I have been using the CS5 suite on one of my machine since it came out and I am growing more annoyed and frustrated that I uninstalled CS3. For a start, all the software seems to guzzle RAM like it is going out of fashion and the little gizmodic updates are just not worth the hassle.
Photoshop is by far the worst with hang times of 3 or 4 seconds when just clicking on the text tool, and this with a 3.6ghz dual core running 4gb of RAM!? Another thing is it doesn't like my graph card which is powerful enough with a gig of onboard memory, but it breaks the viewport by not redrawing properly:
Those lines/breaks don't render like that, it renders fine. But when working with fine areas it is impossible with the graphics breaking up like that. Apparently, it is a known issue with some cards but I do not buy (cough) software that insists I change my hardware, the other way round if anything. Good job Adobe! Maybe next time you can stress test your software before you release it.
Dreamweaver CS5 has a great on the fly server facility which allows you build dymanic pages and preview them in real time, but it does get a bit cumbersome with sites made in DW before this as profiling them is hard to do manually. Because of this I have reverted to running my own Apache and keeping a browser open that I refresh. Much cleaner, quicker and like in the old days, I can do small alterations in notepad.
Illustrator hasn't changed that much from what I can see and I haven't looked into Fireworks or Flash to any degree yet. But for me the all the interfaces seem to have taken a stop backwards and look more 'childlike' than their predecessors.
I'm sorry but it all has to go.