA that I've not seen, but not with cars bearing such license plates.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 25, 2020, 09:53:18 AM
I've been everywhere man, breathed the open air man.
I still say backlot.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 26, 2020, 03:59:55 AM
have watched nothing of new as yet, waiting to be sent home from work. Have a few new ones and most will be poo
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 27, 2020, 11:37:32 AM
I tried to watch bloodshot, but it was too dumb.
The twist was good, but the movie was not.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 06, 2020, 12:17:03 AM
Bloodshot had decent effects but a Vin Diesel film from start to finish
Alien on the bottom of the Sea. Some good effects but thats it
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 14, 2020, 06:33:05 AM
So, I mentioned suffering through the elm street series, and it was total poo.
New Nightmare was way shittier than I remembered it. Like I thought it was meta or something, and it flirts with that, but it's in the realm of "scary to an eight year old".
Seriously. Crap movie, Wes Craven was straight up his own ass on that one.
It kind of ruins Scream for me, just more him jacking off, directly into camera.
For instance, "Heather" in New Nightmare gets both abusive phone calls, and weird burned pictographs in the mail, before anything spoopy goes on.
And it's not addressed. Stop paying attention and just play along.
Ernest Scared Stupid is a more honest horror movie than this poo.
I'm not kidding. Ernest Scared Stupid is honestly a scary movie.
But yeah, artists "tooting their own horn" aka, jacking themselves off? That's all New Nightmare is.
Freddy is discarded for this new, fairy tale jackhole version of the character, with a more organic glaive.
Now, that's something I always found stupid about F13, how they kept making the mask more goopey, when it didn't matter.
It's scarier to keep poo simple.
The Elm Street prior to New Nightmare introduced both a glove with standard razor blades (they're short) and the concept that EVERY TOWN has an Elm Street.
New Nightmare flat out discards that, aside from a nightmare scene.
I've vomited too many words on this bless'ed thing.
I'll say the scene where Heather becomes Nancy, with the gray hair streak, and wardrobe change, is legitimately creepy, but the movie immediately shits it away.
Like, they should have done 15 minutes of Heather being an actress, and then gone down the nightmare path of her being Nancy.
Jamming in the husband and kid, it's more of that weird poo from the prior film, where the female protaganist just had to accept motherhood... to survive.
Honestly, all the meta poo in scream was recycled from this unimpressive film.
I just end up feeling bad for Heather Langenkamp. Her line in the original film - "I'm into survival" is so much better than the series.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 15, 2020, 12:36:24 AM
A very powerful film from start to end
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 30, 2020, 09:41:09 AM
past an hour away, great effects, brutal scenes. Glad i watched
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on April 30, 2020, 04:21:34 PM
Stupid Facebook/Slack/blah has ruined me. I keep looking for a "thumbs up" icon to click.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 01, 2020, 03:06:41 PM
There hasn't been much call for the thumbs-up icon for many a year. I believe it's knee deep in cobwebs and why dweez might not be able to see it straight off.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on May 01, 2020, 05:35:01 PM
Oh, trust me. I don't need it. That's why I was moaning about social media and not asking for it here. I like our set up. See a post that sparks something and you respond. The interaction, especially in the current atmosphere, is greatly welcomed.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 18, 2020, 08:39:49 AM
What we do in the shadows-
It's funny a comedy movie would bring back what scares me about werewolves. I even appreciate the original encounter with the werewolves being played for comedy - "We're werewolves, not swearwolves" but when they are encountered again, they're a chaotic bloody mess.
I recently had my attention brought to the FX series, because they took a comedy series down a more horror infused episode, and I figured I should brush up on the original before watching the series.
And yeah, it's got that Taika Waititi comedy vibe, but it brought back the werewolves of my nightmares as well.
It's certainly got my recommend.
Part of watching the horror movies of my youth is cathartic. As an adult, sometimes I understand things that are black comedy, or that it's just a guy in a mask.
Even pre-transformation, the what we do in the shadows werewolves are playing for comedy, one chastises another for using a combination lock, next he explains wearing jeans was a really bad idea, and a tracksuit is more of an ideal.
But yeah, they brought the fear of werewolves back for me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 18, 2020, 09:42:21 AM
There hasn't been much call for the thumbs-up icon for many a year. I believe it's knee deep in cobwebs and why dweez might not be able to see it straight off.
I kind of prefer that we not have it. It's sort of annoying on FB. Here, we use actual words. That's nicer.
Werewolves are a kind of human canine hybrid. There are plenty of such human animal hybrids in classical mythology. And there's always the jackal headed Anubis. I wonder that the Egyptians just kind of glued the doggy type head on the human body instead of the messier "cover him with hair and give him sharp teeth during the full moon" temporary shifts.
Anyway, I guess I never really got the whole werewolf thing. Sure, they bite and maul, like various pit bulls on a bad day. What would really satisfy me in a werewolf movie would be victims, or their surviving family members, bringing complaints on Judge Judy for damages. Like, "you knew you were a werewolf, but didn't use adequate precautions, and _(fill in offending behavior here)____________ (humped my leg, mauled my toddler, etc.) so pay me." That would be entertaining. What would Judge Judy do if one of the defendants suddenly got hairy and out of hand? Get Bert to eject them?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 18, 2020, 10:55:18 AM
Yeah, no, nothing cerebral. One of my earliest nightmares is being ripped to offal under those old sodium bulbs they used to use in parking lots. I don't know why I have such a graphic image as a recurring nightmare.
My very earliest nightmare is falling off the top of my dad's boat. Werewolf is #2.
I imagine any actual defendant would be able to prove that they devolve into a bestial nature on the full moon, and then you get into poo like in Buffy, where "OK, you're a werewolf, how do you lock yourself up to protect the public?"
poo, Buffy put out a Werewolf hunter as a shitty serial killer, rather than a noble defender against monsters. The hunter kept a necklace of werewolf teeth, and rather than being impressed, the cast of the show were repulsed by the bottom.
Buffy ran him out of town at the end of the episode.
But yeah, werewolves, I don't think I'll ever be able to unwrap that psychological thing the way I did watching Freddy Kreuger and just deciding he was a joker.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 19, 2020, 12:17:51 AM
Watched "Made in Dagenham" Sunday, not a lot around
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 02, 2020, 10:05:26 AM
I suspect that Daniel Jackson's grasp of mathematics as it relates to astronomical projections is about as sophisticated as his grasp of ancient cultures. Let's just enjoy the fact that he's fiction. If he were a real actor in futuristic space travel we'd all be in trouble. I haven't seen that movie. Maybe I should. I've been watching some real trash at night. The Mentalist is pretty lame.
I haven't watched a movie in a long time, most likely because they tend to be too long. We often watch half of one at a time, not an ideal situation, but my husband takes medication that makes him tired early, so I end up watching tv alone in the late evenings.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 02, 2020, 01:57:41 PM
It's ok, but formulaic: pretty bad boy with attractive woman cop supervisor = sexual tension. Bay boy repeatedly solves crimes despite the pathetic efforts of his fumbling coworkers who resent and admire him.
His debunking of psychics and other charlatans in favor of perceptive observation and inductive reasoning are admirable and refreshing. I just tire of police programs where all the cops are supermodels and you can pick out criminals because they're ugly or have some screamingly obvious character flaw.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 03, 2020, 07:52:11 AM
I remember Sabin saying that Red John was obviously Jane, that would have been more interesting.
6, he's talking about the same character, and at the same time, very different Daniel Jackson. Shanks went into it with a Spader impression but eventually dropped it.
As to the gate symbols, I just always thought of them like phone numbers. The alterans set the dialing computer up under whatever weird conventions their phone companies used.
About as valid as Carter's "P3X-234" system. Oh wait, Carter doesn't exist in the movie. :P
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on June 03, 2020, 01:15:30 PM
I always saw the gate symbols more of like a cipher code, something that without the key, was meaningless.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 03, 2020, 10:33:20 PM
Emmerich kind of... likes doing that?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 04, 2020, 08:59:12 PM
They actually explained that in a scene that was removed for being "too slow". The Tech boom was all because of reverse engineering. Apparently the aliens, who move like a virus, never bothered with an antivirus.
On the TV series, Daniel Jackson gets pretty heated about it, he bitches out the US senator who has the power to cut the Stargate Program's budget.
That actual model was heavily advertised around the time of the film with a snarky narrator. I'm glad that type of ad was left in the 90's.
Anyway, that model laptop was also a complete POS, and I believe it was recalled.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 04, 2020, 09:47:28 PM
I have a PowerBook 92 that is still working. I think it's from 1998. If memory serves, it has a 250 MB HD. Wow. It takes 3.5 inch floppy discs.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 15, 2020, 04:44:38 AM
I admire the care you present your hardware. My MBP was killed by a beverage in the keyboard, and then living in a smoking household. Getting that hard drive out would be a bless'ed nightmare.
Mom's G4 powerbook is flat out dented inward, her optical drive is a bless'ed memory, but the machine booted up just fine the last time I turned it on.
I've been cautioned by smarter people not to take the G4 book online, and I defer to their expertise. Still, THAT notebook was impressive. I did use it for some router nonsense a while back, Internet was down, they said it was fine, I did some poo in a terminal and proved it was not fine, they rolled a van. It was a whole thing.
Back to movies though. ahem
I got a fat stack of DVD's outside goodwill the other day, and I wanted to get my mom off her youtube/news cycle that seems to just exist to upset her.
So I threw on "No country for old men". Coen brothers! Raising Arizona! The Big Lebowski! This will be a laugh and a half!
It was not a laugh and a half. My mom asked me to explain why the man with the shitty haircut was carrying around the tank... and honestly I want to know too.
from an outside standpoint, that's a captive bolt pistol, used to stun or execute livestock.
There wasn't much argument for gun control circa 1980, so that's not why he uses it. I found it somewhat interesting when he busted out a deadbolt with it, I didn't know there was that much force behind the thing.
Anyway, the movie felt like a pressure cooker to me, and not a pleasant thriller by any means. I believe the film deserves every award it was nominated for, but I found it deeply unsettling and I hated it. I walked away shortly after Chigur backs down from the trailer park manager lady. He was clearly going to murder the poo out of her, and stopped when the toilet flushed. I decided that was my cue to stop watching.
Oddly enough, the experiment worked! Mom came out of the viewing feeling alert and clear from the cowpoo fog politics and network news had put her in.
We watched the pilot of "What we do in the shadows". I sadly found it less amusing than the first viewing. She likes that the vampires are all stupid.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 15, 2020, 09:01:33 AM
No Country for Old Men is a good film but pretty tense. I don't know that I'd watch it to get me away from the disturbing news cycle. I can hardly go onto FB these days as it's primarily a constant stream of rage against Donald Trump. Right now, I don't see the point of wondering if he can walk gracefully down a ramp or drink water with one hand. And the incessant series of articles about Covid 19, punctuated by photos of people's dinners, gardens, children, grandkids.
I have plants that have to be weeded. That works in lieu of movies. I'm glad that the film got your mother out of the funk. I don't know that the vampire comedy would hold up to multiple viewings, but the vampires are charmingly stupid in an old world way. When I took French, my instructor liked to help illustrate short phrases by using books from The Stupids series of children's books. The first one, "The Stupids Step Out," kind of sets up a trope that What We do in the Shadows could be following, except there's no smart vampire killer familiar or energy sucking cubicle inhabiting roommate.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on June 17, 2020, 03:11:26 PM
Just for the sake of it we thought we'd watch Artemis Fowl as the cast and budget made the ratings hard to believe.
What an utter pile of steaming, rancid horse crap. That is at least an hour and a half of my life that I'm never getting back and, believe me, I'd file for it if I could.
If Dame Judy dies this year, her life would be a failure as this movie would be what she is remembered for. Let's hope she can pick it up and get back to some level of self-respect.
Battlefield Earth just climbed up off the bottom.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 18, 2020, 02:11:35 AM
From Alex Garland, the guy who brought you Devs, Annihilation. With Natalie Portman.
Aliens, in the form of a mysterious prismatic structure that looks like an art student's idea of LSD hallucinations take over a lighthouse in some odd undisclosed location that also is surrounded by a swamp and cypress trees. It manages to eat or kill everyone that attempts to penetrate it. Nice CGI work so the settings are pretty and prismatic. Lots of flowers, fauna and fungi. Five strong, intelligent women go on a mission to get to the bottom of this since it's threatening to engulf the earth and other inconveniences.
There are ugly CGI gators and bears that consume people in a predictable fashion. The script is like: Day 1: explore the odd landscape and sleep; Day 2: explore more and meet a scary mutated creature that eats somebody; Day 3: people start acting irrational and another mutated creature eats someone else while you discover some creepy mutated stuff growing on concrete and images from a memory card of not so happy developments of people who were sent earlier. I had to fast forward through parts of it because who has that much time? It was dull and predictable in its monster movie structure. There's a twist at the end where you just scratch your head and say, "are you shitting me with this glued on coda?"
All of this is interlaced with flashbacks to purportedly happy marriage with guy who is main love interest and while this business is going on is fighting for his life from a cluster of odd symptoms. I don't know how it compares to Artemis Fowl, but that's a couple hours of my llfe that could have been better spent teaching myself to play the cello or something similar. If I were Artemis, I'd soon unleash the hounds on this one.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 20, 2020, 03:22:31 AM
Did you miss the corruption aspect? Or did I just read a weird review?
Like they said people were melting together and poo, the skull bear absorbed the voice of a dead person. I'm not one for psychedelic films, so I gave it a pass.
I did read that one lady found out other people were turning into trees and decided to die and become a tree. That's some weird poo.
I just remember you were annoyed by the anti-radiation meds in BSG.
I don't blame you for fast forwarding though, I read the whole thing was a bless'ed downer.
I watched the preview for Artemis god damn golly spelling that name, and it just seemed like lame attempt to retread the Harry Potter market. That didn't go so well for Percy Jackson or even the harry potter spinoff.
Like they go for wonder and whimsy and output poo and annoyance.
I've heard the kid is an absolute bottom criminal in the books, but I'm not one much for YA lit. And I like bottom criminal protagonists.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 20, 2020, 08:26:41 AM
No. I didn't miss it. I guess I was tired. The prism seemed to be refracting DNA and people were turning into plants that looked like vines in human form, there was the scene with some kind of odd moving intestines inside the guy and the end where the revived husband turned out not to be the husband but the duplicate caused by some kind of melding or duplication with the prism.
That leads us to the unresolved ending. Are the two main characters alien copies of the original people? I've never been sure about introducing spoilers and didn't know how far to push it. Since I can not really recommend this film, I can leave it there for you. The CGI was pretty odd. And the scene of Portman staring into the oddly rotating cone in the basement of the lighthouse that takes a drop of blood and does the replica thing with it was disturbing but so clumsy.
The comment that her husband made at the beginning of the film about seeing her in the room and coming into it, as how he got home, etc. sort of lays out a clue for this, but he's dying with liquifying innards, so they get bundled into an ambulance, hijacked by the army and then the whole adventure begins. Later we see him attempting to burn the replica in the lighthouse video camera.
If you can make better sense of this than I did, I'm all ears. I just thought it was a good idea that got poorly executed. Devs was a great deal better. Garland seems like a thoughtful innovative producer, but this film didn't work. Mostly I fast forwarded through the ineffective flashbacks of intimate exchanges between Portman and her husband. They had no chemistry and the scenes just seemed forced, like "these two were really in love so this will be a real tragedy if this alien force separated them forever, sniff..." Snore.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 22, 2020, 11:36:47 AM
watched Schindlers list with number one son, his first time
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on June 22, 2020, 03:51:52 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on June 24, 2020, 10:22:28 PM
The 5th underworld. I was disappointed by the last two, mostly. Kate beckinsale doesn't get old though, her character celiene gaining powers just like a vampire masquerade game is pretty cool, although.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 26, 2020, 06:45:13 AM
I finally got round to watching The Lobster tonight.
Some time in the near future I'm hoping my sanity will return.
I gave up at around 40 mins.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 30, 2020, 04:52:40 AM
You probably should have had some melted butter on hand.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 30, 2020, 11:47:57 PM
Hard hitting film, struggled with the accent though. Surprised to see Usher in it
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 09, 2020, 07:36:32 AM
Had to watch as i have read the book based upon Red Platoon No bad attempt at a Afghanistan conflict movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 12, 2020, 11:57:21 PM
One man does not make a film
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 18, 2020, 07:40:50 AM
Project power - enjoyable The Tax Collector - seen better Hero - love it Red Cliff - Another I love
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 26, 2020, 12:43:51 AM
Was OK
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 01, 2020, 09:38:57 AM
Rogue Rubbish would be a polite word to use :-[
Made in Italy A pleasant little movie
An Inspector Calls (bbc drama) Thoroughly enjoyed from start to finish
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 02, 2020, 12:43:17 AM
Self/Less. 2015
I don't get the bad guys plan. Like at all. Liability incarnate.
Sir Ben Kingsley is terminal, and is approached by shadowy naffs who offer him a re-do, a brand new body, a brand new life. Supposedly the bodies are vat grown, but then the movie would be about a man adapting to a a world that has moved past him.
Which would have been amazing. Instead we get a rather dull film where the baddies are chasing Ryan Reynolds about.
