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Offline frankcapri

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Time Travel and Meeting Yourself in the Future
« on: August 04, 2009, 09:29:54 AM »
For the longest time I thought meeting myself in the future would be impossible
because I thought that if I traveled into the future, I would cease to exist on my present time line.

A few days ago I realized that if I traveled to the future, eventually I would travel back
to my present time meaning I could see myself in the future. 

It was quite a revelation for me, seeing that I spend a lot of time thinking about time travel  ;D

Whatever the case, this is all theoretical.  If you ask me, I think physical time travel is impossible.
If I traveled anywhere in time, I would be removing matter from the universe which would probably
result in a black hole in the time I left, and an explosion in the time I entered.
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Offline Skadi

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Re: Time Travel and Meeting Yourself in the Future
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2009, 09:59:30 AM »
I would be removing matter from the universe which would probably
result in a black hole in the time I left, and an explosion in the time I entered.

Not if an infinite number of multiple you's existed at the same time. If that was the case.. it shouldn't matter *thinks* right? It be more like tracers. Or at least how I picture it... I picture time travel as more fluid.. and calm...more influenced by the proper state of mind. I usually don't imagine explosions :D

Offline frankcapri

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Re: Time Travel and Meeting Yourself in the Future
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2009, 10:03:28 AM »
I dunno.  Every one of me exists in his own special place in time.  I think that if I
took one of those and put it somewhere else it would seriously jack up the universe  :-\

I'm all for mental time travel or time travel of the Quantum Leap variety.  Those are more plausible.
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Offline dweez

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Re: Time Travel and Meeting Yourself in the Future
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2009, 10:05:47 AM »
Not to belittle this topic any but I've been reading through some user on Dem's compilation of the Spider-Man Clone Saga and a New Warriors character codenamed TimeSlip was able to travel in time by projecting her mind/psyche into the past or future versions of herself while her mind/psyche of that time period would occupy her body during the present.  This method of time traveling would avoid breaking the law of conservation of energy.  Hmm, now that I think of it, it's sort of like Quantum Leap.

C.S. Lewis also believe something similar.  He believe (and I'm seriously glossing over it so I might be missing some details) that all the memories we would ever have, we always had.  And that when we experienced deja vu, we were just remembering our previous knowledge of the event occurring.

It's kind of wicked to twist your head around stuff like that but I really enjoy deep thinking like that.

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Re: Time Travel and Meeting Yourself in the Future
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2009, 10:11:13 AM »
I also believe in the more rational, "logical" time travel notion that as speed increases, time decreases for those things/objects experiencing it so in essence you'd be traveling forward through time (sort of like the extended life Andrew Wiggins experienced as he traveled from world to world as the Speaker for the Dead).  Of course this is just a one way trip so there's no going back and using any knowledge/equipment you picked up for your own advantage.  Also, I guess it can be argued that for it to really by called "time travel" the person in question shouldn't just move fast forward through time but rather skip periods altogether.

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Re: Time Travel and Meeting Yourself in the Future
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2009, 10:17:57 AM »
I'm still trying to work out WTF happened in series 5 of "Lost"?   But I must admit that the explanation that if you went back in time it would still be your "present", just that for you time didn't move in a linear path at that point, made perfect sense for about 5 minutes.
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Offline dweez

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Re: Time Travel and Meeting Yourself in the Future
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2009, 10:28:03 AM »
It opens it up if you remove the "linear" restraint from time.  Just like moving in space, you can cross a street then decide to cross back over.  If time were like that (and we just didn't know how to manipulate it) then you could travel back and forth in time as easy as you traveled back and forth to work.

Hmm, it reminds me of one of the "GROW" games.  Ah, here it is.  You have to use "time travel" to properly solve it.

Offline frankcapri

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Re: Time Travel and Meeting Yourself in the Future
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2009, 10:29:07 AM »
I couldn't wrap my brain around that game.  I had to read the cheats  :-[

C.S. Lewis also believe something similar.  He believe (and I'm seriously glossing over it so I might be missing some details) that all the memories we would ever have, we always had.  And that when we experienced deja vu, we were just remembering our previous knowledge of the event occurring.

