Let's play
"Eat Me, Drink Me". Here are the rules:
1. The image must be of a food OR drink from around the world. It can be a photo of a plate of food or a single item that is edible. If it is a drink, the first correct name or nickname should be accepted. No extremely obscure items please.
2. You may want to add additional pics and clues to further guessing along. There is no reduction in points due to extended posting.
3. Correct answers are worth 5 points
4. Wait for confirmation from the person who posted the original image unless you are absolutely sure and can post reasonable proof. Then please do, so the game can continue.
5. Call for a proxy if you cannot post an image, however you should refrain from guessing if you do not intend to post a follow-up.
6. You cannot guess on proxies made for you.
7. Post and update the scoreboard and add the name to the list of already posted items.
***After your guess has been confirmed by the original poster, you will have 60 minutes to post a picture or ask for a proxy. Following that initial 60 minutes, any player is entitled to proxy for you. 2 points are awarded for a proxy. ***Usernames: blank for now
| | Food / Drink: blank for now
let's start with this one: