Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: ohcheap1 on February 27, 2016, 01:35:57 PM
If any of you are like me, I miss The Colbert Report desperately. On facebook, many peers discussed who should replace Colbert when the decision was still pending. I totally overlooked and dismissed this option. Im an idiot. SHES FREAKIN FANTASTIC!!
Hhhmmmmm.... It was working not sure what happened?
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on February 29, 2016, 03:02:28 AM
If any of you are like me, I miss The Colbert Report desperately. On facebook, many peers discussed who should replace Colbert when the decision was still pending. I totally overlooked and dismissed this option. Im an idiot. SHES FREAKIN FANTASTIC!!
That was 7 minutes of my life that was thoroughly worthwhile.
She has my vote.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 04, 2016, 02:32:53 AM
That was really good.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: tarascon on March 04, 2016, 06:20:51 AM
Trump gets drumpfed
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: brickbatz on March 04, 2016, 11:22:51 AM
^ Funny stuff, but true. The only candidate worse than Drumpf is Clinton.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: Schmoogsley on March 04, 2016, 12:16:54 PM
Roger that Brickster.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on March 04, 2016, 03:15:40 PM
You have got to be kidding. It is beyond belief that anyone could be a worse candidate than Trump. This is no longer funny, America.
Clinton may be a scary hag, and a Democrat, but she is at least not a lunatic.
That just goes to show how disgusted people are.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: tarascon on March 06, 2016, 06:43:33 AM
Can anybody say The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire?
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: brickbatz on March 06, 2016, 11:33:04 AM
She's dangerous...
Washington (CNN)Bryan Pagliano, a former Hillary Clinton staffer who helped set up her private email server, has accepted an immunity offer from the FBI and the Justice Department to provide an interview to investigators, a U.S. law enforcement official told CNN Wednesday.
The FBI has been asking for Pagliano's cooperation for months as dozens of investigators pored over thousands of Clinton emails in a secure room on the fourth floor of FBI headquarters.
Sending e-mails from a private server is wrong, and may even be illegal, but this pales into insignificance when compared to The Donald's unmitigated madness.
Can you for one minute believe that Trump wouldn't stoop to whatever means he can conceive in order to get his own way? Seriously, I think that Americans have a gift for developing wildly inappropriate politicians, but The Donald beats them all into a cocked hat.
(PS: this is not to say that we Brits aren't quite gifted in this regard, but we haven't even come close to one of Trump's stature.)
The one thing that I can't fathom is what is in it for him.
He needs the attention.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: brickbatz on March 06, 2016, 03:46:13 PM
She's dangerous to our National security.
She's still married to Bill Clinton. I don't see her being totally independent of him.
Impeachment and acquittal of Bill Clinton (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impeachment_and_acquittal_of_Bill_Clinton)
Why does Trump want to be President? He loves the limelight, ego.
Scarborough to Trump: Why Do You Want To Be President? (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/01/08/scarborough_to_trump_why_do_you_want_to_be_president.html)
SCARBOROUGH: why do you want to be president?
TRUMP: Because I want to make America great again. Very simple. I want to make America great again. And we can do it.
You know --
SCARBOROUGH: When did America stop being --
TRUMP: -- you see the crowds I’m getting.
SCARBOROUGH: When did America stop being great?
TRUMP: I was very unhappy with the Bush years. I was very unhappy with the fact that Bush went into Iraq. I was, as you know, in 2003, 2004, even though I’m a builder and deal guy, I got always a lot of publicity for whatever reason, OK? I didn’t have PR people, I just got for whatever reason.
And once somebody said about Iraq, and I said don’t do it because you’re going to destabilize the Middle East. That was a bad step. That was a horrible step.
Then Obama came in and it’s been a disaster. It’s been a disaster. We’re not a respected country anymore. Our military’s going to hell. Our veterans aren’t treated properly. Obamacare is a disaster; it’s got to be repealed. So many different things.
The whole persona of our country is different. And I said I’m going to do this. And it wasn’t something I really wanted to do. Frankly, I wish Obama were a great president. I would be happy. I’d be happy -- doing what I’m doing, Turnberry in Scotland. I’ve some of the greatest jobs in the world. I may never see it again. You know, if I win, I may never see these things again.
So I love what I’m doing. I love running. One thing I’ve learned is I get the biggest crowds by far. Much bigger than Bernie Sanders, much bigger than anybody. Not even close. And you know that. And he gets second, by the way. But mine are much bigger.
I will tell you, the people are incredible, of this country. And they’re really, really smart. They get it. And I’ve very impressed by it.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 06, 2016, 05:43:28 PM
Remember when Obama was a candidate and there were massive youth voting initiatives? Notice how the DNC isn't doing that this election?
Do they not remember the solid thrashing the GOP got by running "it's my turn" Mccain?
Honestly I don't blame bill for being a manwhore, considering the amount of cleanup he's had to do for his wife.
I was raised in a fairly republican environment, yet time and again I've found myself voting for the least worst democratic candidate, and the DNC is hellbent on taking that away.
The caucus votes being called by the magical clinton coin flip enrage me, considering vote rigging cost us President Gore. Say what you will about the man being boring, I doubt he'd ignore a security briefing for golf.
Seriously, give me a dimension jumping device, I'd like to see a world where 9/11 didn't happen.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: brickbatz on March 07, 2016, 10:00:24 AM
She can't even send secure email.
If she were to be elected I feel like it would be a third term for Bill Clinton.
... oh, and he was ACQUITTED!
President Ford Pardoned Richard Nixon too. That doesn't make him any less guilty.
* BTW, I'm not advocating voting for Trump either.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: brickbatz on March 07, 2016, 01:43:51 PM
He wasn't acquitted by a landslide. And he admitted he lied.
The perjury charge failed with 45 senators voting "guilty" and 55 senators (45 Democrats and 10 Republicans) voting "not guilty". The obstruction of justice charge failed with 50 senators voting "guilty" and 50 senators (45 Democrats and 5 Republicans) voting "not guilty". In both cases, a two-thirds majority of 67 senators would have been required for conviction.
I don't want Trump in the White House but I don't want Bill Clinton in there either.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 08, 2016, 06:19:32 PM
There is a gun show this weekend in Del Mar, and I would LOVE to see it, but that cowpoo probation thing can only be nixed by a psychiatrist. I'm not even on the waiting list for a paychiatrist right now, they put me on the list on the 28th.
Back in 08 they were freaking out about obama, I got a great deal on ammo.
The amount of anti hillary rhetoric there reminded me of 1993 fresno. I never liked Hillary from a free speech standpoint, but her record makes me dislike her even more.
I had to pas up a good deal on PT shirts because the back area had a giant swatstika and white pride literature, and I will not do commerce with someone who thinks the turner diaries are a great idea.
Plus gun shows in CA are sad, neutered things, like the rejected booths from the boat show.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 08, 2016, 09:46:15 PM
Clinton has been the subject of some rather misogynistic rantings from both the right and the left. Thus far, it's not been demonstrated conclusively that she did anything wrong. Here is an article placing her usage of private e-mails in context and fact checking her claims. http://www.salon.com/2015/03/10/fact_check_clinton_and_her_emails/ (http://www.salon.com/2015/03/10/fact_check_clinton_and_her_emails/)
I was originally in favor of her candidacy when she was running against Obama, but then she decided to lie about Obama, which was stupid. I was fully aware of what Obama's positions were, as he'd made them public, but her campaign decided on a strategy of smear tactics and promulgated inaccuracies about his ideas. That was enough for me to switch my vote to Obama. Now, I have to consider the worst case scenario of Republican victory with opponents who made the Republicans of yesteryear look downright moderate. I don't care if Sanders or Clinton gets the nomination, but either of them is infinitely preferable to that cynical real estate developer/reality tv star. Trump sounds like a carnival barker, and his grasp of issues (or rather lack thereof), both domestic and international, leads me to fear for the future of America. He attracts disgruntled low information voters who find him entertaining. Well, they've got that part right. He makes the other GOP candidates look like mean spirited stiffs. They get nasty and apoplectic in his presence.
The GOP debates have been highly entertaining, like some kind of brilliant theatre of the absurd or black comedy.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: brickbatz on March 09, 2016, 05:06:46 AM
Every election it's the lesser of two evils. I don't feel either one of those two deserve my vote.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on March 09, 2016, 02:12:24 PM
Every election it's the lesser of two evils. I don't feel either one of those two deserve my vote.
Which is exactly why here we have Joke political parties (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Joke_political_parties_in_the_United_Kingdom). If all else fails I can at least vote for the Al-Zebabist Nation of Ooog.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 09, 2016, 02:24:08 PM
Sort of like the church of the flying spaghetti monster. The real world is often far from fun and our sad 4 year reminder of that is upon us. I'm with brick. I don't relish the thought of voting for Hillary much, but the prospect of Cruz or Trump in the White House downright scares me.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on March 09, 2016, 02:58:24 PM
Sort of like the church of the flying spaghetti monster. The real world is often far from fun and our sad 4 year reminder of that is upon us. I'm with brick. I don't relish the thought of voting for Hillary much, but the prospect of Cruz or Trump in the White House downright scares me.
I've never actually used my vote on one of those joke parties, although I did vote Liberal Democrats once.
It was during the Tony B-liar administration, so I should be forgiven when my time comes.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: tarascon on March 10, 2016, 04:13:38 PM
Engineering Consent. The Freuds--Sigmund, Anna & Edward Bernays = Psychology, business/marketing, and contemporary politics.
Check out the last one hour episode Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering (actually, the whole four hour documentary is fascinating): From Wikipedia: "In part four the main subjects are Philip Gould, a political strategist, and Matthew Freud, a PR consultant and the great-grandson of Sigmund Freud. In the 1990s, they were instrumental to bringing the Democratic Party in the US and New Labour in the United Kingdom back into power through use of the focus group, originally invented by psychoanalysts employed by US corporations to allow consumers to express their feelings and needs, just as patients do in psychotherapy."
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 10, 2016, 07:56:04 PM
That's interesting, I remember watching a documentary that posited the opposite, that focus groups and marketing based strategies led to the rise of thatcher and reagan.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: tarascon on March 10, 2016, 10:19:29 PM
Yes, that's true 8ullfrog. Reagan and Thatcher are well-covered in the last hour of the film.
It wasn't just New Labour and Democrats that benefited from those strategies as the Wiki quote states; it doesn't mention how that sort of move backfired on Clinton and Blair. The documentary certainly does a good job of explaining that. I recommend watching the whole thing but I posted it basically because it does a decent job of explaining the banality of most--if not all--candidates the last few decades and why we don't have people so much as products to choose from.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: ohcheap1 on March 12, 2016, 10:21:50 PM
^ Funny stuff, but true. The only candidate worse than Drumpf is Clinton.
There is no candidate worse the trump. Sorry but I would vote for Clinton in a heartbeat to keep that maniacal scallywag away from my childrens future.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: ohcheap1 on March 12, 2016, 10:29:29 PM
(http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k246/ohcheap1/christ_zpsamvfh3q8.png) Thank you. Move here and then you have a say so in the terrifying future we are facing. (http://reappropriate.co/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/bernie-sanders.jpg)
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: tarascon on March 13, 2016, 07:23:03 AM
Does anyone remember Gus Hall?
"...In the 1964 presidential election, Hall's party supported Lyndon B. Johnson, saying it was necessary to prevent the victory of the conservative Barry Goldwater. During the 1972 presidential election, the CPUSA withdrew its support from the Democratic party and nominated Hall as its candidate. Hall ran for president four times—in 1972, 1976, 1980, and 1984—the last two times with Angela Davis. Of the four elections, Hall received the largest number of votes in 1976, largely because of the Watergate scandal bringing protest votes for minor parties. But Hall ranked only in eighth place among the presidential candidates. Owing to the great expense of running, the difficulty in meeting the strenuous and different election law provisions in each state, and the difficulty in getting media coverage, the CPUSA decided to suspend running national campaigns while continuing to run candidates at the local level..."
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 27, 2016, 12:09:19 AM
27 days until voting for or against BREXIT begins
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on May 27, 2016, 03:50:23 PM
I tend to be a rabid jingoistic xenophobic Gosportonian, but what I would really appreciate is someone laying out truthfully what the benefits to the layman are of being politically/ economically aligned with Europe/ not being. All I hear is "Leaving will lead to the Apocalypse" (not true, by the way) or "Staying in is the Devil's Work™" (almost certainly equally not true).
I understand that big business benefits from transborder trading, but I fail to see what benefit it brings to the man in the street (although I would be happy to be illumined). I actually feel English (... maybe, just maybe at a push "British"). I really, really, don't feel "European". Barcelona/ Paris/ Munich are nice places to visit, but they certainly don't feel like home.
I really don't like the idea of subsidising Greek farmers, or Italian shoemakers, but are we somehow better off for doing so?
I want facts, not rants and soundbites from people that i wouldn't trust with my grandson's piggybank, let alone a country's finances.
I don't vote though, as it only encourages politicians.
The Labour MP I do some work for (she's primarily a friend) who is obviously all for staying in, said to me ages ago when no one really cared about the referendum that leaving would be a catastrophe as we'd be left trying to deal with countries like China - and deal with them on our own.
Whilst I understand that argument, I can't see how any of it would have an impact on the poor as they couldn't get much poorer as it is. If it means that fat shareholders from big corporations start having to shop in Harvey Nichols instead of Harrods, I'm cool with dat.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 27, 2016, 09:32:47 PM
Here in the US, no one was a huge fan of NAFTA, and rumors of the NWO and the "Amero" persist, despite it only being a trade deal.
Opposition is along similar lines. Hell, Trump's primary running point aside from "I like being on TV " was to build a wall between the US and Mexico.
I see nothing wrong with alliances, but merging countries in some katamari type clusterfuck helps no one, and probably just confuses the chinese.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 02, 2016, 01:46:40 AM
Kim Jong-Un has endorsed Donald Trump. How could we go wrong with such a ringing endorsement?
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on June 02, 2016, 06:36:07 AM
after many conversations this week, I am totally unsure, I travelled from Leicester to Builth in Wales and the amount of signs demanding Vote out were astounding, even the odd chap standing by the road side holding banners.
the closer we get to the vote the weirder the propaganda we hear
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on June 04, 2016, 05:11:48 PM
after many conversations this week, I am totally unsure, I travelled from Leicester to Builth in Wales and the amount of signs demanding Vote out were astounding, even the odd chap standing by the road side holding banners.
the closer we get to the vote the weirder the propaganda we hear
Londoners seem to be mainly for staying in. I'm a little out in the cold I fear.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on October 07, 2020, 11:40:38 AM
This whole idea of watching CNN to get a broader perspective of global news isn't working out. My missus is now so incensed by Trump that she gets quite angry. I've told her it's not our business - it's a bit like peeking over into a neighbour's house and getting arsed about what they're eating for dinner or the like. It's sort of ok to peek into the neighbour's house to see what they're having for dins, but it's their affair and, as long as they don't force it on us, it's none of our concern.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 07, 2020, 03:36:57 PM
CNN banks on its ability to inspire rage. I rarely watch it. If you want to be informed about US news, try watching the PBS NewsHour.
I was reading this article today in the New York Times and I suddenly realized that the stellar British university system had eroded due to short sighted budget cutting. I had thought that the system was competitive but once accepted, tuition was free, at least. But I guess that hasn't been the case for quite a while. I wonder how much the government helps students, if at all?
The situation described in the article has worsened under COVID. Several of the budget cutting measures and the related fallout also have hurt US colleges and universities. So I was wondering about smokester TNG and how he was faring at Uni? Here's the link. They specifically refer to Manchester Metropolitan Uni. It sounds pretty scary.
CNN banks on its ability to inspire rage. I rarely watch it. If you want to be informed about US news, try watching the PBS NewsHour.
I was reading this article today in the New York Times and I suddenly realized that the stellar British university system had eroded due to short sighted budget cutting. I had thought that the system was competitive but once accepted, tuition was free, at least. But I guess that hasn't been the case for quite a while. I wonder how much the government helps students, if at all?
The situation described in the article has worsened under COVID. Several of the budget cutting measures and the related fallout also have hurt US colleges and universities. So I was wondering about smokester TNG and how he was faring at Uni? Here's the link. They specifically refer to Manchester Metropolitan Uni. It sounds pretty scary.
To be fair, while I (selfishly) don't like the fact that students now have to contribute to their university education, the government was quite generous. The vast majority of students will never pay it back anyhow as they will either never earn enough to qualify to repay it, or it will just time out. I was impressed though, that the only other student from TNG's school that was going to Manchester with him has a mother that is on the verge of dying and some other dire family circumstances. His student loan was double what TNG's was so he had enough for tuition, accomodation and to maintain himself. I contribute £500 a month to the TNG for beer and curries, the rest was covered by his loan.
All that said, I had the opposite thinking when I was a young tradesman as I felt that students did nothing but get stoned on their student "grants", then cobble together a result for their degree that put them in a different earning bracket, and then bugger off abroad so the country never really saw the fruits of their smoking labour. But that was probably sour grapes due to the lack of opportunity from my particular socioeconomic situation.
TNG is doing quite well. I have suggested that he comes home and studies remotely as some others have in his halls, but there is still 7 out of 8 in his living section and they are all enjoying each other's company as much as they can. Interestingly, the 3 other men (sounds weird saying "men" in regards to my little boy) are overseas students. Two from Greece and one is Swiss.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 08, 2020, 11:36:35 AM
There is a social aspect to the college experience that no amount of online education, no matter how well planned, can replace. So I'm glad your son is doing well and it seems he is sensible enough to try to stay safe.
I was surprised to hear that there is an income threshold to the required payback of student loans in England. That seems sensible and fair. In the U.S. many students are saddled with crushing debt that impedes their ability to buy homes, start families or to advance in their chosen careers in some instances. There are a few professional schools that will forgive loans if graduates agree to work in underserved areas or for non-profits that provide a public benefit. Those are few and far between, sadly.
I think that universally, college and/or university degrees have become a requirement that forces students who are not really equipped or interested in pursuing college when they might be better suited in apprenticeship or vocationally-oriented programs. There are students who just go through the motions, like punching a time clock, figuring out how to get the degree by expending the least effort possible. That seems like a waste of money and resources. Elevating college as a status marker is a problem that undervalues the trades and erroneously suggests that those without formal postsecondary education are somehow less intelligent than their college educated peers. That's simply ridiculous.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 09, 2020, 12:30:09 AM
Women who worls with my wife in Hospital has again for the 3rd time cried off work stating ( and it is true this time) that father and brother has covid. She has already had 2 months off for fear of catching covid, a further 2 weeks as her mother may have had covid, she refuses to go into any hospital wards for catching covid. So she is rightly scared of it.
She cannot do her job because she bed coordinates for the hospital ( moves people to create space, makes covid + non covid wards + query wards for covid) so shes pretty useless at what is required.
Friday last she phones in saying her father and brother have covid. Not nice then the whole truth comes out, one of her family was having a wedding but could not have the amount of guests they wanted and rightly the establishment cancelled due to law, so her family hosted the wedding. Being in Leicester and the area they live in all 300 or so turned of and had a great time, most were given the gift of Covid for free.
On the same weekend locally a venue hosted another wedding of 400 or so. Was held in a old library and the manager told all the party goers to park around the area so not to attract attention, so they did. This attracted lots of complaints and was reported to council who investigated. Manager has lost his licence, fined, and given covid. The leicester party goers I imagine have also covid. Both areas are in lock down / Both areas are classed as deprived by the Cities Major Soulesbry. This is why were in the do do due to parties "who dare not be named by anyone" in power for fear of being .......... will not isolate and stop the spread. Rant over , have a nice day
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 09, 2020, 05:29:05 PM
Wait, so she's a fraud? or am I mixing things up?
She refuses to work where she might be exposed to COVID, but actively attends events that expose participants to COVID?
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 09, 2020, 11:49:14 PM
Not a fraud, just scared to death of catching Covid and refuses to go into any wards in the Hospital ( to see how bed space can be managed), so has had lots of time off since "march" ish away from work stating this person , that person I live with nay have Covid and isolates.
She refuses to work where she might be exposed to COVID, but actively attends events that expose participants to COVID?
Her family hosted a wedding at their house as the booked venue could not by law. They have vary large weddings and her father / brother have tested positive So again she isolates.
Would be political suicide for anyone in charge to name and shame these people. ATM touchy subject.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on October 10, 2020, 08:50:54 AM
When I were but a lad, university places were restricted, subject to rigorous aptitude testing and therefore pretty much only available to those with ability. As a result, about 2-5% of school leavers went to university, and a degree was a real discriminator in the jobs market.
People like myself from what today is called "poverty" didn't pay tuition fees, and could and did get grants to help with living expenses. These grants were subject to means testing, but were not subject to repayment.
Graduates generally got paid more, so the anger of young tradesmen at the prospect of university students being coddled with free education and beer money was real and understandable. But misplaced, as presumably we graduates paid back a lot more in taxes as a result of the higher salaries, making it good value for money for the government.
Nowadays the politics of envy has devalued university education by making it open to anyone: more than 50% of the latest cohort went to university (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/education-news/university-students-young-people-over-half-first-time-a9122321.html). To allow this they are essentially not ability-based any more - basically anyone can go. This is a triple whammy:
a) if you don't go you are "missing out" and potentially ostracised in the jobs market b) if you do go (most of) you have to pay your own way through taking out a loan, and c) when you graduate there are so many graduates that the salary differential is much lower (if it exists at all).
There is a combination of d and a that means that some jobs that don't really need graduates that ask for a degree simply as a selection ploy, meaning that even though the job doesn't need a degree, you can't get in without one.
There are nuances, of course:
in the olden days money could buy prospects: rich folk could pay for more concentrated pre-university teaching, and therefore "cheat" the system to ensure a better chance of Tim rich-but-dim getting a degree.
... and nowadays "better" universities are still more selective, therefore provide a "better" degree resulting in "better" job prospects (and are still more open to being bought into); but the politics of envy is working on this too, to ensure that a lack of ability is no bar to future prospects.
Further education is now compulsory and I guess that it would stand to reason you'd do a degree on the back of A-levels if that was the path that you had chosen. You may have embarked on an apprenticeship (or similar) and be at college for longer anyhow - or at least in training - so I guess all that has really happened is that they keep you learning for longer.
It's ironic that now what was considered lower tariff, blue collared professions are now some of the best paid and most secure - especially when there's a pandemic about. But I don't suppose you'd imagine that when still a teenager, so, whatyagonnado except try and broaden your prospects.
It's a crying shame that you can no longer say to kids "what do you want to be when you grow up?" without having to add "Good luck paying your rent as a fireman/woman" if that was their reply. What we really need is to stop the world's desire for more wealth and allow folk to just get on with living.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 12, 2020, 03:51:43 PM
Wealth, in itself, is not bad. It offers broad potential for change in the situation of self and others. What seems particularly off about "wealth" is the obsessive consumerism that often goes with it. How much do we really need to lead a happy life? Food, shelter, healthcare, clothing and family and friends to share them with seems a reasonable measure.
The obsessive collection of items for the sake of slaking one's thirst to acquire "stuff" that one puts in a closet and forgets about is sort of what I'm talking about. There's plenty of income disparity and sharing a bit of one's own good fortune seems necessary for a moral life.
To the extent that education furthers the prospect of success, then it's good. It's also important to help one attain a degree of discernment and thoughtful consideration of how best to pursue a good life, but formal education is not, by any means, the sole method to secure those things.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 12, 2020, 06:33:53 PM
I've read my generation will only ever have 5% of the wealth, over our entire lifetime. It's all being squeezed and centralized.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on October 15, 2020, 07:03:18 AM
I don't think it is as simple as that, it isn't just wealth.
All human life is based on discrimination (I like this but I don't like that) and aspiration (I want to get more of what I like and less of what I don't).
When applied in moderation, this makes the world go round. When taken to excess*, the world starts to fall apart.
Edit: * excess:
when you consider that you have to impose your discrimination/ aspiration on others, up to and including the rest of the world
I was really hinting at the practice of companies trying to maximise the dividents paid to sharholders exponetially until they actually start to eat themselves. Why not just agree on a good rate of return on investment and let poorer folk have a holiday once a year. Does everything, from gas to water, have to constantly go up in price to the point when you are afraid to use either.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on October 15, 2020, 09:50:53 AM
The problem is that (relatively) poorer folk are often (sometimes indirectly) shareholders, and they too demand that they get a "decent return" on their investments. "Poorest" folk are notionally addressed by social security, in whatever guise.
Poor, poorer and poorest are not immune from the (I like this but I don't like that) and (I want to get more of what I like and less of what I don't): count the number of not-very-well-off benefit recipients with 143" TVs and Air Jordan sneakers. But no food. And 17 kids.
