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Food and Drink / Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on October 19, 2024, 06:28:00 AM »
Back to scones and tea.  Can't complain.  Although I miss my ancient gas stove.  The new one is too efficient.  I'm used to the high heat and pilot light of the old one.  The newfangled one uses electric pilots and has a fan going to keep it cool.  The scones come out ok, but seem drier than the ones I made in the old stove.
Food and Drink / Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Last post by 8ullfrog on October 19, 2024, 12:14:19 AM »
I got some bagels at the Amish market.

It's nice. The liquor store across the street was less impressive.
General Discussion / Re: Local News
« Last post by dweez on October 16, 2024, 09:55:46 PM »
other intelligent life

Of course you mean Trump, right?
General Discussion / Re: Local News
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on October 16, 2024, 03:53:01 PM »
If there is life out there capable of getting here to play, then the impact will be similar in principle (although orders of magnitude different) to when the Europeans arrived in the Americas. The indigenous population won't stand a chance. In all SciFi versions of this scenario, somehow the Tau'ri are the best, brightest, and strongest race in the universe: common sense says that this is complete balls.

tl;dr: I don't think earth's "leaders" will pose any threat to "visitors".

My concern wasn't with visitors, it was given the prospect that Earthlings acquire the tech to go visit other planets with the capacity to treat the inhabitants the ways that we have treated indigenous folks on our own blue sphere.  That said, the Tau'ri did have a marked sense of style.
TV / Movies / Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on October 16, 2024, 08:50:37 AM »
The regular news is way more terrifying than any horror I can think of.

I've started restricting the amount of time that I devote to reading the New York Times given how depressing it is.

My brother is a big fan of horror films.  Last time we watched a video of one together (it was the one with the hovering sphere that would appear with sharp blades protruding that would hurt people) I had the remote and would mute the shrieking violin music, thereby reducing the ability of the film to inflict anxiety.  He was annoyed.  There's a bizarre aspect to this genre that seems to have some kind of effect on the endocrine system, one that I find unhealthy and undesirable.  But, clearly, I'm not the intended audience.  It makes me wonder why it exists, and why so many people enjoy such films.  I find old campy ones really fun, like Vincent Price in House on Haunted Hill, and such Japanese treats as Attack of the Mushroom People, but I don't get the ones that are increasingly realistic and terrifying or gory.  Why bother?
General Discussion / Re: Local News
« Last post by 6pairsofshoes on October 16, 2024, 08:44:48 AM »
Somebody in New Mexico posted a photo of it in my Facebook feed.  That's as close as I've come to any personal experience or knowledge of it.  In a way, it's a good thing that space is big since if there is intelligent life out there, it keeps Bebe Netanyahu and Putin far enough away to prevent them from inflicting mischief on it.
General Discussion / Re: Local News
« Last post by goldshirt*9 on October 16, 2024, 07:21:31 AM »
1) Astronomer

2) It has an elliptical orbit around the sun, and having measured its course that orbit can be calculated with very precise accuracy; and in this case it is a big-ass ellipse that takes 80,000 years to do one lap. (80,000 years ago wasn't when it first appeared, that is the last time it appeared locally)

3) Collisions: to quote Douglas Adams: "Space is BIG. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space". The chances of two objects bumping in to each other really aren't that high, so any given comet can circulate for a very long time before it hits something.

4) No, I haven't seen it, neither will I look - all celestial objects are a marvel, I don't really consider any one to be more special than any others. Saves me having to run out and check whenever something new happens. I will, however, look up if something is on a collision course!

General Discussion / Re: Local News
« Last post by goldshirt*9 on October 15, 2024, 08:07:55 AM »

Not quite local but,
Has anyone seen the comet that was last viewed 80,000 years ago in the night sky.
And as I am not an astrologist, if it sailed past us so long ago why has it appeared again ?
Does it mead the universe is circular or its because its the gravity of planets causing it to return (if due to gravity then that's pretty impressive as its not collided with another "world")
And how do we know it first appeared 80,000 years ago ? who saw it ?
TV / Movies / Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Last post by smokester on October 14, 2024, 09:45:49 AM »
I stopped watching horror movies decades ago. I'm too squeamish to even watch Criminal Minds.

The regular news is way more terrifying than any horror I can think of.
TV / Movies / Re: Latest Movie You Watched
« Last post by goldshirt*9 on October 13, 2024, 04:55:29 PM »
Not for me , Horror no matter how good or bad
We did watch Quartet again on Saturday night
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