You know,,I may lose my guy license for this,but I think that women with huge breasts was ,,well,,unattractive.
Especialy women with implants.
It doesnt fit their body types.
Ive allways liked a woman for what they are, whether really small,or just natural sizefor thier build.
The world isfake enough people,,we dont need fake boobs in our faces.
Women,,be proud of who you are,,not what some magazine tells you that a guy wants.
If a guy isnt happy with what you look like in the chestile department,,moveon to the next,,hemay apreciate what you are more anyway.
Never let somebody dictate to you what you shouldvdo with your body.
You give someone that much control over you and you might as well be aslave to them.
Be proud of what nature has givin you. Its not the size of your chest,,its the person with that chest that matters.