This movie opens the same as five, but different.
Once again, we get a recast on Tommy Jarvis. Yes, our protaganist has been played by three actors now.
This time Jason has a proper gravesite, and Tommy is the idiot digging him up. Doesn't he remember how this went down last time?
Another thing from the last movie, the Mayor told the Sheriff that Jason Vorhees was cremated.
Jason gets rezzed by lightning, and apparently that works great, he's punched a fist through Tommy's buddy within two minutes!
This one is called Jason Lives, apparently they've abandoned finality.
Oooh, we learn that the Town of Crystal Lake was renamed Forest Green because they want to Forget, Forget, Forget.
The humor is a bit overplayed, but we're back at the lake
Oh snap, there are actual children this time
The jokes tend to be complete poo, but at least the joke characters die quickly.
Alright, there was a good one. We see the camp kids asleep. One has an iron man comic and a flashlight, one has a block letter note home, one has a picture of his family.
One has a copy of No exit by Jean-Paul Sartre.
But most of these jokes are infuriating.
Seriously, this is like a series of unrelated skits rather than an actual movie. RV had a nice bathroom though.
I've been reading the production segments on wikipedia to try and figure out where they film these things, the production moved around a lot.
Apparently nobody liked five.
Six had an okay ending?