Author Topic: What are you eating / What did you eat.  (Read 287421 times)

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Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Reply #825 on: January 18, 2025, 09:53:54 PM »
Mom sprayed oven cleaner in the toaster oven. Gonna need a new toaster oven.

You gotta love the internet.  Apparently, you are not alone.

Meh.  I looked into this and the likelihood of a thorough neutralization of the sodium hydroxide with 5% vinegar solution (the concentration found in most commercial food vinegars) is not reassuring.  Part of this depends on whether she went full bore with a can of Easy Off on the entire interior.  If so, then I suspect you are right.  It's probably best to get another toaster oven.  If she only cleaned the trays with it, that's another matter and probably reparable via a thorough washing and cleaning with vinegar.  I suspect you are concerned because of the former.  People often give away toaster ovens when they move so perhaps Freecycle is a good option.  My stepmother died with an oven that was practically new so I donated it.  Hopefully, you'll get lucky.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2025, 09:08:40 AM by 6pairsofshoes »

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Reply #826 on: January 22, 2025, 08:35:33 AM »
Today I had the usual breakfast:
Earl Grey tea and cream scones with blackberry jam and a marmalade made from blood orange, meyer lemon and hibiscus.  When you live in a place that has plenty of native citrus, you take advantage.  As for the Eastern U.S., I'm going to have to learn to make jam from snow, apparently.  The bunnies are still out hopping around, which is impressive given it's been below freezing for days on end.  They must store up body fat and have a nice little place to hole up in with all that nice fur to keep them warm.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Reply #827 on: January 23, 2025, 09:13:05 AM »
Last night after whipping up a batch of cream scones, I watched them sit there in the oven failing to rise.  Later I realized that although I'd gotten out the baking powder, I'd forgotten to add it to the dough mix.  The end results resembled small hockey pucks.  They went into the trash.

I won't do that again.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Reply #828 on: January 25, 2025, 10:11:34 AM »
Scones are much better when you use leavening.

I had a turkey sandwich for lunch.  Just bread mustard and thinly sliced smoked turkey.  Nothing to write home about but it was easy to assemble and required little clean up afterwards.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Reply #829 on: January 26, 2025, 08:32:09 AM »
Fresh wild caught haddock was on sale and so I got a couple pounds.  We had it for dinner.  This is a luxury as there wasn't affordable fish when we lived on the West Coast.  I brought a rod along out here so maybe I'll get a chance to go fishing here.  It's lots easier to let others do the gathering but fishing is a satisfying activity -- knowing where one's food came from is usually a good thing.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Reply #830 on: February 01, 2025, 11:51:11 PM »
Whatever is in the freezer and doesn't take too much energy.
Some fake chicken patties (Quorn) with some salsa on top for lunch.  Not very inspiring.
Dinner:  some vegetable soup I thawed out and it was delicious but not real stick to your ribs stuff so I'm chomping on nuts later in the evening.

Tomorrow, I swear, I'll go grocery shopping. 

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Reply #831 on: February 03, 2025, 08:04:13 AM »
Do they have Trader Joes in the UK?  Probably not, even though it's a German chain.  They have lots of nice prepared foods.  I got a Greek salad yesterday and it was dinner.  Fresh and I didn't have to do much other than toss the dressing in and voila!  Dinner.

I have to cook stuff in the next few days but for now I'm happy to nuke stuff from there.   I imagine that people who work a lot or have kids live at that store.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Reply #832 on: February 07, 2025, 08:47:18 AM »
Tea and a maple walnut muffin with dates.  I finally got to cook a little.  More over the weekend. 

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Reply #833 on: February 10, 2025, 09:26:17 AM »
The same as before.  It quit raining for a couple days and it's been beautiful.  Flowers are blooming and the sun was out with mild temperatures.  Enough to get some things done.

The tea is good.  It's reliable and wakes me up.  The maple walnut muffin is great.  I have no idea what I'll eat later today. 

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Reply #834 on: February 13, 2025, 10:55:38 AM »
We are having a recurrence of the atmospheric river....  I'm eating the same thing for breakfast as before.  A dull creature of habit.

8ully, how's Florida treating you?  I suspect you have better weather at least.  I'm off to pump out our basement.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Reply #835 on: February 13, 2025, 12:18:37 PM »

Medically I may be in the best shape of my life. All vitals are good, no diabetes risks. Just had my first doctor's appointment yesterday. Was weirdly Un difficult considering the road to it.

I am not assimilating. I managed to get my DL transferred finally but it was an ordeal. They have this weird thing where you have to bring in mail for proof of things.

Might as well be a literacy test.

I was not able to register for the presidential election at all, but I'm registered now. Which is about what I can do.

