Send the ex tyrants Bush and Cheney too.
Bush said in an interview before he was "elected" the first time that his first act would be to go after Saddam Husein because,, and I quote " He tried to kill my daddy".
He laso made comments on US television that he wanted a legacy like his father, only bigger
Well, because America invaded Iraq ( ok,, what the hell did they have to do with 911?) the Islamic Extrremists gained momentum.
If anything can be learned by history, occupations DONT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only thing 911 did was unite Americans to one cause,,to be AMERICANS.
Now,, before you herei n Europe go spare on me,, letme explain something that was going on Pre 911.
America was split into factions, we were tearing each other apart. People with short hair hated people with long hair, people with money hated the poor and the poor felt like they were being stepped upon by the rich.
Blacks hated whites, and whites hated everyone else.
We were being taken over by ilegal imigrants from Mexico and seeing them being givin what we had to work for.
ok,, so America was in social turmoil.
911 happened, and that unfortunate even united all Americans to one cause,, being AMERICANS. One united people,, for about three days till politicians decided that thier phoney balogna cowpoo jobs were in danger.
Now ,, we have all the media bs about the Islamic " Terrorists" in our midst, and how they want us all dead.
Yeah,, nice propaganda there.
Now we invade an inocent country and kill inocent people for thinking diferent from the west.
The islamic faith now has a great Satan,, and its us in America.
As long as America is fighting an illicit war for the wrong reasons,, there willbe trouble.
Afghanistan will allways be a rogue country, same as Iran.
Nothing we can do about it other than try and keep peacefull relations,,but the damage has been done.
We are talking about fighting against a populace that has been commiting the act of war against each other for thousands of years.
Its their way of life,, its in their religion.
The west has done its damage,, now we in the west have to deal with the monster we created.