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Offline Robin-Graves

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2009, 11:04:08 AM »
Many get state aid through duplicious means also. California was broken by this.
Myself I dont disagree with imigration, as long as its done legaly.
Most of the problem America faces here is the fact that many businesses take advantage of the illegal immigrant by firing citizens and hiring illegals for a fraction of what they would normaly pay.
 It has drivin our wages down to comparatively record lows in many places.
 There have been alot of rhetoric from the pro illegal camp that they are only doing jobs that Americans wont do.
Truth is,, no one wants to work for 4 dollars an hour.
Sorry,, its a sad fact, we cant afford it.
 Businesses have taken away benifits and lowered working standards since an illegal , ( economic migrant) , has no one to report it to else they are deported.
 Many of the Hispanic population are from the northern border of Mexico which is pretty crime ridden ( look for the Zeta Drug Cartel). And many bring the crime with them.
I have nothing against a multi-cultural nation,, a country is judged by its people. well,, partly anyway.
Mexico has allways been ( well northern Mexico) a depressed country due to a crooked govornment ( yes guys, its worse than ours).
So they come here looking for work and oportunities.
The hard thing to deal with is that our govornment has helped them more than they have helped us.
We have our problems too ,, lots of them. but they are ignored in favor of making an illegal into a citizen, or giving them benifits they cant legaly have.
 With upwards to 20 million illegal aliens from Mexico alone,, its getting rough.
 Not to mention the La Raza activist group claiming they WILL take back the American Southwest, and how they are the true Americans and this and that .
It causes alot of bad feelings in a country that still has alot of racial tension.
 Yes,, they deserve every oportunity afforded them,, but they need to do it legaly.
 Where a citizen cant get benifits,, an ilegal can. Oklahoma State University has made it where an ilegal can go to college there for free,, but citizens are dropping out due to the high cost of tuition.
 Right now,, no more than five miles away from me,, there is a town called Heavener Oklahoma ( im sure someone will google it,, ) that has been taken over by a large Hispanic population.
Right now, an American child is probably being beaten up for being white.
Its happening alot there.
 Americans have been threatened with physical violence for not being Hispanic.
Its true, and since these doing it are ilegal imigrants, the police cant, or wont, do anything about it.
 I have nothing against any nationality,, I believe we should all be viewed as equals. But if I have to go through the legalities just to VISIT a country,, the least they can do is go through SOME legalities to live here.
 As for the BNP,,, dont put me in the same league as those NAZI wannabes.
 I dont hate anyone. My ex was part black,, my future step daughter is part, and im multi ethnic myself ( Apache , Scots and German)
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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2009, 01:58:24 PM »
All of the issues you mention are exactly the same problems the UK has along with France, Germany and many other countries.  This difference is we have migrants from Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia etc, that are both looking to escape poverty and political oppression. The latter grants you asylum and the former grants you a ticket home so the trick is to pose as a political refugee no matter where you come from.

But apart from the debate as it could go on forever without proving much, it is the attitude demonstrated towards a fellow man at the beginning of this thread that I find alarming (some of which is shown to be incorrect on Snopes), as most of it sounds like something Nick Griffin would think up.

I can tell you that the vast amount of people that leech off the state here, are not only home grown but are usually pretty well off to begin with.  Then you have the chavs, druggies, alcoholics and a whole array of other people that complain about the Polish people here breaking their backs for ?3 an hour, although they refuse to work themselves because they find the pay inadequate (even though it would be double what the Poles earn) or they find the work "degrading".

To be frank, I find it all quite demoralising.
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Offline Robin-Graves

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2009, 02:41:45 PM »
Face it,, the world is going to Hell in a handbag.
 Truth is, each of our contries have problems that need solved before we can solves the problems of others.
 We cant help others till we help ourselves.
America ,, along with the UK has taken on too many of the owrlds problems and tried to help too many outside of its borders. Before anyone can be helped, the internal problems need fixing.
I dont think its so much the people, as the sytem that has broken down.
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Offline smokester

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #18 on: December 10, 2009, 03:09:31 PM »
It is not really true that we have a problem in the UK at the moment regardless of what scaremongers like the BNP would have you believe, as we may have had 590,000 new immigrants in the past year, but the UK has also had a record breaking 427,000 people leave.
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Offline Robin-Graves

