Ba'al actor was pretty entertaining. Sorry to hear of his untimely demise.
I'm watching Endeavour, which is generally very good, except for the remarkable number of beautiful people who seem to be involved in or affected by homicides in the Oxford area.
Also-- a godawful soap opera called The Affair with some talented British actors (Dominic West and Ruth Wilson) hopefully cashing in on some huge paychecks while they choke their way through some trite drivel produced by the writers. Gak. This belongs on the Oxygen or Lifetime networks. Every now and then I find myself watching something that is the tv equivalent to that Tomacco hybrid on the Simpsons. You know the one? Homer comes up with a hybrid between tobacco and tomatoes. The fruits taste just vile and they are addictive. That's like this show.
I tried to get my husband to watch Diablo Guardian, but he wasn't into the unlikeable characters, despite the drop dead beautiful actress who stars in it--Paula Gaitan. It's pretty entertaining, but he was unpersuadable. Oh well. Some tv is just for me. There's no way he'd watch The Expanse, BSG or various other guilty pleasures that I relegate for late night viewing. I'm wide open to suggestions.
Been reading a lot lately. Mostly 19th c. Russian novels. Dostoevsky sure is a downer. Just finished the Demons. But, compared to Crime and Punishment, it was positively witty and entertaining, although nobody in the book was in the least bit likable. Oh well. I guess it's like The Affair, but darker. Onto Mikail Bulgakov's "Master and Margarita." I'd read Bulgakov's "Heart of a Dog," which is a great biting satire about early Soviet life. Apparently Mick Jagger was inspired by M&M when he wrote "Sympathy for the Devil."