
General Category => TV / Movies => Topic started by: 6pairsofshoes on June 12, 2013, 05:06:35 AM

Title: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 12, 2013, 05:06:35 AM
Ever watch a tv series and wonder "what were they thinking?" because it's just so bad, it's hard to wrap your brain around how somebody could have thought a) this is entertaining b) this will make money c) this won't suck.  Then you think, "MAKE IT STOP!" because it's so awful.

This thread is dedicated to those real trainwrecks of tv shows.  Maybe they got yanked after one airing, or they managed to squeak through a whole season.

Here's one that I always thought was simply terrible:  The New Zoo Review.  A terrible tv show for children with adults wearing godawful animal costumes and speaking in high falsettos.  The two normal people are real tools to boot.  I'm appending a clip of the intro.

Got any other exhibits you care to share?
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: xtopave on June 12, 2013, 02:51:18 PM
Barney & Friends was insufferable!!
My daughter liked it though. Intolerable show, imo.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: Beatrix on June 12, 2013, 03:10:29 PM
Especially with the children's shows!~ ::)
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: SACPOP on June 12, 2013, 03:50:30 PM
TBQH, I wouldn't be able to tell the good kid's shows from the bad ones. I always thought kid's shows were supposed to be bad and not make much sense, basically appealing to their main demo - children and potheads.

This is a pretty well known TV WTF that happened in the states:

Not a valid youtube URL
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: Beatrix on June 12, 2013, 11:25:20 PM
NOt entirely true.  There are good kid shows...

Then there are ones you are not so sure how you feel about..
I feel a little better about Cayou

thennnn there is the whole movie problem,
Some are good, good ideas like Horton Hears a Who.
Then there are ones you think will be good, but turns into something you are unsure of.  Like for instance Lilo and Stitch.  Put it in, five minutes in Lilo punches another little kid in the face.  Gotta watch that when it's the first time a kid's ever seen anything like that.  I was watching it first, to see, I usually do that.  They just walk away when I put in new movies, mostly.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: megamarkd on July 05, 2013, 04:52:31 AM
Hey Bea, funny you should mention The Wiggles.  They are pretty big here, but most adults are wft on them.  They used to be in a pub-rock band called The Cockroaches but worked out there is heaps more money and far less competition doing children's entertainment.

The thing about The Wiggles is that they are insufferable to adults, but the kids love them.  Every parent I know can't stand them, with one friend taking all her son's wiggles dvd's to the goodwill store and and buying him some Thomas The Tank Engine videos to replace them.  When her son asked about them, she told him "Who are The Wiggles?  You must have dreamt that"  A bit mean, but she said she would have gone nuts otherwise (WAKE UP, JEFF!)

But then the same womabn showed me "Yo Gabba Gabba"

(Edited to fix Utube link)
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 25, 2013, 01:10:16 AM
I'm watching a terrifyingly bad movie on one of those late sat night comedy bad movie shows.  This one:  Not a valid youtube URL
Makes you want to re-examine what it means to be human.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: brickbatz on August 25, 2013, 04:08:18 AM
Wrong tags. It's not a YouTube link. I think you meant to post a Wikipedia link
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 25, 2013, 10:49:47 AM
Thank you.  I had to drink a couple glasses of wine in order to get through the ordeal of watching the film so I think it impaired my ability to select the correct tags.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: Maudibe on January 28, 2014, 09:28:43 AM
Anyone ever see this. It was god awful didn't even make it to midseason was cancelled after 6 shows. And it was competing directly with DS9 so it never had a chance.

Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 28, 2014, 01:38:36 PM
That does look pretty bad.  I like to take a nap on Saturday afternoons and before tv was consumed with infomercials they used to show real grade b sci fi series that were inexplicably bad but great to sleep to.  They had one with these guys who seemed like gay extraterrestials who were bald, some were good some bad, and they regularly interacted with the usual heroic space crew cast, but I can't remember what that was called. 

Then there's Forever Knight, 13th century vampire, 20th century cop.  Canadian series, very camp, but somehow compelling, too.  It used to be on late Sunday nights.  Now, on youtube, apparently.  I hesitated to put it here as it's not quite bad enough. 
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: Maudibe on January 29, 2014, 01:28:56 PM
^ being Canadian I remember that one well. I'm surprised it  made it to the States. It was during a time when for whatever reason we were making sci-fi/fantasy/action shows that were really really bad. But you are right Six that one was strangely compelling.

Here are a couple more from right around the same time that illustrates my point.


The Crow: Stairway to Heaven

sensing a theme here lol
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 29, 2014, 07:05:06 PM
Mutant X was pretty bad, but I'm not sure if this is the same one.  I think there was yet another in addition to this one. 

Maybe it was Stargate SG-1.  All I remember was these sort of gay bald aliens, some were good, some were evil but they were always hanging around giving advice and offering help or trying to screw things up.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: xtopave on January 29, 2014, 07:30:54 PM

Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: Maudibe on January 29, 2014, 10:21:51 PM
Maybe it was Stargate SG-1.  All I remember was these sort of gay bald aliens, some were good, some were evil but they were always hanging around giving advice and offering help or trying to screw things up.

I think you mean this one Earth Final Conflict

Edited to fix the quotes and the Youtube link.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 30, 2014, 12:21:43 AM
OMG!  That's it.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: smokester on January 30, 2014, 06:32:17 AM
Maybe gay aliens are actually straight.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: tarascon on January 30, 2014, 06:47:51 AM
The exact opposite to life on Earth.  ;D
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 30, 2014, 10:39:20 AM
Maybe gay aliens are actually straight.

I looked it up.  This is a show from an old Gene Roddenberry plot.  The race had become sterile and were looking to humans for some way to extend their existence.  There is considerable ambiguity about whether they are male or female so their androgenous nature is discussed by the cast on screen.  The aliens are played by female actresses, but they are very tall and have deep voices...
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: dweez on January 30, 2014, 11:13:27 AM
Sadly, I LOVED E:FC.  I loved to hate Sandoval.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 30, 2014, 02:48:55 PM
It was hard to know what to think given I was constantly seeing only fragments and had little idea of what was really going on.  I was up in the middle of the night watching the first episode and think it might be interesting to watch.  A new insomnia project.  Incidentally, I got hooked on this web series and am not sure if I loved or hated it but thought I'd post it here just to get an opinion.  It's a short soap opera with a number of pretty  people who all should just be hit in the face with a cream pie methinks.

Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: Maudibe on February 02, 2014, 08:43:03 AM
I enjoyed the voice over made some interesting points. Here is one I want to share I actually think this was really funny you decide.

Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 15, 2014, 06:10:47 AM
sadly, the video was removed by the user.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 08, 2014, 10:06:02 AM
I tried, and failed, to find the entertainment value in Fresh Meat.  One of the main male characters was on Q.I. and I wanted to hit him in the face with a pie, he was so self obsessed and annoying.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: smokester on November 08, 2014, 10:25:17 AM
Are you talking about Jack Whitehall? I've always found him a little insecure.
Annoying, but insecure.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 17, 2015, 12:24:21 AM
I think so.

Skins is a billion times better.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 14, 2020, 01:10:00 AM
Imagine Sex and The City with a cast focused on a writer who is dumpy and self involved and much less interesting an actress than Sarah Jessica Parker.  It's "Girls."  On amazon prime.  The more I watch, the more I loathe it, particularly the main character.  We are treated to the spectacle of her unappealing nude body regularly and I can't but shake my head.  Please make it stop.

It reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Homer crosses tomato plants with tobacco and comes up with addictive fruit that tastes horrible.  That's this show.  There are some good supportive actors who are much more adept at their craft than the main focus.  She needs to be hit in the face with a cream pie every thirty seconds.  Edit:  I see I often respond to repulsion with an urge to throw cream pies at offenders.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 14, 2020, 01:30:10 AM
Tomacco. From Ralphie we learn that it tastes like grandma.

Lena Dunham is by all accounts an incredibly foul person, and absolutely nothing could compel me to watch that series.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 14, 2020, 08:12:08 AM
There's definitely a faux feminism underlying the basic ethos of this series.  The main character has a flabby, unappealing body and she has an atrocious diet, gets no exercise, and somehow, manages to get all kinds of attractive men to sleep with her.  Why?  How?  Presumably, because whoever is writing this (apparently the main character plays herself--bad move that) thinks she should have this perk.  And subjecting the viewer to her in the nude on a regular basis is of a piece with this. 

I consider myself a feminist, but I don't want to see the naked body of someone so desperately in need of a personal trainer for no real reason.  It does not advance the plot.  It just offends my eyes.  And New York City would eat her alive.  How she subsists on a coffee shop job and gets any writing work at all is god's own mystery.  She has a couple of pretty friends and there are a number of characters who might be more worth watching if they'd get any more time devoted to their development, but they sort of flit around on the sidelines. 

I found Sarah Jessica Parker annoying in Sex and the City, but she was surrounded by women with interesting characters and careers.  It was a bit more believable.  At least they had real jobs.  And we didn't have to watch them get naked most of the time, and had we been subjected to it, it wouldn't have been an aesthetic offense of the first order.  I fear for the young women who are purportedly this show's demographic.  What crappy examples to model oneself after...
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 14, 2020, 07:19:13 PM
I read the movie spoiler for BOP, and wow, that's really the direction they went with?

Like I heard Cass Cain was in it, and I was like "holy poo, how are they going to do THAT backstory justice".

They don't. They just make her a lousy pickpocket.

Cassandra Cain was the daughter of two villains, and was raised in an abusive manner where she can essentially read what you're going to do before you do it by body language, but cannot SPEAK because the abuse basically rewired her brain. She can also kick the absolute poo out of anyone who steps to her.


Lousy pickpocket swallows a diamond and becomes an extended poo joke.

All of the other characters suck too, they're all hard done by without actually elaborating as to why they're hard done by, and end up being the architects of their own misery.

… And that makes the movie sound interesting, when it isn't.

I actually enjoy the animated Harley Quinn series. Ivy alone is bless'ed fantastic.

But yes, many entertainment programs have become committee designed products that we are repeatedly told are the best/most fantastic/also woke, but are essentially an empty container.

I wish they'd leave Ghostbusters alone.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 14, 2020, 11:48:27 PM
I never felt particularly inclined to see any of the Ghostbuster sequels.  The first one was fine.  Funny.  Unusual.  Any efforts to coast on that would be stale.  So I stayed away.

What's BOP?

Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 14, 2020, 11:56:22 PM
Birds of Prey.

Instead of spinning off Margot Robbie into her own series, they figured they'd destroy a different one.

Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 15, 2020, 12:09:15 AM
Wow.  Talk about a spinoff.  I have never heard of this, but I'm sort of out of the Batman loop.  Is it worth viewing?

I got to rambling in the SG1 thread with this and thought better of it, so I'm pasting it here:

I'm working so not up late much, hence the horrid Lena Dunham show.  I think I might watch another one tonight with a distanced eye to see what about it has had me coming back.  The parallels with Friends, Seinfeld, Sex and the City, throws it into the genre of hip young people in New York.  Maybe that's why I watch it.

I was young and lived in NYC and haunted various places that were not yet hip, (the boundary of Little Italy/Chinatown) and these guys now inhabit the less edgy spots that were once border lands in the city.  They are the ones who move in after it's gentrified.  My friends lived on Columbus in the 80's in an apt where the drug dealers hit you up in the lobby, but all you had to do was respectfully decline and they left you alone. 

The characters on Girls are basically phonies, poseurs, totally fake.  The Sex and the City stories are more believable, because I think there are guys who would break up with you using a post-it.  And the ensuing rage is also what you'd expect.  Sarah Jessica Parker lets loose on the guy who did it and that was satisfying.  She gets mugged for her expensive shoes.  I can believe that.  She wants to go out with a good looking real estate developer who has money, because money is important when you live in such an expensive place.  I never thought I'd want Carrie Bradshaw back, just like I'd welcome Bush the lesser over the current occupant of the White House.  But there you have it.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 15, 2020, 12:21:28 AM
I liked the episode of Sopranos when they went into New York, and Little Italy was a ghost of it's former self, and the Chinese were hostile to them. Shows that the world is passing them by, and what their "life" is is eroding fast.

Like for me, I got Carne Asada fries the other day, and they came in an eco box. And man, golly an eco box. I want the old Styrofoam back already. Sometimes progress is weird, confusing, and undesired. (My town banned Styrofoam.)
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 25, 2020, 12:49:41 AM
I got to season 6 of Girls and decided that life's too short.  It's not worth the trouble to watch the pirated version.  When it was on amazon prime, fine, easy to just go to the next episode, but to watch the women with exaggerated poitrines and navigate all those popup ads to see this drivel is a bridge too far.  Judd Apatow should be publicly shamed for holding up this pathetic excuse for a human being as someone worth watching.  Hannah Horvath should just go get a job as a waitress or something and leave the rest of us alone because we just don't care about her wasted life.

She recalls for me the R. Crumb comic, "Gail Snail."  We're all just waiting for that giant foot to come down at the end of the frames and squash her like a bug.  For those of you unfamiliar, here it is in all its misogynistic glory.  Lena Dunham is enough to turn all of us into misogynists.  http://jakemw.tripod.com/gailsnl.jpg (http://jakemw.tripod.com/gailsnl.jpg)  The point of the scratch marks in the word/thought balloons is that nothing she says has any significance.

Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 25, 2020, 07:45:33 PM
I passed up a complete DVD collection of the series ANGEL today, and I love that show. :(
I use  uBlock Origin on the Microsoft Edge browser for my streaming purposes. You're not wrong that those redirect ads are INFURIATING otherwise.

I don't understand why you watched six seasons of Girls.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 25, 2020, 10:23:30 PM
Yeah.  I tried to explain earlier.  Life in NYC when I was younger and adventurous makes me nostalgic for those times, but this cast is laughable in their lame desire to be transgressive and original.  They are tediously conformist in the extreme.  Just another bunch of pathetic hipsters.  Dunham exemplifies everything I loathe about the phony boho lifestyle--she fancies herself an artist, but is too lazy to get out and push her own limits.  She is given a job to go to a women's surf camp on Long Island but manipulates the staff so she won't have to try to surf.  She's a fat slob who has no desire to exercise and has an atrocious diet.  Even so, we are treated to a wardrobe change every 5 minutes and she has an inexplicably unending stream of relatively attractive men who are seemingly willing to overlook her narcissistic and inconsiderate personality in order to bed her nauseating body.  Why the producers decided that the audience would want to look at her naked flab on a regular basis is God's own mystery.  Maybe they're blind.

I can't explain why I put up with it.  At first it was kitsch, then some kind of perverse fascination, like watching a car wreck, then, I got to the point where I felt I couldn't tolerate another minute of it.  I did watch all of Earth:Final Conflict, which got worse and worse until it was over, but I stuck with it.  I finally gave up on the 100 after about 4 or 5 seasons because I got sick of the heavily made up young people beating the crap out of one another.  It was just oppressive.  God knows, I'll watch almost anything. 
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 10, 2021, 02:52:11 AM
I saw season 1 of A Discovery of Witches a few years ago and in casting about for something to watch in the past few days, I thought I'd give season 2 a go.  The first season was kind of interesting.

Season 2 is like a big WPA project for BBC actors.  We have Henry Talbot from Downton Abbey as Mr. Main Vampire married to pretty witch he met in the Bodleian Library.  She's an American from Harvard (no she's not, no f***ing way).  They have left 21st c. Oxford for 16th century London, why? to give CGI guys and the wardrobe dept. some work, apparently.  Ms. Witch can time travel, I guess.  Bonus is Prince Albert from "Victoria" as some guy who is Main Vampire's friend, maybe Christopher Marlowe.   Also a vampire.  Queen Elizabeth is like some dried out old prune with a toffee nosed accent.  And Ms. Witch is looking for teachers.  She finds them and the new age crap they spew is enough to curl your hair.  Who writes this drivel?  I cringe at every utterance.  I'm three episodes in and I just can't take any more.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: smokester on October 26, 2021, 03:36:47 PM
I saw season 1 of A Discovery of Witches a few years ago and in casting about for something to watch in the past few days, I thought I'd give season 2 a go.  The first season was kind of interesting.

Season 2 is like a big WPA project for BBC actors.  We have Henry Talbot from Downton Abbey as Mr. Main Vampire married to pretty witch he met in the Bodleian Library.  She's an American from Harvard (no she's not, no f***ing way).  They have left 21st c. Oxford for 16th century London, why? to give CGI guys and the wardrobe dept. some work, apparently.  Ms. Witch can time travel, I guess.  Bonus is Prince Albert from "Victoria" as some guy who is Main Vampire's friend, maybe Christopher Marlowe.   Also a vampire.  Queen Elizabeth is like some dried out old prune with a toffee nosed accent.  And Ms. Witch is looking for teachers.  She finds them and the new age crap they spew is enough to curl your hair.  Who writes this drivel?  I cringe at every utterance.  I'm three episodes in and I just can't take any more.

We managed to crawl through season 2 and I couldn't help thinking that everything that happened could have been squashed into a single episode. This may have even made it interesting.

We have just managed to get through both seasons of Outer Banks and I'm not exactly sure how I did as I spent the vast majority of it with my head in my hands. It was like Mr Bean meets One Foot in the Grave with an overtone of Benny Hill.

The writers must have sounded like a Haribo advert when brainstorming ideas.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 26, 2021, 06:51:26 PM
I admit that, just out of idle curiosity, I fast forwarded through the rest of the season.  If witch is so powerful, can't she cast a spell to take care of what ails Mr. Vampire husband?  What good is magic if it can't do extraordinary things.  There's holes in the plot big enough to drive/push a __________(insert large thing of your choice here) through.  This is the reason that I found Penny Dreadful's conclusion so disappointing.  Writers keep writing themselves into some kind of stupid straightjacket.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 26, 2021, 06:52:57 PM
Forgive the double post, but my long term rant in this thread reminded me of this.

Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: smokester on October 27, 2021, 04:02:48 AM
I have the idea (without concrete evidence) that series writers have their stories dictated by whether a show is renewed or not. Shows that are cancelled in the first series, definitely have rushed and cobbled together endings as you get the feeling that's not what they intended in the first half or the series. I suppose that theory would apply to any season of any show if renewal was always in the offing. Only if a finite number of seasons were commissioned beforehand could writers properly map out a story.

In that tosh that was the Outer Banks:

Spoiler (hover to show)
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 28, 2021, 06:22:37 PM
I feel like a lot of shows are serialized and don't need to be. I honestly preferred X-files before the mono-arc.

Funny enough, most X-files fans feel the other way, which I think is dumb as hell. The Monster of the Week episodes put X-files on the map!

Same thing with the Abrams Mystery box. I'm over it. I avoid "why did mystery X happen" series like the plague now. La Brea is just missing the bless'ed sleestaks.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 29, 2021, 02:30:51 AM
I love the La Brea tarpits.  I kept staring at the bubbles emerging from that oily black surface.  And the fossils:  mammoth, sloth, tigers, wowee.  Who knew there was all that crazy animal diversity stalking the north American continent.

Beats the pants off the X-files any day of the week.  I think Abrams is responsible for Fringe.  I quit watching it when the imdb commercials got longer than the show. 
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 13, 2022, 12:57:14 AM
So there is a guy on a relatively well known file sharing site who hard codes english subtitles into what are usually fine tv shows that are produced in non english speaking countries.  Many have been really good.  So I decided to give a Spanish program, "I know who you are," a go.  It's kind of like Gran Hotel in that you just don't like anybody and want it to be over.  Except this is a lawyer/cop mystery thing with the main character (a middle aged lawyer) suffering with amnesia for a particular situation that throws suspicion on his possible involvement with the disappearance a young girl (college age).  Most of the characters are super unlikeable and it just gets worse, but I kept watching, thinking, well maybe it will get better, or, after a while, it will soon be concluded and we can find out if the missing girl is dead or will show up alive.  So tonight episode 10 is over and, damn.  There is a part 2 to the series that we have to watch.  Gak.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 13, 2022, 11:15:59 PM
I remember unhappily watching those late SG-1 seasons and deeply missing the goofy years.