I don't pretend to understand why a billionaire still goes to work everyday, and hoards their possessions in a perpetual search for more (how many yachts can one person actually use, anyway?). ... but equally I don't understand why anyone needs a 143" UVWXYZ-Extra-HD TV, when it is still the same episode of Eastenders on it.
It was noted by a newspaper columnist the other day that Jeff Bezos could - without really decreasing his personal fortune - purchase the entire Amazon rainforest and turn it into a nature park to preserve it. But why would he?
I sort of understand why someone that could afford another house would become a landlord - even a slum landlord, but once one has 100,000 low-rent properties, and has made one's first billion, why wouldn't one drop anchor, and then one could progressively reduce rents for folk in ones properties (or increase maintenance, or add rooms, or whatever other useful things they could do) whilst still maintaining an unspendable income: instead they tend to just buy more and increase the slum. This baffles me.
I understand poor white trash blaming immigrants for their lot (rightly or wrongly), but I can't understand a billionaire that has the same mindset: in the case of the billionaire, what harm is the immigrant doing to them? (other than enriching them) Surely it can't be fear? This is particularly poignant, of course, when the perceived "immigrant" is actually indigenous.
What I find even more incredible is that this attitude doesn't diminish with age. I sort of remember when I was young-ish and thought I'd earn millions, take many holidays a year, own many cars etc, but now, at this age, just one of everything will suffice (ok, 2 where kids are involved but that's just to make sure both hips a subject to the same amount of trauma).
When I read about bankers or CEOs, or even presidents that just want to keep churning in cash like there's no tomorrow, I wonder if any of them have actually read A Christmas Carol. They could learn a lot from that novella.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 16, 2020, 12:23:14 AM
What I find even more incredible is that this attitude doesn't diminish with age. I sort of remember when I was young-ish and thought I'd earn millions, take many holidays a year, own many cars etc, but now, at this age, just one of everything will suffice (ok, 2 where kids are involved but that's just to make sure both hips a subject to the same amount of trauma).
When I read about bankers or CEOs, or even presidents that just want to keep churning in cash like there's no tomorrow, I wonder if any of them have actually read A Christmas Carol. They could learn a lot from that novella.
Work with a lad who was left prime building land from parents, he sold they built hes RICH. still works with us and rents 5 houses and still moans he needs 10 more years for his pension to keep him going. he paid more renting the houses than working.
more you have more you want ??
p.s he is a sad grumpy person
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 17, 2020, 12:58:11 AM
It's not just money, though: what gets Andy Murray out of bed to drag his hip around a tennis court? It isn't money, that's for sure. Why is Tom Brady still throwing rugby balls in American Hand-Egg?
Sports people have a passion / drive to be the best and also take the cash whilst they can. It can be a short working lifespan and if people are prepared to pay them for it why not. Many could sit on the bench and still be filthy rich but they want to play.
Something in the human psyche pushes people to aspire, and that aspiration doesn't seem to care if someone or something gets hurt if it gets in the way.
Agree with you, Passion to be the best or just greed. Money earners love to earn money and as you say "human psyche pushes people to aspire" and money can aspire many not always for the right things though.
Money isnt everything, but it can help.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 18, 2020, 12:21:26 AM
Had to nip to town center friday pm, I saw more youth's not wearing masks in a shopping center in a rather large crowd than in center London and in fact anywhere . Not one security staff (and there are lots) dare say a word. The message about BAME catching and dying at a faster rate than others clearly hasn't come home to some. Why center Leic has not been removed from the lockdown since it first started.
So sad.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on October 21, 2020, 11:45:26 AM
Some of the proposals/conditions made to TFL for a bail-out, beggar belief. If they were to make the congestion zone all of London within the north and south circulars, you'd be making the very people who don't use public transport pay for the collapse of public transport. How does that make any sense?
It's just Boris sticking it to Sadiq and it has no place outside the school playground.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 22, 2020, 12:32:33 AM
Some of the proposals/conditions made to TFL for a bail-out, beggar belief. If they were to make the congestion zone all of London within the north and south circulars, you'd be making the very people who don't use public transport pay for the collapse of public transport. How does that make any sense?
It's just Boris sticking it to Sadiq and it has no place outside the school playground.
after seeing how tories voted against "Rashfords" free school meals extension, nothing surprises me. The old boys club has reappeared with vengeance
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 22, 2020, 06:32:50 AM
"Bail-outs" are so full of euphemisms (e.g. "government money") that it is difficult to see what is going on.
Boris (the PM) doesn't have any money that he didn't get - either directly or indirectly - from the tax payer (ie me and you). Sadiq equivalently only has money from Boris (ie me and you) and additional money from Londoners taxes (ie you).
So when Sadiq asks Boris for money, he is really asking me for money. Why would I give him money to benefit TfL? TfL isn't run for my benefit. It is Sadiq's job to figure out where to spend your money, not my money. So when Sadiq wants more money, it should come from the people that elected him. The fundamental problem with representative democracy, though, is that the people he represents didn't all choose him, and he has to spend money that disproportionately benefits a portion of the people that he represents. (in this case TfL users). But that doesn't make TfL Gosport's problem.
I am curious about the distribution of tax monies in the UK, and if I correctly understand your argument, chris, it seems to echo something I hear frequently in US political debates. For example, there are conservatives who decry "Big Government" and many of the most vociferous opponents of this "BG" issue are from states that rely a good deal on tax monies for everything from healthcare to schools and physical infrastructures (roads and bridges in particular). Many of these so called "red states" are predominantly rural, like Wyoming or Idaho. They have sparse populations and in simple fiscal terms often receive more money from the Federal Government than they actually contribute in income taxes.
At the same time, there are some states, like California, which has, IIRC, the world's 5th largest economy (due to agribusiness, big tech, and the film industry) and contributes much more in Federal Taxes than it receives back. Essentially, the demonization of this big "blue state" by the conservatives is a bit skewed from reality, given that it ultimately produces a surplus in tax incomes for the Fed. Gov't.
It's not clear if this is close to your argument, since I'm utterly ignorant of Gosport, its economy, or its contributions to the National tax coffers. But perhaps this example might help: I attended a university that has a series of different undergraduate and professional schools, each of which was regarded as a separate fiscal entity with its own endowment, scholarships, and development staff. The philosophy of the school was "every tub on its own bottom." This meant that if the medical school or the law school wanted to build a new classroom building, it had to come up with the money on its own. Some of the professional schools were more successful and richer than others, but generally, the funds for such expansions were generally raised by the individual school, rather than coming from a big central fund.
It sounds like you are a proponent of the "every tub on its own bottom" school of thought? And I wonder if you or smokes could comment on how that works with a municipality like the greater London metro area. Certainly it produces revenues, but does it consume more than it produces? And is your complaint that a region like Gosport is being asked to contribute to a city from which it receives little to no benefit?
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 22, 2020, 06:45:05 PM
I'm seeing good mask compliance in my town, it was getting bad, but then everyone got scared when the county was threatened with more restrictions. Businesses are failing, but I wonder about some of them. For instance, one bar was whining on their facebook about COVID killing them, and an employee revealed they stopped paying staff in January and had just been slowly liquidating items in the bar like a piggy bank.
little c, you and my grandfather would have got on famously. He always told me to read the fiscal impact portion of a ballot measure first, as the rest has been massaged.
For instance, if they're getting 5 billion dollars of magic money, where does this magic money come from? Space?
My personal hatred are the yes means no ballot measures, where it's worded in a way you can't actually tell if you're voting for or against.
The bless'ed Ghouls are going after Kidney Dialysis centers FOR THE SECOND bless'ed TIME! The ads are pretty stark, they're having actual patients in them say "Please vote no, I don't want to die."
It crushes me that we're this bless'ed far gone, as a nation, as a people, where a bless'ed SERVICE UNION is more concerned with money than lives.
The Cold Equations was FICTION!
Also not liked in this latest round of voting, All of the real estate ones. They claim to benefit seniors and fire victims. From what I can find, they all benefit Realtors primarily.
But once again, the real estate measures are worded in such a way you can scarcely tell what the golly you are voting upon.
My Grandpa always told me to be proud to serve on a Jury or to Vote, that those are our duties as a Citizen. He'd drop everything to drive me to Jury Duty when I had no car, and he actually was proud. Called me "Citizen Grandson" those days.
I miss him like crazy.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 23, 2020, 06:05:14 AM
8ully, those League of Women Voters pamphlets are essential to getting the inside information on the multiple numbered propositions on every ballot. Like your grandfather, I look carefully at the financial aspects of the proposals and ask, "wouldn't this be more appropriately expensed out of the general tax fund? Why should there be a special binding allocation via a separate law?" I often vote No because I figure that's a reason we have elected representatives, to determine the best use of taxpayer funds. I also get tired of the multiple special assessments that are appended onto our property taxes. Many of the Proposition laws end up appearing there, with the expectation that owners of real property have more of an obligation to pay for stuff like schools, parks, etc. It seems that, if the state were governed properly, the tax structure should be set up so that prosperous people and businesses would bear the brunt of supporting the infrastructures that directly benefit them.
Anyway, I'm sorry about your grandfather. Mine was a really active Democrat and a Union member. I fear he may have been a Trump supporter by this juncture, but who can say? He worked in a factory his whole life but managed to own a home and raise a family on his wages. I don't think he would be able to manage that today.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on October 23, 2020, 03:11:28 PM
"Bail-outs" are so full of euphemisms (e.g. "government money") that it is difficult to see what is going on.
Boris (the PM) doesn't have any money that he didn't get - either directly or indirectly - from the tax payer (ie me and you). Sadiq equivalently only has money from Boris (ie me and you) and additional money from Londoners taxes (ie you).
So when Sadiq asks Boris for money, he is really asking me for money. Why would I give him money to benefit TfL? TfL isn't run for my benefit. It is Sadiq's job to figure out where to spend your money, not my money. So when Sadiq wants more money, it should come from the people that elected him. The fundamental problem with representative democracy, though, is that the people he represents didn't all choose him, and he has to spend money that disproportionately benefits a portion of the people that he represents. (in this case TfL users). But that doesn't make TfL Gosport's problem.
I always thought that TfL was primarily funded by the fares generated from the various transport systems in London and parts of the south east. This is why I thought it odd that the means to prop up TfL would be at the expense of motorists. But I don't know why I think anything to be odd in this thick soup of madness.
By the time this is all over, I'll be over it.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 23, 2020, 10:05:48 PM
I finally got my ballot. Much later than my mom, who has already had her vote mailed and confirmed. At the very least, her vote is locked.
They tried to use the fiscal impact statement. :(
Prop 17, which restores voting rights to prisoners who have completed their sentence I voted yes. Few people understand the prison system more than people who have experienced it.
The fiscal impact statement said it would cost money to print them voter registration cards. True, but that is some expert level petty accounting.
For the other ones, the fiscal impact statements are SHREDDING the campaign ads. Flat out stating exactly what the wording is trying to hide.
Hell, the kidney dialysis thing is still bless'ed evil, but at least I understand it now. It establishes more oversight over the clinics at the state level and requires them to have a doctor on staff, instead of just on paper, which is what they're doing now.
Still an against, that's not a hot potato to play with.
I did gleefully vote against the bless'ed uber measure. Apparently the drivers are currently being harassed every time they pick up a passenger, they have to agree that they're going to vote YES on the measure.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on October 24, 2020, 12:19:49 PM
I was re-reading the first 2 pages of this thread which are coincidentally about the 2016 U.S election. I'd forgotten how popular Trump seemed back then compared to Hilary (not with christ tho' - but don't forget he knows a thing or 3) and I wondered if any of those opinions had changed now that the big man's been in office for a term? I don't suppose Schmoogsley or brickbatz will be back to comment before November the 3rd, but I find it incredible that there's a possibilty that Trump could win after all his bad press.
Mind you, Thatcher won 3 General Elections ...
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 24, 2020, 03:20:43 PM
I forgot it was all Seth Myers fault.
I was trying to track down when Joe Biden was introduced to Old Dirty scallywag's "I like it raw".
I found the 2011 White House Correspondent's dinner.
Trump is bless'ed STATIONARY through the entire thing. Everyone dunks on him. Seth Dunks on him, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES dunked on him.
And I swear to god, Seth Meyers made him go from joke candidate to "golly this Hollywood elite, I'm gonna run for realsies."
I looked it up, the current President does, in fact, hate Seth Meyers.
Thatcher and Reagan used the same PR firm, and it shows if you look back at their material.
There was a bless'ed fantastic documentary on that, but I can't track it down.
The Joe Biden having ODB entrance music can be found here:
I just walked back through this thread, and I mentioned the Thatcher Reagan thing already. I'm embarrassed.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 24, 2020, 03:46:16 PM
That's ok, 8ully. I have a mind like a sieve and cannot remember you posting it. Trump's popularity is kind of like those kids who vote for the bad boy to be class president. He says all the ugly stuff they feel, and so, they think he's one of them, but, in reality, I think Trump actually despises the people who vote for him. That's the one poignant irony of his presidency. The people whose good opinions he values, or would value if he could win them, are the very people who find him utterly repugnant.
Suppressing votes in poor and minority districts also helps throw the win to him. I'm not at all sure that Biden really has this thing sewn up. I'm seriously considering staying away for the coming 4 years if the incumbent is re-elected. The damage to our democracy seems as if it may be permanent. And there's plenty of other countries that treat their citizens with greater care. If I've learned anything from being away for the past three months, it's that "American exceptionalism" is a myth that crumbles under any sustained scrutiny.
It's telling that I can get a COVID PCR test with results back the same day for free in France, but if I can get a COVID test in the U.S. at all, the results usually take as much as two weeks. It's absurd. But there you have it. American democracy has taken a distinctly Hobbesian turn. If you have money, fine. If not, you get sick, suck it up. Go find a tree somewhere and die under it.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on November 07, 2020, 09:32:56 AM
Go Biden!
So, rumour has it that Trump could run again in 4 years. Let's hope he has too much of a criminal record by then.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: dweez on November 07, 2020, 10:09:40 AM
So, rumour has it that Trump could run again in 4 years. Let's hope he has too much of a criminal record by then.
I was thinking the same thing.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on November 07, 2020, 10:43:53 AM
It's not great news for the U.K's negotiation process with Europe regardless of of whether you were/are for or against Brexit. The city had predicted a huge trade deal with the U.S under Trump and uncertain how trade would be under Biden. That said, most bankers that I know were far more in favour of Biden and preferred some uncertainty in the short term as Trump would always create a volatile marketplace.
Personally, Trump's normalising racism to the point of acceptability is an act I find unforgivable.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 07, 2020, 02:43:44 PM
He's a nasty piece of work. I think the Southern District of NY (a division of the Federal Court system) has had some cases warming on the back burner, just waiting for him to leave office. So far, the idea that you can't try a sitting president for crimes has prevented the courts from going after him for any number of offenses. Let's hope they can act when they are no longer restrained when Trump leaves office in late January.
I'm also hoping that the IRS prevails in demanding the repayment of a fraudulently claimed $72.9m tax refund that was based on undervalued assets and inflated claims of business losses. As for the sad fact that he could run again in 4 years, I was hoping that, if he's convicted of a felony, it would prevent his second run, but no. You can be a convicted felon and still run for President. You just have to be 35 years old or more, a natural born citizen of the U.S., and a resident of the U.S. for 14 years or more.
On his taxes: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/09/27/us/donald-trump-taxes.html (https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/09/27/us/donald-trump-taxes.html)
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on November 07, 2020, 03:08:12 PM
I can't think of a single thing that Trump initiated that I find forgivable.
... and I really, really hope that Biden doesn't pardon him.
American politics are really none of my business but I didn't want to seem that my dislike for Trump was jumping on the bandwagon. Of course, there is much that he has/hasn't done that warrants criticism, but I was personally incensed by all this (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump) as these are the sorts of views that put the world back 50 years.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: dweez on November 07, 2020, 03:43:36 PM
I can't think of a single thing that Trump initiated that I find forgivable.
... and I really, really hope that Biden doesn't pardon him.
Ah man, I didn't even consider that as a possibility.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 07, 2020, 07:27:30 PM
Well, this scared me:
I don't think Biden would pardon anyone in the cabinet, but I had no idea the bag of tricks described in the video even existed. It's terrifyingly plausible.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 08, 2020, 12:23:45 AM
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 08, 2020, 07:29:09 AM
8ully, there was an article in the NYTimes that outlined this process. Apparently, there is a danger that the Electors in specific states can ignore the results of the popular election and throw all their votes to their desired candidate. There is a great deal to be desired in the flawed electoral process in this country. Yet when there are calls to fix it, they are thwarted. The country has definitely become increasingly less democratic.
Lord only knows what Trump might get up to. My hope lies in Georgia's ability to send us two more Democratic Senators. With a 50/50 balance, the Vice President gets to decide any ties, and that's Kamala Harris. I listened to Biden's speech last night and his sentiments were kind and decent as well as earnestly attempting to heal the breach and to reach across the aisle to Republican voters. This recalls Obama's attempts in the same direction that were met time and time again with obstruction.
I truly hope that changes this time around. I'd give a good deal to never have to see Mitch McConnell's face again. He and Lindsey Graham make me want to go take a bath.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 08, 2020, 04:48:46 PM
The defense I usually see for the electoral college is "More people live in Los Angeles than in these X states, Combined! Do you really want them to have more of a say?"
And my answer today would be "Yes".
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 09, 2020, 05:22:53 AM
My response to that is, "why is the vote of someone in Wyoming worth 64 times my vote?" It seems fundamentally unfair and basically undemocratic.
My understanding is that the origins of the Electoral College are intimately intertwined with the institution of slavery. That's another reason to give it the heave-ho. I hope to live long enough to see it abolished.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 09, 2020, 07:31:23 PM
Dang 6, yours is WAY better. Do you mind if I use it in future?
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 10, 2020, 04:59:49 AM
Of course not. One only has to compare the sparse populations of many of the deep red mountain states with those on the West Coast to see the fundamental disparity and unfairness.
And for entertainment, here's a fundamentalist preacher beseeching the Almighty to insure that her candidate prevails. I used to think the left was kooky, but these people take the biscuit. Check out Rev Paula White who most likely got ordained by mailing in a matchbook cover. Skip ahead to around 1:23 because life's too short.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 11, 2020, 02:47:55 AM
Her gibberish (Speaking in tongues) is really offensive.
I also want to know who the gym wear douchebag who kept wandering through the frame was.
Good news is the evangelicals are an ever shrinking demographic.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 11, 2020, 09:30:48 AM
The one thing that strikes me about all these evangelicals who supposedly speak in tongues is that they never actually make sounds that are really abberrant from those they might normally make in their mother tongue.
I think of the difficulties I've faced in learning other languages and how hard it was to contort tongue, lips, and other facial muscles in an attempt to make the correct sounds. If I had a sudden communion with divinity that would enable me to speak in tongues, I'd expect to be able to do this without a terrible American accent. Because God would be the best language instructor. No Duolingo for him, he just miraculously bestows this ability. Paula White is full of poo with her unintelligible babble. She's a charlatan who profits on the gullible by exploiting their faith.
(IIRC this--speaking in tongues-- had to do with the descent of the Holy Spirit during the Feast of the Pentecost in which this gift was bestowed on the faithful so that they would be able to spread the Gospel to the far ends of the Earth, where, presumably, other languages than those known to the Apostles would be spoken.) The Catholic Encyclopedia, one of my favorite references, describes it here: https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14776c.htm (https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14776c.htm)
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: Beatrix on November 14, 2020, 09:40:12 AM
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on November 25, 2020, 03:29:39 PM
I don't want to cause offence, but one thing about the debacle over Trump's losing the election - in fact, his whole term in office - is that the term "leader of the free world" is never going to have any credence outside of the US. It just seems so ridiculous.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 25, 2020, 04:51:32 PM
Trump is the leader of a group of people who somehow feel left out by the Democratic party and who have bought into the idea that a bunch of laissez faire billionaires give a toss about them. It's sad.
As for "leader of the free world," if I've learned one thing from living outside the U.S. is that the myth of "American exceptionalism" is just that: a myth. So many other countries serve their citizens and work to achieve the best for the commonweal better than we do. It's really sad. There's a lot of arenas where the U.S. falls short: health care, education, etc. The idea that everyone should chip in to pay for transportation infrastructure, education, health, science and even space exploration, seems so alien to so many. When I was a child, there was a real "can do" attitude. It resulted in Americans walking on the moon. Now, it seems we can't manage to do much of anything as a nation. That's a real tragedy, but there you have it.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: Beatrix on November 28, 2020, 09:15:10 AM
Truth, and I'm happy to read it.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 08, 2020, 09:23:59 AM
so apparently UK and EU reach deal on Northern Ireland border checks which was the sticking point
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on December 10, 2020, 05:52:49 AM
I heard something about airplane parts post brexit. Something to do with E.U standards being met. Know anything about that?
All airplane parts have to comply with F.A.A and C.A.A so unsure about E.U standards even being in the equation. ATM no one making a lot of civil aviation parts anyway ;D ;D If Easa then https://www.easa.europa.eu/light/topics/united-kingdom (https://www.easa.europa.eu/light/topics/united-kingdom) https://www.caa.co.uk/Our-work/About-us/UK-EU-transition/ (https://www.caa.co.uk/Our-work/About-us/UK-EU-transition/)
Basically we are out of EASA and UK will have no sway with any decisions with then.
Directly we supply other suppliers so wont directly apply to us, but in the waterfall of things then it could ?
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 04, 2021, 08:10:50 PM
I'm watching what is being called "Trump's last Rally".
He still refuses to concede. He actually blamed Santa Claus for voter fraud.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 05, 2021, 12:24:17 AM
I'm watching what is being called "Trump's last Rally".
He still refuses to concede. He actually blamed Santa Claus for voter fraud.
I watched that for a while as it was streaming live on youtube last night. What I found particularly disturbing, was not the hot air filled bloviation that I've come to expect from our resident sociopath President, but the simultaneous feed of adoring worshippers that ran along side in the comments on youtube. About every 10th one suggested that Trump was an idiot and that Biden had won, but most of them said stuff like "Best president ever" and "MAGA" and similar sucking up to the guy. What is wrong with their brains? I'll never understand that.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 05, 2021, 11:39:56 PM
That's my biggest takeaway from the last four years: how many Americans actually want the world that this guy promises.
... and until the rest of America realises that, they are never going to be able to recover from it. Not all Americans want immigration (let alone racial integration), or gender-fluidity, or a hundred other "liberal", "progressive", "modern" goals, but they have been unvoiced for decades and had "progress" shoved down their throats (just look at any conversation about trans-gender topics for how appallingly single-sided this "debate" is). It would be interesting to see someone run on this platform without the associated cronyism, nepotism, narcissism and naked self-interest that the current regime has embodied.
As you note, the current regime is hugely popular despite all of the admitted downsides, so it is easy to imagine how popular this platform could be without the personality downsides.
Unfortunately some of this comments could be aimed at other countries who are going down a similar line :(
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 06, 2021, 06:27:53 AM
Agreed. And, c, there is a thread of nearly puritanical "our way or else" liberalism that demands the embrace of LGBTQ and minority rights, enforced diversity (kind of like affirmative action on steroids) and other strategies aimed at solving environmental issues in a ham fisted fashion that has anti business consequences as well as a real dampening effect on the freedom of speech.
I've been taken to task on FB for suggesting that unpopular opinions should be protected by friends with liberal perspectives who don't realize the stiffling effect their policies might have on free discourse. There has to be an undercurrent of progressive voters who might balk at the full realization of such platforms. At the same time, the gradual erosion of workers' rights due to union busting policies and the overwhelming rift caused by income disparities since the Reagan administration suggests a need for rather radical change in tax policy. Whether that has any chance of happening is anybody's guess, but given the unfettered role of big money in our politics, I wouldn't hold out any hopes of significant change any time soon.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 06, 2021, 02:07:09 PM
Idiots have taken the Capitol building.
If they were brown, there would have been battalions of riot police, rubber bullet kisses, baton courtesy, service with a smile.
Oh, and it came after the song, but LRAD trucks serenading protesters with hypersonic sound.
They have all this equipment in DC, but for some reason they are not being deployed.
Maybe the red hats are like force fields.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 06, 2021, 07:07:57 PM
The idiots gave the Capitol back because of the curfew (6PM) and the vote they interrupted passed. The Election is now certified.
It is weird how quickly this was resolved. One protester was shot in the neck and died. She was from San Diego.
I do think it's weird that the Capitol building could be taken and retaken in a span of like, I want to say four hours?
The President has been locked out of his twitter account and I believe Facebook flat out banned him.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 06, 2021, 08:56:24 PM
I think all of those "bans" are temporary. 12 to 24 hours. I think Twitter gave him the chance to delete his own posts, but fat chance of that happening.
