I got some newfangled Cheeze-It. (Huh, they don't pluralize, I always thought it was Cheeze-its.) It's the even more poorly named "Snap'd" I guess they were trying to get in on the thanos hype, or saw the word trending and said "DO IT" or something.
They're labeled as cheesy, thin & crispy, and that's it. Usually you can turn a product bag around and they blather on about how proud they are to present their newest blahblah, but not Cheez-It. They leave you to savor the mystery.
Anyway, serving size for these things is labled "21 crisps". How English! That serving will set you back 140 calories.
Actually looking at the things, they look like someone really took a rolling pin to standard, oversized Cheez-It, producing a shape reminiscent of the modern windows logo. I tried to get a picture, but my phone's auto focus really freaked out at this thing.
I got the Jalapeno Jack flavored ones, and they're decently spicy. Not forced to mild it down for the flyover states I suppose. Glaring at you Ohio! Where the spiciest food they eat is mayonnaise. Only downside is the Jalepeno flavor obviously overwhelms the Jack.
Texture wise, I'd say these are cousins of the Ritz baked crackers, and I really like those.
Overall, I shouldn't be eating these. They're tasty, but certainly not part of a balanced diet.