Not sure I would ever hate watch an entire series. There's a reason I stopped making the Atlantis posts, and I genuinely liked Stargate Atlantis the first time I watched it.

The rewatch just felt like more of the bad seasons of SG-1.

I had my mom watch the pilot movie for Atlantis, and she hated it. And she liked SG-1. Turns out she watched it on her own. She really likes Teal'c and his outsider take on things.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 15, 2022, 12:36:30 AM
I quite liked Teal'c, but Atlantis looked super goofy.  There's a point when you think to yourself, "wouldn't it be better for me to read Don Quixote instead?"  That said, I'm too tired to read anything like that right now, so I'll be looking at The Ministry of Time again.  Spanish tv for some reason has ended up on my HD and so I have been watching lots of it.  That's a pretty entertaining series, not super great but amusing enough.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 30, 2022, 12:05:53 AM
Just finished "I know who you are," a Spanish crime drama where pretty much everyone is such a jerk that you don't care what happens to anybody, but when some of them are bumped off, you cheer because their character was just so annoying.  Being smart and pragmatic seems to win over justice and doing the right thing.  There was a super irritating repetitive theme tune that just wouldn't stop.  Kind of like a bad toothache.  Plus, like Gran Hotel, everybody slaps everybody every few minutes.  Spain, a slap happy country.

We are also watching a show that we like to call "lady Pathologist" but known as "Night and Day" (Nit i Dia) a Catalonian series with a forensic pathologist who is married to a Type A businessman (jerk).  She picks guys up in bars.  Why?  Well, she's married to a jerk.  But maybe she just likes casual sex.  Who knows?  At any rate, she's actually pretty funny and smart.  There are some sympathetic characters and a strange serial killer who has a day job as a fireman.  Compared to "I know who you are," this is a real feel good series with some likable characters with just a reasonable sprinkling of jerks and or bad guys.   I spent a short time in Barcelona (where this takes place) and it's odd to get used to people speaking Catalan after listening to all the jerks in the above mentioned series speaking Castillian.  Last time I was in Barcelona, it was a sleepy run down kind of place with a real charm.  Now it's clear that lots of money cascaded into the place after Spain joined the EU and it's got its own Gherkin.  Things really have changed.  Anyway.  "Nit i Dia" is a whole lot better than "I know who you are."
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 08, 2022, 03:07:42 AM
Just fast forwarded through Season 1 of The Rain, Danish post apocalyptic series.
Then I read the synopsis of seasons 2&3 because there was no way I was going to waste any more time on that drivel.  Who writes this stuff? 

EDIT:  reminded me a little of The 100.  Hot young people deal with hostile environment riddled with threats:  toxic rain, pathogens (here human-created virus), other nutjobs in their midst (power hungry, or those who want to become infected or to infect others, cannibals, mad scientists, etc.).  I watched the first couple of episodes at normal speed and then just tossed in the towel and sped through the rest.  I should have read a book instead.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 05, 2022, 10:53:50 PM
I'm moving The Crown season 5 to this thread because it's just so badly written and the casting so ill advised.  Who writes this dreck?  It's hard to sit through.  Full stop.

I've seen episodes of Knot's Landing that were more compelling.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: smokester on December 06, 2022, 01:54:26 PM
Just finished the latest season of Manifest which was just a huge pile of jumbled mess.

I'm being polite.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 06, 2022, 05:05:22 PM
I don't feel like those quasi-mystery series actually have legs. They're generally used as midseason replacements and eventually get cancelled, with the mystery being either boring (god did it) or left unexplained.

The fact Manifest got a resurrection is mind boggling, a mystery in and of itself.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 26, 2023, 02:16:49 AM
I was casting around for something new to watch when I stumbled onto this awful German sci fi horror series, "The Island."  Gak.  First of all it was dubbed into English, which didn't help the moronic dialogue.  It's kind of like everyone is so annoying that you are glad they are all going to get sick and most of them die. But not soon enough to cut this series as short as it needed to be to avoid being in this thread.

https://bloody-disgusting.com/tv/3689057/island-series-heads-screambox-bdtv/ (https://bloody-disgusting.com/tv/3689057/island-series-heads-screambox-bdtv/)
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 01, 2023, 08:34:28 AM
reboot of the evil dead
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 01, 2023, 10:53:57 AM
Evil dead need to stay put, dead and buried.  They can work out their transgressions in the underworld.  Let Satan/Pluto/etc. deal with them.  We've got other things to do.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 03, 2023, 06:36:16 AM
So just finished 1883 and 1923 tv series.
both different to Yellowstone and each has their own merits.
I enjoyed  :).

our media provider Virgin have just replaced our 15 yr old box for anew swanky small one. Works fine but no rugby recording now available  :-[ :-[
Decent service and only 3 days for them to visit, could have had a next day service but working nights I needed some sleep.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 16, 2023, 08:41:01 AM
finished The English and The Last of us, joy of working nights and not a lot of work due to be in trading  administration and not being able to pay bills.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 18, 2023, 10:25:47 PM
Finished season 1 of Picard, saving season 2 for the week.

Looking for more ( of something ) to watch on nights when no work available but unsure what ??? Help anyone?
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 11, 2023, 02:07:22 AM
I'm moving "Britannia" into the TV WTF dept. because it was just awful at the end.  It was all I could do to pay attention to the last two episodes.  Gak.  Once everyone started wearing eyeliner and mousse, it was all over.  A stupid ending, and I guess Edwin Hawkins' estate must be super hard up for money for licensing "oh Happy day" to that abortion of a tv show.  I'm still shaking my head at that misuse of a beautiful gospel song.  What were they thinking?  He passed away recently, but that song was inspirational when it was released as a top 40 hit.  To see it so badly misconstrued was a tragedy.

To take that much talent and waste all those gifted actors on such badly written scripts should be some kind of crime in a country where theatre is actually taken seriously.  So boo hiss for this one.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 11, 2023, 06:52:43 AM
Son has got me to Watch For All Mankind,  may save for my holiday
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 11, 2023, 09:10:45 AM
But is it a terrible show?  I found it not so bad. 
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 11, 2023, 12:54:43 PM
I had lost track of that show, but enjoyed what I'd seen so far.  Given I'm currently casting about for something to watch, I'm happy to hear that there are two more seasons after the ones I've seen.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: smokester on May 10, 2023, 03:03:05 PM
I unintentionally just watched the last episode of Race Across The World and I am completely shocked that to grand prize is only 20 effing grand - between 2!.

Really? WTF is up with that? One of the cameramen probably earned that for filming it.

