Author Topic: Iraqi Immigrant Teen Solves 300 year old Math Problem  (Read 25113 times)

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Offline Robin-Graves

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Re: Iraqi Immigrant Teen Solves 300 year old Math Problem
« Reply #30 on: June 11, 2009, 05:50:48 PM »
Yeah, libraries,, God forbid a kid knows how to read. Bet they didnt cut sports though.
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Re: Iraqi Immigrant Teen Solves 300 year old Math Problem
« Reply #31 on: June 12, 2009, 01:08:48 AM »
Ummmm, don't know about the professional, but yes the elementary and secondary schools sports funding was trimmed...but nothing like the butchery that the music and arts suffered.

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Re: Iraqi Immigrant Teen Solves 300 year old Math Problem
« Reply #32 on: June 12, 2009, 06:48:12 AM »
listening to you guys talking about the us scares me deeply, one reason: europe tends to copy trends coming from the us

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Re: Iraqi Immigrant Teen Solves 300 year old Math Problem
« Reply #33 on: June 12, 2009, 03:14:15 PM »
It is not all bad here. But some of the problems are huge. With some of the legislation in the last few years we have suffered the loss or infringement of our personal freedoms and power to make our own decisions. Our voting system is a joke. Wars are declared, lives lost, lies told by a government with a hidden agenda powered by greed.  The people have accepted the slop fed them by the news media, seldom questioning or looking outside of the US to see if there might be more going on than is let on. Those who question loudly enough are discredited or finally just burn out and give up.

Had I not traveled outside of the US and seen first hand the people and how in actual fact, we are not the land of the free. :'(

Offline Robin-Graves

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Re: Iraqi Immigrant Teen Solves 300 year old Math Problem
« Reply #34 on: June 12, 2009, 05:24:48 PM »
Due to the Patriot Act if you question too much, your concidered a domestic terrorist.
Did you know that if you due civic work in the US that your a domestic Terrorist? If you are a patriot and want good things for the country your put on a list of possible terrorists?
 You can thank Mr. Bush for that.
We The People doesnt exist anymore.
BTW,, several people involved in the Tea Parties are being looked at, about 60 have been audited by the IRS and others have been hassled by federal authorities.
I keep my standards low.
That way im never disapointed.

Offline hmed2390

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Re: Iraqi Immigrant Teen Solves 300 year old Math Problem
« Reply #35 on: June 12, 2009, 05:38:44 PM »
I've always made sure that the young hooligan has the tools to learn, as I could. I taught him some basic Latin early on so he could have a better grasp on vocabulary. The parts of history not taught in school. Being Native American, he has learned much from the stories passed down that touch many facets of life. Math, he has just always known that. We did a lot of American government homeschooling. The high school he attends one must qualify to attend. It is a small, privately funded,and has a unique technology based curriculum.  But the first things cut from each yearly budget is monies to libraries, schools, gifted and special ed, and health care.

Wow, I really admire you KA. That's great what you're doing. Keep up the awesome mentoring.  ;) :)

It is not all bad here. But some of the problems are huge. With some of the legislation in the last few years we have suffered the loss or infringement of our personal freedoms and power to make our own decisions. Our voting system is a joke. Wars are declared, lives lost, lies told by a government with a hidden agenda powered by greed.  The people have accepted the slop fed them by the news media, seldom questioning or looking outside of the US to see if there might be more going on than is let on. Those who question loudly enough are discredited or finally just burn out and give up.

Had I not traveled outside of the US and seen first hand the people and how in actual fact, we are not the land of the free. :'(
Due to the Patriot Act if you question too much, your concidered a domestic terrorist.
Did you know that if you due civic work in the US that your a domestic Terrorist? If you are a patriot and want good things for the country your put on a list of possible terrorists?
 You can thank Mr. Bush for that.
We The People doesnt exist anymore.
BTW,, several people involved in the Tea Parties are being looked at, about 60 have been audited by the IRS and others have been hassled by federal authorities.

You both summed it up perfectly. Sadly, but that's how screwed we really are now.
Land of the free my ass. They're pretty much telling us we have the freedom to do anything we want as long as they overlook it and give us the ok. Takes the "free" out out freedom.
A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read. -Mark Twain

Offline Robin-Graves

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Re: Iraqi Immigrant Teen Solves 300 year old Math Problem
« Reply #36 on: June 12, 2009, 05:56:51 PM »
I guess all the things Dave Mustane from Megadeth said back in the 80s is true
I keep my standards low.
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Offline Discover99

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Re: Iraqi Immigrant Teen Solves 300 year old Math Problem
« Reply #37 on: June 13, 2009, 06:52:02 PM »
It is not all bad here. But some of the problems are huge. With some of the legislation in the last few years we have suffered the loss or infringement of our personal freedoms and power to make our own decisions. Our voting system is a joke. Wars are declared, lives lost, lies told by a government with a hidden agenda powered by greed.  The people have accepted the slop fed them by the news media, seldom questioning or looking outside of the US to see if there might be more going on than is let on. Those who question loudly enough are discredited or finally just burn out and give up.

Had I not traveled outside of the US and seen first hand the people and how in actual fact, we are not the land of the free. :'(
Due to the Patriot Act if you question too much, your concidered a domestic terrorist.
Did you know that if you due civic work in the US that your a domestic Terrorist? If you are a patriot and want good things for the country your put on a list of possible terrorists?
 You can thank Mr. Bush for that.
We The People doesnt exist anymore.
BTW,, several people involved in the Tea Parties are being looked at, about 60 have been audited by the IRS and others have been hassled by federal authorities.

 it's really scary - what do you mean by tea parties robin?
i hope that europe will develop its own way to handle things away from the us politics

Offline knownassociate

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Re: Iraqi Immigrant Teen Solves 300 year old Math Problem
« Reply #38 on: June 14, 2009, 09:38:25 AM »
Or, as I used to say of myself a long time ago, to be viewed as what not to do.

But as I said, it isn't all bad and scary.There are a lot of beautiful and unique places. <The same can be said about the people. :D Not all Americans are like the picture commonlly associated with the phrase,  'typical American tourist'.  ;) I think many people in the US were unaware of the true circumstances the economy, the depths of the deceit practiced by our leaders, or how little Constitution is  supported, and are shaken.

Offline Robin-Graves

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Re: Iraqi Immigrant Teen Solves 300 year old Math Problem
« Reply #39 on: June 14, 2009, 07:47:35 PM »
it's really scary - what do you mean by tea parties robin?
i hope that europe will develop its own way to handle things away from the us politics

We had a nationwide tea party ( Taxed Enough Allready) back in April.
Several thousands of people got together accross the nation to protest our leaders " Tax and Spend" ideas .
There are more being scheduled for later this year.
I keep my standards low.
That way im never disapointed.