,,,,that they all just stood there,hoping for the best.
The walls crumbled,,the concrete disintegrated, the Harbinger Of Hell melted, nose hairs singed!
Suddenly,,Bruce The Hoon appeared and snapped up Biddy in his mighty arms and ran out of the crumbling building.
" hmph mhpmhp mmmph " said Bruce through the gas mask he was wearing.
Biddy didnt care what was said,all he lnew is that he has to see a doctor about what he just did,,he knew it was normal.
And one thing that neither Bruce orBiddy knew,was that G W Bush was holding onto a random strap ofleather on Bruce's armor and being dragged to saftety also.
If either Bruce or Biddy has known this,, they would have gladly ran back into the maeltrom.
Anyway,,,the only thing going through G W 's mind was,,,,,