I'm pleased that the Senate has fallen to the Democrats but I'm holding out for the unlikely event of Pence going along with enactment of the 25th amendment to remove Trump from office until the next inauguration. Trump has blood on his hands. He can't leave soon enough. We have all suffered the entire time he's held office. This has been a very sad time in our history.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 07, 2021, 12:27:28 AM
well I awoke to what happened in Washington :o :o Unsure what to say about it. Where's Mike Banning when you need him.
Trying to remake my steps up to the front door, I thought my fingers fell off first thing, but managed later and achieved 1 step Step 2 today ;D ;D
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 07, 2021, 01:05:33 AM
I have two feeds, one legitimate, one straight up scumbag.
The scumbag source is where I learned about the woman that died, what she believed in, and how it killed her.
The site has been ddos'ed.
Apparently it was that whole Q rat nest.
The legitimate source says that the vote has been stalled to the fullest extent possible, it's now 3 AM in DC. Junior senator from MO demanded a full call vote. Presumably so the secessionists shits can write up "report cards" on who voted for them and who didn't.
Apparently several times senators have gotten grouchy and invited their collogues to fight.
Josh Hawley MO is apparently the poo stirrer supreme, and is the one who called for a roll call vote.
He loses, America wins. 271 electoral votes CERTIFIED.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 07, 2021, 05:38:28 AM
It was cheering to see Hawley's home town paper run an editorial saying that "Hawley has blood on his hands." Let's hope he will be a one term senator. His naked ambition in coddling up to Ted Cruz and his ilk has been exposed for the cynical power play it was.
As for Trump, there are not enough Ls in the word "loathe" to describe my feelings for the man.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 07, 2021, 09:32:52 PM
His book contract was cancelled today and I believe Cortez invited him to resign.
poo, I meant Hawley, not Twitter man.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 08, 2021, 06:32:08 AM
I'm sure Hawley will play the victim card. I'd like to see him crawl back under the rock he came out from under. Simon & Schuster is probably protecting its own business interests.
In a similar vein, I was wondering about Elaine Chao's resignation as Sec'y of Transportation (effective 1/11). She's Mitch McConnell's wife. I suspect that her resignation had less to do with a sense of moral outrage at Trump's shenanigans and more to do with political calculations regarding her husband's political standing.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on January 08, 2021, 09:32:47 AM
These last few days have been quite incredible in my opinion. I cannot believe that Trump saying after the event that these people were special and the he loved them (or the royal "we" in truth), and then think that his latest autocued garbage will somehow negate that.
Frankly, he looks like the coward that he truly is. I'm not saying that as a bandwagon insult, I'm really saying he has the eyes of a coward that you could get to back down with minimal baiting.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 08, 2021, 10:30:17 AM
The Democrats are planning to file articles of Impeachment on Monday. Pence won't invoke the 25th amendment because he's a toady. Trump has announced that he, being the ultimate sore loser, won't attend the Inauguration. Maybe he's afraid that his nutjob followers might resort to violence and he might get hurt in the process? The sooner he is gone from the public eye, the better for the world in general.
It's been profoundly embarrassing to have this man at the helm for the past four years. He has surpassed the poor behavior of any president I've seen in my lifetime, and that includes Richard Nixon. It still disturbs me that there's a whole industry devoted to explaining and excusing away his and his cohorts behaviors. I guess that no Trump supporters were involved in the violence at the US Capitol. It was Antifa left wing zealots in Trump clothing. Kind of like they tore a page from the Big Bad Wolf playbook. Right.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on January 08, 2021, 12:13:20 PM
The Democrats are planning to file articles of Impeachment on Monday. Pence won't invoke the 25th amendment because he's a toady. Trump has announced that he, being the ultimate sore loser, won't attend the Inauguration. Maybe he's afraid that his nutjob followers might resort to violence and he might get hurt in the process? The sooner he is gone from the public eye, the better for the world in general.
It's been profoundly embarrassing to have this man at the helm for the past four years. He has surpassed the poor behavior of any president I've seen in my lifetime, and that includes Richard Nixon. It still disturbs me that there's a whole industry devoted to explaining and excusing away his and his cohorts behaviors. I guess that no Trump supporters were involved in the violence at the US Capitol. It was Antifa left wing zealots in Trump clothing. Kind of like they tore a page from the Big Bad Wolf playbook. Right.
I think he's being accused of betrayal by his mob. Which is true, of course. Mind you, now he's back on Twitter he'll probably retract his earlier statement and pardon everyone.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: dweez on January 08, 2021, 02:10:28 PM
I haven't spoke up as I don't typically share my political views as such topics tend to cause emotions to get heated and I know most such discussions are exercises in futility.
In this case, I've kept silent (and will likely go back to radio-silent after this post) as I am just shocked at how much we in the United States have let Trump get away with. I think I've been in a state of shock since he won the Republican Primary back in 2016. Everything since, I've been the little kid coming back from the dentist high on novocaine..."Is this real life?". It just shocks and saddens me how anyone can still back this pompous, egotistical, narcissistic, misogynistic sociopath.
Ok, I've spoke my peace. I'm going back to my bunker now.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on January 08, 2021, 03:21:29 PM
I haven't spoke up as I don't typically share my political views as such topics tend to cause emotions to get heated and I know most such discussions are exercises in futility.
In this case, I've kept silent (and will likely go back to radio-silent after this post) as I am just shocked at how much we in the United States have let Trump get away with. I think I've been in a state of shock since he won the Republican Primary back in 2016. Everything since, I've been the little kid coming back from the dentist high on novocaine..."Is this real life?". It just shocks and saddens me how anyone can still back this pompous, egotistical, narcissistic, misogynistic sociopath.
Ok, I've spoke my peace. I'm going back to my bunker now.
This is pretty much the world view of it but then we've had Syriza win in Greece, the arab spring, Brexit, the emergence of Greta and so on. Until now I just thought it was just the world doing the unexpected for a while and it would all settle down.
Now I'm convinced that it has gone a little mad.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 08, 2021, 03:37:19 PM
I've read the resignations have less to do with morals and more to prevent the 25th invocation.
Devos is out.
From what I understand, the impeachment proceedings are less to do with yanking him out at the end of the fourth quarter, and more to prevent him from running for a second term... ever.
Someone wrote a great breakdown on who COULD call for the 25th, and why there are about four maybes and the rest are "absolutely never". Unfortunately that thread scrolled so fast, I can't find it now.
I do know Carson was on the absolutely never list because he's bless'ed insane.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 08, 2021, 09:54:47 PM
Pence won't invoke the 25th amendment. He's a loyal little soldier in the army of infamy. The articles of impeachment will be filed on Monday, I believe. People are sick to death of Trump's poo, excepting, of course, those who have their lips glued permanently to his ass.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 09, 2021, 12:20:19 AM
On a lighter note, Finally finished my steps. Will look at buying a chop / mitre saw as my jigsaw struggles to cut the beams. (no idea what is the difference) Plus my wife wants one around the house.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 09, 2021, 05:33:25 AM
:o should have known, knowing my luck the 1000 would be missing
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 09, 2021, 05:36:09 AM
On a lighter note, Finally finished my steps. Will look at buying a chop / mitre saw as my jigsaw struggles to cut the beams. (no idea what is the difference) Plus my wife wants one around the house.
Mitre saws are not necessarily powered, but are designed to cut at specific angles. (Often chop saw and mitre saw are used interchangeably, but my nerd husband insists that I explain the difference, since there are hand tools known as mitre saws.) Chop saws are power saws that are mounted on a hinge with blades that rotate away from you. But you can set them to cut angles (regular or compound) or regular cross cuts. They have limited applications, but they have the benefit of not taking up tons of space. It's important to use them safely. He adds, "a 12 inch blade will give you 4 inches of cutting depth." So if you don't plan to saw anything thicker, it will be fine.
My husband's shop has a table saw that is a "hot dog saw" = it's one that was developed using airbag technology. It has an electric sensor that can detect human flesh and will shoot a metal stop into the blade causing it to stop spinning instantly. If your budget and space allows, I'd recommend one of those, especially if you think you might use it regularly. The brand is SawStop.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on January 09, 2021, 12:38:29 PM
On a lighter note, Finally finished my steps. Will look at buying a chop / mitre saw as my jigsaw struggles to cut the beams. (no idea what is the difference) Plus my wife wants one around the house.
You're looking for a compound mitre saw (powered) and you'd be better spending a few bob more and getting one on sliding rails as you can cut bigger timber with those (like 8" planks or more which is good when doing shelving). As you're a probably more than a DIYer, the Erbauer from Screwfix are decent and cut pretty accurate. The cheaper ones than that are a nightmare as they can be 1 degree out on a mitre which is 2 degrees overall. If you don't mind filler then they'll still work.
Not showing off (well, a little) but I just bought a Makita LF1000.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 10, 2021, 12:20:02 AM
You're looking for a compound mitre saw (powered) and you'd be better spending a few bob more and getting one on sliding rails as you can cut bigger timber with those (like 8" planks or more which is good when doing shelving). As you're a probably more than a DIYer, the Erbauer from Screwfix are decent and cut pretty accurate. The cheaper ones than that are a nightmare as they can be 1 degree out on a mitre which is 2 degrees overall. If you don't mind filler then they'll still work.
Not showing off (well, a little) but I just bought a Makita LF1000.
cheers was hoping you would advise, there are 3 that have sliding rails. EMIS254S - £179.99 EMIS216S - £129.99 EMIS305S - £219.99 Wont be used all the time and atm I am cutting floor joists at 75mm for garden use. I'm thinking the £179.99 EMIS254S would fit the bill, The wife may want the more expensive one as she is the DIY er in the house, I just do the out side. The old thumb joints with arthritis feel the pain nowadays
Makita LF1000 a tad too expensive for me just to sit on a shelf until needed
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on January 10, 2021, 06:35:59 AM
cheers was hoping you would advise, there are 3 that have sliding rails. EMIS254S - £179.99 EMIS216S - £129.99 EMIS305S - £219.99 Wont be used all the time and atm I am cutting floor joists at 75mm for garden use. I'm thinking the £179.99 EMIS254S would fit the bill, The wife may want the more expensive one as she is the DIY er in the house, I just do the out side. The old thumb joints with arthritis feel the pain nowadays
Makita LF1000 a tad too expensive for me just to sit on a shelf until needed
The EMIS254S is all you'd ever need with a 12" crosscut. One thing to note: always oil the rails and other parts when not using it as they tend to develop rust spots that can make the saw dangerous to use if it isn't bolted down (who does that anyway?). If they do develop and stop the saw to sliding down the rails, wire wool and WD40 (Lithium) will sort it - but I guess people where you work would probably have some fandangled product that would work even better.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 11, 2021, 12:33:00 AM
The EMIS254S is all you'd ever need with a 12" crosscut. One thing to note: always oil the rails and other parts when not using it as they tend to develop rust spots that can make the saw dangerous to use if it isn't bolted down (who does that anyway?). If they do develop and stop the saw to sliding down the rails, wire wool and WD40 (Lithium) will sort it - but I guess people where you work would probably have some fandangled product that would work even better.
cheers. You would be shocked what we use and I am not talking modern fandangled either ;D
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on January 12, 2021, 03:23:21 AM
So I was listening to some of the violent threats made against Democrats that want to impeach and Republicans that either sympathise with, or support such an action. I can't get away from the fact that these threats would have the Flying Squad come and arrest you if it were here, and I would have always expected that the C.I.A would have done the same in America - but it appears not?
Something has fundamentally changed there where free speech now includes the preaching of hate. It's very confusing as now how does one deal with the likes of Abu Hamza?
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 12, 2021, 05:09:36 AM
I think that people often misread the First Amendment. Here:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Twitter is a private company. The First Amendment protections do not apply to its customers. It directs the US Government to avoid restricting certain rights of its citizens (but even those rights have limits). If you posted that you liked the color pink and Twitter took objection, they, assuming that they'd posted the fact that this was in their discretion, could delete your account. Advocating murdering the Speaker of the House of Representatives is another matter entirely. There's a line that can be crossed that constitutes illegal utterances: inciting riot, advocating violence, suggesting that someone go murder a doctor and publishing their home address, those sorts of things are not protected under the First Amendment. It's one thing to say you hate Nancy Pelosi, but quite another thing to encourage others to murder her.
Our biggest problem in the US is not freedom of speech being limited, it's domestic terrorism and a flowering of extreme right wing militias. These are generally self-described disenfranchised whites (mostly male) who are devoted to stifling free speech and free exercise of your right to be a Jew, a Muslim, a member of a non-white race, a member of the LGBTQ community, or a political liberal. They are misogynistic and opposed to equal rights among those who are not "free white men." Normally, they'd just go online and grumble, get ugly tattoos and hang out in bars, drive motorcycles (usually Harley Davidsons as you wouldn't want to ride some kitty Euro bike like a BMW), and post ugly memes of powerful women like Hilary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi.
But in recent years, they've gotten a bit more lawless, attempting to kidnap the Governor of Michigan (with murderous intent), illegally appropriating or occupying Federal lands, and in recent days, placing pipe bombs in the offices of the Republican and Democratic National Committees in Washington, DC. The actions on Wednesday resulted in the deaths of two police officers and 4 civilians (the latter were involved in the insurrection). They also refuse to wear masks (as COVID is a "Democratic hoax"), and do not recognize the government's right to establish sensible gun control laws.
Radical Islam is less of a threat than these jokers any day of the week. It's terrifying to see the number of right wing zealots photographed in Wednesday's insurrection who are wearing pro Nazi teeshirts. "6MWE" (six million wasn't enough--i.e. "kill more Jews"), "Camp Auschwitz", etc.) It staggers the imagination. These are people who have no idea how the government works, who know nothing about the Second World War, and know only what they hear on Fox News or what they read on the OANN.com (one America news network) network.
Out of curiosity, I set up a Parler account this past week, to see what this right wing twitter clone was about. I read tons of posts about planning for Wednesday's rally in D.C. There were gleeful bits of advice filled with all the enthusiasm of children planning a Christmas party. The party featured lots of tips about how to infiltrate illegal firearms into the District of Columbia (that has some of the country's tightest gun restrictions), and the like. It's not hard to imagine that the chaos that ensued was planned and put together on a national basis with a clear intent to cause harm.
I can't wait for this to be thoroughly investigated. In my humble opinion, Trump should be in jail. He has blood on his hands. Lying to millions of people has consequences.
I used to think that Nazi Germany was something that happened to those quaint weird Germans and in Central Europe a long time ago. As a visitor in the 1980's, I saw the traces of shrapnel across facades in cities in Hungary and the two Germanies. The odd racial and nationalistic policies of the Third Reich seemed like the extremist symptoms of governments that, for one reason or the other, didn't have their act together. Well, I was wrong. America is just as, if not more, vulnerable.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 12, 2021, 07:24:42 AM
Think of Twitter as the Christian bakery and Trump and his followers as the guys that want them to bake a gay birthday cake.
Here's a link to the Trump Twitter page and an excerpt from its rules. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)
Violence: You may not threaten violence against an individual or a group of people. We also prohibit the glorification of violence. Learn more about our violent threat and glorification of violence policies.
Terrorism/violent extremism: You may not threaten or promote terrorism or violent extremism. Learn more. ... Hateful conduct: You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease. Learn more.
Twitter is not denying people accounts for being homosexuals or Christians. It is pulling the plug on a user for inciting violence and for issuing inflammatory lies that are intended to nurture violence. Those are the bases for pulling Trump's account. If he were a homosexual or a radical Christian espousing the same views, they'd still pull his account. This is not a belief issue, but rather a question of public safety. It's hard to know if Trump is really so deranged as to believe his own rhetoric, but I don't discount the possibility. Still, yelling fire in a crowded theatre when it's not on fire, if it's done to wreak havoc, isn't protected speech and it should reap consequences if people are hurt as a result.
Private businesses can be sued for the actions of their customers (think of the bartender who knowingly serves more alcohol to a patron who's clearly inebriated and who subsequently drives into another car and kills someone--in the U.S. there would be negligent liability involved). And while it's a stretch for Twitter to think they might bear some responsibility for the havoc Trump's tweets caused, it's not impossible.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on January 12, 2021, 03:22:34 PM
As I understand it (from a close reading of the acknowledged expert in the field Tom Clancy) the CIA isn't chartered to operate on US soil: that would be the NSA or FBI.
That's interesting as I thought not but always equated the CIA to the CID. Now I think of it, a Federal agency would be the ones listening in.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 12, 2021, 04:35:22 PM
I think you missed my intent: I fully support Twitter unvoicing him and think they should have done it years ago, as he has been posting hate speech ever since he was elected (and possibly before).
I was simply expressing the Twitter issue in a way that Trump followers may understand, as they were absolutely behind the bakery that declined to make the gay cake.
It's kind of funny that your intent was sort of ironic as I've seen that defense posted on FB by Republican sympathizers. I hadn't really thought about it, but it's like someone on here decided to flame people and be a general pain. smokes would be well within his right to tell them to get lost. There are behavioral standards that this, and many other online fora establish and people get banned all the time. I guess Trump's outraged followers aren't much for alternative sites. FB and Twitter are very easy to access and I guess people are not much on reading the rules.
But, for the record, I would fight to have unpopular opinions voiced so long as they are not advocating murdering people or other kinds of violence. A few years back, the right wing pundit, Ann Coulter, who's never been a candidate for Miss Congeniality, was to speak at UC Berkeley in an open air venue, known as Sproul Plaza. This is an open space difficult to police.
For security reasons, the overflow crowds that were anticipated required her to shift within campus to a more secure venue--same access to student audiences, same university and date. She was outraged, pulled out of the engagement, and accused the university of censorship, while all they were trying to do was to protect her skinny ass. I don't like her, but I think it's important for students to be exposed to a broad variety of voices and different ideologies.
As for the CIA, my understanding is that they are not a law enforcement agency, but they gather intelligence that supports American global concerns, and to the extent that external actors might infiltrate the homeland, they will monitor terrorist activities on U.S. soil. They cooperate with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other local law enforcement agencies. I actually went to their website. They are apparently recruiting as the first thing I saw was a welcome to those who might want to pursue careers there. https://www.cia.gov/ (https://www.cia.gov/) They grew out of WW2 period intelligence efforts & were originally known as the Office of Strategic Services. Headed, I think, by "Wild" Bill Donovan.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 13, 2021, 06:05:32 AM
Someone on FB yesterday posted a very thoughtful assessment of how the media is so driven by market concerns that even "reliable" fact-checking venues like the New York Times and the Washington Post tend to craft reporting of facts in such a way that the news stories are palatable for the intended audiences. It's hard to determine how the general populace is to work around that. Reality becomes skewed, so I agree with your general take on the state of affairs that drives many less sophisticated readers to sites that resonate with their basic cynicism and distrust. The system isn't working for them, so, in their view, the system is rigged, and all politicians are crooked and simply working to further their own interests. So the government is "evil" and all the logical ramifications that come from this premise simply follow only to be reinforced. I don't understand how that ends up with ideas such as "6MWE" and the other hate filled rhetoric advanced by Trump's followers, but there you have it.
I'm stymied in trying to figure out how to fix this without a massive re-thinking of our educational system, and even that will be slow to have any noticeable effects.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 13, 2021, 09:30:37 AM
I have a digital subscription to the NYT, and had read the article (I am spending probably too much time reading that paper these days).
But what I was getting at was this: it's one thing to mistrust one's government, and quite another to suggest that the Holocaust that resulted in the murder of 6 million Jews didn't go far enough. That's what the "6MWE" teeshirts mean. Feeling disenfranchised is a far cry from recommending the genocidal extermination of the adherents of a particular faith. Especially in the United States. It disturbs me to no end.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 13, 2021, 09:52:06 AM
And, chris, the thing I vaguely remembered reading on FB was a quote from Matt Taibbi, here:
“The moment a group of people stormed the Capitol building last Wednesday, news companies began the process of sorting and commoditizing information that long ago became standard in American media. Media firms work backward. They first ask, “How does our target demographic want to understand what’s just unfolded?” Then they pick both the words and the facts they want to emphasize……What happened last Wednesday was the apotheosis of the Hate Inc. era, when this audience-first model became the primary means of communicating facts to the population. For a hundred reasons dating back to the mid-eighties, from the advent of the Internet to the development of the 24-hour news cycle to the end of the Fairness Doctrine and the Fox-led discovery that news can be sold as character-driven, episodic TV in the manner of soap operas, the concept of a “Just the facts” newscast designed to be consumed by everyone died out.’ Matt Taibbi
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 13, 2021, 02:54:35 PM
We don't have cable tv, so we don't generally watch CNN unless we are traveling. We once were tuned into CNN when the topic of the day was a group of Boy Scouts missing in a cave. They were 3 hours late returning, and CNN blathered on and on speculating about the state of the Boy Scouts until they returned, unharmed. What an anticlimax. I think the hotel only had about 10 channels worth watching and there was nothing else on, so the Boy Scout drama was about the only game in town. I'd rather read a book, myself.
One would hope that with that kind of budget and audience, the network might actually devote itself to coverage of less well known parts of the world. Like what's happening in Venezuela or Ecuador right now. But I guess Boy Scouts are more compelling.
p.s. Trump was just impeached again. Most of the Republican representatives left their spines at home today.
p.p.s. Apparently the fact that 10 Republicans did vote to impeach makes this the most bipartisan impeachment vote in history. Wowza.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 14, 2021, 11:22:30 PM
I'm sorry how much Biden unveils $1.9tn US economic relief package
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 15, 2021, 04:51:22 AM
It's sad how much this lockdown and social distancing restrictions have hurt businesses. So many restaurants are closing permanently, and many tenants are unable to pay rent. While many jurisdictions prevent landlords from evicting them for non payment of rent, the landlords depend on those monthly payments for expenses like paying mortgages and that sort of thing.
So people are hurting. The sad thing in the US is that much of the help has gone to people who need it least.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 15, 2021, 09:52:12 AM
Please consider dropping the NYT? They paywall their site to hell and just expect people to crap out money.
Same for WP honestly.
Plenty of honest free media out there, and then you hit an NYT or WP link and stub your digital toe.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 15, 2021, 03:08:14 PM
chris, sorry. Of course fear of disseminating the disease is the reason behind those restrictions. I have no issue with the limitations on personal liberty that the pandemic necessitates. But, it doesn't make it any less of a fiscal disaster for those affected.
8ully, most public libraries offer free online access to the NYT. I can also post long quotations if it will help. A friend put me on her WaPo account, but if I use my iPad instead of my laptop I keep getting hit with a paywall and it won't accept my p/w, which is super annoying. So I get it. I think you are in San Diego County? If not, all CA libraries offer access and some even have streaming videos. https://www.sdcl.org/help-librarycard.html (https://www.sdcl.org/help-librarycard.html)
There's a link for a token here for digital access to the NYT, https://www.sdcl.org/refdb2.html (https://www.sdcl.org/refdb2.html) Let me know if you have any trouble gaining access.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 16, 2021, 11:29:41 AM
Oddly the article I linked isn't behind the paywall for me.
Many journals that require a subscription, have lifted restrictions to access on any articles that have to do with COVID or the pandemic, as a public service.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 20, 2021, 03:25:42 PM
So, today happened. I still don't love the concept of "Free speech zones", but I understand why they had to be all over this one. Inaugurations are fraught with peril at the best of times and... we're not in the best of times.
I'm glad they rehearsed this one to death, no "retake the oath" nonsense like Obama that led to a thousand conspiracies, they damn near speed rapped that oath.
Locally we've got problems. We've got one total Cockbite, goes by the name Mike Hess, he's operating his breweries and restaurants in defiance of the public health order "as protest"
And apparently the response is... to let him do it. I'm glad I've never given the man money, and I am perplexed on why people continue to do so. Apparently the IB location has led to TWO outbreaks... but they won't shut him down.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on January 20, 2021, 04:08:35 PM
It's no secret that the U.K is in hell with COVID deaths right now and this really has to do with a half-hearted approach to the rules. It's not that people wanted to defy them and most had the best intentions, they just never got on board with the enormity of it and here we are.
We may have been ok if it hadn't become more transmissible, but either way, it wasn't really a good idea to take the relaxed approach. It is a pandemic after all.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 20, 2021, 08:02:00 PM
I just watched the end of the Biden Ingaugraganza, Katy Perry damn near blew up the Washington monument.
When the pyrotechnists asked "which fireworks do you want?" Tom Hanks must have said "YES"
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 31, 2021, 12:23:40 AM
Hungover never mix grape and grain :-[
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on January 31, 2021, 03:13:33 AM
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 31, 2021, 04:29:14 PM
Just spoke to a local doctor. Sounds like I have to go to Florida to get a vaccine as they don't have enough of it here to go around. Taking a plane is about as risky a thing as one can do these days.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 02, 2021, 07:58:57 AM
I've given up booze and puddings from Sundays thru Thursdays.
I might feel a bit better physically, but my nerves are frazzled.
