Author Topic: Devilled eggs.  (Read 5787 times)

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Offline 8ullfrog

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Devilled eggs.
« on: April 11, 2019, 11:21:32 PM »
So this was from a bar recipe cookbook. I see there are fancier versions, but this is how I learned it.

1. boil six eggs. This is where I generally get in trouble, with the shell sticking to the egg. To try and sidestep this, I boiled a pot of water first. Sorry, didn't measure it, but enough to submerge six eggs.

2. Peel the eggs and cut them in half. I was pretty happy with this step, boiling the water first seems to have fixed the reason I haven't had success with devilled eggs in years. Peeling was a snap, and well, cutting a hard boiled egg in half isn't rocket science.

3. Dump all the yolks in a bowl, then mash the hell out of them. I probably could have been a bit more diligent here, but I was super tired. Still, not a major hassle, I just didn't have a fine paste like you're supposed to. Call it chunky devilled eggs if you must.

4. Add Mayonnaise and Yellow Mustard. Once again, you're supposed to measure this. I did two tbs of mayo, and then just used up the rest of my yellow mustard.

5. Chill 30 minutes, then sprinkle paprika. I can't do this neatly, they always end up looking like murder victims. Like, I can go light on it, and I did, but it still looks like a mob snitch got a shotgun blast to the chest, instead of the neat dusting TV people get.

6. Discover I now find Devilled eggs disgusting. golly. I really used to like these. At least mom enjoyed them, but I couldn't. Just tasted gross to me.

Maybe I don't like eggs anymore.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Devilled eggs.
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2019, 12:25:50 AM »
My Aunt used to make deviled eggs at Christmas and Thanksgiving.  That was the only time I ever ate them.  She used mustard, and maybe pickle juice to give them a tangy flavor.  They weren't bad.  I'm not a great fan of hard boiled eggs in general.

A bar I used to frequent in college used to have them for a nickle in a basket on the bar.  They were a nice snack if you were out in the afternoon having a beer.  That was a long time ago.

At least you tried.  Have you seen Woody Allen's "What's Up Tiger Lily?"  It's a cheezy Japanese spy movie that he dubbed into English with entirely new made  up dialogue.  The new plot concerns attempts to steal the recipe for the world's best egg salad.  Most egg salad sucks, but there's one sandwich shop near here that makes it really well.  How?  It's been a while so I don't really remember.

Offline 8ullfrog

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Re: Devilled eggs.
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2019, 03:20:23 AM »
Wow, I already knew woody was a pedophile, but that movie sounds incredibly racist AND something someone so out of touch with reality would consider hilarious. I wonder if he sits around wondering why people now distance themselves from ever working with him.

On a more related note, I woke up at 3 AM from those eggs feeling like John Hurt in alien. Had to cancel my dental appointment because I choose not to vomit on a city bus.

And now I realize I probably won't enjoy egg salad anymore either. Super sad.

I would occasionally boil eggs when I had no other food, and that probably won't work for a snack now either. I mean, I could only eat one back then, but it shut the cranky stomach up until dinner.

Wow, I hate you stomach, just keep vetoing what I can afford. Can't eat r amen anymore either. At least there's always toast.

Offline 6pairsofshoes

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Re: Devilled eggs.
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2019, 06:19:37 AM »
I'm sorry you are sick. 
If the eggs were not bad, is it possible that you developed an allergy to them? 

Allergies are weird.  You can be fine consuming something for years and then one day, boom.  You break out in hives or a rash or suddenly get sick from it.  I just looked it up and it said that adult onset egg allergies are rare, so you probably just got some bad eggs.  I totally get the idea that eggs seem like the very last thing you'd ever want to eat again now.  I once ate some bad liver when I was a teenager.  I haven't eaten liver since.  I was never a big fan, but that was the nail in the coffin.

Allen is a perv, and now that you mention it, I guess the movie was racist.  There are episodes of "Are you being served?" that are outrageous in the degree of mockery they make of the English pronunciation of Asian visitors to the store.  In the 60's and 70's this was considered funny.  It's sort of painful to watch now.  There's plenty of English language spy movies that he could have dubbed, but I guess the humor of mocking someone's speech who was not a native English speaker would have been lacking.