General Category => Chaos => Topic started by: 6pairsofshoes on July 16, 2023, 11:00:03 PM
Do you ever go to the Junk Mail/Spam folder only to find some email with a dire warning in the title? Some of these are really funny.
"Someone just run a background check on you" was one that sounded like the intro to a blues song.
Please share any that you found particularly strange or inventive.
I get a lot of spam but these always confuse me. It's apparently an advert for a Santoku knife, but then there's some bumf about Amy Adams?
I wonder how many of these are written by bots. AI is going to give our junk mail an upgrade, I think.
Today's assortment:
"Awaiting Payment: I greet you! I have bad news for you..."
They actually avoid AI because it's unable to do the fishing for stupidity that the scam emails have to perform.
I think some of these would be great in Chinese fortune cookies. I'd pay extra for a meal that included this creative bit of nonsense.
WTF is this:
Do you ever feel like the universe is against you?
If you answered “YES”, then this will be the answer to it all..
Listen, there’s been a 20 word script used by Nikola Tesla, and even Bob Proctor..
That they have used to manifest 100X faster, and force the universe to give what they want
And it’s been leaked for the first time (click here to see it)..
When you see it, give it a try…And watch as magic happens..
You have never seen ANYTHING like it before.
It’s not about pumping yourself up or shouting like a hippie..
Just go here to check it out and use it.
What's wrong with "shouting like a hippie"?
Nothing that I can think of, except that I don't really think of hippies as people who shout much. They are usually laid back, either because they're stoned or busy contemplating the glories of the universe or some such. I tend to avoid clicking on these emails as I'm in fear of malware or other tasty little surprise packages.
This morning's offering:
"Dealing with the IRS Agent from Hell?"
This was in the usual array of pfishing "Unusual Microsoft signin activity" and "your iCloud storage is full." Heh.
Then, there's the (are you dumb as a post? fill out this survey and find out type:) "Congratulations You Have Won an Pittsburgh 225 Piece Tool Set."
Last I looked, Pittsburgh had pretty much declined as a manufacturing center and it's hard to fathom how this might be a great tool set. Give me Snap Ons.
I never look at my Spam folder unless someone sent me an email I didn't get. Every month or so I just empty the whole folder and move on.
I never look at my Spam folder unless someone sent me an email I didn't get. Every month or so I just empty the whole folder and move on.
My genuine mail gets spammed as I get a lot from suppliers and theirs always looks dodgy. I have to constantly "not junk" them.
Saying that, in the gazillions of normal spam mail I get in various accounts, rarely do I receive threats - barring "we hacked your cam and watched you....".
I don't have a cam.
Another pretty odd pfishing email:
From Post Office -Madrid Spain
Address: Plaza del Rey No. 1 28004 Madrid, Spain
Phone, +34 698765675
Email, [email protected]
Re: Post Office -Madrid Spain urgently to avoid expiration.
From the regular mail post office Madrid Spain, Be informed that there is a parcel which contains an ATM Card in this office deposited by a private organization body on the 18th of February, 2022.
Your e-mail address was attached to it and is to be posted to you. We have been waiting for you to contact us for your conformable ATM Card which contains the sum of €800,000 Euro and some vital documents. So kindly get back to this office (Regular Mail Post office Madrid Spain) to avoid fraudulent issues concerning this service.
You are to confirm and provide to us your postal address below through this address, [email protected]
Your full name..........
your country............
your postal address.....
Your direct phone........
Note: that every claim has an expiring period of fourteen working day, so you have that very urgently to avoid expiration.
Your best regard
Contact person
Márcio De Souza
Too bad, as I could think of several ways to spend 800k Euros.
Don't have much spam TBH, the occasional "failed to deliver" from USA sites.
I don't buy from USA site's, so the emails just go in the spam and I, as per Dweez, clear it out every so often
Outlook email has a junk mail folder that is easy to access and, for some reason, it's like a spam magnet. It gets far more spam than any of my other accts, and normally, I delete the contents once a day, but lately, I've noticed that some of them are downright funny. And, now, I feel downright cosmopolitan since I'm being solicited for spanish speaking porn photos.
"Hola, Aqui estan las fotos que pediste. Hola mi amorcito, no se porque me pediste que te envie las fotos del dia del motel a este correo (deleted)@live.com ,pero ahi van. solo deje fuera la que se ve la llantita de la guata jajaja."
I think this ends in some kind of slang about paunches and "spare tires" but my colloquial Spanish isn't up to snuff here.
Outlook email has a junk mail folder that is easy to access and, for some reason, it's like a spam magnet. It gets far more spam than any of my other accts, and normally, I delete the contents once a day, but lately, I've noticed that some of them are downright funny. And, now, I feel downright cosmopolitan since I'm being solicited for spanish speaking porn photos.