The twists are all stupid. This is a bless'ed airplane movie incarnate. But even then I'd be mad I paid for it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 02, 2020, 07:44:52 AM
THE VERY EXCELLENT MR. DUNDEE WTF was this about or I turned off too soon
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on September 04, 2020, 02:42:22 PM
I quite liked The One and Only Ivan as it was well made and the true story element made it more heartwarming than it might have been had it been a tale.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 04, 2020, 04:06:22 PM
Bill & Ted Face the Music
They spent too much time hyping "the song" and then it sucked.
I did spend most of the movie laughing, Bill & Ted are as stupid as ever, the robot was funny, and Kristen Schaal is always funny when she yells.
I feel like I have that same sense of disappointment as with a lot of these decades later sequels. Alex Winter never misses a step but Keanu doesn't appear to be enjoying himself ever. It's part of the character, but it's still a Mondo Bummer.
There is a scene towards the end of the movie where they have to motivate death to rejoin the band, and it drags on horribly.
But the song... holy poo. I loved the ballad at the end of the second movie, but the song at the end of 3 is just some overproduced, imagine dragons sounding poo.
Really dragged me down.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 04, 2020, 05:16:45 PM
I always liked movies like Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, and the sequel, whose name I forget. Dude, Where's My Car! is another one.
I'm encouraged that a new one is out. I guess that's why they were on the Late Show plugging it. It seemed odd that Keanu and Alex Winter are dragging that old saw out of cold storage, but, hey, I'm game. So thanks for the review. Forewarned is forearmed, or something like that.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 05, 2020, 12:42:29 AM
I quite liked The One and Only Ivan as it was well made and the true story element made it more heartwarming than it might have been had it been a tale.
Must watch.
Starburst Still great entertainment
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on September 05, 2020, 04:16:59 PM
We watched the new Mulan this evening and it was a truly marvellous film, in my humble opinion.
Absolutely loved it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 05, 2020, 11:46:44 PM
Yeah. The first Dune movie was pretty lame. The new one does not have much of a bar to clear to be better.
I don't believe I was clever enough to understand what the golly was going on in the original. Perhaps I'm a little better equipped now and, with luck, the new version might take into account dopes like me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 11, 2020, 05:28:29 PM
I really enjoyed the book, so thought the movie would be good. It wasn't. Maybe it was a case of David Lynch trying desperately to put some kind of individual stamp on things. I enjoyed a couple of Lynch's earlier films (Eraserhead and Blue Velvet) but lately his films have just bored me. How many times can one film flies on vomit and expect people to find it interesting? Just because it's a naturally occurring phenomenon and many would find it repulsive doesn't suggest that focusing on it will equal cinematic excellence or novelty. But maybe I'm just a curmudgeon.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 11, 2020, 07:26:31 PM
Nah, they nailed Lynch to the wall on that one. Studio interference out the ass. What's worse, the Fremen were attired in USED body bags. That was a bit of a richard move from Lynch.
Lynch strikes me as the kind of person who is very unhappy to be here, wherever he is.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 11, 2020, 11:16:29 PM
I liked the book. I liked several more of the books, too: I thought the second and third books were better than the first, to be honest.
I think that the book series (or at least the original series, before the family turned it into a soap opera) would lend itself to a long-term six/ seven/ eight season show to take us from the beginning and then quite a long way into the saga. It doesn't really have enough pizzazz to be like the MCU movies, but has plenty enough interest to be a Babylon 9/ BSG style long form event.
I think the movie is doomed, regardless of quality, because in this age of internet annihilation it will get destroyed by whichever set of "fans" it disappoints, and there are too many disparate group to satisfy all of them.
I made the mistake of reading Dune Messiah before I read Dune. In retrospect, that was not the best way to be introduced to the series. I didn't think much of DM, but maybe after reading Dune, it would make more sense. As a standalone effort, though, I can't say I was impressed with DM. It was only through the recommendations of friends that I read the first book. It's been years since I read DM, so maybe it's time to revisit it. After I finish the Decameron, which I'm a bit over halfway through--good plague time reading.
I had no idea what the backstory of the Lynch movie was. My brother suggested it, so I watched it without any idea of who was responsible for it. I was intrigued by the presence of young Kyle MacLachlan, who went on to work with Lynch in several other films, but I hadn't realized they had such an early connection.
It will be interesting to see what another director does with the same material. The improvement in CGI and related special effects that have occurred in the interim should also add to the production.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 13, 2020, 05:04:00 AM
I liked the book. I liked several more of the books, too: I thought the second and third books were better than the first, to be honest.
I think that the book series (or at least the original series, before the family turned it into a soap opera) would lend itself to a long-term six/ seven/ eight season show to take us from the beginning and then quite a long way into the saga. It doesn't really have enough pizzazz to be like the MCU movies, but has plenty enough interest to be a Babylon 9/ BSG style long form event.
I think the movie is doomed, regardless of quality, because in this age of internet annihilation it will get destroyed by whichever set of "fans" it disappoints, and there are too many disparate group to satisfy all of them.
maybe the second will cheer them up
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 14, 2020, 01:09:02 AM
I watched Buckaroo Banzai. I've read you either love it or hate it. I hated it. It has an embarrassment of stars in it, and it's almost entirely wasted.
Much of it is strange for the sake of being strange, and you're never really "in" on the joke.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 14, 2020, 06:33:53 PM
The rebels weren't that great to begin with either.
At least he was willing to put the work in, unlike whatever the golly the latest Star Wars Trilogy was.
I liked that Dune was willing to make unlikable characters, but it could make the material feel dense. Damn shame, my dad loved it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 07, 2020, 09:38:21 AM
LOVE, WEDDINGS & OTHER DISASTERS poor very poor. I also watched the entire Die Hard movies over the weekend :) :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on December 07, 2020, 10:57:09 AM
LOVE, WEDDINGS & OTHER DISASTERS poor very poor. I also watched the entire Die Hard movies over the weekend :) :)
That trailer made me want to put on running shoes and get out of Dodge as fast as my legs would carry me. It screams "Chick Flick." I suspect Jeremy Irons and Diane Keaton maybe need to buck up their savings or something, as this looks like a regular dog's breakfast of a film. I guess it beats taking out a reverse mortgage.
Thank god for films like "Die Hard" as a corrective. Funny enough, I just stumbled on a news story citing plans by Charlize Theron to remake Die Hard with lesbian protagonists. Sounds like an ideal hybrid between the two genres. (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 11, 2020, 06:55:05 PM
Not sure why they'd need to be Lesbians. Holly could easily be Hal. Granted, John could also be Joan. Some of the physical stunts and fights would be hard to cross over, but if anyone could pull them off, it would be her.
Not sure I want a reboot on Die Hard though. They did the first three movies right the first time. Also not sure why they feel like it needs to be a continuing series. One thing I found fascinating about "The Trilogy" was that the scripts were all standalone. They weren't written as "Die Hard" sequels, it just ended up being produced that way.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 11, 2020, 10:46:25 PM
Honest Thief - It bought nothing new, but passed a few minutes.
Tenet - Is the movie a Palindrome of its self ??? Stunningly shot, At last a movie that isn't a remake. need to watch again though
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 11, 2020, 11:46:36 PM
God, Robert Patrick must feel like challenging Sean Bean. I can't remember how many pilots he's done where he gets killed off.
On Stargate Atlantis, I thought they were going to have him be the hardass in charge, a mentor role to Joe Flannigan. Hah, nope.
In this one, he doesn't survive the Trailer!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 12, 2020, 11:50:59 PM
So Saturday night we watched our obligatory christmas movie as always
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 13, 2020, 05:18:54 AM
You're a better man than I, goldie. I couldn't even finish the trailer.
Maybe it's because Sex and the City gave me an aversion to Sarah Jessica Parker. Although she's a talented actress, she has taken too many roles that are just the same speed and one tires of her quirks. The same could probably be said of Diane Keaton.
I haven't seen a movie in a long time. Maybe we just fall asleep too soon. I did love "Bad Santa."
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 13, 2020, 08:15:02 AM
I feel like SJP is a better actress than the roles she is either offered or picks. She doesn't appear to be as insufferable as Gwyneth Paltrow, but she apparently isn't a joy to work with, which is sad.
I read the Wikipedia article on that movie, and I would have hated it. It's a genre straddler with the needle buried on tearjerker.
The Transvestite Donkey Witch poo on South Park, I don't get. Maybe they offered her the McCarthy role in baseketball and she told them to golly off?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 13, 2020, 08:47:19 AM
You're a better man than I, goldie. I couldn't even finish the trailer.
Maybe it's because Sex and the City gave me an aversion to Sarah Jessica Parker. Although she's a talented actress, she has taken too many roles that are just the same speed and one tires of her quirks. The same could probably be said of Diane Keaton.
I haven't seen a movie in a long time. Maybe we just fall asleep too soon. I did love "Bad Santa."
Don't mind her but love it 😅😁
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 13, 2020, 08:49:24 AM
Just watched Monsters of men Nothing new with the story line, only recognise 1 actor, but done quite well, moves nicely and effect's not bad. If your into this sort of thing Would recommend. Entertainment .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 13, 2020, 09:41:35 AM
I feel like SJP is a better actress than the roles she is either offered or picks. She doesn't appear to be as insufferable as Gwyneth Paltrow, but she apparently isn't a joy to work with, which is sad.
I read the Wikipedia article on that movie, and I would have hated it. It's a genre straddler with the needle buried on tearjerker.
The Transvestite Donkey Witch poo on South Park, I don't get. Maybe they offered her the McCarthy role in baseketball and she told them to golly off?
I don't generally watch S. Park, so I had to look that up, but it was pretty funny. The caricature was spot on as it zoomed in on some of the specific aspects of her face, nose, etc. I would say her beauty is idiosyncratic. You either find her appealing or you don't. Mocking women for their appearance is an aspect of sexism that even the most backwards people might find tiresome at this point. Maybe she had done something to piss them off. I rarely see men taken to task quite as mercilessly on the same basis.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 22, 2020, 10:53:53 PM
Seven Psychopaths.
This was a real surprise. The lampooning of Tarantino in the opening scene had me expecting something entirely different.
This movie is truly an experience. I'm glad I took the trip, but I'll be damned if I can describe it.
Just go watch it for yourself, no trailer could do it justice.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 23, 2020, 03:21:56 PM
That sounds promising. It has a good cast, too. Will check it out. Thanks!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 01, 2021, 11:53:36 PM
WW1984 Yep Watched the movie, Loved the bad guy Pedro Pascal Entertained in these dark and covid days. I expected nothing more nor less.
Skylines Improved a little as the movie went on, Has nothing on the first 2 films though.
Wild Mountain Thyme Interesting and brave in these times
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 17, 2021, 01:16:42 AM
Watched last night, Harry still didn't make it :'( :'( Such a classic movie
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 19, 2021, 01:48:06 AM
I mean, they mental screened Rock Hound, and he bullshitted his way through it. Solving a rubiks cube is actually relatively simple, once you know the trick.
Rock Hound went to poo when things went serious on the big rock.
Maybe the psychologists were to blame? Like they tried to psych Harry up for the mission and convinced him to focus on his daughter's happiness.
But nah, Pride would have probably dragged Harry onto that drill. Much like Mordun Solus, "Had To Be Me. Someone Else Might Have Gotten It Wrong."
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 23, 2021, 12:05:51 AM
Wife wanted to watch the Entire marvel film in order, I obliged of course. Didnt realise there were so many hidden gems in various scenes
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 23, 2021, 02:50:40 PM
Release or chronologically? I've never actually watched the Norton Hulk. I think it got referenced in Avengers, Stark says he bought the bottom general's favorite bar and tore it down just for spite fun.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on January 23, 2021, 07:31:42 PM
Release or chronologically? I've never actually watched the Norton Hulk. I think it got referenced in Avengers, Stark says he bought the bottom general's favorite bar and tore it down just for spite fun.
chronologically, Norton Hulk, Watched but wouldnt matter if you didnt but William hurt does appear later on as Thunderbolt ross (secretary of state) and a few cameos of the original TV Hulk.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 25, 2021, 11:36:29 PM
Not for all but as always well acted Frances McDormand, with David Strathairn.
8 ish people in a garage having a shoot out, pure fun the interplay
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 29, 2021, 11:58:26 PM
Synchronic I really didnt know what to think about this film until nearly at the end. Gripping, enjoyable .
The doctor does give the plot away in a way
. Well acted by both actors.
Documentary really. Interesting to see how different CIA agents viewed the war with outcomes. A major what if, 10 yrs prior to 9/11 they had got Osama when in his holiday retreat but denied troops, what could have been.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on February 01, 2021, 08:29:50 PM
I've started watching the nee episodes of f is for family. Apparently I've taken on the shameless cartoons because I also dig big mouth and this new season of disenchantment single handedly makes me happy sometimes.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 27, 2021, 08:36:41 PM
Archive. On amazon prime. A real snorefest. Life's too short. It's one of those movies that has an interior set that looks like it's been around since the 1970's and has been used for multiple grade B sci fi films. The exterior is 1) snowy forest and 2) some futurist's idea of Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater but done with black and white CGI. The actors are not particularly gifted and the music heavy handed. I think I once posted a "I want my money back" film festival thread. This belongs there. That's a couple hours of my life I won't get back. Link for description if you are feeling masochistic. (
Wanna engage with the idea of communicating with the dead? Read Philip K D ick's Ubik instead.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 28, 2021, 12:33:18 AM
Kinda like the movies that didn't need to exist thing?
My mom wants to watch that Nomadland, but I get the feeling it's a downer golly of a movie. Sentiment goldshirt?
I don't get why she's drawn to those, they wreck her.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 28, 2021, 05:24:54 AM
That sounds like a real downer of a film. Frances MacDormand is a gifted actress, and apparently, according to a friend, you get to see her go to the toilet in a bucket. If that's your thing, maybe it will redeem itself.
Archive was one of those films that you stumble on late at night, mistakenly thinking it's a tv series, only 59 minutes into it, realizing that it's a movie. My internet went down half way through, when it came back the next day, I found myself fast forwarding through parts of it because the plot development was glacial.
The main character, a robotics scientist was a real piece of work. He was a right sexist pig dog who kept telling the robots that they needed to calm down and stuff like that. He had a crew of variants -- different models that would help him revive his dead wife. They referred to one another as sisters. This should have been set in Utah instead of Japan. The first ones were about as accomplished as the Robot on Pee Wee's Playhouse. Then, inexplicably, he comes up with another one that looks like it came out of Fritz Lang's Metropolis. That made zero sense. The first two were jealous and hurt at the attention he paid to the one that was more human looking.
I kept hoping the robots would gang up on him and put us out of his misery, but I was not rewarded. The surprise ending was stupid and not particularly satisfying.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 28, 2021, 07:16:24 AM
Van living IS the new homeless, it's just you've got enough you aren't in a tent on a street corner.
I've read the "New Normal" in my area is $3,459 a month in rent. If I had to face that I'd be on the street.
And the thing is, there isn't really a solution. The more computers decide on "efficiency" standards, the more humans will be bent out of any possible job.
Harvey Danger said that the song flagpole sitta is like a light monkey paw on the chest.
Nomadland is NOT a light monkey paw. It's a bless'ed monkey fist right to the solar plexus. I don't like the future we find ourselves in.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 28, 2021, 09:38:29 AM
California rents are out of control and housing prices are ridiculous. You might as well be living in central London. So, many people are moving out of state to less expensive markets like Idaho and other similar places. They are driving the real estate costs up there, rendering themselves unwelcome.
About a decade ago, we managed to get together with the other tenants in our building and buy the place together. The value of our apartments has doubled in that time. There's no way in hell we could buy our place if it were on the market today. And we live in a modest 1 bedroom place. Rents in this area are now more than double what we paid initially as tenants. And there are no jobs to pay enough to support such costs. It's not surprising that people are opting to live in their cars.
Something in this country is really out of whack and I don't see the people the most affected doing anything but supporting the very party that is dedicated to making it worse. I shake my head in wonder at Trump's supporters. It's comical to think that this man, utterly devoid of any compassion or human sympathy, would have their backs or advance their interests in any way.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on February 28, 2021, 03:34:41 PM
California rents are out of control and housing prices are ridiculous. You might as well be living in central London. So, many people are moving out of state to less expensive markets like Idaho and other similar places. They are driving the real estate costs up there, rendering themselves unwelcome.
About a decade ago, we managed to get together with the other tenants in our building and buy the place together. The value of our apartments has doubled in that time. There's no way in hell we could buy our place if it were on the market today. And we live in a modest 1 bedroom place. Rents in this area are now more than double what we paid initially as tenants. And there are no jobs to pay enough to support such costs. It's not surprising that people are opting to live in their cars.
Something in this country is really out of whack and I don't see the people the most affected doing anything but supporting the very party that is dedicated to making it worse. I shake my head in wonder at Trump's supporters. It's comical to think that this man, utterly devoid of any compassion or human sympathy, would have their backs or advance their interests in any way.
I was trying to explain to TNG abnout how interest rates in the U.K got up to 18.5% at one point. He couldn't get his head round it as he's quite good at maths and it just didn't add up. As an idea of how it was year on year I found this:
I was paying a mortgage in those days, and to add insult to injury I moved to the US for work. I couldn't afford to sell the house, as I would likely never have got back on the housing ladder. As it happened I got home five years later and the house was worth half what it had been. The market collapsed in the early 90s! The situation was precipitated by something called MIRAS* (or at least its reduction and then removal).
*Mortgage Interest Relief At Source: You used to get tax relief on the interest part of your mortgage, back in the day.
