HOLY CRAP!!!!!Is what Im thinking right now. Yesterday I went to make the first Girl Scout troop cookie money deposit (over a grand), that I had sat at home organizing for about an hour the night before, and the bank teller took the cash and ran it through the counting machine and everything balanced perfectly. Then she asked me "but where are the checks you listed here"? She searched, I searched and no checks. I just assumed that I had left them on my desk at home and somehow forgot to put them in the envelope.
So when I got home from work there were no checks on my desk. I combed the office and still nothing. So I decided to look in the trash and see if I may have inadvertently threw them away. Aaaaaaand husband had put the trash out to the curb for next day pick up. Wheeled it in, bust open the horrific smelling trash bag and started to dig.
THEY WERE THERE!!!!! Covered in spaghetti sauce. I dont think I have EVER had that happen. And when you consider the expense and the odds I was amazed. Im still amazed. It has given me a new outlook on things. Weird that something like that would have an effect on the big picture.
Not that anyone would care, but I thought it was pretty cool.