"Hola, Aqui estan las fotos que pediste. Hola mi amorcito, no se porque me pediste que te envie las fotos del dia del motel a este correo (deleted)@live.com ,pero ahi van. solo deje fuera la que se ve la llantita de la guata jajaja."
I think this ends in some kind of slang about paunches and "spare tires" but my colloquial Spanish isn't up to snuff here.
I use Outlook and I have 4 accounts within it. The only account that gets a magnitude of spam, is one that has been previously hacked. All the rest don't really get any. I also have my own mailserver through our VPS so I set the filters how I wish. Doesn't help with that one account.
My avast subscription expired today.
Which is weird, because I've never used avast, and in fact despise it.
I haven't looked at my google spam in years, this is kinda fun.
This may be a threat, but I won't know until I learn Spanish:
PJe Push - Serviço de Acompanhamento automático de processos.
Informamos que o processo a seguir sofreu movimentação:
Número do Processo: 1001901-31.2022.4.01.3304
Polo Ativo: E-mail Credenciado ( myemail )
Órgão: Juizado Especial Cível e Criminal Adjunto à 1ª Vara Federal da SSJ de São Paulo - SP
Data de Autuação: 05/06/2023
Tipo de Distribuição: Acusação
Assunto: Carta Precatória
Data Movimento Documento
19/07/2023 Decisão por merito Ver Processo
Ha! That's in Portuguese.
Apparently, it's a judgement about your Brazilian Social Security payments. Not a criminal matter, but a civil action that I can't find enough information about. I suspect they're trying to hack into your Social Security. It's clearly a scam, so don't respond, unless you want more entertainment.
A selection from mine this morning:
"Smell better naked with Lume" (this puzzles me since I'd expect to smell the same regardless of what I was wearing.)
"Your system has been infected with (32) viruses" (can't explain the parentheses or the number)
"It's not too late to get your body back with 1 day fat removal" (this reminds me of the misheard lyrics I used to sing as a child for "My Bonnie" -- we used to sing "My Body Lies over the Ocean, My Body lies over the sea, My Body lies over the Ocean, oh bring back my Body to me...") Somehow, I don't think that's what they mean.
Portuguese. You can always tell the difference because Portuguese is livelier and stranger.
It's a change of venue notice about a social security ruling. There will be a decision on merits.
Google couldn't get Precatória but from what I read it's either about a tree or a plea.
A carta precatória is a letter from one judge to a second judge in a different jurisdiction. I had a year of Portuguese back in the stone age, so I can only work up an approximate translation. https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carta_precat%C3%B3ria (https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carta_precat%C3%B3ria)
This explains it better. https://blog.advise.com.br/entenda-precatoria/ (https://blog.advise.com.br/entenda-precatoria/)
Apparently, if you are getting social security or other state payments, this kind of a letter is issued to establish an additional payment. So I suspect the junk mail is kind of like one of those Ethiopian scams that says you are owed a bunch of money, we just need your bank details, and preferably the password to your accounts.
My favorite of today: "We found your public record (alias) Your Public Record Update"
I have several email accts under fake names and this is one of them so it amuses me to no end that they've dug something up on a guy who doesn't exist.
I actually got a similar letter to Mom, but it was legit.
There was malfeasance in the handling of her social security benefits, (Someone decided she would get less, and wasn't the person who actually has the power to decide that) and the "award" was enough to buy a car.
It's a good car, 2017 Chevy Sonic.
You better believe I confirmed this in the Social Security offices.
I have the sneaking suspicion I'm going to get audited this year, because of the car.
The way I found out about all this wasn't nice either. They simply stopped the benefits hoping I'd go into the office. So of course, I did.
If the award was for benefits due her in prior years, that can be reported on an amended return from the prior year. Feel free to PM me about this.
Thankfully there were no tax implications, but I increasingly feel out of depth handling this.
Unfortunately, there is no one else.
Specifically, they "realized" mom was supposed to be getting benefits from my father.
I honestly feel like the money is poisoned and that I am drowning in quicksand.
Sorry, this thread was honestly fun, that Tree Vs. Plea fun was honestly the best word play I've seen in years.
Yeah. Widow's benefits, I believe, increase your monthly income to the level of what your spouse would have received, had he been alive. I expect that, since your Dad's been gone for several years, this was a tidy sum.
I'm glad you were able to get a new car. It really sucked when they stole your last one.
Today's offering:
"News flash: your pillowcase is to blame! (No preview is available) "
Sounds like a potentially useful defense for Trump to use when facing his next indictment.
My netflix account has been shut off again.
I've never had netflix, and even if I had, that's far too pushy a way to treat a customer.
Mom got a charcoal filtered pillow. I don't know if that will actually do anything, but I'm interested in finding out.
Assuming my real name is "user" and so I believe this email, how, in God's name, did they manage to come to a Tax of £10.20? It would have been far more convincing if they'd left that off completely.
