Been a while since I posted one of these.
I had to run this feature update because windows "discontinues" things a lot more rapidly these days. Essentially, if you don't run the updates on time, you're poo out of luck for virus definitions in defender.
I suppose that's one way to strongarm the userbase.
Sure enough, like many other feature updates, 20H2 reenabled services I'd disabled to improve performance and extend hardware life. Windows Search Index is now just called Windows Search
Windows Superfetch is now called SysMain, which would probably cause a novice to hesitate before disabling it. I found that offensive. The descriptor is also offensive. It claims to improve system performance over time.
In reality, it's a dragass bless'ed process that should have been culled long ago. As in, they should have got rid of that poo in 2017.
Now I'm wondering which services I should kill that I DON'T know about.