;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on February 06, 2021, 06:56:36 AM
It's weird how you can lose your tolerance to booze very quickly after giving it up. I had half a bottle of wine last night and felt sozzled. That would usually be like an aperitif.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 08, 2021, 12:31:02 AM
We have a smattering of snow. :)
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: Beatrix on February 08, 2021, 11:58:14 AM
As do we here in Illinois ;D
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 09, 2021, 12:21:53 AM
I should state where we live in central England we rarely get any amount of snow, If we do get a large amount normally the rest of the country is very bad. That was my cycle ride home last night, This is a main road towards the M1, have a short vid but cannot get it on here. :o :o Felt like my eyes were being shot blasted (https://imghost.diasfora.co.uk/albums/goldshirt-9/IMG_20210208_210028.jpg)
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on February 09, 2021, 03:40:01 AM
The snow is struggling to settle here but what little that does almost instantly becomes hard ice. Quite dangerous.
More reason to stay on my arse for a little while longer.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on February 09, 2021, 04:44:43 AM
Jaguar drivers don't "drive", we "waft". And I have only wafted about 2000 miles in the last year.
I have flappy paddles and several extravagant driving modes for driving like a BMW/ Audi if required.
-- but I have the fattest tyres on the planet and only 300+ HP: I haven't got the car anywhere near losing grip. (... one of those modes is "driving on ice")
My parking brake is electronic, and comes on when it wants to, not when I do. I petition it with a request, and it decides.
You're really selling it to me, brother. I may have to put the Lexus F-Sport on hold.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on February 10, 2021, 10:20:30 AM
But a bigger fan of getting my kids through university with minimal debt.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: dweez on February 10, 2021, 03:11:40 PM
That car model started popping up everywhere I looked a few years ago. It does look nice but my brain could never justify the price (and I have no dependents to think of).
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 11, 2021, 12:31:57 AM
give it a few more years and no cars only pods on tracks.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on February 11, 2021, 10:20:59 AM
Jesus! on a 16/17 plate. You really are rolling in it.
Almost an ugly mug photo right there too.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 11, 2021, 02:54:26 PM
That's a nice car, but where do you drive it? There's not so many long highways in the UK. I think it would be great to take it somewhere like less patrolled parts of Nevada or Nebraska where there are long stretches where you can open it up and get some speed. I'm sure it would be just great on a cross country trip.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on February 11, 2021, 03:19:36 PM
I was actually really surprised at how much you can buy a 17 plate XJ for. It's like you lose 50k by driving it out of the showroom. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the Lexus as they don't bleed money quite that easily. Maybe I should give that idea up and get a Jag or 2.
That's a nice car, but where do you drive it? There's not so many long highways in the UK. I think it would be great to take it somewhere like less patrolled parts of Nevada or Nebraska where there are long stretches where you can open it up and get some speed. I'm sure it would be just great on a cross country trip.
Down there, it's all the horse and carts that stop him driving.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 11, 2021, 03:53:03 PM
Ha! I realize you don't buy a car like this to save on fuel, but how is it on gas mileage?
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 11, 2021, 11:54:23 PM
I was actually really surprised at how much you can buy a 17 plate XJ for. It's like you lose 50k by driving it out of the showroom
Ex boss bought one at a bargain of a price, till he needed tyres and then it went to a garage for 2 months to get a low pressure warning on engine fixed, or they tried to fix it numerous times. I think in the end he gave up and resold it, not sure. Locally we had a Jaguar repair shop who couldnt fix it. The car just lost combustion and died straight away. Lots of friends investing in the Chinese company producing a electric car (wont state which as cannot remember name) but making a bit of a killing on the stock marked atm.
When we all have to get electric cars and the multitude of garages are put out to pasture I will definitely be renting one, imagine the cost of repairing it :o Tesla are a law unto themselves
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on February 12, 2021, 05:24:37 AM
I'm not really enamoured of speed, so that doesn't really bother me: I'm too old to appreciate the adrenaline, and I am never in that much of a hurry to get anywhere. (... although I am reliably informed that it can go really quite quickly if asked)
I used to drive it around the country for family holidays, in those far of days of yore when we were allowed to leave the town of our birth. It is designed for carrying passengers in comfort but with all the drivers toys in existence to stop me getting bored, and it does both of those jobs beautifully. It is an absolute delight to waft around the country in it, even if it is a little large for our prevalent wiggly-windy roads. (Wiggly-windy roads at 60 mph are much more enjoyable than straights at 120, in my opinion)
I get somewhere above 30 miles to each of my English gallons (five-fourths of your American gallons), but it does run on tractor fuel.
Jag depreciation is heartbreaking - particularly on the XJ (most new XJs are sold to company directors, and the company just writes off the depreciation against tax, so they don't care), but as I buy second hand it doesn't hurt my wallet. They stopped making them in 2019, and you can pick up a delivery mileage one from a dealer for about £30k off of the new price. Mine was about £85k new but cost me £30k. That's £30k the kids will never get their grubby paws on!
How's it for getting sheep off the windscreen?
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 12, 2021, 06:25:38 AM
Sorry. My fault. I have a tendency to lapse into incomprehensibility.
... and I have given up having children, so the putative sex of any future offspring is irrelevant! (I couldn’t afford heated seats when I was of child-producing age!)
I was chatting to a Southampton fella today working on my property and talking about COVID I mentioned that I found it hard to believe that Gosport was in tier 4 before lockdown. He replied that it was because Gosportians were well dodgy and that was coming from a "scummer".
Got to be honest, when making up a name for someone from my district I'd surely stay away from including "scum" in the term.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 20, 2021, 12:14:22 AM
Gosport is four-fifths council estate. We lead most league tables in things like teen pregnancy, homelessness, drug abuse, child poverty, and similar. It is the sort of place that youngsters plan to leave at their first opportunity, and never return. I quite like it, but I’m used to it: no one in their right mind would choose to come here voluntarily.
He actually said that they were in tier 4 because they were "filthy bastards" but I softened it so as not to offend. He wasn't overly serious about it and we were more laughing along with each other. It was when I said I knew someone from there and I'd tell you what he said about Gosportians, that he said to tell you that it was coming from a scummer.
He is actually contracted to remove our roofing tiles as they are 1% asbestos and comes up from Southampton daily. I can't help but admire that as 2 miles from my front door is about my limit.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 21, 2021, 01:51:56 PM
I had to look up Gosport on a map. It looks like it was some kind of Royal Naval settlement for a while, based on the historic buildings. My knowledge of UK geography is pathetic. I had thought it was up north somewhere.
It's on the water, so that's a plus. If you have a nice house and nice neighbors, and they're not brewing up toxic chemicals next door, I can imagine it can be a comfortable place to live. I assume "scummer" is a term designating geographical origins, like "geordies" or something similar. Here's a comical description for casual tourists. https://www.ilivehere.co.uk/gosport-hampshire-2.html (https://www.ilivehere.co.uk/gosport-hampshire-2.html)
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on February 21, 2021, 02:52:08 PM
I had to look up Gosport on a map. It looks like it was some kind of Royal Naval settlement for a while, based on the historic buildings. My knowledge of UK geography is pathetic. I had thought it was up north somewhere.
It's on the water, so that's a plus. If you have a nice house and nice neighbors, and they're not brewing up toxic chemicals next door, I can imagine it can be a comfortable place to live. I assume "scummer" is a term designating geographical origins, like "geordies" or something similar. Here's a comical description for casual tourists. https://www.ilivehere.co.uk/gosport-hampshire-2.html (https://www.ilivehere.co.uk/gosport-hampshire-2.html)
I love in your link that it describes Gosport as "Gosport, Hampshire, a seaside sh*thole".
That made me chuckle.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 22, 2021, 12:44:12 AM
What a interesting link 6, love about reading where i live ;D
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 23, 2021, 08:39:16 AM
There are two cities in Connecticut: New London and Groton, that served a similar purpose. I believe they built submarines in Groton. New London is served by Amtrak passenger rail. They both have an impressive maritime history but are somewhat economically depressed. I have never really felt the need to visit either, but I suspect they're both interesting places in their own way.
I really enjoyed Liverpool, but it struck me as a beautiful place at the turn of the last century, with shipping and railroad money as well as overflow capital from nearby textile centers. The Albert Docks and the Maritime museum were highlights, but there were beautiful auditoria and pubs that reflected the former prosperity as well as the magnificent cathedral. There's a branch of the Tate Modern (or at least there was) that had a minimalist sculpture exhibit. But that was a million years ago. I don't know if its situation has improved or declined since then. I expect there's plenty of interesting historic buildings in both Portsmouth and Gosport. If we ever get past this pandemic, we'd like to travel more in the UK, but right now we are still waiting to get a vaccine.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on February 23, 2021, 10:14:50 AM
Portsmouth next door was a massive naval dockyard, and Gosport was sort of overspill: we had victualling yards, breweries, armaments depots etc. to support the shipbuilding across the harbour. Then because navy people were needed for that stuff, we had all sorts of infrastructure to support them: hospitals, cemeteries, prisons, training schools. We also had a submarine base and a naval aviation airfield. And then they built fortifications to protect everything, which needed more barracks / accommodation for the troops that manned the forts.
This led to a lot of naval housing being built to house all of the navy folk and pubs: when we had a population of 50,000 we had about 500 pubs
When the navy moved out (we stopped fighting wars, apparently) we were left with a lot of military establishments, sub-standard housing and no jobs. About the only thing an old establishment can be used for is a museum, and one town can only support so many museums before it collapses under the weight of all that history.
I hear anywhere on the coast is where to be these days. Perhaps Gosport isn't blowing its trumpet loud enough.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 09, 2021, 12:27:54 AM
Not reading about Harry and Meghan on line :o :o
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 10, 2021, 08:16:27 AM
Oprah is a marketing genius. That they chose her for the interview was a shrewd move if the idea was to control spin in a positive way.
I still don't get the whole Royal Family thing, but ... I guess they are talked about for the same reason as the Pope is a focus wherever he goes. I like to ruminate as to what an alien anthropologist would make of them and the entire apparatus that makes their continued existence possible and seemingly necessary.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on March 10, 2021, 12:00:22 PM
Clapham in the news for all the wrong reasons:
Shan't comment on Meg and Hazza but I get the inside track from my neighbour when I get to speak to her.
This is her. (https://www.independent.com.mt/articles/2018-02-04/local-news/Former-Press-Secretary-to-Prince-Charles-Colleen-Harris-for-Malta-Summit-6736184417)
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 10, 2021, 04:45:45 PM
I'm sure she's fun to talk to, although she sounds like she's good at her job and probably knows when to keep her mouth shut.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 11, 2021, 12:25:58 AM
I kinda think, its nt news but the press state it is. Worst things going on in the world than a fighting family ( we all know what thats like).
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on March 12, 2021, 04:06:16 PM
I'm sure she's fun to talk to, although she sounds like she's good at her job and probably knows when to keep her mouth shut.
She is a barrel of laughs and one of my dearest friends.
What I find odd about Harry is that it is he who has tripped up the most in matters of race, but he made no mention of this while supporting that some in his family have made racist remarks.
Starts with the man in the mirror, mate.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on March 14, 2021, 06:06:43 AM
But can I just say something that is not being reported and that is last Monday an alert was issued for SW11 (where I live) and SW15 about an outbreak of the South African variant in the areas. Residents from these postal areas were asked to voluntarily get tested with the aim to stop this dangerous variant spreading. The Common kind of bleeds into SW11 and is partly bordered by it so with this in mind, did it make the best sense to have hundreds of people huddled together for whatever purpose.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 14, 2021, 10:12:15 AM
That's pretty scary. I've read that it's pretty resistant to the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is disturbing, particularly since they are planning to start passing that one out around here. I am still scheduled for part 2 of Pfizer, but my husband may not be so lucky. I guess any vaccine is better than none, but still, these mutant strains are really worrying.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 15, 2021, 08:06:47 AM
MMMMMMM have seen the social media videos ref The Clapham common vigil, didnt look good. Poss. the MET should have warned them about the S,A, variant ????
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on March 15, 2021, 12:10:34 PM
MMMMMMM have seen the social media videos ref The Clapham common vigil, didnt look good. Poss. the MET should have warned them about the S,A, variant ????
I'm truly surprised that no one is mentioning it. Regardless of what happened on Saturday, I personally don't want hundreds of people massing in my area for a hug-in.
Working from home has me working from my dining table which has three computers, a large (well, not by Smokes's standards, but you know what I mean) screen and a laser printer on, as well as multiple keyboards, mice, pens paper etc. Whilst on a Skype call on one computer (a PC, with wired headphones) I turned and the headphone wire knocked my coffee over. And the whole cupful went into my Powerbook. (My prime works machine). Oops.
I now have the world's prettiest house brick. Fortunately I have backups up the ying yang and two other computers (see above): but for the moment it does mean that I am condemned to using a (spit) PC for work.
Now that was a bit silly, wasn't it.
Lesson here is to always use your Star Trek mug (https://www.flickr.com/photos/leongking/4917403188) when drinking coffee near electronic whatnots.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 31, 2021, 02:36:57 PM
Working from home has me working from my dining table which has three computers, a large (well, not by Smokes's standards, but you know what I mean) screen and a laser printer on, as well as multiple keyboards, mice, pens paper etc. Whilst on a Skype call on one computer (a PC, with wired headphones) I turned and the headphone wire knocked my coffee over. And the whole cupful went into my Powerbook. (My prime works machine). Oops.
I now have the world's prettiest house brick. Fortunately I have backups up the ying yang and two other computers (see above): but for the moment it does mean that I am condemned to using a (spit) PC for work.
My condolences. The worst damage I ever incurred was from spilling water on a wired Mac Keyboard, but only the keyboard died. It was attached to an Imac, so the machine itself was unaffected. Had to get a new keyboard, though.
My fun day included my husband neglecting to remove a roller ball pen from his pants in a load of light colored laundry. So now he has beige socks with streaks of black ink, and has managed to splash ink on several items of clothing. I should have gone to investigate when I kept hearing the clanging in the dryer. We had to wipe the interior free of ink by using isopropyl alcohol. I tried to remove ink from a teeshirt with the alcohol (which often works well on ballpoint ink) but it merely managed to smudge it. Nice big black dots on a white shirt. Fun times. There was little acrimony, however, as I had managed to wash a gate remote in a pair of pants a few months back.
The moral is to check all pockets before washing.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 01, 2021, 12:36:46 AM
Working from home, Are you not covered by your works insurance for this and any other injuries that may occur, appreciate that this concept was kind of rushed through last year and why it was rushed but surely H&S risk assessments were required eventually ? A lot more home injuries from people using pc's wrongly set up etc are now coming to light (how there not set up according to requirements ) Could be the next cold calling phone call ??
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 01, 2021, 05:54:50 AM
How have you kept the PB in service for so long? We had to retire mom's G4 when the internet got fucky, since it maxed out at Tiger.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 01, 2021, 11:17:54 AM
Maybe he meant MacBookPro?
I had a G4 Powerbook and it had so many problems that Apple finally threw up their hands and gave me a brand new MacbookPro (the first series) instead. That was after I'd owned the G4 for a year. The MacbookPro won't power up any longer, probably a battery issue. I had an earlier Powerbook that is also a brick most likely because the battery also died. My oldest, still functional, Mac is a Powerbook 92. With a 256 Mb HD, I save it in order to read floppy discs.
chris, you can always blame it on a pet cat or some other act of nature.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 02, 2021, 08:43:24 AM
I have an external USB floppy drive, too. But it used to work with the G3 Powerbook that is now a brick (dead battery). I don't know if I can get it to interface with the later models of computer, but I haven't had the occasion to check for a while.
I suspect some of the floppy discs that I used for storage have a greater capacity than the Powerbook 92 HD. I also burned lots of stuff to DVDs and CDs as backup. I noticed several of the movies I had ripped to DVD are not playing well if at all, which makes me wonder if the chemicals embedded in the DVDs are breaking down and threatening the integrity of the data stored on them. A good deal of technology is ephemeral and not really a great choice for archival storage.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 03, 2021, 12:29:16 AM
Happy Easter ALL hope you stay safe and chill
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on April 03, 2021, 03:36:16 PM
Quick - someone check on the whereabouts of Goldie's wife ...
Sounds like he's still in the planning stages. In my experience that can take years.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: Beatrix on April 20, 2021, 11:32:44 AM
So, what does everyone think of 8chan? I'm considering taking a look and wondering if it's just going to ruin some more respects I have about society and humanity.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on April 21, 2021, 09:12:34 AM
... wondering if it's just going to ruin some more respects I have about society and humanity.
My view is that any money on that possibility would be a safe bet.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: Beatrix on April 21, 2021, 10:19:55 PM
Upon further investigation, no doubt sir. Just been reading about it to date, I'll probably ly not look. Cant tell you how many times I went to look at reddit and became uninterested in minutes.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on April 25, 2021, 04:53:05 AM
After the engine in my van seized and was pronounced dead, I've managed to secure this:
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 25, 2021, 06:07:48 AM
That looks like a good useful van, but I had to identify 6 photos with boats to see it. Hopefully it's got low mileage and won't cause you any problems. It sure looks clean.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on April 25, 2021, 09:29:12 AM
That looks like a good useful van, but I had to identify 6 photos with boats to see it. Hopefully it's got low mileage and won't cause you any problems. It sure looks clean.
It has a high mileage but probably works out to 20-25,000 a year which in that part of the world is about right. I would have paid £3,000 more for a van with 20,000 less but considering I only put about 2,500 a year on due to working locally, it seemed a good trade off.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 26, 2021, 10:23:25 AM
looks ok to me,
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on April 30, 2021, 05:27:29 AM
Tough time for us at the moment as they are turning off the IV lines to my father-in-law today and he's not expected to last the day.
He's only 69 and all this is due to some surgery that went very badly and resulted in many complications.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: dweez on April 30, 2021, 06:09:36 AM
I'm sorry your father-in-law and your family is having to go through this. You guys are in my prayers. If you need anything, just let me know.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on April 30, 2021, 07:30:22 AM
I'm sorry your father-in-law and your family is having to go through this. You guys are in my prayers. If you need anything, just let me know.
Thanks mate.
It kind of feels like he's on death row and I am not sure I am entirely happy with this decision. It's complicated and I'm sure the hospital knows best. Doesn't stop it being a real bugger though.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on April 30, 2021, 12:43:41 PM
Just sitting here waiting for a call. He's already been moved and the lines taken out so it's now just an agonising waiting game.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 30, 2021, 09:34:16 PM
I'm sorry that you (and your father in law) have to go through this. My condolences to you and your family.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 30, 2021, 09:39:47 PM
That sitting and waiting thing, it's no good. I'm sorry you're going through that.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 30, 2021, 11:47:04 PM
thoughts are with you,
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on May 01, 2021, 03:55:56 AM
My brother and sister-in-law sat with him last night waiting for him to go but he's still with us today. I hope they re-introduce a line that feeds him otherwise wouldn't that be euthanasia?
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on May 01, 2021, 12:10:56 PM
If he can't eat, feeding him through a tube is just prolonging "life" pointlessly.
He'd originally gone in to have a tumour removed from his pituitary gland that had got big enough for it to create problem with his vision in both eyes. Initially it didn't go too bad but for some reason they went back in as they didn't think they got it all and after this he suffered bleeds, air and infections including meningitis - the latter is what destroyed his brain.
A few months on they are sure he has no chance of recovery and there is no real activity in his brain. At this point they removed the line from his brain that was venting the fluid but they are (I asked since I last posted) keeping the line in that feeds him and the line administering painkillers. What they have said will happen now is that he'll have a fluid build up that will put him into a coma and then shortly afterwards he should pass.
It's bless'ed ghastly for sure.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 01, 2021, 09:17:37 PM
That sounds pretty awful. I suspect the medical professionals who are handling this are also frustrated not to be able to do more to end his suffering. I hope that the end comes soon so that you can all find some peace.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on May 02, 2021, 08:14:24 AM
That sounds pretty awful. I suspect the medical professionals who are handling this are also frustrated not to be able to do more to end his suffering. I hope that the end comes soon so that you can all find some peace.
It's certainly a strange position to find oneself.
Dying slowly is unpleasant for the person doing it, but the people making decisions about it often aren't the person doing it.
I think the trick is to continually ask oneself what they would want (given that "good health" is not an option), and that very often is not what the relatives want.
My mother essentially died from hypoxic brain damage so I've been here before. I remember the consultant asking what my mother would want and had we ever had this conversation. I replied that I hadn't really addressed the topic of her being completely brain dead as it's not the sort of thing you discuss over dinner. What I did say was that my mother was highly educated (Grammar school and a degree in sociology) and fiercely intelligent so I could say with my hand on my heart that, to her, the thought of having no physical ability beyond dribbling and almost no cognitive processes would be her #1 nightmare. We (the family) all agreed to remove her ventilator and she passed within 5 minutes of them doing so.
Barry (my father-in-law) is still with us so we're still on tender hooks.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on May 06, 2021, 03:41:20 AM
Barry is still holding his own although my brother-in-law who gives us constant feedback has said his breathing is getting shallower - whatever that implies?
Now the hospital are talking "hospice" so we're are all emotionally confused and not sure what to hope for.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 06, 2021, 06:45:02 PM
Hospice is code for "we can't do anything medically, so take him out of hospital to be comfortable elsewhere" as near as I can tell.
In the U.S. with hospice, there is the possibility of keeping the patient in the hospital, but the strategy for treatment is mostly palliative care. We took my mother home and she lived a week to the day that the oncologist said she'd last. It was stressful, but she got better attention than in the hospital. She got daily visits from a nursing aide who bathed her and the hospice nurse came by regularly (she was a wonderful woman). The hospice organization had a nurse on call 24 hours a day, in case of problems or questions. I can't think of a better end to her life, despite the suffering, she was surrounded by loved ones who did their best to care for her. We were all staying at my sibling's house so there were 4 adults dealing with her care at all hours and plenty of people were able to visit and say goodbye.
I'm sorry for your situation and hope it ends soon and peacefully.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 06, 2021, 09:39:04 PM
My Grandpa got out of hospice once.
Stuck around another two years.
He hated the food in there, requested we smuggle him in some carl's jr.
I went to the same carl's jr we went to when I was in school, ordered his old "regular order".
We were sat at an outdoor table (Less likely to get caught.)
We bit into our burgers and were utterly disgusted. Carl's had gone to poo.
For all their stupid flashy ads, they put out a surprisingly below acceptable burger.
It was an extremely demoralizing moment. But he made an unexpected recovery and got to go home.
The second time around he had in home hospice care.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on May 12, 2021, 09:02:16 AM
So, they moved Barry yesterday to a hospice and removed all life support and sometime during the early hours today, he passed away. Apparently it was a peaceful departure and he just drifted away.
Still a bit of a shock as we thought it would take a few days at least, but I'm sort of glad (more relieved) that he's no longer in that vegetative state.
Scraped my new van yesterday and was terribly upset (it wasn't that bad), then I remembered Barry and had to slap myself. Hard.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: dweez on May 12, 2021, 09:06:48 AM
I'm sorry you and your family had to go through this but am glad it was a peaceful passing and you guys had time to begin processing it. I'm here for you if you need anything.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on May 12, 2021, 09:43:02 AM
I'm sorry you and your family had to go through this but am glad it was a peaceful passing and you guys had time to begin processing it. I'm here for you if you need anything.
Many thanks dweez.
My missus spent the weekend down with her mother (it was her mum's birthday on Sunday to top it) so all in all she'd visited her dad 3 times while he was in that deteriorated condition. This really helped her get ready to grieve as she knew there was definitely no way back.
I lost a very dear friend and I'll always miss him.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on May 12, 2021, 03:07:40 PM
I've said it before, and doubtless I'll say it again: condolences.
Thanks, I appreciate the concern.
The van was a muscle memory manoeuvre pulling into my lockup. Forgot the new van is considerably longer and has to turn around the tight corners of a garage lot later than with the Vivaro (L1).
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 12, 2021, 03:20:58 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about your father in law. I'm sure it's been really hard on all of you. My condolences.
And the van? It's just stuff. I had a brand new car parked in front of our house and someone across the street backed out of the neighbor's driveway and hit it, leaving a small dent. I watched in amazement and anger as they drove away without stopping. It was to be the first of several such hit and runs. But the car still runs fine, so that's what matters. I know it's annoying to have a new imperfection on a proud new possession, but like you said, there's more important things at the end of the day.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 12, 2021, 11:28:36 PM
Condolences friend
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 13, 2021, 01:22:10 AM
I remember many small things bothering me more than they should have when I lost my dad. The world seemed clearer and crueler.
Every little irritation was like "Why am I focusing on this, DAMNIT".
Don't beat yourself up on it. At least partially you're dealing with trauma, and that shock can severely golly with the day to day.
