Bob had a feeling of self loathing. This causedhimto hate everything else,andwant to make things hate thierown lives. RE Biddy.
It wasnt that Biddy did anything wrong,or even thought bad thoughts.
He just didnt like Biddy,and decided to practice his arts by making Biddy have the most disturbing life in the universe.
This in itself gave Bob plenty of oportunity to mastermind plots within plots and influence events just things happened just right.
All except this,,this was unforseen. This is something Bob had no control over.
This was a major shock to Bob's system. How dare a mere mortal,, a DOG of all things,change his mechanations?
The whole time all the horrors of the abyss were appearing ,and Bob roiledin hisown impotent anger,Biddy just,,,,,,,