8ully, that sounds like a pushy Chinese grandmother. I'd comply immediately.
smokes, I love the originating email addy. They're too lazy to try to come up with one that sounds remotely like it came from ebay. That said, an 83 inch tv sounds pretty large. Hopefully it won't get damaged in transit as it moves through the imaginary world where it lives.
smokes, I love the originating email addy. They're too lazy to try to come up with one that sounds remotely like it came from ebay. That said, an 83 inch tv sounds pretty large. Hopefully it won't get damaged in transit as it moves through the imaginary world where it lives.
Assuming the address included is where it's being sent from, it's saying it''s this place:
They've shuttered up where the TV used to be.
I''m more impressed with the soft top, MKIV Cortina with Rostyle wheels.
Looks like the place where they sell bus tickets. The Cortina seems to be illegally parked. Bonus!
That's an Escort cabriolet.
They ain't rostyles either.
In my defence, today is my bidet and I'm very, very old.
They ain't rostyles either.
In my defence, today is my bidet and I'm very, very old.
Happy bidet 2 u, smokes!
Happy bidet 2 u, smokes!
Many thanks.
I don't think I'll be called "whippersnapper" by christ again. Unless I change my name to whippersnapper.
In order:
Apart from that you got everything right!
No, you aren't.
Gosportarians are so in touch with nature. Many thanks.
I wouldn't bet on it, whippersnapper.
Ok, I'll abandon my deed poll application as it now seems unnecessary.
22 again many happs
Not a threat, but to a brit this may as well be greek:
I found the weirdest, most brutally effective tool for storing my sidearm that I've ever seen online.
It's actually where my CCW is hanging out right now.
The best part is that it gives me a way FASTER finger-to-trigger time than my holster does.
...Even after practicing for years, this thing is faster!
It's unlike anything I've ever laid my eyes on (I don't say that lightly).
In fact, after buying one for myself, I contacted the manufacturer and struck a deal to get these Rapid Access Mounts produced for you, my loyal subscribers.
The manufacturer agreed to send over 500 immediately and I figured I'd let my subscribers act as "Early Adopters."
These won't last long though, since this is going out to a list of over 100,000 tactical gearheads...
Get Your Early Adopter Savings - 60% OFF + Free S&H
P.S. These mounts are so strong they allow you to rack the slide while it's still mounted under your dash/desk!
Sneaky gun boy draw gun faster with stupid accessory.
Want to sell stupid accessory.
You get special deal because you friend of Jorge.
Sneaky gun boy draw gun faster with stupid accessory.
Want to sell stupid accessory.
You get special deal because you friend of Jorge.
Me and Jorge, eh, we go way back.
Yeah. But you better get on it, because Jorge has a limited supply of these fab accessories.
The lack of threats in my spam folder lately has disappointed me. They just want to sell me stuff, instead.
"Hi, Are You Still Single? Anna - Meet Cute Russian - Hi baby I'm waiting..."
I'm more inclined to have "Empire Bring Hundreds of Quality Flooring Samples to Your Home."
Yeah. But you better get on it, because Jorge has a limited supply of these fab accessories.
Unfortunately, I have no dollars.
The lack of threats in my spam folder lately has disappointed me. They just want to sell me stuff, instead.
"Hi, Are You Still Single? Anna - Meet Cute Russian - Hi baby I'm waiting..."
I'm more inclined to have "Empire Bring Hundreds of Quality Flooring Samples to Your Home."
Do you know, if I claimed all the prizes I've won, I could open a shop.
Maybe you could set up a wholesale operation and sell back to the spammers?
I looked up "rapid access mounts" and they look suspiciously like "sliding keyboard drawer under desk".
Which... even those are unreliable. I bless'ed hate them and buy larger disks to AVOID the "key drawer".
It's even worse when you need to fit a mouse in. It's like someone designed computer desks once, before mice existed, and decided "Yes, mark this down as permanent."
It's poo.
I got an invoice in my spam, but I didn't open it. PDF's aren't trustworthy.
Wow. That's annoying. I haven't gotten any good threats lately, just one that suggests I can enhance a part of my anatomy that doesn't exist. Apparently this is the result of a unique trial at Harvard. It managed to "get 97yo hard as a rock." It doesn't specify what's 97 years old: tree? automobile tires? but my suspicion is some old geezer who may not remember what to do with this benefit.
I keep hoping for better spam. If they have to send it to me, at least it should be entertaining.
My clodfee account is now closed.
Which once again, is news to me. If they meant cloudflare, I'd never give that company a dime.
Clodfee. Hmmm. That's interesting.
maybe they meant this. The drinks look delicious.
https://thecoffeehouse.com/products/cloudfee-hanh-nhan-nuong (https://thecoffeehouse.com/products/cloudfee-hanh-nhan-nuong)
Happy B-lated B-day smokester. Sorry it was late. I was in Las Vegas for a pool tournament. We did horribly but fun was had by all.
