I am often tasked with pointing to the clearly marked red squares on the floor that people seem oblivious to. I'm standing in line, waiting my turn to check out and there are BIG BRIGHT RED squares indicating 6 foot distances where you should stand. Like they have pictures of footprints in them and everything. How people can ignore those mystifies me, but there's often some oblivious idiot who insists on standing closer than 6 ft from me and I have to request, politely, that they back up. At least up here, you can't even enter the store without a mask.
The other thing that the stores have attempted to do is to limit passage through the aisles by making them one way. There are directional signs on the floor at the entrance to the aisles. Absolutely nobody pays attention to those. I'll enter the aisle if there's nobody in there, but people just don't heed them in general.
I go as little as possible. It is hard to know if there will be a second wave, with even worse interruption to the food supply. Some people act like the whole business is over. I wish it were. I'm sure everyone is exhausted by this pandemic.