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #19 on: December 10, 2009, 03:45:47 PM »
Our imigration system is broken. And no one knows how to fix it.
 If we do one thing, its too radical,, another its not good enough,, so alot of states are choosing one of the two evils.
 Like I said,, im all for legal imigration,, alot in the US are.
Our main problem are companies that refuse to hire citizens and want to hire illegals so they can pay alot less and still jack up prices.
 Im nothing like whats his nutz with the BNP,, hes just a wacko with an insade Hitler like agenda.
 But untill alot that want the illegals out of America realize that the companies shipping them in are ALSO at fault ( more so than the Hispanic population flooding our borders) the sooner the problem can be fixed.
Work VISAs are not hard to get when you come to Mexico.

But for sake of peace Smokey,, lets just say we see diferent ends of the spectrum.
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Offline HDAngel

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2009, 12:40:32 AM »

 Im not racist,, my soon to be step daughter is half black
Wow Robin! This is the first I've heard about a "soon to be." Can we take this comment as an unofficial "Engagement/pre-wedding" announcement? Do tell more. Who is the lucky lady? Where and how did you meet her? Any pictures of the soon to be Mrs. Graves? The cats out of the bag! So give it up babe!

On a totally different note... I just found out that my lineage makes me eligible to join the "Daughters of the Confederacy."  If I lived in the South, it might interest me, but being "100% California Girl" I'd probably turn their blue blood green with pink polka-dots just by applying.
I may not have my Cherry, but I still have the Box it came in.

Offline Geemonster

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #21 on: December 13, 2009, 01:27:54 PM »
So i've heard scientists believe when our population reaches 10.000,000,000,something catastrophic will happen.
  In my opinion it's speculation,but a scientist friend of mine says the Earth's capable of holding 10,000,000,and obviously chaos will ensue.
  Our current population is 6,803,146,095.

Offline Robin-Graves

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #22 on: December 13, 2009, 01:40:34 PM »
"Daughters of the Confederacy" are a bunch of elitist wanabes.
I know some, and I wouldnt wipe my dirty shoes off on then.

As for who the future " Mrs. Graves".
Um,, shes a member here, hasnt been able to be on,, but shes who I went to visit in Scotland back in mid octobre to mid november.
Read the posting " I finaly made it".
I have to say shes a wonderfull human being,, and I wish I had met her 20 years ago, alot of crap in my life wouldnt have happened.

Now,, back on subject.
As for the imigration problem,, we in America do have it pretty bad with the amount of illegal imigration.
 12 to 20 MILLION just from Mexico alone.
 The imigration problem in california alone broke the state financialy.
Its not all the imigrants fault,, admmited,,they are just looking for a better way of life.
BUT on that hand,, watching the marches and protests by the Hispanic communities AGAINST Americans citizens DOES get old.
 Seeing them waving the flag of Mexico here in America while demonstrating against America is getting VERY old.
 The Mexican govornment handed out pamphlets telling Mexican citizens to sneak into America, and how to do it, was kinda ,,well, odd.
 If they would put as much effort into fixing their own domestic problems as they put into protesting, rallying and demonstrating here in America, maybe thier own problems would have been fixed.
 But on the other hand,, if American businesses werent addicted to greed and coruption, they wouldnt take advantage of a poorer people from a poorer country.
Why do they have to hire an America ( a SINGLE SOLITARY American) when they can hire 2 or 3 illegal imigrants for the same price? Oh, and not pay taxes or unemployment insurance at the same time?
Or improve unsafe working conditions, pay overtime, or even have a single benifit?
 Not to mention, cheap labor like this helps the higher ups and the owners make more money, which they can contribute to politicians campaigns .
AND these politicians , when elected, can ignore the law and policies of imigration in America so the company owners can keep operating.
So, no Smokey,, im not blaming a race for this, not entirely.
 The fault also lies with Americans.
AND,, no matter what action we take,, someone will demonize us for it.
So i've heard scientists believe when our population reaches 10.000,000,000,something catastrophic will happen.
  In my opinion it's speculation,but a scientist friend of mine says the Earth's capable of holding 10,000,000,and obviously chaos will ensue.
  Our current population is 6,803,146,095.
Hmmm,,,,clocks are a tickin'
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Offline smokester

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #23 on: December 13, 2009, 01:49:07 PM »
So i've heard scientists believe when our population reaches 10.000,000,000,something catastrophic will happen.
  In my opinion it's speculation,but a scientist friend of mine says the Earth's capable of holding 10,000,000,and obviously chaos will ensue.
  Our current population is 6,803,146,095.