Happy B-lated B-day smokester. Sorry it was late. I was in Las Vegas for a pool tournament. We did horribly but fun was had by all.
Thanks bro.
I come from a Snooker background so I used to find pool a bit of a doddle - especially American pool with the large pockets. That was before my eyes decided to become super-low-definition.
I come from a Snooker background so I used to find pool a bit of a doddle - especially American pool with the large pockets. That was before my eyes decided to become super-low-definition.
I completely understand. I watch a fair amount of snooker on YT and it is definitely a tier above American pool.
This morning's missive from "Max Brain," "New Smart Pill Increases Intelligence."
I wonder if it's possible to overdose on that? And what's in it, anyway?
More sad news, "Your membership has expired. #506768364" from Hulu. Funny, as I don't have a Hulu membership. Just as well...
Jazz Fezz sent: Easy to cremate landing page - sca tte Done Forno Need to worry about landing page we have done Pain full work for you!
Is that... a threat?
Also, like you, my Netf'lix242390 my sub5cription is on hold, Rene'wal my bills!
From "Prime,"
They just couldn't even be bothered with normal word order.
And, from "United Nations Commission," (If you read through this, it soon becomes evident that math skills are not among this guy's strengths. But you have to give him kudos for creativity.)
My Dear Friend,
I am Mr.Desmond Harvey the Assistant Director Inspection Unit/United Nations Inspection agent in London Heathrow Airport. During my recent withheld package routine check at the Airport Storage Vault, I discovered an abandoned shipment from a Diplomat in London and when scanned it revealed an undisclosed sum of money in the Metal Trunk Boxes weighing approximately 605.00 kg. The consignment was abandoned because the Contents of the consignment was not properly declared by the consignee as "MONEY" rather it was declared as "PERSONAL EFFECT" to avoid interrogation and also the inability of the diplomat to pay for the Non Inspection Charges which is about GBЈ7,800.
On my assumption, the box will contain more than GBЈ25Million to GBЈ30Million and the consignment is still left in our Storage House here at the London Heathrow Airport till date. The details of the consignment including your name, your email address and the official document from the United Nations office in Geneva are tagged on the Metal Trunk box.
Lastly, be informed that the reason I have taken it upon myself to contact you personally about this abandoned consignment is because I want us to transact this business and share the money equally since the consignment has not yet been returned to the United Kingdom Treasury Department after being abandoned by the diplomat so immediately the confirmation is made, I will pay for the Non Inspection Fee and arrange for the box to be delivered to your doorstep to avoid any more trouble. But I will share it 60%/40% with you. But you have to assure me of my 40% share.
I am on inspection just email me and make sure you include your mobile number so that I can give you a call. I wait to hear from you urgently if you are still alive.
Ha! I guess if I'm dead, I can take my time.
What the hell is the currency "GBJ"? It reminds of fonejacker:
I'm glad for our little thread here, I rarely checked my spam filter before, but yesterday I found out a doctor's appointment had been sent to spam.
Thankfully I made it to the appointment today, but if I hadn't been checking spam, I would have been out the appointment.
Happy to be of service!
From Cognilux: "AB1-4 Warning Signs of Dementia (#2 is Scary)"
AB1-4 sounds like the name of a bill awaiting passage through the legislature. I guess only one aspect of losing one's marbles is scary? BTW I just got a lovely note and obituary from a friend whose husband had died of Alzheimers. We were friends from college and I remember that when he was in college he had to take time off to care for his mother who also died of Alzheimers, so it seems to have been an inherited trait. The whole business is really sad.
From "Trump 2024: Make America Great Again!" an email filled with misinformation and accusations about President Biden and waves of illegal immigrants flooding the southern border, as well as plentiful offers to purchase Trump merchandise. An ugly blue hat promising that "Trump will be back" a menacing looking pocket knife with a flag handle, etc.
Incidentally, on FB there are amusing speculations about his weight after he submitted a statement listing height as 6'3" and weight as 215 lb. on the occasion of having to submit himself to the Fulton County Jail yesterday. In his dreams. Ha ha. I suspect this blubber fest tips the scales at around 280.
From the bleeding obvious dept.
Today: "damiano.capurso" writes to remind me
"You have forgotten something" -- bonus points for the imaginative fake Italian sounding name. Even more fun to google him.
From "Home Warranty Offer" -- "Household breakdowns happen" (particularly troubling if you are motoring along on the M4, and probably worse on I-95)
And LeafFilter Partner reminds me, "The End is Near!"
Time to bring out your dead, I guess...
I can't stand this type of email as they always spoof my email address to add credibility to their threat. Interesting that after hacking all my devices, he/she still doesn't know my name or my IP - or that I don't have a video cam:
Hi there!