While it's been reduced to interest on houses that sold for less than $1million, there remains a tax deduction for mortgage interest for US homeowners. I think the exorbitant interest rates were characteristic of the go-go 1980's. I wasn't really paying that much attention, but certainly double digit rates were common. The positive flip side of this was that you actually got paid a reasonable interest rate for savings accounts in banks. The real estate market can be fickle and there have been periods of irrational exuberance as in the middle of the first decade of this century. Some markets retained their value, while others simply slumped as people tried to sell and housing prices plumeted. There was a great deal of speculative buying leading up to the 2008 crash.
It's sad that the housing market is not regulated. It's a basic necessity and, at least in the US, there's an entire profession dedicated to driving up housing prices as much as possible: realtors live for the commission they make on housing sales. The higher the price, the larger their commissions. This is counter to the common good, but so far, nobody has done anything about it. So we have people living in vans and under bridges. There's entire streets in the Bay Area lined with people living in their RVs. They don't have access to sanitary facilities and often there's litter that collects and neighbors have to put up with it. It's an ugly mess and there's been little done about it, besides bandaids like publicly funded motel rooms as temporary shelters.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 01, 2021, 06:01:49 AM
I forgot to mention that the gov't stepped in with this, the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) to help homeowners who were underwater with their mortgages (they bought a house for x dollars that is now worth x/2 or less dollars.) A number of banks were taken to task for predatory and racist lending procedures during this entire debacle. And several mortgage companies went under, with officials being charged with actual crimes for their unethical and illegal loan origination practices.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 12, 2021, 10:52:56 PM
The Little Things - not the best I have ever watched, a little scatty IMHO
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: PsPBuRnOuT on March 13, 2021, 04:12:01 AM
Coming To America 2, not a patch on the first.
No spoilers here :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 27, 2021, 11:22:11 PM
took the plunge and watched Zack Snyder Justice League cut. For 4 + hours length it moved on pretty quickly. Some parts could have been left out but enjoyed.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on March 28, 2021, 03:16:11 PM
took the plunge and watched Zack Snyder Justice League cut. For 4 + hours length it moved on pretty quickly. Some parts could have been left out but enjoyed.
We watched that but did it in 2 hits. TNG grumbled that it should be done in 1.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on March 28, 2021, 06:52:55 PM
I started watching it one evening and about 1.5 hrs in checked and saw it was 4 hrs so finished it the next day. I enjoyed the character development but feel Marvel did it best, doing it in solo movies before releasing the Avengers movies.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 29, 2021, 12:13:41 AM
I started watching it one evening and about 1.5 hrs in checked and saw it was 4 hrs so finished it the next day. I enjoyed the character development but feel Marvel did it best, doing it in solo movies before releasing the Avengers movies.
well apparently the Avengers / Marvel directors have gone over to DC to make their films more Marvel.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 29, 2021, 05:09:48 AM
Sick burns. And yeah, after IM2, Black Widow was kind of... there.
Could they have done more with Widow? Holy poo yes. Did they? No. Ever. She's the same in IM2 as she is in Endgame.
The closest thing we got to actual black widow development was when Barnes was choking her to death and she said "You don't recognize me? Really?"
When Marvel decided to have the winter soldier kill Howard and Maria Stark, I understand they had Black Widow involved. I don't know how, I didn't read those issues.
But holy poo.
Plus, the comic black widow, as well as Fury, have the Infinity formula, which slows aging significantly.
I remember wondering if Wolverine took Fury's eye in WWII, but no, Natasha is a 1980's Soviet spy/hooker, and Fury is... I think a marine? I did not enjoy Captain Marvel. And yeah, Captain Marvel made it canon that Fury lost his eye to an bottom alien cat.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on March 29, 2021, 02:52:52 PM
I struggle with movies (or stories, in fact) built around "the irresistible force meets immovable object" principle, as resolution isn't based on logic but on the director's (/author's) whim.
Every superhero story involves a superhero coming up against a super villain that is stronger, but for no apparent reason the hero beats the villain.
The long-winded version had a slightly better end to the villain, in that it took three goodies to beat him (as opposed to the first version, where Supes beat him on is own, mostly by scaring him. Really?), but even so - WW's sword bounced off him through the whole fight until it conveniently cut his head off. I thought that the baddy's suit was better in the tediously long version, though.
The reason that they couldn't go the Marvel way was that backstory doesn't help with Flash or Cyborg, as neither of them are much use for anything (Sort of like Black Widow, but she appears to be in the team solely to fill an outfit, so doesn't need a back story). And JLA doesn't really work as well as the Avengers, as Superman doesn't need help: Iron Man (or Captain America, or ...) leads a team, who complement each other but Superman is the team - the others are only there to remove any Kryptonite that inconveniently appears. e.g. Batman and Iron Man have the same superpower, but they use it quite differently)
I see so much of the Rocky syndrome in movies these days whereby you get the poo kicked out of you for 14 rounds, but just about manage to get one decent punch in during the 15th and win the fight.
This actually means you're a poo boxer with no right to be in the ring in the first place.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on March 29, 2021, 04:16:11 PM
This actually means you're a poo boxer with no right...
This is correct. Rocky was a lefty.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 29, 2021, 08:56:36 PM
I'm tired of what I call the "Jesus Christ Sacrifice" where the hero has to die to save everyone. First time I noticed it was lousy matrix end sequel.
The Wachowski's even admitted that it wouldn't work in the video game, so you got to have a giant boss fight against a godzilla sized agent smith. It was pretty cool.
Plus Tony killing himself goes against the characters ethos, which was "outsmart the problem" I also don't like that it ultimately makes Cap the winner of their little snippy fight on the Heli carrier.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on March 30, 2021, 12:14:20 PM
I see so much of the Rocky syndrome in movies these days whereby you get the poo kicked out of you for 14 rounds, but just about manage to get one decent punch in during the 15th and win the fight.
Isnt that what Humans do, manage to pull it off in the end. (except for social distancing and climate change that is)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on March 31, 2021, 01:57:19 PM
When you sell about 2 million pounds on last three day of the financial quarter and the manager states "wonder what will be wrong" on predominantly military Aerospace parts, "pull it off" is always with a cost :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 02, 2021, 12:02:20 AM
Kong V Godzilla -- All about the CGI not a lot else
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 02, 2021, 12:14:19 AM
I prefer the guys in the rubber suits stomping on models of Tokyo and knocking down high tension wires. And it's quieter, too. No toxic masculinity soundtrack.
Here: who can resist these two?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 02, 2021, 02:57:27 AM
I remember those well ;D ;D much better and fun
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 02, 2021, 08:37:09 AM
One can almost imagine Godzilla's innermost thoughts as he stomps around, occasionally voicing his typical cry. "What is the meaning of life? And must our species always be at odds with the others?"
The Japanese film Godzilla is much more contemplative. Maybe it's because it takes time to negotiate this mountainous landscape in a rubber suit. I love the little balsa wood house models that Kong steps on, and appreciate the cumbersome way the actor inside has to slide or roll down hills, with an ensuing little dust cloud following him.
And the guys in the helicopter with their miniature film camera, recording the action, remarking "amazing. Amazing." This is 1962, too early for small hand held video cameras. Sony doesn't come out with its first hand-held camera until 1965. (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on April 02, 2021, 09:53:10 AM
Am I the only person in the world who has no interest in Godzilla type disaster movies and find them a complete waste of time? I have a feeling I am.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 02, 2021, 11:51:43 AM
Am I the only person in the world who has no interest in Godzilla type disaster movies and find them a complete waste of time? I have a feeling I am.
Given there are 7.9 billion people on the planet, finding an answer to your question might take some time. But I have a feeling you are not alone.
My affection for Godzilla came about because when I was a child there was a regular 4 o'clock movie on a local tv station that played after I got out of school and I'd often watch whatever was on. There were lots of 1950's science fiction films and horror movies, like Vincent Price in "House on Haunted Hill," the Godzilla series, and various other titles, "Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein," etc. The Godzilla films, and most of the other bomb anxiety related sci-fi ("Them" for example, featuring giant irradiated ants that consumed livestock and people), have a nostalgic appeal to me. Of course this is not great cinema, but it's amusing, if only for its kitsch value.
The various remakes, including the trailer that goldie posted, throw tons of money and special effects at the same basic plot but most likely lose something in the process. It's unlikely that I'd go see that film. I did see the Matthew Broderick Godzilla, and found it sort of lacking. This Godzillla vs Kong remake sounds like it's probably even worse. I generally don't enjoy disaster movies, so maybe you have more company than you think.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on April 02, 2021, 11:57:04 AM
Am I the only person in the world who has no interest in Godzilla type disaster movies and find them a complete waste of time? I have a feeling I am.
Oddly, I have the constant underlying feeling of "what's the point of all this" when watching Godzilla movies (Western ones) but, never quite knowing why, enjoy them anyhow .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 03, 2021, 01:21:41 AM
I like Godzilla wrecking poo. I dislike the "Even footing" thing they are doing by giving the monkey a magic axe to beat the nuclear blast.
It's like all the cowpoo nerd slap fights, like Star Wars VS Trek. Yeah, Star Wars takes it by the numbers because the numbers are batshit insane. And if you have to nerf one side to make a fight interesting, it's not all that interesting.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on April 03, 2021, 05:45:16 AM
Ok, ignoring all the bad reviews Chaos Walking ( got we watched it on the strength of one review that sadi they didn't really understand the bad press and enjoyed it enough to watch it again.
All four of us laughed a lot and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 08, 2021, 01:12:31 AM
The Recruit
Al Pacino, Collin Farrell.
Collin Farrell is at his Collin Farrell-nest, jumping at punching bags, doing weird little gestures.
I saw this movie years ago, my Uncle rented it and my Grandma talked through the whole thing.
It's bleak. It's a bleak mess, and I kind of love it. There are no clear answers in this movie. They do avoid the "It was all a dream" solution, but at the end of the movie, the Protagonist has been taken for a ride, and it may just be another rung on the ladder.
I was pleasantly surprised.
During it's heyday, the movie was considered a schlocky mess, and yeah, maybe it is, but they go to some dark places.
I'm honestly surprised they didn't try to turn this one into a franchise like Bourne, but it got an extremely lukewarm reception at the time.
It's definitely worth the time spent watching. I was going to downsize this DVD out of the collection, but now I think I'll hold on to it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 09, 2021, 12:20:13 AM
Personal Services, Julie Walters and various well-known British Actors, Actresses, Old but still good
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 26, 2021, 05:05:38 AM
Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
I found the entire movie unpleasant. Like when people say "It's a turn your brain off movie!" I can believe it with this one.
These two remorseless bottom contract killers meet while on a job. A later line in the film shows that He is in love, she considers him a beautiful mark.
And it only gets worse from there.
Mr. Smith seems to work for the more brute force, get the job done by whatever means necessary type agency, while Mrs. Smith comes from Ladies home murder society.
Oddly enough, the bosses are gender flipped. Mr. Smith takes his contracts from disembodied Angela Basset, and Mrs. Smith takes her orders from Mr. Disembodied Keith damn' David. (I've read originally they were going to track down and kill the bosses, but that plot was dropped)
Needless to say, they both try to take out the other assassin on the job, and both fail, hilariously setting a contract on both of their heads! Whoopsie!
I actually kind of liked Pitt's cartoonish plan for the kill, even though he fumble naffs it up. He dune buggies out and intends to explode his target with a comical rocket launcher. ACME hits.
Jolie planned to use laser trip wires to trigger planted explosives.
(Why the target was being transported out of New York through some sort of desert and then back to New York remains unexplained)
So they have a miserable marriage, and now they're supposed to kill each other. Brad does some honestly disturbing domestic stuff (Shoving Jolie into a glass wall, but she shakes the injury off)
He trips on a picket fence, and hilariously almost blows his wife's head off. Because a professional hitman didn't know to keep his finger off the trigger while running. Of course, he wants to talk about this.
She instead gets mad and hits him with a car, launching him inconsequently into the woods.
Since neither of them finished the job, assasins are dispatched and blow up their home. They steal a neighbors minivan and discover not only was their entire relationship a lie, Neither gave enough of a poo to actually figure that out! Hilarious!
They drive to a home depot expy designed by millionaires for millionaires, and at one point bunker up in a shed walled with concrete for some reason. They both say that they never missed a moment of sleep during their contract killing lives, and compare "body counts".
The assasins are neither of their shitty friends, and are nameless faceless mooks. The stakes are nonexistent. At one point, Mrs. Smith stabs Mr. Smith in the thigh with a knife, but they mutually just kind of shrug that off.
Apparently this movie had over 40 endings plan, but instead it's just a marriage counselling session where Mr. Smith implies he is very happy with the new amount of sex he is getting.
Apparently what their relationship was missing was mutual combat. Hopefully they'll kill each other before they breed. (One of the endings had an assassin baby)
It's like someone watched True Lies and missed the point. golly, I should have wrote that instead of this stupid essay.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 26, 2021, 10:22:08 AM
I found the entire movie unpleasant. Like when people say "It's a turn your brain off movie!" I can believe it with this one.
And it only gets worse from there. ...golly, I should have wrote that instead of this stupid essay.
Thanks, 8ully, for the entertaining review. Now I can feel good about never having seen it and never planning to see it. I've watched some real dreck in search of entertainment. It's gratifying to realize that I'm not alone.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 26, 2021, 10:37:11 PM
sadly next up on the movie stack is Ocean's Twelve, which ironically, delayed the filming of Mr. and Mrs. poo.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 30, 2021, 11:48:31 PM
Recorded Escape from New York and watched last night. Wow of that era me thinks
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 04, 2021, 12:27:12 AM
The Marksman, nothing new and I though mew
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 04, 2021, 03:35:14 PM
Hey. I actually watched a whole movie the other night: The Creepy Line. It's a documentary that describes how Google and Facebook use algorithms to determine the results of our searches and some of the problematic aspects of their filtering and other manipulations. It was thought-provoking and made me want to stop using Chrome. I'm glad I don't use gmail for much, also.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 05, 2021, 12:26:53 AM
they all watch you to some degree.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 07, 2021, 11:44:13 PM
Without Remorse introduces Clark as former Navy SEAL John Kelly played by M.B.Jordan
Jordan in my opinion isn't as good as Willem Dafoe nor Liev Schreiber who played him as a CIA agent so a lot different from the Navy seal that Jordan plays him as, and this is more of a action film. Was OK, and sets the scene for follow up films (hopefully he then plays as a more rounded character, not just gung ho)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on May 08, 2021, 01:42:41 AM
I watched Without Remorse tonight as well. I thought it was really good and Michael B. did a good job in the movie but I don't think it represented the John Kelly/John Clark character well at all. The story is completely different from the book and came out after Clark had already been well developed in other Clancy novels.
I am hopeful that maybe this is way Amazon can bring Clark into the John Ryan series.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 09, 2021, 12:10:13 AM
I just watched Tenet. Very exciting, but I haven't got a clue what was happening, even though every twenty minutes or so the movie stops so someone can explain what is going on. The explanations make no sense, so that didn't really help.
"Time-wimey-wiggly, bad guy, horcruxes, SAVE THE WORLD!
like yourself, loved the movie but the Time paradox thing ????? At the end Robert Pattinson-Neil hints that the whole time paradox is constantly running (when first met he knows what drink the protagonist likes) and he meets the protagonist again in another time line. Best not to lose much sleep over the meaning I think :-\ :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 11, 2021, 08:17:09 PM
I watched Ocean's 12 finally.
I will not be watching Ocean's 13.
Catherine Zeta Jones was very pretty in Ocean's 12, Julia Roberts was intentionally made frumpy, which is weird because she was glamorous in the first film.
The central heist is reliant on the fact that Not Julia Roberts looks like Julia Roberts. I did like how during the Bruce Willis bit, Everyone tells him how they "figured out" the twist in sixth sense, and he tells Not Julia that really bugs him.
Other than that? Everyone was an bottom throughout the entire film. Brad Pitt was a bit nicer in this than in Mr. and Mrs. poo, but he's still here to do crimes for the thrill of it.
The Topher Grace subplot was weird and kind of funny, but I read they dropped it in the third film, which, once again, I won't be watching.
I kind of liked Matt Damon's character? There wasn't much to him, but he gets busted by his mom, which is a bit funny.
This movie was pretty bless'ed boring. I'd say there are about 15 minutes of decent material, but the movie runs on for TWO HOURS AND FIVE MINUTES.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 15, 2021, 11:20:15 PM
Mayans MC. The show where nobody has any fun.
Maybe it's because they don't drive Jaguars.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 16, 2021, 09:12:41 AM
gotta love that advert
that was gripping
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 16, 2021, 11:28:12 PM
The Pollinators 2020 lots of sense spoken by the Bee movers, common sense really, and pressure by supermarkets to produce the perfect sellable apple that people want, "People want" supermarkets fool people into what they want not what they want to sell.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on May 18, 2021, 07:57:48 AM
So my daughter and I started to watch "Great White" as we both like a munchin' shark movie or 2. Read the bad reviews about the CGI etc but I wasn't that bothered as I was quite happy with the Goodies' "Lips, or Almighty Cod" so I'm easily pleased.
However, only made it about halfway sighing quite a lot so the jury is out whether we'll pick up on it again this evening.