Given that, I suppose if people ingested enough narcotics they could tap into the memories of their deaths  :o

I also believe in the more rational, "logical" time travel notion that as speed increases, time decreases for those things/objects experiencing it so in essence you'd be traveling forward through time (sort of like the extended life Andrew Wiggins experienced as he traveled from world to world as the Speaker for the Dead).  Of course this is just a one way trip so there's no going back and using any knowledge/equipment you picked up for your own advantage.  Also, I guess it can be argued that for it to really by called "time travel" the person in question shouldn't just move fast forward through time but rather skip periods altogether.

If it were possible to create a zone where things were approaching the speed of light, one could really travel into the future. 
Maybe that's the ticket for bonafide time travel   :-\
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Offline Skadi

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Re: Time Travel and Meeting Yourself in the Future
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2009, 10:42:59 AM »
  I dunno.  Every one of me exists in his own special place in time.  I think that if I took one of those and put it somewhere else it would seriously jack up the universe   
See? I still picture it like tracers? like you?re leaving small energy paths everywhere, in all universes, every step. I picture it more fluid like that. Except that there could be infinite things each of you are doing.
If time travel were really limited.. one universe.. one life.. then I could definitely see how things could get jacked. Like the ?Back to the Future? idea.
If that ^ was the case.. then yeah, I can see all kinds of things getting jacked. Like the character that got their head lopped off by a startled on looker the minute they hit the past, in Michael Crichton?s book  Timeline   
Plus..  I can see lots of problems with travelling via any type of machinery.. they?re too many fail factors. It would have to be mentally and organically induced to work.
But in infinite universes, with infinite outcomes?  a ?single? one of you seems less threatening.
  I'm all for mental time travel
Not me.. I want to travel physically to a place. And have control of it.
Things like astral projection and lucid dreaming seem to tame for me. I?d want to do something big, in a big way. Besides, real life people already interrupt my dreams with sending me mental messages, and they just end up interrupting a good dream? it?s highly annoying  :D So, I imagine time travelling mentally only, would be equally dissatisfying in lots of ways.
  TimeSlip was able to travel in time by projecting her mind/psyche into the past or future versions of herself while her mind/psyche of that time period would occupy her body during the present.  This method of time traveling would avoid breaking the law of conservation of energy.
I can see that ^  But, I can also still see getting enough control over your mental stability? that you could push past constraints, and make your physical body travel  also.. but do it in a way that doesn?t break any laws of energy. It would take a level of concentration and calm and discipline that would surpass even Buddhist monks.. so, not many people could achieve it. But, it?s fun to think that it could be done.
  Of course this is just a one way trip
That ^ would be a drag. I?m not going to imagine it that way. I?m going to imagine that I develop enough mental superiority to meditate like a monk, then travel through time, and at the same time discover a way to make myself immortal ..and trace anywhere I want to.

Offline Skadi

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Re: Time Travel and Meeting Yourself in the Future
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2009, 10:45:54 AM »
Things like linear paths is too limiting. And too limited a way of thinking. The more limits, the easier it is to find issues with something. If it were posible, whoever figured it out, would be thinking beyond accepted limitations and laws. Or, they'd figure it out by complete accident :D
« Last Edit: August 04, 2009, 10:53:09 AM by Skadi »

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Re: Time Travel and Meeting Yourself in the Future
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2009, 11:29:00 AM »
For the longest time I thought meeting myself in the future would be impossible
because I thought that if I traveled into the future, I would cease to exist on my present time line.

A few days ago I realized that if I traveled to the future, eventually I would travel back
to my present time meaning I could see myself in the future. 

It was quite a revelation for me, seeing that I spend a lot of time thinking about time travel  ;D

Whatever the case, this is all theoretical.  If you ask me, I think physical time travel is impossible.
If I traveled anywhere in time, I would be removing matter from the universe which would probably
result in a black hole in the time I left, and an explosion in the time I entered.

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Re: Time Travel and Meeting Yourself in the Future
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2009, 11:45:47 AM »
 :D :D

Online goldshirt*9

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Re: Time Travel and Meeting Yourself in the Future
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2009, 11:47:52 AM »
EXHIBIT A: Sleep deprivation from a new born infant born to parents over 30.
+ 1
alot of sleepless nights already then  :D :D :D

Offline frankcapri

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Re: Time Travel and Meeting Yourself in the Future
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2009, 01:35:12 PM »
I don't think I've passed into REM sleep since he was born.  On Star Trek TNG that made everybody go nuts.  Meebe.... :-\
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Re: Time Travel and Meeting Yourself in the Future
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2009, 01:41:28 PM »
dont worry it passes eventually ;)