Actually, at Best Buy you can get the Platinum version which includes a second disk of all sorts of stuff, including DLC "Bringing Down the Sky".
There are two parts of this game I find annoying, but the game itself is good enough to look past it inevitably.
1. The bless'ed squad AI.
I've always hated squad-based game because of the AI's tendency to be stupid as poo. And while the AIs in this game actually do things - like kill enemies, say - it's really frustrating when one of your teammates is constantly standing between you and enemies. One time I was fighting next to Wrex and he stood in front of me. So I moved a step to the left and before I can pull the trigger, Wrex steps once to the left as well resuming his position between me and the enemies. So I moved again - and he did it AGAIN! GAH!
2. The conversations - LOTS of conversations
If you're into bantering heads, this game has them in spades. A good 33% of this game is talking to people and the conversations really do affect the outcomes of many situations. But some of these people can drone on forever!
I'm interested enough to play the sequel, and I understand that a save game from ME1 has certain effects on the gameplay of ME2, but I haven't really looked into what effects those actually are...