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Offline HDAngel

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The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« on: December 07, 2009, 09:13:06 PM »


An update from Oklahoma :

Oklahoma law passed, 37 to 9, had a few liberals in the mix, an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the state capitol.  The feds in D.C., along with the ACLU, said it would be a mistake.  Hey this is a conservative state, based on Christian values...!  HB 1330

                Guess what.......... Oklahoma did it anyway.

Oklahoma recently passed a law in the state to incarcerate all illegal immigrants, and ship them back to where they came from unless they want to get a green card and become an American citizen.  They all scattered.  HB 1804.  Hope we didn't send any of them to your state.  This was against the advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU, they said  it would be a mistake.

                Guess what.......... Oklahoma did it anyway.

Recently we passed a law to include DNA samples from any and all illegals to the Oklahoma database, for criminal investigative purposes.  Pelosi said it was unconstitutional.  SB 1102

                Guess what........ Oklahoma  did it anyway.

Several weeks ago, we passed a law, declaring Oklahoma as a Sovereign state, not under the Federal Government directives.  Joining  Texas, Montana and Utah as the only states to do so.  More states are likely to follow:  Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, the Carolina's, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia, Mississippi, Florida.  Save your confederate money, it appears the South is about to rise up once again.  HJR 1003

The federal Government has made bold steps to take away our guns.  Oklahoma, a week ago, passed a law confirming people in this state have the right to bear arms and transport them in their vehicles.  I'm sure that was a set back for the criminals (and Obamaites).  Liberals didn't like it --  But ...

                Guess what........... Oklahoma did it anyway.

Just this month, my state has voted and passed a law that ALL driver's license exams will be printed in English, and only English, and no other language.  We have been called racist for doing this, but the fact is that ALL of our road signs are in English only.  If you want to drive in Oklahoma, you must read and write English.  Really simple.

By the way, Obama does not like any of this.

                Guess what....who cares... Oklahoma is doing it anyway.

To Verify:
I may not have my Cherry, but I still have the Box it came in.

Offline Geemonster

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2009, 09:42:25 PM »
When in Rome is all i have to say really,if we go abroad,we have to live by the country's laws and speak their tounge,so they can damn well speak English,lazy hillbillys.
  Though im glad i don't live in the US,i'd like to visit,but it's too religious for me,and you can't slag off the president.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2009, 09:44:03 PM by Geemonster »

Offline Robin-Graves

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2009, 11:30:49 AM »

An update from Oklahoma :

Oklahoma law passed, 37 to 9, had a few liberals in the mix, an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the state capitol.  The feds in D.C., along with the ACLU, said it would be a mistake.  Hey this is a conservative state, based on Christian values...!  HB 1330

                Guess what.......... Oklahoma did it anyway.

Oklahoma recently passed a law in the state to incarcerate all illegal immigrants, and ship them back to where they came from unless they want to get a green card and become an American citizen.  They all scattered.  HB 1804.  Hope we didn't send any of them to your state.  This was against the advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU, they said  it would be a mistake.

                Guess what.......... Oklahoma did it anyway.

They need to come to Heavener Oklahoma. Its called little Mexico for a reason.
As for them wanting to come and have a better life,, they raised the crime there with alot of drugs and gang violence.
As of this writing, the local police wont do a dmn thing about the Hispanics beating up schoolchildren just for speaking English.

Recently we passed a law to include DNA samples from any and all illegals to the Oklahoma database, for criminal investigative purposes.  Pelosi said it was unconstitutional.  SB 1102

                Guess what........ Oklahoma  did it anyway.

Nancy Pelosi doesnt have a credible record anyway.
After her writing the bailout bill with alot of money going to pet projects for her freinds and other people sucking her ass, she decided to start alot of problems with the CIA,, then when caught in a lie denied saying anything. When the video of her saying it was shown to her she declared it was a CIA trick.
 Later, to stop the fallout from that, she went to Southern California and said to a room full of Illegals that THEY were the TRUE AMERICANS!
When the tape of this was shown,, she was nowhere in sight to make a comment.
Her sending millions of dollars for birth control to a third world nation was questioned,,and all her responce was is that " it will help".
 The money never made it to them.
 Nancy Pelosi is a moron.
As for being put in the database,, GOOD!!!!!!
They tend to go by five or six differant names anyway. Maybe now they can be caught for the crimes they commit.


