I wasn't saying I had a problem with his personal foibles - in fact, I could care less about most of them (tho' causing someone's death through your negligence is pretty hard to get around...).
But we live in a country where sex/drugs/vice scandal trumps all else.
After all, we are the country that impeached a president for a blowjob and didn't impeach the one that started an illegal war
My assessment of people is always governed by their intention, and it is my opinion that he did not intend for the woman to die, but it was his intention to use his voice and influence to stop wars and conflicts, where hundreds, even thousands of innocent people in some cases, would die or be injured unnecessarily - that is the inescapable fact for me.
I totally agree that something is wrong when scandal and misadventure is the yardstick by which not only your country measures the worth of a politician/person in general, but I do feel that it is the public that gives that phenomenon credence in the first place so they only have themselves to blame. That's why referendums wouldn't work any better..