Author Topic: Kerneled corn anxiety  (Read 4644 times)

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Offline 8ullfrog

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Kerneled corn anxiety
« on: September 23, 2014, 12:05:31 AM »
Mom stopped smoking pot. While this is great, because I no longer have to check the entire damned car before I drive it, her moods have become... erratic.

It's been a trying weekend, and tonight had some trying. Can't find the remote, where is X, that type of poo.

She asked me to check under a hat for fish oil pills. I looked at the stupid pith hat that was on the floor for some reason, and had the thought that things have become bug golly insane.

Then she told me to go cook her some corn. No clue why she wants corn, but whatever.

I pulled the can of kerneled corn and popped it in a saucepan. Cook time is about four minutes, following directions.

She yelled at me not to put butter in it. I wasn't going to, but fine.

Then she said she wanted salt and pepper on it, fine. Salt wasn't a problem, but the pepper shaker was empty.

She comes into the kitchen yelling about how long it was taking. I pulled the pepper out of the cabinet, drained the pan with a strainer, then served the food.

I think in total it was like, 3 1/2 minutes. She did not say thank you.

I was planning to put some mild Tabasco over the top, but I did not dare.

still, it's a cooking experience, if only to learn that you should have your poo lined up and ready ahead of time if you've got a demanding client.

Offline Beatrix

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Re: Kerneled corn anxiety
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2014, 10:40:01 AM »
You do well to help your mother. 

On a side note, get two things of pepper, that's how I roll, and maybe back one up for storage.  Who knows what may happen. 
It's good that you can recognize the behavior as a withdraw, when the behavior is coming out of yourself it's a lot harder to pinpoint the problem.