"Daughters of the Confederacy" are a bunch of elitist wanabes.
I know some, and I wouldnt wipe my dirty shoes off on then.
As for who the future " Mrs. Graves".
Um,, shes a member here, hasnt been able to be on,, but shes who I went to visit in Scotland back in mid octobre to mid november.
Read the posting " I finaly made it".
I have to say shes a wonderfull human being,, and I wish I had met her 20 years ago, alot of crap in my life wouldnt have happened.
Now,, back on subject.
As for the imigration problem,, we in America do have it pretty bad with the amount of illegal imigration.
12 to 20 MILLION just from Mexico alone.
The imigration problem in california alone broke the state financialy.
Its not all the imigrants fault,, admmited,,they are just looking for a better way of life.
BUT on that hand,, watching the marches and protests by the Hispanic communities AGAINST Americans citizens DOES get old.
Seeing them waving the flag of Mexico here in America while demonstrating against America is getting VERY old.
The Mexican govornment handed out pamphlets telling Mexican citizens to sneak into America, and how to do it, was kinda ,,well, odd.
If they would put as much effort into fixing their own domestic problems as they put into protesting, rallying and demonstrating here in America, maybe thier own problems would have been fixed.
But on the other hand,, if American businesses werent addicted to greed and coruption, they wouldnt take advantage of a poorer people from a poorer country.
Why do they have to hire an America ( a SINGLE SOLITARY American) when they can hire 2 or 3 illegal imigrants for the same price? Oh, and not pay taxes or unemployment insurance at the same time?
Or improve unsafe working conditions, pay overtime, or even have a single benifit?
Not to mention, cheap labor like this helps the higher ups and the owners make more money, which they can contribute to politicians campaigns .
AND these politicians , when elected, can ignore the law and policies of imigration in America so the company owners can keep operating.
So, no Smokey,, im not blaming a race for this, not entirely.
The fault also lies with Americans.
AND,, no matter what action we take,, someone will demonize us for it.
So i've heard scientists believe when our population reaches 10.000,000,000,something catastrophic will happen.
In my opinion it's speculation,but a scientist friend of mine says the Earth's capable of holding 10,000,000,and obviously chaos will ensue.
Our current population is 6,803,146,095.
Hmmm,,,,clocks are a tickin'