That's encouraging as I'd hate to let a CGI film pass me by.
I wouldn't trust my sister's choice of film, she likes films I don't.
looks good, but a big flop at the box office, it seems a lot of times big budget movies flop, they later go after downloaders with copyright lawsuits.
Wikipedia says it received "mixed" reviews, which I normally take to meaning you'd need couple pints beforehand (and maybe a couple more during)
). But, yeah, they'll blame the pirates with their big made-up numbers and try to get even more of the internet censored
The Only Son was on Film4 last week. It was a bit odd in places, such as when the mother and grown-up son meet, they were smiling oddly and his wife was a bit too agreeable for my liking. But otherwise, it was really interesting. I really felt for the characters, and their situation, and only hope a sequel will be made showing them living happy lives. I'm not really hoping for a sequel, that was a lie.
Rating: 7/10
Hero never liked Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, it was boring and highly over-rated, and it was the reason I ignored Hero when it came out. Maybe my tastes have changed, because I liked this film a lot. It was also on Film4 last week. All the wire jumping action looks kind of silly, but the rest of the film makes up for it. Maybe I'll like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon now as well, people always seemed to mention these two films together.
Rating: 6.5/10
Dog Soldiers on Film4 last week, this film was fun. It wasn't as scary as I thought it'd be (didn't even make me jump
), but it was fun. These soldiers go around shooting things and have to keep at it all night. Good stuff
Rating: 6.5/10
I don't eat in the cinema, it distracts me.