Congrats on the safe trip!! Now be sure to have some decent single malt over there, and DON'T START WEARING DRESSES!!!! I know the male dress code is a bit peculiar in that neck of the woods.....
I hope you get a chance to meet some of the folks over there and everyone has an awesome time!!!! I am JEALOUS!!!!
Ciao, CZ
Too late,, Im allready thinking about buying the material for a kilt, saw a black leather sporin today that would becool with pyramid studs on. lol
Im going to have to get an ac to dc adapter for my phone so I can pull up Indies number. For some reason the brand new batery I bought in the States went tits up and the damn thing is dead as a door nail.
I do have to say, as usual the People in Amsterdam were amazing, but the flight over to there from Memphis was a bit odd.
We hit a storm and an updraft shot the plane up to over 50 thousand feet in like, a second.
And the flight to Memphis sucked. It was in a plane that seated 15 people and was about as wide as a Mini Cooper.
I think the pilot was trying to take us nose first into the runway when we landed.
Good thing is that they served refreshements,, bad thing nothing alcaholic so you could cope with the pilots inept flying ( we were an hour late for take off and the normal 1 hour flight time was over an hour and a half, I think he saw a shiny spot and wandered off the flight path once or twice).
The flight to Amsterdam was cool,, got to meet a nice couple from Norway ( Family of AJ's?).
We had viewers choice on there, so we had a choice of about 8 movies to watch on the screens on the backs of peoples seats ( that was WAY COOL!!!!!!!).
All in all, it was an adventure. And as nice as Amsterdam is,, I will allways say that the Schopel AirPort is just too damn big.
Anyway,,, more on "The Grave One's UK Tour" later.