Posted this over on Demonoid, and I thought I'd share it here, too
I came across this handy method of making text lists of files
1. Open up notepad. (can use run command "notepad")
2. copy and paste this "dir /b /on > cdlist.txt" without the ""
3. click save as.
4. name it whatever you want, but remember to save it as a .BAT extension!
5. place the .BAT file wherever you want to make a list
6. double click it
7. open cdlist.txt in that folder
It works flawlessly.
This is especially helpful if you're trying to put together a spreadsheet
of what you have. One drawback is that it creates a text list of whatever
your folders/files are named, so if these aren't labeled properly, it's basically useless to you.
Additionally, if you have a folder with sub-folders, it will not compile a list of what is in those
sub-folders, just the folders themselves.
Even with these drawbacks, I still think it's extremely useful