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General Discussion / Re: Local News
« Last post by smokester on January 25, 2025, 05:07:31 AM »
golly! This is the architect (was) for the contract I am currently working. I have to liaise with him occasionally about sizing. Shocking stuff especially as I know who killed him (the police aren't releasing that info, obviously).

TV / Movies / Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on January 23, 2025, 09:16:56 AM »
I have been watching the late night comedians here to gain a degree of comfort as I watch the idiot in chief attacking bishops for appealing for mercy for the less fortunate during a church service; releasing violent criminals who show no remorse for attacking police officers with bear spray, flag poles, etc.; and sending thousands of troops to our southern border to deal with the lowest rate of illegal migration in the area in 4 years.  This is disturbing, to say the least, because if you are politically liberal, your views are automatically discarded, and if you are a conservative, you are threatened for any criticism.  It's like living through a season of Babylon Berlin.  The only thing missing are the brownshirts and the swastika armbands.
Food and Drink / Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on January 23, 2025, 09:13:05 AM »
Last night after whipping up a batch of cream scones, I watched them sit there in the oven failing to rise.  Later I realized that although I'd gotten out the baking powder, I'd forgotten to add it to the dough mix.  The end results resembled small hockey pucks.  They went into the trash.

I won't do that again.
Food and Drink / Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on January 22, 2025, 08:35:33 AM »
Today I had the usual breakfast:
Earl Grey tea and cream scones with blackberry jam and a marmalade made from blood orange, meyer lemon and hibiscus.  When you live in a place that has plenty of native citrus, you take advantage.  As for the Eastern U.S., I'm going to have to learn to make jam from snow, apparently.  The bunnies are still out hopping around, which is impressive given it's been below freezing for days on end.  They must store up body fat and have a nice little place to hole up in with all that nice fur to keep them warm.
General Discussion / Re: Current Events
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on January 22, 2025, 08:32:31 AM »
Fortunately, due to working nights I have missed the hurrah of Trumps "crowning" .
I would like to state I dont care, but unfortunately it does effect millions of people who don't live in the USA.
I think we have enough problems of our own.

Most of my friends regard the inauguration and its immediate fallout the way they'd regard a terminal cancer diagnosis.  One can only hope for the best, but it doesn't look good.
General Discussion / Re: Current Events
« Last post by goldshirt*9 on January 22, 2025, 08:25:42 AM »
Fortunately, due to working nights I have missed the hurrah of Trumps "crowning" .
I would like to state I dont care, but unfortunately it does effect millions of people who don't live in the USA.
I think we have enough problems of our own.
TV / Movies / Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Last post by smokester on January 20, 2025, 02:09:01 PM »
I never plan what I want to watch. I turn on the TV, and scroll through the channels until I see something I fancy, then watch it. SWMBO has appointment TV (the latest cop show, a mini-series drama etc.) On olde worlde TV scrolling has five channels, and even on cable there is only about a hundred things on at any given time, and 96 of those can be immediately ruled out, so scrolling and choosing works (or leads to me turning the TV off)

I understand streaming, and the appeal of it, and I have subscribed to all of these things so that I can stream if I want to, but I just can't do streaming at all: I turn on the Apple TV, choose one of Apple+, Netflix, Prime, Disney+, etc., etc., etc. and scroll - three hours later I am still scrolling (you know that old joke about women going through the warehouse looking for the perfect man that end up on the roof? That's me - I won't watch that because something better may be on ...)

Might as well post this:

So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband.

The 1st floor sign reads: Floor 1 - These men have jobs.

The 2nd floor sign reads: Floor 2 - These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.

The 3rd floor sign reads: Floor 3 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids and are extremely good looking.

"Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.

She goes to the 4th floor and the sign reads: Floor 4 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking and Help with Housework. "Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!"

Still, she goes to the 5th floor and the sign reads: Floor 5 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, help with Housework and Have A Strong Romantic Streak.

She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the 6th floor and the sign reads: Floor 6 - You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store!!!

To avoid gender bias charges, the store's owner opens a New Wives Store just across the street. The 1st floor has wives who love sex. The 2nd floor has wives who love sex and have money. The 3rd through 6th floors have never been visited.
TV / Movies / Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on January 20, 2025, 09:50:58 AM »
Most of the "Live TV" we watch is PBS, with mostly BBC content except for the News Hour.  I think we'll skip the news today because Agent Orange, the fascist rapist felon, is being sworn in to lead this declining nation of ours and it's just too depressing.
TV / Movies / Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Last post by 8ullfrog on January 19, 2025, 05:50:21 PM »
I've read several times that the "endgame" for streaming is to get you to pay AND force ads.
TV / Movies / Re: What's your favourite TV program of the moment?
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on January 19, 2025, 09:16:36 AM »
That looks interesting.
We recently discovered Pluto tv.  It's a streaming network that has shows like Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad, but they are on a continuous loop so you have to keep streaming them, like a forced binge watch.  It's ok if you have already seen the show or if it's a series that is reduced to singular episodes (like Red Dwarf, or Beavis and scoundrel -- two of the comedy offerings).  They have ads, but it's not bad since most of them aren't for drugs -- a relief after amazon prime.  Really, since you don't have to pay for this, unlike prime video, it's worth it.  I can't see how amazon can expect people to pay for their videos if one can access similar quality content with ads.  They'll have to step up their game, imho.

Anyway, Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad are two fine shows that easily stand up to a second viewing.

I can't remember the name of the Canadian series in which the French are settling wilderness there in the 17th/18th cc.  But it seems similar in tone to the clip you posted above.  I'll dig around and see if I can find it and will post the name.  It was a good series and I kind of stopped watching in the middle because I got distracted or the season ended and I forgot to get back to it.
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