Take the time you need to process. Autopilot can golly with us all, and at least this scrape was minor.
One thing I find helpful when I start getting super bless'ed stressed out is to act like I'm piloting a ship, instead of my body, and making sure each action is a one off. Reach the arm over there to pick up the pen. Don't knock the glass of water over with my elbow, focus on what I am writing.
Multi-tasking is a bane.
Another thing I find helpful, when I need to get something done, is to make sure the music I am listening to is instrumental, or doesn't have lyrics. It helps keep me on track.
I am sorry for your loss. I know the words can sometimes feel empty, but I really am sorry. When we lose someone, it leaves a long shadow.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: Beatrix on May 29, 2021, 05:54:36 PM
Those are helpful techniques. I hadn't realized its instrumental that is more soothing, I listen to songs where injust want to hear the riffs. I have been keeping to myself and staying calm all the time for it. I agree totally with the above. It's nice not to be alone 8ully.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 01, 2021, 12:39:24 AM
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57304515 Covid-19: UK in early stages of third wave - scientist ???
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on June 01, 2021, 03:29:08 AM
Funeral day today and I now know I've been in total denial about my growing waistline during this pandemic. Suit jackets just about fit but the trousers need ... well, in all honesty there's no hope for the trousers.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 01, 2021, 06:00:14 AM
My condolences for your loss and sympathy for the weight gain. I have been buying larger clothes due to this pandemic. It was aggravated by having broken my foot a year ago and compensating for the loss of exercise by a foray into ice cream sampling. It's hard to get rid of the weight, even though I take regular, daily exercise. It's nothing extreme, but carrying around an extra 10 lbs. does take a toll.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on June 02, 2021, 02:02:34 AM
on a down note, local hospital increasing covid capacity again :-[
Can't live like this forever. Either we take the focus off people ill with COVID, or let's just give the numbers of people ill with anything.
I feel like I've become addicted to the daily numbers and I'm sure it's not healthy. No pun intended.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 07, 2021, 03:55:03 PM
Because of soaring new cases and recent climbing death toll from Covid, combined with an idiotic population that resists vaccination, the local government has imposed a curfew from 8 pm to 6 am. So no driving anywhere between those hours. We rarely go out anyway, so it's no big deal, but it does reflect a general selfish stupidity that is persisting here. I think the percentage of vaccinated locals is 3% despite freely available vaccines and open vaccination sites.
The governments have tried repeatedly to encourage people to get the jab. Few takers. It boggles the mind. Mask mandates means most wear them as a fashion accessory around their necks or below the nose. Wouldn't want to hide that pretty nose, now, would we? As for hearing of other illnesses, we might learn something. We can all become amateur epidemiologists! I just try to steer clear of dengue and zika mosquitoes here. We got one of those badminton type bug zappers and it's really satisfying to hear the little buggers get what's coming. Sadly, we only manage to kill a small fraction of what lurks in the bathroom and under tables and chairs. They're sneaky and pretty quiet here.
I have heard rumors that occurrences of the flu this past season were a fraction of what might have been the case due to the mask mandates reducing transmission.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on June 08, 2021, 05:53:48 AM
To be honest I'm pretty shocked at the amount of people that I would consider at a higher risk (due to age) that are dodging the vaccine. Even the french contractor I've partnered isn't going to have it and I pointed out to him yesterday that what would happen if, God forbid, one of his family became ill back in France. They may not allow him to travel or make it very difficult to do so.
Someone needs to fix the world as I don't have enough glue.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 08, 2021, 07:24:13 AM
To be honest I'm pretty shocked at the amount of people that I would consider at a higher risk (due to age) that are dodging the vaccine. Even the french contractor I've partnered isn't going to have it and I pointed out to him yesterday that what would happen if, God forbid, one of his family became ill back in France. They may not allow him to travel or make it very difficult to do so.
Someone needs to fix the world as I don't have enough glue.
well if you dont I personally dont think Gov's do either. Have to appease so many diff people, so will not make the decision as could lose votes
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 09, 2021, 07:15:08 AM
To be honest I'm pretty shocked at the amount of people that I would consider at a higher risk (due to age) that are dodging the vaccine. Even the french contractor I've partnered isn't going to have it and I pointed out to him yesterday that what would happen if, God forbid, one of his family became ill back in France. They may not allow him to travel or make it very difficult to do so.
Someone needs to fix the world as I don't have enough glue.
Yep. If a really deadly contagion comes along, we are basically all doomed. This pandemic is pretty bad, but most people who catch it don't die. It's certainly made clear how stupid we as a species are, and how short sighted. If, in the future, some even more deadly pandemic arrives, we'll probably all die off. And, it will be because we deserve it.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on June 10, 2021, 02:47:43 PM
Yep. If a really deadly contagion comes along, we are basically all doomed. This pandemic is pretty bad, but most people who catch it don't die. It's certainly made clear how stupid we as a species are, and how short sighted. If, in the future, some even more deadly pandemic arrives, we'll probably all die off. And, it will be because we deserve it.
I see this whole thing as a bit of a dry run. It could have been apocalyptic and could still be but, assuming this is about as bad as it will get, let's develop a strategy that we can roll out when ebola goes global. I mean, we've all watched or read fiction about the end of the world coming about due to a virus, so now we have the opportunity to put that nightmare in it's place, let's do just that.
On another note: my local authority want the residents' parking permit from my old van before issuing a change of vehicle one for the new one. Problem is that I forgot to take it off the windscreen when I scrapped it so I'm buggered and the council aren't helping at all.
I want to swear a lot and use the C word until it's out of fashion.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 10, 2021, 03:25:35 PM
Will they take a receipt from the scrap yard? It seems pretty crazy that they're so inflexible about this. Sorry for the trouble.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on June 11, 2021, 12:58:36 AM
Will they take a receipt from the scrap yard? It seems pretty crazy that they're so inflexible about this. Sorry for the trouble.
The van's engine was seized so it was towed away by a company that chucked me a small amount of money. They do sign the yellow part of the V5 (registration document) but you don't get a receipt as such. The council probably thinks that I'm parking 2 vehicles when I have clearly cancelled its road tax with the gubmint which would mean it could be seized and crushed if left on a public road. I feel like life is returning to its usual stubborn and unfriendly self. Maybe that's a good thing?
Only 2 (3 in the plural) of those letters are right.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 11, 2021, 03:07:42 AM
My mom was arrested in California for not registering a car that she scrapped in NJ in 1979.
I have rarely seen my Grandpa more angry. Cops who execute warrants like that should be handed their walking papers.
Your council needs ex lax in their tea. Daily.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on June 11, 2021, 07:26:22 AM
smokes, did you have the remainder of the vehicle crushed and sold for scrap? This sounds like a real headache.
I remember that we had to change our drivers licenses within 14 days of moving to CA, or some such nutty amount of time. We had valid MA licenses that had been recently renewed, if I remember correctly. Their website is not clear about any deadlines for changing licenses or car registrations for new residents. It just says you have to do it, but not by when.
We got new licenses (had to take a written test) and had to re-register our cars. The DMV is pretty screwed up. I once renewed my drivers license on line and they ate my money and didn't cough up the new license. I had to prove that I'd paid on a credit card before they'd research their own cockup. That took several hours and I got a newer, even uglier photo to boot. Thanks, DMV.
That place has a culture of incompetent bureaucracy that you can't beat with a stick. I am simultaneously shocked and then again not surprised that they arrested your mother over the "registration non-compliance." That's clearly an abuse of police authority. Christ on a crutch. They could have been out preventing theft and violent crime, but instead, choose to go harass private citizens. That sounds like a nice case for a contingency fee law firm.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on June 12, 2021, 01:27:42 PM
smokes, did you have the remainder of the vehicle crushed and sold for scrap? This sounds like a real headache.
The vehicle was "sold to trade" and I suppose they make the decision whether to revive it or break it. The latter would technically be scrapping it but it would take longer than just writing it off.
I had an email that asked for all the evidence I have that I sold it so there could be someone listening.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on June 14, 2021, 01:06:35 AM
I'd send a one line email
"Are you a human?"
Because if you're dealing with someone who only uses formal response scripts, you need to be dealing with someone else.
I do that when I have phone issues. If I get a snotty golly on the line, I hang up and dial back. If I have to be polite, so do they.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on June 14, 2021, 03:10:14 PM
Because if you're dealing with someone who only uses formal response scripts, you need to be dealing with someone else.
I do that when I have phone issues. If I get a snotty golly on the line, I hang up and dial back. If I have to be polite, so do they.
I realise what they've asked for is the posted confirmation the DVLA send out to me up to 4 weeks after I advise them I am no longer the keeper.
That would be easy if it wasn't 6 weeks after I advised them and I still haaven't received this letter.
If I copped an injury tomorrow and couldn't work, it'd cost me £25 a day to park the van outside my house. And that could last 3 months.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on June 17, 2021, 12:52:29 AM
With all the attention on the Delta strain, hardly any increase in Hospital numbers in Local Hospital, Plenty more getting jabs though
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on August 23, 2021, 03:13:07 AM
My mother in law had her second fall since losing her husband and it transpired that she'd been coughing some blood for a while that she'd kept quiet about. In hospital they presumed it was an ulcer and she was going to start medication when she had some kind of heart failure and they had to bring her back. She's frail and they've now said that the trauma of chest compressions fractured 5 ribs so they've asked her to agree a DNR.
Holy crap! does it ever end?
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 23, 2021, 08:00:11 AM
My mother in law had her second fall since losing her husband and it transpired that she'd been coughing some blood for a while that she'd kept quiet about. In hospital they presumed it was an ulcer and she was going to start medication when she had some kind of heart failure and they had to bring her back. She's frail and they've now said that the trauma of chest compressions fractured 5 ribs so they've asked her to agree a DNR.
Holy crap! does it ever end?
I am sorry to hear of this, especially since the suffering sounds pretty bad. I read somewhere that some spouses do not tend to survive much longer than their mates after one dies. My stepmother lived only a couple years after my father passed away. It could be a coincidence but it makes me wonder if there’s anything to it
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on August 23, 2021, 09:03:14 AM
My wife went down to see her yesterday and had a torrid time convincing the hospital to allow her in. First they said you have to book a slot which she'd forgotten to do in all the worrying, then, after her brother gave up his slot for her they said only one person a day and at a time so TNG and his sister couldn't see her.
You'd think if they convinced someone to agree a effing DNR, they'd let all the family visit them just in case.
It's easier getting a visiting order for Wormwood Scrubbs!
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: dweez on August 23, 2021, 09:24:16 AM
I am sorry your mother in law and your family is going through all this. I must admit though, I'm not sure why they requested a DNR from her? I'm sure there's some logic there I am missing.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on August 23, 2021, 10:28:47 AM
I am sorry your mother in law and your family is going through all this. I must admit though, I'm not sure why they requested a DNR from her? I'm sure there's some logic there I am missing.
They are saying that if they were to try chest compressions again they'd probably break every one of her ribs leaving her in agony and immovable if she did survive. It's sad but she told my wife she agreed with this as things are just not the same without Barry around. Desperate times, desperate times ...
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 03, 2021, 11:19:17 PM
So yesterday my son finally had his "graduation". No walking on stage, no presentation of degree certificates . Finally a closure of University academia life and he / all of that "Covid" year can move on. All the hopes and aspirations being thrown around.
Was fun and expensive to see all these young ish graduates saying goodbye. Next stop Sandhurst
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: Beatrix on October 06, 2021, 10:52:47 AM
Excellent news! My daughter is now a freshman. She's also, painfully so, a teenager. I've adjusted my whole life to this, totally worth it :) there was never a better calling. My son is as sweet as he is maturing. Still a decent boy and into a decent man. ❤🕯👩👧👦
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 06, 2021, 02:59:59 PM
You make me feel old, Bea. Kids do grow up fast, though. Hope everything else is well and that you are all adjusting to life in IL.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 08, 2021, 07:03:58 AM
I'm trying to calm down from chasing away a couple of guys who decided to get out a grinder and remove the catalytic converter from a neighbor's car. It was parked outside our house. I heard this awful loud noise and figured out what was going on. Ran out and chased them away in my bare feet and sleep shirt. It didn't occur to me that they might be armed. I was just pissed off. I think I interrupted them before they got away with it. As I was shouting at them, the guy jumped into a waiting car and they sped off down the street. It was dark so I didn't really see them as it was just before 5 a.m. It was a blur, really, and too dark to see them well enough to help the cops. Adventures in insomnia.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on October 09, 2021, 07:40:07 AM
I'm trying to calm down from chasing away a couple of guys who decided to get out a grinder and remove the catalytic converter from a neighbor's car. It was parked outside our house. I heard this awful loud noise and figured out what was going on. Ran out and chased them away in my bare feet and sleep shirt. It didn't occur to me that they might be armed. I was just pissed off. I think I interrupted them before they got away with it. As I was shouting at them, the guy jumped into a waiting car and they sped off down the street. It was dark so I didn't really see them as it was just before 5 a.m. It was a blur, really, and too dark to see them well enough to help the cops. Adventures in insomnia.
That's an admirable reaction if not a little precarious.
It seems it's a global phenomenon that criminals are far more bold and uncaring about any particular consequence. They would quite literally steal the shirt off one's back. It's even worse now when wearing a facemask is not considered a threat and it, in some cases, mandatory. The law-abiding stand no chance.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 11, 2021, 09:19:47 AM
Happens all over, very brave of you. Friend got told to go back in the house and dont come back out or else The ELSE does deserve capitals in this case ???
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 11, 2021, 10:14:57 AM
Thanks. It didn't occur to me that it would be dangerous. I didn't think. I was just so angry, I ran out and roared at them. Fortunately, they just wanted to get away. I checked a few hours later and saw that the car still had the catalytic converter intact, so I guess I succeeded.
Calling the cops wouldn't really have done anything to stop them, since they'd have been long gone before the police arrived. My throat was sore for a day from the efforts. I didn't get back to sleep either. I guess I was just lucky. They probably just drove to another neighborhood and went at it again. My neighbor had two stolen and finally gave up and sold his car.
Are people becoming more cruel or are we just more aware of it because the population is denser and we notice this kind of thing more? I can't imagine this kind of thing happening when I was a child.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on October 11, 2021, 03:30:45 PM
I don't think that people are more cruel per se, they just have absolutely no regard for any consequence as the world has already ended so what's to worry about. It's kind of like the "Purge" only permanent.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 12, 2021, 03:40:49 AM
The Purge was purposely designed to eradicate the homeless in universe.
There is a guy on youtube, CZ that does fairly deep dives into horror movies, and he did a master class on ALL of the purge movies, the "new founding fathers" and some of the stuff that the movies gloss over.
He's utterly fantastic, and I can't recommend him enough. I turn my adblock off for his videos.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on March 13, 2022, 06:37:04 AM
To be honest, last night the missus and I decided not to watch the news before going to bed as it has been giving us real nightmares. I imagine we are not alone and I truly now worry if our children having ambition is both realistic and/or worth it.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on March 13, 2022, 02:14:13 PM
If parents had felt like that in the sixties - when let's face it things (Bay of Pigs, Cold War, four-minute warnings etc.) were a lot worse than they currently are - then your generation would have missed out. It is worrying that we may breed another generation of "Reds under the Bed" paranoiacs.
You will know that things are bad when the government dusts off "Protect and Survive".
It's interesting that you say that as I can remember the bay of pigs in as much as I knew my mother showed a kind of concern that still haunts me. All I knew was that people were saying something about WW3 and that everyone seemed terrified for some time. I am now in my mid 50s and still it haunts me. What then will children of this generation feel in their lives. They have to rationalise a pandemic, a war - senseless like no other, global warming, Trump, the Chinese threat and all the array of other reasons that have motivated to protest in a very public way? I may have witnessed some of these things throughout my life, but never have they seemed so pronounced or accented.
It is interesting that Putin is still closely following the GWB/ Blair playbook (as modified by the use of Trumpian "fake news" klaxons): "they have WMD!", "regime change", "coalition of the just" etc., but our media is still completely oblivious to the irony.
When we "took down a local warlord" it was obviously in the name of peace, when they "kidnap a local mayor" it is a war crime.
When we hit a hospital/ wedding party/ children's school, it was "unfortunate collateral damage", when they do the same ...
I do see your points and have always struggled with irony of it all. However, this does seems to be by the will of just one man as it is literally one brother having to kill another. There does not seem to be a perceived "them and us" in this conflict. It's just killing without a goal.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 13, 2022, 04:22:30 PM
poo, that reminds me, I never posted the manifesto that went up and got pulled within like five minutes.
It's essentially the simpsons sketch where they flip their placard back to USSR.
It is interesting that Putin is still closely following the GWB/ Blair playbook (as modified by the use of Trumpian "fake news" klaxons): "they have WMD!", "regime change", "coalition of the just" etc., but our media is still completely oblivious to the irony.
When we "took down a local warlord" it was obviously in the name of peace, when they "kidnap a local mayor" it is a war crime.
When we hit a hospital/ wedding party/ children's school, it was "unfortunate collateral damage", when they do the same ...
Watched this Documentary yesterday, is 2017 but thought provoking ref Isis And the West Hell on Earth
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on September 08, 2022, 11:32:12 AM
golly. The queen's dead!
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 08, 2022, 11:33:47 AM
You have my condolences. She seems to have been a virtuous person with a big personality. We could use more leaders like her.
The media is simply describing "medical supervision" at Balmoral, but not death, although that seems to be imminent. Nope. Now it's confirmed by Buckingham Palace. A sad day.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on September 08, 2022, 12:16:37 PM
Couldn't have come at a worse time, in my opinion. Can't see how pubs, theatres and the like can close as the economy is shot! No comedy for 12 days just when I needed a laugh as the pubs may be closed.
Maybe I'm just being selfish. She was a dear old bird, after all.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 08, 2022, 06:13:01 PM
I understand your frustration. Televised funerals used to interrupt Sat morning cartoons when I was a child. But I guess these rites of passage must be universally acknowledged.
It's sad, but not unexpected, that she would pass away.
We are dealing with crazy heat that has been bearing down on us for days on end and making us lethargic and uncomfortable. We don't have air conditioning, just some fans strategically placed.
I like to think of the Queen driving an ambulance or scaring the bejesus out of world leaders who were her passengers as she drove them around. She was not without a sense of humor. And you could count on her to have a marmalade sandwich in her handbag.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 08, 2022, 07:27:55 PM
I forgot about the restrictions you'll face. Do they pull the money and stamps immediately, or is there a transition period? As to the no comedy for 12 days, that seems really off. I mean the times we live in aren't much fun, but to flat out codify "no laughter, no smiles" seems a bit forced.
As to the pubs being closed, I remember sorely wanting a drink during a hurricane, but my aunt had zapped away the entire bottle I had earmarked for the event. (Liquor never lasted long in her house) and the state had restricted sales of alcohol for the duration.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: dweez on September 08, 2022, 09:07:26 PM
I never knew there were such restrictions. I also don't know the protocol here. Do I give my condolences for a state funeral? I know here in the states a high level politician passing away would barely make a blip.
That said, I am sorry for your and your countries loss. As has been said, she did seem to be a good, delightful person.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on September 09, 2022, 05:09:21 AM
An article from mid last year: https://www.politico.eu/article/queen-elizabeth-death-plan-britain-operation-london-bridge/
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 09, 2022, 10:32:41 AM
Truss must be spitting feathers that someone else stole her thunder. Good time for sneaking out bad news, though: no-one will notice for a month.
On the plus side, there's the nice photo op of her with the Queen, an event that has most likely doubled in value now, given the circumstances. That has to be worth a bit in terms of bestowing a bit of legitimacy on her service as PM. From what I've seen so far, she's going to need all the help she can get.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 10, 2022, 05:51:31 AM
The handover of the monarchy The only thing that's faster than light
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on September 10, 2022, 12:17:06 PM
Personally, I think she won the game. If I go peacefully in my sleep at the age of 96, I hope to God the people I know celebrate not mourn. Mind you, If I live that long the chances are everyone I know will have already passed.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 10, 2022, 08:42:41 PM
That's the sad thing about aging: having to witness the demise of your friends, one by one. That's assuming you outlive most of them. If you made it to 96, that would most likely be the case. My grandmother was so saddened by the passing of my grandfather that she pretty much lost the will to live. She was so lonely and depressed. They were both in their late 80's, and most of their friends, and several of their children and siblings had died. She languished for a couple of years afterwards until she also passed away.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on September 11, 2022, 12:05:49 AM
My grandmother was so saddened by the passing of my grandfather that she pretty much lost the will to live. She was so lonely and depressed. They were both in their late 80's, and most of their friends, and several of their children and siblings had died. She languished for a couple of years afterwards until she also passed away.
I think that's what has happened there
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on September 19, 2022, 08:41:02 AM
I didn't think that the queen's funeral today would interest me much, but I found myself glued to it and quite mesmerised.
Without question, it's really something to behold.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on September 19, 2022, 09:30:03 AM
You're mentioned so often I'd have thought you were well briefed beforehand.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 15, 2022, 04:26:36 PM
Is it my imagination, or is Liz Truss acting out episodes of "The Thick of It?" Whatever she's doing, it makes for great political theatre. I'm waiting for her to announce the "self eating cake" as her next new economic plan, should she last long enough to effectuate it.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 15, 2022, 10:15:06 PM
Is it my imagination, or is Liz Truss acting out episodes of "The Thick of It?" Whatever she's doing, it makes for great political theatre. I'm waiting for her to announce the "self eating cake" as her next new economic plan, should she last long enough to effectuate it.
If it wasn't so important, I would laugh until I cried. I though B was a interesting character but Truss has no character and no idea.. To give J,Hunt the keys to he chancellery, is like give locking a child in a sweet shop what with his past history of money scandals :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on October 16, 2022, 09:00:51 AM
Is it my imagination, or is Liz Truss acting out episodes of "The Thick of It?" Whatever she's doing, it makes for great political theatre. I'm waiting for her to announce the "self eating cake" as her next new economic plan, should she last long enough to effectuate it.
I was surprised to learn that KamiKwasi's PhD was actually in the study of "old coins". With that in mind, that makes him a historian who learned nothing from history, and while old coins were once currency, it's a bit of a stretch to say that also makes him versed in economics.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on October 16, 2022, 03:11:41 PM
This highlights a fundamental flaw in our representative democracy. We elect MPs - one per constituency - based on (essentially) personality and party propaganda (with maybe a smidgin of local popularity). Nothing to do with competence or qualification of the representative to perform tasks in government. Then once a bunch of disparate civilians are elected, they put them in charge of things about which they have almost no knowledge, expertise or experience. They often have opinions, and more often have dreams, but qualifications are non-essential.
Hence we can have a Prime Minister that knows nothing about anything, and their only useful or relevant experience was gained in late night drunken discussion sessions with a bunch of equally useless fellow undergraduates. Similarly for chancellor of the exchequer, defence minister, etc., etc., etc.
Democracy is a really stupid way of running anything: popularity and competence are often mutually exclusive.
Humans and competence are very often mutually exclusive. I'm testament to that.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 16, 2022, 05:06:54 PM
This highlights a fundamental flaw in our representative democracy. We elect MPs - one per constituency - based on (essentially) personality and party propaganda (with maybe a smidgin of local popularity). Nothing to do with competence or qualification of the representative to perform tasks in government. Then once a bunch of disparate civilians are elected, they put them in charge of things about which they have almost no knowledge, expertise or experience. They often have opinions, and more often have dreams, but qualifications are non-essential.
Hence we can have a Prime Minister that knows nothing about anything, and their only useful or relevant experience was gained in late night drunken discussion sessions with a bunch of equally useless fellow undergraduates. Similarly for chancellor of the exchequer, defence minister, etc., etc., etc.
Democracy is a really stupid way of running anything: popularity and competence are often mutually exclusive.
The factors affecting most people's selection of elected representatives here has, increasingly, boiled down to popularity and an ability to smear one's opponents. Truth, competence, moral fitness, all seem to be qualities that are no longer really important. The more you give people access to information, the less likely they are to discriminate as to what they consume. It's like having an open house with free food catered by McDonalds at one table and by some high ranking Michelin star chef at another. Most people would just go to the pile of burgers and fries at McDonalds, even if the food is lacking in nourishment and higher in calories. Why? McDonalds has better ads, most likely, and better brand recognition. Neither probably would have an advantage over the other when it comes to governance, but there you have it.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 17, 2022, 04:47:52 AM
Seeing a lot more halogen headlights in my neighborhood, looks like I'll be gentrified out again.
Problem is, there isn't anywhere else to go but the places fires burn down.
Even the goodwill clerks are younger and ruder.
