Don't want to joke about your misfortune, but you probably could have done a better job yourself

I think I told this story somewhere, but I'll tell it again.
It was probably 7 years ago and my insurance was going to run out because I quit my job.
I went in and had a full physical (I had no regular doctor when I had insurance).
I was nervous about having my balls fondled and a finger stuck up my butt, but I had braced myself for the worst.
What I hadn't braced myself for was the doctor.
He was probably in his 40's, thinning hair, lanky and glistening with sweat for no reason.
"So, this will be the first man that sticks his finger up my butt besides me. Oh well..."
We chit chat a little, I ask him about this weird scar on my leg and some odd little moles I noticed.
He says they're not a problem, but I had to make sure I took care of my "delicate Irish skin."
As he grabbed for the gloves, I said, "No thanks," and went to have my blood work done.