Nick Griffin,,GODS! Where do I start?
Look peeps.I know im an American here in the UK as a visitor,, but im planning on making this my home soon.
So I can only speak on the experiences I have had in the US with dolts like this.
We have a few organazations like the BNP in America,, namely the Neo Natzi Party and the Klu Klux Klan and thier wonderfull leader, David Dukes.
The BNP, KKK, ANd the Neo Natzi Party are all the same,, racist bastards.
I am probably the least racist person in the world,, concidering my ex was a quarter black and my son was an eighth,, not to mention my soon to be step daughter is half.
No one asks to be born the race they are, and no one should be victimized for being who and what they were born to be.
I understand the fact that alot of ileagals come to countrys like the UK and the US looking for a better life, but dont blame the race for taking lower wage jobs, or driving down the wages. Blame the system.
In America, alot of manufacturing jobs went down from 18.00 an hour 20 years ago to 7.00 an hour today, with no benifits, and no chance of advancement.
This isnt the fault of the imigrants, this is because of money grubbing corporate fatcats and the politicians they have in their pockets.
It would happen anywhere to anyone ,,not just here or the US.
Any prosperous country will have this problem as long as cirtain people have their hands in others pockets.
Nick Griffin is another example of some twit trying to ignore the real problem in favor of personal interest.
The man doesnt look very inteligent anyway.
People like him are an infection
Sorry for being on my soapbox people,, I hate racism in all forms.
One thing we need to realize,, none are totaly American or British.
One thing we are though, whether Good Ol Nick likes it or not, is human.