I wouldn't watch this space.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 18, 2021, 09:53:04 PM
Special. Kind of funny black humor. Not too long.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 20, 2021, 08:16:05 AM
Cargo (2009) German sci-fi film. On amazon prime with English subtitles. Dr. goes on cargo voyage to raise enough money to go hang with her sister on a beautiful colony. She finds out that this is not the case. Reminiscent of Alien but without invasive terrible monsters. It was ok. Sort of interesting plot. Dark, cold and lots of water leaking on this huge, ill-maintained cargo ship. Where's all that water come from in space? Who can say? I guess I'm running out of tv shows so it's late night movie viewing for me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 21, 2021, 11:42:24 PM
Red Rover. Nebbish geologist works to escape bad earthly situation and to get accepted to one way Mars exploratory mission. Populated with the usual crowd of self-indulgent millennials, this is basically a love story. And not a very compelling one. I was hoping they'd go to Mars. Bummer.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 28, 2021, 11:19:44 PM
Wrath of Man 2021 Not the sort of Guy Ritchie film I am use to, in place you gets hints of his style but not a lot. Action start to finish (brutal at times). Enjoyed.
Army of the Dead 2021 Unsure what to say about this, Action fest or just silly. When comes part 2
THOSE WHO WISH ME DEAD 2021 It killed one and a half hours :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 28, 2021, 12:11:18 AM
The Ice Road. Loose story, Liam being Liam but was a ok film.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on June 30, 2021, 02:49:20 PM
The Ice Road. Loose story, Liam being Liam but was a ok film.
We found that the worst movie Liam has ever had the misfortune to find himself in. There were more continuity errors than you could shake a stick at.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 01, 2021, 12:19:50 AM
"There were more continuity errors than you could shake a stick at" Would be more shocked if there hadnt been, with a movie like this
Did watch "quite Place 2", so it just added 1.5 hrs to the original movie at the end and a little pre, made the wife jump in a couple of places. Hopefully no number 3
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: TNG on July 01, 2021, 10:39:48 AM
(Not that a mod would step in on a domestic anyway)
Nope, not my business.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on July 12, 2021, 11:02:09 AM
;D ^
Mortal Kombat didnt even faze me, I knew it was gonna be poo.
Huh, the difference between faze and phase. That was an interesting read. If the world wasnt out of its mind I would study English and Literature again. Eventually I will arrive there with my children, for now I am still working grammar and phonics.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 13, 2021, 01:28:11 AM
Mortal Kombat didnt even faze me, I knew it was gonna be poo.
Huh, the difference between faze and phase. That was an interesting read. If the world wasnt out of its mind I would study English and Literature again. Eventually I will arrive there with my children, for now I am still working grammar and phonics.
interesting book to peruse is "The Correct Order of Biscuits: And Other Meticulously Assembled Lists of Extremely Valuable Nonsense "
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 24, 2021, 01:39:35 AM
due to the warm period the TV hasnt been on. Did watch Black Widow though yesterday.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on July 26, 2021, 01:19:45 PM
interesting book to peruse is "The Correct Order of Biscuits: And Other Meticulously Assembled Lists of Extremely Valuable Nonsense "
Thank you Goldie' I'll check that out :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 08, 2021, 12:01:43 AM
The Suicide Squad 2021
Unsure what to say about this movie, ???
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on August 08, 2021, 01:41:52 AM
How'd you take it? I'm hearing very polarized reactions. Some people love it, some are flat out disgusted.
Considering I take "bloody mess" as a perk in the fallout games, I doubt it would bother me, but I'd be interested to hear a non blogger take.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 08, 2021, 06:10:01 AM
I just don't know if it was suppose to be a "real" take on dc comic (have never read) or just an out mickey take? Some very bloody parts and some funny as hell parts. I wont say rubbish, but it was interesting and straight away I was shocked at what happened Watch and make own mind up I'm afraid. ???
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 09, 2021, 12:16:23 AM
Jungle Cruise
Typical Family Disney, either from a ride or will become a ride. At all turns of the film you know what will happen, Fun for the famiy
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on August 09, 2021, 06:35:31 AM
I found that about 2 hours too long and virtually unwatchable. All 4 of us wanted to fast forward it just so it would end sooner.
pure Disney ;D ;D would imagine younger children would love it and the ride
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 28, 2021, 12:44:27 AM
Charming the hearts of men. A little mixed up tbh, unsure what the director wanted to do with this. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 05, 2021, 12:22:05 AM
RESPECT Enjoyed alot, The usual ups and downs in a stars life but found interesting. A total legend . Jennifer Hudson can sing
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 20, 2021, 12:00:08 AM
Kate - nothing new but what a blast. Like the Japanese backstop
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 21, 2021, 12:30:09 AM
Crisis - opioid drug drama. ???
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 21, 2021, 12:31:09 AM
Beckett - Wooden acting wouldn't bother with
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 21, 2021, 12:32:36 AM
The GUilty - alot of htpe from people i know about this film. I thought Phone Booth 2002 better
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 22, 2021, 03:20:25 AM
It seems like netflix and hulu both exceed at shitting out lousy content that depress their audience. Like that old thread I did about movies that didn't need to exist.
It's all weirdly similar, like how fanfic authors recycle their old poo. That Kate movie seems a lot like the assasin movie they already did with mads mikkelsen. (Criminal use of Richard Dreyfuss in that one, but it was funny.)
It was Polar. Actually looks like that one was more interesting than kate, and dropped sequel bait.
Still, 19% approval rating on polar, that's abysmal.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on September 22, 2021, 01:45:18 PM
Not really my thing but, for want of something to watch, we decided to give Spiral a go which is a film in the Saw series.
Nothing special to be honest but we did watch it to the end (without drifting off) so it definitely offered something.
IMDB has it at 5.3 which I think is on the money.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on September 22, 2021, 02:59:13 PM
It's all weirdly similar, like how fanfic authors recycle their old poo. That Kate movie seems a lot like the assasin movie they already did with mads mikkelsen. (Criminal use of Richard Dreyfuss in that one, but it was funny.)
It was Polar. Actually looks like that one was more interesting than kate, and dropped sequel bait.
Still, 19% approval rating on polar, that's abysmal.
personally I wouldnt say there anything similar Kate and Polar. Except the killing that is
M Night Shyamalan. It would be a surprise if it was what anyone expected!
agree but even i was surprised at this ending and the moral high ground some may take. ???
but I did like it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 02, 2021, 11:38:40 PM
No time to die. Action from the word go with all the usual effects. First time in time in the cinema since ???? cannot remember when and what for, Was so loud and either the lens or the white screen needed cleaning due to an area of "marks" when the film ran in the center of the screen
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 06, 2021, 12:22:22 AM
The Summit, a documentary. Interesting but a little mis jointed
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on October 06, 2021, 10:43:11 AM
I was watching some 1982 cops vs thugs movie earlier. It is visually fun as hell to watch old movies now, old acting. I especially love anything from the 70s and 60s. It was on the telly and I didnt catch the name. I was busying myself housekeeping, it's a decent living here.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 13, 2021, 10:08:55 PM
I'm glad you're happy in IL, Bea.
I was wondering if anyone had seen the new Dune movie yet? I'm curious to know how it is.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 14, 2021, 08:06:28 AM
then you will never watch it. That would be a costly failure.
Not necessarily. I've yet to find any movie adaptation of a book fully satisfying, with the exception of Shawshank Redemption.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 14, 2021, 08:55:20 AM
I've seen the rare movie that actually is much better than the book. The film version of the Shipping News, for example, is much better than the novel. And, while it isn't a movie, the televised version of Westworld is a great deal better than the sketchy screenplay that masquerades as a novel. Same for The Handmaid's Tale, which is more of an interview of a subject in the past. The television version is more compelling, although the movie was also good.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on October 14, 2021, 12:44:21 PM
All Michael Crichton books make better movies than books, as I think he only writes them as seeds for screenplays.
That might be true so as judge, I disqualify them from the conversation.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 14, 2021, 03:29:39 PM
Jurassic Park was actually more detailed than the film, but other than Westworld, it's the only "novel" I've read by him. Dune got a good review in the New York Times. It was filmed in the Jordanian desert. It was hot there, I gather.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 15, 2021, 04:43:36 AM
Not necessarily. I've yet to find any movie adaptation of a book fully satisfying, with the exception of Shawshank Redemption.
Dune wouldn't appeal to a mass audience, and this film as per the first is a sort of "fan" film. I will go to the pictures to watch but many wont even with the big stars. I do hope im wrong
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on October 15, 2021, 05:49:06 AM
Dune wouldn't appeal to a mass audience, and this film as per the first is a sort of "fan" film. I will go to the pictures to watch but many wont even with the big stars. I do hope im wrong
Yep, I'm one of the masses.
Saw the original about a thousand years ago and I am still chewing over what the golly happened.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 15, 2021, 09:12:21 AM
What makes Dune great for me is also its biggest issue. Dune (the series of books) is set up for the long haul, to ask the question "what happens after the good guys win?", Dune (the first book) sets that up by having the good guys win. Dune the movie just establishes who the good guys are. Not enough to be worth the entrance fee for me. I would love for a AppleTV+ 100-part series of Dune á la Foundation, but until then I am prepared to wait for at least the first book to be completed (although I think he should go for the trilogy and make a third movie of Dune Messiah, as that makes a convenient place to stop).
totally agree
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 15, 2021, 09:18:13 AM
O totally forgot to post this movie The Green Knight. I kept thinking of Terry Gilliam whilst watching for some reason. As asked on Google "Is the green knight worth watching The Green Knight is worth watching just for the odd elegance it has to offer. Staying true to its source material, this movie gives nothing to the audience. As odd as it may seem, this movie doesn't care what people really want to see in a classic fable" Took the words out of my mouth. I felt so sad for Joel Edgerton with his question to Sir Gawain :'( :'(
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 16, 2021, 12:18:07 AM
CopShop what a blast ;D ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 20, 2021, 12:20:02 AM
Dune. Wow the effects are stunning, If possible to believe the film is slower than the first version. It moves / crawls at times to set the atmosphere then bang. Hopefully No2 will appear, but it's just not making the mega bucks, so yet again another film series may stop in its tracks again.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 25, 2021, 06:47:08 AM
Riders of Justice. Absolutely loved it
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 30, 2021, 04:37:48 AM
The Rundown (2003)
Sean William Scott must be pissed Ryan Reynolds is stealing all his jobs. This Red Notice film coming out? That has to hurt.
It was a satisfying action romp, and I actually had fun looking a few things up. First, the Director felt intimidated, and thought that every action scene had been "done" before. So he decided he wanted to make things look like they hurt. He came to this decision after watching They Live (1988)
There is a bit of cartoony action, like when "The Rock" punches out a brick support pylon, but for the most part the hits look authentic.
I'm always happy to see Ernie Reyes Jr in an action movie, since Ninja turtles II. Turns out he's been doing action movies since the year I was born, and was actually Donatello in the first Ninja Turtles movie! (Not the voice, he was the guy in the suit)
I did wonder why all the bad guys have a "C" patch on the uniform when the main baddie is named "Hatcher" but it turns out his first name is Cornelius.
The movie was a box office failure, but a critical darling. Which is a shame. I would have watched a sequel.
The two things I wish were more fleshed out were why Travis (Sean William Scott) father wanted him back so bad. We get a small moment where he confronts his dad about a woman in chicago who was married, which kind of made me think his dad was turning him over to the mob?
The second thing was the guy who snakes a job from the rock in the opening sequence. He shoots the rock with a beanbag shotgun, but never gets comeuppance.
In an Arnold movie, Arnold would have got even with that bottom, even if it took time.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on October 30, 2021, 03:28:38 PM
I thought that it rang a bell. It was called "Welcome to the Jungle" on this side of the pond.
Coincidentally, that's on Comedy Central as I speak.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 04, 2021, 11:02:56 PM
The Alpinist 2021. Documentary Stunning shots and at time confusing to grasp which way is up. An Alpinist at the extreme of the skill scale.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 06, 2021, 04:04:10 AM
North Dallas Forty Still a brutal film and would guess happens today
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on November 06, 2021, 05:36:03 AM
The Sun Is Also a Star was on BBC1 last night and I had the misfortune of watching it for 5 minutes before I realised what was on (I was half asleep at gone midnight when they decided to screen it). By this time I found it difficult to press the channel change button as I was in the " I just want to see what happens in this bit" mode. Even a power cut midway through didn't disuade me.
Of course, it was a 'boy meets girl' pile of pap with no real satisfactory ending, but I swear had a tear in my eye just the same.
Somebody shoot me before I get turned.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 06, 2021, 08:57:53 AM
I read the plot on Wikipedia. Thanks for saving me the trouble of enduring the film, that I'd never heard of before this. I can't explain the title. It's about as connected to the plot as, "ketchup is slow to leave the bottle." Someone should write a computer program to generate titles that consist of short, one sentence, obvious statements.
Sounds like a real romance novel. Kind of on the sappy side, to be sure.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 06, 2021, 01:07:17 PM
This dog don't hunt It's a poodle who spins around, and is in the movie as long as it takes to do the tricks.
The river is wide! It's a wide river. They either need a boat, or they're not going.
Traffic Instead of being about drug trafficking, it's the fourth of July, and the road is closed. People get out of their cars to try and find out why.
The memory remains Pick a nursing home, any nursing home. Ask each resident about a specific, but not groundbreaking historical event. (Not where they were when kennedy was shot, that would be cheap)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 08, 2021, 10:33:21 PM
Dangerous 2021. Unusually in this age of movies, I had no idea what the plot was and for 40 mins still didnt. Scott has now become of a certain age where he scowls and grunts like his father.
Rise of the Foot soldier origins 2021 Foolishly I thought give it a go, as the cast is a who's who's of latter day film mobsters, Dont bother
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 28, 2021, 12:31:46 AM
Bruised - Will not say a bad film but have seen the storyline before, Killed 2hrs 6/10
Free Guy - Loved it, Wife hated but she does but game so has no idea what people in games are / do. Channing Tatum plays a killing role ;D ;D. 8/10
Army of thieves - Different, prelude to Army of the Dead for the safe cracker 7/10
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 02, 2021, 01:00:28 AM
2149: The Aftermath. On amazon prime. Apparently, being super rich, doesn't mean you have decent tastes in movie offerings.
What were they thinking? Gak. 25 minutes and I just had to get out of there. (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 02, 2021, 01:08:10 AM
The Last Dual - Definitely a marmite film, A R,Scott film with out a doubt I did enjoy it
14 Peaks Documentary- Fearless Nepali mountaineer Nimsdai Purja embarks on a seemingly impossible quest to summit all 14 of the world’s 8,000-meter peaks in seven months. Stunning, What a absolute legend the man is and his team
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 04, 2021, 12:40:08 AM
The Card Counter - You know when Actors have made it big time when Poker and Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse are in the same film ??? Hard going.
Chicken people Documentary - I didnt realise how many varieties of chicken there were, I wish i could keep them. Fascination
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 04, 2021, 01:50:10 AM
There's several people in this area who keep chickens for egg production, just enough for themselves and their families/neighbors. We pass some on our daily walks. We say hello, but they mistake it for food and come running, hopefully. I hate to disappoint them. They're such attractive birds.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 03, 2022, 12:44:08 AM
The Downton Abbey Movie (under protest). I should have read a book instead.
That music, the relentless diabetic coma inducing string sections, and the insane plot line where we find Lady Mary in existential crisis questioning the validity of the feudal way of life that that brilliant masonry pile she inhabits represents. But no, even the servants want to keep their jobs propping it up. Lady Mary's husband pops in at the end, taking a break from that goofy Confabulation of Witches series he's in, to spin her around on the dance floor.
Best line, Maggie Smith, "I'll lick the stamps." In short, that's 2 hours of my life I won't get back.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 03, 2022, 07:27:16 AM
Isn't that a one-line summary of anything related to Downton Abbey?
Sho' nuf.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 04, 2022, 09:18:48 AM
I really, really liked Don't Look Up even though it left me with a feeling of dread. I also appreciate it when America sends itself up as only they can truly get away with it.
I'd give the film absolute top marks and would gladly watch it again (which is rare for me).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 04, 2022, 12:14:29 PM
The premise doesn't work for me. Harry Stamper would have saved us.
I think the bottom line was: it was a world not worth saving.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 04, 2022, 08:36:58 PM
He'd do it for Gracie. And this time, he'd realize the threat of A.J.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 06, 2022, 06:58:03 AM
SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME Watched pre Christmas day, Not being a massive Spiderman fan,I really enjoyed it. Found the 3 way conversation of the spidermen quite sad. A raised acting performance from T,Holland.
The Matrix Resurrections Took a while to work out what the twist at the beginning of the film was about, then WTF happened later on ::) ::). Another film that should not have been :(
Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts. TBH I have never been that much into Harry Potter, but I did enjoy the reunion covering 10 ish years and their growing up, loses of people. Touching
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 06, 2022, 03:21:15 PM
I fail to see how Hogwarts can be celebrated without Ms Rowling and I find her cancellation appalling; especially by these little tykes that owe everything to her.
(Edit: And that is true even if she is wrong. If.)
I had to laugh at what Dave Chappelle said about it. He'd be glad to hear that, no doubt.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 07, 2022, 01:39:23 AM
I fail to see how Hogwarts can be celebrated without Ms Rowling and I find her cancellation appalling; especially by these little tykes that owe everything to her.
(Edit: And that is true even if she is wrong. If.)
could be wrong but I thought she briefly appeared in it. But I could be wrong as a bottle of red had been drunk
for medicinal purposes only, as alcohol helps kill off covid and its varients 8)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 08, 2022, 08:06:08 AM
could be wrong but I thought she briefly appeared in it. But I could be wrong as a bottle of red had been drunk
for medicinal purposes only, as alcohol helps kill off covid and its varients 8)
christ's alluding to this (well, this is the funny version of it):
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 09, 2022, 12:26:47 AM
;D ;D ;D ;D
King William, I Thoroughly enjoyed it. Having no idea about the Williams sister's early days or later tbh, I had no idea what to expect from this film. It did not disappoint
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 11, 2022, 11:59:22 PM
Eternals. Didn't feel like a Marvel film to me, disjointed in places / couldn't get into the actors characters. May grow on me or not ????
Maybe Baby hasnt lasted the test of time, full of Local stars . ???
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 09, 2022, 12:00:06 AM
House of Gucci - didn't fancy watching this, but I did and it did surprise me. Surprisingly interesting with fine acting. Jared Leto deserves a award for his portrayal of Paolo G
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 20, 2022, 09:31:35 AM
The Imitation Game. Insights into Alan Turing's development of an early computer capable of breaking the code of the enigma machine during WW2 and his struggles with his sexuality in a time when homosexuality was illegal. Pretty compelling film with fine cast. It was on the local public television station last night. We don't watch lots of movies, due to the time commitment, but this was worth the time. It was released in 2014, so hardly new.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 21, 2022, 12:21:30 AM
The Kingsman 2021/22 Enjoyable as per the first 2
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on February 21, 2022, 12:53:42 AM
Good to hear. I was a little worried as I wasn't as much a fan of the second one. Probably due to Tanning Chatum.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 22, 2022, 11:28:56 AM
Infinite - dont really know what to say.
Den of Thieves - love the ending, like the film
Nobody - Love it with a giggle and a smile
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 27, 2022, 09:35:00 AM
Re: Infinite. Seems like somebody was suffering from a surplus of testosterone. And to be accurate: schizophrenia is a debilitating mental illness that is comprised of a cluster of symptoms that range in severity from one individual to the next. I'm not really clear if it's being represented accurately here. That, plus Matt Damon really looks like he's been working out.
From Wikipedia, where I went in a futile attempt to get some sense of the convoluted plot. "It received negative reviews from critics who criticized the performances and screenplay, with some comparing it unfavorably with other films like The Matrix."
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 27, 2022, 10:30:29 AM
That's Marky Mark, not Matt "rescue me" Damon.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on February 27, 2022, 10:51:09 AM
Don't know if your Matt Damon comment was a joke or not (if not, that's Mark Wahlberg, not Matt Damon).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 27, 2022, 12:24:37 PM
Thanks. I wrote it before I had caffeine. I must be getting old. These young un's all look alike to me after a while. :D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 27, 2022, 12:54:51 PM
Eh, I have a particular dislike for Marky Mark. He stinks up a movie.
What really bothers me is that he has talent, he's a good actor, but he enters every movie with that "Who fahted" look on his mug.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 27, 2022, 10:20:55 PM
I liked him in Boogie Nights. Don't think I've seen him in anything else, but I don't watch a lot of movies.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on February 28, 2022, 02:23:21 PM
Against my better judgement I watched Dune Episode 1.
Looked good, thoroughly enjoyed it: but I have no idea how anyone that hasn't read the book will have had a clue what was going on.
Thought that the Duncan Idaho death scene was stolen from Firefly though.
It also really exposed the "bad guys always get what they want" trope, to say nothing of trying to figure out the Emperor's motivation.
I was tickled that there was a complaint from the middle eastern and northern African actors guild (or whatever it is called) complained that the fremen were too white/ black. Really?
I don't quite understand how a film set on a distant planet in the distant future is a film about Middle East culture.
I've tried to explain to the family that Dune was a hard watch in the past (without prior reading) and I can't imagine much would have changed with the remake. Nonetheless, the high scoring of the film with critics and the public have got the family convinced.
Wish me luck!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 23, 2022, 11:15:45 PM
Luck to you. Wife wanted to watch Justice league 4 hr version, whilst on ipad. Didnt go well
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 30, 2022, 12:00:45 AM
Morbius - fell asleep The contractor - nothing new
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 30, 2022, 12:14:49 AM
Watched this last night. A truly moving film.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 30, 2022, 10:08:56 AM
Has anyone seen Aquaman? Is it worth the bother?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 30, 2022, 11:18:26 PM
Its a DC, A little corny but passable
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on June 01, 2022, 12:49:15 PM
I've seen Aquaman and can remember precious little about it. Maybe that says something, but I have no way of knowing.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 26, 2022, 12:00:31 AM
We recently watched The Godfather for the first time. Al Pacino is so young. It must have been groundbreaking.
I've been spoiled by the likes of Goodfellas, the Sopranos, etc. since this came out, but given I'd never seen it before, it was interesting for historical reasons.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 26, 2022, 06:21:34 AM
Thought that film was a must for anyone growing up.
Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Wont say its bad but had no idea what was going on for most of it
We watched it this evening (actually half yesterday and the rest today) and I thought it was a strong 7+. There were bits that would have made no sense if they hadn't explained the rule-breaking as it happened.
My main criticism of it was that some of the animation was well chocky. Even his tie tying looked poor.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 26, 2022, 04:31:51 PM
Thought that film was a must for anyone growing up.
Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Wont say its bad but had no idea what was going on for most of it
I think it had an R rating and I was too young to go see it when it debuted. Cumberbatch cashes in. I don't know if I'll go see it. I think if I had friends who'd like to go to the theatre, it would be fun, but it's unlikely I'll want to watch it late at night on my computer.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on June 26, 2022, 05:35:26 PM
I enjoyed the new Doctor Strange, if only to introduce America Chavez. I don't particularly care for the blood-thirsty Scarlet Witch they're developing. In the comics, yes, she did a lot of nasty stuff but mostly just *blink* and change reality. In the comics, she was struggling with depression and some could argue mental illness. In this movie, she's full-on evil.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 26, 2022, 08:37:42 PM
Post Thanos, any "blink" behavior would likely result in an immediate death sentence to avoid future "blinks".
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on June 26, 2022, 10:53:23 PM
That's the thing. There are a bunch of "Infinity Stones" story arcs that have occurred over the years, usually with Adam Warlock being the hero leading the charge. The whole Scarlet Witch "House of M/No More Muntants" story arcs occurred long ago and Wanda pretty much disappeared for years after, well prior to the this "Endgame"-inspired story arc.
I tried to give up on the MCU trying to stay true to the Marvel Comics canon but it still ruffles my feathers at times.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 29, 2022, 09:31:01 PM
The grey Gray man Nothing new, entertaining though, Chris Evans either plays as captain A or a nut case in most of his later Marvel films.
Not a lot out atm, some interesting advertised for next year. Christopher Nolan does have a interesting coming out
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 05, 2022, 09:14:46 PM
Prey ( Skull) Better than what i thought it would be and to be honest I enjoyed it.
13 Lives. Not a bad interpretation of a very good documentary. Missing a lot but its ok.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 07, 2022, 11:36:12 PM
Elvis 2022, not what I expected. Tom was good , Elvis was better
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 08, 2022, 06:56:10 AM
Elvis has his place. I preferred the sources that he drew from.
A friend's mother had a shrine to him in her house with all kinds of crazy memorabilia. Her daughter has an Elvis doll instead of an angel on her Xmas tree. There's all kinds of people in the U.S. who are still very much devoted to him. And there's an industry of Elvis impersonators. I'm not sure how strong the market remains for that entertainment niche. He's been dead long enough that I suspect this kind of hagiography/biopic will do well in theatres (as much as any movie can do well in theatres/since Covid). The clip looked interesting. Did you like the film?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 08, 2022, 07:20:00 AM
I wont say I dislike it, The young actor did well in the part as per Tom Hanks, To me its another film out of its era. I have watched it, wont watch again :). Elvis is still has a cult following in the UK.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 08, 2022, 11:24:45 AM
It sounds like the kind of movie I'd watch on an airplane if I didn't have something more compelling to read.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 09, 2022, 07:15:37 AM
It sounds like the kind of movie I'd watch on an airplane if I didn't have something more compelling to read.
spot on
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on August 21, 2022, 02:48:54 PM
I took a couple of hours off from studying to watch IMDb: Vengeance and I was genuinely surprised just how much I enjoyed it. The ending got much darker than the majority of the movie - which was kinda fun - but I think it worked just about how it should.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on August 21, 2022, 06:36:13 PM
The Batman. Finally got around to watching it. I thought it was pretty decent. Not sure Robert Pattinson makes a believable Bruce Wayne but I thought he pulled off Batman pretty well. I enjoyed the dark but not "everything blue-tinted" atmosphere and the pacing was good for me (though most people I know say they fell asleep at the beginning). 3 hours is pretty long for a movie but, for me at least, the story kept me entertained.
It struck me as weird that they introduced venom before Bane (if that's what it was) and I'm not sure how I feel about Batman partaking of it, but I didn't write the movie so, ok.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 25, 2022, 02:34:47 AM
Everything Everywhere All at Once. I wanted to like this movie. It had a promising original premise and then degenerated into sentimental claptrap. Boo. That's 2:19 of my life I won't get back.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 25, 2022, 10:18:25 AM
I hope for your sake that is 2 minutes and 19 seconds.
Nope, 2 hours & 19 minutes, but I started fast forwarding after an hour. I probably put in 2 hours worth. The movie should have been less than 90 minutes, but it was a bloated CGI spectacle.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 07, 2022, 05:53:59 AM
Not a lot atm again. Documentaries taking a battering as worked nights and always have a few hours spare. Did watch Bullet Train and thought it was pure fun (a tad Guy Ritchie but for what it was twas great).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 07, 2022, 02:33:49 PM
Vesper 2022, A bit of a shock tbh, didn't know what to expect and it did surprised me.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 07, 2022, 05:21:53 PM
They both look pretty interesting, goldie. Thanks.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 07, 2022, 10:37:38 PM
Bushwick 2017 - caught this again after a long time. Story Meh but it did have a few surprise in it.
main characters came to an unfortunate ending
, and the camera work by hand following the characters around was pretty good
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 07, 2022, 11:19:43 PM
Couple of documentaries USA one Wow a brutal version of how America left Afghanistan with disturbing footage. How they thought they would ever win this war against fanatics 🤷♂️ GB (BBC) Documentary Afghanistan: Getting Out 2022 (cannot find a player link) Very BBC, plenty of politicians and senior people saying how it went wrong. So British
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on October 10, 2022, 03:36:36 PM
We watched Vesper and while it was quite enjoyable, it did smack of one of those film that was openly seeking cult status.
That may not be a hanging sin, I know, but it did feel like it could have been tidied up a bit considering its €5,000,000 budget.
Wow that budget ?, Yep spot on with the cult thing
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 23, 2022, 04:20:23 AM
The greatest beer run ever. Ok film liked the photos at the end showing the actors and the real people. What a trip .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 29, 2022, 12:30:03 AM
The good nurse, 2 decent actors and I would say a film about a shocking subject but too it happens too often, both the murders and especially the cover ups. Was weird seeing Eddie Redmayne play a cold calculated killer.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 29, 2022, 11:57:27 PM
Resident Evil 2002: I'm surprised how much I had forgotten, there are a lot of small notes that play large, and some of the scares were legitimate instead of "cutscenes". One of the big problems with video game movies are when they try to gamify things instead of telling a story. Resident Evil tells a story, even if Paul W.S. Anderson tends to be inelegant.
There are a few moments and set pieces I think could have been cut to make the movie better, but alas, it's in the can, and the DVD is pressed.
(My other game movie dislike is when they take an unrelated script and slap in the character names from a game. That's very insulting to a loyal audience.)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 03, 2022, 03:43:27 AM
Now You See Me (2013)
I was enjoying this film up until a character dies. It's quite jarring, it naffs the movie up, and essentially stops it in its tracks.
I shouldn't have been surprised, as it's Kuntzman and Orca, two absolute hacks who were allowed to butcher star trek and a bunch of shitty movies. They're longtime partners from the same hack school as JJ Abrams. Think of them as understudies, along with Damon shitloaf.
Those bastards fall ever upward.
So, you've got this whimsical heist movie with magicians, they're doing their thing, and then the jig is up! And the jig goes up weirdly viciously. Suddenly there are firewalls that have been breached, and the swat team from the matrix shows up.
The Hulk Ruffalo and incompetent sidekick face off against Dave Franco, who fights them oddly viciously, shoving the incompetent sidekick in a garbage disposal and hitting the switch. Dude could obviously have been mangled for life, but Dave doesn't give a poo, as he gets into a cartoon fight with Ruffalo.
The fight moves down the building, Franco displays an unearned skill (voice mimicry) and escapes onto a street, and we get a rather neat car chase, until it goes tragic on a New York Bridge.
Dave crashes the car and dies. Ruffalo tries desperately to save him and fails.
The movie comes to a grinding halt, and then moves past this as just another moment.
Yeah, no. The movie dies there. They try a recovery, but I'm flagging the play, everything after that moment doesn't work. The movie just becomes insulting. There is no longer any magic.
I got the sequel for free behind goodwill, but I don't think I'm going to watch it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 03, 2022, 08:01:43 AM
No2 isnt too good tbh
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 04, 2022, 03:26:19 PM
I just realized, he ditches the car, just have him disappear. Car crashes, FBI agent gets "The note", no needlessly morbid moment. Plus, they're supposed to be magicians.
It would have been perfect.
Ending still would have sucked, but I wouldn't have checked out the way I did.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 13, 2022, 01:44:24 AM
Enola Holmes 2 - Fun film, lve how they have twisted most things with sherlock.
The Good House. No idea about this movie when I started to watch and didnt expect what I watched to begin with. Interesting different film
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 13, 2022, 06:35:09 PM
Top Gun Maverick , Haven't watched the first film and wish I hadn't watched the second. Fantastic aerial shots but no story what so ever for me
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on November 14, 2022, 02:10:56 PM
The first one is epic. Not seen the second, as I don't want to tarnish my memory.
You never cease to amaze me.
I watched a film called "IMDb: Carriers" which looked worth a watch. It wasn't all that bad but after it had ended you couldn't help but ask what happened to the rest of the movie. No sequel so it was just a little jaunt with no real message.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 14, 2022, 03:47:54 PM
It's pretty obvious, the movie wasn't very good, and the studio shelved it.
When Star Trek became a massive hit (duh) they realized they had a Chris Pine pic on the shelf.
Contemporary reviews have the right of it, the movie is too bless'ed bleak. The message was that they were doomed from the start.
Also reinforces the stupid rules premise. They didn't follow the rules, they died.
Would have been better if breaking one of the rules saved them, but we don't get happy movie endings anymore.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 15, 2022, 10:32:44 AM
It's hard for me to watch Tom Cruise, despite the fact that he's been in several good movies: Risky Business, The Firm, Minority Report, Interview with the vampire, etc. He's also been in some crap films, but his antics with scientology, jumping on the couch on Oprah, etc. kind of put me off.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 15, 2022, 02:09:11 PM
Christian Bale based his performance in American Psycho on the mannerisms of Cruise.
Cruise is an obsessive perfectionist. To train for Collateral, he did two months as a fed ex guy, learning to be invisible. One hopes he did not moonlight as a "contractor" as well.
The obsessive perfectionism carries over to the character of Vincent. He Mozambique drills (Triple tap) all of his targets.
Apparently, he wanted to race in NASCAR for real but was turned down.
I really liked how Invincible used music [Spoilers in the dang video title, be better Amazon] -
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 15, 2022, 11:31:20 PM
He is a versatile and talented actor. Maybe films like Top Gun just aren't my cup of tea.
I liked American Psycho. The discussion of business cards was inspired.
I read the book. It wasn't until the end that I realized the whole business -- all the violence and gore -- was just in the guy's head.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 16, 2022, 07:43:19 AM
It's hard for me to watch Tom Cruise, despite the fact that he's been in several good movies: Risky Business, The Firm, Minority Report, Interview with the vampire, etc. He's also been in some crap films, but his antics with scientology, jumping on the couch on Oprah, etc. kind of put me off.
Do like Collateral with TC in.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 19, 2022, 08:58:05 AM
All Quiet on the western front. That was brutal
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 20, 2022, 02:34:57 PM
Dr. Zhivago, weighing in at over 3 hours. Still, not enough rats for my taste, and several interesting characters cut out. Julie Christie as Lara was far too passive and not as accomplished, or driven as the character in the book. Also, lots of hairspray that they could have done without. Tonya's outfit as she arrived back from Paris seemed especially out of place in the early 2nd decade of the 20th c. Big pink fur hat and outfit. Did people wear that much pink in 1910? Seems more appropriate to 1965. Also, Dr. Z was supposed to not be drop dead beautiful, a feat thwarted by the casting of Omar Sharif, and Antipov was supposed to be super handsome, but they managed to cast some nerdy less good looking guy for his part, and oversimplified him as well as his relationship with Lara. Bonus: Alec Guiness as Z's helpful half brother.
But it was a nice film. Not nearly as complex or nuanced as the book, but there you have it. And lots of balalaikas.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 20, 2022, 08:53:16 PM
Oddly enough, we both just watched The Godfather for the first time a couple months ago. I guess it set standards for the deluge of gangster films that followed. We also rewatched Goodfellas after that, and I enjoyed it a great deal more, except it's hard to top Marlon Brando chasing his young grandchild through a garden and dropping dead in the process. There's something oddly poignant and, at the same time, unjust about that, given how many opponents he unceremoniously offed during the film. That was a good death, and probably better than he deserved.
