for a country as large as the USA why cannot it have a health service for it's citizens.
in the uk we have the NHS , true its badly run and is overwhealmed but its there.
a pity to many peolple use it who have no right to , but thats another story and a heated one
It would be nice if it DID work. Here I mean.
Obama wants to charge us,, then us get private insurance too.
We pay too much in taxes as it is ( 15% of my paycheck is taxes).
Yeah, not as much as you guys in the UK,, BUT,, our prices are alot higher too.This is just going to make it harder for millions of people who cant afford to live on what they are taking home as it is.
My mother who is disabled ( she has alot of things wrong I wont go into) cant even get on his health care thingie, and her insurance she has is being changed around so that she has to get supplemental insuronce she cant afford).
The only people that can afford this mess, are those making 40k or more a year.
Alot of people outside larger cities dont make that much, contrary to popular opinion.
The median income here in this part of the country ( the average person) is about 20k or less a year.Mostly less to tell the truth.
Id like to know where the news gets its information about income at.