cen?sor?ship (snsr-shp)
1. The act, process, or practice of censoring.
2. The office or authority of a Roman censor.
3. Psychology Prevention of disturbing or painful thoughts or feelings from reaching consciousness except in a disguised form.
- American Heritage Dictionary. Emphasis mine.
Earlier, I noticed that the word filter was on by default. I thought the option was for people who wanted the forum to be "kid friendly".
As someone who does not care for disnification, I had to go into my profile to turn OFF the word censor.
There were a lot of different points being made in the former thread, but it was closed before I had time to come up with replies to some of the arguments.
I find txt speak far more offensive than the words that some people have a stick up their... craws about.
I've also noticed that many of the online communities I frequent are cracking down. On some sites I got a polite or impolite invitation to censor myself, lest a heavy hand do it for me.
I'm also not sure what "senseorship" is, but it seems to be rather popular.
I don't like substitutions. When I hear someone say something like "shut the front door" I become piqued.
There is an online community I frequent where the censorship is silent. When a thread or a user gets on the wrong side of things, their posts or accounts become forfeit.
Or the opposite, once a post or thread is out, one might not be able to delete it.
I'm not sure what has caused this creeping thing, but I am not a fan.