I expect the winners will spend their winnings paying their overdue mortgage that's backed up because they weren't at work for 3 months.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 10, 2023, 03:20:54 PM
I had to look that up.  It does sound like a ridiculous premise for a show.  The fact that it won BAFTA awards is puzzling, too.  I'm not much of a reality tv show fan, so it's not really my cup of tea, so to speak.  The Wikipedia entry is probably a better use of time than actually the hours spent watching it.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: smokester on May 10, 2023, 03:44:20 PM
I had to look that up.  It does sound like a ridiculous premise for a show.  The fact that it won BAFTA awards is puzzling, too.  I'm not much of a reality tv show fan, so it's not really my cup of tea, so to speak.  The Wikipedia entry is probably a better use of time than actually the hours spent watching it.

It the only episode I have ever watched and it was quite entertaining. It's wasn't really the contestants that intrigued me, but rather the generosity of the public.

Still. A worthy prize-pot would have ensured it didn't make it to this thread.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: smokester on May 19, 2023, 02:31:04 AM
Had the misfortune to have started to watch The Swarm as it was overly advertised on TV.

By episode 2, when I found myself screaming at the actors to "hurry up and get to the point", I realised it was doomed.

After episode 3, I decided to bring some paint home to watch dry to improve my evening's entertainment.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 19, 2023, 09:16:19 AM
I assume this is the German sci-fi series and not the amazon prime comedy?
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: smokester on May 19, 2023, 03:14:13 PM
I assume this is the German sci-fi series and not the amazon prime comedy?

Definitely the former, although I consider it somewhat of a joke.

It's out of our lives now - never to be revisited!
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 19, 2023, 04:07:18 PM
Sounds like it would have been better as a 1.5 hour movie entitled, "The Day the Fish Got Weird."
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 13, 2023, 08:16:05 AM
  Aimed at the whole Huw "thing" (strong language is spoken)
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 26, 2023, 03:02:24 AM
"The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart" on amazon prime.
They obviously threw a bunch of money at this series about abused women.  But the writing is just over the top and an interesting child of an abusive father and an enabling mother turns into an annoying version of her mother as she ages.  You just want to send her to the "Don't Date Him, Girl" website and change the channel.  Sigourney Weaver does the best she can with this trite script but she was more fun in "Alien." A nod to the abuse of Aboriginal tribes by the British government lurks in the background. This is like a Lifetime tv series with more money spent on production values. Bonus:  Frankie Adams, of The Expanse, does a creditable job as Weaver's adopted daughter.

The landscape is amazing.  And there's great photography.  Life's too short.  Watch something else, instead.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 30, 2024, 09:15:28 AM
I'm not sure this is bad enough to qualify for this thread but it sure doesn't belong in My Favorite TV Show of the Moment, so it's here.
On amazon prime:
I watched another episode of The Wheel of Time.  I'm still marveling at the clean clothes.  This is another one of those shows where attractive people are good and ugly people are bad.  It's about as subtle as a train wreck.  Most of the characters are annoying and you don't really care what happens to them.  I doubt the book is like this (or should I say books?).  Can't say the tv series motivates me to read the books.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 30, 2024, 09:21:52 PM
I think it is. The characters are never quite as annoying as the White Gold Wielder in the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, but some (most) of them are really annoying. They all act like spoiled teenagers, and wilfully do stupid things, but this idiocy is often (nearly always) the only thing that allows the story to move forward. I have only watched episode 1 (and won't watch any more until I am sure that they complete the story, which I truly don't believe that they will. GRRM has harmed me for life) but it was obvious from the start that they have modified a lot of the events to avoid upsetting modern sensitivities. I don't recall a single ugly female in the books, good or bad, and surprisingly few ugly males: very few of the baddies were ugly (qv the Children of the Light) but monsters, however, were universally baddies.

I enjoyed the books, and was pleased that the series got an ending (although it was very much an "and then the good guys won, and lived happily ever after"), but most of the characters not so much.

Aside: The author(s) worked really hard to make "strong women" characters, but they very much seem to be the male idea of what a strong woman is (either magical powers, or contrarily headstrong and often both) rather than really strong. But as a chap myself, I understand that it must be quite difficult to write a strong female without making her unpleasantly masculine or shrewish. It is an interesting trait in some recent novels that the gender (or race) of a majority of the characters is unstated, but that doesn't really work when the gender conflict is an essential part of the story like in WoT. The whole a'dam thing made my stomach turn, so I can't imagine what that would have been like for a lady to read/ watch (assuming it makes it into the TV show).

The main group of young people are dull and predictable because they seem to embody some millenial ideals of diversity and gender neutrality in the talents and advancement.  They are not particularly interesting because it's like someone at Google dreamed them up.  Then there's a couple of super smart people, a woman and her gorgeous samurai support guy, and of course, she's smarter than most of the oddball women who hang in this tower waving their arms around with CGI lines of force emanating from them.  This has caused her to becone somewhat of an outsider.  I haven't even bothered to learn their names.  The show had such a long hiatus that I hardly remember what they're going on about at this point.  There's a force of evil and a couple of the teenagers have special powers that have the potential to save the world but it's by no means a foregone conclusion, but, hey, I've seen enough Disney movies to figure out how this will work out.  There are times that I think a random episode of Doc Martin has more emotional complexity and interesting characters, but I digress.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 01, 2024, 07:39:33 AM
Just finished watching We own this city  2022 about Baltimore Police department. 

Now watching The Lost Symbol.
I can understand why it warrant a Movie
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 01, 2024, 09:48:11 AM
Tricky for TV, I guess.

Like in Dune where the whole series can be summarised as "we have all seen the boy that fights the evil emperor and wins, but what happens then? Does the boy then become the evil emperor and restart the cycle?", the point of the WoT books is not the people, but the cyclic nature of things: the characters are just a means to illustrate the complexities of going round in the circle (and the "magic" schema is an attempt to distance the saga from all the others that do the same). It is difficult to see how this can be made for the screen (like Dune), because on the screen the makers want the audience to care for the characters and, as you note, to identify with the characters; hence we have to have one of each ethnic group, gender and religion in every group.

GRRM's adaptation solved the problem by regularly killing folk - often while they were copulating, so people were invested in the experience without really caring about the characters - the makers' problem in that case was guessing the ending (which was doomed to fail, as there won't be one. GRRM has painted himself into a corner, and is stuck)

In GoT (the tv series), there were characters that I did care about.  Not here.  amazon prime is capable of producing good series.  I'm watching The Legend of El Cid, which is not bad and the main actor, (El Cid) Jaime Lorente has sufficient range that you care if his character survives all the plots against him (he plays a genial doofus in Casa de Papel).  There's kind of heavy handed character development (bad guys about as subtle as Snidley Whiplash) but you care.  I think that perhaps the problem with WoT is that there's too many moving parts, too many characters, so it just doesn't hang together, despite great costumes, really first rate CGI and probably actors who can act but just have bad scripts.  Because it's generally kind of lame, I tend to watch it when I have nothing better to do.  So the continuity is a problem. 