Several weeks ago, we passed a law, declaring Oklahoma as a Sovereign state, not under the Federal Government directives.  Joining  Texas, Montana and Utah as the only states to do so.  More states are likely to follow:  Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, the Carolina's, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia, Mississippi, Florida.  Save your confederate money, it appears the South is about to rise up once again.  HJR 1003

The federal Government has made bold steps to take away our guns.  Oklahoma, a week ago, passed a law confirming people in this state have the right to bear arms and transport them in their vehicles.  I'm sure that was a set back for the criminals (and Obamaites).  Liberals didn't like it --  But ...

                Guess what........... Oklahoma did it anyway.

Oklahoma is just following the US constitution, which Bush/Cheney made illegal to know ( due to the patriot act) and Obama doesnt want us to know.
 Obama has been skating on alot of thin ice lately. His " change you can believe in" and his " transparency" policy are,, for lack of a better term, cowpoo.
 His agenda IS online,, but never where he says it is.
His change ,, well, its nothing any real American can believe in. I dont think America wants to be socialist.
 As for the gun thing,, Oklahoma has alot of people who hunt.
I for onhe am an avid outdoorsman.
I go every hunting season ( all six of them) and fill my freezer with fresh meat.
Its cheaper, and healthier for you . ( The FDA has so many chemicals put into meats that its causing alot of illnesses).
 As for transporting them,, its a little hard to mail your gun to the place your hunting at.
 Obama wants every fire arm destroyed.
I can kinda see his point,,except that it takes away our freedom to defend ourselves from enemies foreign and domestic. Of which trully america has plenty of both.
If the policwe here were as responsive and did their jobs like they do in the UK,, maybe we wouldnt need a gun for home protection.
But do to liberal thinking ( hear me Obama?) our police wont/cant arrest someone unless they catch them in the commision of a crime unless its murder, then they need too much evidence.
As it is, they need a federal court mandate to get a search warrant in Oklahoma.
Many of us live in rural areas, and it takes the police up to 20 minutes to make it to your home. By  that time your dead and the perp is long gone.
If its after hours ( yes, our police station closes) you have to wait till maybe the next day.
We can argue about this,, byut unless your a victim of a violent crime,, you wont understand.
Another thing about Obama,, in the constitution,, we have the rights for state militias,,not to mention, if the people dont like what a president is doing,, they can opver throw him by force of arms,, it was a way for checks and ballances back when the constitution was drafted.
Obama is afraid of that, and this gun law he wants is his insurance.
Quote from: HDAngel .[/b

Just this month, my state has voted and passed a law that ALL driver's license exams will be printed in English, and only English, and no other language.  We have been called racist for doing this, but the fact is that ALL of our road signs are in English only.  If you want to drive in Oklahoma, you must read and write English.  Really simple.

By the way, Obama does not like any of this.

                Guess what....who cares... Oklahoma is doing it anyway.

About time,, when in Rome,, you do as the Romans do.
We have to speak the native language of any other country,, they need to speak ours.
 We make too much concessions to others, and ignore our own.
 Obama doesnt like it? He can get used to disapointment for once.
He wasnt a politician,, he was a community activist.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 11:34:12 AM by Robin-Graves »
I keep my standards low.
That way im never disapointed.

Offline redlandslide

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2009, 04:18:36 PM »
We have to speak the native language of any other country,, they need to speak ours.

Would that be an Iroquoian language?

Offline Robin-Graves

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2009, 06:35:48 PM »
Nice remark,,,you know what I
In the same sense,, wouldnt you guys be speaking Pictish?

The only reason that English isnt the national language here is because of Mexico's involvement.
They dont let anyone else but themselves have a say in thier govornmental proceedings,, but they will lobby in the US.
Look up the Compean and Ramos cases where Mexico lobbyed ( sp) against their release during the Bush/Cheney regime.
 They lobby now against a wall seperating the US and Mexico because it makes them feel "unwelcome" here.
They are also lobbying against us having a border with them and want to obolish the border completely for them to cross with impunity,, but we cant cross to there.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 07:04:34 PM by Robin-Graves »
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Offline redlandslide

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2009, 07:21:14 PM »
Nice remark,,,you know what I mean.
In the same sense,, wouldnt you guys be speaking Pictish?

Nope, British 

My previous comment (about the Iroquoian language) was meant to be tongue-in-cheek BTW, I apologise if you found offence.

And anyone found to be in a country illegally should be deported back to their original country, not have their DNA stored on a criminal database. That is, unless every American (or Brit for that matter) has their DNA stored, then police would know immediately who committed a crime which had DNA left at the scene.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2009, 07:56:40 PM »
The south will rise again, and they will be put down again, like the traitorous dogs they are.

The confederate flag is an enemy flag.

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2009, 10:27:42 AM »
This crap has left me speechless.