I haven't seen Godfather II. Didn't realize de Niro was even in it. He sort of draws attention for the first time in Taxi Driver if memory serves. I think he runs naked down the streets of a Pennsylvania town in The Deer Hunter. A friend of mine used to be obsessed with him. He took me to lunch at his SoHo restaurant one day in the early 1990's. When he finally met up with De Niro, the actor was extremely kind and sympathetic to him, so he seems like an overall good guy. His father was an artist of some repute, also.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 21, 2022, 04:10:43 PM
My Uncle resembles Clemenza, but everyone always tells him he looks like Tony Soprano. Needless to say, invites to take a ride hit a little different.
I've only seen the godfather films in parts on TV, it's interesting how many movies I've only seen parts of. I got the first one on DVD at Salvation Army, maybe I should give it a view.
I don't remember liking them, thinking they were sleepy films. Not movies that make you fall asleep, just long hazy narratives.
What's funny is that I hate modern movies for the opposite. Big action set piece! short talking scene to establish next set piece, BIG ACTION SET PIECE TWO, characters coping with the losses in set piece two, BIG CLIMAX THAT WIPES A LANDMARK OFF THE MAP.
Leave the Golden Gate bridge alone, SONY! I swear they did some expensive simulation and then shoved it in every movie one year. Apes, X-men, Mother Nature, no one respects the Golden Gate!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 28, 2022, 12:06:47 AM
Glass Onion Not too different from the first film, was OK
Triangle of sadness Had to watch to the end as thought I thought it would give a answer to what the film was about, Being a "Sundance" film I have still not idea what it was about ???
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 30, 2022, 12:14:43 AM
I'm absolutely sure that he would have hated it: I didn't enjoy it. But Pratchett was designed for the printed page, not for the screen. I thought the the "framing device" would be a clever way of dealing with footnotes. But it wasn't. (I hated "Good Omens" too)
I suspect this too.
I also struggled with Good Omens but I'm actually talking about the book as I bailed in the TV adaptation. I did finish the book but I found the co-authoring weird as there seemed to be a bit of a pushmepullyou going on between the 2 styles of writing. Did you feel that?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 31, 2022, 11:48:12 PM
The problem with adapting Pratchett is that they all want to show how clever they are. And they aren't.
It's like the washerwoman who left the picture of Christ looking like an ape, because she can fix it! (No she could not)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on January 03, 2023, 04:04:37 AM
Yup. It was blindingly obvious when "not-Pratchett" was plotting, and to add insult to injury I'm not really a Gaiman fan (he is too dark for my preference*), so his bits were like nails on a blackboard.
*Except Stardust, which is OK.
It really was a strange collaboration: a juxtaposition, if you will.
In general the problem with the TV/ Movie industry is that they all want to show how clever they are. Which is bad enough when they are, but becomes a real issue when they aren't (... and most of them aren't).
I stick to staring out the window for entertainment. Mind you, I think curtain-twitching is due to my age.
I watched the last Bond movie. I quite liked the easter eggs, but otherwise I thought it was by far the worst Craig Bond. I am not sure that I approve of baddies driving Jaguars!
Makes a pleasant change from Triumph Triples.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 06, 2023, 11:46:59 PM
Jag ran a whole campaign about how being a baddie is better.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 07, 2023, 09:10:12 AM
You have four posts!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 08, 2023, 08:11:16 PM
The Pale blue Eye
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 20, 2023, 09:22:34 PM
Not a lot of films atm. Documentary's plenty Watching (when on available on PBS due to erratic PBS broadcasting schedules) AMERICAN INSURRECTION (2022) series Caught the episode about Michael Flynn. That was shocking to watch, USA has a serious problem with the Religion and politics. The in depth investigation of Trump and Biden election voting fraud and the storming of capitol hill :o :o. I know Uk have some rather large issues but 8)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 22, 2023, 06:42:21 PM
You've pinpointed a basic problem of politics here: people who really want a theocracy.
We saw The Reader last night. It was well acted and a poignant story. (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 23, 2023, 10:02:23 AM
The fundamental underlying problems of democracy are:
a) voters are predominantly stupid, and b) anti-democrats have the same voting capability as democrats.
Combine this with the fact that religion and democracy are fundamentally diametrical opposites. Religion is faith-based, and voting is reason-based (or at least that is by definition how they should be). Faith and reason are incompatible.
As we can see in many parts of the world.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 03, 2023, 07:04:05 AM
The Greatest Lie Ever Sold. Didnt like her ripping the crap out of G,Floyd and having "so called experts" criticise the whole court proceedings (ignoring evidence ??), but he was no saint. Did find "where has the money gone" interesting though.
Looked Candace Owens up post this Documentary, wasnt impressed.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 03, 2023, 07:05:49 AM
Binged watched Yellowstone up to the enf of season4. I am never going to Montana :o :o ;D
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 03, 2023, 09:54:42 AM
I've never been to Montana. I hear it's pretty. Those states tend to house whackos who are survivalists, stockpiling food and weapons. They treat women like livestock and limit their rights to reproductive health care. So it's not really on my list of cool places in America I have yet to see.
Apparently, they have a thriving industry of dental floss ranches.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 03, 2023, 09:50:54 PM
Top Gun: Maverick. Not as ground breaking and innovative as Top Gun, obviously: and could be considered a little derivative (they stole half the plot from Star Wars, Dambusters, 633 squadron and half of the dialogue from the original), but it was an entertaining use of a couple of hours.
love the flight scenes and of course it has Jennifer Connelly in it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 07, 2023, 10:12:30 AM
Bill Maher had a very funny review of the movie.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 08, 2023, 08:05:31 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 08, 2023, 07:02:57 PM
I've never seen any of the Top Gun films, but I don't go to the theatre much. Nor do we generally watch full length movies, so that's one reason. I don't generally go out of my way to see movies like Top Gun, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't enjoy it. I can't name a single movie with Tom Cruise that I didn't like, but his Scientology kind of puts me off.
And if memory serves, the original casts of Shakespeare plays were all male, including those playing female characters, so anything goes as far as I'm concerned.
We have been watching the Swedish production of The Bridge (the tv series) and based on the participation of Kim Bodnia in the first 2 seasons, we watched his 1996 movie, Pusher. There are some brilliant buddy scenes near the beginning of the film, and we are sort of left hanging at the end, but it was engaging. I don't know that I'd need to see a sequel, though. There are 2 of them. (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 08, 2023, 07:55:07 PM
When I was in film studies, we watched Top Gun as a "lazy day treat". I didn't care for it. Maverick starts WWIII.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 09, 2023, 08:17:16 AM
The bit that caught my eye was about woke reviewing. I tend to watch a movie on its merits, rather than considering all of the things it doesn't do, so I miss most of the "issues", but one that particularly bothers me is the concept of "blackface" (in all its myriad forms).
I see no earthly reason why an actor or actress (I have no truck with calling ladies "actors", either) can't act as something they are not, regardless of what that is. That is why it is called "acting". Young people should be able to play old people, and vice versa. People of any sexual persuasion should be able to play people of the same or different sexual persuasions. Abled can play disabled, and vice versa: actors/ actresses of a given race can (within bounds of credibility) play outside their birth race. This appears to be another of those things brought on by the politics of jealousy: gay folk are happy to play straight (and they expect to be allowed so to do, as that is evidently the majority of roles), but they have a visceral hatred of straight people playing gay. When I was younger there was a flood of women playing male roles, and blacks playing white roles, presumably in the interest of "diversity", but woe betide a white man taking on (e.g.) Othello. This philosophy seems to have taken ludicrous hold over the industry, to the extent that it is deemed inarguable.
I also have an issue with historical revisionism: history happened, get used to it. People's attitudes were formed by their environment and society: almost no folk in (e.g.) the 1700's had the same attitudes as today's people - but it is almost impossible to make a movie set in that period where the vast majority of the cast haven't got 21st century views (the exceptions being the bad guys, of course, who will be universally cleansed before the end of the movie). People are no longer allowed to view Fawlty Towers unreacted, for goodness sake.
Effigies of yourself would be burnt at movie's alter for some of those comments, However agreeable and true they are. My Fav at the time on ex social media platform i frequented. Ben Kinsley should not have played Gandhi :o Gal Gadot isnt black so cannot play Cleopatra . ??? made me laugh, I gave up and left it. Madness they call it Madness, by Madness ;)
What is possibly a little sad is that starting WWIII was only the McGuffin to hang a buddy movie on. But I thoroughly enjoyed all the set pieces, and the flying so I can happily ignore the warmongering.
... as an aside, I was mightily amused by Team America: World Police. This pokes fun at the tendency of American heroes to destroy pretty much everything - and kill pretty much everyone - in non-American countries as a by-product of the "policing" that the main characters feel empowered (required?) to do whilst being buddies (Like Godzilla does in the orient). It is difficult to see action movies (qv. Tom Cruise, James Bond) in the same light after that.
I'm pretty sure I have never seen Team America: World Police, but this clip looks about right. Knock over the Tour Eiffel and blow up the Louvre, but don't worry, we got the terrorists. It's like Maher suggested. "F*** yeah!" Let's all glory in our pornography of superior technical weaponry and orgies of violence. With this mentality, as a democracy we are doomed.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 09, 2023, 08:21:04 AM
Team America is good if you like that sense of humour
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 09, 2023, 06:08:25 PM
Every single thing Team America does in that scene results in horrible collateral damage, except for the hand-to-hand fight.
FREEDOM ISN'T FREE, NO THERE'S A HEFTY damn' FEE. And if you don't kick in your buck 'o five, who will?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 09, 2023, 06:19:58 PM
Making the world safe for democracy while we work on making it impossible for it to survive at home.
One can smell the irony.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 12, 2023, 07:21:52 PM
Plane, Typically a Gerard butler film.
You People, Enjoyable although the language or slang I had no idea what some was about.
Slumberland, loved the entire idea.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on February 14, 2023, 04:43:45 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 16, 2023, 09:51:35 AM
I grew up on a boat.
Jaws hits different when you live on a boat.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 16, 2023, 02:53:39 PM
Sound travels differently over water.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 17, 2023, 06:36:48 AM
Der dum
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 17, 2023, 11:21:55 AM
It was more the gentle bumps in the night. It's the boat hitting the bumpers that keep it from impacting the dock.
But tell your brain that.
Oddly enough, the scariest scene for me in Jaws was filmed in a swimming pool. They thought they needed one more scare, and they filmed it in the producer's pool.
To make the water murky, they poured in milk. Needless to say, he billed for it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 17, 2023, 07:02:54 PM
We used to go fishing when I was a child in an inlet near where the Atlantic met salt marshes near the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia. It was a good place to catch flounder, but we got lots of junk on the lines, too: blowfish (a nuisance to remove the hook from as they inflated); and sand sharks. Those, we cut the line on, as trying to extract the hooks was just too much of a danger. They were small sharks, only about a foot long, but not something you wanted to hold onto while you attempted to free the hook. Once you saw the dorsal fin break the water, you knew it was time to cut the line and re-tie another hook. They are good strong swimmers. I don't think it would be especially good to encounter one while swimming.
While we were on the island, a woman died from a shark attack while swimming off of Orient Beach. She was about 100 yards off shore doing laps. The suspicion is that it was a Tiger shark, and that it had been emboldened by the lack of swimmers whose numbers had dwindled due to Covid. She basically lost her leg and exsanguinated. They closed the beaches everywhere for about a week. It made us kind of nervous to swim, even though we were on the other side of the island.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 17, 2023, 09:13:27 PM
Love the documentary, white water white death, Even now they state they were just learning about the Sharks and made plenty of mistakes.
I wanna dance with somebody. I just didnt feel it like Respect 🤷♂️🤷♂️
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 18, 2023, 02:12:47 PM
I have the impression that the talented Ms. Huston had a serious long term substance abuse problem that eventually led to her death. I tried to watch the biopic on Freddie Mercury but couldn't stomach it. Since this hails from the same source, I think I'd give it a pass.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 19, 2023, 01:18:45 PM
Yeah, it's name was Bobby Brown.
As to the sanitized Queen film, that was literally the music biopic by the numbers. I would have loved to have seen the Sacha Baron Cohen version. Apparently what made him walk is they told him he dies in the middle and the rest of the film is the band rising triumphant.
That's super bent, and I hope it was just tabloid bait.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 19, 2023, 06:41:12 PM
I think I was put off by Mr. Robot playing Mercury. It was a correct ethnic choice but I suspect the writing was simplistic and the cast didn't have much to work with. I fast forwarded through most of it. I never got Bobby "It's my perogative" Brown. He seemed a one hit wonder and Huston seems to have made a mistake getting involved with him. The whole culture of substance abuse seemed to have claimed her daughter also.
There's so many really good creative movies out there (many of them brought to my attention here), that I think I can forego this one.
The most recent movie I saw I can't really recommend. It was the 1962 Greek production of Euripides' "Elektra" with Irene Papas in the title role. It kind of suffered from an annoying soundtrack and slow development. It was improved by watching it at double speed. It's available free on youtube. Since it's a tragedy, it's hard to criticize this for being a downer of a plot, but there's probably versions that are less time consuming and visually more engaging.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 21, 2023, 08:46:00 PM
I tried to watch the Ben Affleck movie "Paycheck" because the premise sounded neat. Dude is a reverse engineer and after he helps a company steal a design, his work gets blanked from his memory.
He doesn't mind because they pay an INSANE rate for both his time and enforced discretion.
But it was painful to watch.
I watched the setup scene, where they explain the premise, and then he went to a dinner party. Uma Thurman was there. Seemed interesting, but it just... dragged on.
So, I shut the movie off and looked up the spoiler. I am glad I did because the movie only got worse from there.
The scene I did watch, where he reverse engineers a 3d projection monitor into just being a 3d projector was neat, if not a little sexist (An executive uses his memory erasure for a session of no strings sex)
Paul Giamatti was in the scene but was utterly wasted. Apparently, he continues to be wasted for the duration of the film. He may as well have been Poindexter mc Ratface.
I wonder if those roles ever bothered him, or if he just cashed the paycheck.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 22, 2023, 07:54:08 AM
Possibly he cannot remember ;D ;D ;)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 22, 2023, 09:52:51 AM
I generally run the other way when Ben Affleck is in a movie. He's married to J-Lo. That's all I need to know. I never understood why he was supposed to be a good actor. J-Lo is a beautiful woman. She performed admirably as a Fly Girl dancer on the tv series, "In Living Color." That, imho, was the nadir of her career. She must have some other very substantial skills at self promotion. Perhaps she's a nice person. As for her ability to act or sing? Apparently, that lack has not prevented her from having a substantial career or from attracting a number of accomplished husbands.
Paul Giamatti is a brilliant actor. There are many films in which he performed admirably. Then: He was involved in Billions, a series that jumped the shark after about 3 seasons. He remained. Clearly he didn't do it for the love of acting or for the compelling plot line. I think the allure of a steady paycheck can't be underestimated in some cases.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 22, 2023, 01:54:02 PM
"This season I want to be a WIZARD" "Paul, this is a financial crimes drama that is relatively close to real life." "And now there will be a WIZARD in the financial crime drama."
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on February 22, 2023, 02:08:04 PM
Evidently, last year he wanted to be Scrooge in a wireless carrier commercial.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 23, 2023, 08:23:30 AM
He was good in Sideways, Played a decent King John
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 23, 2023, 10:31:11 AM
He has played a creditable John Adams and Benjamin Franklin. He can be very good. Just that some of his recent theatrical adventures appear to have been driven more by profitability than any love of acting. He does lots of commercials. The Wikipedia entry makes clear that he's much sought after and has a wide choice of roles to choose from, ranging from Shakespeare's Hamlet to The Rhino in "the Amazing Spider Man 2." Who knows what he does with all that money?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 24, 2023, 03:37:34 AM
I watched him in a film with Paul Rudd - Almost Friends, Not bad at all.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 24, 2023, 05:11:30 AM
Just saw him as Einstein in a Verizon spot.
Samuel L Jackson said that commercials pay insanely well, and that he does his ads for charity.
I know that for some commercial actors this is vital, as once you're pegged as "Insurance guy" it's unlikely you will ever work for a different company.
I was watching "The Accountant", another Afflick, but my stream cut out. It was good, but in a "Watch it on TBS" rather than appointment viewing.
Annoyingly, when I tried to pull it up on Hulu for my mother, they wanted some sort of obnoxious "Your subscription AND more money bundle, which I declined instantly.
What bless'ed Gall. "We'll gladly take your money, but also, give us more!"
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on February 25, 2023, 03:58:04 PM
We watched M3gan this evening as it was recommended and had high ratings on Rotten Tomatoes.
Never have I so completely understood the term "meh".
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 25, 2023, 07:34:14 PM
I mean it doesn't even have the voodoo angle from Child's Play. Anything M3GAN (ugh) does is based off programming.
So... why program her to be lethal? Is this a Small Soldiers situation where military combat chips were repurposed into children's toys?
Honestly, most machine uprising films could be solved by simply dumbing down the programming. You don't NEED a true AI for children's toys, or a domestic service robot, or a sales agent, or honestly anything that requires rote memorization rather than critical thinking. golly the irresponsibility of... Funki (ugh again)
The cylons should never have been able to rebel, the Geth should never have asked the question that led to the Morning war, Skynet should never have been clever.
The fact that the Aunt even REALIZES she bent up by bringing the abomination robot home makes me even more angry.
Of course the sequel has already been greenlit.
