news broke on Monday 11/3/13. The above accused worked where i work. although not a close friend, and as many do you speak at work exchanging peasantries and such.
O M G then this came out.
What makes it worse is his son works with him as well.Needless to say he is off with stress.
CAt 5 is the strongest offence for this type of activity.
My immediate boss's wife works with the police and more information appears everyday.
Apparently he logged into a site under his mistresses name and info firstly accordingly to find more sites and information.She had a shock when the police came a knocking.
According to Boss, the police track the 3 main sites for this activity ( including other illegal sex sites under UK law) and log your IP address and follow what you do.A couple of visits they ignore you , mistake and such but then they follow you.Apparently he was followed for 2 years.
You hear and read about it but to work with someone is shocking.
As a Union rep I am being constantly asked about whether he can come back to work as his job is being held open.As i am about to finish a employment law course you can guess, I have had a few arguments about this.
Rightly or wrongly the company have in law to keep the job open, just a nightmare in law trying to release someone from his contract who is in prison. ( if interested its called Frustration of Contract )
This is the second time where i work this has happened.The first was worse what the father did.