When I lived in the Bay Area I really enjoyed Mt. Diablo. Then again, we were there in April I think? Neither extreme. People who go High Hrothgaring make me think they're nuts, and Summer Rock climbers are equally nuts.
Well, the rock climbers rarely require subsequent oxygen.
You aren't wrong about ads lately though, holy bless'ed poo, it's like they EXPECT you to use an ad-blocker to make the sites functional!
I'm holding off on two very minor purchases because January was mucho spendo, and I need to move them over to Feb. They might be gone by then, and I'll be sad, but the dog has been in and out of the vet too much for me to be buying anything recreational.
So I guess I'm coveting? Is that the right word?
Oh, and just now, I arced my computer. Spent the money on rubber tweezers, used metal ones to remove a dust bunny from front panel because it was on hand.
God that was dumb. Thank god it started back up. Mouse is more responsive now. Dafuq does that mean? I'd disconnect the front panel completely, but... power button.