this is a story about the imposible being possible.
I mean,,who can actualy say they have mnet a dog with three testicles?
Not me,,and ive been around some.
But nontheless ( very cool word to throw into places like this sentence) Biddy saw the invisible monkey.
Or rather smelled it, since it smelled like vegimite ( amazing how that awfull substance makes its way into this story in convenient times).
Vegimite is a horrid substance made from , well,my guess is sheep droppings, in a country called Australia.
This is an amazing place, but more on that later.
Biddy "sensed" this back humping monkey and was looking around furiously for something to bludgeon it to death with .
But alas ( another cool word to put in a sentence to make it seem classier) nothing was found.
Sooo,,being the ultra cool kinda world traveling super hero type doggie that Biddy was,, he told the forbiddin joke,,once more, taking the chance that Bush didnt have a brain to be throttled and bludgeoned to death by his colon ( crappy way to die ill tell you that much>
After the punchline was said,,Bush just looked confused as the monky burst into a fine red mist ( new side effect,,howd you like it? lol) .
This experiment proved that even Bush,,being the bottom he was, had no brain.
He was just hellbent on being a president of a free country and destroying it any way he could.
This is because Bush weasnt a human, he was a collection of small organisms from the planet Dumasia.
Where all they aspire to do is becoime president of a free country, and destroy it willie nillie any way they can.
This is of course due to their local religion called "The Sacred Chao".
This is not to be confused with Discordianism,,which to some is an honorable belief.
Biddy,took all this is, and was starting to figure things out. WHat was REALLY going on was this: The world was ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
OFF topic!! Robin, that was comedic GENIUS! LMAO
Back on...
was so busy wondering why he did not hear "NUKULAR" n when Bush appeared from the depths of HELL smelling of brimstone... that he did not mind his manners one little bit as he snorted all of the white powder on the mirror..
"How did you manage that?" Biddy asked, and Bush went on about how some old guy named richard took care of everything, and his soul would not be needed for another 40-50 years...
Time to do more
Thank you,,I apreciate it.