Those flicks have a very high Wesley Snipes factor in addition to the vampire stuff that keeps me away. And doesn't the first one have Stephen Dorff in it, too? He sucks in everything but The Gate (one of you guys has got to remember that movie ).
I remember The Gate,, I saw it when it was released in theaters back in the 80s.
As for the vampires, I liked the concept of them being truly what they were,, better than you ( it showed the arogance of imortal beings over us mere mortal cattle).
The society and culture they had was pretty impresive to me,, them being like a secret society and the rulers being very wealthy.
As for the Wesley Snipes thing,, he didnt play Blade like he was in the comic books. I watched all the comentaries that he did on the dvds,, and he had WAYYYYYY too much free reign on what he was going to do.
They WOULD have been better if the character was played more like what he was in the comics.