OK, I just woke up and, man....
Anyways, apparently, I wasn't really drunk last night. I don't remember a lot, but a few friends said that there were bigger wrecks than me.
Also, the parts I remember of last night are not that much nice, so I guess that the bits I have forgotten may be worse.
I remember though that there was a lot of drinking and puking on the after-prom (apparently I haven't puked
, I don't know if I should be proud of this "accomplishment", but I guess there was some inside instinct that stopped me of over-drinking.)
On the other side, the party was not bad. The music was mainly composed of the talents of Black Eyed Peas and Lady Gaga, which I do not like that much. They have catchy tunes, but once you have heard over a thousand times, they get boring.....
Also, I know I am supposed to sleep like 12 hours, but I simply can't. My clock is not set up to sleep in the morning. I just cannot sleep.
and here is a real picture of me