Unfortunately, I need to start our conversation with bad news for you.
Around few months back I managed to get full access to all devices of yours, which are used by you on a daily basis to browse internet.
Afterwards, I could initiate monitoring and tracking of all your activities on the internet.
I am proud to share the sequence of how it happened:
In the past I bought from hackers the access to various email accounts (today, that is rather a simple thing to do online).
Clearly, it was not hard at all for me to log in to your email account (my email address).
A week after that, I had already managed to effortlessly install Trojan virus to Operating Systems of all devices that are currently in your use, and as result gained access to your email.
To be honest, that was not really difficult at all (because you were eagerly opening the links from your inbox emails).
I know, I am a genius. (=
With help of that software, I can gain access to all controllers in your devices (such as video camera, keyboard and microphone).
As result, I downloaded to my remote cloud servers all your personal data, photos and other information including web browsing history.
Likewise, I have complete access to all your social networks, messengers, chat history, emails, as well as contacts list.
My intelligent virus unceasingly refreshes its signatures (due to its driver-based nature), and hereby stays unnoticed by your antivirus software.
Herbey, I believe that now you finally start realizing how I could easily remain unnoticed all this while until this very letter...
While collecting information related to you, I had also unveiled that you are a true fan of porn sites.
You truly enjoy browsing through adult sites and watching horny vids, while playing your dirty solo games.
Bingo! I also recorded several filthy scenes with you in the main focus and montaged some dirty videos, which demonstrate your passionate masturbation and cum sessions.
In case you still don't believe me, all I need is just one-two mouse clicks to make all your unmasking videos become available to your friends, colleagues, and even relatives.
Well, if you still doubt me, I can easily make recorded videos of your orgasms become a public.
I truly believe that you surely would avoid that from happening, taking in consideration the type of the XXX videos you love watching, (you are clearly aware of what I mean) it will result in a huge disaster for you.
Well, there is still a way to settle this tricky situation in a peaceful manner:
You will need to transfer $950 USD to my account (refer to Bitcoin equivalent based on the exchange rate at the moment transfer), so once funds transfer is complete, I will straight away proceed with deleting all that dirty content from servers once and for all.
Afterwards, you can consider that we never met before. You have my honest word, that all the harmful software will also be deactivated and deleted from all your devices currently in use. Worry not, I keep my promises.
That is truly a win-win solution that comes at a relatively reduced cost, mostly knowing how much effort I spent on monitoring your profile and traffic for a considerably long time.
In event that you have no idea about means of buying and transferring bitcoins - don't hesitate to use any search engine for your assistance (e.g., Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.).
My bitcoin wallet is as follows: 1G8U8mNRBkBPmMrHZ3MMZnM1dH5bLKhLhp
An important notice: I have specified my Bitcoin wallet with spaces, hence once you carry out a transfer, please make sure that you key-in my bitcoin address without spaces to be sure that your funds successfully reach my wallet.
I have allocated 48 hours for you to do that, and the timer started right after you opened this very email (2 days to be exact).
Don't even think of doing anything of the following:
! Abstain from attempting to reply me (this email was created by me inside your inbox page and the return address was generated accordingly).
! Abstain from attempting to get in touch with police or any other security services. Moreover, don't even think of sharing this to you friends.
Once I discover this (apparently, that is absolutely easy for me, taking in consideration that I have complete control over all systems you use) - kinky video will straight away be made public.
! Don't even think of attempting to find me – that is completely useless. Don't forget that all cryptocurrency transactions remain completely anonymous.
! Don't attempt reinstalling the OS on all your devices or getting rid of them. That won't lead you to success either, because I have already saved all videos at my remote servers as a backup.
Things you should not be concerned about:
! That your funds transfer won't reach my wallet.
- Worry not, I can see everything, hence after you finish the transfer, I will get a notification right away (trojan virus of mine uses a remote-control feature, which functions similarly to TeamViewer).
! That I will still distribute your videos although you make the funds transfer.
- My word, I have no intention or interest in continuing making your life troublesome.
Anyway, If I truly wanted that, it would happen long time ago without me notifying you!
Everything can be settled in a peaceful and just way!
And lastly... make sure you don't get caught afterwards in such type of incidents anymore!
My fair advice - ensure you change all your passwords on a regular basis.
I love the very business-like salutation, "Hi there!" followed by descriptions of his infiltration of your data and montages of your porn videos, representing your adventures with the Sin of Onan. He hits you up for money and then gives you some advice.
Brilliant. I know they are warming up some seats in Hell for this guy. I wouldn't respond, but if I did, I would encourage him to release the videos and tell him you will charge him with copyright infringement as soon as he does. To wit, "my lawyer can beat up your lawyer."
Checking today's harvest of 72 Junk Mails:
[email protected] informs:
"I have got a bad news for you" He sounds Italian. Bonus: "Hi there! I am a professional hacker" followed by the same script that smokes received.
