Schrodenger would do that too.
Id sit watching a movie and he would jump on the footstool and meow at me wanting my attnetion,, if I ignored him he would tap me lightly on the leg,, then sometimes would sigh and you can see tears like hes crying.
He was funny,, he wouldnt sleep at night untill someone held him. Usualy me lmao.
I miss him alot,, my ex got him and gave him to her freind who moved away.
I hope Shrodenger scratched her eyes out in her sleep.
Funny story how I got Schrodenger.
I had a siamese named Madaline,, she was sweet, afectionate,, everything a siamese isnt lmao.
She was really small,, I think she was the runt of the litter. But one night she didnt come back inside after my son let her out for a few ( she never stayed out long).
He found her the next day in the back yard,, I guess a coyote got her,, she was torn up pretty bad.
I sat there and cried over her on the back steps after I buried her.
After a few minutes of this I heard a week meowing sound and looked up and this little grey kitten that was half starved and skinny was standing there shaking.
I took it in and was going to try and get it healthy again.
He got healtheir and survived,, me and him were pretty good freinds.
I miss him to this day.
I could really use him around here some days.