I've never used DoorDash. We rarely get delivery here. The restaurants are so close that it's silly to have an intermediary deliver. Delivery food is usually not as good as what you get in the restaurant anyway.
When I lived in Manhattan, I used to order from Ollie's Noodle Shop two blocks away. That was decadent. Sometimes it made sense, but usually I walked over there and picked it up. I don't know if it survived the yupping up of the upper West Side, though. So many businesses I used to frequent have closed. There was a hole in the wall, Broadway Hot Bagels, I think it was called. They were open 24 hours a day. They were on the east side of B-way between 110th and 111th, if memory serves, not far from the Westside Market.
If you don't live on top of those places, though, it makes sense to hire someone to bring it to you. But given what those people get paid, I don't know if they're to be trusted. Sorry for your catfish experience. Good fried catfish can be delicious. Last time I had some I caught it myself, so it's been a while.