"I have a strong-a desire to punch a you in the nose-a! Badda bing! Get outta heah before you maka me mad!"
.... I wouldn't respond ....
The thing is, you can't respond. He/she spoofs the very email he/she sends it to so all you have is your own address and their IP.
So if I write to diotocardia, it will come back to me?
I wouldn't respond, but it's fun to think of what I'd say if I did.
So if I write to diotocardia, it will come back to me?
I wouldn't respond, but it's fun to think of what I'd say if I did.
In your case you have an address. In my case the scammer has sent an email (from command line or something) using my own email address as both the sender and recipient. They have done this to make it look like they've hacked my email account (and so all my devices) - and I'd imagine a lot of people would readily fall for that - but they haven't. My account is intact as I host it via the the VPS that this site sits on. They are truly barking up the wrong tree.
I could harvest their IP and report it for phishing, but as they don't even need a mailserver to send this poo (it's just a request) there is absolutely no way to respond.
Google has marked itself as spam twice. As both messages were shilling for google photo printing, they were right.
Photobucket finally locked me out. I left three pictures in the account to see how it was handled. One is a boat, one is a skull, and one is a bottle of "Fast Car wine". I did not buy fast car wine. I don't care for decent wine, so I figured buying big lots wine would be a bit of a loss.
They gave me one week of their PREEEEEEEEMIUM service, which as far as I could tell, did nothing. Then they threatened me for not signing up for a paid plan.
It's tapered off to a bi-weekly attempt to get me to come back... with a credit card of course. I imagine those three pictures are now ransomed behind the paywall.
They sent me an email a while back.
I can't begin to remember how to access my acct. I used it to avoid hotlinking on fora.
Don't think I even have any original images on there, just stuff I pulled from elsewhere, so they can have it.
I guess you can't blame them for trying to make money.
you literally cannot log in to your account anymore, there is a paywall in front of it.
Like I said, I left those last three pictures as an experiment. I got another automated email today saying I need to upgrade.
I replied saying that was a very scummy way to run a business, but they never reply to emails. It is a monitored email address though, since it's not a no-reply.
So they choose not to respond to criticism.
Can they not even hazard a guess at my name. It's almost in the email address they're writing to:
So your e-mail address is "[email protected]"?
Even with the edit that's wrong. I get no spam to my company email whatsoever. The email that gets spam is one that has been hacked many times.
Back in the good ol' days.
I'm not sure what they call the UK equivalent of the Internal Revenue Service (the Tax Office?) but I suspect that your agency takes data security as seriously as our IRS does. So they would never call or email with respect to a tax issue. They write letters instead.
Linkedin said I had a job offer.
So, I logged in.
It's a computer repair shop (I have experience in that field) ...in Cheshire. (Bit of a commute, that)
Also, it wasn't a job offer; they just checked my profile.
I'm not sure what they call the UK equivalent of the Internal Revenue Service (the Tax Office?) but I suspect that your agency takes data security as seriously as our IRS does. So they would never call or email with respect to a tax issue. They write letters instead.
HMRC do send me emails, but those emails only tell me to log into my online account as I have a notification. They never discuss in the email anything related to whatever the notification says.
Logging into my online tax account is incredibly secure as it requires a lot of credentials. They cannot spoof that site, for sure.
unamusingly, I'm being slammed with spam. The dedicated filter is full, and some are getting to the inbox.
All the same refrain
"Hello I am FAKENAME MCFUCKFACE" and then an ID string, as if that makes them more trustworthy.
I don't open them, because of course not, but the fact they are jumping the filter is a bit alarming.
I cleared my spam box at noon, and it's now at 84 new, unique spam messages.
Other than blackmail for my online accounts, I've gotten mostly ads, except for the couple of Your Spotify acct is about to be deactivated and that sort of thing. I don't use spotify. I don't want some robot deciding what I want to hear. Thanks.
Sorry for the torrent of spam, 8ully. I get a bunch but only scan it every few days to see if something worthy of comment comes up. Today's was a bore.
Lots of ads and pfishing emails that tell me I've won something or another. No interesting threats lately. I guess I should be content with that, but they can be so funny. Oh well. I guess I'll have to look for amusement elsewhere.
Today's offerings were a bit more entertaining.
First, "Your Ukrainian Girl, Viviana," wants to get to know me.
Lowes Customer Service is about to have a meltdown because I keep neglecting to respond to their announcement that "you are our October winner!"
Norton is insisting that I act on the fact that my "Antivirus Subscription has expired"
And ®iCloud Storage has sent a "LAST ALERT: ALL YOUR PHOTOS WILL BE DELETED!" Hopefully this doesn't mean they are planning to break into my house and tear up my baby photos, too.
Then, there's the option to enhance non existent body parts, or to reduce some others that are larger than I'd like. It's always something. Really.
