wait, 19-21, are you time traveling?!
Was "The Sentinel" too stinky? We got to see Grogan again! He was one of the SG babies with Sattler, the role played by Grace Park, who went on to BSG!
I like Grogan, he's a survivor. He gets shot damn near every time he shows up, putting him on par with Dr Lee and Sgt. Siler, but he always survives.
Also they do that bit with Siler holding progressively larger wrenches in the background. I laugh my ass off when I spot him holding huge wrenches, it's him and Peter DeLuise.
For those who don't give a golly about inside baseball, Siler is played by Dan Shea, stunt coordinator for the series, and stand in for RDA, and Peter DeLuise hates spellcheck, because there is a capitol letter in the middle of his last name. Also, he directed a massive amount of episodes of stargate.
sooooo, ep. 21, Meridian!
oh wow, that's a big one, going into spoiler land. I guess if you HATE Daniel Jackson, this is the episode for you, he dies about as horribly as anyone on this series ever has, weeping wounds draining out all his fluids as he slowly decomposes from radiation exposure.
Hope Steadman... sorry, reference is out of date for me. It's like mom mentioned the bobsey twins the other day, and that's like... a super dead reference?
Like I think I read a kill bill review recently that mentioned kewpie dolls, and honestly, that's a dead reference too.
If you're hankering for more Oma Desalla, she comes back, and is super annoying. Like, my personal take is that the ascended beings all just flat out suck.
They're shitheads. Granted, if you could rise above all material concerns and live in a personal heaven, I honestly can't blame you, but if you are an ancillary character in a series? I'm going to judge the golly out of you.
I mean, google backs you up, she's Hope Steadman.
And yes, Michael Shanks thought he was too good for stargate. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Eh, he's married to Lexa Doig, and that's essentially cheat codes to life because DAMN.