You know,, in all my travels,,( and they have been extensive over the years) the onnly societies ive met that were rude were Americans and the French.
Americans ,,ell,, im an American so I know how we are, and the French think they are the pinacle of civilization and hate us because America is a super power and the French believe they "deserve" to have a turn at it.
Ever since they refused for freindly forces to fly over thier airspace during the battle for Quate, ive lost respect for them.
It was a slap in the face when they decided to "allow" UN forces a handfull of their millitary to help rid Quate of the Iraqi occupation.
While in AMsterdam this last time,, a couple from France decided to be condescending to me for being " Just an American".
I have a low opinion of them,, and I concider myself a very tolorant person.
Ok,, so an artist from there gets pirated,, good,, they ought to be glad someone listens to her.
It seems they arent too concerned with everyone else till one of thiers gets a few numbers below a quota of album sales .