Also, the county was cowpoo coy with what virus the teenagers have been spewing out. RSV. I'm masked back up.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 18, 2022, 08:26:53 AM
Post Flu, Covid booster last Saturday. OMG someone shoot me now, Husky voice and my head feels like I am joining the Alchon Huns tribe
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 18, 2022, 01:35:59 PM
I have an appt for a double jab this afternoon. This post does not inspire me with confidence. A friend had the two and said her only after effects were an especially sore arm at the injection site. Keeping fingers crossed that my experience is more like hers. Hope you are now recovered, goldie.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 18, 2022, 06:20:35 PM
I had both in one arm last Saturday: Covid #4 and this year's "old-person" flu jab. My arm hurt like a hurry thing and I was wretched for two days. Today was better, and my arm is fine now.
This was Covid 5 for me, as I got the 2nd booster on Bastille Day, back when they were predicting that the bivalent update would not appear until late Oct. So I got bivalent booster and old people flu shot and am waiting for the other shoe to drop. I don't have any compelling appointments except for some webinars scheduled for the next couple of days.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 19, 2022, 07:44:38 AM
would recommend it 6, could be my mother passed her cold on to me when I visited her. Just a husky throat and fuzzy head.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 19, 2022, 08:50:52 AM
So far, I just have a sore arm and feel a little tired. Glad to have those jabs behind me, though. The garbage trucks woke me up and I think I'll probably go back to bed for a little catch up sleep.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on October 19, 2022, 03:06:17 PM
I think I'll just run the gauntlet as I've never really been unwell even when I probably had COVID. Besides which, by all accounts the vaccine doesn't stop you catching it. I don't know of anyone that hasn't tested positive when fully vaccinated. However, they are all still with us so I understand the benefits.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 19, 2022, 03:37:07 PM
The vaccine was never intended to prevent one from catching the virus. As one doc. told me, "it's to keep you out of the ICU." Most people don't end up there, but not having the jab makes it more likely. I have a mildly sore arm and am only a little tired. That's it. It's much milder than the last booster I had, and this is the new improved bivalent variety in combo with an enhanced flu shot. Frankly, I'm surprised that my reactions have been so mild as I was expecting to be out of commission today.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on October 20, 2022, 07:10:30 AM
I wonder what would have happened if the internet and mass stupidity had been around when we were trying to gain herd immunity to TB, measles, polio etc. We would probably be dealing with 18th Century levels of death and disability because "I'm not getting me or my children immunised because we'll probably be fine".
Herd immunity can only work once the herd are "immune". So far, there no immunity for COVID and the jury's still out with influenza. Seems like we just have to learn to live with it.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on October 20, 2022, 07:56:04 AM
I wonder what would have happened if the internet and mass stupidity had been around when we were trying to gain herd immunity to TB, measles, polio etc. We would probably be dealing with 18th Century levels of death and disability because "I'm not getting me or my children immunised because we'll probably be fine".
Have used that exact statement with Anti-vaxers (who hate being called that?) and they just shrugged their shoulders and move the conversation somewhere else. TB, measles appear in local hospitals, and a few other non advertised virus's (hate it when your wife comes home and tells you the new thing at the hospitals :o). Allowing people in who have not been vaccinated for these "old virus" proves the point that mass vaccination does work.
On a lighter note, Did Truss last that stated week ? Have always said, people want to move on and up but its not always good at the top of the Poo pile.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on October 20, 2022, 08:34:12 AM
I think the internet in and of itself was fine, misinformation used to be shouted down. Social media has allowed curation and bubbles to the point you are no longer confronted with inconvenient facts that you don't like. Like Bo Burnham said in his song, something about 9/11 really messed up both the internet and our psyches. We all wanted to act like it hadn't happened, and that's how we end up with Spewers like Alex Jones. Oh, and the return of measles and polio.
I feel like a lot of the 9/11 conspiracies were people who DIDN'T WANT what actually happened to be possible, so they invented the reality they wanted, and submitted it as their "truth". They even called themselves Truthers.
As to the Covid boosters, my next Dr. appointment isn't until December. Each one beats me up a little more. I'm on Dose 4.
I have a medical center nearly across the street from me, and I had a really nice doctor there, but my insurance decided to make me go 17 miles away.
For a while I was going to a doctor six miles away, but he started getting... creepy and suggestive.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on October 20, 2022, 08:38:18 AM
Not quite true: approaching herd vaccination has had, and is having, a massive effect on the mortality rate. If we had all decided not to have the vaccination, ten times as many people (or maybe many more) would likely have died of it. It is understood that vaccination has kept pace with the mutation of the virus, and that the latest mutation is the least potent yet, so chasing it down a hole seems to have been very effective. It is quite simple: the fewer people that get the vaccination, the longer the disease will last.
... despite the internet, and the opinion of all those people that were convinced that "they" were injecting them with nanobots to take over the world. If anyone has died directly from the vaccine, they are outnumbered (by millions to one) by those that died because they weren't vaccinated (... and those that caught it from people that weren't vaccinated).
But you are right; if you have never been ill with it, it is not your concern.
I have been dreadfully ill after being vaccinated 3 times, so I think I have stood strong with my comrades when the enemy was approaching. Now, I have the same attitude the the COVID vaccine as I have with the flu vaccine - which I have never had as I figure that if I can't take a week off work every couple of years when I'm ill, then I'm in the wrong job and my boss is an bottom.
Which he can be - but not often.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on October 20, 2022, 09:27:10 AM
My general take on it is, if a virus can't replicate, it can't evolve into something worse. So I'm all for preventing my body from behaving like a health club for a pathogen that could use me as a gym. The less we get sick when we are exposed, the less the chance that it can turn into a superbug.
I have a friend who is wheelchair bound because she caught Polio as a child. She is older and the stories she tells of being 6 years old and suddenly, inexplicably, falling down, and all the subsequent therapies and treatments she endured, are heartbreaking. She is old enough that when she was a young vulnerable age, there was not a vaccine yet. It makes me so grateful that there was a vaccine that was available when I was a child. I remember my mother taking me to the local Fire Dept. and getting the dose on sugar cubes. I think, in that case, a vaccine is far superior to letting lots of people get polio to establish herd immunity.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 09, 2022, 10:02:50 AM
So Churchill, who was a respectable Sunday painter, suddenly finds that his art is highly collectible. Brad Pitt purchased "Tower of the Koutoubia Mosque," a work executed in 1943, to give his then wife, Angelina Jolie. Recently, it was sold at Christies (London) for $11.5 million US. Pitt collects Churchill's work. Other works have fetched prices in the hundreds of thousands or low millions.
America has a Churchill museum in Missouri, the state where he made his "Iron Curtain" speech in 1946. https://www.nationalchurchillmuseum.org/collections.html (https://www.nationalchurchillmuseum.org/collections.html) There are amusing stories of his padding around the White House in his bathrobe. I take it he had a liver made of iron.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 09, 2022, 11:50:33 PM
Location: California, US
The Midterm election was yesterday. Could have turned my ballot in early, but I didn't. I have a hell of a time researching the judicial candidates, and they tend to be fairly unpalatable either way. (Judges rise up by sludging it.)
I think my vote might have been discarded, but neither of the gambling initiatives passed.
I find phone gambling to be a dark trend, it makes it that much easier to suck money out of phone zombies. I also think of this whenever I play a "free" MMO and see people flying around in ships that cost some startlingly high prices.
I remember being a bit annoyed that my Galaxy class starship (Free edition) didn't include saucer separation, but then I remembered any time Picard did it, the situation was dire. You kind of want to keep your saucer attached.
(You guessed it, saucer separation was a pay feature)
At least I never fell down the well of Gacha games, which have evaded gambling statutes by not paying out cash. No, you're "buying" the miniscule (0.8%) chance to get a character for your team! (I remember when skins were free)
Update: checked again, ballot was accepted. https://california.ballottrax.net/voter
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on November 10, 2022, 11:02:09 AM
We took our ballots to a drop box about a week in advance. Voted no on almost all the numbered propositions (except the constitutional amendment recognizing the autonomy of women over their own bodies). And the one for prohibiting selling bubble gum flavored vaping products.
We get lots of flyers and the local mayoral race with ranked choice voting was a real maze of people we'd never heard of, some whose qualification was cited as "Entertainer." Nope. Been there, tried that, didn't work. Nice to see so many candidates whom the failed real estate developer from NY who now resides in Florida supported being handed their walking papers.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 10, 2022, 10:11:38 PM
Doc Brown: The ACTOR?
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 12, 2022, 01:01:06 AM
My head is killing me :o. It always starts out well visiting the local pub, then boom
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on November 13, 2022, 02:52:25 PM
My head is killing me :o. It always starts out well visiting the local pub, then boom
I go to the pub with the specific intention of leaving it with less pain than I had when I walked in. It works every time.
So, loving this gas thing that I'm doing as it is far less gruelling than the grunt work that I'm used to. However, I've discovered that there's far more paperwork which is even more annoying.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on November 20, 2022, 09:32:44 AM
I don't think I've ever been so underwhelmed by a Football World Cup. I'd honestly like England to go out in the first stage so I can forget about it.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on November 20, 2022, 12:14:17 PM
I would say I'm boycotting as well but since I never watch it, not really making much of a statement.
USA looking good bro'. I thought Wales Bale might have done a job on them.
Hold on, Wales just got a penalty ...
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 23, 2022, 09:24:10 AM
Just wondering,but is Christmas on its way, seems to be a LOT of Xmas movies around 🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on November 24, 2022, 05:36:05 AM
Lean times lead to shotgun marketing. I've heard quite a few people saying they're going to forgo christmas as it's no longer affordable.
Our local news had a segment of people saying that THANKSGIVING is no longer affordable.
And yet food, fuel, and rent prices continue to rise.
I feel like a couple chain stores are going to fold after a lean black friday.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 24, 2022, 07:33:48 AM
Not many chain stores left here I think as dont shop a lot. Trouble is IMHO is that the stores still want the profits, yet people cannot afford the rising cost About time they took a lower profit and make it up when people have the money to spend. Made enough over the las few years
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on November 26, 2022, 09:26:50 AM
I think this year will be an easy year to navigate compared to what's to come. We'll all be lighting fires to keep warm this time next year.
I've just come from a client whose son is ill with a high temperature. I suggested they stick him in the living room and put the clothes dryer by him.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on November 26, 2022, 09:37:49 PM
Good to hear that compassionate tradesmen are thriving.
It was the father's birthday too.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 25, 2022, 09:48:48 AM
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: dweez on December 25, 2022, 01:01:30 PM
Happy Holidays to all!
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on December 26, 2022, 03:45:27 AM
Merry Christmas everybody peeps. Hope it all went well.
Mine went pretty well besides the fact that a curry we went out for on Christmas eve, didn't play well for TNG or my daughter for that matter. This meant Christmas lunch - for all the slaving over a hot stove - was a little muted.
Hey ho.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 27, 2022, 12:25:04 AM
I survived 2 days of the family, so all's well for moi. Wife now working again at the hospital, Chaos there. Just new year to survive now ;D
Shame about the meal Smokes, prior to Xmas wife took me to Tamatanga as she has been and for a commercial restaurant, the food wasn't too bad to be honest.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on December 27, 2022, 02:46:19 AM
I survived 2 days of the family, so all's well for moi. Wife now working again at the hospital, Chaos there. Just new year to survive now ;D
Shame about the meal Smokes, prior to Xmas wife took me to Tamatanga as she has been and for a commercial restaurant, the food wasn't too bad to be honest.
Going out to eat on Xmas eve has become a bit of a thing in our family now as it keeps the kitchen clear for the following morning. TNG - and myself for that matter - always forget there's a price to pay for half a dozen (or so) beers, a red hot curry and rolling in at 1am. Maybe next year we'll play it down.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 28, 2022, 12:03:25 AM
Going out to eat on Xmas eve has become a bit of a thing in our family now as it keeps the kitchen clear for the following morning. TNG - and myself for that matter - always forget there's a price to pay for half a dozen (or so) beers, a red hot curry and rolling in at 1am. Maybe next year we'll play it down.
Yep went to the brewery for a couple rolled in at 1om ish.
... or maybe next year you will have forgotten again!
Maybe next year this post will be here to remind me ...
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 31, 2022, 09:42:53 PM
Happy new year!
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 01, 2023, 12:51:54 AM
Happy new year to all, hope it all goes / went well. I was in bed by 10 (missed Jools Holland :-[) with a cold. :(. Had a lovely hot spicey Indian to try and sweat the cold out of me.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on January 01, 2023, 09:48:01 AM
Yes indeed, Happy New Year to all of us!
I went out early for beer and got home around 11pm for a curry with the missus and then the traditional viewing of Hootenanny. Thoroughly enjoyed all three activities.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: dweez on January 01, 2023, 10:45:28 AM
Happy New Year everyone!
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 01, 2023, 06:57:12 PM
The impeding Coronation is in the news. There's a special chair, on top of a magic rock. We unwashed heathens on this side of the pond are marveling at the weirdness of the whole thing. We have also learned that, so far, the following musicians have declined to perform: Adele Elton John Harry Styles Robbie Williams Spice Girls
Can anyone enlighten me as to who may have performed at Queen Elizabeth's coronation? Is this a thing?
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: dweez on March 01, 2023, 11:46:42 PM
The impeding Coronation is in the news. There's a special chair, on top of a magic rock. We unwashed heathens on this side of the pond are marveling at the weirdness of the whole thing. We have also learned that, so far, the following musicians have declined to perform: Adele Elton John Harry Styles Robbie Williams Spice Girls
Can anyone enlighten me as to who may have performed at Queen Elizabeth's coronation? Is this a thing?
A few of the above cite they have gigs already so cannot perform. Would imagine the "stars" will play post coronation, but as yet I havent read anything
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: dweez on March 02, 2023, 10:33:45 AM
Please let me know if my comment came across as insensitive and I will remove it. That was not my intention.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on March 02, 2023, 11:40:31 AM
I'd say "thank God" to at least 3 of those refusals.
If you'd refused to play at one of queenie's events, you'd have rightfully been stoned to death.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 02, 2023, 06:49:55 PM
Please let me know if my comment came across as insensitive and I will remove it. That was not my intention.
No. I had assumed you meant Elizabeth I, but Mozart was a little too young to have played for her and a little past his prime to have played for her 20th c. namesake. ;)
And the Frogmore cottage flap, was that a ? of the King dissing the younger son and his wife, or just a pragmatic move to give a home to the needier brother of the King? For some reason, the American public is lapping up the scandalous revelations of the estranged couple. And the rendering of their campaign by South Park is pretty funny. We hear varying accounts from the BBC and other news sources.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 03, 2023, 03:55:12 AM
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 14, 2023, 08:28:06 AM
It's raining again. It's supposed to rain until the end of the month. I thought we were supposed to be in a drought. It's feast or famine with us, I guess.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 15, 2023, 07:57:32 AM
With again live in interesting times :-\
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 18, 2023, 09:09:17 AM
Hey! It's stopped raining for a couple of days. The sun is out!
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 18, 2023, 10:23:42 PM
Building a ark in Leicester atm, may have to employ a good chippie ???
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 19, 2023, 06:07:37 AM
I spoke too soon. It's pouring rain again. Maybe I was moved to Seattle and nobody told me.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on March 22, 2023, 02:09:31 PM
I wouldn't mind the rain if the damn roofers still turned up. I mean: I understand it's tricky working on a wet roof, but on the other hand, it's exactly the time that people need roofers to be working.
It's not my job anyway, I'm just acting as keyholder for the local authority.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 24, 2023, 03:05:36 AM
They said it was going to be nice today, it rained.
I always liked the rain when I was a kid. As an adult, I do not care for being damp.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 29, 2023, 01:10:54 AM
It's raining again. And, here's an odd thing. Around midnight, some bird -- it sounds like an owl or a mourning dove -- starts cooing outside my window. It's kind of creepy. This has been going on, intermittently for a couple of weeks.
Maybe it's the reincarnation of a disappointed Manchester United football fan mourning the loss of a big game.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 29, 2023, 10:28:01 PM
I could see that in a horror movie, you hear the cooing, so you open your blinds to see the owl. And then it's not an owl.
Few years back, I was on a horror movie kick, and I hear rustling outside my window, so I pull the blinds back and see... a skull.
I thought my time had come, but it was just a helpful and friendly possum.
Later on, I posted about it on reddit and a nice poster explained what was going on - The light from my bedroom was causing the crickets to lie dormant. That meant an easy dinner for my window friend.
It also explained why I didn't have to listen to the annoying crickets.
Opening day at the baseball park is due, so they ground up all the homeless people's belongings and tents. In the rain. They said they gave the homeless the "courtesy" of a three-hour warning, and that they "Didn't have to do that".
golly the Padres, and golly the illusion of a homeless free San Diego.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 30, 2023, 02:31:20 AM
It's 1:30 am and the bird is giving the usual creepy concert. I just give up on it. Unless it breaks my window and lunges for my throat, I'll just chalk it up to a fluke of nature.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 31, 2023, 10:46:46 AM
Oh yeah. Agent Orange has been indicted for paying hush money to a porn star and attributing this to "legal expenses" in the accounting for campaign finances. This is a felony. So it's a serious charge. His former lawyer/fixer that he threw to the dogs is now singing like a canary to the Grand Jury.
Ya gotta love New York.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on April 01, 2023, 01:07:52 AM
Teflon Orange ;D ;D
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 06, 2023, 06:09:48 AM
It's quite nice to see the Bude Tunnel made it to the coronation at Westminster.
I've obviously never seen one of these coronations, but the amount of time devoted to religion was surprising. Probably shouldn't have been, seeing as it was in an ABBEY, but somehow it was.
I also found it amusing how often the horses poo, it seemed to fill every pothole. People in the livechat talked about how one particular sidestepping horse would be dog food by sundown.
Now we're watching the procession roll out, one would think they would have cleared the poo, but they didn't. The wheelhouses are rolling through it.
almost seems like some sort of protest.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 06, 2023, 07:47:25 AM
I've obviously never seen one of these coronations,
Many haven't ;) ;)
Something that isn't well known and possibly will never openly be admitted is that, A certain Regiment left their colours on the train and have now lost them :o :-[ :-\ :-X :-X Someone will have a good rollocking and more.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 06, 2023, 11:29:08 AM
Watched the odd movement of special objects that the new King got to hold and give back. Special swords, spurs, etc. All very ornate. Very oogga boogga. This is an anthropologists' wet dream.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 06, 2023, 06:10:44 PM
I felt bad for olive leaf lady, she had to hold that sword upright almost the entire ceremony. Wonder what kind of training she did to sustain.
I occasionally do the ten-minute arm raise and hold because of my bad shoulder, and that sounds easier than it is. I'm quite happy when I'm done.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 07, 2023, 12:26:44 AM
I felt bad for olive leaf lady, she had to hold that sword upright almost the entire ceremony. Wonder what kind of training she did to sustain.
I occasionally do the ten-minute arm raise and hold because of my bad shoulder, and that sounds easier than it is. I'm quite happy when I'm done.
She did have a sword girdle fitted, which would take most of the weight
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on May 07, 2023, 01:00:07 AM
Penny Mordaunt.
Apparently, she's dodged several sinking ships beforehand. Bojo, May, Bush the II.
She's also a bless'ed idiot that supports homeopathy.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on May 07, 2023, 06:55:19 AM
My neighbour has been on the TV a lot over the last few days (Colleen Harris) and she actually did some stuff for CBS so those over the pond might have seen her. She gave me the tickets for the concert today, which is an incredible gift to be honest.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on May 08, 2023, 12:21:15 AM
In the pictures it seems that she hadn't been taught how to use it.
She probably thought she knew best.
Quote of the coronation must go to "Adjoa Andoh ""star of Bridgeton"" calling the Buckingham Palace balcony 'terribly white' post the coronation. There is a video available if you wish to watch and the comments on social media sites are, well you can imagine. Mylene Class face when she states is of pure shock. 😕😕
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on May 08, 2023, 09:57:32 AM
The concert yesterday was the nuts to be honest - and it's not really my thing. I was most impressed with the king's dancing. They don't show much on the BBC coverage, but that whole balcony rocked and rolled to Lionel.
On that note: I don't think that was Lionel at all. He sounded different, looked different and seemed to move far more easily for a man of his age. I think it was a robot - a cyborg at best.
Plenty enough people of colour both as part of the event and certainly those attending.
These days, people just want to gripe, grump and protest at everything. Just get on and start living. We may not have long left.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 08, 2023, 11:01:07 AM
Yes. Everyone's a critic. Lionel Ritchie seems like a decent person and his music has aged well. The general tone of the crowd seemed to be pleasant and why someone felt it necessary to complain about it seems kind of churlish. Once you accept the notion of the monarchy, get over it. They're having a big do to pass the baton. Either have fun or stay home and read a good book.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on May 19, 2023, 09:24:28 AM
There is a machine that is slowly and methodically removing the upper 6 inches of asphalt of the road in front of my house in 6 foot stripes. This is kind of amazing. The machine is like a big truck with tires like a tank and it has a huge cutting mechanism at the back on a kind of roller. The torn asphalt is shot through a tube in the front into the open bed of a dump truck that slowly drives in front of it. Lots of noise and beeping. It will be fun to drive on a street that is not riddled with potholes for a change. In the meantime, we have to go on big safaris to track down the rare on-street parking in our neighborhood.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on July 12, 2023, 06:33:29 AM
I was told who the BBC presenter is in the news at the moment.
I'm completely shocked!
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 12, 2023, 07:38:17 AM
I was told who the BBC presenter is in the news at the moment.
I'm completely shocked!
Huw gotta be kidding me, so its still the worse best secret atm. if the person or persons over the legal age then so what. Morality in todays world comes with a cost. There are worst thing's going on in the world
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on December 06, 2023, 10:34:26 AM
If Mr Trump really believes that he won the last election, surely he must believe that he isn't eligible to run in the next one?
True, but wasn't his intention to follow in the footsteps of Xi Jinping and stay in power indefinitely (with the help of a reform or 2).
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on December 06, 2023, 04:43:51 PM
I find it alarming that trump has literally doubled down on campaign promises. He went from door to door deportations (Never happened) to suggesting "Camps".
Anyone proposing internment camps should be disqualified from running for public office, I don't give a poo which party they're running for. His other current obsession is nukes. Big ones. He's excited that he's "allowed" to talk about that now.
bless'ed nightmares for days.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 07, 2023, 07:26:40 AM
"If Mr Trump really believes that he won the last election, surely he must believe that he isn't eligible to run in the next one?" Have to help me on that one, believe you are allowed to run for a max of 2 terms or is it the impeachment stopping him ?
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 07, 2023, 10:08:52 AM
He appeals to the lizard brains of his constituents. They love getting all riled up. He reminds me of some kind of revivalist preacher.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on December 07, 2023, 05:46:18 PM
The Electoral College is an institution that often gives rise to such conflicted results. Bush v Gore and Clinton v Trump are two instances where the candidate who won the popular vote by a substantial margin lost to the other candidate due to the number of electors -- these numbers are disproportionate to the populations of the states. It's really ridiculous.
I can't speak to the madness of the G.O.P., an infection that seems to be spreading.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 07, 2023, 11:43:27 PM
Have to help me on that one, believe you are allowed to run for a max of 2 terms or is it the impeachment stopping him ? He actually won one, and tells anyone that will listen that he won a second. Thus he can't run for a third.
Gotcha, forgot about his delusional win :)
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on December 19, 2023, 07:19:41 AM
Xmas is here the bells are chiming
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 23, 2024, 07:51:14 AM
Imagine anything imported from the far east will be increasing in price :-[
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 24, 2024, 08:04:47 AM
So, as an American, or, if the local media is any indicator, a lapsed Brit, I wonder at the mammoth media coverage of Princess Catherine. She seems like someone who just wants to raise her kids in peace out of the spotlight. I just don't get the obsession with her health. If she's sick, all the more reason to just leave her alone. If anyone here can shed some light on why the crazed media spotlight won't let her be, I'd appreciate it.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 24, 2024, 03:42:57 PM
If gossip shows like the youtube Popcorned Planet are any indication, Meghan Markle is not particularly well liked in America either. She comes across as spoiled, precious and doing everything in her power to monetize her fame while pleading for privacy.
South Park did a hilarious send up of the couple, dubbing them the Prince and Princess of Canada on a "Worldwide Privacy Tour."
Still the idea that Princess Kate was replaced by a body double (to what end?) and whatever nutty conspiracy speculations might arise, are pretty wacky. I feel for her in her quest for peace and solitude.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on March 24, 2024, 03:49:49 PM
So, as an American, or, if the local media is any indicator, a lapsed Brit, I wonder at the mammoth media coverage of Princess Catherine. She seems like someone who just wants to raise her kids in peace out of the spotlight. I just don't get the obsession with her health. If she's sick, all the more reason to just leave her alone. If anyone here can shed some light on why the crazed media spotlight won't let her be, I'd appreciate it.