Food wise? I've been making a lot more food and less packaged stuff, because of price. I never knew bread and cheese was a bad way to go nutritionally.

Today I ate a bunch of veggies. They were past sell by, so I got them for cheap AF. It was nice. I had completely forgotten that I love snap peas, but I got a bunch of em.

The cherry tomatoes vanished, obviously. Good lunch.

Now I have to dial back cheese. I don't want to dial back cheese. This area is a retirement haven for Wisconsinites so cheese is EVERYWHERE.

Sorry I've been a poor correspondent. As far as hardships go, I should be grateful.

But I feel lost.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Reply #836 on: February 13, 2025, 04:02:32 PM »
But aren't you right next to the Gulf of America?

That's all the more reason for him to feel lost.  I'm sure that nice red state where he's been transported to is enough to give anyone the willies.

I have been cooking lentils and beans a lot lately.  Lentils in soup, beans in chili and other soups.  They are super nutritious and generally cheap.  Onions, celery, and carrots in combo with various other vegetables and some broth make for good one pot meals.   I freeze the excess.  I don't know if you have a reasonable sized freezer, but that's a way to keep from getting tired of the same dish over and over for a week.

I was reading about Lima beans lately and didn't realize they were called that because they originated in south and central America.  The proximity to Peru is why the lazy guys exporting them called them Lima, after the city, instead of using their Latin name (Phaseolus lunatus).  In the north American south, they're called butter beans.  I use the baby variety in soup.   The larger variety  is known as the Lima type while the baby ones are the Sieva type.  There's a crazy chemistry that the beans have evolved to ward off spider mites, one of their main predators.  Apparently one worm pisses the plant off to the point where it cranks out hydrogen peroxide in the leaves.  Another defensive strategy involves the production of hydrogen cyanide.  So it's really a good idea to cook them since the toxins are kind of off-putting.

A friend of mine gave me a handful of the heirloom Rancho Gordo scarlet runner beans that I soaked and sprouted and they have been coming back on their own for a couple of years.  They are pretty climbing vines with deep orange flowers and they produce a kind of fuzzy string bean -they are very nice steamed with butter.  I don't know if you have space for a garden, but you could probably grow some with some poles and a windowbox.  They are hardy plants.  I don't know how the harsh Florida sun would affect them, but I was surprised and pleased to see that they could be grown from dried beans you could buy at the grocer's.  I'm tempted to make an effort with the dried butter beans I picked up yesterday.

Garbanzos are super nutritious, too, and I have been using them in soups and chilis to use them up because I have a large number of cans past their expiration date, but they are fine so long as the can is still intact.

And to finish off my rant about beans, here's Pete Seeger.  I met him once a long time ago, and he was a lovely human being. 
« Last Edit: February 13, 2025, 04:05:17 PM by 6pairsofshoes »

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Reply #837 on: February 14, 2025, 07:13:25 PM »
But aren't you right next to the Gulf of America?

There is a Gulf of Mexico drive near here and people are funning on it.
"Surely this will lower egg prices"
"All hail the new founding fathers"
 They also call Desantis "Kinky boots Rhonda" but I'm not clear on that one.

Tonight I had a salad and some garlic bread.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Reply #838 on: February 15, 2025, 09:13:47 AM »
I get the "kinky boots" part but not Rhonda.  It sounds like you have some entertaining neighbors, maybe not all MAGA types, so that is a bit o a relief.  Still, I sympathize with your residing in Florida.  It might be funny to read about that state or hear late night comedians like Jimmy Kimmel riffing on the antics of the residents, but to have to deal with them on a daily basis is not for the faint of heart.

That salad/garlic bread combo sounds like a nice meal.  I made turkey chili and had it with the neighbors for dinner.  Tonight, curried lentil soup and cornbread with an old friend.

I pulled some cream scones out of the freezer and heated one for breakfast and it was lovely with some homemade brambleberry jam.  It's super hard to collect those berries but the flavor is out of this world.  The plants have horrible thorns and they grow on riverbanks, so there's always the potential of plummeting down the hill if you reach too far, and the spiders and poison oak that tend to grow in the area make it even more fun.  So it's hard won, but that makes it even more delicious.

According to the internet, "Rhonda Santos" is his secret drag name.  I remember sending him some postcards with the word "GAY" written all over them (in response to his "don't say gay" campaign).  That was fun.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2025, 09:19:35 AM by 6pairsofshoes »

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: What are you eating / What did you eat.
« Reply #839 on: February 18, 2025, 10:50:11 AM »
Tea and a maple walnut muffin.  I put them in the freezer and they are just fine thawed out and reheated.  Good to know in case you have more than you can eat over a short interval.  Many baked goods freeze well.  Yay!