And for the record I have never met a Brit or an American for that matter, who wasn't completely frustrated when the locals in any non English speaking country couldn't understand English - in fact, contrary to what Gee said the English are famous for outright refusing to speak another language when abroad.  It is elitism at its very worst.
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Offline Geemonster

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2009, 10:48:12 AM »
Nah! Smokes,that's not every English person,just some.
  I'd love to speak other languages.

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2009, 10:59:46 AM »
Nah! Smokes,that's not every English person,just some.
  I'd love to speak other languages.

I'm afraid I have travelled extensively and it is unfortunately a well documented phenomenon:
Don't put off until tomorrow, what you can put off until the day after.

There is an exception to every rule, apart from this one.

Offline Geemonster

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2009, 11:03:23 AM »
Oh!  I agree,but that doesn't include me,i love and am fascinated by other dialects,even dead ones.
  Syrian Aramaic is spoken by only a few nomadic tribes,but i'd love to learn it.

Offline Robin-Graves

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2009, 11:45:07 AM »
The south will rise again, and they will be put down again, like the traitorous dogs they are.

The confederate flag is an enemy flag.

Read your history .
And your just too confrontational.You must be a Yankee, lmao( Humor ,,laugh)
Nope, British 

My previous comment (about the Iroquoian language) was meant to be tongue-in-cheek BTW, I apologise if you found offence.

And anyone found to be in a country illegally should be deported back to their original country, not have their DNA stored on a criminal database. That is, unless every American (or Brit for that matter) has their DNA stored, then police would know immediately who committed a crime which had DNA left at the scene.

Oh I know,, no prob,, just me and my dry sense of humore and my sarcastic nature lmao.
 As for the DVA Database here in the US, its a collection of DNA collected from criminals.
 Being an illegal alien in America is a crime. There is no such thing as "undocumented citizens". You have to be a citizen before you can become undocumented.

This crap has left me speechless.

And for the record I have never met a Brit or an American for that matter, who wasn't completely frustrated when the locals in any non English speaking country couldn't understand English - in fact, contrary to what Gee said the English are famous for outright refusing to speak another language when abroad.  It is elitism at its very worst.

The frustration is usualy with myself for NOT speaking the language
I keep my standards low.
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Offline redlandslide

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2009, 06:06:53 PM »
As for the DVA Database here in the US, its a collection of DNA collected from criminals.
 Being an illegal alien in America is a crime.

I suspect their motivation for gaining illegal entry to the US is more desperation than criminal intent. And I'm sure we've all done something technically illegal. Such as speeding, jumping a red light or maybe illegal downloads?

Offline Robin-Graves

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2009, 07:10:55 PM »
When its easier for a Hispanic to come into this contry legaly than any other?
 Im not racist,, my soon to be step daughter is half black, and my ex wife was part.
 But,, the Mexican population came here and brought alot of gang violence.
I live five miles from a town with a very high ( or used to be) illegal population.
The drug problem here escalated, as did gang violence.
We as Americans have no problem with imigration here, just do it legaly. And intigrate into America society.
 Most Hispanics, when they do know how to speak English, refuse to.
The typical response when caught doing something is " I speak no English". I guess they teach them thats a free pass to get away with things.
Most police wont even investigate a crime commited by an illegal.
As for the Hispanic population, they are " protected" by the laws of the United States. If they do something to you, its no big deal, but even defending yourself against one thats an attacker is a hate crime with a penalty of up to five years in prison.
 I thought being in America was to be an equal to Americans.
I guess not anymore ( no wonder I want out of this mess of a country)
I keep my standards low.
That way im never disapointed.

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Re: The Souths Gonna Rise Again!
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2009, 02:33:03 AM »
In this country we refer to them as "economic migrants" which are mainly eastern Europeans, but unlike the US, we do not note any discernable difference bertween "them" and "us" and anybody born into poverty would and should aspire to make their lives better.  If that means that they climb on the back of the nations that created the inequality in the first place - then so be it, I most certainly would.  These people you refer to Robin to not get the state hand-outs that migrants here do (mostly by duplicitious means), and the people here that mirror this standard rhetoric of the average US citizens towards "Hispanics", are, the BNP (and you know all about them from being here).

I personally welcome the diversity of other cultures and used to be glad that our country strove to incorporate migrants both economic and political (and the occasional American that wanted to defect) as it is not their fault for wanting a better life.  But I will agree that solid and workable systems should be established so that the genuine cases can be separated from the "chancers" - but that still means that tolerance is the order of the day.

Some of the idealogy that comes out of the US regarding immigrants - ironically means that to be consistent all the white folk should leave and it should be given back to the Native Americans.
Don't put off until tomorrow, what you can put off until the day after.

There is an exception to every rule, apart from this one.