Ds9 went into the mechanics of things a lot more, they even occasionally visited "waste extraction".
Power makes a bit more sense on DS9, they're running a massive fusion reactor (It's the red, gem like thing hanging from the bottom of the station.)
One of the few things I disliked about BSG is they would occasionally "borrow" plot points or character interactions from Ds9.
DS9 also has restaurants, including one that is just called KLINGON RESTAURANT. The chef of said restaurant sings opera.
They have a replimat for the federation communists that don't really have money, but Starfleet gives the officers stationed on Ds9 a stipend, so they can hit the bar for real, genuine Root Beer.
Battlestar Galactica at the start the ships had frozen food storage, they kind of bent that up in the episode "Black Market" which is widely considered one of the worst in the series.
Stargate had the comissary, and it was occasionally vital to the week's plot.
Unlike Star Trek, Replicators are bad guys.
Later on they get matter sequencing from the asgard.
I could not find the vital debate Jack had with Daniel about potatoes.