The fact the piece of poo managed to upload itself into the internet via the coffee maker means that their world would be dead fairly quickly.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 25, 2023, 07:56:32 PM
They should have stopped at Talking Barbie. Frankly, a sock monkey would serve the purpose. I'm not so keen on smart appliances, anyway. Alexa can eavesdrop on someone else.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 25, 2023, 08:09:10 PM
In windows 10, bless'ed SOLITAIRE spies on you.
I had to edit my hosts file to block taboola. Nasty gits behind that ad service. There's a reason they're not in the google garden.
But yes, in CURRENT TIMES, even the toys spy on you. Maybe ESPECIALLY the toys spy on you.
The only good thing that the internet of things has ever given us was the Skyrim sketch from Michael Keegan (He plays skyrim on Alexa)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 26, 2023, 05:57:20 AM
I'd agree, but holy poo man.
I mean, you're on point exactly. They're posting videos where the russians have already been scattered, but Mr. Balloon says B12, and it's a bomb up the ass.
I suppose that's war laid bare, there's no heroics to it, just kill the other guy while he's trying to light his last cigarette.
Drone drops and Ryan Reynolds.
I'm honestly mad at Mr. Handsome. I'd like him to actually act again, like in Smokin' Aces, but instead he's found a niche.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 26, 2023, 05:28:20 PM
Consciousness is not detached from bodily experience, so you can build all the robots and computers you like, but there's a limit to what can be imitated. Running on rocky beaches or licking a maple walnut ice cream cone are experiences that fundamentally change how you view and interact with the world. Even the jerk who cut you off in traffic -- the endless varieties of bodily experience shape consciousness in ways that no biologically based machine model can replicate. I liked the idea of "glorified pattern matching," although it's probably more complicated than that, but I'm so ignorant of such matters, how the machine based logic can build on itself so as to "learn" how to do things better. A friend was in grad school working on "teaching computers how to see." I expect that it had a great deal to do with "pattern matching" so using cues like light and dark patches to determine depth and 3D surfaces probably was at the base of it.
That said, I had to look up Ryan Reynolds. I got sucked down a rabbit hole reading an article describing how he and his wife had just had their 4th child and are totally into being parents. I had no idea who he was. So maybe a robot would be better at keeping up with such stuff.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 26, 2023, 07:39:28 PM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 01, 2023, 12:01:32 AM
I read the synopsis, it's very similar to cabin in the woods. I'm surprised anyone would make something so close to an already existing and better movie.
And THAT movie did a better job of it. Made the audience complicit.
Knock at the cabin is bless'ed Signs 2.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 01, 2023, 07:41:31 AM
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 01, 2023, 10:55:47 AM
The moral of this story is: stay out of Montana.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 03, 2023, 10:49:22 PM
Otto Expected a Grumpy old man film and got one. I liked it for age reasons.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 12, 2023, 07:50:08 AM
65 , not a bad film but does nothing really.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on April 16, 2023, 02:33:38 PM
Watched IMDb: Gerald's Game last night and I can quite honestly say there were times I had to pull the quilt up to my nose and peek over the top. There's also a very well filmed and extremely gory bit that was excruciating to watch.
Everything you need if you're into horror.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 18, 2023, 08:20:18 PM
Book that introduced me to the term "degloving"
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 19, 2023, 07:17:54 AM
Seen a few videos whilst doing H & Safety on this :-[ :-[ Heard a few stories about intentional degloving also :( :-[ :-X :-\
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 07, 2023, 12:28:07 AM
Dungeons and etc etc. fell asleep. Avatar way of the water, cgi good film ??? ???
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on June 18, 2023, 04:26:40 PM
Just finished watching Extraction 2, and can I just say I will be watching Extraction 3, 4, 5, 6 and so on.
I think my sentiment says it all.
For an extra point, we were trying to estimate how many shots were fired during that film. My wife settled on 10,000 while TNG was more around the 3, 4k region. I reckon 7,000. I mean, one shoot out was 21 minutes long.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 18, 2023, 08:05:29 PM
Yep Extraction 2 was entertaining. :) The Finish did suggest a few more movies were on the way
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on June 20, 2023, 07:23:20 AM
nope this
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 14, 2023, 05:37:57 PM
I watched the expendables sequels; they were enjoyable if a bit barebones. I do like how the movies tend to have soviet backdrops, in 2 The Expendables shelter in an "America Town" before a 1970's looking New York Street gets blown away by a tank. I also feel like the America Town is meant to illustrate Stallone's age.
Three does away with the subtext, Stallone flat out cuts his veteran team out of the operation, recruiting a bunch of young soldiers, coldly explaining that he doesn't want to care about them if they die.
Bruce Willis' "Mr. Church" character is replaced by "Major Drummer" played by Harrison Ford.
I'd say the sequel was superior to the threequel, The only real plot in 3 is "Kill Stonebanks"
Gibson turns in a more menacing performance than Van Damme, but I wanted more. We hear that three teammates died on the mission Ross shot Stonebanks on, and it is implied there was a betrayal, but it isn't fleshed out.
I think that's me overthinking the movie though. I also kept expecting one of the new mercenaries to turn on the Expendables, but that doesn't happen either.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 24, 2023, 09:03:01 AM
Guardian of the Galaxy Vol 3. Was ok with funny pieces,
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 06, 2023, 11:12:04 PM
Sound of Freedom, TBH for me it was over hyped, Pushed by so many sites reviews that Hollywood didn't want it shown. Jim Caviezel is a wooden as you get, Bill Camp was the best person in it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 07, 2023, 06:16:18 AM
Is that the one where Robert Deniro recognizes Google as his overlord and is rendered down into slurry to be fed to the next batch of google interns?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 15, 2023, 02:02:41 AM
The Equalizer 3, set in a lovely if not beautiful part of Italy.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 29, 2023, 07:10:45 PM
Harry nearly made it !
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 29, 2023, 09:56:34 PM
One thing I've noticed on rewatch, NASA are the fuckups, not Stamper's crew. Even Rockhounds space dementia was both diagnosed beforehand AND handled in the worst way possible, BY the astronauts.
It starts when they get to the NASA facility. Harry discovers that NASA has not only stolen his patented design (Which he could sue a competitor into the ground for) but they have assembled it wrong, in a completely stupid configuration.
When they get to MIR, It's even more of a shitshow. Why are any of Harry's crew involved in this scene? They're only supposed to be drilling, not doing the "astronaut poo".
After they fly directly through the debris field, with predictable results, They use a RADIO TRANSMITTER for the bomb. They should have strapped an egg timer to every one of those suped up space suits.
All this stems back to Michael Bay's weird hatred of the federal government.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 30, 2023, 07:42:26 AM
Michael Bay's audience appears to be the same as the last (and next?) President's: blue-collar, not-so-bright people that are convinced that everything is run by the illuminati/ freemasons/ space aliens/ deep state to the detriment of the average football fan and are equally convinced that they - with no skills or other confirmatory evidence - could do a much better job (of anything and everything) than the relevant so-called "experts" with their brains and fancy-dan educations.
For politics, I think the blue-collar crew may be right; but for science poo, I'm not so sure.
... but it is a helluva movie. Next time AJ gets it, fer shure.
Bay's Wikipedia entry is pretty entertaining. (
And I agree with the assessment of an audience that thinks there's no adverse situation that can't be cured by shooting it or blowing it up. I'm reminded of our former President's idea that we should nuke hurricanes. Sure. That should work.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 31, 2023, 07:28:49 AM
Bay's Wikipedia entry is pretty entertaining. (
And I agree with the assessment of an audience that thinks there's no adverse situation that can't be cured by shooting it or blowing it up. I'm reminded of our former President's idea that we should nuke hurricanes. Sure. That should work.
When required are such fun !
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 31, 2023, 09:51:40 AM
I've heard people have and continue to shoot hurricanes/tornados. It hasn't worked yet...
The police in Florida actually released an article telling people NOT to shoot at hurricanes.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on October 31, 2023, 02:29:44 PM
We went early with a scary flick (7.30pm) and watched Cobweb.
It may well remind you only too well of a couple of other horror movies, but if you ignore that and immerse yourself in the tension, it was quite scary.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 01, 2023, 08:25:47 AM
I've heard people have and continue to shoot hurricanes/tornados. It hasn't worked yet...
The police in Florida actually released an article telling people NOT to shoot at hurricanes.
Seriously :o :o
I watched Boudica 2023, OMG I wouldnt even rate it a C movie
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 01, 2023, 12:45:20 PM ( I was going to watch scream for Halloween, but my internet was out. I thought it was a little bit cool because it's like the start of a horror movie, but it got old fast.
Didn't get any trick or treaters, and the candy was depressingly small. I got a 30-piece thinking that would be plenty. I'm glad kids didn't show up, these things are like one bite candy rations now. Fun size was always an oxymoron.
I did recently watch an analysis of the first movie, and cz actually caught something I missed. One of the questions ghostface asks Casey in the opening scene is which door he's at.
This is a trick question, because he was covering both doors. It's a great callback to classic slashers like Friday the 13th, because it honestly seemed like Jason could teleport at times.
Fun thing, another horror reviewer debunked THAT myth by measuring the dance floor of the cruise ship nightclub. No teleportation was required, Jason just had to walk really fast. It's the camera cuts that make it look like he teleported.
Another funny thing, to rent Scream on Youtube, it's Four bucks, which if I recall correctly, is what a new release rented for at Blockbuster. At least with youtube, you don't have to rewind or return the tape.
I think older movies were $2, which scream definitely qualifies as now. I still think digital rentals are priced a bit too steep. If they were a dollar, I'd probably rent one a week, instead of seeking my tricornered hat.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 01, 2023, 01:28:00 PM
I've heard people have and continue to shoot hurricanes/tornados. It hasn't worked yet...
The police in Florida actually released an article telling people NOT to shoot at hurricanes.
That sounds pretty routine for Florida, from what I've heard. What could possibly go wrong, really, aiming a small missile into a weather phenomenon that consists of rapidly cycling winds?
We got lots of trick or treaters last night. I gave away about 90% of our candy, then got tired and turned our lights off. The kids are cute and I'm happy to pass along the treats.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 01, 2023, 09:41:13 PM
Were you able to get decent candy, or was it the micro poo they're pushing down here?
Like, I never cared for "fun size" but the "mini size" is too small.
I remember my grandma had the fun size bars for her blood sugar, and they were 1/3 of a piece bigger than the current ones. In the words of Ron White:
They evacuated everybody from the (Florida) Keys and everybody leaves except for one guy who’s gonna stay there and tie himself to a tree on the beach, to prove a point; and the point was, he said, that at 53 years of age, he was in good enough physical condition to withstand the wind and the rain of a force 3 hurricane. OK, let me explain something to ya: it isn’t that the wind is blowin’. It’s what the wind is blowin’. If you get hit with a Volvo, it doesn’t really matter how many sit-ups you did that morning. If you have a "Yield" sign in your spleen, joggin' don't really come into play. "I can run 25 miles without stopping." "You're bleedin'." "poo!"
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 02, 2023, 07:11:26 AM
I hit up a drug store that had a sale on the fun size. Mounds; Butterfinger; Reeses PB cups; M&Ms (plain and peanut); Nestle's Crunch. I also gave away packs of microwaveable popcorn. Some kids just love to get that.
That quote about hurricanes is a hoot. And in the Keys, I'd be mighty worried about a storm surge to boot. I have visions of being smacked on the puss by an errant barracuda.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 09, 2023, 06:58:53 AM
The Last Rifleman. Its not a bad film but I just cannot see Brosnan as a old looking guy, imagine him in his 90's still looking as out of The Thomas crown affaire. A nice film with a spattering of decent actors.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 12, 2023, 05:03:49 AM
Oppenheimer. Definitely a Nolan film. Need to watch again
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 18, 2023, 08:16:11 AM
The Killer - Not bad, The Escaper - Enjoyable
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 18, 2023, 08:24:21 PM
The Old Oak, very K,Loach and a cast of no one I recognise.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 19, 2023, 08:18:23 AM
That reminds me of this tree, a natural monument in the state of Maryland, that was huge and ancient. It finally collapsed in 2002, at an age of over 500 years.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 01, 2023, 06:14:36 PM
I rewatched "Bad Santa" a couple days ago. I first saw it in the theatre when it first came out, and found it charming at the time, but it seems not to have aged well. Strange that several of the cast members have since died. I don't think I'd be much interested in seeing a sequel. (
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 05, 2023, 06:50:08 AM
If I could post a gif it would show Confusion to the tenth ??? ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 05, 2023, 01:09:30 PM
I only get to watch movies with my wife nowadays, never the star of the movie!
What about the "regular TV"? I'm sure you could also have been creative with that.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 09, 2023, 10:48:13 PM
I liked this movie
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 10, 2023, 09:09:07 AM
Transsiberian. Thriller with Woody Harrelson, Ben Kingsley and a talented cast. Great views of Siberian forests and insights into the continual poverty of the landscape that spans from Moscow all the way to the Pacific coast port of Vladivostok. I read about the Trans Siberian railway in Dr. Zhivago. Lots of tiny villages along this line that was started under Tzar Alexander III in the 1890's.
They used real Soviet era trains. I took the Puskin from Budapest to Athens in the 1980's and the ones in this film don't seem to have changed much. Woody Harrelson as a Christian missionary midwestern hardware store owner with a penchant for antique trains and rail history just underscores how versatile an actor he is, given he's just as convincing as the porn King, Larry Flint.
The film is stressful and suspenseful, but well done.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 10, 2023, 02:28:15 PM
Funny. I really disliked his character on Cheers. The earlier episodes with "Coach" were better. It took me a while to get over my aversion to him, but now I respect his talent.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 12, 2023, 12:17:27 AM
That's damning with faint praise. I guarantee Woody knew exactly what his role was in True Detective.
The fact he gave such a thunderous performance is insane. True Detective has NEVER approached the high of S1, even in the theme song.
I'm just glad they haven't tried to do a second Cole/Hart season. That was lightning in a jar, and hitting those highs again seems almost impossible.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 12, 2023, 03:46:55 AM
We really enjoyed S1 of True Detective, but were so warned off re S2 that we never even bothered.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 12, 2023, 06:40:01 AM
We really enjoyed S1 of True Detective, but were so warned off re S2 that we never even bothered.
About to watch
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 16, 2023, 12:12:00 AM
Hell House 1-3.
I'm going to ruin it up front, it's "scared to Jesus" bait. There are a couple films like this, and I honestly thought that was the direction the James Wan Warren films were going to go.
Hell houses are church run scared straight things, sometimes literally (They don't like gays) Jerry Fallwell "Women joining the workforce caused 9/11" came up with the idea to scare kids straight with spooky houses.
The first movie plays coy with it. For the most part it's a straightforward found footage horror film that leaves you with a few questions as to what is going on. Ironically, that's the bait that got me to watch the second movie.
A group of friends (and some hired actors) set up shop in an abandoned hotel to create a Halloween scare house. As the plot unfolds, things don't go smoothly, and there are a few legit scary moments. We know from the outset that 15 people died in the hotel, but not how, or why.
The second movie is less of an unwinding mystery, they flat out reveal the hotel is haunted by demons, and that the hotel acts as a trap, luring "guests" to the hotel, perhaps with the help of local government. There are still some legitimate scares, but there is also a lot of schlock.
I only watched the second movie to try and figure out the plot threads from the prior movie, which also acts as a lure with the new cast of characters, who weirdly seem to know that if you go to the hotel, you're gonna bless'ed die.
Like, don't? Don't go to the hell portal?
The second film ends with the "survivor" mugging to the camera, obviously dead. She didn't make it out at all, GASP!
Third movie: An angel in disguise fights the hotel. Like, that's it. That's the movie. Three guesses how it ends.
Why am I spoiling these movies?
1. I'm bless'ed pissed I watched them 2. They're free to watch on youtube 3. Several horror channels gush about how great they are. And they're not. I'm mad they did such a good job wrapping a turd in a compelling horror premise.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 16, 2023, 06:31:08 AM
That genre is so manipulative. And it generally doesn't care that you notice the manipulation, which kind of robs it of any artistic pretense. I would sometimes watch horror movies with my brother on DVD and hit the mute button when they'd get into the repetitive violin strokes that lead up to something bad happening. He'd get annoyed. I can figure out enough from the visual cues that I don't need someone banging on aurally announcing HERE'S WHERE THE BAD PART STARTS--GET IT?
I guess that makes me a spoilsport. This isn't to say that there are not well crafted horror films, but most of them are like cheap porn, predictable and hardly worth the energy. I've never seen any of the Scream films but I take it that they are spoofs on horror movies. They're probably pretty amusing.
One other thing, I loved those campy horror movies when I was a kid that would play on the 4 o'clock movie after I got out of school, like Vincent Price in "House on Haunted Hill" and, of course, the endless joy of Japanese monster movies. Who wouldn't be enthralled to see cars being sucked up in the wake of Mothra? or the high tension wires crackling as Godzilla crashed through them?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 16, 2023, 03:16:32 PM
No waterphone stings in Hell House LLC, but there are mannequins that aren't where they were left. Oddly enough, the movie is improved by the lack of it's "money shot". The portal to hell never materializes, and instead we're left with a spooky ghost story for the most part. It is alluded to in the initial youtube video and 911 call. "They went into the wall"
That's what got me to watch the second one. Which does have the truly unfortunate CGI portal to hell and a demon explaining the entire nefarious plan.
Second movie DID answer one of two lingering questions I had from the first one.
