Thanks Skadi.
Besides Tracy, you guys are about the only people I can talk to.
I do have to mention one bad thing that happened. This female imigration officer threw a screaming fit when she saw my American passport.
Even others said she was over reacting.
She detained me at the airport in Glasgow for3 hours, and ran Tracy over the coals.
My luggage was searched, and she kept my Social Security card.
Im going to notify a freind at the state departemnt when I get back to America.
I think the State Departemnt would be VERY interested to know how badly imigration treats Americans here.
Not to mention that others with less documentation were sent ahead of me and allowed entry imediatly,,and they were from a plane from the Mid East.
Not that it has anything to do with it,, but on my way out to the lobby, I had a fewpeople from security escort me to the doors.
I asked what the problem was and they said that they were ordered by the imigration officer to see to it that I was off thepremises and that they were going to run methrough Interpoll again.
Like they had any reason to the first time.
But,, all in all, it was an experience to write about. lol