Last night was my turn, I made salad, and put my back into it. crisp, flavorful, and most importantly, I gave a poo.
Tonight was mom's turn. She chose burritos, but did not defrost the meat before hand.
So she did the microwave defrost, which never turns out well, so it was a rubbery half cooked mess.
She poked it around in the frying pan for a few minutes then lost interest. The rice was left to simmer, she had checked out.
I feel like I'm doing something wrong when I take over a dish, like I'm rewarding a bad child for doing a poo job at vacuuming to try and get out of future work. I don't mind cooking, and am happy to do so if asked.
The whole point of getting mom to cook is to keep her active and the golly away from the TV. When she wanders off in the middle of it, it really pisses me off.
I chopped the poo out of the unappetizing globs of meat, and then brought them to high heat to clear out the pink. It still tasted like garbage so I poured salsa over it like one would when preparing meat sauce.
That solved the flavor issues. So, if you run into this problem, hope it helps?