Second question was never answered. In the first film we are told there is a basement exit (pretty standard, most basements have two exits if exterior) but we never SEE the basement exit.
Turns out the filming location is a "haunt" in Pennsylvania, and people can rent the whole place out for the night, and even sleep in the evil basement. No exterior exit is shown in their videos, and they're chunky crappy livestream quality, even if you bump it up to 720p.
One interesting thing is that the movies played with claustrophobia, blocking off portions of the house neatly, and honestly smartly. They fenced off the schlock (Giant rubber mutant rat, fake children's room 'o doom)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 17, 2024, 01:00:13 PM
I've been working my way through the bond films, and I really didn't get much of it as a kid. Not only is Bond a horrible person, but he's also surrounded by assholes. The only person who is decent to him is Moneypenny.
M is constantly annoyed and threatening his best agent. One could argue the destruction and lechery Bond racks up would justify this, but Bond is literally the guy you send when the world is on the line.
Q treats Bond like an itinerant schoolboy, while bond handles his gadgets deftly, and rarely complains when one goes wrong. And they go wrong often.
Actually, not that I think about it, Bond is certainly itinerant.
I'm on Moonraker now, and damn if the moonraker goons aren't my least favorite. These people are clearly highly intelligent, going by the fact they're running a HIDDEN SPACE PROGRAM, but they're totally cool with depopulating the earth and ruling over the ruins. Eugenicist shits.
One wonders how many bright minds died in the moonraker timeline when the secret was revealed to them. The dipshit with an underwater base had less of a devoted cult. It's also strange that back-to-back bonds used the same plot.
Multiple simultaneous space launches!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 17, 2024, 01:20:43 PM
I think that Moonraker is actually a biography of Elon Musk. They obviously changed his name (although not by much!) to Hugo Drax to avoid getting sued.
The one redeeming character in Moonraker is Jaws. He eventually finds romance. I confess that I generally enjoy those films. Maybe because I initially saw them with my father and it was just mindless fun.
I read one Ian Fleming book, Goldfinger, I believe. As described by Fleming, probably unintentionally, Bond is really a racist, sexist jerk. And a regular alcoholic, to boot. One must imagine that Bond villains are even bigger boozers than he is in order for him to maintain anything remotely resembling an edge over those enemies.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 17, 2024, 01:29:24 PM
I was going to say, perhaps Musk should be more tightly watched in case he tries something like that. But Bezos is the one with DUN DUN DUN "amazon".
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 17, 2024, 03:16:24 PM
But that's diamonds are forever, not moonraker.
So you're saying musk is more of a blofield. I could see that.
I was going to make a joke about how Moore's bond ought to have scooped up those diamonds on the way back to earth, but the movie actually accounts for that! Bond is otherwise occupied up to "reentry" as Q put things.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 17, 2024, 04:49:12 PM
So you're saying musk is more of a blofield. I could see that.
I was going to make a joke about how Moore's bond ought to have scooped up those diamonds on the way back to earth, but the movie actually accounts for that! Bond is otherwise occupied up to "reentry" as Q put things.
Yeah. I think Jaws appears in Moonraker but doesn't get the girlfriend until Diamonds are forever. I can't remember which one has Grace Jones as a villain, but by then the franchise was really camp, and for that reason, I continued to watch. A friend of mine met the son of Albert Broccoli, a producer of several of the films and after he said, "Hi, I'm Tony Broccoli," she replied, "I'm _Sally_ asparagus."
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 17, 2024, 07:12:40 PM
Diamonds are forever Connery's last out... until it wasn't. (Rights issues are weird)
Spy who loved me left Jaws stuck to a magnet, and he fought a shark for survival. Moonraker had the pretty girlfriend with glasses, when Drax stupidly admitted, yes, he WAS that kind of eugenicist, which led to a change of heart.
I'm watching for your eyes only now, and the camp is extremely heavy, but Bond managed to turn a girl down for being too young.
The movie is very long, like two movies jammed into one. Which is interesting because apparently it is literally two of the books jammed together.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 17, 2024, 08:30:07 PM
I really should look these up as my memory of what happens in which film is clearly pretty faint. I haven't seen most of these for many years. They're still entertaining.
And, yes, Jaws stuck to magnet with his stainless steel teeth and then hooking up with nerdy girl only to find they wouldn't be allowed to mate turned them away from the dark side.
There's some stunning scenery in some of these films and exquisitely beautiful women.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 17, 2024, 08:34:15 PM
one of the staples of Burn Notice was a production notice known as "bikini vision" and Bond films have it in spades.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 18, 2024, 07:45:41 AM
Napoleon. Joaquim mumbled a lot through the film.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 18, 2024, 08:53:37 AM
I've been meaning to watch that.
I saw most of Barbie on the plane. It was dreadful. As subtle as a train wreck. I got through about 70% of it before throwing in the towel and reading a book instead.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: dweez on January 18, 2024, 09:02:20 PM
I believe Grace Jones was in A View To A Kill.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 19, 2024, 08:04:53 PM
Just wrapped up Octopussy, and much like FYE, it is far too long a movie. Oddly enough, I was under the misconception that kitty Galore would be a returning bond girl in this one. Nope, wrong... bond girl.
Funny you mention A View To A Kill, that's next!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 19, 2024, 10:26:38 PM
Just wrapped up Octopussy, and much like FYE, it is far too long a movie. Oddly enough, I was under the misconception that kitty Galore would be a returning bond girl in this one. Nope, wrong... bond girl.
Funny you mention A View To A Kill, that's next!
you caan see how the franchise moved with the times, sorry technology
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 20, 2024, 08:55:04 AM
I quite liked A View to a Kill. It was campy but Grace Jones is pretty entertaining as a villain.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 21, 2024, 01:34:11 AM
Grace Jones is fantastic, but honestly they wasted her on that role.
two hours and fourteen minutes and her character development is relegated to about two in the mine.
What's strange is I'm on to Dalton now, movies are the same length as the Moore bonds, but it doesn't feel it. The living daylights is a hell of a romp, and when Bond is angry, I buy it. Dalton brings a rage to bond, and it's magnificent.
I had to find ahem, another streaming service to watch License to Kill, but that opening Sequence is magic. Everything exciting about bond, and no tragedy mixed in. I was sure that was the way things were going, and it was pleasantly subverted.
LOL, I was completely wrong, the movie goes dark AF after the credits. Also, the silhouette girls, on this one, wowzers, they pushed the envelope to full.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 26, 2024, 10:36:19 PM
A documentary about how humanity around the globe coped with the COVID contagion, Amazingly it starring Matt Damon. Kate Winslet, L.Fishburne and many others. Amazingly it was filmed in 2011 ??? ???. Has someone in Hollywood a time machine tucked away in their garage ?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 27, 2024, 12:38:13 PM
Are you referring to Contagion? It's more prescient than a documentary. Filmed in 2011, unless you are referring to something else. (
How was it? Sounds like it might be decent with that cast.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 27, 2024, 11:00:44 PM
Are you referring to Contagion? It's more prescient than a documentary. Filmed in 2011, unless you are referring to something else. (
How was it? Sounds like it might be decent with that cast.
As per the covid crisis tbh A Good film. But the similarity of the Covid crises mirrored a lot of what happened in the film :-[
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 27, 2024, 11:01:53 PM
Even on Channel 4 Harry didnt make it back :-[
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 31, 2024, 07:45:39 AM
The wife watched Aguaman 2 ( or what ever its called) What glimpses I saw was atrocious
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: Beatrix on February 01, 2024, 11:17:32 AM
X. It was good enough, had a certain feel for color and the time period it was set in. I enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 12, 2024, 02:18:51 PM
Cook Off! (2007)
The movie was shelved for a decade and released in 2017. They should have binned it.
A dramatic waste of talent.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 13, 2024, 07:21:54 PM
They. Cut. The. Battle. Pug.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 14, 2024, 07:33:06 AM
I did watch "One Life" with Anthoney Hopkins, Hopkins is Hopkins as always and the film wasnt graphic. Was touching at the end
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 15, 2024, 06:16:47 PM
Damsel Story is OK, Acting OK and the CGI Dragon is great., It is what it is, entertainment. :)
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 18, 2024, 07:11:05 AM
Dune 2. I read a film review post about above film on a sadbook, and a person stated in the posts that "it wasn't culturally represented" with the choice of actors. The replies were funny. They again defended their post stating that as the author drew his storyline from "the middle east" they should have been more representation from that area and religion (never read the books, so assuming that the religion was Islamic). I left it there as it went from funnily interesting to not.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 18, 2024, 03:41:14 PM
I once visited a friend in Las Vegas for two weeks during July, the hottest part of the summer. The average daily temperature outside was 120. So one might think you'd want to run around in shorts and a slight top, but no. The sun was intense and the few rain showers that happened consisted of sprinkles that lasted a few minutes and barely wet the top soil.
One afternoon, I decided to take a walk in the nearby desert (she lived on the northern edge of the city near the airport and there weren't really any other houses out there at the time). I wore long corduroy pants, a long sleeve shirt and a hat and boots. I wasn't hot at all.
The clothes were for protection since the dry heat would dehydrate me quickly. I was advised to turn back the minute I felt tired or thirsty. The vegetation was mostly scrub brush and the lizards zipped around in the heat, but I don't think wearing less would have been a good idea. It soon became clear to me why men and women in the middle East would wear clothing that covered them to such an extent.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 22, 2024, 10:22:31 PM
Abigail (2024)
Woof, this movie was dogshit. The outline has bones but the movie does not. The idea of a criminal organization using a vampire to dispose of loose ends was neat, and some of the vampire powers were unique. The way thralls are controlled was a short and fairly chilling moment, ruined by the occasional departure to humor that this movie should have avoided. They're never afraid to puncture a moment of building terror with a shitty one liner.
If you can see it for free, there are some interesting effects, but as a movie this is a solid non recommend.
I feel bad for the actress who plays Abigail, she's clearly working her ass off throughout the whole film, but no one could have saved that script.
Giancarlo Esposito is fully wasted, if you've seen the trailer you've seen 90% of his character. They can't all be prestige!
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 24, 2024, 06:12:26 AM
Arrival 2016 Love the film
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 12, 2024, 01:01:12 AM
Arcadian Better than what I thought it would be, not too bad actually.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 27, 2024, 09:54:18 PM
Civil War. 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 02, 2024, 12:34:49 AM
Became bored so I watched a Documentary film The Final: Attack on Wembley.
Not as the news stated at the time, but what carnage or fun depends where / what you are
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on October 13, 2024, 05:56:53 AM
OK. So we watched Never Let Go last night as we'd seen the trailer in St Lucia and it looked quite gripping. All I can truly say about it is WTF, in fact, let me rephrase that to
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 13, 2024, 04:55:29 PM
Not for me , Horror no matter how good or bad We did watch Quartet again on Saturday night
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: smokester on October 14, 2024, 09:45:49 AM
The regular news is way more terrifying than any horror I can think of.
I've started restricting the amount of time that I devote to reading the New York Times given how depressing it is.
My brother is a big fan of horror films. Last time we watched a video of one together (it was the one with the hovering sphere that would appear with sharp blades protruding that would hurt people) I had the remote and would mute the shrieking violin music, thereby reducing the ability of the film to inflict anxiety. He was annoyed. There's a bizarre aspect to this genre that seems to have some kind of effect on the endocrine system, one that I find unhealthy and undesirable. But, clearly, I'm not the intended audience. It makes me wonder why it exists, and why so many people enjoy such films. I find old campy ones really fun, like Vincent Price in House on Haunted Hill, and such Japanese treats as Attack of the Mushroom People, but I don't get the ones that are increasingly realistic and terrifying or gory. Why bother?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 20, 2024, 09:34:44 PM
[youtube][youtube] Lee 2024 Unsure what to type TBH, To cram a lifetime of one of the 20 century photographers into 2 hrs is impossible. What a women ( I haven't gone into her life except from watching the movie, so unsure of her full history).
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 22, 2024, 06:58:27 AM
... and to do all of that after surviving the Titanic too. Wow.
She seems pretty talented, and after her brilliant comic stint on Extras, she's got me eating out of her hands. The music for this preview is a bit over the top though. I felt like I was in church or something.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 22, 2024, 07:05:17 AM
... and to do all of that after surviving the Titanic too. Wow.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 10, 2024, 09:58:05 AM
Conclave 2024 Enjoyed, didn't expect the ending though
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 13, 2024, 12:33:52 PM
Recent Netflix binge:
I saw "Don't look up," a witty satire that deals more with the current state of American politics than with the looming threat of an asteroid hurtling toward the Earth. With Leonardo DiCaprio and Meryl Streep.
Then, "We're the Millers" -- kind of cute but annoyingly sophomoric humor. I was surprised to see Tomer Sisley, whom I know from the French series, "Balthazar," playing a Mexican drug lord. Apparently such cheesy American films pay well so it's worth taking on these character acting roles across the pond. He was also in "Don't Look Up," to my surprise.
Finally, "Maria" re: the opera diva Callas. The costumes were good and the guy playing Aristotle Onassis did a good job of smoking a cigar. I can't say that Jolie did much to dispel the opinion that acting is not one of her many talents. The casting director should find a new line of work since the supporting cast wasn't much to speak of either. It was pathetic. Spend your time watching something else.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 14, 2024, 01:28:04 AM
I was surprised how much I liked "we're the millers". I imagine they managed to snag better writers than the vacation reboot.
Holy poo, they made Largo Winch again?
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 14, 2024, 11:47:16 AM
We're the Millers was sweet and funny in a National Lampoon Vacation sort of vein. A good thing to watch after a day of sorting through dead parents' stuff.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 14, 2024, 11:39:45 PM
I saw "Don't look up," a witty satire that deals more with the current state of American politics than with the looming threat of an asteroid hurtling toward the Earth. With Leonardo DiCaprio and Meryl Streep.
Loved the satire and the movie as a whole.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 17, 2025, 05:43:36 AM
Distant 2024
Nothing new, but not bad to be honest.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 31, 2025, 09:41:02 PM
Elevation 2024 - Not too bad a film TBH, Not too long and was shot ok. Not an award winner but enjoyable.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 31, 2025, 09:44:14 PM
Gladiator 2 , To me a film that shouldn't have been made. CGI ok ish, storyline ok ish, acting ok ish.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 15, 2025, 09:34:27 PM
The Gorge 2025 I have read this movie has taken some harsh reviews, Personally I enjoyed it. Nothing too heavy to watch, Decent CGI ( a tad "pirates of the caribean") and a love story.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 16, 2025, 05:26:41 PM
Annihilation, Still a good one
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 17, 2025, 06:11:10 AM
I liked the movie but didn't really get it. Reading the book really helped put things into perspective.
Yep the tribology is kinda the way to go
Nostrafatu Watched during the night swapping my sleep pattern back to nights. Enjoyed the film by thought it was more of cult film IMO. Loved how it was shot.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 17, 2025, 09:37:23 AM
The vampire as subject always seemed odd to me, since the mathematics just don't add up. Once all the population is turned into vampires, there's nothing left to eat, so the undead have to change their source of food. What do they eat, then? Rats? Then do the rats become vampires? That's always been the flaw. But the psychology underlying the appeal is also curious. It has to be seated in some kind of collective fear of something -- contagion? atheism? Hard to say. But you'd never go broke investing in the fictional vehicles that promulgate it. Anne Rice has to be a millionaire several times over and that goofy Twilight series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, etc. I read Stoker's Dracula once and it was compelling as a read, but I think Anne Rice surpassed it with her various iterations. This looks like an opportunity to consume popcorn at a fast rate.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 18, 2025, 08:15:24 AM
"The earliest known mention of vampires was in 1047 in an Old Russian text. The word used was "upir", which may have meant "the thing at the feast or sacrifice"
"One of the earliest works is 'Der Vampir' of Heinrich August Ossenfelder (1748), and the earliest vampires erupt into British literature with cameos in Robert Southey's Thalaba the Destroyer (1813) and Byron's 'The Giaour' (1813) and an intriguing suggestion of the vampiric in Samuel Taylor Coleridge's 'Christabel' " Interestingly we humans like to scare the poop out of ourselves ;D ;D Would image the writing stylr has change a lot .
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 18, 2025, 10:47:54 AM
That's interesting, goldie. It is curious that we do like to inflict fear via fiction on ourselves since the real world is scary enough. It is a weird form of cannibalism. Then there is the sacrament of the Eucharist that is celebrated throughout much of orthodox elements of Christianity. But it's largely metaphorical in that bread and wine substitute for body and blood.
I suspect there have been odd instances of cannibalism in other cultural contexts, like consuming parts of one's deceased relatives -- like in New Guinea where brains were consumed, serving as a vehicle for transmitting prions and related Kuru - similar to mad cow disease. I don't think you can make them go away by cooking the meat. There have been situations like shipwrecks where survivors resorted to cannibalism in order to prevent starvation, but other than being driven by necessity, the whole cannibal/vampire thing is kind of strange and our fascination with it inexplicable.
People are just weird. Who'd have thought that so much money could be made by producing movies about people biting each other.
Title: Re: Latest Movie You Watched
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 19, 2025, 07:59:50 AM
I don't watch or read horror movies normally, Hammer House of Horror scared me for life ;D. Don't mind a Zombie when done right or a Vampire. Anything Ghosts or supernatural is a no no. :o Luckily the Russel crow play a exorcist movie was more of a comedy so was ok, but Anthony Hopkins in The Rite was too much.