Strange, but on tonight's news Catherine wasn't mentioned once. Yesterday was a different matter altogether. I guess the furore is now over and we can go back to watching thousands of people being massacred instead.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 24, 2024, 04:49:43 PM
Perhaps that's why Kate is so popular over here. She's lots better looking than Bebe the war criminal.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on March 25, 2024, 02:49:24 AM
The traditional media are trying to reflect online discussion, in a vain attempt to stop from being obsolete and redundant. To do this they take stuff that is popular on social media, and try to "explain" it to old folk that don't TokTik. This, combined with the current fad for "each-sides"-ism leads to ridiculous importance being given to no-event "news", particularly to the part of the discussion that anyone with any common sense would disregard as moronic. Certain psychotic and conspiracy-bound parts of the internet seems to think that Catherine has followed Avril Lavigne's example, by disappearing and being replaced by a body double, and so examine/ analyse/ deconstruct everything that is reported about her with microscopic idiocy (filtered through a tinfoil hat). The mainstreamers feel the need to explain this to those that don't participate, resulting in a huge - and totally unnecessary - concentration on the amended family snap, and then the paparazzi film of a shopping princess.
It doesn't help that the media (mainstream and otherwise) feel released from any pretence of respect for the royal family by the diminished nature of the new King (compared to his Mother) and the reported antics of Andrew and Harry, and the perceived public dislike of Andrew (again) and Harry's wife (who, as an American*, is perceived differently over here - we all remember Wallis Simpson). Thus the media feel that any speculation is fair game.
* for the majority over here her skin colour is not an issue, but for the commentariat any reported or perceived dislike must be conflated with a colour bias, because that is the vogue.
The "news" for me is becoming truly painful. My wife actually cries when watching reports from Gaza. To be honest, the Kate story was a welcomed relief.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 25, 2024, 07:37:56 AM
Not a lot of sleep this morning for night shift, Builders in to replace conservatory with a hard roof. The roof is going the full width of the back of the house not just on the conservatory, gives us a place to sit out undercover if raining and warm. Plus putting the clothes out to dry and not in the conservatory ??? Noisy buggers ;D
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on March 26, 2024, 05:39:31 AM
I reckon Biden should say that the Baltimore bridge crash was orchestrated by the Russians. When Putin says that's ridiculous and there is no evidence of that, Biden could reply: "DYSWIDT".
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 26, 2024, 07:41:02 AM
::) ::) A game of chess then.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 26, 2024, 06:53:09 PM
I've driven across that bridge many times and it was a wonderful high route for moving over a wide part of the Patapsco River. It afforded a broad vista of the more industrial parts of East Baltimore on the way to Dundalk. It was a real shock to see it collapse and it's so sad that the people working in the middle of the night to repair potholes fell to their deaths into the cold water as a result. I think many of them were from El Salvador and so were contracted labor doing difficult cold work late when there was little traffic. The only silver lining was that this collision happened so late when few were using the bridge and that the pilots of the container ship were able to issue a mayday so that traffic could be stopped from entering. It's going to cause a real mess for local traffic and will undoubtedly really hurt the local economy. I wonder what kind of insurance the shipper had and what liabilities they might bear for the accident?
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 27, 2024, 04:18:57 AM
Learned a new word from this crisis, allision. It's specifically maritime, but it essentially boils down to "Moving thing hit stationary thing". The news coverage on this event is as woeful as it is empty. I tracked down the first 90 minutes of the fire channel on youtube, and it is riveting stuff.
One guy set up on the north side of the bridge by the fort was the one who blocked off the traffic. He intended to go out to the work crew to get off the bridge, but that was when the bridge collapsed.
He survived, and was almost the one sane person on the scene. The dispatcher had bubble mouth and repeatedly relayed incorrect information, including that the vessel had sunk.
Multiple sleepy voices demand a clear radio channel, and assume command. Almost to a ONE, they demand to traverse the bridge to take command on the other side.
Dude who stops traffic repeatedly tells them the bridge is GONE, and personally sends the video to their cell phones. That isn't good radio hygene, but I'm glad he did it. After the fourth sleepy commander shows up, they stop demanding to cross the bridge.
One was a petty golly though, he kept implying that "some" of the bridge was still intact. Which is accurate. MINUS THE bless'ed MIDDLE OF THE BRIDGE.
I wonder what kind of insurance the shipper had and what liabilities they might bear for the accident?
I believe Lloyds bank insure all shipping in the world, But I stand by to be corrected
Garden is a bomb site from the builders, Plants are decimated. :'( :'( Why do they have to be so messy :-\
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 27, 2024, 08:24:26 AM
Thanks, 8ully for the link. I'm amazed at how calm everyone is on their radios. I'd be a good deal more effusive, like "holy s***! the entire Key Bridge is in the harbor! wtf!!!"
goldie, what I understand about the shipping industry is that owners of large vessels do all kinds of odd stuff deflecting the fact of their ownership to avoid 1) paying taxes 2) to skirt labor laws and other legal restrictions 3) taking responsibility for any damage incurred. Maersk had hired this container ship to convey containers (most were empty having dispatched their cargo at the Port of Baltimore) but they didn't own the vessel. It's not clear what kind of insurance there would be but I'm sure there are multiple layers of insurers, too. There are reinsurers who insure insurance companies against big claims, so the only sure thing about this is that a bunch of lawyers are going to have plenty of work helping whomever is responsible to worm out of paying any more than is necessary. The harbor pilots from the Port of Baltimore were in command of the vessel when it lost power. I suspect there were problems with the navigation systems and power before it ever got to Baltimore that were not adequately repaired or maintained.
And, finally, we had our house painted recently and I was amazed at how insensitive the painters were regarding our garden, even after I put tomato cages over plants to protect them, they completely ignored them, dumping trash and storing stuff on top of our plants. Some people are just oblivious. Good luck getting yours back into shape.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 28, 2024, 07:27:32 AM
Heard that Divers had found bodies ref the bridge
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on March 29, 2024, 01:16:35 AM
They did find 2 men who were in a red pickup truck that ended up in the water. Two other men fell in and were rescued. That's amazing. It makes me believe in fate. Why those two and nobody else? It's strange to think that the difference between life and death depended on whether one was in a car at the time or out trying to fix a pothole. I think the other 4 were probably also in vehicles but the currents, the twisted remains of the metal truss and the cold water probably pose too much of a danger for divers to do much else. I feel for their families.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 29, 2024, 01:22:01 AM
Could have been an on/off work cycle thing. It was cold as hell that night, I could see them working six on two off, and the lucky guys were warming up in the truck.
Which incidentally, is likely why they died. That fall is already terminal, but being in a vehicle... I'm guessing impact trauma, but I'm not medically trained. I'm guessing the two that survived were on a clear bit of the deck, so the truss didn't come down and trap them, but that fall still must have been brutal.
The question now is if the remaining missing are in a vehicle, under debris, or have drifted. Fairly morbid stuff.
One thing that pisses me off is even during the first press conference, people wanted information on the economic impacts, rather than the rescue and recovery of those who were on the bridge when it collapsed. Like give it a few days, your amazon package is not that important, CBS guy.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on March 29, 2024, 04:02:14 AM
Having a new back door in OMG what a chore and mess. Gave up trying to sleep
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on April 21, 2024, 09:21:25 PM
I sadly had my opinion confirmed, another worker has been recovered from the bridge debris, and he was in fact in the work vehicle. The progress on the bridge cleanup seems glacial, but they are lifting 40-ton chunks of the bridge at a time. They were saying that the crane they use for that is rated for 100 tons, but that in structural engineering terms, you never want to push the envelope on such things.
The current ARMY plan for the area is to clear a temporary channel that will allow single lane traffic to the port, which will be run at night, while recovery and refloating will be attempted during the day. I was going to say that the events seem scheduled out pretty far, but May is sneaking up on us alarmingly quickly.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on April 22, 2024, 10:03:03 AM
Despite re-routing several ships to other ports, there's still added costs that are hampering supply chains for vehicles, coal, tractors and all kinds of other goods.
Strangely, I couldn't find any updates in the NY Times about the recovery efforts or even the plans to open even a limited channel. So I found a Baltimore station that says the temporary channel has limited width and draw, so 300 ft wide and 20 feet deep w/a vertical clearance of 135 feet. But that eliminates the kind of container ship that killed the bridge in the first place. They're working on a larger channel that they're trying to open by the end of April.
I guess there's 2 bodies left to find? It's pretty sad that most of these workers were immigrants who were just trying to make a better life for their families. They were filling potholes on the deck surface, I guess, when the collapse occurred.
The Harbor Tunnel doesn't allow containers of flammable gas, so people with RVs or industrial vehicles have to take a long way around to go north or south.
It's a major mess. I'm curious about who will end up paying for this. The shipping company that owns the Dali (no relationship to the surrealist painter) have filed a petition to limit their liability (they had 6 months to do this but managed to file it in 6 days). If they're successful, all they'll have to pay for is the cost of the vessel & its freight, minus repair and salvage costs. So, probably under $44 million. That's ridiculous. As far as the bridge goes, "oops! sorry about that..."
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on July 07, 2024, 01:51:11 PM
I've been following the French election pretty much from the point that Macron threw his toys out of the pram. It seemed scary for a while, but now it just farcical.
I now understand that the left is made up of at least 4 coalitions, the centre is made up of at least 3, and the right also has 3 or possibly 2. Now some of those grouped coalitions, have to coalesce with other groups to ensure the remaining coalition cannot take power.
W T F?
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on July 09, 2024, 11:35:57 AM
We aren't far away from that in the UK, it is simply that here most of the various similar parties all pretend to be from one of the main two. The Conservative Party has at least three major factions (that in France/ Germany/ Italy/ etc. would be separate parties), and similarly the Labour Party (it is difficult to see how Corbynityes and Blairites can pretend to have the same ideology!). Party leaders here have to operate as if they were managing a coalition most of the time (hence Truss). Maybe the new Labour bloke (Sir Can't-make-his-mind-up Wossname) has a big enough faction in his party to make his leadership straightforward, but I wouldn't bet on it.
At least here the system is pretty much like it or lump it. It seems in France, if you don't like it: create another party that you do and drag enough voters away to ensure a seat or 2. I can't understand how that helps. Mind you, that does smack of the Liberal Democrats' way of doing things and they are, ever so slightly, on the up.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on July 10, 2024, 03:29:39 PM
I would, but I can't speak his little-twit language.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 12, 2024, 05:26:05 AM
It is the worse for of Government except ........ blah blah blah , What done is done, Starmer will be out in a year and the house buying tax dodger will be in charge
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on July 13, 2024, 03:39:33 AM
But shockingly his (latest) party got 4.1 million votes - that is half a million more than the Liberal Democrats. Luckily the system is rigged so he only got 5 seats (to the LD 72), but still that is a lot of twats.
(... and if those four million had gone to the Conservatives, they would likely have won a landslide, regardless of the fact that no-one wanted them back in)
Democracy is mad.
This was kinda my original point about the french system. They'd prefer to break everything up into 67.97 million individual parties, and then see how many share the same tracks on their Spotify playlists which would be a good enough reason for them to bond together - never knowing for exactly how long.
I'd rather be caught in the wider net of a political ideology, and loosely be part of that team.
Of course, it didn't work this time as I abstained from voting due no party telling Israel that there is actually a red line - and it starts with thinking that children are collateral damage.
There, I said it.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 13, 2024, 10:40:59 AM
I'm worried that people will refrain from voting due to Biden's failure to tell Netanyahu in no uncertain terms to knock it off. The endless images of innocents being killed and wounded under his strategy of getting rid of Hamas is oppressive. At what point does Bebe wake up and figure out that this is NOT working? And it makes everyone just hate him and his cause? I can understand Muslims in Michigan not wanting to support Biden over this, but the prospect of President Trump is just too horrifying.
We think about emigrating.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 13, 2024, 02:26:17 PM
I think it is worrying that people will refrain from voting due to Biden's failure to successfully frame a sentence. One has to ask themselves how this chap got chosen - is he really the best that the Democratic Party could find?
Biden has a distinguished career in politics and has been both an effective vice president and a president. But I believe he had run with the idea that he'd be a bridge to a younger candidate for what would be his second term. He had run for President several times before and I think it's hard for him to conceive of not completing a 2 term run. But he is clearly struggling at times. But he's a zillion times better than the others on offer. As for your question? The Democratic party has some problems and the media's obsession with making money in a continual effort to assuage shareholders has caused a displacement of goals, a variance from their responsibility to report the news from a dispassionate perspective. Now, it's all about whipping up people's emotions so they'll keep tuning in. One day we were stuck in a hotel room and CNN was the only thing on TV. This is a 24 hour a day news channel. Since nothing else was going on we were treated to non stop coverage about a missing boy scout. Certainly something must have been going on that day in southeast Asia or maybe Latin America, but I suspect it was too boring to satisfy advertisers. So there you have it.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 13, 2024, 08:00:35 PM
And now some gun nut has tried to shoot Trump, killing someone else in the process. I am so bone weary of all the violent rhetoric and the lack of gun control here. It's hard to determine if I have some unrealistic nostalgia or if the U.S. has always been this crazy and it somehow escaped my notice?
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 14, 2024, 01:10:06 AM
And now some gun nut has tried to shoot Trump, killing someone else in the process. I am so bone weary of all the violent rhetoric and the lack of gun control here. It's hard to determine if I have some unrealistic nostalgia or if the U.S. has always been this crazy and it somehow escaped my notice?
Just watched on the news. This could give Trump his next turn in office as i'm sure he will milk this a lot
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on July 14, 2024, 03:33:51 AM
I thought the secret service had been doing roof clearing since Dealy.
Hell, there's a mission in a video game that is almost identical to what went down. (New Vegas)
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 14, 2024, 07:06:27 AM
And now some gun nut has tried to shoot Trump, killing someone else in the process. I am so bone weary of all the violent rhetoric and the lack of gun control here. It's hard to determine if I have some unrealistic nostalgia or if the U.S. has always been this crazy and it somehow escaped my notice?
And the social network has already stated "it was a set up "
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on July 14, 2024, 08:22:33 AM
This is a feature of "cancelation" politics. There are some things that cannot be said, for fear of retaliation from a pressure group and their social media billions (and idiotically the governments and legal systems that are in thrall to such groups): Ms Rowling (and many, may others) fall foul of the multicolour alliance for stating the obvious (regardless of ideology, there is a difference between men and women that can't be overcome on a whim), and all political parties around the world are falling foul of the fact that any criticism of any policy of Israel can, and will, be deemed as "antisemitism", and raise the klaxons of disapproval.
... he's a zillion times better than the others on offer.
A zillion times better than the Republic opponent, sure: but in these media-centric days there must be a better Democratic Party candidate that this one. The Democratic Party appear so keen on pushing boundaries that they alienate a lot of "centre" voters - black candidates, female candidates, geriatric candidates, LBGTMQI candidates (or some combination): surely there must be at least one decent politician that the mainstream could get behind?
I blame the Democratic Party equally to the Republican Party in the current fiasco. (Not that I have a say)
I heard a commentator a little while back speaking very highly of Wes Moore and how he would be a good candidate if Biden bailed. He certainly seemed to tick a lot of boxes according to what was said of him, but considering the American political system, if your history differs from that of mother Theresa (and his appeared to), you're in for a tough ride with all the mandatory mud slinging.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on July 14, 2024, 09:11:29 AM
But so did Thomas Jefferson, and you wouldn't elect him.
A zillion times better than the Republic opponent, sure: but in these media-centric days there must be a better Democratic Party candidate that this one. The Democratic Party appear so keen on pushing boundaries that they alienate a lot of "centre" voters - black candidates, female candidates, geriatric candidates, LBGTMQI candidates (or some combination): surely there must be at least one decent politician that the mainstream could get behind?
I blame the Democratic Party equally to the Republican Party in the current fiasco. (Not that I have a say)
I heard a commentator a little while back speaking very highly of Wes Moore and how he would be a good candidate if Biden bailed. He certainly seemed to tick a lot of boxes according to what was said of him, but considering the American political system, if your history differs from that of mother Theresa (and his appeared to), you're in for a tough ride with all the mandatory mud slinging.
There are several gifted and quite experienced politicians on the left who would be fine candidates. The issue never even came up. Biden was doing well when the primary ballots were being cast, and while there were mumurs regarding replacing him on the ticket, the threat of Trump combined with the normal momentum of a successful incumbent left everyone just going with the flow.
No question was raised about Biden's mental acuity, but the debate that took place recently was really hard to watch. Biden's spates of incoherence in contrast to the bully spouting lies faster than he could breath was just a waste of everyone's time. We got no information about Trump regarding his policy positions other than his usual bragging and radical disparaging of the country under "Crooked Joe" (recalling "Crooked Hillary" -- the guy needs a thesaurus).
Trump whines like a little madam, plays the victim card the minute anyone holds him accountable for his actions. If the news media reports his terrible behavior, he dismisses it as "fake news" despite video evidence of that behavior. He really doesn't care what the effect of his administrations have on everyday lives of citizens. He wants power, money, and a chance to dodge the cases that are soon to come about because he's under indictment for state and federal crimes in at least 3 separate districts.
I'm too tired to continue this but if you have a few weeks, I could ramble on about the despairing situation over here. In short, Trump is a sociopath and I'm terrified that he will win again.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 14, 2024, 01:18:50 PM
I don't either, but when the article I'm reading in the New York Times provides a link, I tend to want to check it out. Melania's staff, presumably (based on the fact that it was written in articulate, grammatical English), released a statement that was linked and the stream of responses was of interest, so I read them. This one has a nice summary of Trump's regular incitement of violence at his rallies. https://x.com/JustVent6/status/1812466960388469014 (https://x.com/JustVent6/status/1812466960388469014)
And his toady judge, Aileen Cannon, in Florida, just dismissed the slam dunk documents case against him. The sleaze and corruption that follows this man like the stink surrounding Pepe le Peu is overwhelming.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 23, 2024, 03:42:31 PM
After the s***show of the Republican National Convention we have new hope now that Kamala Harris is running for President. Younger people are more engaged and women see someone who is ready to fight for their rights. Nobody is perfect but she's very smart and a good debater. I'd like to see Trump bury himself in a debate against her. He clearly has a problem with smart women so that will be interesting since he has basically no filter.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on July 25, 2024, 01:08:00 PM
After the s***show of the Republican National Convention we have new hope now that Kamala Harris is running for President. Younger people are more engaged and women see someone who is ready to fight for their rights. Nobody is perfect but she's very smart and a good debater. I'd like to see Trump bury himself in a debate against her. He clearly has a problem with smart women so that will be interesting since he has basically no filter.
I find Trump's rhetoric very difficult to watch. It's just so infantile. I really hope that Kamala's bid gathers some traction.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on July 25, 2024, 04:31:04 PM
What I find truly appalling - and therefore unwatchable - is the staggering levels of hypocrisy on show. Projecting his own shortfalls and intentions onto the opposition with ridiculously low levels of veracity.
It was like a latex spine convention. The number of his supporters who had said horrible things about him who were now bending to kiss the ring was staggering.
And after Harris was announced as the most likely Democratic candidate, the racism and sexism of the GOP came out in full force. Trump seemed to have a basic problem with her gender and his VP pick went on and on about her being a DEI pick, so I guess the take away from this is that, because she's part black, she is therefore presumably mediocre, because nobody of African descent could possibly excel at anything without affirmative action giving them a boost? And this from a party desperate to win over black voters. The other allegation, that she'd slept her way to the top because of her previous romantic links, is patently absurd, given she held elected office in all of the positions she was alleged to have gained through sex.
If she wins, I'm just going to laugh and laugh. If she loses, I'm going to look into living in some other country for a while.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on July 30, 2024, 06:25:07 AM
The world just gets worserer :'( :'(
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on July 30, 2024, 09:28:43 AM
I take it you're referring to Southport. It's bless'ed heartbreaking!
Majorly but not a lot of good news atm.
BUT its hot and Sunny, so as everyone's moaning about the weather ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D love the British :) :)
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on August 19, 2024, 04:27:11 AM
The thing that made Biden a better candidate than Trump was that you couldn't understand what he was saying. I can understand what Trump says only too well, and it sounds pretty ridiculous and scary.
I'd rather he mumbled.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 19, 2024, 03:17:39 PM
Biden is an old school Democrat who believes in using government to help people.
Trump is a sociopathic narcissist who believes in using government to line his pockets. I'm glad he doesn't mumble, but I am constantly amazed at the people who support him. While I certainly understand the billionaires who like his tax reduction on upper income strata. The majority, working and middle class voters are the most likely to be hurt as programs intended to help them are chopped in order to pay for tax reductions. The late night hosts just love him as he is so ridiculous that he serves as a reliable butt of jokes.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on August 20, 2024, 07:57:34 AM
The problem is that his apparently ever growing support doesn't see it as "sensible people reporting his idiocy", they see it as "the mainstream media piling on" to their favourite.
... it doesn't help that the politicians favoured by those "sensible people" appear hell bent on promoting ever more divisive policies in their headlong rush to lose to the opposition.
I'm not quite awake, but I assume you are referring to Trump here? I need more caffeine.
I watched the Republican convention and am now watching the Democratic convention, which is in progress. The tenor of the two is pretty different. One has an apocalyptic vision of the present and future from which only Trump can save us. The other seems kind of positive and celebratory. It was amusing that the union representative who addressed the GOP convention and whose "support the workers" talk was met with less than lukewarm enthusiasm, also addressed the Democrats last night. He wore a "Trump is a scab" tee shirt. That seemed to embody the basic difference. One supports labor, the other is the same old trickle down economics party.
Since I'm not a billionaire, I tend to be more sympathetic to one vision over the other.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on January 22, 2025, 08:25:42 AM
Fortunately, due to working nights I have missed the hurrah of Trumps "crowning" . I would like to state I dont care, but unfortunately it does effect millions of people who don't live in the USA. I think we have enough problems of our own.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on January 22, 2025, 08:32:31 AM
Fortunately, due to working nights I have missed the hurrah of Trumps "crowning" . I would like to state I dont care, but unfortunately it does effect millions of people who don't live in the USA. I think we have enough problems of our own.
Most of my friends regard the inauguration and its immediate fallout the way they'd regard a terminal cancer diagnosis. One can only hope for the best, but it doesn't look good.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 28, 2025, 12:50:22 PM
Trump just defacto killed medicaid.
"If you have a chronic medical condition, Just Die!" is now law.
The databases are literally locked down. Governors are unable to log in.
While we are on the subject: In the rest of the world, America doesn't really exist - we refer to "The Americas" as the combination of two continents, South America and North America, so I guess that is the closest that we can get. The US of A is just one of many countries in the Americas, which we in God's Country™ shorthand to "The US".
So I guess "Gulf of America" is approximately right.
Your current President doesn't appear to be laying claim to both continents (although he is apparently making a play for most of the Northern one), so why don't the hats say "MUSofAGA"?
He is demanding that the governments of those to the south of the U.S. comply with any demands he might make, including taking planeloads of deported non U.S. nationals regardless of their country of origin. The President of Colombia recently discovered this and the threat of tariffs was enough to induce compliance. Really, I'm not too keen on having a guy in charge that makes it bleedingly obvious that the U.S. is a global bully. He makes one nostalgic for the days of Gondwanaland when the lack of human life might have made the world a more pleasant place.
We like to watch the news from other sources, like Deutsche Welle, Nikkei News and the BBC. These are available via various U.S. television carriers, so we rely on that and the radio/internet. The NY Times has become kind of hard to stomach with the continual Trump soap opera all over the front page. Every day is a new insult, so I try not to focus on that too much. He couldn't even spend more than 30 seconds commiserating the with families of the recent air disaster in Washington without taking the time to attack his predecessors for no apparent reason. How to get through 4 years of a deranged man at the helm?
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on January 30, 2025, 05:32:11 PM
The news here in Florida is incredibly stupid and base level.
I thought the news was a bit sensationalist in San Diego, but at least it was informative.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 07, 2025, 08:46:26 AM
I have a digital subscription to the New York Times. I can only manage a couple articles a day before I sink into despair so I've been on a winning streak for wordle.
Really, it hurts my brain to read about the damage the current administration is causing to the body politic. I don't know if this far reaching mess can be put right or if that orange menace will ever end up where he belongs - behind bars.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 14, 2025, 10:51:24 AM
I made the mistake of reading more articles about the U.S. in the NY Times this morning. It filled me with despair. How do we get out of this?
I should know better. Best stick to Wordle.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 14, 2025, 11:59:33 PM
ATM the western world is all going to pots
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 15, 2025, 09:09:56 AM
When Bush the lesser was President and I was in the UK, I felt the need to distance myself from his policies to any locals that I encountered. Now, I just want to leave the U.S. in hopes that this will blow over. It's hard to wrap my brain around the idea that everyday Americans supported these fascists. But they VOTED for them. And that turns my stomach.
