The primary school (3-11 year olds) that my younger children attend commences at 8.55am and lets out at 3.00pm. The secondary school (11-16 year olds, [16-18 optional]) that my teenage kids attend commences at 8.30am and also finishes at 3.00pm. The summer holidays for both schools are 6 weeks (basically the last 2 weeks of July and the whole of August).
The meal terms up here are breakfast (morning meal), dinner (midday meal) and tea (evening meal) - with supper (very late evening snack) very much optional. Also note the word "tea" when pertaining to meal names has absolutely nothing to do with the drink. In fact I'd rather drink my own urine than drink tea.
Speaking of urine, in the corner of the globe I live in, the receptacle one dispenses bodily waste into is the toilet (now and again you'll hear it referred to as the lav).