I've only seen the first Dune movie, which was camp and kind of embarrassing.  I'm sure the more recent ones are more beautiful and compelling.  But, if I remember from the book the main guy who figures out how to ride the spice worms ends up saving people and then becoming an oppressor?  Right?  I'm still kind of pissed at the degeneration of GoT in the final season where people just got personality transplants to become new characters and behave in ways that beggared belief, and ended up like some kind of summer camp meeting.  So that's another WTF candidate.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 01, 2024, 01:59:33 PM
I think that a good series needs either a good source, or a good team of makers (or both, but I'm not sure that has ever occurred). And a defined ending*.

I think the primary problem with WoT is that it was written without real characters: most of the participants are cyphers designed to further the story in various ways. This makes bad TV.

GoT (or ASOIAF) is different: GRRM writes characters that are interesting, but it is dangerous to care about them, as he has a habit of killing them off. It makes for good TV, because they do stuff, and despite yourself you do care. Where GRRM stopped writing, the suits were clueless.

Dune 2 is way better than Dune 1, but between them they only cover the introduction to the Dune saga: In the first book (2 movies) the kid wins, but in the next book he becomes the monster: in the rest of the saga the author attempts (with limited success) to show how the "continual evil emperor cycle" is broken.

* this is the bit that rendered several potentially great shows into rubbish (Lost, Heroes, even X-Files - amongst thousands of others. Great ideas, great starts, sagging middles and no ending)

I'm afraid I never got to see any of those other shows.  Sounds like I shouldn't bother.  I'm still smarting from the lost hours of my life devoted to watching Earth: Final Conflict.  Now, I think it's better to catch up on my reading than risk the frustration of too much bad tv.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 03, 2024, 11:34:56 AM
That would be my recommendation. Unfortunately I get hooked by pilots and first series that appear to be good TV, with a promising hook. But nowadays I don't start watching a series - even the pilot - until Wikipedia tells me that the show has a successful conclusion.

Every now and then I'd tune into an episode of The X Files and it was universally grim.   To be honest, the Outer Limits (1960's version) was more effective as a show in a similar genre.  But my husband, who is in all other respects, a wonderful human being, just doesn't like SciFi or shows that tend toward the supernatural, so our prime time viewing is more limited, and I tend to watch this stuff alone, mostly late at night.  I never found any of the shows in your list especially compelling.  The Expanse was much more effective at introducing unexplained, or not well understood, odd remnants from a more advanced but defunct culture, but even those guys were at a loss as to how to end the books effectively.  They were well written and the series very good, but they decided to yank the plug without really finishing the books.  I guess it wasn't that much of a loss, but it was so well done that I was sad that it ended.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 03, 2024, 02:36:56 PM
I was brought up in a country where syndication was unheard of, so I only ever watch things from the start*: I don't dip in and out. In the UK, throughout my childhood, TV series were usually something like six episodes. This meant they were universally one episode "set-up", four and a half episodes of "journey", and the last half of an episode was "denouement". Nowadays the UK has followed the US lead in having a full season of 6-30 episodes ending on a cliff-hanger that will only be resolved if the series is renewed, so eventually there will be an unresolved cliffhanger (that normally has nothing to do with the series original premise, because of the twists and turns of each individual season). The X-Files is a classic of the form: it had monster of the week episodes (of varying quality) with an overarching arc that hooked viewers but never got resolved. After the first season it rapidly became "Bert & Doris investigate weird things" every week, and it lost the coherence of the story arc.

It took me a long time to break the habit of expecting the "traditional" form, but even now I still demand an ending a lá "The Fugitive" to be provided, that makes sense of the overarching story. If I don't get that, I can't abide the series (no matter how "good" the hook/ stories/ production values are.

... I watch TV independently of SWMBO (she is a soap opera addict), so fortunately I am not restricted to stuff she likes.

* the first time: thereafter I am happy to watch random episodes in any order, if I liked the show enough.

When I was in Brasil, for 3 weeks, back in the stone age, I would watch evening television in an effort to obtain some knowledge of Portuguese.  Their telenovelas were world class, and not without an element of humor.  Plus, pretty much everyone in the country watched them (O Globo is a media conglomerate that publishes a major newspaper and has the major tv network) so you could discuss developments with random strangers.  But the curious thing was that they lasted for about 3 months and then they were on to a new program.  No 50 years of As the World Turns for these guys, no!  And my mother used to keep the tv on a single channel all day, so I was treated to endless afternoons of televised dramas and related commercials for laundry soap and diapers.  But I don't really have much of a taste for them. 

That said, I can appreciate them for a few reasons:  steady employment for aspiring actors who can try to move up to something better, the utterly over the top campy plots and characters (so you know the writers were finding ways to amuse themselves aside from the regular paychecks), and the social cohesion factor -- it's something you can discuss with random supermarket clerks as the checkout aisles are populated with tabloids and magazines like Soap Opera Digest.

We have gotten accustomed to the six episode season of many BBC productions and have trouble wrapping our brains around the seemingly arbitrary decisions to discontinue otherwise brilliant television series.  My husband frequently complains about the limit of "Indian Summers" to a mere two seasons.  We would expect the BBC to be more independent of viewer reception, but maybe I misunderstand how these are funded or decisions made about which shows to produce or continue.
On the other hand, I think the U.S. could have been better off without emulating many of the British reality shows that we've imported and then spun off -- resulting in even more crass series.  That "Weakest Link" lady was simply cruel and without any humor whatsoever.  I partially blame you guys for the mediocre real estate developer that managed to become President mostly for being on tv and ostensibly firing people.  We sure could have done without that.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 04, 2024, 09:36:48 AM
It really surprised me that all y'all had versions of "Steptoe and Son" and "Till Death Us Do Part". I wouldn't have thought that they would have travelled at all, and I also assumed that "The Office" was too insular to be exported. I guess that's why I'm not a TV executive.

I never knew that Norman Lear based All in the Family on a British show.  Archie Bunker was super popular as was Red Foxx's Fred Sanford in Sanford and Son.  The latter was previously known for raunchy standup routines that were circulated on LP recordings, like those of Moms Mabley and other comedians.

The American Office ended up being sweet and syrupy with successful office romances and less of the biting satire that Gervais succeeded in achieving in his painfully self-effacing version.  I always found Coupling funnier than its American-based Friends -- a show that ran on far longer than necessary.  Sadly, after Richard Coyle left the show, it took a nose dive and became unwatchable.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 24, 2024, 12:50:57 PM
My husband was channel surfing yesterday and settled on an early episode of The Love Boat on MeTV.  Good lord.  How did that ever survive a single episode?  It has a young Sonny Bono on it so that was weird.  Lame does not begin to describe this formulaic train wreck of a program.  Please let me know that you escaped having to watch this dreck in the UK.

We watched for 10 minutes and then changed the channel to some news.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 05, 2024, 01:03:55 PM
The Boys season 4 has been an absolute debauchery. I mean I knew what I was getting into, as I read the comics, but seeing it in live action is a trip.

For instance, there is a "supe" who can clone himself, but he has to be nude to do so. While fighting the boys with machine guns, they tumble through a wall into a bat mitzvah.

So it's three CIA goons in trench coats with melee weapons up against a growing number of naked men with American firearms. (The frenchman was particularly disgusted with the weapon choices)

The loveboat was clearly made for a generation that has mostly departed.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 05, 2024, 03:56:20 PM
I watched Season 1 of The Boys.  It's pretty violent, although there's a dark humor about it.  I never felt compelled to pursue it.

I have been watching Studio City, which is just fluff.  About an aging soap star.  The best part  of it is that it's broadcast in 15 minute episodes, which is about how much time I have to devote to it.  It is far from the economical but more interesting web series, like Phantom Rabbit Hit Man, The Guild, etc., in that it's pretty predictable and more like something that would have been produced in Studio City. 
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: Beatrix on August 14, 2024, 12:50:35 PM
I haven’t returned for the last season of the boys.  I will when I’m ready but yeah, it is a trip to watch. 
I started watching “Dead to Me”. Because it has Kelly Bundy.  Not as riveting as I’d hoped but I do just find it soothing to see Kelly Bundy do anything at all on tv, much like Peggy. 
I watched all of Atypical on Netflix and I enjoyed the first couple seasons immensely.  Also watched all of “maid” now, since I’m a maid. 
Last night my daughter and I watched “time travelers”. :)
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 15, 2024, 08:48:30 AM
Bud was in a bunch of movies I never heard of and did voice acting in some animated films.  Katie Sagal was good in Sons of Anarchy.  I haven't followed the careers of the other actors, Ed O'Neill who, having shifted from a career as a professional football player, moved from Married with Children to several movies, voice work, and a recurring role in Modern Family, a show that I never watched.  He does tv commercials, most recently Zyrtec, the allergy medicine.

Christina Applegate has had a successful career in sitcoms and movies.  She's currently struggling with Multiple Sclerosis after successful treatment for breast cancer.  Health problems are arbitrary and cruel.  She's been active in related philanthropic causes.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 24, 2024, 12:54:47 AM
Just finished Season 1 of Lioness, a South African crime drama that seems like it was made for the Lifetime channel.  God awful writing.  Heavy handed, annoying syrupy music, and predictable plots.  I hear there's a Season 2.  This is the tomacky of tv.  Terrible tasting and addictive.  I feel I can easily live without seeing another season of this dreck.  I did fast forward through the most objectionable parts but that's still several hours of my life I won't get back.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: goldshirt*9 on August 27, 2024, 07:33:21 AM
Have a few TV series I want to watch but as yet holding back watching when I work nights
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: smokester on September 25, 2024, 03:55:56 AM
This section seems the most appropriate for this review:

We decided to watch the BBCs Nightsleeper show once we were home, just for something to negate the jet lag a bit.

The first episode or 2 seemed ok-ish and about what you'd expect from this sort of drama. By episode 3 and 4, we were finding ourselves scratching our heads a lot asking each other how any of what just happened makes any sense. To add to that, you were constantly left with the feeling of "God help us" if anyone like these people were truly looking after our cyber security. By episode 5 and 6, it was just farcical.

Tomatometer (critics) are generous giving it 36%, but there is no popcorn rating yet - or, perhaps there is but it's too minute to register.

What a load of tosh!
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 25, 2024, 04:48:18 PM
Thanks.  I'd never heard of that, but the poor reviews cited in Wikipedia are pretty funny.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nightsleeper (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nightsleeper)
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 26, 2024, 08:19:25 AM
Watching The Bear Season 3 on by break  at work, slower than the first 2 seasons but good.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: smokester on September 26, 2024, 10:19:04 AM
Thanks.  I'd never heard of that, but the poor reviews cited in Wikipedia are pretty funny.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nightsleeper (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nightsleeper)

Considering the BBC will give Gary Lineker £1.3m a year (ok, I know he's now getting a paycut) just to talk about football for a few minutes on Saturday night, you'd think they'd chuck a quid or 2 at producing a half decent drama.

Shows like this only further support for the call to abolish our TV licence fee.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 02, 2024, 10:27:54 AM
I had to look that up.  We really like David Mitchell.
We are slowly working our way through "Would I lie to you" (readily available via youtube in the States) and despite its formulaic structure, I'm constantly surprised by his intelligence and that of Lee Mack.  Comedians seem to be the most intelligent people on the planet.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 04, 2024, 09:08:58 AM
About finished the TV series The Bear. Carry's on nicely from S02.
Then I will watch KIN which was recommended to me
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: smokester on November 24, 2024, 05:23:21 AM
I just finished watching the first 2 seasons of Star Trek Discovery, and they really were "TV WTF"! There are so many inconsistencies and nauseating lovey dovey moments, that I almost bailed. I then ragged it off to my son but still started season 3.

However, so far season 3 is pretty good so I'm reserving judgement for a moment.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 24, 2024, 05:53:49 AM
Most of the Star Trek spinoffs have soon jumped the shark, at least for me.  I watched TNG for a while, but it got old after a while.  That, and the propensity to get creative with modeling clay applied to people's faces and ears in an effort to come up with vaguely humanoid extraterrestial characters, just kind of put me off.  Of course, TNG was Emmy level material compared to the dreadful train wreck of Earth: Final Conflict, another Gene Roddenberry brain child (produced posthumously by his widow).
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 24, 2024, 10:36:07 PM
I tried to watch STD, or their preferred nomenclature, DIS.

Not enough whiskey, deep hurting. Purple klingons with dual penises.

Seriously, they gave the klingons double dicks.

I'm glad mom only saw the first episode.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 25, 2024, 03:48:59 AM
Out of curiosity, I checked to see what animals on Earth had these kinds of genitals and it turns out  that snakes and lizards do have them, hemipenes.  Who knew?  And there are other animals, like echidnas, that are even stranger, but that's enough for one day.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 25, 2024, 09:19:19 AM
The Diplomat S02 enjoyed as per season 1
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 25, 2024, 07:54:28 PM
I've heard that's good so that's another series, along with Slow Horses, on our watch list.  I really liked The Americans, a series that also included Keri Russell in a main role.

