Its fake,,,in theory. It tends to get a little real.
ALot of you thinkits fake blood that you see,,orthat we use "blood packs".
In two decades,,ive never seen what a blod pack is. Nor have I seen fake blood used.
Or a rubber chair for that matter,,and thats a real floor outside the ring.
Ive been nailed with everything from a steel chair to a front fender off of a 1976 trans am.
Ive never seen what people refer to as fake thumbtacks,,and only once seen candy glass. Oh,,and another thing,Id love to have been able to use "barbless" barbed wire. I might have avoided some scars in doing so.
As far as the gimmicks,,thats for 2 things,,to entertain you fans,,and to give you someone to be behind or against.
Its like some rock stars or actors,,their real names are a little too mundane for use,,such as Vince Niel,his real name is Vincent Whorton,,and Axle Roases real name is William Bailey.