Today I'm advised, "Never cut out alcohol (if trying to lose weight)" Or maybe if you are trying to forget... It's easier than joining the French Foreign Legion, I guess.
Pfft, iCloud. Do I look like an Apple fan?
Three different helpful agents breached Google's spam protection to tell me about a problem billing me for my two-year norton extention.
Which apparently costs six hundred dollars now.
I didn't use Norton when I had a free employee code to their enterprise level poo, I don't know why I would start now.
Loved ghost, but of course they ran that into the bless'ed ground.
Oddly enough, Google sent a fairly threatening email to my mom trying to get her to pay for extra storage. (She's used half of the freebie)
I thought it was spam, but it wasn't!
I personally use Google workspace so I have craploads of cloud space if I need it. However, I also run Nextcloud on our home server so I (and anyone else I choose) can just upload to that and I can access the data locally.
I'm just trying to figure out what's taking up half of her google storage, from what I can see from checking it she's only got 500mb of files on there, which is far less than my email uses, and I'm at like, 1gb
I think they like to send those out regardless of how much space you've used. I often get these threatening sounding emails in spam. Once in a while it inspires me to clean out my email files.
If you haven't 8ullfrog, try emptying the trash. We're transitioning away from Google storage here where I work and a lot of people were surprised to find that the trash objects still count against their quota but isn't included in the "total used". So you look like you have space but actually don't.
Her tablet literally hung when I tried to go backwards in time.
I logged in on my desktop.
It really is all emails, mostly "daily updates"
The San Diego Patch alone had 3,400 emails in her inbox.
The latest string of warnings:
Your (fill in the blank: Netflix; Peacock TV; Hulu TV) membership has expired! Extend your membership, just give us all of your banking details...
Your system has been infected with (26) viruses
Lowes has been trying to reach me to give me a gift card
Your account has been flagged for suspicious activity...
And on the bodily failures front:
"When your butt doesn't smell like butt" (Lume Deodorant. But how would I even know? It's anatomically awkward to smell one's own butt).
If you are in a hurry "One Day Fat Removal" from Bello Lipo
Blissy wants to know: "Do you wake up tired, with dry skin and damaged hair?" Wow. I hope not.
In today's regular emails. Two messages from various stores saying the same thing:
"BLACK FRIDAY STARTS NOW!!!" But it's Sunday. Give it a rest, eh?
Relief for all the sad souls out there:
From "Message for you" "Say goodbye to loneliness!"
and in order to stay connected, more good news,
Congratulations! "30 seconds to a Free iPhone 15 Pro!" Just fill in all your bank details and your security information, right?
And if you want to look your best, "Byte Invisible Braces" announces "Byte's Biggest Sale Ever!" two of those messages from slightly different senders. Hmmmm! As orthodontia is expensive, I'm sure this will be welcome news to some.
Weirdly, virtually all of the spam I get now is just telling my I've won something or other. I do get the odd "failed to deliver" scam notification, but they are hardly threatening.
Bit boring, really.
Yeah. If I could edit the topic title, I'd just call it "Amusing Spam" since most of what shows up amounts to feeble marketing attempts. The threats are good but less frequent.
Today: Mr. William Harry writes to say, "Hello Dear, Your fund is ready to release without paying the fees..."
The actual email is pretty entertaining so I'll post it here. In short, it sounds like they are offering me a free trip to Nigeria! And possibly a new outfit PLUS history books! How can I refuse!
Hello Dear,
How are you today? Sequel to the previous email that I sent to you regarding our transaction which we have not finalized due to lack of money to pay for the charges that will enable us conclude this transaction.
As a matter of all details, I have been able to discussed with my contact person where the funds is currently being lodge in Finance Security Firm as I really want us to finalize this transaction within this month which he gave me good news today that you will not spend any money from your pocket till you receive your funds.
In our series of discussion today, he made me to understand that what is required is to get oil that will be used to clean up the funds before releasing it to you either through cash or bank transfer and what you need is to have a valid international passport which you will use to go to where we will buy the oil as the bonafide beneficiary of the funds and bring it with some gifts like (clothes, shoes or history books) that will be given to the Officials in the Finance Security Firm.
Actually, you should note that it's my contact person will take care of your expenses both flight tickets and hotel accommodation so don't hesitate to get back to me as soon as you receive this message with copy of your valid international passport with the name of your nearest airport to enable us move forward towards conclusion of this transaction for you to receive your funds and start investments of your choice and thereby enjoys the fruits of your labour as God has answered our prayers. Thanks for your maximum co-operations and understanding towards conclusion of this transaction. Have a nice day and remain blessed.
Waiting for your urgent response.
Best regards,
Mr. William Harry.
NB: You are to reply this message to my private email address [email protected]
Dear Sir/Madam ,
Good day, I am David Williams., a solicitor. I decided to contact you regarding this proposition. A client of mine, who is privy to his financial records died mischievously and without making a will in March 23, 2022. I am contacting you to be a beneficiary to my deceased client and I felt you can assist me in securing his fund as his next of kin, before the Security Firm declares it insolvent/liquidated. The deposit fund is US$48 million. The Security Firm where the fund is deposited has issued me a notice to contact the next of kin and also present a letter of administration, confirming that you are the next of kin and beneficiary of the fund domiciled with their Security Firm. If you agree to work with me and serve as his next of kin, then the modalities for sharing the funds between us will be mutually decided. I suggest a percentage of 50% for me and 50% for you. All legal documents to back up your claim as the deceased next of kin will be issued to you for submission !
to the Security Firm. All I requir
This will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. Looking forward to hearing from you.reply me here with this
David Williams Esq
So, you have a client who is privy to his own financial records - there's a thing - and he died "mischievously".
What a way to go!
He's a dead scamp.
He's a dead scamp.
Hey, that's my uncle you're talking about!
I also hope to die mischievously. It might take the edge off. :police:
"So I said, let me ask you a question and he said, nobody ever asked this question and it must be because of MIT, my relationship to MIT. Very smart. He goes, I say, what would happen if the boat sank from its weight? And you're in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery is now underwater and there's a shark that's approximately 10 yards over there, by the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, do you notice that a lot of shark? I watched some guys justifying it today. Well, they weren't really that angry. They bit off the young lady's leg because of the fact that they were, they were not hungry, but they misunderstood what who she was? These people are. He said there's no problem with sharks. They just didn't really understand a young woman swimming now. It really got decimated and other people do a lot of shark attacks. So I said, so there's a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards or here, do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking? Water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted? Because I will tell you he didn't know the answer. He said, you know, nobody's ever asked me that question. I said, I think it's a good question. I think there's a lot of electric current coming through that water. But you know what I'd do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted, I'll take electrocution every single time"
OK - not SPAM, but an excerpt from a campaign speech by a current US Presidential candidate. Say what?
Yup. That's a verbatim report of what he said. Given he barely managed to get a B.A. from the University of PA, claiming any ties to MIT other than the fact that one of his relatives once taught there (an uncle if memory serves) is ludicrous. I expect that if he applied there as a student, his application would go into the pile of joke rejects.
And sharks? Nobody has been able to explain what sharks had to do with his failed teleprompter. Perhaps it was the Las Vegas heat. I hear his campaign was giving away free bottles of cold water. He should have poured one over his head to see if it helped tamp down the incoherence of his babbling.
What mystifies me is that people sit and listen to him patiently and take him seriously. It makes us seriously consider emigration if he wins.
"So I said, let me ask you a question and he said, nobody ever asked this question and it must be because of MIT, my relationship to MIT. Very smart. He goes, I say, what would happen if the boat sank from its weight? And you're in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery is now underwater and there's a shark that's approximately 10 yards over there, by the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, do you notice that a lot of shark? I watched some guys justifying it today. Well, they weren't really that angry. They bit off the young lady's leg because of the fact that they were, they were not hungry, but they misunderstood what who she was? These people are. He said there's no problem with sharks. They just didn't really understand a young woman swimming now. It really got decimated and other people do a lot of shark attacks. So I said, so there's a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards or here, do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking? Water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted? Because I will tell you he didn't know the answer. He said, you know, nobody's ever asked me that question. I said, I think it's a good question. I think there's a lot of electric current coming through that water. But you know what I'd do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted, I'll take electrocution every single time"
OK - not SPAM, but an excerpt from a campaign speech by a current US Presidential candidate. Say what?
And surely the only the water between the 2 contacts of the battery would have and current. A bit like a taser. What is he going on about?
I'm kind of disappointed that the only spam I get now is promotional. No threats. No Ethiopian bank scams, nada. Just "Burn Fat" or "Get approved for a loan" or buy this deodorant that must be so bad that they have to rely on spam to advertise it.
I get these all the time and pay them little attention. But looking closer, I think they're a tad confusing.
On closer inspection the domain is either trying to be, or is Russian. Is that adding credibility to Trump merchandise and would make a gullible supporter click on it, or would it deter a Trump supporter due to the "commie" connection?
Lume deodorant really wants me to buy some.
"Everything you need for outrageously effective odor control." (why would I be outraged by a product's effectiveness?)
"The secret to smelling fresh all day." (leads me to wonder if there's only one secret or many. I suspect a little googling might reveal many)
"Did you develop a brain tumor after taking Depo-Provera?" Wow. I don't even know what that is. Add to list of stuff I meant to google.
Sadly, no threats recently. Just offers to sell me goods and services.
"Get protected with CarShield"
"Retire with confidence"
"Are your auto repair bills making you see stars?"
Only if they are glued to my telescope I guess...