I picked up the limited edition. When I had forza 2 it always bugged me that I didn't have the car on the cover. The limited edition of Forza III comes with a very nice 2010 audi.
One thing that makes me sad is that they have removed the "hire a driver" feature from forza 2 and replaced it with a prince of persia style rewind meter.
I was wrong about this. It's been so long since I was new to forza, I forgot that "hire a driver" is unlocked when you reach driver level five I used drivers to save up cash in forza 2, and the removal of this feature has stunted my forza strategy.
That, and I'm stuck with a bless'ed Yaris as my starter vehicle.
(With a bit of money, the yaris is smoking just about every car off the blocks. Not bad for an ugly little egg of a car)
There is an ugly AWD wagon that I was awarded. I had to dump about $100,000 in parts to get it competitive, and I'm still a bit sore about it, so I painted "
CRAP WAGON" on the side.