My Wordle skills are improving by the day. I can only read one or two articles in the NYT before I have to escape.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 19, 2025, 08:03:41 AM
Well Trump has officially turned into a Bond villain (if you believe everything the news media state ?), Ernst Stavro Blofeld with a wig :o :o God help the west, which is only to the west coast of Ireland and then "there be Dragons"
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 19, 2025, 10:35:22 AM
Every day brings a fresh outrage. The way he is treating the Ukrainians is obscene. God help us. and don't get me started on his plan to relocate the Palestinians so he can turn the coast of Gaza into a Riviera. I'm reminded of this song by Randy Newman.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 20, 2025, 08:40:08 AM
;D ;D
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 20, 2025, 09:51:45 AM
In California, if the governor or the mayor sucks at their job, we can gather petitions and recall the official, spurring a special election. Sadly, there's no such ability for the President. All I can hope for is that in two years, the Republicans lose both houses of Congress.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 20, 2025, 02:26:18 PM
Trump just referred to himself as King. He's drunk with power and dangerous. Give me Charles any day of the week. At least he makes good crackers.
It's only been a month and the havoc he's created has spurred numerous lawsuits. Tesla stock is tanking, discounts are being offered for those ridiculous trucks. Sadly, the Nazi heading DOGE won't go back to Africa, as we'd prefer, but he can strut around sieg heiling for all he's worth and his money will insulate him from any consequences.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 21, 2025, 12:23:49 AM
on a lighter note: Opossum in Omaha Nebraska survives consuming an entire chocolate cake from Costco. https://www.ketv.com/article/omaha-opossum-recovering-after-eating-chocolate-cake/63834068 (https://www.ketv.com/article/omaha-opossum-recovering-after-eating-chocolate-cake/63834068)
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 21, 2025, 06:12:44 AM
A lot of naughty language here but Pie on Trump.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 21, 2025, 08:46:44 PM
Thanks, goldie. I subscribe to the Jonathan Pye videos on youtube so I watched that earlier today. I was amused by his salty language that seemed entirely appropriate given the outrages that have been happening at an alarmingly fast rate.
And chris, I am simply filled with despair at the damage he and his minions (including that ignorant twit VP of his) have been doing to our global alliances. A majority of Americans don't approve of any of this. Trump's poll numbers are tanking. Now if only our GOP dominated legislature would grow a spine, but I fear that's hoping for too much.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 22, 2025, 12:26:37 PM
And not to be out done by the big orange baby, the UK government - with breathtaking technological illiteracy - make demands on Apple (and others?) that result in them being told to golly right off:
... and as a result all users' data is* massively less secure, in order that the government can snoop freely wherever they wish. The bit I particularly like is that the law allows the government to threaten Apple with jail if it tells its users that they have been shafted.
What with this and the stupidity and ignorance of the EU leading to USB-C being mandatory for the rest of time, we live in very strange times.
The EU told Apple to get rid of their stupid Lightning connector as no one other than iPhone users could lend them a charging lead when their stupid batteries ran out.
I love winding up the apple guy!
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: TNG on February 22, 2025, 04:50:52 PM
Getting rid of lightning was a spiteful - and stupid - thing to do, but that isn't what bothers me. What bothers me is that the EU bureaucrats have mandated that USB-C is used in perpetuity, when anyone with any sense knows that it will be obsolete in 5 years, and positively historic in 10: theoretically everyone that sells in the EU will be still building into their kit in 50 years. Like Wintel and the serial port. This is madness.
I think Apple should have kept the lightning port and stopped selling in the EU.
(Side note - USB-C is a mad melange of standards: instead of making sure that everything is interoperable, USB-C makes it impossible to know what is or isn't interoperable. The connector is standard, but the protocols aren't, meaning that no-one can ever be sure when they connect two items using a USB-C cable which functions - if any - will work, and to what extent)
Lawmakers should stay out of technology. I understand that winding up the Apple guy is a widespread pastime, but no-one that doesn't use Apple cared that Apple used lightning, and everyone that used lightning had no interest in USB-C, so the law actually addressed a problem that didn't exist, and "solved" it by making things a hundred times worse. Genius.
The EU saw a problem where none existed: in that Apple used lightning ports and cables, and everyone else used some variant of USB. So they mandated that - for the benefit of the consumer - any electronic device that has a charging port must use USB-C for charging. Thus they forced everyone that used lightning cables to change to USB-C, and buy a new set of cables and peripherals (when the EU says consumer, they apparently - like Smokes - mean "non-Apple-using consumer").
Unfortunately they didn't understand that USB will be obsolete soon, and people will then still have to manufacture equipment with a USB port that is a museum piece. I assume that they are of the opinion that the legislation will be updated to reflect new technology, not comprehending that it is in the interest of the manufacturer to stay with outdated standards if there is no competition (qv serial port, parallel port, RS232, RS422, SCSI, which we would likely still be using if Apple hadn't upset the Wintel "Applecart")
I think the only real downside to losing Lightning is that it was more durable and easier to clean than USB-C. It also felt a bit more secure when plugged in. But beyond that, USB-C is just more capable overall—higher speeds, video output, and universal charging.
Having multiple standards under the same connector isn’t really unique to USB-C. HDMI 2.1, for example, requires better cables but isn’t always labeled clearly, and some devices are advertised as "HDMI 2.1" while only supporting HDMI 2.0 speeds. DisplayPort has different versions too, and even USB-A had its own issues with USB 1.1, 2.0, and 3.0 all looking the same. It’s not ideal, but the real problem is the lack of clear labeling, not the existence of different specs.
The idea that the USB-C law will block innovation forever seems a bit exaggerated. If it actually becomes a limitation, it can be revised, like how other regulations change over time. I don’t really see why USB-C would be outdated so soon though—USB-A has lasted for decades, and HDMI is still evolving. Thunderbolt 5 (or USB4 v2) already does 80Gbps and 240W, which is more than enough for most things outside of GPUs.
The regulation itself was mainly about standardization and reducing e-waste, which makes sense. Having a single charging standard does make things more convenient. But in the case of the iPhone specifically, it also had the side effect of pushing Apple away from its proprietary ecosystem faster than they would have liked. Apple already uses USB-C on Macs and iPads, so they clearly see its advantages. I'm sure some prosumers appreciate the higher speed too, such as those using the phone to film in high resolution often. But keeping Lightning on iPhones let them control accessories, enforce MFi licensing, and reinforce ecosystem lock-in. iPhones are usually the entry point into Apple’s ecosystem, and having a proprietary port made switching to other platforms less appealing. It’s similar to how Apple won’t support RCS messaging or make iMessage open—once people are in the system, they’re more likely to stay.
Also, if getting rid of old ports is bad, then wasn’t Apple dropping serial, parallel, and SCSI also a problem? Those ports stuck around in business and industrial settings, but Apple moved on, which forced the industry to adapt. That’s usually seen as progress. So it’s kind of odd to say that USB-C shouldn’t be mandated, but Lightning—USB 2.0 speeds, no video output—should have stuck around instead. Either removing outdated ports is good, or it isn’t.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on February 22, 2025, 05:00:49 PM
I quoted the Apple guy in your message as that damn self destruct ink can play havoc with context.
A good read incidentally. You may pass that degree after all.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 23, 2025, 01:14:22 AM
I do agree with the "one cable to rule them all" due to wastage. But I see your argument against USB-C. Would Apple have let their cable tech be used for other electronic items ???? Apple are very controlling about their tech ??? Personally I dont think they went far enough in ensuring one cable for all, Razors (electric) use different cables, speaker bars use another, Laptops (certain brand) use another etc etc. Which cables I dont care but use one sort 🤦♂️🤦♂️
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: TNG on February 23, 2025, 07:21:13 AM
Apple moving on forced the rest of the industry to follow (there is a direct line from the original iMac to USB adoption, and USB would possibly still be at USB1 or 2 without firewire and then lightning), and we have all seen that happening, but the EU regulation stops that technological shift from happening.
I disagree with this. The mandate exists to unify power delivery standards. This is certainly convenient for the consumer, and does not stop innovation. I suppose it would block a "technological shift", but I can't imagine what a serial->usb shift would look like for USB-C. It does not block innovation as you can build new charging standards on top of USBC. You just have to be able to fallback to USB PD. Even then, USB PD is highly flexible, and we will see 240w devices coming soon using this. Examples of this include Qualcomms QC spec, and the various fast charging specs from the Chinese phones like Oneplus VOOC and Huawei SCP.
If the EU had (for example) mandated serial ports on everything for "one cable", then USB couldn't have come to the fore. (A "Kettle lead" mandate would have blocked power over USB) If they had mandated that the "one cable to rule them all" was USB-A, then USB-C couldn't have been introduced to the market. (And for TV where is the "one cable"? There must be more TVs than phones, but the EU haven't mandated that TVs have to have one - and only one - of HDMI/ Display Port/ Thunderbolt/ Ethernet/ Coax/ ...)
The EU isn't locking in a port like serial. USB 1.1 was already orders of magnitude faster than RS-232. They are also inherently different - USB was designed to be a universal connector and abstracted away from the user many configurations steps that RS-232 required. USB-C is the current forefront of technology and doesn't exclude anything. USB-A would have limited speed and not allowed for Thunderbolt or PCIe or video. I don't think that USB-C is blocking anything.
I would also argue that TVs already have a "one cable" solution - HDMI:
HDMI supports Ethernet, audio return channels (ARC/eARC), and CEC for device control.
It’s on every TV and almost every source device.
HDMI and DisplayPort use the same data transfer method, so a simple passive adapter allows HDMI to work with a USB-C device.
Even then, this isn’t the same situation as USB-C for charging:
A TV is never going to have just one connection because multiple devices use it.
A display signal and an internet connection serve entirely different functions.
USB-PD is meant for portable devices that need charging - a TV is neither portable nor chargeable.
We already have IEC standards for static high-power devices, which are widely used for safety and compatibility.
USB-C would also be a downgrade for display bandwidth and cable length:
HDMI has supported 48Gbps for years, while USB-C is only now approaching that speed.
Long HDMI cables already exist, but USB-C struggles beyond a couple of meters at full speed.
I wouldn't mind some intervention in the display cable sector though. HDMI's certification/specification is meaningless, and it would be nice to see DisplayPort adopt some of HDMIs home-theatre type features so we could remove HDMI altogether - it has no real advantage over DisplayPort and requires licensing fees. I would also like to see the advertised supported resolutions for HDMI/DP be clearly marked as using compression or not.
*"standardization and reducing e-waste" seems to be a bit undermined by the simple fact that everyone that had lightning cables has to replace them and throw them away. If the standard had been mandated before lightning become the standard for half of the industry, this is a possibility, but to mandate it to ensure that there are billions of cables forced into obsolescence seems an odd way of reducing e-waste. Of course it couldn't have been mandated before lightning become the standard for half of the industry, because back then the rest of the world had not-standardised on mini-USB, micro-USB, nano-USB and proprietary connectors. Ironically Apple, with Lightning (and to a lesser degree FireWire), forced the rest of the industry to standardise on USB-C. So the EU punished Apple, and reduced the chances of Apple creating/ fostering the next connection standard.
While the immediate transition from Lightning to USB-C would create waste, this mandate is projected to save 11,000 tonnes of e-waste annually (https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_4613), and save €250m in charger purchases. If we are to believe their research, then this mandate appears to be a positive for e-waste. Furthermore, Apple was never going to create a new connection standard. They already knew USB-C was better, they've been using it since 2015 on MacBooks, and iPads more recently. I suspect they originally switched because, as a development partner with Intel, they knew Thunderbolt 3 would be using USB-C, which they released in 2016.
This also means that most Apple users already have a USB-C charger from their Apple laptop or tablet, so the Lightning charger didn't require much resource expenditure to replace. A study found that nearly 60% of Apple users own three or more Apple devices (https://www.digitalinformationworld.com/2023/02/a-recent-study-shows-number-of-apple.html), meaning many already have USB-C chargers, reducing the overall impact of the transition.
To address this bit in particular.
I don't have as much faith as you do in the lawmakers: I really do think that the EU legislation was a spiteful anti-Apple (probably designed as anti-US) law with little or no technological reasoning. But I may be biased, so to take it at face value:
The trick is noticing that it has become a limitation. Until USB came along, no-one had noticed that serial/ parallel/ RSnnn connectors had become a limitation. Until the iMac had USB and only USB, the rest of the industry had played about with adding a USB connector to devices, but no-one actually made any USB peripherals to connect to them. Thus no-one noticed that USB was miles better (and "standard"), so there would have been no reason to update any putative legislation favouring the status quo.
The iMac forced peripheral makers to make USB peripherals, and the rest of the industry flocked to the "new" standard, but this was only forced because the iMac had no old-style connectors: this sort of thing would be banned by the EU law.
It's easy to see how this mandate looks like a targeted move against Apple or the US, but that overlooks the broader context. The regulation isn't about punishing any specific company - it's about reducing e-waste, improving the consumer experience, and lowering switching costs to make it easier for consumers to change devices while reducing barriers to entry for new competitors. It might seem like this law was aimed at Apple, but it applies universally and ensures that no future company, including Apple, can create similar lock-in again. Apple was the only major holdout against USB-C, and this delay was only so that they could continue to generate revenue off of having a proprietary connector.
The comparison to the iMac's role in standardisation doesn’t really apply here. The iMac replaced a mix of old, inefficient, and bulky standards with USB, which was a clear improvement for the consumer. USB-C is not like a serial port - it's the best we currently have, and it’s still being developed and improved. USB-C has already evolved to support Thunderbolt 5, USB4 v2, and 240W power delivery, proving it is adaptable to future needs. Apple was not going to release a new standard, as they had already adopted USB-C themselves. In fact, reports suggest that Apple was testing USB-C iPhones as early as 2019, before any EU mandate showing that they weren’t developing anything new and already knew USB-C was the best option. (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-6655581/Apple-reportedly-testing-iPhones-three-rear-cameras-USB-C-port.html)
The idea that the iMac's USB-only approach would have been banned by the EU misrepresents what the law actually does. The EU isn't banning new standards, they are only ensuring that all devices capable of wired charging use a universal connector. If a company wants to introduce something new, they can build on top of USB-C or introduce something to co-exist with it, just like how Thunderbolt evolved on USB-C. If Apple truly wanted to innovate, nothing was stopping them from creating something new and demonstrating its advantages before this mandate. Apple just wanted to hold onto Lightning because it made them revenue, like through the Made for I-device program. One (slightly sketchy) website claims they earn over $10b per year by selling cables and charging MFi fees (https://www.chargersupplierss.com/info/apple-earns-over-10-billion-a-year-or-more-fr-92139577.html). I don't put too much stock in this number, but it's certainly a revenue stream for them.
The industry is also capable of driving innovation by itself. Apple's FireWire died because they kept it proprietary and charged fees for it. USB quickly improved and became favoured over FireWire, and consequently, we don't have FireWire today.
Ultimately, this law does not prevent innovation - it prevents fragmentation. It ensures that we don't return to having multiple, sometimes proprietary, connections that limit choice and increase waste. If USB-C becomes a limitation, the law can be revised, just like how regulations regarding emissions or power efficiency are updated. USB-C provides a common foundation for everyone to contribute to innovation and progression, rather than companies pulling consumers backward into proprietary ecosystems.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: TNG on February 23, 2025, 07:44:50 AM
A relevant afterthought:
An example of how USB-C is not restricting innovation is Asus's XG port. It combines a PCIe 8x connection with USB-C, so that you can use the USB-C normally, or connect an external GPU using both the USB-C and the PCIe port. I have one on my ROG Ally. This is proprietary though so not so nice.
OneXplayer created a handheld that incorporated an Oculink port though. I read somewhere they had to do some development to make it more robust and suitable outside of the datacenter. This is open source and another example of how you can innovate on device connectivity without having USB-C be a blocker. Other handheld manufacturers have also followed with Oculink ports.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: TNG on February 23, 2025, 11:09:49 AM
I don't really get your argument any more. Why shouldn't have the EU mandated the use of USB-C on devices? You are right that Apple's involvement in progressing USB should not be understated. It could even be said that they have been the driving force behind USB since day one, apart from being a member of the USB consortium from early on. They got it into mainstream adoption first -> they were unhappy with the slow progression of USB -> they made firewire to compete (although firewire development started way before USB and was a group effort) -> USB got faster -> they let firewire die off -> they made lightpoint/thunderbolt -> thunderbolt became a part of USB. They also worked on the USB-C standard.
Despite this, Apple were not changing the port on their own. USB-C is better in every way except perhaps durability, but I have never had a USB-C connection break yet. The mandate made Apple switch, which is good. Outside of Apple, everything has to be USB-C now, which is also good as its's very convenient, and apparently will save the consumer money and reduce e-waste. The only reasons Apple had to retain the Lightning connecter are anti-consumer. Therefore it is a good thing that the EU forced their hand.
We could not have had a mandate like this before USB-C. For example USB-A, even at a modest 10gbps, is too slow to be universal. Video connectors were already around the 20gbps range at the time 10gbps USB was common. Therefore you could see that speeds would increase again soon, and that the 9 pins of USB would likely not be enough to support this. USB was also not physically reliable enough, especially the micro/mini variants, to be enforcing its use so strictly. Now that USB-C has been around a while, and that development has not slowed on this connector, requiring its use would no longer be a negative for innovation, and it is physically good enough for general use. I'm not sure about your point regarding USB 3, since that predated Lightning.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: TNG on February 24, 2025, 08:37:21 AM
Because it is not their job to mandate restrictions technology: it is their job to ensure the market is open.
It's their job to act in the best interest of the consumer. This policy saves the consumer money and reduces waste. Personally I find it great that I can ask an iPhone user for a charge, and likewise offer them a charge. I would say that this is acting in the interest of the consumer.
Yes they were - as you note, Apple were using USB-C when it was appropriate, and may well have moved all devices to USB-C under their own steam without legislation.
Then they could have changed the iPhone when they changed their other devices, however they did not. There is a direct financial incentive for them to not adopt USB-C on their phones.
Rubbish - a primary reason for retaining the Lightning connector was to support the massive installed base that had billions of Lightning compatible devices and cables. "Anti-Apple consumer" may be roughly comparable to "pro-general consumer", but this is not a given.
The large majority of the user base already have USB-C chargers and cables. E-waste is bad if it's needlessly having to be replaced. However in this case its unlikely you had to replace your charger since you already had a USB-C one. I don't see how this is different to them dropping Magsafe on Macs, Lightning on iPads, or removing the headphone jack on phones either, where they had no problem making peripherals useless.
As has been pointed out, manufacturers like walled gardens, because it maintains the user base, but in Apple world Lightning connectors were a minuscule part of the garden wall. This does appear to be in the EU's remit, though, as if you squint you can see this as assisting the consumer in moving between suppliers.
Walls like this are anti-consumer. Anything that the government can do to remove these walls is pro-consumer. You're right that it was a small part of this wall, but that does not negate the fact that it is still a part of this wall. With enough small steps, Apple may become a respectable company, but by this logic we should just give up. Perhaps next the EU will tell them to stop using serialised parts, promote right to repair, fine them harder for throttling older phones, challenge Apple's app store monopoly, and make them support RCS.
Yes, we could. It wouldn't have made any technical sense to mandate (for example) standardisation on coax ethernet (which at the time was as fast as could be envisioned) but the idiots in the EU could have mandated it. It would have made just as much sense as mandating a transient connector.
I could not disagree more on this point. Only a few years after the standardisation of thick/thin ethernet was twisted pair in development. There were clear negatives to this technology, such as the shared bus topology meaning one failure could bring down the network, the difficulty of troubleshooting such a network, poor speed scaling with multiple clients, high interference susceptibility, half-duplex communication or the installation difficulty due to the rigid cable. USB-C has no such downsides, and has already seen widespread adoption. Furthermore, during the peak growth of Moore's Law, it was easy to see that data requirements would grow.
Regardless of its undoubted benefits, USB-C should have been transient - not permanent - because technology moves on. I am surprised that you think that "requiring its use would no longer be a negative for innovation", as for example USB-C is already too thick for ultra-thin devices; no manufacturer is encouraged to invent a thinner connector because it would be illegal to use in the EU. This stifles the invention of thinner devices, through legislative stupidity.
I don't know why you are acting like we are stuck with USB-C until the ends of time. Every standard is transient. If we refused to standardise anything, nothing would have any regulation. In addition, the consumer benefits outweigh the hypothetical future constraints. The mess of proprietary connectors on devices outside of Apple and e-waste are current issues.
There are also devices that are 3.6mm thick utilising USB-C. I think it would be hard to get much thinner regardless of USB-C or not. We aren't forced to use USB-C forever either. It would be perfectly reasonable for a company to bring their case to the EU court and argue for an exemption or propose a new connector.
I would consider this as an example of kludgy workarounds because of the restriction - by a stupid law - from creating a custom connector that could do a job.
They created this port in 2021, before any restrictions. I prefer this connector over something completely different. I am able to use USB-C to charge and power the device, and if I wanted to use an external graphics unit from Asus, it's nice that it can simultaneously break out the USB-C into more USB ports and provide charging too.
The whole thing is almost certainly a storm in a teacup, though, as Apple will doubtless move to wholly wireless charging as soon as it becomes feasible, and stuff the damned USB-C connector!
I don't know why you have a personal grudge against USB-C. You are not unhappy with it on the iPad and iMacs, so why is it bad on an iPhone. Nothing stops a new thinner device using wireless charging, and a slimmer port for high speed data.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 25, 2025, 04:21:02 PM
The area where I currently live (but am in the process of moving away from) is near Silicon Valley so there's an abundance of used tech stuff around here and when I say abundance, I mean, people give stuff away like 2015 MacBook pros on the Freecycle/BuyNothing groups. What is more common is the preponderance of requests for things like charging cords and dongles that translate from one format to another. Recently, in an effort to help my husband get an additional dongle to help him translate from lightning connector to USB-C for the purposes of transferring data or charging various devices. I requested one and of course, someone in Berkeley kindly obliged. Of course these devices look similar in photographs to other sorts, so what I brought home was not the desired dongle, but instead was a Thunderbolt 3 to Thunderbolt 2 adapter. Apple wants about $50 US for one of these. I'm scratching my head in an effort to figure out if I can even use it.
The point I'm making here is that there is great potential for all kinds of ewaste generated by the constant desire to upgrade and speed up data transfers and it would be less exhausting and more socially beneficial if there could be some consensus achieved determining how to make these more universal. I'm all for innovation, but Apple seems particularly egregious in its desire to push the envelope on both functionality and design parameters.
There have been efforts to standardize all kinds of exchange at least since the late 19th century when there were organizations established like the Universal Postal Union in 1874, where an effort was made to enable postage to be sent across national borders to everyone's mutual benefit, and while this was not technically a hardware issue, it does suggest that there is some utility in these kinds of agreements. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Postal_Union (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Postal_Union)
In the meantime, if anyone has any idea what I can do with this adapter other than come up with a creative form of personal adornment or donate it back to the exchange stream from whence it came, I'd appreciate it.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 26, 2025, 08:45:10 AM
"Apple has historically resisted allowing other companies to use Lightning connectors because it's a proprietary technology that allows them to control the quality and design of accessories, generate revenue through licensing fees from third-party manufacturers who want to make Lightning accessories (through their "MFi" program), and maintain a distinct feature that sets Apple devices apart from other brands; however, due to recent EU regulations, Apple has been forced to switch to USB-C on their iPhones, meaning they can no longer exclusively use Lightning connectors."
It's not a APPLE v ANDROID thing for me, Apple could have allowed their products used by others but did not and earned money through their patents, but chose not to. I like the idea of one connection for all, (stares into my box full of various cables :-\ :-\ and dare not throw any away "just in case" ) and have no argument with anyone who uses Apple (all but myself in my household have Apple and I still think Apple Pads are the best).
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 6pairsofshoes on February 28, 2025, 08:52:59 AM
Our President is an bottom who is systematically destroying our government. Nothing new to report here. There's a "buy nothing" boycott on right now, but I fail to see what it will accomplish. I need to replace some light switches so I'll go to the hardware store. Sorry.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: goldshirt*9 on February 28, 2025, 12:28:15 PM
After watching the news ref Trump and Zelensky bust up, Now Spain has support declared for Ukraine :o :o :o :o best TV I have watched for ages.
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: smokester on February 28, 2025, 02:39:43 PM
Yes but now the U.K look like hillbillys for buddying up to Trump and his minions.
Starmer looks like, but I do take your point. I personally dont know anyone who likes him (even my Extreme Union mates think he's a dck)
Title: Re: Current Events
Post by: 8ullfrog on March 10, 2025, 05:19:22 AM
Just got a special weather warning "DO NOT GO OUTSIDE".
I noticed when I got up earlier to use the banyo that the sky was red, and it reminded me of that old warning, red sky at morn, sailor be warned. But I'm not sailing!