I'm watching Arctic Circle.  Slow Finnish series about weird murders of prostitutes who have some kind of evil virus attached to a herpes strain in their blood.  Is it the work of a mad scientist?  A Russian experimental bio weapon?  It's plodding along.  I kind of feel like watching it on 1.5 speed.  I get lots of these kinds of series via our public library streaming service.  Some of them are better than others.  This is not bad, it's just not really good.  So I don't think it really belongs in WTF, but since good stuff is being posted here, I figured, why not?
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 26, 2024, 08:34:41 AM
I'm watching Arctic Circle.  Slow Finnish series about weird murders of prostitutes who have some kind of evil virus attached to a herpes strain in their blood.  Is it the work of a mad scientist?  A Russian experimental bio weapon?  It's plodding along.  I kind of feel like watching it on 1.5 speed.  I get lots of these kinds of series via our public library streaming service.  Some of them are better than others.  This is not bad, it's just not really good.  So I don't think it really belongs in WTF, but since good stuff is being posted here, I figured, why not?

Most Scandinavian murder series are weird  ;D ;D
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: smokester on December 01, 2024, 01:46:43 PM
Turns out one of the labourers on my site is a bloody actor. He's starred in quite a few things including Foundation on Apple TV.

Who knew!?
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: smokester on December 02, 2024, 10:32:17 AM
Harrison Ford was a carpenter. Is your labourer's name Harrison?

Close. It's Buddy.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: smokester on December 02, 2024, 01:35:25 PM
Not a carpenter.

Unlike you, not a carpenter.

Nice lad though. He went for a script reading on Friday for something that looks quite interesting. Either side of that day he was just shovelling sand. Shows he understands that money is money and not to be sneezed at.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 02, 2024, 04:04:06 PM
Or he's doing the life experience thing to keep his feet on the ground.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 02, 2024, 04:17:45 PM
Not a carpenter.

Just "a poor mountaineer a shootin' at some food..."

And Harrison was an aspiring actor who became a carpenter to insure a steadier income stream, so it's not like Jed Clampett, a regular guy minding his own business, who got catapulted into sudden riches.

One final thing.  What's with the surname first name?  Isn't Harrison (son of Harris) a surname?  And I don't know what to think about Ford as a surname, given how the author, Ford Maddox Ford, has a name that just messes with the whole system.  That makes me want to sit somewhere quiet and puzzle English names.  I do know other people who are named Harrison.  At least they aren't called Harrison Harrison.  I did have a great uncle named William Williams.  He was Irish.  In addition to the regular exercise he gave his elbows at the local pub, he once painted the Golden Gate bridge.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 07, 2024, 05:20:58 AM
Finished the Jack Ryan TV series whilst in the blustery Derbyshire Dales this week  :o :o
Unsure what to watch next
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 07, 2024, 09:44:48 AM
I just finished Season 2 of der Pass (Pagan Peak).  It's a decent german/austrian detective drama.  Kind of nuanced but suspenseful.  Good actors.  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6905756/ (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6905756/)
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 07, 2024, 09:37:37 PM
detective drama

ATM that is almost all the TV stations show in the UK (and Antique, selling houses, Hospital doc's ), wife watches all of them
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: smokester on December 08, 2024, 02:51:47 PM
I have just started watching The Lincoln Lawyer for no other reason than to pass time while I am laid up with the flu. It ain't great in my humble opinion, but it's better than a host of other poo on Netflix.

So far.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 13, 2025, 05:32:29 PM
Utterly dreadful, like a bad Lifetime network miniseries.  It's god's own mystery how they ended up with such a talented cast for this train wreck.  It was one of those movies where people's behaviors defied common sense.  The one redeeming aspect of it was the relief provided by multiple efforts of the pharmaceutical industry to sell drugs or at least to "ask your doctor if --------- is right for you!" thanks to amazon primes relentless efforts to monetize every single thing they show you in video.  They broke this 2 parter into 3 parts, probably so they could squeeze in more commercials.  Tennant continues to impress me with his abilities as an actor.  Here, he was utterly creepy and manipulative.  We kept remembering him as the beleaguered English teacher opposite Catherine Tate.  "Am I bovered?..."
Secret Smile, with David Tennant, Rory Kinnear, et al.  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0462520/ (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0462520/)
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 31, 2025, 09:47:57 PM
It's that time of the year again  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 01, 2025, 08:48:12 PM
I want more unhinged Tennant.

I think my favorite scene of his was when Trish fakes out Kevin in Jessica Jones. "Aww, IT'S PATSY" was so disappointed.

Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 01, 2025, 11:51:40 PM
Like Patsy from Ab Fab Patsy?
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 8ullfrog on February 02, 2025, 01:56:37 AM
In Jessica Jones Season 1, the past is a bit of an onion.

We know that Jessica's family died in a car wreck, and she was taken in by her friend, Patrica Walker's mother.
Dorothy Walker was a stage mom and pushed her daughter into acting, resulting in a show called "It's Patsy".

Kilgrave doesn't want her, he wants Jessica. So, he pouts like the worlds most dangerous child.

I actually ruined the series for myself because of the streaming site I was using. It played the LAST episode of Season 2 instead of the FIRST episode.

I thought they were doing in media res because I'm stupid.

I really didn't like where season 2 went with the show, so it was completely ruined for me.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 02, 2025, 08:50:57 AM

I really didn't like where season 2 went with the show, so it was completely ruined for me.

Just think of the valuable hours you saved by not having to watch the rest of it!

I'm completely unfamiliar with that show.  I watched some stupid French detective show last night:
Alice Nevers.  She's pretty and not very compelling as an actress.  She was hauling her newborn around with her and all the men she works with acted like:
a) she's the only beautiful woman in Paris
b) they'd just love to babysit and play with the kid instead of working
c) the child's godfather didn't mind that he peed all over his suit and face

I know it's France and all, but this beggared belief and as for the writing, those guys really need a refresher course.  There's plenty of irreverent French police shows that combine wacky good humor with solving criminal cases but at least they manage to be entertaining.  This was a fail.  At least it was free with the library streaming service.
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 03, 2025, 06:59:24 AM
 minutes of the Oscars last night, 4 minutes too long
Title: Re: TV WTF
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 03, 2025, 09:45:09 AM
Another failed French detective type drama:  Accident.
So bad I couldn't finish the first episode.  But it would be a candidate for Mystery Science Theatre 3000.  It was that bad.  And that takes some doing.  It's so bad I don't even find it on Google.  Just some Welsh drama of the same name.  And there's a Mexican one, too!  I don't think the plots are remotely similar.  Just a popular name, I guess.

Here's a IMDb link.  The actors are kind of dull and lacking in so many ways.  Like, I don't even care what goes on with these people.  So they fit the TV WTF category.
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6917064/ (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6917064/)