See, this is the problem with "reasonable force" laws.
They are too vague.
The law itself was never detailed, some one without any real idea of what went on is sitting there dictating what was reasonable after the fact.
Here in Oklahoma we have the infamouse "make my day" law.
But,, on the other hand,, the robber can turn around and sue you in civil court.
Then,, if he is killed,, you can be sued by his spouse, his parents, the anti gun lobby and possibly John Smith down the street.
America is sue happy.
My opinion is ,, make the laws here in America stiffer like in the UK and maybe then someone will concinder doing somethign else besides robbing someone.
Well, that,, and get real police.
It takes the poilice 20 minutes to get here from initial calling of emergencey services.
In 20 minutes all kinds of havoc can happen and the perps even have time to flee afterwords.