If the world chose to it could half the population in a generation, and when it comes to it that's what will happen but it won't stop people complaining that they should be able to have 14 kids if they want to.
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Offline Geemonster

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #24 on: December 13, 2009, 03:27:02 PM »
I've also read in a scientific book that the population will decrease by the late 21st century.

Offline Robin-Graves

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #25 on: December 13, 2009, 06:30:23 PM »
If people like Octomom still exist by then, they will be sorely disapointed.
 You know, thats something I dont understand,, someone that thinks its their sacred duty to repopulate the world.
Geez,, I have one child, and my fiance has four,, isnt that enough?
 There is a owman here in my town that thinks that she has to pop out a youngun' every year so she can stay on financial aid from the state for the rest of her life.
One woman here has had ten kids and is pregnant again, the state told her no more,, now shes suing because she says its her business whether she has kids or not.
Personaly, when people like her keep popping them out I think it becomes everyones business since they are the ones footing the bill.
I keep my standards low.
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Offline laama

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #26 on: December 14, 2009, 11:21:43 PM »
Unfortunately I am not good with US politics,so can somebody make simple compilation to me,why Oklahoma tries
again made own laws without caring federation laws.
i'm waiting for someone to start an antisocial networking site.

Offline Robin-Graves

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #27 on: December 15, 2009, 12:12:29 PM »
Before President Lincoln ( who declared an illegal war against the Southern States) , America was pretty different. Each state was a seperate entity answerable to the American Capital.
They had thier own laws ( many the same) and pretty much looked after themselves.
The Constitution was set up this way. It was a system of ballances to keep the Federal Govornment from becoming too powerfull.
 When the South seceded ( sp) from the North over economic and political reasons ( they were being screwed by the Northern States) Abraham Lincoln declared war on them for leaving the United States. It was illegaly done and unconstitutional.
 When the war was over, he had united all the states answerable only to the Federal Govornment, and to hell with States Rights.
Now,, these states want their rights to be left alone by a too powerfull and corrupt federal govornment.
The Civil War was NOT over slavery, but over the Northern States screwing the poorer southern states.
The South  had all the raw materials, and was selling them to the North ( who had all the industry) at next to no cost, then the North sold finished goods at highly inflated rates back to the south,, keeping them poor.
 Lincoln saw the south leaving the country and creating their own as a threat to the northern economy,, and being from the north took action.
 There is no law that says that a state cant secceed from the united states.
 Since the war,, to insure that this never happens again, Lincoln united the country under one law, one govornment and one ideology. Therefore the end of states rights under the constitution of the United States Of America.
 No more checks and balances and all the power in the country is in Washington DC.
 States no longer had a say in thier own laws, thier own problems or thier own residents.
 If you look,,many states declaring states rights are states that are ignored by the President,, such as Oklahoma and Texas. We have problems that the federal govornment is ignoring, and now when we take steps to fix a problem, they ignored, they get up in arms.
 This can lead to a bad situation fast if things arent done carefully.
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Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #28 on: December 19, 2009, 04:48:58 AM »
South's risin' - Bend over!

secession was an act of war.

Perhaps you've got pugilist dementia from all the aluminum chairs to the head.

I always find claims that "I'm not a racist, I've got black [insert relation here]" to be particularly offensive. Just admit you don't like mexican immigrants.

[Full disclosure: I have a black aunt and black nephew, but I admit that I am a racist.]
« Last Edit: December 19, 2009, 04:52:34 AM by 8ullfrog »

Offline Geemonster

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #29 on: December 19, 2009, 05:29:52 AM »
A womans body's her own bless'ed business. ::)